Housing A Critical Perspective
08th April Schedule
Eleanor Rathbone Building, University of Liverpool.
Morning Session 9:00 - 9:30
Eleanor Rathbone Building
9:30 - 10:30
Opening Keynote
Leslie Hernshaw Auditorium
10:45 - 11:15
Session 1.1
Session 1.2
Session 1.3
Seminar Room 3 Theme: Housing and Urbanism Lead Presentation 1. Dieter Rink & Annegret Haase. Urban Growth, Reurbanization and the housing challenge.
Seminar Room 6 Theme: Co-operatives Lead Presentation 1. Carolin Schröder. Shared Exclusivity - Housing cooperatives and Urban Solidarity
Seminar Room 11 Theme: Resident Participation Lead Presentation 1. Michael Darcy & Dallas Rogers. The real ’Housos’ - reclaiming identity and place.
11:30 - 1:00pm
2. 3.
2. Marianna Moreira & Rafael Almeida. The role of social movements in housing - Rio de Janeiro 3. Alan Southern, Udi Engelsman, Mike Rowe. Don’t answer back! 4. Halima Sacranie The Role of Partnerships in Community Led Housing: Case study
2. Cecil Sagoe. Governing Housing through Neighbourhood Planning in Gretaer London 3. Albane Duvillier. Mapping London’s Housing struggles 4. Bengi Yurtsever & Çiğdem Polatoğlu. Dilemma at Renewed Housing Zones:
1:00 - 2:00pm
Paul Chatterton. Author Low Impact LivingA Field Guide to Ecological, Affordable Community Building.
Ilkim Markoc & Candan Cinar. The case of Sarıgöl, Istanbul. Karim Hadjri. A critical analysis of urban regeneration programmes in Europe. 4. Eusebio Alonso. Actions for recovering the absent city - strategies of intervention.
Eleanor Rathbone Building
Afternoon Session 2:00 - 3:30pm
Session 2.1
Session 2.2
Session 2.3
Seminar Room 3 Theme: Art and Resident Participation
Seminar Room 6 Theme: Wealth and Development
Seminar Room 11 Theme: DIY
1. Moa Liew & Christel Nisbeth. [favourit housing] new architectural communication methods 2. Mahnaz Pejam. The House as Home 3. S. Basdogan & C. Cinar. Rent Perception, the Market and Istanbul’s Urban Transformations
1. Feride Önal & M.Zafer Akdemir. Housing and Exclusion in Tarlabasi 2. S. Joglekar & N. Heuer Opposite extremes: the monotony of design in fossil fuel economies 3. Nelson Mota. From the Kebele to the Condominium - neoliberal displacement in Ethiopia
1. Cristina Cerulli. A Social Ecology of Collective ‘DIY’ Approaches to Housing in UK 2. Andrew Jarman. What can the housing market learn from techniques of self-build homes? 3. Matthew Thomson. Towards democracy in design: community land trust development in Liverpool
3:30 - 3:45pm
3:45 - 5:15pm
Session 3.1
Session 3.2
Session 3.3
Seminar Room 3 Theme: Art Projects and Community
Seminar Room 6 Theme: Liverpool Housing Co-operatives
Seminar Room 11 Theme: Varied
1. Jonathan Orlek. Residential Performance as Architectural Research 2. Keely Macarow. Open for Inspection 3. Mark Parsons. A House for Today
1. Rob MacDonald. Third Wave Alternative Housing Interventions. Pt 1 2. Bill Halsall. Third Wave Alternative Housing Interventions. Pt 2 3. Tony McGann. Third Wave Alternative Housing Interventions. Pt 3
1. Adam Park. A home for life? A critical perspective on the ‘down-sizing’ debate in the UK. 2. Neil Burford & Carol Robertson. New Sustainable Housing Models Autarkic Rural Community 3. Filipa Fiúza & Ana Vaz MilheiroFilipa. Reinventing Luanda - Urbanization Plans of the City
5:30 - 6:30pm
Closing Keynote:
Kirsteen Paton, Author Gentrification: A Working-Class Perspective
Leslie Hernshaw Auditorium
Housing A Critical Perspective
09th April Schedule
John Lennon Art & Design Building, Liverpool John Moores University.
Morning Session 9:00 - 9:30
Public Exhibition Space, John Lennon Art & Design Building
9:30 - 10:30
Opening Keynote:
Johnson Foundation Auditorium, John Lennon Art & Design Building
10:45 - 11:15
Session 4.1
Session 4.2
Session 4.3
Lecture Room 1 Theme: Re-use and Flexibility Lead Presentation Carlos Garcia Vazquez: The Obsolescence of the Housing Typologies of Residential Estates
Lecture Room 2 Theme: State Agencies and Policies Lead Presentation Gary Sands: Can the Detroit Housing Market Recover?
Lecture Room 3 Theme: Prototypes and Models Lead Presentation Kathrin Pongratz: From Housing as a Verb to Housing as a Product
11:30 - 1:00pm
2. Ian Ewart & Chris Harty The Inadequate Provision of Disability Housing Adaptations 3. Alexandra Saranti. Social housing: Flexible types of dwelling 4. Arbil Otkunc. Adaptive Re-use of Residential Buildings
2. David Levend & Andrew Bernheimer Critical NYCHA: New York Housing 3. Emma Lindley. The role of the Government in subsidising affordable housing 4. Karlis Ratniek. Architectural Responses to Housing Crisis: Public Housing Projects in Riga
2. 3.
1:00 - 2:00pm
Ann O’Byrne, Assistant Mayor of Liverpool. Cabinet Member for Housing.
Eleni Katrini. Synergies of a Shared Household T. Jefferies & K. Logan. Hyperdense and Hyperdiffuse Housing in the UK. 4. Inês Ramalhete. A Framework for an Adaptive Housing Model for African Sub-Saharan Region
Public Exhibition Space, John Lennon Art & Design Building
Afternoon Session 2:00 - 3:30pm
Virtual Session 5.1
Virtual Session 5.2
Virtual Session 5.3
Lecture Room 1 Theme: Social Demographics in Asia Pacific
Lecture Room 2 Theme: Participation and Resistance
Lecture Room 3 Theme: Varied / International
1. Bing Chen & Nianxiong Liu. Affordable Housing in China from a socio-technical perspective 2. Gladys Arana-Lopez. A critical approach to housing in the 21st century - Southeast Mexico 3. O. Ijatuyi, E. Haarhoff, A. Melis. An Aging Population and the critical housing Question in new Zealand
1. Gregory Hayley. Housing, ecology, and the promise of community 2. J. Aran, Á. Moreno, L. Perea, R. Ruiz. Co-housing and participatory design for Senior Citizens 3. Kenton Card. Struggles to Create Collective Housing in Berlin
1. Virve Väisänen. Solo-living, Urban Settings, Workingage Adults – A Finnish Perspective 2. Mónica Pacheco. On Being Blue - large scale suburban development - Lisbon analysis - prerecorded 3. Donatella Rita Fiorino. Historical Heritage and social housing: a sustainable opportunity
3:30 - 3:45pm
Coffee Break
3:45 - 5:15pm
Session 6.1
Session 6.2
Session 6.3
Lecture Room 1 Theme: Design and Planning Strategies
Lecture Room 2 Theme: Ageing and House Design
Lecture Room 3 Theme: Typologies, Forms, Materials
1. Charlie Smith. Chasing the Grail - reconciling priorities to improve new housing 2. Claire Harper. Density: a numbers game, but what‘s the alternative? 3. Gemma Jerome and Marianne Heaslip. A Creative Response to the Legacy of HMRI in Liverpool
1. Amanda Smoot & Marilyn Bruin. Senior Housing: Critical Perspectives 2. Sam Clark. Looking Towards Retirement: Housing Older People & Moving Beyond Shades of Grey 3. S. Tirado-Herrero, S. Bouzarovski, S. Petrova. Beyond rent and mortgage repayments
1. Miguel Pires Amado. Parametric Elements to Modular Social Housing 2. Claudia Volberg. Terraced house typology as polis – Siedlung Halen as a long-term development 3. Marisol Vidal. Grey-haired neighbourhoods: aging concrete in residential buildings
5:30 - 6:15
Closing Keynotes:
6:15 - 7:30pm
Steven Hodder MBE, President, Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA)
Public Exhibition Space, John Lennon Art & Design Building
David Waterhouse. Head of Strategic Development. Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (Cabe)
Johnson Foundation Auditorium, John Lennon Art & Design Building