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Physical Education
Indiana University Fieldhouse
The physical education program has been planned to include all students. Hours of enjoyment are spent in the gymnasium of the fieldhouse and the recreation area of the Student Building. Within the walls of these buildings can be found interested students giving their most in physical agility. Complete facilities including swimming pools and basketball floors can be found in these buildings. The school prepares graduates for leadership in state schools, municipal parks, summer camps, and service in private agencies.
To meet the needs of the growing enrollment, the School of "HPER" sponsors institutes dealing with various phases of recreation and a School and Community Workshop. The school annually plans to provide for conferences, workshops, short seminars, and coaching schools.
Willard W. Patty, Dean of the School of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation.
Row I: Charles Jecmen, Jesse Spencer, Jr., Otto Ryser, Mohamed Allam, Frank Carr, Ralph Hasch, Walter Eagleson, Donald Gage, Donald Ludwig, William Koch. Row II: Albin Hayes, Norman Koselke, Don David, Robert Richards, Richard Motz, Elmer Gates, William Weddle (Pres.), Hugo Pretzel, Kenneth Zody, Duane Queener. Row III: Jack Ward, Robert Denari, C. Edward Straub, James Lundy, Gerald Manahan, Frank Myers (\. P.), Richard Heeschen, James McMorrow, Harold Severns (Treas.), Jack Daugherty, George Cousins, Bill Grogg. Row IV: Wayne LaBorde, Ernie Ferrario, Ronald Havard, James Witham, Denny Krick, Chad Fornshell, William Colpitts, Gary McDonnell, Larry Good, Robert Finehout (Sec.), Clifford Giltner, Keith Gettellinger.
Phi Epsilon Kappa National HPER Fraternity
V'i' RA Women's Recreation Association
Row I: Shirley Wood, Gail Gallinger, Jane Everitt (Treas.), Ruth Meininger (Sec.), Marty Nefa. Row II: Anita Williams, Nancy Cary (V. P.), Kay-Wynn Goby (Pres.), Virginia Hall,