15 minute read
Blue Key
Row I: Robert Bluemle, Dale Miller, William Chess (Corr. Sec.), Row II: Carl VanDorn, Norm Schnell, Tom Dailey (V. P.), George Joseph Allardt (Pres.), Donald Cantwell, Phillip Bercovitz (Sec.-Treas.). Held, Dave Elmore, Gary Ash, Michael Cusick.
Blue Key is a National Honorary Fraternity with a limited membership of 35 men in each chapter. Members are organized and independent men who have a minimum of 100 points in activities, have maintained above average scholastic standing, and have been endorsed by President Herman B Wells.
The purpose of the organization is to study student problems, enrich student life, and cooperate to the best interests of the University.
The Indiana chapter also presents, in co-operation with Purdue's Iron Key, the coveted Monon Bell to the winner of the annual IndianaPurdue "roundball" game.
Mortar Board
LEFT To RIGHT SEATED: Gwin Pryor, Carol Williams, Peggy Cook, Jane Vance, Neomia Tragesser, Jan Linke, Carolyn Fee, Judy Madden, Ginger Clark, Jan Thomas, Susie Wallace, Judy Benjamin. STANDING: Betty Graves, Patty Distelhorst, Carolyn Dahling, Betty Buchanan, Shirley Sermersheim, Joan Norton, Judy Coryell, Anna Gerhart.
Mortar Board is a national activities honorary for senior women. Each year 20 outstanding junior women are elected to membership on the basis of their excellence in "leadership, scholarship, and service."
The Dames Ball is one of the highpoints of the year; but not to be overlooked are such annual projects as the sale of Mortar Board calendars, the Mortar Board Retreat, the presentation of scholarships to outstanding and deserving women, and the recognition tea for sophomore women excelling in scholarship and student activities.
Dragon's Head
Row I: James Fitzpatrick, Jill Quinn, Bob Bluemle, Rod Turner. Dorn, Dick Glenn, Bob Evans, Tom Dailey, George Held, Michael Row II: Norman Schnell, Miles Gerberding, Dave Elmore, Carl Van Cusick, Donald Cantwell.
Dragon's Head was organized in 1934 when eight bold and fearless University activity men founded what has since become one of the University's most revered organizations.
The organization is based on democracy, scholastic excellence, service to the University, and modesty. Selection for membership is based on recognition of superior leadership, outstanding service, political maneuvering, dashing personality, enthusiastic hand shaking, and gracious living while attending Indiana University.
Last Spring they met to commemorate the 20th anniversary of their historic founding.
Row I: Dottie Cotner, Janice Linke, Judy Benjamin. Row II: Nancy Goby, Neomia Tragesser, Jan Thomas, Peggy Cook. Row IV: Diane Talbot, Carol Williams, Ginger Clark, Judy Douthitt. Row III: Kay Seright, Margy Boyd.
Dragonettes holds the unique status of being one campus organization which has as its sole purpose to do nothing.
From among the ranks of the many campus roddesses, an elite few are chosen as Dragonettes each year. All the members, a majority of whom are seniors, are presidents of prominent organizations.
As a group, the Dragonettes do nothing, sponsor nothing, sell nothing, assist at nothing. Formed exclusively as a boress organization of the highest caliber, their only condescension to activity in any respect is to meet and have an annual dinner.
Row I: Dick Haunton, Jack Kelly, Bob Howard, Herbert Wise, Stan Salomon, Iry Rodenberg, Bruce Collins, Dave Platt, Bud Taylor. Row II: Tom Owens, Bill Day, George Lambert, Theodore Pincus, Harmon Zacune, Hoagy Crawford, Joe Allardt, Rich Braman, Jim Lakatos. Row III: David Shookman, Jack Callon, Stu Emry, Dick Theobald, Bob Evans (Pres.), Donald Ward, Chuck Kelly, Jimmy Dils, John Peterson (Sec.), Stan Dickson. Row IV: Walt Hammond, Neil Hinchman, Joe Hughes, Leo Cohen, Gene Tanner, Jim O'Bryant, Norm Kassenbrock, A. J. Pasmas, John Hodges, Gary Ash, John Albertson.
Ah . sweet sounds ... blurp . . . this is too much!
Sphinx Club
Sphinx Club is an organization which promotes unity among organized men on the campus. Two upperclassmen from each fraternity are selected each Spring for membership in Sphinx and can be identified by the white skull cap with the black band. The men are chosen for their participation in extra-curricular activities as well as for character and scholarship.
Among the many activities sponsored and promoted by this organization is the award given annually to the outstanding minor sport athlete. This year the recipient of the award, a $50 scholarship, was Jim Bose, a member of the wrestling team.
Flame Club
The outstanding independent upperclassmen form Flame Club, founded in 1938 and originally known as the "Secret Committee of X." Requirements for membership in Flame Club include a B average, leadership in campus activities, and contribution to the University through service, loyalty, and co-operation.
Flame Club's purpose is to foster good will among junior and senior independent men and to give the undergraduates a start in campus activities.
Proceeds from Flame Club's Wellhouse Waltz help maintain the Wellhouse. A booth in the Fall Carnival, co-sponsored by Flame and Pamarada, also helps the Wellhouse maintenance fund.
Someone is always trying to be a smart-alec. Imagine trying to get a flame from a flashlight. . .
Row I: John Gersack, Nick Sangalis, James Cone, Ed Stochowicz, Jerry Strauss, Gerald Parker, Ted Swank (Pres.), "Doc" Wagner, Dale Miller (V. P.), Mary Silverman. Row II: Ted Behr (Sec.), Norman Pence, John Daerr, Gordon Geddes, Remo Cataldi, Roger Philipps, Gilbert Given, Paul Dyken, Al Rachles, David Gadsin, Robert Hunter. Row III: C. William Lohmeyer, Carl Van Dorn, James R. Hill, James Gillick, Edgar Sergent, David Flora, James Ashley (Treas.), James Grimes, Richard Ehrhardt.
Three women from each sorority, two seniors and a junior, compose the membership of Pleiades. The purpose of the group is to honor upperclass organized women who have distinguished themselves in scholarship, activities, and leadership ability.
Meeting bimonthly, the group plans various and informative programs and projects. At the Miami-I. U. football game this fall, Pleiades assisted other campus organizations with the collection for the Olympic Fund.
Again this year, Pleiades sponsored a team in the Little 500 bicycle race.
Somebody is sneaking goodies before the games have been finished.. ..
Row I: Jackie Cramer (Sec.), Barbara Ginsberg, Margaret O'Bannon, Waneta Laughlin, Gail Greiling, Julie Honnold, Bobbie Onksen, Judy Madden (Treas.), Susan Wallace, Judith Douthitt. Row II: Nancy Gorrell, Patty Distelhorst, Jan Thomas, Joan Norton (V. P.), Joan Weinberg, Margaret Kirk, Kathie Riggins, Mary Ann Espey, Pat Hap- ner. Row III: Carol Hudson, Margaret Johnson, Janet Rothert, Nancy Talbot (Pres.), Yolanda Beery, Sue Mountjoy, Mary Lu Kolb, Laurie Davis, Kathie Neff. Row IV: Mary Ann Pfaffenberger, Marty Richart, Diann Brickley, Mary Ann Sulich, Carolyn Fee, Shirley Sermersheim, Leslie Yearian, June Henke, Jane Allen.
Row I: Claudette Nebelsick, Dolores II ugh s, k a I lc Steinberger, Frankie Bubenzer (Treas,), Marilyn Honold. Row II: Betty Snyder, Marilyn Cotton, Diane Seright (Pres.), Louise Mobley, Jo Cowan (V. P.), Jackie Lineback. Row III: Ruth \ an Billiard, Donna Timmons, Mildred Nisbet, Mary Ann Mayer, Carol Niedhammer (Sec.), Dottie Cotner, Issie Shelton.
Recognition for curricular and extracurricular activities for independent junior and senior women is the purpose of Pamarada. The club encourages high service and scholastic achievement among its members.
With Flame Club, Pamarada sponsored the Wellhouse Waltz this Fall. At Easter this year, Pamarada donated Easter bunnies and baskets to Bloomington children. Also the group gave time and money to Knight House children.
Membership qualifications for the group consist of at least a 1.5 grade average, 40 academic hours, and active participation in two or more campus activities.
Seated left to right are, social, scholarship, leadership, and standing . . . oh no! . . purity?
Row I: James R. Slaughter, Gordon \)emyss, Jim Sa mid cl, Bruce Philpott, Dick Mattox, S, David Stoner, John S. c, .n. William Elles, Curtis, Jerry Newman, Mauri Hart, Dave Hanna, Jack Ribel, Jerry Paul Muckenfuss, Cy Williams. Row IV: William Moran, Dick Wals- Hargis. Row IT: Jim Seeright, Jerry Cohen, Rafe H. Cloe, Bob man, Henry DeBoest, Arthur Coyne, Roger Casey, Jim Brownell, Zipser, Ed Hilger, Jim Dickey (V. P.), Stan Dickson, Jack Wood, Dennis B. Laymon, Michael Finkelstein, Tom Schoenherr. Jim Parr. Row III: Norman Gunvalsen (Sec.), Bill Roseberry, Denny
Falcon Club
Members of the Falcon Club, an activities honorary for organized men, meet twice each month at the houses of the 31 fraternities. Membership is made up of juniors who try to provide a media for better relations between the student body and the Junior Class, promote class spirit within their class, and foster a more co-operative spirit between the faculty and the student body.
Only outstanding activities men are chosen to wear the black and white pods of the Falcon Club. Three juniors are selected from each fraternity to become members of Falcon Club each Fall. A few outstanding sophomores are chosen and initiated each Spring.
This will teach him not to drink without the rest of us!
Skull and Crescent
Orange and green pods signify membership in Skull and Crescent. Three outstanding sophomores are selected from each fraternity in this organization. Skull and Crescent was organized to promote better feeling among organized men at I. U. and to assist the University whenever possible.
The main project this year was the Sweater Hop where Carolyn Turner, freshman, was elected queen.
Skull and Crescent also awards a trophy to the outstanding senior in activities.
A world-shaking policy is in the making . . . I wonder . . .?
Row I: Richard Cowen, Robert Locke, John Hooning, Tom Brethauer, Kent Arvin (Treas.), Charles Batchelder, Dale Wagoner, Bill Purcell, Don Gage, Jim Platt. Row II: Jim Poledor, Jim Capehart (Pres.), Jack Taylor, Art Fell, Lawrence Lauterbach, Neil Hinchman, Marshall French, Jae Hughes, Bob House, Earl Plake, Darryl Harris, Richard Shelly. Row III: Ben Levin, Ed HiIger, Jim Laswell, Wayne Raper- thel, George Ginn (V. P.), Barry Miller, Max McCullough, Bob Smith, Bud Feldman, Ronald Schneider. Row IV: Neil Sandler (Sec.), Bob Finke, Fritz Haussman, Tom Payne, Gordon Gramer, J. T. Ahlbrand, Milt Carlson, Rod Perkins, Robert Brennan, Michael Finkelstein, John New, Fred Bauer.
Tomahawk is a sophomore honorary for independent male students. The members pledge themselves to the promotion of good will between independent students and all other campus activities and organizations. The membership is approximately 50 men. They are recognized on the Indiana University Campus by their maroon and white hats.
Every year, the Tomahawk pledges must find a woman on campus with the temporary name of Malvena Humperdink before initiation can take place. This is only one of the many and varied activities of this sophomore service organization.
Killers row . . .
Row I: Virgil Sporuick, Charles Fowler, Fred Meyer, Norman R. Rickard, Terry Stanley, Richard Stamper. Row II: Donald Tippett, John Ragsdale, Tom Hartley, Charles Cogan (Treas.), Jerry Kessler. Row III: Robert Butler, James Hill (Pres.), Wendell Ulm (Sec.), Bill McCrae. Row IV: Donald Lineback, Norman Brown, Edgar Sergent (V. P.).
Row I: Kay Baldwin, Carolyn Baker, Jo Ann Moore (Pres.), Martha Hartzell, Sandy McCrory, Sharen Perkins (fleas), Jill Quinn (Rec. Sec.), Roberta Fox, Janice Flora, Nancy Louck, Luise Elconin. Row II: Lora Lee Funk, Sue Wetzel, Gloria Mueller, June Hauenstein, Barbara McWhorter, Shirley McAlpine, Carolyn Zanin, Mitzi Coppes, Joline McVicker, Marjorie Varady, Judy Hylton. Row III: Gail Gallinger, Barb Bigge, Sue Ledden, Louise Bamberger, Ann Galvin, Barbara Hibner (Corr. Sec.), Georgelma DeVault, Barbara Gottfred, Norma Neukam, Judy Bright, Jane Hicks, Sally Branson, Lynda Young. Row IV: Barbara Platt, Judy Auxins, Rosemary Williams, Sue Groh, Sharon Morris, Sonya Ringwald (V. P.), Suzanne Siems, Vicki Hart, Alice Atkinson, Janet Conger, Marjorie Grinstead, Suzie Helms, Muriel Roth, Joyce Weigel.
Enomene, a scholastic and activities honorary for sophomore women, serves Indiana University through the friendship, leadership, and unity of its members—the purpose its members strive to attain.
Through speakers and visits to the various organizations on campus, Enomene provides for its women a leadership training program and ideas of organization and leadership useful to them in life.
This year, as a gesture of friendliness, Enomene arranged to send birthday cards to all foreign students on campus.
Participation in University activities and a 1.8 or better grade average are the requirements for membership in the group.
What's wrong with this picture, Well of course, who would ever play bridge without smokes?
Row I: Sybil Johnson, Mary Dee Freed, Carole Lithe'land, Sand) McCrory, Shirley Schwanholt, Elizabeth Jobe, Martha Hartzell (V. P.), Roberta Fox, Delene Smith, JoAnn Emerson, Barbara Rader (Sec.). Row II: Carolyn Baker, Sylvia Huss, Kirby Duckworth, Sue Wetzel, Kathleen Callon, Nancy Owings, Sandra Swank, Nora Anderson, Mary Alice Hines. Row III: Lynda Young, Kathy Arvin, Sue Ledden, Marjorie Rodebeck, Carol Timma, Ginger Baker, Marlene Doolittle, Judy Weinmann, Joline McVicker, Norma Neukam, Joyce Weigel. Row IV: June Hauenstine, Muriel Roth (Treas.), Sharon Morris, Sonya Ringwald, Mary Kay Phillips, Suzanne Siems, Alice Atkinson, Sylvia Sparks, Janet Couger, Linda Foncannon (Pres,), Barbara Hibner.
Alpha Lambda Delta
Alpha Lambda Delta, scholastic honorary for freshmen women, serves Indiana University by helping new coeds become aware of the scholastic goals within their reach and rewarding them for their scholastic achievements.
A 2.5 grade average or better for the first semester on campus or a 2.5 accumulative average for the first two semesters are the requirements for membership.
Each Spring after initiation, the group has its annual banquet with the members of Phi Eta Sigma. At this banquet, the group honors the outstanding Alpha Lambda Delta senior woman.
Gorgeous girls with----and grades um-gawa!
Phi Eta Sigma
Phi Eta Sigma is the scholastic honorary for freshmen men on campus. First and second semester freshmen men who have a 2.5 grade average are eligible for membership.
The group distributed pamphlets on "How to Study" to freshmen students during orientation week. Phi Eta Sigma, together with Alpha Lambda Delta, has established a table in the main library which will be stocked with books on easier and better study habits. Every year, both groups plan to contribute two books to the collection.
Also with Alpha Lambda Delta, the group sponsored a picnic in the men's quad at the beginning of the fall semester.
Honor students and schoolmaster sagely ponder weighty scholastic problems.
Row I: Jim Platt, Bill Purcell, Jorgen Rasmussen Ronald Risk, Roger Shlens, Bob Miser. Row III: Richard H. Mathias, Clarence H. Donin- Montgomery, Robert E. Crowe, Thomas P. Krueger, Thomas A. ger, David Hammond, Theodore J. Fody, Milt Carlson, Michael Long, Cortese, Jr., Wayne A. Kimmel. Row II: John A. Hedge, Phillip A. Standiford Cox, Ian Ross Hislop, Rod Perkins. Hoskins, Keith R. Kooken, Kent S. Arvin, Ralph E. Hunter, Bob
Scabbard and Blade
Scabbard and Blade, a national Army ROTC honorary, is composed of a limited number of men chosen from the advanced corps of the Reserve Officers Training Corps on the basis of character and proficiency in military science and tactics. Although each undergraduate is required by law to take two years of military training before he can graduate from Indiana University, continuance into the advanced military training program is at the option of the student . . . provided he is eligible. Since Scabbard and Blade selects its membership from the highest ranking students in the advanced corps, its members are the best of the military.
Strategy men strategy then attack!
Row I: Ernest Evans, Peter Salm, Dale Miller, Daniel Schram, Conrad Prebys, Norman Rappe, Jim Cammack, Donald Wolf. Row II: Walt Hammond, David Watson, Donald Balser, Joe Gossett, Charles Cockfield (Major Infantry Faculty Advisor), Sanford Zinn (1st Sergeant), Marshall Ruchman (2nd Lieutenant, Finance Officer). Row III: Stuart Emry (1st Lieutenant, Exec. Officer), Jim Brownell, John Heseman, Fred Fouts, James Donovan, Joseph Addison, Needham Hurst, Donald Omori (Captain, Commander),
Row I: Gordon Kelley (Executive Officer), Sheldon Tilkin (Company Commander), Capt. Bernard Dailey, Sgt. John Ross. Row II: Bob Brown, Ron Honda, Marcus Stewart, Jerry Isom, Don Bowman, Ed Friend, Phil Thieme, Richard Judy. Row III: Robert Kelly, Robin Antrim, David Koher, Harry Bounnell, Charles Jefferis, Robert Lucas, Larry Isom, John Ragsdale, Thomas Fox, Garner Clay, Charles Zoerner. Row IV: Ken Dillman, Marvin Mayer, 1st Sgt. Neil Sandler, Thomas Hardaway, Edward Cockerill, Ronald Allison, Gene Maddock, Sam Easterday, John Craig. Row V: Sam Thompson, Dick Davis, Kenneth Bland, Larry Ruddick, David MacLeod, Rick Duddell, Don Ward, Jim Payne, Bernard Engel, David Mathews, Delorne Nelson.
Pershing Rifles Company A-3• Basic R.O.T.C. gives I.U. a crack drill team
Pershing Rifles 3rd Regimental Headquarters Military Brass
Row I: Peter J. Salm (Colonel), Bernard C. Dailey (Capt., Infantry), Donald R. Balser (Lt. Colonel). Row II: James J. Mossier, Robert C. Carey, William R. Schooley, Benjamin H. Levin.
Row I: Edward Brantner, Ben Hilton, Jim Dartnall, James Bachelor, Victor Schneider, Thomas Cortese, Wayne Eastridge, Charles Hall, Lino DeMichieli. Row II: Phillip Antibus, James Boyden, Marshall Ruchman, David Shookman (Adjutant), Robert Birchler (Commander), Norm Schnell, W. D. Goodin, Ralph Dennerline, Robert Peake. Row III: William Johnson (Operations Officer), John Gray, Charles Trowl, Thomas O'Donnell, John Sowash, Jimmy Dils, Donald Brown, Thomas Hurt, John Vajner. Row IV: Carl Meyer, Dave Miller, Herb Lyons, Robert Egenolf, Millard Addison, Shelley Rian (Exec. Officer), Robert Sicks, Steve Phillips, Carl Myers,
Arnold Air Society Advanced Cadets honor "Hap"Arnold with military scholarship
Military Ball Committee Arnold Air presents ... Louis Armstrong and Band
Left to right seated: Jim Bachelor, William P. Johnson, Bob Birchler (Gen, Chrmn.), Marshall Ruchman, Charles Trowl. Standing: Don Kurfees, Shelley Rian, Dave Shookman.