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Religious Groups
Row I: Jim Dickey (Comptroller), S. David Stoner (Recorder), Jim Ashley (Pres.), Jim Seeright (V. P.), Jerry Young, Robert Matzke (Exec. Sec.). Row II: Ron Kovener, Tom Lockwood, Larry Fleming, Jim Capehart, Don Lowenstine, Don Leak. Row III: Carl Arthur, Arnold Brock, Addison Dowling, Ralph Martin.

The YMCA not only serves the campus in numerous ways but also serves the community of Bloomington.
This service is supervised by four officers, 12 appointed division leaders, and administrative assistants elected by Y members.
Each of the approximately 700 members work in one of the 12 divisions: boys work, community service, freshman, international friendship, religious emphasis, social recreation, student citizenship, office publicity, membership, personnel and placement, and conference and training.
The 12 Gra-Y Clubs in Bloomington grammar schools and recreation centers are part of the YMCA's Boys Work and Community Service programs. This work is carried on in the summer by high school boys trained by the YM.
Foreign students are taking one of the many tours conducted for them by the Y. This one is through a Bloomington stone quarry. The Y also places foreign students in homes during vacations.

A highlight of Orientation Week is the Frosh Frolic sponsored by the YM and YW. Other Y services for Freshmen are the student leader program in conjunction with the Junior Division, Freshman Camp, and High School Day.
Row I: Margaret O'Bannon, Mary Jane Spurgeon, Bobbie Onksen Arline Wilson, Jackie Lineback, Ann Porter. Row III: Janet Rothert, (V. P.), Gaylia Hale, Eleanor Rodabaugh, Judith Douthitt (Pres.), Belle Stewart, Diane Seright, Leslie Yearian, Janet Haynes, Yvonne Judy Madden (Treas.). Row II: Pat Watkins, Marilyn Cotton, Groves (Sec.), Kathie Neff. Joanne Varady, Shannon Traw, Joan Emhardt, Mary Lu Kolb, Ruth

"Service with a smile" is the hallmark of a YWCA member. Some 800 coeds joined forces to serve the campus, the community, and the world.
At the fast-becoming-traditional Freshman Camp 20 YW and 20 YM members played the role of big sis and big brother to 200 freshmen.
The YW and YM collaborated in an attempt to acquaint the foreign students with our country. Two long tours, one to Chicago and one to Detroit, gave them a glimpse of city life and large industry in full motion.
Row I: Judy Manta, Sylvia Huss, Addle Andrews, Mary Helen Seipel, Ruth Dreier, Gloria Hale, Ann Kittinger, Mary Sue Mangis, Louise Renner. Row II: Carolyn Baker, Mary Orr, Joanne BonDurant (Sec.), Sandy McCrory, Molly Ann Derr, Marilyn Phillips, Margaret Hampton, Nancy Louck, Jo Cowan, Mary Jo Vonderahe. Row III: Joan Hitchcock, Nancy Ullrey, Barbara Taulman, Roberta Heyn, Helen Louise Rapp, Margaret Johnson, Kathleen Callon, Sue Heyde (Treas.), Joyce Weigel, Kathie Riggins, Marjorie Varady. Row IV: Lora Lee Funk, Carolyn Hofmockel, Anne Paramenko, Adrienne Peterman (Sec.), Nancy Lou Miller, Rheta Rumsyre, Nancy Olander, Barbara Stinson, Matilda Mae Snepp, Joan Wetzel, Susie Helms, Dorothy Tiffany.
YWCA Housing and Projects Council
Indiana Christian Fellowship

Row I: Janet Solomon, Barbara Lister, Jeanne Stove, Betty Ingalls, Jean Stallwood, Deane Powell, Phyllis Dow, Julie Godo (Sec.). Row II: Wylma Sparks, Pierre Boulle, Aida Toffolo (V. P.), Duane Lehman, Stephen Dillinger, Pierre Ferverda, Larry J. Kelly. Row III: William M. Unzicker, Larry D. Truttier, Cleo 0. Lewis, James L. McFarling, Maynard E. McConn, Robert C. Walls, Robert E. Davis (Treas.), Everett L. Conrad (Pres.).
Row I: Phyllis Fendelman, Mike LeBurkien, Bobby Whitson, Sidney Salinger (Pres.), Carol Kalver, Kay Allenberg, Cyril Silverman, Sunny Shapiro (Cor. Sec.), Row II: Ann Teller, Louise Bamburger, Marvin Mishkin, Irwin Reisberg, Katie Steinberger (Rec. Sec.), Jerry Hibnick, Sondra Kessler. Row III: Victor Eppstein (Rabbi), Don Lowenstine (Treas.), Leo Schear Cohen (V. P.), Marcia Platoff, Byron Pollock.
This is the mambo? Hillel Foundation

The B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation is the voluntary association of Jewish students at Indiana University. The purpose of this group is to further the students' knowledge of Jewish religious tradition and to provide them with facilities for their common interests.
This year, Hillel welcomed a new project launched by the Indiana women members. The project includes sending cookies to Indiana and Purdue University student members.
Among the facilities available to the students is the Ella Feibleman Memorial Room for studying by Hillel members.
Row I: Nina Dayhoff (Sec.), Janett Vest, Nancy Poteet, Fred Black- Pearcy (Pres.), Emil ■ York, Anita \ :tor. Row III: Robert Love- well, June Moore, Marjorie Schrader, Luanne Tellas (V. P.), land, Jack Smith, Mack Binkley, Courtney Kaschube, Jim Legg, Evagnes Little, Janet Martin, Joan Martin. Row II: Bonnie Lou Richard Anderson. Grove, Mary Brown, Wanda Jane Cardwell, Janet Nelson, Mary
Campus Christians College, religion, fun, and a church home away from home
Gamma Delta Films, faculty speakers, play, Sunday evenings, and Lutheran students

Row I: Julie Godo, Judith Sommer, Mhrete-Ab Gebre-Selassie, Max Duggins, Don Donham, Mirdza Adamkovics, Rev. Curtis Stephan. Meise, Marian Barda, Carol A, Klepinger, Adelle Andrews, Marlene Row III: Willard Rodeck, Eugene Kelly, John L. Mowry, Charles F. Himsel. Row II: Dorothy Donselman, Clara Meyer, Murella Purlee Schwartz, William P. Trempel (Treas.), Suzanne Siems, Edward (Sec.), Gertrude Zollman, Marlene Wagner (Pres.), Aldora Graf, Joyce Wheeler, Robert F. Wiebke, James E. Faller (V. P.).
Row I: Mrs. Fred East, Ellen Kebl, Waneta Laughlin, Nadine Ogden, Bernice Patterson, Ann Spangler, Nancy Putnam, Joyce McGee, Yvonne Sterner, Row II: Carol Wood, Joanne BonDurant, Martha Jean Mull, Janet Seids, Laura Irvin, Louise Mann, Shirley Avery, Martha Newcomb (Corr. Sec.), Louise Tyler, Suzy Hines. Row III: Jo Anne Kimmel, Jewel Beebe, Judith Scott, Doris Nussbaum (Treas), Kathryn Inkley, Elizabeth Jones, Patty Lou Finke, Barbara Whippo, Harriet Hermon. Row IV: Sue Groh, Pauline Hoover (V. P.), Darlene McCulloch, Ginger Baker, Marilyn Currie, Peggy Ann Rider, Frances Rider, Marilyn Jackson (Rec. Sec.), Barbara Bilger.
Kappa Phi
Many students participate in churchsponsored organizations. Such a group is Kappa Phi, national Methodist service organization for college women.
Members of Kappa Phi live up to their purpose as a service club by taking charge of the nursery for the 11:15 service at the Methodist Church. Another project is the soda fountain, called the Kappa Phi Kreamery, which they open several nights a week at the Wesley Foundation.
It's not all work and no play for the Kappa Phis, however, because they plan several parties during the year and meet twice a month at the Wesley Foundation.

\k'ay ne Shirey and Nancy Prichard share a shake whipped up by Shirley Avery in the Kappi Phi "bar."
Row I: John Strain, Albert Kunz, Richard Tunison, Joe Rich, Dallas Dinger, Donald Erickson, Raymond Smyth, Robert Hansen. Row II: Patty Finke, Marian Myers, Kay Godfrey, Shirley Avery, Yvonne Sterner, Dora Owen, Pauline Hoover, Mary Lou Brechbill. Row III: Annette Bullington, Mary Polhemus, Eugene Appleman, Carl Arthur (Pres.), Wayne XVilliam Mivelaz, Ann Rainbolt, Matilda Snepp, Katharine Riggins, Marsha McElroy. Row IV: Marcia Kumpf, Judy Kellar, Jo Cowan (Sec.), Kern Butler, Gerald Humerickhouse, Virginia Campbell, Norma Sering.
Wesley Foundation Methodists enrich their intellectual and spiritual lives
Row I: Bob Southwood, Leslie Fenimore, David Eberly, Roy Stanley Merrill, Terry Belshaw, Mack Harvey, Don Burton, Lyndon Dean. Row II: Doris Teagee, Beverly Melton, Kathryn Inkley, Doris Roth, Martha Jean Mull, Katharine Orr, Bernice Patterson, Mrs. William Orr, Forrest Heiliger. Row III: Harriet Hermon, Janice Linke, Iva Traughber, William Orr (Minister), Paul Zirkle, Clint Major, Fred Van Eck. Jack Huffman, Richard Carson, Connie Hostetler, James Walls. Row IV: Janet Seids, Louise Mann, Carson Johnson, S. P. Raja Singham, Sue Groh, Paul Youngs, Mary Schell, Shari Clifton,

Row I: Darrell D. Karns, Larry D, Gen t ■, Carson 1 Johnson, John Arthur, Fred Van Eck, Max Hill, Connie Mack Hostetler (Treas.), J. Strain, Norman Rappe (V. P.), Robert Hansen, Fred M. Meyer, Raymond G. Smyth. Row III: Wayne A. Shirey, Paul Zirkle, Edward Wayne Eastridge (Sec.), Gerald R. Humerickhouse. Row II: Eugene Heath, Lawrence A, Larson, Lyndon Dean, Richard Tunison, Keith G. Appleman (Pres.), James W. Walls, Roy Stanley Merrill, Carl Minich.
Sigma Theta Epsilon Methodist men usher, cheer shut-ins to earn pledge points
Westminster Foundation A new religious center replaces old Westminster Inn

Row I: Janet Solomon, Lura Gibson, Eleanor Blake, Barbara Bennett, Carol West, Betty Jenkins (V. P.), Row II: Murial Roth (Sec.Treas.), Robert Stone, Dennis Runyan, Philip Knoeppel, Judy Asmus. Row III: Robert Moore (Pastor), David DeCoursey, William Fried, Jim Hill, Ned Lavengood, David Bone (Pres.).