ARCH441 Program

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ARCH 441 Architectural Design Analysis Fall 2015 Classroom: Instructors:

Engineering unit A (Section 001) Ross Weinreb (Section 002) Denson Groenendaal (Section 003) Nat Belcher

Department of Architecture Pennsylvania State University T TH T TH T TH

1:30-5:30pm 1:30-5:30pm 1:30-5:30pm

PERRY POINT VETERANS AFFAIRS MEDICAL CENTER NEW RESIDENTIAL REHABILITATION TREATMENT PROGRAM BUILDING Perry Point, Maryland *Some information gathered from the AE Works “Perry Point VAMC Building 24H Replacement” February 19, 2015 60% Design Development Narrative

PROJECT DESCRIPTION BACKGROUND “The United States has the most comprehensive system of assistance for Veterans of any nation in the world, with roots that can be traced back to 1636.”1 The U.S. Department of Veteran’s Affairs (VA) has essentially been around since the Civil War, but was firmly established after World War II when “there was a vast increase in the Veteran population, and congress enacted large numbers of new benefits for war Veterans.” There are currently three administrations within the VA: the National Cemetery Administration, the Veterans Benefits Administration, and the Veterans Health Administration (VHA). “Today’s VHA--the largest of the three administrations that comprise VA--continues to meet Veterans’ changing medical, surgical and quality-of-life needs. New programs provide treatment for traumatic brain injuries, posttraumatic stress, suicide prevention, women Veterans and more. VA has opened outpatient clinics, and established telemedicine and other services to accommodate a diverse Veteran population, and continues to cultivate ongoing medical research and innovation to improve the lives of America’s patriots. VHA operates one of the largest health care systems in the world and provides training for a majority of America’s medical, nursing and allied health professionals. Roughly 60 percent of all medical residents obtain a portion of their training at VA hospitals; and VA medical research programs benefit society at-large. The VA health care system has grown from 54 hospitals in 1930, to include 152 hospitals, 800 community-based outpatient clinics, 126 nursing home care units and 35 domiciliaries.”2 “The Perry Point Veterans Affairs Medical Center provides a broad range of inpatient, outpatient and primary care services. As the largest inpatient facility in the VA Maryland Health Care System, the medical center provides inpatient medical, intermediate and longterm care programs, including nursing home care, rehabilitation services, geriatric evaluation and management, respite care, chronic ventilator care and hospice care. The Medical Center is located on a beautiful campus of approximately 400 acres on the banks of the Susquehanna River and the Chesapeake Bay where patients can enjoy a variety of recreational activities, including fishing, swimming, bicycling and jogging.”3 The Perry Point VAMC would like a new 35-bed 24/7 residential rehabilitation treatment program (RRTP) building. The RRTP building will provide inpatient, mental (and physical) health treatment and support space for the patients at the medical center. It will include a community space, medical spaces, outpatient rooms, as well as office and administrative spaces. The building will also include an aquatic pavilion with two swimming pools for aquatic therapy and exercise purposes. Outdoor patios and indoor spaces such as computer and group rooms and multi-purpose rooms will help to provide constructive use of unscheduled time. An outpatient clinic component will also be incorporated into the design. Inside, two patient bedrooms will share a bathroom. Each bathroom must be ADA accessible with a roll-in shower stall. The design must be developed to provide maximum views of the outdoors, courtyards, and bay. Interior concepts should include: - Homelike environment - Provide for all activities of daily living - Provide privacy and dignity ︎ - Access to nature ︎ - Family accommodations ︎ - Individual temperature and light control in bedrooms ︎ - Noise control - Safe and secure ︎ - Materials and finishes for ease of cleaning and maintenance - Appropriate light levels with no shadows - Clear visibility of patients by staff 1 2 3 (accessed July 13, 2015) (accessed July 13, 2015) (accessed July 7, 2015)



RESIDENTIAL REHABILITATION TREATMENT PROGRAM (RRTP) According to the 2010 VHA Handbook4, the following are the mission, goals, and objectives of a RRTP: “a. Mission. The RRTP mission is to provide state-of-the-art, high-quality residential rehabilitation and treatment services for Veterans with multiple and severe medical conditions, mental illness, addiction, or psychosocial deficits. The RRTP identifies and addresses goals of rehabilitation, recovery, health maintenance, improved quality of life, and community integration in addition to specific treatment of medical conditions, mental illnesses, addictive disorders, and homelessness. b. Goal. RRTP’s goal is to provide opportunities for Veterans to achieve and maintain their highest level of independent community integration through the provision of residential services designed for improved functional status, sustaining rehabilitation gains, disability management, recovery, and breaking the cycle of recidivism. c. Objectives. Objectives of RRTP are to: (1) Provide residential rehabilitation and treatment services that focus on the Veteran’s strengths, abilities, needs, and preferences rather than on illness and symptoms. (2) Provide residential rehabilitation and treatment services utilizing a therapeutic community based on peer and professional supports in a structured and supervised setting. (3) Provide rehabilitation and treatment services that address medical conditions, mental illness, addiction, and psychosocial deficits. (4) Facilitate the transition to safe, affordable, and appropriate community housing. (5) Assist Veterans in choosing, accessing, and utilizing the community and natural supports needed to be independent, self-supporting, and successful in their individual recovery.”5 TUNNEL The new RRTP building will be connected to existing Building 364 via a connecting tunnel. The existing Perry Point tunnel system is used for food deliveries from building to building. Protecting these deliveries from the elements (snow, rain, etc.) is crucial to the client. However, the current tunnel system has had several issues regarding leaks (see photo below) due to the high water table of the site. Your research should consider the hydrostatic pressure of the soil and propose ways to improve the current situation.

4 5 (accessed July 13, 2015) VHA Handbook (P. 4-5)



Totals Total Gross Factor (GSF)

121 1.6

21020 33632

FLEXIBILITY OF DESIGN The Perry Point RRTP building should be designed for maximum flexibility. This is necessary “in order to most efficiently meet the rehabilitative needs of a diverse Veteran population.”6 In RRTPs, treatment, rehabilitation, and psychosocial programming may range from relatively short-term care of limited focus, (less than 30 days) to long-term, comprehensive rehabilitation (exceeding 1 year). This project presents an opportunity to create architecture and spaces that help the healing process and wellbeing of the residents. “Some residents will have jobs outside the facility and may be coming and going at different hours. Residents will be working at full-time or part time jobs while living here or undergoing intensive therapy or educational programs. Accommodations should be made for constructive use of unscheduled time. This includes indoor and outdoor recreational areas.”7 Your design should include outdoor patios and gathering areas, maximizing views of the Chesapeake Bay. AQUATIC THERAPY AND EXERCISE PAVILION In addition to the Mental Health programmatic requirements of the new RRTP building, the Perry Point VA has requested an aquatic therapy and exercise pavilion to help supplement their physical therapy building (23H) and patient needs. Some of the physical therapy patients may be living in the new RRTP building, but most will be brought from other buildings on the Perry Point campus. The pavilion should not be treated as a mere attachment to the RRTP building, but a holistic part of the overall design. Two pools will be required; the therapy pool can be as small as 10’ wide x 15’ long x 4’ deep as long as it has a staired or ramped entry and a lift, while the exercise pool can be 75’ long x 45’ wide with depths ranging from 4’ to 6’. A ramped entry is also a very good idea. Your team must research pool sizes and consider issues like: Unisex assisted care-giver dressing rooms and showers, examining and treatment rooms for the therapist(s) to evaluate patients, land-based exercise equipment for cross training and evaluation purposes.8 SITE The Perry Point VA Medical Center is located in Perry Point, Maryland, roughly one hour north of Baltimore and one and a half hours south of Philadelphia. The medical center sits adjacent to the Susquehanna River and Chesapeake Bay. The site is presently an open meadow with groupings of evergreens to the west and existing vegetation at the shoreline. There are excellent views to the water, meadow and passing wildlife. Visitors and residents arriving at the new building by car or transport will enter the site off of Avenue D where a new protected pedestrian drop off area shall be designed at the building entrance. A fire lane should also be designed to encircle the perimeter of the building connecting to the entry and a service drive. New sidewalks shall be designed to connect the existing sidewalk along Avenue D to the entrance of the proposed building. There is an existing 8” water service and chilled water supply and return loops that run on the north side of Avenue D and services the campus. There is also an existing electric loop that follows the south side of Avenue D.

Macro site location map (Google)

6 7 8

VHA Handbook (P. 8) VA Design Guide for Mental Health Facilities, December 2010 (P. 3-38 & 3-39) (accessed July 20, 2015)



Site location map (Google)

Micro site location map (Google)




Aerial site plan with existing buildings (Perry Point VAMC Visitor’s Guide)

View towards Chesapeake Bay from site 2015-07-20


View towards Building 366 (and 80H beyond) from site

View towards Building 364 from site 2015-07-20


SCHEDULE This project/semester will be broken down into four parts: Part one will be the “Schematic phase” in which your team will conduct site analysis, program analysis, and precedent research. You will then use the research to diagrammatically design one scheme (general zoning and site layout) of the Perry Point RRTP building. Part two will be the “Development phase” in which your team will further develop the design by conducting code reviews, begin research on sustainable strategies, a more detailed program analysis, cost analysis, and integrate structural, mechanical, and lighting systems. Detailed wall sections will also be required. Part three will be the “Presentation phase” in which your team will produce clear documents, plans, details, and renderings to demonstrate you design with integrated systems and sustainable strategies. Part four will be the “Documentation phase” in which your team will put together all of the research, plans, and documents into a final book and poster. (See calendar and requirements below for more information) Refer to the International Building Code (IBC) and the VA Mental Health Design Guide (Sections 2-4, 6, and 7) for information on parking, height restrictions, set backs, easements, egress, fire protection, VA standards and guidelines, etc. Submission requirements and specific grading criteria will be included with each project phase brief. IMPORTANT LINKS: VA Handbook for a RRTP: VA Maryland Health Care System – Perry Point info: Original Project RFP (Federal Business Opportunities website): Perry Point Visitor’s Guide: VA National Center for PTSD: Climate Consultant (Energy Design Tool): Whole Building Design Guide (National Institute of Building Sciences) – Health Care Facilities: USA Swimming Aquatic Therapy Pool information: GRADING: Grading will be based on creativity, completeness, and clarity of solutions as demonstrated during desk crits and presentations; personal initiative; studio attendance and class participation. Although cooperative and effective teamwork is essential to success in this course, each individual’s performance and contribution will be evaluated during each crit. All students are expected to actively participate in the studio and during presentations as well as contribute to the team’s effort. PSU definitions will be applied in grading as per current Undergraduate Degree Programs Bulletin: A = excellent : B = good : C = satisfactory : D = poor : F = failure See course syllabus and calendar for specifics on Arch 441 grading. The percentage breakdown is as follows: Part 1 “Schematic phase” (15%), Part 2 “Development phase” (15%), Part 3 “Presentation phase” (30%), Part 4 “Documentation phase” (20%), and Participation (20%)




PART 1: “SCHEMATIC PHASE” REQUIREMENTS: 15% [Week 1] [Recommended software: Sketchup] 1. As an individual, research and analyze the site and program to create a rough schematic “sketch” of your ideal design strategies based on your specific AE option. a. Use SketchUp or pencil/paper (to scale). b. General forms of the building, entry locations, environmental considerations, etc. c. Consider sun angles, vehicular/drop-off access, views, equipment access, and general zoning of building [Weeks 2-3] [Recommended software: Sketchup, Climate Consultant] 2. Create a BIM-EX plan with the template provided in studio (Angel). This will help your team with: a. Goals, strategies, mission statement, design processes, collaboration, and project deliverables. 3.

Conduct a thorough site analysis. a. Zoning guidelines and restrictions. i. See section 4.2 of the VA Design Guide for Mental Health Facilities (on Angel) b. Environmental considerations for the site. i. Solar path, ground plane & topography, landscape, annual wind and weather conditions, surrounding structures, pedestrian/vehicular traffic. c. Document existing structure(s), including adjacent Building 364


Perry Point history and vernacular. a. Historical/current photos, important views/access of site, adjacent facilities and uses. b. Historical information of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.


Precedent studies. a. Familiarize yourselves with trends in domiciliary health care and aquatic therapy/exercise projects. i. Each team member should find an examplar relating to the Perry Point RRTP program. 1. How will you apply this research to your design?


Main ideas and principles. a. Through sketches and diagrams, describe how your design will be derived from guiding concepts/metaphors.

[Weeks 4 and 5] [Recommended software: Sketchup, Revit, Photoshop, PowerPoint (or) Prezi] 7. Program analysis. a. Adjacency/bubble diagrams, user requirements, reference VA Design Guide for Mental Health Facilities (on Angel) for any additional requirements. b. Look at the project program (above) for square footage and adjacency requirements. 8.

Schematic floor plans, elevations, and sections. a. Using pencil and paper or SketchUp/Photoshop, you will diagram all floors of the building. i. Generic program spaces by floor showing overall design ideas. (Example: blue = bedrooms, green = mechanical, red = entry, etc.) 1. Consider exiting, vertical circulation, stacking restrooms, mechanical/electrical shafts, etc. b. Use Sketchup to place a schematic massing model of your design on the site.

Although documentation of your research is required, you must also show thoughtful analysis/consideration of how the site and environmental conditions, regulatory requirements, and trends in health care will impact your approach to the project. Product: You will be required to pin-up your schematic “sketch” documents for an informal discussion/presentation of the “schematic phase” requirements with all other students present. The floor plans should be to a scale and you should also include how it sits on the site, elevations, and any pertinent research/analysis images. You will be responsible for taking notes during the feedback portion of the pin-up to be used for future edits/changes of the project. The final product of this phase will be a digital one-screen summary of all your findings using photographs, sketches, diagrams and limited text with emphasis on how the research impacts your design. Minimum requirements are a site plan (with first floor), general program zones, elevations, sections, pedestrian access, exiting & vertical circulation, as well as main project goals and ideas. As preparation for the final semester documentation, this information is to be well organized and professionally documented on 11” x 17” loose sheets, suitable for future binging along the 11” side in booklet form (landscape orientation). Be sure to include all pertinent documentation that you collected with references. PLEASE CITE IMAGES AND PHOTOS IN ALL PRESENTATIONS. 2015-07-20


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