6 minute read
Wertenberger, James M. 311 Williams, Anita M. 166 Wertz, Richard Kenneth 323 Williams, Averill M. 163 Wesley Foundation 239 Williams, Carl N. 175 Wessar, George J. 325 Williams, Carol Ann Wessel, Carole Sue 352 193, 194, 198, 215 Wessel, William F. 134, 317 Williams, Chester Y. 222 West, Carol Ruth 240, 389 Williams, Dorothy C. .200, 245, 345 West, James M., Jr. 331 Williams, Edward H. 320 Westberg, Karen Ann 398 Williams, Fayanne 169, 393 Westberg, Mary Alice 347 Williams, Harold W. 175 Westgate, Adele 399 Williams, James A. 379 Westminster Foundation 240 Williams, James Ross 333 Wetter, Monte Howard 382 Williams, John Allen 310, 367 Wetzel, Carolyn Sue .. .225, 226, 387 Williams, John David 370 Wetzel, Jerry Lynn 323 Williams, John Lee 320 Wetzel, Margaret J. 235, 353 Williams, Joyce Elinor 393 Wetzel, Roland Otto Wetzel, Walter John Weyer, Paul Butler, Jr. Whalen, Edward L. Whalley, Richard Earl Whallon, Harriet D. 335 331 163 311 309 Williams, Judith Ann Williams, Karen Jo Williams, Laurence A. Williams, Richard Dee Williams, Richard K. 399 398 381 315 321 Wheeler, Edward C. Whelchel, Fredrick A. Whelchel, Phil Owen Whinery, Richard Edwin Whippo, Barbara Ellen Whitaker, Franklin D. Whitaker, Granville D. White, Addie Jeanne White, Charles E. White, Eugene K. White, Gene Arthur 391 237 172 377 309 238, 388 365 134, 170 389 379 160 311 Williams, Robert E. Williams, Robert M. Williams, Rosemary Williams, Roy Martin Williams, Sandra Jean Williams, Sandra Kay Williams, Sharon J. Williams, Sue Delight Williams, Wilma Ann Williamson, Robert Linn Willits, Suzanne Ray 312 381 225, 341 372 397 389 346 168, 347 343 334 396 White, Geraldine Ruth White, Jonelle Addie 395 387 Willoughby, Joan Marie Willsey, Fillmore W. 177 333 White, Nicholas White, Priscilla '175 340, 357 Willson, Harry P. 377 Wilmore, Jean E. 177, 398 White, Rebecca J. 344 Wilson, Barbara Lee 340, 344 White, Richard Earl 275 Wilson, Bettimae K. 393 White, Robert K. 378 Wilson, Carol Lynn 387 Whitehead, Edward E. 380 Wilson, Diane Delores 209, 391 Whiteman, Donna Marie 388 Wilson, Douglas James 372 Whiting, Emily Ann 347 Wilson, Gary Joe 134 Whitney, Charles H., Jr. 372 Wilson, Glen Hall 320, 375 Whitson, Robert Lee 236, 337 Wilson, Jack 316, 379 Whittaker, James R. 313 Wilson, James David 369 Whittymore, Helen 340, 359 Wilson, John B. 331 Whybrew, Judith G. 389 Wilson, Jon Landon 324, 381 Wible, Ralph William 331 Wilson, Kent E. 382 Wichser, Martha L. 153 Wilson, Marilyn Sue 359 Wicksell, Harry H., Jr. 369 Wilson, Ruth Arline 234, 348 Wiebke, Robert F. ....134, 237, 378 Wilson, Sara J. 340, 359 Wiegman, David Paul 331 Wilson, Stephen Lee 332 Wieneke, Donald Frank 336 Wilt, Charlene Julia 170 Wiesjahn, Robert G. 378 Wilt, Fred Huffman 196, 197 Wietecha, Edwin J. 381 Wimmer, Ronnie Joe 376 Wilbanks, Robert Keith ....370, 372 Winburn, David 3rd 307, 316 Wild, Rosalinda M. 398 Winder, George E. 174 Wilder, Jasper C. 310, 378 Winik, Philip T. 329 Wildermuth, Jean 348 Wininger, Patsy Anne 389 Wiles, Phillip E. 374, 382 Winnefeld, Jane Ellen 396 Wiley, Richard Edwin 313 Winner, Stephen E. 311 Wilhelm, Robert W. 369 Winter, Sherl Joseph 250 Wilkinson, Elizabeth A. 388 Wintner, Bernard G. 163 Wilkinson, Paul E. 370 Wintz, Charles Richard 377 Willardo, Albert T. 304, 312 Wirts, Stephen Gharst 328 Willcutts, Diane M. 394 Wise, Herbert 218, 310 Willcutts, Harrison D. 175, 331 Wise, Phillip Edward 163 Willennar, Ann 396 Wise, Robert Lowell 160 Wisen, Mark 173, 378 Wishard, Sharon D. 400 Wisner, Carolyn Ann 390 Wisner, David Charles 381 Wisowaty, Albert S. 363 Wissman, Donald H. 383 Witham, James Harold 166 Witham, Peter Martin 318 Witherspoon, William C. 174 Witt, Stuart Lawrence 374, 382 Witte, Janet Marie 388 Witte, Phyllis R. 129, 355 Wittenberg, Frederick E. 366 Wittenmyer, Jacqueline 347 Witty, Eleanor Ann 393 Witwer, William L. 383 Wodrich, Gayalla Joan 400 Wohlfeld, Lowell .. 337 Wold, Inger Anne .176, 205, 340, 353 Wolf, Donald J. 228 Wolf, Edward Otto 367 Wolfe, James William 372 Wolfe, Ronald Clifton 370 Wolff, Phyllis Irene 394 Women's Dormitories 384 Wood, Carol Ann ...... 238, 391 Wood, John Francis . .. .171, 222, 330 Wood, Larry Sylvan 317 Wood, Robert F. 326 Wood, Shirley Jean 166 Woodall, Robert Louis 175 Woodard, Rochelle Anne 397 Woodruff, Kenneth H. 314 Woods, Carolyn Jane 159, 347 Woods, Martha Mary 342 Woods, Robert Dale 211 Woods, Roger Byron 320 Woodsmall, Barrett, Jr. 171, 320 Woolpert, Danny Guy 160, 370 Woolsey, Janna 396 Woolsey, William Tripp 212, 291, 367 Wort, Martha Lois 390 Wortley, Carl Owen 335 WRA 166 Wray, Norma Jean 395 Wrestling 296 Wright, Beverly Jean 387 Wright, Charles R. 382 Wright, David Clarence 170 Wright, Fredric Arthur 323 Wright, Jeryl Lee 373, 374, 377 Wright, Mary M. 342 Wright, Thomas T. 310, 368 Wright, William T. 324 Wruble, Robert A. 363 Wunsch, Charles Martin .... 175 Wygant, Nancy Jane 176, 344 Wyman, Norman Ray 369 Wythe, Joseph A., Jr. 377 Xi Psi Phi 144
Yalowitz, Myrna J. 356 Yap, Harold Barry 212, 367 Yarbrough, Lawrence G. 367 Yeager, Walter C. 313 Yearian, Leslie Louise .220, 234, 344 Yegerlehner, Mark A. 336 Yeghiayan, Vartkes B. 375 Yenerich, Ronald D. ...246, 304, 315 Yeoman, Helen Ann 168, 355 YMCA 232 Yocom, Marilyn Jo 399 Yohler, Suzanne P. 168, 391 Yonan, Ruth Helen 397 York, Emily Sue 237, 386 Young, Beth Ann 394 Young, Donald Philip 369 Young, Donald Richard 127, 200, 247, 367 Young, Jerry Neil 232, 296, 297, 311 Young, Joseph B. 325 Young, Lloyd Weyman 320 Young, Lynda L. 225, 226, 355 Young, Vern Rex 383 Young, Wilma Jean 391 Youngs, Paul Earl 239, 369 Yuktiratna, Chaiwat 210 YWCA 234
Zacune, Harmon C. ....218, 304, 327 Zahn, Rita L. 346 Zaiser, Helene 349 Zandstra, Kathleen J. 175 Zani, Elias Leo 364 Zanin, Carolyn Joy 225, 342 Zaremski, Sherman C. 175, 376 Zaring, Doyle Duane 321 Zaring, Philip B. 323 Zarkos, George S. 210 Zatorski, Jeffrey 368 Zavada, Doreen 135, 351 Zehring, Imasue 378, 387 Zell, Virginia Marie 351 Zeller, Richard David 321 Zellers, Francis L. 369 Zellers, Oscar K. 326 Zerface, William Allan 367 Zilkowski, Robert R. 378 Zilm, Gerald Dean 367 Zimmer, Carol Ann 397 Zimmer, Jo Ann 394 Zimmer, Sharon Kay 394 Zimmerman, Bette F. 390 Zimmerman, Joan 397 Zimmerman, Karen S. 396 Zimmerman, Mary Lee 341 Zinn, Manny Max 337 Zinn, Sanford Malcom .170, 228, 377 Zipser, Robert Louis 222, 324 Zirkle, Paul Allan 311 Zoch, David Maurice 332 Zody, Kenneth Ray 166 Zoerner, Charles F. 229, 313 Zollman, Gertrude C. 172, 237 Zook, Abby 388 Zuklin, Joann Elsie 401 Zurcher, Carl J. 368 Zweig, Larry 337
The Board of Publications for the special interest they took in the 1955 Arbutus.
The Advisory Board: Mr. Forrest, Mr. Mahler, Mr.
McEvoy, Mr. Smith, and especially Miss Kemp, its chairman, for the time and technical assistance they have given us.
Mr. Brier, Mr. Noer, and Mr. Mueller of Indeco, our engravers.
Mr. Lineback and Mr. Merriman of C. E. Pauley and Co., our printers.
Mr. Bundy of S. K. Smith Company, our cover suppliers.
Miss Cole of Wheelan Studios at L. S. Ayres and Company, our senior photographers. Mr. Stempel and the Department of Journalism for their assistance in orienting us to our new home in Pyle Hall.
Mr. Welpott and Mr. Disborough for the queen's section as beautiful as the girls themselves.
The Audio-Visual Center for rush jobs, top quality, and personal interest.
Don Cantwell who knew when we needed help and how to help.
The many editors and staff members who gave their time and talents to this book.
Thanks, all of you . .
Margy, Pat, and George.