TD volume 2, issue 3

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The Diamond

Volume 2; Issue 3 November 2013


President’s Message

Thunderbirds night

Spirit Award

KW Hypnotist

Member of the month

State officer/ president 2014-2015

January Preview

Important Dates

President’s Message: November is the best month, why? Because it’s DECA month and I hope you all enjoyed it by whether participating through social media, coordinating DECA week or month activities within your chapters or attending WRLC. After all the preparation for the first annual Thunderbirds night I am proud to say it was a complete success. Thank you to all the Area 5 chapters that attended. Now with just a month away from our Area Conference , I can’t wait to see you all succeed in competition this year. The time is almost here, for when all your preparation and hard work will pay off and help you earn a spot at SCDC and ICDC Atlanta 2014! I wish you all Happy Holidays and see you once again at Emerald downs for the 2014 Area 5 Career Development Conference! How will you Make it Count this year? - Wendy Menchu-Lopez | Area 5 President

Auburn High—Auburn Mountainview—Auburn Riverside—Decatur—Enumclaw— Federal Way—Global Connections— Highline—Kent-Meridian—Kentlake— Kentridge—Kentwood—Mount Rainier—Puget Sound Skills Center – Tahoma —Thomas Jefferson—Todd Beamer—White River

TB’s Night Highlights On November 19, Area 5 and Washington DECA members joined the Seattle Thunderbirds for the first annual Thunderbirds night and it was a complete success. Thank you to all the chapters that attended and we hope you all had a great time learning more about the sports marketing world while enjoying a professional hockey game!

Spirit Award Only one month away until the 2014 Spirit award will be awarded to the most spirited chapter in Area 5 DECA. Will your chapter be taking the trophy this year and earn bragging rights? There is only one month left in the competition and the race is really close. Make sure to email Wendy at of any activities your chapter has carried out that are worth spirit points. Also please note the changes in yellow and make sure to notify Calli the Area 5 VP of Community Service about the total amount of donations/Hours your chapter has raised for the RMHC by Jan 13 for spirit points. Calli Millang— Activity

Spirit Points

Submit Member of The Month Form

5 points

Member of the Month Winner

25 points

Officer Attends Area Council Meeting

10 points

Member Sends Wendy Picture(s) for FB / Newsletter

1 point per picture

Fastest E-Mail Reply

10 points

Chapter Visitation

50 points

Auburn Riverside HS—117

Officer Meeting w/ Wendy

25 Points

Auburn Mountain view HS -77

Chapter Submits VP application

10 points

Chapter/Class Picture with Wendy

10 points

Most Money/Hours for RMHC 1st place

50 points

Federal Way HS—77

Most Money/Hours for RMHC 2nd place

30 points

Global Connections HS—169

Most Money/Hours for RMHC 3rd place

15 points

Highline HS—180

Chapter reaches goal of 75$ or 7 hours to RMHC

25 points

“Likes” Area 5 FB Page/follows on twitter

1 point

E-Mail Response (Advisor/Officer)

2 points

Send Newsletter Feedback to Wendy

2 Points

Hold Community Service Event (Ex MDA or RMHC)

50 points

Mount Rainier HS—72

Chapter Attends FLC/Thunderbirds

75 points

Tahoma HS—77

Chapter Attends Area 5 CDC

100 Points

Participate in the Spaghetti O’s Ravioli can drive

15 points

Current Point Count: Auburn HS—152

Decatur HS—117

Kentlake HS—147 Kentridge HS—137 Kentwood HS– 152

Todd Beamer HS—42 White River HS– 77

Members attend Area Event

# members/point per member

Kentwood Hypnotist Show

This past week Kentwood DECA successfully hosted their 6th annual hypnotist show. Their chapter has been organizing this event for six years in support of our state charity the Ronal McDonald House Charity. All proceeds fundraised will directly be donated to the RMHC. This past Friday night, Kentwood DECA had a record audience in attendance and raised over $3,000. Thank you Kentwood DECA for continuing to support the Ronald McDonald House Charity!!!

November M.O.M Ben Myers is a senior at Highline High School and has been an active DECA member for the past four years currently serving as the chapter president. Ben ran the clothes drive at Burien Library. He works really hard at recruiting student to join and compete in DECA. He runs all the Friday afternoon meetings. Ben presented at Sylvester Middle School about the benefits of being a DECA member. Ben has competed in DECA since his 9th grade year. Last year he did a Sports and Entertainment Promotion Plan and qualified to compete at the State Conference. Ben gets the job done. When he is asked to complete a task, he gets it done without any reminders. Ben is a very positive advocate for DECA at Highline High School.

Calli Millang is a Junior at Auburn Riverside going into her third year as a DECA member and is currently serving as the Director of Communications on her chapter officer team. Calli loves planning events and getting people involved in all the activities our DECA chapter has to offer. This year, Calli decided to apply and ended up winning Area 5 VP. Along with this accomplishment, Last year she placed first Place in the Fashion Merchandising Promotion Plan at the Area 5 Career and Development Conference. She moved on to state and plans to do the same this year, as well as compete in the Student Based Enterprise Project at the International Career and Development Conference. She always pushes for things to get done and she always offers a helping hand to anyone who needs it! She is a hard worker and always gets the job done. Calli has a charismatic spirit that no one can deny!

Are you ready to take your DECA experience to another level. Do you think you have what it takes to lead Area 5 DECA or Washington DECA? If you are interested in running for office for the position of the 2014-2015 Area 5 president or Washington DECA president please contact Wendy at for more information regarding deadlines, application process or to simply ask regarding the DECA experience as a Washington DECA state officer!!

Dec 16: Area registration closes Dec 16-19: Area 5 testing

January 17: Student Scholarship applications due to DECA inc.

January 10: SBE (postmarked) due to DECA January 24: State President Candidate Applications Due to WA DECA inc. January 24: Steven Anthony Rhone Jr. StuJanuary 13: President’s meeting/ ACDC dent and Chapter Scholarship Applications setup Due to WA DECA inc. January 14: Due to WA DECA inc. (postmarked) 

Chapter team events

Entrepreneurship events

Business operations research events

Area 5 officer team 2013-2014 -Area 5 President: Wendy Mechu-Lopez (AHS) -Area 5 VP of Community Service: Calli Millang (ARHS) -Area 5 VP of Social Media: Merissa McFarland (KLHS)

Stay Connected with Area 5 @Area5DECA

“Like” Washington DECA


E-Mail Wendy Newsletter Feedback for Spirit Award Points!

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