Jonny Hubble 2022 Portfolio
BA(Hons) Architecture Liverpool School of Art and Design
2020 Portfolio First Name Surname
About me I am a BA Architecture graduate from Liverpool John Moores University looking for a Part 1 Architectural Assistant role. Originally I grew up in Salford, Manchester and outside of architecture I am a big sports and music fan. In the future, I would like to practise sustainable, long-lasting architecture that benefits the public over many generations, not just in the present.
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Contents BA Year 3 Semester 2: Continuing 10 Streets’ Legacy
BA Year 3 Semester 1: A Resilient Lake District
BA Year 2 Semester 2: WOW Fest Literature Pavilion
Contact Information
Continuing 10 Streets’ Legacy
This building is located in 10 Streets, Liverpool and is surrounded by former docks and warehouses, such as the Tobacco Warehouse. These buildings, in the present day, have been repurposed as apartments, hotels and other businesses. The 10 Streets Legacy Building is designed with the concept of longevity in mind. Focusing on materiality, structural logic and quality lighting, it is designed in the present to be an office complex, but with the understanding that the function in 60-80 years could change, in the same way 10 Streets has since its origin.
Continuing 10 Streets’ Legacy
A Resilient Lake District
Fell Foot, in the Lake District has been victim to flooding in recent decades, most notably 2015. While the surrounding architecture tries its best to resist the increase in adverse weather conditions, it is only right that new buildings are designed with climate change in mind. The Fell Foot Library is designed to respond to the surrounding context. The library circulates around a tree, allowing the public to respond to nature while still being sheltered. The interior consists of a central library, glazed cafe facing Lake Windemere, secluded seating spaces with specific outfacing views and a circular walkway that allows the public to move freely between the seperate zones.
WOW Fest Literature Pavilion
The WOW Fest Literature Pavilion is a temporary project that emphasises some of the key themes of performance and creative voice: expressionism, individualism and flexibility. The building, located on Bold Street, uses polycarbonate to gives some visibility to the performer. The main performance space is centralised and is viewable on all 3 levels. The building is a steel frame and uses many curtains and sliding walls to allow the public to roam freely. Circulation is a key element of the building, shown by the vibrant staircase that leads the public from the performance space to seminar rooms and quiet seating areas.
Contact Information
Email: Contact Number: 07756512810 LinkedIn: