Hamburg questionable hamburg ab jf cw

Page 1

Questionable Hamburg Alternative Notion Of Context

Adam John Christopher 1

Introduction & Brief Manifesto


Contents Page

6-7 8-9



Collecting Information

Pre face

Collecting information

P10-11 Expanding The Mind 12-15 Think Tank 16-17 Initial Concept 18-19

Raw Information

Raw information

P20-21 The Derive - Guy Debord Group Derive

Information Process

22 23-25

Creating Areas


Pre face

P30-31 Information Process Chris Outer Context John Outer Context Adam Outer Context

Environmental Layering Strategy & Costing


Informtion process

P26-27 First Narrative

Creating Program

32 33 34 35

P36-38 Group Program


P40-43 Game Result


P46-47 Layering Concept Layering Concept II Layering Concept III Masterplan Site Massing Masterplan Area Two Investigation Masterplan Area Five Investigation Massing

48-49 50-51 52-55 56-57 58-59 60-61 62-67

P68-69 Environmental Strategy Flooding Water Control Waster Management Costing References

70-77 78-79 80-81 84-92 93



This document is set out to explain the group’s position and philosophy towards a new urbanism. The purpose of the brief given to us was to focus on a specific neighbourhood within Hamburg (Germany), whereby two sites had been put forward, each having its own series of problems and potentials. Separated by the river of Norderelbe, both sites contain low value areas being dominated by infrastructure which has left them almost segregated with distinctly differing characteristics from the city centre.

HAMBURG VEDDEL This report explains the stages of our development and how we began to clarify our method which is the theoretical strand we have decided to undertake. Like most design reports this document explains the approach, the reasons why, how we progressed with the idea and the reasons for the group’s stance for why we have decided to begin the project by doing things a little differently. We didn’t start by choosing a site and doing the usual analysis, but instead we started from studying the context of Hamburg and what we could do with our own analysis. In the nature of not doing it in the usual way of doing things, here is our manifesto….









We have collectively decided that as a result of capitalism, cities are becoming increasingly globalised with an associated image of being boring, repetitive and dull. We feel that architects at the maximum urban stage have failed to build the city of today or tomorrow due to the rules generated by data, data that is destined to become obsolete. As a result, testing and experimentation with urbanism has stagnated, a crucial necessity in a world that is evolving faster than ever before. A new type of urbanism could well be the answer, an urbanism based not on data, but on the true context of what a city is. The purpose of our stand is to capture this true essence of a city through its exploration using our own senses, emotions, feeling and memories, with the intention to generate a new way to ‘collage’ the areas captured. Our testing ground for this new urban methodology is Hamburg, Germany, and in short, we wish to therefore use Hamburg to recreate Hamburg with Hamburg. By creating narratives and themes, we can then craft ingredients of context that can then be de-contextualised to create a new context for the city. In doing so, we can create our own data and experiment with new possibilities for the site given in Hamburg in an original, playful way.



The group wanted to go against the usual way of doing and understanding ‘Urban Design’, in which we have questioned and challenged, to the point that the final outcome is not a finalised piece of urban design based on the usual data. Instead we have developed a method to create our own data based on what we have captured from Hamburg. This new methodology consists of seven main stages; 1. Pre Face - Reading List / Approach & Think tank



2. Collecting the information - The Derive 3. Raw information - creating the first narrative 4. Processing Information - creating the outer Context 5. Creating Program - creating the inner context


6. Creating Area - Game outcomes 7. Layering - Positioning the new urban context MASTERPLAN DEVELOPMENT



A large influence towards our developed approach manifested as a result from our extensive reading list which infused new ideas and theoretical influence towards the project. A collective decision to apply the playful ideology of The Situationists encouraged by the methodology of Collage City was agreed, which lead us on this journey to create our own way of dealing with urban design. This chapter also looks at the initial concepts to explain the process and direction the group intended to take.

Pre face


The Situationists argued against mass media and advocated living life in opposition to advanced capitalism. They had a vision that people would not be seduced by a city of corporate power and capitalism, but would seek their own utopia by ‘’cutting up’’ the original and putting it back together to see it in a new perspective. They encouraged the drifting and wanering cities in search for events, especialy in areas unspoilt by spectacle, traffice, and unsuitable post war architecture and functionality. Constant: New Babylon had a main drive for social space. It was the medium for a new creativity that is to manifest it self in daily life, by the means of a continually varied arrangement of the environment in harmony with a dynamic way of living.

A published manifesto for New York in 1978 when the city was in a recession and in need of a boost of confidence. Rem Koolhaas suggests that the city was in desperate need of a reminder of its past glory, with the solution being a celebration of selected stages of its evolution since 1609. Koolhaas describes Manhattan as an urban and architectural test ground, as he observed the city’s relentlessness imposed by grid blocks and their encouragement of ambition and speed. He describes how the city manifested itself so that the artificial Coney Island became the main attraction and an oasis from the city. He further suggests for New York to continue its experiment and reinforce the culture of congestion, in short, keep doing what it has been doing.


‘Narrative’ prioritises human experience and the need to shape them into stories. Common in the 1950’s because of Coates as it signposts ‘narratives’ significance as a design approach that can aid architecture to remain relevant in this complex work. Critical that modernism was creating too much ‘form follows functions’ or ‘efficiency = boredom’. Cinema in 1900’s learnt to construct emotional experience through montage and assembly. In 1980’s emphasis was placed on the circumstances surrounding buildings higher than building itself. Understanding the emerging speed of technology. The strategy: Binary narrative - Objects parrallel indentity, Sequence narrative - Generating an intended route to tell a story or manufacture an experience. Biotopic Narrative - Urban field that includes a variety of functions, mutally supportive and independent.

Parc de la Villette is run over three systems: 1) The system of points that contains the programmed activities. 2) A system of lines that directs the movement of people through the park. 3) A series of planes or un-programmed spaces that can be associated by the public in unexpected ways. The linear system of Parc de la villette is a narrative path made out of segments much like film frame. The frames can be fast, accelerated or slow. This leads to the vision of how people will move through the park and search for ways to express that pace and tempo. The park presented a number of dynamic oppositions to challenge the brief. The brief was to design a park: The grid was antinature. The client wanted something realistic: the grid was abstract. There needed to be sensitive to the site boundaries: the grid was infinite.


Event Cities 4 puts forward a strategy to tackle interntional architecture where cultural understanding is lost. Focuses on concept form that he uses to generate projects from a framework of set rules resulting in a concept that generates form and the form generates the concept. Master planning with playful forms and layering as though ‘a board game’, with the set rules being 1 )The site which is given, 2) The mesh which is a supple grid following the topography and defying ordiate axes to facilitate the location of major activities on site. 3) The roads where mesh co-ordinates are where main roads are generally location. 4) In between being the existing landscape and 5) The orbits which are clearings with the existing landscape environment ready for programs.

Studying the Situationists, as a group we enjoyed the concept of bringing playfulness back into the design process and took particular interest in the dérive. We explored how we could create a city using our own experiences and dérives. Incorporating the Situationists playfulness along with recording our own dérive will help us to create a new part of Hamburg by using only Hamburg. This brings us to Collage City. By taking our own experiences and memories of the city, we can turn these into scale, form and events which we can overlap and collage on to a site in Hamburg. By our way of designing we are creating a city with the playfulness start of the Situationists with an end result that suggests Collage City.

Event Cities 4 puts forward a strategy to tackle interntional architecture where cultural understanding is lost. Focuses on concept form that he uses to generate projects from a framework of set rules resulting in a concept that generates form and the form generates the concept. Master planning with playful forms and layering as though ‘a board game’, with the set rules being 1 )The site which is given, 2) The mesh which is a supple grid following the topography and defying ordiate axes to facilitate the location of major activities on site. 3) The roads where mesh co-ordinates are where main roads are generally location. 4) In between being the existing landscape and 5) The orbits which are clearings with the existing landscape environment ready for programs.




To put everything we have just read into context, the ‘think tank’ become the tool to do so. The ‘Think Tank’ was to include links and quotes that could help us in developing our idea. Each question asked has been answered through our method, which in turn has helped to develop the idea. The Initial idea was generated by the group’s stance in which it was agreed that cities are becoming boring, reparative and dull . . . something needed to change. To develop a new urbanism that wasn’t based on the usual data that can quickly become obsolete, the possibility of capturing the true essence of the city (Hamburg) through exploration from our senses, emotions, feelings and memory became aparent instead. To achieve this we asked these questions. . .

‘’To treat urban design as a game. Imagine a chess board or monopoly where the various pieces can be moved around and all the architecture does is establish a gameboard, a few pieces, a few rules and let the user and people play as a dynamic process and not as if a frozen image’’ - Benard Tschumi

“The vision that people would not be seduced by the city of coorporate power and capitalism and would see their own utopia by “cutting up” the original and pitting it back together to see it in a new perspective.” - The Situationists City

‘’Utopian ideals have always relied on total design or total architecture to realise their descriptions. But this monistic approach to problems cause only more problems. Due to its reliance as data which quickly becomes obsolete’’ - Colin Rowe


‘’My approach to narrative was to extrapolate an imaginary flux that, while based in the present, would energise the speculative process of design. Rather than following the traditional critical appraisal of prevailing conditions and defining a brief through which to ensure improvement, I wanted to set the city free by empathising with what ‘it’ wanted to be’’ - Nigel Coates



Following our readings, we then decided to experiment with what we had learnt by seeing how we each individually represented the same information obtained through reading the same context through the creation of a collage. In a sense, this process therefor represented the idea of collecting context, decontextualized it to then create new context, the new context being our three individual outcomes of the experiment. This methodology then manifested to become the basis for the project. With having no point of reference, Hamburg itself would become the only piece of information and context we would individually come into contact with during our study trip. Each collective recording has been generated from our experience of Hamburg and what each individual member has taken from the city. The city itself can be understood as a piece of information for ‘the built environment inevitably ‘communicates’ it cannot avoid doing so. Like nature the city can speak primordially, its fabric tacitly conveying its rich and potent history.’ The city allows the viewer to study the urban environment and what is pertained can be recited for the collective rethinking of a city, this idea of study became the foundation for the project, and is the most important stage - collecting the information.



This chapter introduces our Derive, a fundamental element to our project. The Derive is ultimately our experience of Hamburg and all that is the true essence of the city. Here the ‘rules’ of our strategy are explained, whilst diagrammatically showing the layers of information attained from our journey to Hamburg. Each stage of our process relates back to this information, including the final output, being the original approach to urban design.

Collecting information



Chris Adam John Joint Port Experience & Influence Processed Information

A way of collecting contextual information recorded from the study trip, the ‘derive’ became the most relevant device to do so. The ‘Derive’, one of the basic Situationist practices, was a technique to ‘drift’ through the city and a way of identifying oneself more closely with a sense of personal liberty. This model was something of a playful creation which allowed people to explore and connect oneself to the city, the route people took was to be left to chance. ‘Guy Debord resigned to the fact “in its infancy” drift would be partly dependent upon chance and would have to accommodate a degree of “letting go”.’ A playful experiment that disconnects people from their usual motive of day to day life, work was to be forgotten and they would let themselves be drawn by attraction of the terrain that they encountered, in which itself will be context.

Guy Debord With Asger Jorn, The Naked City: Illustration de I’hypothese [sic] des plaques tournantes en psychogeographique [sic], 1957, screenprint.

By letting go and by leaving the route to chance, the experience of the city would of come out differently if planned, by applying our senses, emotions and feelings the city pulled us in many different directions. This psychgeography study of exploring the city has been set out by chance, routes and encounters would have been different for each individual, the drift consciously organised or not, the individual’s emotions and behaviour would have affected the route meaning different outcomes. To get a richer understanding of the city, and to really create something that is unique that is not based on one person’s interpretation of one studied bit of context, each member will drift the city, in which three combinations of the city allows a more in-depth discovery and with three minds, inclinations and desires giving a mixed richness of Hamburg’s context.



RAW INFORMATION The Derive shows everything that the three of us have came in contact with. All of this information that we have came in contact with has then been taken forward and represented in videos / images to generate the first narrative.

PROCESSING INFORMATION The next stage is to take Hamburg and recreate Hamburg with Hamburg. Hamburg has been treated as an ‘Invisible city’, in which we have taken 18 key features each that best represents the city. This has been processed and represented in a series of narratives, themes and metaphors. These narratives, themes and metaphors have been broken up as urban fabric or buildings, space / urban realm and events, which when combined creates what a city is. In a sense, this stage of processed Information focuses on the outer context that is later placed on the generator which is used to create permutations and different situations and outcomes.


CREATING PROGRAM To create the programs and functions that are to be placed into the outer context, the Derive will be referred to once again. Here the fuctions and programs will be what we have came in contact with through our derive in the proportion in which we experienced them.

LAYERING This stage creates the new context for the area which is over layered and integrated within the existing fabric. The Derive will be used again to co-ordinate and position the chosen pieces of urban fabric onto a site grid. This allows the chance to place each piece onto the site grid and to position each piece in its true area as experienced on the derive. Again the derive has been used as an alternative to the process of designers having an input into positioning on paper. The only input by the designer within this is creating the ‘site grid’ which indicates the proportion of where the fragments of Hamburg will fall onto the site.


This chapter introduces our first narrative, which was created as a method to collect our individual information gathered during our visit to Hamburg. As everybody experiences cities in a different way, this process allowed us to identify everybody’s experiences of the city and visually express how these can collectively be arranged to create a narrative.

Raw information


As we experienced Hamburg separately, we needed a method of collaborating all of our ‘raw information’, which were our experiences gathered during our duration within the city. We captured this information through videos, photographs sound recordings.

This exercise of collaborating the raw information also allowed us to have an indication as to what we individually experienced within the city, as our experiences were all different. The narrative of the video has been outlined through a storey board indicating the key chapters of the video montage with the assosciated key scene and chapter title.

By gathering our information we were then able to create a stand-alone video montage, with a narrative of what we represented to be a typical day in Hamburg. Our footage included the calmness of the city upon the morning, before the threshold of the rush hour commute began.

Upon collaborating this individual raw information, this then lead us to the next stage of processing the raw information that captured out experience of Hamburg.

The montage then lead on to represent the different day activities that occurred within the city, from playful events to the industrial drive of the city. If further captures the dominant infrastructure before heading into the evening where the city’s contrasting night-life begins. The montage became a method to collaborate our experiences collectively as a group.



This chapter now introduces the first set of data which is the raw information now processed. During this stage, it became evident that between us we had captured multiple characteristics of the city, from urban form and typologies, scales and public realm, as well as events and spectacles. This resulted in a healthy mix of ingredients that capture the essence of the city that can then be applied to our playful tool ‘the generator’ to assist in creating random permutations of outer context. This creates a random mixture of characteristics in a new context for the chosen site area.

Information Process

Informtion process



Information Process is the first stage off gathering our ‘pieces’ needed for creating our urban strategy. This stage is looking at the larger scale of our process. In this area we looked at urban form, typologies, scales, public realm, events and spectacles. As we explored Hamburg separately. we consequently focused on different elements of the city depending on our experience. Upon this process, it became apparent that our memeber Chris had a passion for building typologies and urban form, with a majority of raw information focussing on the extracted of this topic whilst exploring the city. Whereas our member John seemed to get drawn the exploration of pubic realm and nature, such as its green parks and public squares. On the other hand, our member Adam was drawn to the different events and spectacles which were going on around the city, whether that be a planned event or something that was considered to be a spectacle. Although not planned or discussed, whilst processing the raw informaiton it seemed apparent that we had all naturally been drawn to three separate categories around the city, leading to an interesting collaboration when we returned from Hamburg to discuss what we each had captured during our time away. The next stage was for us to catologue this information, which is where we introduce our first tool of our process, the generator.


The generator posseses six faces each consistting of nine elements. We therefore selected two faces each and processed 18 of our most memorable pieces, our most powerful moments and our most exciting finds, the context in what we thought made Hamburg. Upon selecting our 18 fragments, we catalogued them and used precedants from the city to create forms or in some cases narratives which in turn would give us our starting outer context platform. Here is indicated our individual 18 pieces of outer context that we considered our most important memories of Hamburg. They are broken down with the titles in the middle, followed by a photograph, form, or description.






This chapter introduces the inner context through the creation of programs that adds more data onto the outer context created in the last stage / game. For this stage, we revisited our Derive to assess what functions we came into contact with and within what proportions we experienced them. This means that certain functions that were experienced in a larger proportion would have a higher chance of being implemented through our next playful tool, a set of original cards. With the functions introduced into the outer context, multi-programmatic areas now begin to manifest. The card game further assists in creating a random mix manifesting the new context.



The next stage was to work on an inner context which would determine our functions and programs. Again using our derive, we used what we experienced to create the inner context. We each showed percentages which indicated the quantity of programs and in the proportion that we experienced them within our derive. We made sure that we selected only the programs we came across while exploring the city to again match our manifesto of creating Hamburg with only Hamburg. To help demonstrate what functions we experienced we each mapped the quantities of program as percentages (shown on the right). Even though we experienced the city separately and explored different areas, we all noticed that the highest function across the city was residential, followed by retail and commercial. We then combined our recordings together to produce a group graph indicating the average percentage of programs that we collectively came into contact with. From this, 18 functions were selected for the next tool of our process.



The higher the percentage of a function that we experienced, the more like it would be for it to appear on our group chart to stay true to the derive. If we were going to use our data as a way to producing function and program we needed to represent it in what proportion we saw each function. For example we all experienced high numbers of residential so more residential was put on our group chart. This way, there is a strong likely hood that more residential will be drawn out from this process.




This chapter shows a series of results through the playing of our games. It exemplifies the possibilities generated through our tools, possibilities that may otherwise not have been considered through logical thinking. These results are only a handful of millions of possibilities for areas from ‘the generator’ and card games. The process helps generate unusual outcomes, outcomes that can also represent the random encounters experienced from the Derive and therefor in keeping true to it. This new data not only represents the context we experienced of Hamburg, but with the tools we have decontextualized the context to create new context that can now be overlaid onto the site.


We then designed a pack of cards to represent our 54 functions that we could draw out to give us the programs that would interact with the outer context that had already been created from ‘The Generator’. We draw 3 cards each that would then overlap with the 9 outcomes from ‘The Generator’. Once we drew out 9 programs we would return them to the pack and shuffle to allow them to be draw again with yet another side of ‘The Generator’. By replacing the cards to the pack, it allows us to redraw the same card more than once allowing a fair game.

Now that we have our outer and inner context, we had to design a process as to how these contexts can get randomly over laid together.







We then took it in turns to alternate the generator until we had altered it 54 times to ensure we had generated a random combination. The numbers within each face could then correlate to our processed information, which is where the introduction of random permutations of context begins from the 9 programs within each face that would generate an area.


Researching The Situationists, we took their idea of play as a precedent and designed a process in which we would not have an input on how the outer context would mix with the inner. We used the help of “The generator’ to mix up our collective 54 elements of outer context.





Following the completion of all previous chapters, we can now begin the process of applying the data onto the site. This chapter explains the steps that are taken to transfer the out context areas created by the generator, whilst keeping true to their position on our Derive, within an appropriate proportion for the site. The appropriate proportion for the site can be identified through experimentation and trial and error. Once the proportion is determined, the pieces can fall onto the site, where unpredictably exciting juxtapositions can occur. It is only within the final stage, after allowing these pieces to fall true to the Derive, does a design input get introduced to adjust the existing site to cater for the new pieces accordingly.



To acquire a reasoned approach for the process of transitioning the generated game results onto the site required the experimentation of different ideas and concepts. As this stage of the urban design process became the most vulnerable to interpretation, which could in turn delude the transition from keeping true to the games rigorous process, it was fundamental that ideas were explored and discussed in search for the solution in best keeping to the previous stages. An initial idea was to simply use the process up until this point as a tool for the assistance in designing these permutations that would otherwise not have occurred through common urban design stages, but instead, use the game results to help generate ideas that can then be designed. Exploring this initial concept, the process proved successful in doing exactly this, as it had created a series of permutations that sparked design ideas and resulted in an interesting ‘collage’ design approach, where each generator face become an ‘area’ with distinct characteristics using the elements that fell within each face. For example, within area 1, the element of ‘Regimentation’ is evidently hinted through the subtle gridded layout of the urban fabric. It is also apparent that the the small park element has also been implemented within this area. Other elements can also be seen such as the proposal of an iconic structure as well as a water feature within one of the blocks courtyards. What these elements therefore do is provide the content to design within that area, eliminating the struggle of estabolishing what context has to be implemented within what area. Looking at area 2 as another example, the urban blocks have been taken from within Hamburg, representing the typological form stated within the element on the face of the generator. In this case, the typology of working class two story terraced homes have been placed within this area, with independent stores placed on some ground level units. The element of ‘boulevards’ has also influenced this area, creating a specific characteristic of being a green and welcoming to area the public. Although a useful tool for the assistance in generating a creative and unexpected approach towards the urban ‘design’ process, we concluded that this process was too ‘loose’ and not in keeping with the rigorousness of the previous stages of the process to create our final master plan. The reasons for this decision primarily came about with the lack of distinction of boundaries between the location of elements. It also did not provide any rules towards the layout and how each generator face intersected with one another. Ultimately, it became just another form of ‘total design’. This resulted in the continuation of the search for the selected layering process.




A further concept explored for the transition of the game results onto the site was an approach that also allowed an element of design into the process. In this instance, each of the six faces of the generator were transformed into an almost diagrammatic representation of the content of elements within each face. The idea behind this was to not only take the existing context from Hamburg in a purer form, but to also allow for each element to be captured through simplistic means and in keeping truer to the position of each element within the face. In turn, this allowed interesting juxtapositions of contexts to occur as shown on the generator. This approach was in response to the experimental outcomes of concept I being too loose and more so in keeping true to elements positions within each of the six faces. In Concept I, the generator elements just became implemented within that particular area through design and lost its rigidity of the generator juxtapositions. The approach of Concept II on the other hand now created conceptual diagrams that kept truer to the context positions and sparked more of an imaginative approach as it could then be placed onto the site and fixed within the existing fabric. The diagrams on the right indicate each area of the generator represented in this diagrammatic form, which as a process further sparked some interesting concepts within themselves. For example, area 3 indicated the possibility of combining one of the outer context elements of a dry-dock with the functions of a pop-up market within it. As a result, the concept briefly manifested into a multi-functional dry-dock that could be used a market space at certain times, becoming a node within that area and a place of social activity.


This was an interesting idea that may never have come about if not for this process. Likewise to area 3, within area 1 the contexts of a public park with an engineering plant had been combined to allow the plant to sit within the park. Two contexts that otherwise may have been separated as they are not usually associated to work with one another. It is these types of permutations that this process allows to question and experiment with, which represented some of the multi-functional uses we experienced within Hamburg..







Although very different to Concept I, Concept II proved to have similar issues of allowing too much design input which taken away the uniqueness of the game process. On the other hand, it also proven to be a strategy that complimented the process from a design point of view, with the process assisting in creating interesting ideas and juxtapositions for urban design. Although not a satisfactory strategy to stop exploring with, this process did introduce the idea of creating nodes and catalysts as an urban design approach, opposed to a dominative full scale Urban Design scheme such as concept I. This method therefore steered away from the ideology of ‘total’ design, and instead sparked the idea of the outer context elements becoming catalysts that would in turn alter the future course of evolution within the site they were applied to. The challenge of developing this strategy was to develop a system that would keep true to the nature of the games and re-visiting the Derive, our true experience of Hamburg.



Although the conceptual strategies for applying the game results onto the site proved to be viable possibilities, particularly from a design point of view, the continuation of experimenting into different strategies lead us to look back to the Derive in search of a method that would generate a stronger reason towards the final product of our Urban Design approach. In doing so, we insisted to pursue the implementation of the outer context as catalysts that were true to the generator outcomes, but one that also came about from a strategy that would place these context catalysts in keeping within their position on the Derive too. The solution that we created for this final stage of the method to transfer the outer context onto the site was the creation of a system that would place the pieces of urban fabric onto the site without having an input, and therefore leaving the final outcome to chance in keeping with the nature of the previous stages. The first key point of this method is to split the site into six areas in representation of the six areas of outer context from the generator. Through trial and error, A2 sized grids were selected for these areas as they best suited the scale of the site, with A3 grids creating ah highly dense overlay of pieces, and A1 grids leaving each piece of fabric too isolated to become sufficient catalysts. With this, the Derive also had a corresponding reference grid overlaid, from which grid references could be made to correlate the position of urban fabric from the Derive onto the site on a proportionate scale. The urban fabric that fell within each of the six faces were then individually placed from the position that we experienced them within the Derive onto the same corresponding location on the scaled site grid. This process resulted in the Derive position selecting the location of the Urban fabric of the generator outcomes onto the site, resulting in there being no design input into the positioning of the context, but insteadt allowing the system to do it automatically. The result of this was that the context was taken from its true position from where we experienced it within Hamburg, whilst keeping true to the results of the generator faces.


Stage 1 - Derive Location

Stage 2 - True Scaling 1

Stage 3 - Placement On Site 2


4. Villa Type


21. Street Buers 18. High Street 5. Terrace Type 21. Street Buers

19. Public Park 20. Boulavard 14. New and Old 3. Small Terraces 34. Homelessness 6. Urban Lake 22. Playground High Street .17 37. Square Trade Courtyard .26 Regimentation. 32 29. Cultural Drive 15. Function 16. Iconic Buildings 1. Low Density 26. Pedestrianisation Change 8. Skyscraper 23. City Canals Local Stores .35 6. Grand Building 52. Womans 53. Sculpture Water Commute 33. Busker .42 Steps 28. Street Markets 51. Childrens Play 9. Dry Dock 10. Containerisation

38. Water Event





27. Summer House

44. Lookout Tower

31. Industrial Drive

45. Builders Path







12. Energy & Engineering

13. Suistainability 7. Block Type

2. IBA Housing

This stage now introduces the application of the six generated areas onto the site, not only by orientating around keeping true to the results of the generator, but by also being true to its location within the Derive. This diagram shows the isolated location of each permutation across Hamburg, it is fundamental that the placement of the newly generated context is related towards our Derive as this is the Hamburg that we have experienced and understand. Within this stage, a reference grid has been inserted for the scaling process, which will allow the Derive content locations to be scaled appropriately for the placement on the site.

The scaling process indicates the location of where each generated permutation will fall onto the site. With each generated area containing its combination of permutations that are located true to the Derive, it is through the scaling process where it is scaled to fit onto the site appropriately by using the Derive reference grid, a tool to simply map and place each onto an A2 sheet ( Grid Boundary). The scaling process allows for the densification of these fragments of Hamburg in correlation to the site. Through the experimentation of the different scales we concluded a scale that would allow for these fragments of Hamburg to penetrate the existing fabric as nodes.

The scaled grid boundary (A2 sheet) containing the six generators areas, are now inserted onto the existing site. It is here where these nodes that capture the true essence of Hamburg penetrate the existing fabric, intruding the existing context. This process results in a random mix of our Hamburg ingredients to inject multi-programmatic nodes of Hamburg’s true experienced context into areas that are at risk of remaining stagnated and lifeless, allowing room for them to influence the course of the areas evolution process.

The grid now contained the fragments of de-contextualised context that capture the essence of Hamburg being placed onto the site. Here, interesting overlays and juxtapositions occur within the existing fabric that would otherwise not have occurred through regular urban design methods. The purpose of this strategy was to allow the rigidity of the games emphasis of chance play out within this final stage, and in keeping with the nature of the experimentation and playfulness of the previous stages. The purpose of this stage was also not to treat the site as a fresh slate approach, but instead allow it to follow the idea of collage city, which tried to re-orientate single vision concepts into a multivalent view of city form.


Stage 3 - Placement On Site

By individually placing these pieces It allows certain area to become nodes and point of reference around the site, as well it reduces the risk of areas becoming stagnated and lifeless, which gives room for new influence over time. This idea of splitting up the existing area has taken reference from Roma Interrotta. Roma Interrotta was a competition held in 1978, to reimagine Rome. In which the Nolli Map became paradigm of modern urban planning, this Nolli plan showing building and void space of Rome was given to 12 architects in which they were assigned urbanised portions of the map. By appointing each architect to an area it resulted in, ‘twelve contextualised yet highly individualistic endeavours that correspond to and shift towards a narrative of fragmented and plural subjectivities that is typical of postmodernity’ For example; One of the twelve architects James Stirling took an approach that used his own built and unbuilt projects in which he related them to similar urban and architectural condition that created a new image for the given area.


The purpose of the layering was to place these pieces onto the site, where unpredictably

The scaled grid boundary (A2 sheet) containing the six54 generators areas, are now inserted onto the existing site. It is here where these nodes that capture the true essence of Hamburg penetrate the existing fabric, intruding the existing context. This process results in a random mix of our Hamburg ingredients to inject multi-programmatic

exciting juxtapositions can occur. The purpose of this stage was not to treat the site as a fresh slate approach but instead it followed the idea of collage city. Which results in the usual way of shape forming and zoning, which leaves the areas dull and boring, instead with our method we have used fragments of Hamburg that each inturn is part of its own context and in doing so overlaid onto the site with the existing fabric will start to recreate itself.



The intervention of context from the application of this process is evident at a scale of 1:5000, where the new context can be seen overlaid with the existing context. The extent of juxtapositions created through this method becomes very apparent, and the harshness of new fabric breaking into the existing fabric shows the rigorousness of this approach. At this scale, it is also evident to notify the importance of obtaining a well proportioned reference grid to allow the nodes of new context to be placed upon the site appropriately and proportionately, allowing them to assist in the shift of the areas future course of evolution. The ideology behind this being that these nodes of decontextualised fragments of context that have been injected into the site as a new context will change the destiny of the sites future from remaining considerably stagnated and lifeless from being imprisoned by from its single uses. Furthermore, from this scale, it is evident that our process has succeeded in generating our own approach toward a ‘collage city’, from which the playfulness of the Situationists has influenced us through the Derive and the approach of using games within the process. The purpose of


collaging was to allow the poetics of Utopia, but with the juxtaposition and layering of smaller designs into a whole, lacking prescription, remembrance, context and meaning. It allows the city to create itself and it can form its own meaning from borrowed fragments. Although this approach wasn’t to question functionalism and utopian design, it does intend to go against how designing for one piece of data, from which you are inevitably going to create only one way of tackling it, resulting in the generic shape forming and zoning of modern urban design. This generic process ultimately leaves areas to become dull and boring, whereas with this method we have allowed for the fragments of Hamburg to recreate themselves in a new context. As a side experiment, we tested the possibility of now overlaying a second game result as a second phase to this scale, but concluded that it went away from our thinking of these nodes becoming catalysts, and that they instead just created a highly dense clusters of new context that didn’t allow room for clarification or intervention into the existing fabric.



By investigating area two within a smaller scale, the fragments of outer context can now be implemented into the existing context in detail and the conditions that occur from this process can be dealt with to work into a feasible scheme. Here, the new context has been embedded true to its position from the Derive, where-by the juxtapositions have generated interesting proposals throughout the area. More obvious examples of juxtaposition can be found along the canal, a device usually associated with rigidity to allow for the movement of boats to transport goods. Here, fragments have overlaid into the canal, intruding into it’s previously un-touched boundaries. This is a good example of how this process generates situations that would otherwise not have come about through a regular design process, as we would consciously associate the boundaries of the canal to remain in tact. In keeping realistic towards the functionality of the scheme, the likes of Industrial Drive, which is the series of urban forms overlaying the canal at an angle, would therefore cantilever over the water to allow for the canals to remain functional. Another example of the juxtapositions imposed onto the existing context can be seen North of the scheme, where a cluster of small units gather together. For this area, we de-fractured both the existing and proposed context, to create a new context as a series of mis-matched, almost vernacular units.


In being considerate to the existing fabric, the footprint of any existing units that have been removed have been implemented in other ways such as paving patterns through the public realm, giving a sense of nostalgia to the sites previous conditions. Slightly west to this location is another prime example of the juxtapositions imposed, with a series of working class homes dropping within an existing building. To cater for this, and in keeping true to the results, we superimposed the two together, which in plan comes across as awkward and incorrect to our usual thinking towards urban design. However, in following through with it, it creates a unique situation in what was previously a lifeless area. In turn, we optimise that it is these nodes that would generate the interest to allow the area to manifest from within this node. Public realm has been used to assist in allowing the new context to intervene with the existing context in a successful way across the scheme. For example, towards the south east of the plan, a new iconic structure has been placed from the outer context, in which the implementation of public realm has assisted in placing it within its existing environment which is predominantly industrial. This public realm also assists in connecting each nodes, with the intention of them influencing future intervention within the area by sparking potential of areas that may otherwise not have been foreseen.



The investigation into area five also provided the opportunity to embed the new context within the existing context within detail, whilst also playing with a completely different series of new elements of urban fabric from the Derive. The implemented nodes within this area of the master plan appears more polite in comparison to area two, with a higher volume of existing area remaining untouched. However, in keeping true to the results of the process it also generated some further interesting new context. Within this area, awkward positionings are visually expressed through the form of a plan. For example, the summer dwellings which have been imposed onto the existing fabric towards the East of the master plan presents the new situation of crossing between land and water, so in keeping true to the results, the land has been extended into the water’s edge to cater for it. Likewise, the experimental housing that has been placed within the water south of the master plan has also delivered a brand new typology to the area. Another example of these kind of situations occurring from this process is evident within the urban park, which when placed upon the site follows no existing formations, street patterns or topography. Upon placement of the park over the existing context, we then intervened with the existing context to cater for the new context, with some structures being altered within the park to cater for the areas new functions.


In some cases, existing structures have been sliced, to emphasise the juxtaposition. New urban fabric such as this will hopefully spark new possibilities to its surroundings by acting as a node of activity and life. Some of the other fabric placed onto the site do not come across as randomly placed, but their typological nature and scale do sit out of place. For example, towards the western part of the site, three towers align to an existing water reservoir. The towers appear to sit into the plan quite politely, but as the shadows indicate, the scale of these three towers are of a completely different scale to any of the existing structures within this area. Similarly to area two, area five has used public realm to inter connect these new fragments of context. The event of a ‘building site path’, interweaves through the site, whilst the event of a viewing platform along the water’s edge has manifested into the creation of a promenade to connect the summer dwellings with the experimental housing. As with area two, the intention of these nodes is to create an alternative path of evolution for the future of this site. These nodes will hopefully defragment any proposals for the area that are of ‘total design’, and create the possibility of an alternate and more interesting route to develop it.



This isometric sketch to the left indicates the master plan in a three dimensional format, allowing us to better understand the conditions created between the new and old context within area two. Here, we can also see how some of the newly proposed functions created through the creating program stage fall within the master plan. From the perspective of a three dimensional view of the scheme, the juxtapositions have in several cases appeared to have worked successfully. For example, the new boulevard, although placed upon existing structures and not following any existing street patterns, appears to have established itself as an attractive new street that leads into the new cluster of independent stores. The iconic structure has coincidentally landed amongst the canal edge, giving its coinciding public realm the additional element of water. From studying the street condition through perspective drawings, we can further see how these new elements collaborate on a more humane scale.



Here, the juxtaposition of new urban forms clashing with existing urban forms can also be analysed, whereby the new working class houses merge into an existing building within the southern site. New functions are also implemented here, with the existing structure now becoming a hotel and hospital. This is an example of how multi-programmatic buildings have been generated through-out the scheme. It further shows the extent of public realm invested into the area through this process, as greenery now merges the old and new, whilst creating a new natural environment for the working class dwellings, as well as an oasis for the hospital and hotel occupants to enjoy. In comparison to the existing sites dominance of empty industrial brown fields, these green oasis’s will become a positive node for the area.



Within this area, the three dimensional view indicates that although some of the new context may appear polite on plan, the scale of some of the new context introduced becomes out of place in scale. The three towers central to this three dimensional study dominate the existing site. In some form, they generate a correlation to the existing water tower that we have indicated with the function of Faith. The towers create a completely new typologocial form within this area, and their height will generate visual anchors from the surrounding areas. The function of a nursery has been inserted into these towers creating an alternative function indicating the variety that the process of these games can generate. The outer context event of a busker has also generated an amphitheatre, which in itself could generate new possibilities for the area in the form of events. The introduction of a cemetery into the existing green area adds to the complexity of functions now introduced within this area.



Environmental Strategy & Costing 69


The site benefits from being accessible from various forms of transportation. Central between the north and the south of the site lies an extensive train depot, from which train lines from across Germany pass through. These train lines offer an economical method of transporting construction materials into the centre of the urban site in a clean and efficient way. As the depot lies centrally, once materials have been deposited they can be stored within the brown fields amongst the tracks until required on site. In doing this, it will ensure that the sites are kept clear and minimise visual pollution for the existing occupants. As well as a central train depot the site also benefits from being surrounded by water, where materials could further be transported through clean and efficient means. Here, a series of additional construction depots could also be establish through-out the site whereby the materials could arrive and be stored until needed on site. In doing this we would intend to minimise disruption to the daily traffic within the area by reducing the requirement of heavy goods vehicles delivering materials and therefore minimise the risk of creating road congestion. In using the waterways we would also be contributing to the city’s Port Authority’s ambition of using the waterways for Innovative Transport Systems, whereby they desire to prevent future overburdening of the existing infrastructure through making greater use of their water connections.


With the intervention of our new Urban Fabric, some areas of road infrastructure have been altered. In keeping with the Expansion and Restructuring to road networks outlines by the Port Authority, we would ensure that all alterations and additions to the existing road networks would optimise traffic management systems that would ensure a smooth flow of traffic. As well as this, areas affected from the proposed scheme would benefit from improved re-surfacing, prolonging the lifespan of the areas infrastructure and improving site conditions and connections through-out the site. Improved infrastructure can also encourage activities such as walking and cycling opposed to the use of motor vehicles. In establishing these methods, we would be contributing towards the overall ambition of the Water, Railway and Road Development plan set out by the Hamburg Port Authority. The diagram indicates how the construction materials could be brought into the site, stored in depots and re-distributed to construction areas.



We desire to set out a series of policies that will contribute towards the Green Building Programme developed in 2005 by the Institute for Energy and Transport for the European Union aimed at improving the enerfy efficiency of non-residential buildings in Europe. In order to contribute towards this, materials will be recycled and locally sourced where possible. As some of the works require the demolition of existing structures throughout the scheme, materials that can be recycled and re-used will be. To allow the application of this strategy to be as accessible and economical as possible, the materials will be distributed and organised within one of the new site depots to keep them located locally whilst further contributing towards keeping the transportation of materials to a minimum. In contributing to the Green Building Programme, new materials be locally sourced and transported to site through one of the ecological strategies proposed by use of trains or water where possible.


The manufacturing and assembly of materials and construction components will also take advantage of the wide range of local factories and warehouses within the industrial area of Bille, to further benefit the local economy during the construction works. The choice of new materials will also be environmentally conscious and selected upon their performance and aesthetics based upon the research of the National Institute of Building Sciences. The intention of this is to keep emissions to a minimum whilst ensuring the contribution towards a prolonged energy plan for the scheme. The diagram indicates some examples of existing industrial establishments that could be used during the phase of works. These establishments vary from material manufacturers and distributors to industrial machinery warehouses.



To investment towards the sustainable future of our proposal, we desire to contribute towards the Port Authority’s Innovative Sustainability Concepts policy through the implementation of an Industrial Drive centre within the scheme. Here, innovative ideas towards sustainable and renewable energy will be generated through an academia established within the centre. This centre will provide the opportunity for jobs and education, with the ambition of its participation towards generating a leading role within the continual challenge of creating new and innovative renewable energy methods. The Industrial Drive centre could collaborate with the DEKRA academy within Bille, which already has a series of training and education programs within industrial careers. As well as this, the scheme desires to play its part in contributing towards the Senate of Hamburg’s aim to generate more than 100MW from wind power facilities through the establishment of the new context of sustainability created by the generator. Here, the latest technology of renewable energy strategies will be implemented, including a small scale urban wind and solar farms that would be capable of generating the majority of the new urban fabrics energy needs. This would in turn contribute towards the Energiewende movement which seeks to eliminate fossil and nuclear fuels in favour of renewable energy which is supported by a majority of the cities citizens.


Whilst aspiring to contribute towards these collective goals from Hamburg as a whole, we further aspire to implement our own ambition of allowing these new catalysts of urban fabric within our scheme to also become catalysts from a new aspect of manifesting a zero-waste town. In order to achieve this, all new fabric will follow the principle of ‘Towards Zero Waste’ outlined by TCPA of introducing Eco-towns as catalysts for change for performance in surrounding areas through the method of viewing waste as a resource through the outlines waste hierarchy being: Reduce, Re-use, Recycle, Energy Recovery, Dispose. The diagram indicates the location of the Industrial Drive centre within the site, which would become the new centre for innovative energy solutions for the future self-sufficiency of the area, which will be delivered through the education and experimentation of new renewable strategies.



Our scheme desires to respect and implement the goals set out within The Environmental and Climate Protection and Nature Conservation set out by the Port Authority of Hamburg. The desires of the Climate Protection is to keep the city’s air clean and as harmless to the environment as possible and the Nature conservation deems the protection of wildlife and sea life within the city. The implementation of public realm generated across the scheme that allows the new context to coincide with the existing context will contribute to both of these factors. Throughout the public realm a green strategy has been implied to assist in diversifying the predominantly industrial brown field sites consistent across the site which in turn will vastly improves not only the public realm, but also the air quality whilst further encouraging the introduction of wildlife into the area.


Furthermore, the varying scales of urban parks that have been scattered by chance across the site through the design process vastly improve the existing site conditions and environment for the residents and workers of the area. Green spaces can greatly influence life style improvements through the encouragement of exercise and outdoor activities, bringing about health benefits and quality of life. This will contribute towards the ambitions European Innovative Partnership on Active and Healthy Aging, which seeks innovation for age-friendly buildings, cities and environments across the European Union. The master plans of areas two and five indicate only the proposed greenery and public realm within the schemes to emphasise the extent of how the policy has been implemented.



In February 1962, Hamburg was left flooded by the storm front of Vincinette. The water had swept over the north German coast bring water levels up to 5.7 meters above sea level. The unexpected flood wiped out almost all of the cities infrastructure. The flood led to a turning point in coastal protection and disaster preparedness. There are two main flooding problems in Hamburg, storm surges and heavy rain. In new developments around Hamburg the city puts its trust in dyke safety. In terms of our master plan as a large mass, it would be advised to have a environmental engineer to look at our site and see if any of our buildings have an affect on any of Hamburgs existing dykes.

Many of our buildings are being built close to the waters edge and therefore flooding strategies will be enforced within these buildings. For example, within the new development of HafenCity and Wilhelmsburg, no buildings ground floor is inhabited. The ground floors can only be occupied by offices and businesses, not homes. Buildings shall include metal doors that close during floods to help prevent water damage. The idea behind this is to give the water space to flow instead of trying to prevent its flow. As shown on the section. Steps are used so they can be used for usable space as well as providing a footing to give the height of 7.5 meters above sea level. Flood Metal Doors


A Cross-Section of the Apartment Blocks Along the Sandtorkai



The management of household waste and recycling can differ between different regions in Hamburg. Recycling stations which are called ‘Recyclinghof’ can be found in most areas around the city. These Recycling centres are drop-off points fir bulky waste, green waste, recyclables, hazardous materials as well as old clothes and small electrical appliances. There are four recycling centres around the site so any residential proposed on the site will be able to uses these. The CEO of the Hamburg municipal Waste Company, Professor Ruddier Siechau explains that the city of Hamburg has a huge success at combining waste to energy with recycling. Hamburg produce energy from waste, gypsum, metals, cinder and bottom ash.By European and German waste legislation, it is no longer allowed for Hamburg to allow landfill household waste without thermal or mechanical-biological pre treatment. European waste legislation works on a five step waste hierarchy; 1) prevention 2) preparing for re-use 3) recycling 4) other recovery and finally 5) disposal. These hierarchy steps allows for the use of disposal to be lowered. A thought will also be given to constructional waste. By managing construction waste properly it can help comply with environmental legislation, reduce the costs and assist in creating a positive approach to our scheme. There are a number of buildings on the site in which will be removed. These removed materials should be reduced, reused or recycled if possible. When possible, building materials should be reused instead of disposed such as reused brick. The disposal of waste should be the last resort.






Costing for the Cemetery & Associated Works has used the cost guidelines of ‘Spon’s Architect’s and builders’ price book’ 2015 edition for Paving & Re-surfacing, Landscaping New Curtain Walling. Remediation, contamination and demolition costs were based on the Homes & Communities Agency’s ‘Guidance on dereliction, demolition and remediation costs March 2015’ and Bridge costs based on Moses Bridge precedent project.

Costing for the Urban Park & Associated Works has used the cost guidelines of ‘Spon’s Architect’s and builders’ price book’ 2015 edition for Refurbishment works, Pavilion and Landscaping. Remediation, contamination and demolition costs were based on the Homes & Communities Agency’s ‘Guidance on dereliction, demolition and remediation costs March 2015’.

Cemetery & Associated Works TYPE OF WORKS Remediation / Contamination Works Demolition Works Site Investigation: Site Demolition: Site Clearance: New curtain walls Water Bridge Paving & Resurface Ampitheatre: Stage: Walkways Landscaping Cemetary Trees Semi Mature: Heavy Standard:

Urban Park & Associated Works COST OF WORKS £192.5m2 £50m2 £106.5m2 £ 15m2 £200m2 3620m2 £48.5m2 £125m2 £48.5m2 £63.5m2 £375 £110


AREA OF WORKS TOTAL 9287m2 £1, 787, 747 216.1m2 £10, 805 648.3m2 £69, 043.05 216.1m2 £3,241.50 300m2 £60,000 421m2 £1,524,020 395.3m2 £19,182 810.4m2 £101,300 468m2 £22,698 92879m2 £589,787 Qty: 3 £1,125 Qty: 9 £1,080 AREA TOTAL: £4,175,983.5

TYPE OF WORKS Remediation / Contamination Works Demolition Works Site Investigation: Site Demolition: Site Clearance: Refurbishment Waterproofing: Sutdio Fit-out: Pavillion Substructure: Landscaping Trees Semi Mature: Heavy Standard:

COST OF WORKS £192.5m2 £50m2 £106.5m2 £ 15m2 £50m2 £645m2 £177.5m2 £63.5m2 £375 £110

AREA OF WORKS 22935m2 4689.6m2 14,068.8m2 4689.6m2 4689.6m2 4689.6m2 193m2 22,935m2 Qty: 8 Qty: 11

TOTAL £4,414,987.50 £234,480 £1,498,327.20 £70, 344 £234,480 £3,024,792 £34,257.50 £4,456,372.50 £3,000 £1,320

AREA TOTAL: £10,950,593.49




Costing for IBA Housing to cater for Working Class is based on precedent project for sustainable affordable homes titled ‘Future Homes Project’ in Wales. Costs for piling and elevating within water taken from ‘Spon’s Architect’s and builders’ price book’ 2015 edition.

Costing for the Inland Summer Houses & Associated Works has used the cost guidelines of ‘Spon’s Architect’s and builders’ price book’ 2015 edition for Demolition, Landscaping, Paving, and Drainage Surface Water. Summer Houses was also referenced with Spon’s costings of Affordable Homes.

IBA Housing / Working Class Homes Inland Summer Houses & Associated Works

TYPE OF WORKS Sustainable Affordable Housing Interlocking Water Sheet Piling

COST OF WORKS £1500m2 £4300m2

AREA OF WORKS 10,631.4m2 3543.8m2

TOTAL £15,947,100 £15,238, 340

AREA TOTAL: £31,185,440

SUB-TOTAL: £46,312,016.99

TYPE OF WORKS Demolition Works Surface Clearance: Landscaping Paving Walkways Drainage Surface Water Summer Houses

COST OF WORKS £23m2 £63.5m2 £48.5m2 £165m2 £1283m2

Total Cost for this phase of works £46,315, 851.70 / €64, 019, 212.00

TOTAL £234,362 £504, 888 £97, 000 £330, 000 £1,106,535

AREA TOTAL: £2,272,785

An important cost consideration is the location where the work is being undertaken. The cost data published in Spon’s is based on an Outer London location and regional adjustment factors are included (e.g. for North West, you would reduce by 12%). However, these are limited to UK locations. Labour costs in Germany compared to UK in 2014 were approximately (31.8/22.2) = 43% higher. If assuming that labour cost is c. 1/3 of the total cost, then an allowance of 43%/3 = +14% for Hamburg has been comprehended. 84

AREA OF WORKS 9951m2 7951m2 2000m2 2000m2 862.5m2




Costing for the Inland Summer houses & Associated Works has used the cost guidelines of ‘Spon’s Architect’s and builders’ price book’ 2015 edition for, Interlocking Water Sheet Piling, Landscaping, Paving and Summer Houses.

Costing for the Promenade & Associated Works has used the cost guidelines of ‘Spon’s Architect’s and builders’ price book’ 2015 edition for and Bridge Construction and Trees. External Works including landscaping, paving, lighting and steps to water edge based on precedent of Colwyn Bay Waterfront in Wales by K2 Architects.

Outland Summer Houses & Associated Works

Promonade & Associated Works






Interlocking Water Sheet Piling Landscaping Paving Summer Houses

£4300m2 £63.5m2 £48.5m2 £1,283m2

6953m2 11,106m2 2,800m2 862.5m2

£29,897,900 £705,231 £135, 800 £1,106,535

Bridge Construction External Works Trees



£1,150m2 1003.4m2 £510m2 14,797m2 20% Contingency for wall water reinforcement Semi Mature: £375 Qty: 24 Heavy Standard: £120 Qty: 25

TOTAL £1,153,910 £7,546,470 £1,509,294 £8,952 £3,000

AREA TOTAL: £31,140,235 AREA TOTAL: £10. 221, 576





Costing for the Bar in Proposed Church Architype used the cost guidelines of ‘Spon’s Architect’s and builders’ price book’ 2015 edition for the Religious Facilities (D6). Cutting and Forming Openings and Waterproofing.

Costing for the Small Independent Retail used the cost guidelines of Turner & Townsend International Construction Markey Survey from 2015 for the Small Retail. For Demolition Works, Paving and Re-surfacing ‘Spon’s Architect’s and builders’ price book’ 2015 edition has been referenced to.

Small Independent Retail

Bar in Proposed Architype - Church TYPE OF WORKS





Religious Facilities (D6) Cutting and Forming Openings Waterproofing

£1425m2 £9640m2 £50m2

1403m2 24m2 1965m2

£1,999,275 £231,360 £98,250

Demolition Works

AREA TOTAL: £2,328,885

Site Investigation: Site Demolition: Site Clearance:

Small Retail Paving & Re-surfacing




£50m2 £106.5m2 £ 15m2 £1,3702m2 £48.5m2

8772m2 8772m2 8772m2 8979m2 4150m2

£175, 440 £596, 496 £131,580 £12,301,230 £201,275

SUB-TOTAL: £45,963,481


AREA TOTAL: £13, 510,061




Homes & Communities Agency’s ‘Guidance on dereliction, demolition and remediation costs March 2015’ Guidance_2015.pdf ‘Spon’s Architect’s and builders’ price book’ 2015 edition online at:

Costing for the Three Tower Complex used the cost guidelines of Turner & Townsend International Construction Markey Survey from 2015 for the Office up to 20 floors. 5* Hotel and Nursey. For Demolition Works, Paving and Landscaping ‘Spon’s Architect’s and builders’ price book’ 2015 edition has been referenced to.

Three Tower Complex TYPE OF WORKS Demolition Works

Tower One Build Tower Two Build Tower Three Build Landscaping Paving

Site Investigation: Site Demolition: Site Clearance: Office up to 20 flr Office up to 20 flr Nursery 5* Hotel Office

COST OF WORKS £50m2 £106.5m2 £ 15m2 £1,587m2 £1,587m2 £1,176m2 £2,380m2 £1335m2 £63.5m2 £48.5m2

AREA OF WORKS 576.91m2 576.91m2 576.91m2 1681.74m2 2,842.9m2 631.76m2 284.95m2 626.89m2 132.80m2 10,314.6m2

TOTAL £11,538.20 £39,229.88 £8,653.65 £2,668,921.00 £742,949.76 £4,511,714.04 £678,181.00 £836, 898.15 £8,432.80 £881,900.87

‘Welsh Future Homes Project’ BRE online at: ‘Moses Bridge by RO&AD’ domus online at: ‘Adjusting for location indices’ ‘Colwyn Bay Watersports Centre’ ‘Turner & Townsend International Construction Markey Survey from 2015’

AREA TOTAL: £10,388,419

TOTAL OVERALL COST: £116,173,977.99 90


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