TD volume 2, issue 6

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The Diamond

Volume 2; Issue 6 April 2014

14 days unitl ….. ICDC –Atlanta 2014 President’s Message:

In This Issue: 

President’s Message

Spirit Award

SCDC Venture 2014 Highlights

ICDC qualifiers

ICDC preview

It is safe to say that the 2014 Washington DECA State Career Development Conference was a HUGE success and It was great to see Area 5 members take over Bellevue along with the other 3,000+ WA DECA members from all over the state. I couldn't be more proud to represent such an amazing area as I saw you all VENTURE to success in many ways at state. Now it’s time to take the final step to end another successful year of DECA at the 2014 International Career Development Conference in Atlanta, Georgia! Be ready to Venture and represent Area 5 and WA DECA at ICDC 2014 and keep up with the Area 5 ICDC experience via our social media outlets in early May. - Wendy Menchu-Lopez | Area 5 President

Auburn High—Auburn Mountainview—Auburn Riverside—Decatur—Enumclaw— Federal Way—Global Connections— Highline—Kent-Meridian—Kentlake— Kentridge—Kentwood—Mount Rainier—Puget Sound Skills Center – Tahoma —Thomas Jefferson—Todd Beamer—White River

Area 5 Chapters

Spirit Award Become the most Spirited Chapter in all of Area 5 by making your DECA Chapter the best it can be! The Area 5 Spirit award competition has begun and the purpose of this award is to increase member, officer, and advisor participation in Area, state, and national level activities. All chapters are encouraged to participate and try to win! But, the main aspect of this contest is to have fun and bring your DECA experience to a whole new level. The winning chapter will be recognized at the Area 5 CDC by receiving the Spirit award trophy for the 2014-2015 year! Several new activities have been added to the Spirit chart and chapters have already earned points by completing activities or attending the Area 5 state picture! Will your Chapter take the Spirit award this year?


Spirit Points

Submit Member of The Month Form

5 points

Member of the Month Winner

25 points

Officer Attends Area Set up day

10 points

Member Sends Wendy Picture(s) for FB / Newsletter 1 point per picture

Current Point Count:

Fastest E-Mail Reply

10 points

Chapter Visitation

50 points

Officer Meeting w/ Wendy

25 Points

Chapter Submits VP application

10 points

Auburn Riverside HS—20

Chapter/Class Picture with Wendy

10 points

Decatur HS—

Most Money/Hours for RMHC 1st place

50 points

Enumclaw HS—

Most Money/Hours for RMHC 2nd place

30 points

Federal Way HS—

Most Money/Hours for RMHC 3rd place

15 points

Global Connections HS—

Chapter reaches goal of 75$ or 7 hours to RMHC

25 points

Highline HS—20

“Likes” Area 5 FB Page/follows on twitter

1 point

Kent Meridian HS—

E-Mail Response (Advisor/Officer)

2 points

Kentridge HS—

Attends Area 5 state picture

20 Points

Kentlake HS—

Hold Community Service Event (Ex MDA or RMHC)

50 points

Chapter Attends FLC/Thunderbirds/WRLC

75 points

Chapter Attends Area 5 CDC

100 Points

Send at least 5 chapter pictures by May 1st

5 points

Members attend Area Event

point per member

Recruit a professional member

10 points

Auburn HS—20 Auburn Mt.View HS—

Mount Rainier HS— Tahoma HS— Thomas Jefferson HS—20 Todd Beamer HS— White River HS—

Congratulations to all of the Area 5 members who have qualified in competitive events or academies to attend ICDC 2014 Atlanta! Auburn Mountainview High School DECA: Carter Harms & Celeste Harms - 6th (CMP) Ellie Ness & Molly Ness - 2nd (PRP) Auburn High School DECA: Ashley Brown & Yacceni Castelan - 4th (LEP) Brier Atkinson & Kassy Strickland - 7th (PRP) Mckenna Wall, Alexis Embody & Wendy Menchu-Lopez 7th(CSP) Kentridge High School DECA: Emily Okawara & Emily Hintsala - 7th (TTDM) Mount Rainier High School DECA: Haley Hendrick - 4th (PHT) Tahoma High School DECA: Connor Cawthorn - 5th (PSE) Thomas Jefferson High School DECA: Madison Ruppel - 7th (HRM) School Based Enterprise Certification/Re certification: -Auburn High School DECA (Jordin McCoy, Antonio Lopez) -Auburn Riverside High School DECA (Calli Millang, Brady Cummings, Cole Lindell) -Auburn Riverside High School DECA (Parker Johnson, Caprice Gauthier, Paloma Langone) -Decatur High School DECA -Kentwood High School DECA -Federal Way High School DECA -Tahoma High School DECA -Thomas Jefferson High School DECA (Hunter Cooper, Madison Silverman, Nathan Pleskoff) Chapter Management Academy: Jazz Biem窶認ederal Way DECA Thrive Academy: -Auburn High School DECA -Highline High School DECA

Saturday, May 03: 7:00am— Finish line/DECA 5K 9:30am-5pm— DECA day at Six Flags 8:30pm—Grand Opening Session Sunday, May 04: 8am-5pm—Competitive test/briefing 8:30am-4pm— Leadership, Senior Management, Chapter Management, Thrive and SBE academies 1:35pm—DECA at The Atlanta Braves vs SF Giants game 6pm-10pm—DECA night at the Georgia Aquarium Monday, May 05: 8am-7pm— Competitive events preliminary competition 8:30am-4pm—Leadership, Senior Management, Chapter Management, Thrive academies 8:30-11pm—Easton Corbin & Bret Eldredge DECA concert Tuesday, May 06: 8am-12pm—Second general session 9am-5pm—Final competition 8:30—Grand awards session

Area 5 officer team 2013-2014 -Area 5 President:

Wendy Mechu-Lopez (AHS) -Area 5 VP of Community Service: Calli Millang (ARHS) -Area 5 VP of Social Media: Merissa McFarland (KLHS)

Stay Connected with Area 5


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E-Mail Wendy @Area5DECA

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