TD volume 2, issue 1

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The Diamond

Volume 2; Issue 1 September 2013

Are you ready to Venture at FLC in 14 days!! President’s Message:

In This Issue: 

President’s Message

Spirit Award



Member of the month

FLC 2013 Preview

October “The Diamond” preview

I hope you all had an amazing summer filled with many memorable moments. Now that school is back it is time to start working towards another successful DECA year. This summer I had the opportunity to attend SOLT to prepare myself to lead and VENTURE with Area 5. My goal is to increase the participation of our members by creating a more united atmosphere within Area 5 through the aspects of connections, community and competition. There are several ways to get involved from participating in the Area 5 spirit award, to attending Boot camp or the Thunderbirds night. Make sure to stay connected by “liking” the Area 5 Facebook Page where I constantly posted up to date and recent information regard several topics . I am excited for this year and I only see great things ahead for Area 5. - Wendy Menchu-Lopez | Are 5 President

Auburn High—Auburn Mountainview—Auburn Riverside—Decatur—Enumclaw— Federal Way—Global Connections— Highline—Kent-Meridian—Kentlake— Kentridge—Kentwood—Mount Rainier—Puget Sound Skills Center – Tahoma —Thomas Jefferson—Todd Beamer—White River

Area 5 Chapters

Spirit Award Win Big at the Area 5 Career Development Conference by becoming the most Spirited Chapter in all of Area 5 by making your DECA Chapter the best it can be! Collect Points by supporting our State or National Charity, sending in a member of the month form, have a candidate run for Area Office, coming to Area Meeting, Sending in Photos of your Chapter to your Area President, being active on Area Social Media , attending conferences, Request a Chapter Visitation from Area President . Is your Chapter the most spirited in Area 5 DECA!!

Current Point Count:


Spirit Points

Submit Member of The Month Form

5 points

Member of the Month Winner

25 points

Officer Attends Area Council Meeting

10 points

Member Sends Wendy Picture(s) for FB / Newsletter

1 point per picture

Fastest E-Mail Reply

10 points

Chapter Visitation

50 points

Officer Meeting w/ Wendy

25 Points

Highline HS—2

Chapter Submits VP application

10 points

Kentridge HS—2

Chapter/Class Picture with Wendy

10 points

Most Money/Hours for RMHC 1st place

90 points

Most Money/Hours for RMHC 2nd place

75 points

Mount Rainier HS—62

Most Money/Hours for RMHC 3rd place

50 points

Tahoma HS—2

Chapter reaches goal of 75$ or 7 hours to RMHC

25 points

Todd Beamer HS—32

“Likes” Area 5 FB Page/follows on twitter

1 point

E-Mail Response (Advisor/Officer)

2 points

Send Newsletter Feedback to Wendy

2 Points

Hold Community Service Event (Ex MDA or RMHC)

50 points

Chapter Attends FLC/Thunderbirds

75 points

Chapter Attends Area 5 CDC

100 Points

Participate in the Spaghetti O’s Ravioli can drive

15 points

Members attend Area Event

# members/point per member

Auburn HS—77 Auburn Riverside HS—10

Decatur HS—5 Global Connections HS—92

Kentlake HS—12

DECA and RMHC Washington DECA proudly supports the Ronald McDonald House Charities! The RMHC job is to provide a “home-awayfrom-home” experience for families of sick children for little to no cost. Families are asked to pay $25 a night, but ifs

that’s not doable, they never turn anyone away. That’s where Washington DECA steps in. At FLC & SCDC we have “Miracle Minutes” which bring in about $2500 dollars! Think about it, that’s providing 100 families with free stay at the RMH. Every year, the WA DECA State Officers set a monetary goal to raise for the House and this year we’ve decided we, as a state, will raise $25,000! But we can’t do this without your help. Volunteering at the house, having drives, or participating in your FLC, Area, & States Miracle Minutes all contribute to the $25,000 goal!

At FLC 2013 Washington DECA will be collecting Spaghetti O’s/Ravioli Cans ONLY. Please remember to bring them or host a drive of your own. Extra spirit point will be given to the top three schools in Area 5 that donate/collect the highest number of Spaghetti O’s Ravioli cans as follow: *1st Place: 75 points 2nd place: 50 points 3rd place: 25 points Every chapter that participates: 15 points

*The First Place Chapter will receive and extra incentive which will be revealed closer to the date of FLC 2013.

DECA and MDA National DECA has a charitable partnership with MDA, the Muscular Dystrophy Association. This non-profit organization is dedicated to curing muscle diseases. There are several ways to help and support MDA by selling MDA shamrocks in your Student Store, volunteering at MDA summer camp or participating in the 5k MDA run at ICDC.

This summer your Area 5 president and Auburn DECA member Jordin McCoy Volunteered at the annual MDA summer camp as camp counselors. They had the opportunity to work one on one with MDA campers while having the best week of their lives at summer camp. From riding go carts, riding Harleys, and having movies nights. Both Wendy and Jordin describe MDA summer camp as one of the greatest experiences they have ever had and say they will definitely be back next summer. Volunteering at MDA summer camp is great way to get involved with MDA!

September M.O.M Tiffany Champagne— Todd Beamer HS Tiffany Champagne who is a senior at Todd Beamer HS and the secretary for their DECA chapter this year. Tiffany has been an active member of DECA for the past 3 years. She has attended numerous leadership activities and is looking forward to competition again this year. She is the student leader in charge of taking thirty-two DECA students to New York in November for 5 days and 4 nights. She is also active in Younglife and is a student leader there as well. She has also maintained multiple jobs and a good GPA for the past two years. All around she is true leader and an outstanding DECA member.

Ayda Kedirkhan — Global Connections HS Ayda kedirkhan is a senior at Global Connections DECA who is serving as a second year chapter officer. Ayda has volunteered the past two years as the Leadership camp chairman. With her hard work and dedication she successfully planed a leadership camp retreat last year for her DECA chapter. This event was so successful that her school principal asked to plan a leadership camp retreat this year for the entire freshman class of her school. Ayda competed in the CAP event and qualified in the to ICDC placing in the top 10 places at international competition. She also played a huge role in helping Global Connections win the first ever Area spirit award.

Congratulations both Ayda and Tiffany!


Over 1,500 Washington DECA members from across the state will attend workshops, participate in mock competition, and explore the Emerald City, Seattle! With a fun packed itinerary for members and advisors … FLC is going to be the highlight of your DECA year! From watching the USMNT captain Clint Dempsey with the Sounders take on the 4 time champion LA Galaxy at Century Link to having Joe Black a world famous Hypnotist; expect this to be the best DECA conference you have ever attended Lets have a HUGE Area 5 Delegation at FLC and make our presence known by being ready to Venture with Washington DECA and Area 5!

October “The Diamond” What to expect in the October issue of “The Diamond” ...

Area 5 President 2013-2014 Wendy Menchu-Lopez E-Mail Wendy Newsletter Feedback for Spirit Award Points! The Diamond Published Monthly on

Stay Connected with Area 5 @Area5DECA area5president@wadeca,org

“Like” Washington DECA


Welcome New Advisor! Shannon Tapp, Mount Rainier HS

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