The Diamond
Volume 2; Issue 2 October 2013
WRLC in 4 days &Thunderbirds Night in 9 days! In This Issue:
President’s Message
FLC 2013 highlights
Spirit Award
Area 5 VPs 13-14
Thunderbirds Night
Member of the month
Boot Camp/ Important Dates
President’s Message: Area 5 we are officially the FIRST area in Washington DECA to reach 400 likes on Facebook!! Congratulations!! What a great way to start of this DECA year at FLC your spirit and enthusiasm was amazing! I truly am honored and proud to represent the best of the best, Area 5. If you attended FLC, Power trip or will be attending WRLC I hope you all enjoyed the speakers and presentations and gained more material that you can implement into the classroom and the world of business in the future. Please make sure you are checking the area social media outlets to find updated and recent information regarding competition, conferences and many other topics. If you would like for me to come in for a chapter visit, officer meeting or event just email me with the date, location and time. Hope you enjoy the October issues of the Diamond. - Wendy Menchu-Lopez | Are 5 President
Auburn High—Auburn Mountainview—Auburn Riverside—Decatur—Enumclaw— Federal Way—Global Connections— Highline—Kent-Meridian—Kentlake— Kentridge—Kentwood—Mount Rainier—Puget Sound Skills Center – Tahoma —Thomas Jefferson—Todd Beamer—White River
Area 5 Chapters
FLC 2013 Highlights
Spirit Award Win Big at the Area 5 Career Development Conference by becoming the most Spirited Chapter in all of Area 5 by making your DECA Chapter the best it can be!
Spirit Points
Submit Member of The Month Form
5 points
Member of the Month Winner
25 points
Officer Attends Area Council Meeting
10 points
Member Sends Wendy Picture(s) for FB / Newsletter
1 point per picture
Auburn HS—127
Fastest E-Mail Reply
10 points
Auburn Riverside HS—87
Chapter Visitation
50 points
Officer Meeting w/ Wendy
25 Points
Chapter Submits VP application
10 points
Decatur HS—37
Chapter/Class Picture with Wendy
10 points
Federal Way HS—77
Current Point Count:
Auburn Mountain view HS -77
Most Money/Hours for RMHC 1 place
90 points
Most Money/Hours for RMHC 2nd place
75 points
Most Money/Hours for RMHC 3rd place
50 points
Chapter reaches goal of 75$ or 7 hours to RMHC
25 points
“Likes” Area 5 FB Page/follows on twitter
1 point
E-Mail Response (Advisor/Officer)
2 points
Kentwood HS– 75
Send Newsletter Feedback to Wendy
2 Points
Hold Community Service Event (Ex MDA or RMHC)
50 points
Mount Rainier HS—62
Chapter Attends FLC/Thunderbirds
75 points
Chapter Attends Area 5 CDC
100 Points
Todd Beamer HS—42
Participate in the Spaghetti O’s Ravioli can drive
15 points
White River HS– 77
Members attend Area Event
# members/point per member
Global Connections HS—119 Highline HS—140 Kentlake HS—97 Kentridge HS—137
Tahoma HS—2
Area 5 VP of Community Service Hello Area 5! My name is Calli Millang and I am so happy that I am able to serve as your 2013-2014 Vice-President of Community Service! I could not be more excited for this upcoming year and I have a feeling that it is going to be a great one. I am a junior at Auburn Riverside and I am a third year DECA student. At Riverside, I am the Director of Communications as well as being the New Products Manager for our student store. DECA is for sure my favorite part of the day and I can say whole heartedly that choosing to join DECA as I was going into my freshman year was one of the best decisions I could have made for my high school career. So many opportunities and friendships have come from this organization that I feel so lucky to have experienced. I have had the opportunity to meet some of you at Area and State, as well as FLC and other conferences, but I am looking forward to meeting and talking with many more of you! As VP of Community Service, my job is to keep track of all of Area 5’s community service, as well as work with Wendy to come up with more ways that we can give back. That means once your chapter accomplishes either your $75 dollars or your seven community service hours, please have your president contact me at so that I am able to record it! Remember, spirit points are rewarded to the chapters that accomplish either of these things! My main goal for this year is not only get every chapter to reach our minimum goal, but to involve the entire area in a big community service project. It is important that we use our very capable DECA minds and bodies to do as much as we can for the surrounding communities.
You can follow me on twitter or instagram at @callimillang, also be sure to friend me on Facebook. Make it a fantastic year, Area 5! I cannot wait to VENTURE further into the fantastic year that we are sure to have together.
Area 5 VP of Social Media Hey Area 5 DECA! My name is Merissa-Elise McFarland and I am super excited to introduce myself as your 2013-2014 Area 5 VP of Social Media! I am thrilled to be in this position and I know that we will all have a great time together as we venture into the amazing things that Area 5 and Washington DECA have to offer. I am a sophomore at Kentlake High School, and this is my second year of being in DECA. Along with being the VP of Social Media for Area 5, I am the Vice President of Kentlake’s DECA chapter as well. I have been able to experience conferences like the 2012 Western Regional Leadership Conference and the 2013 Fall Leadership Conference, where I got to meet and have conversations with many of you. I have also competed at Area and State level competitions and I know this year I will make it to ICDC with many of you in Atlanta, Georgia. In the last year, the DECA organization has given me experiences, memories and opportunities that mean so much to me, so I took this position to make sure that every single member gets to live the magic that I continue to experience through my journey with DECA. I would like to recognize that at the 2013 Fall Leadership Conference, we reached over 400 “likes” on our Area 5 DECA Facebook account! I am extremely proud of all of you for helping us reach that goal. We were the first Area in Washington to reach 400 “likes” and it means the world to me that you are all keeping up with the Area 5 DECA social media. As Area 5 VP of Social Media, I assist Wendy in running the Area 5 Social Media accounts and my main goal is to keep the accounts frequently updated. It’s been a slow start, but with all of the Area 5 events coming up, they will be updated at least three times a week and will always have current information. My wish is to not only post about Area 5 events but also articles, websites and other resources that you will find useful for competition and other DECA related activities. I hope that this year will be a very productive year for Area 5 DECA and I can’t wait to meet all of you at our Area 5 Conference! You can tweet me at @mkaleidosc0pe and find me on facebook through our Area Facebook page!
Thunderbirds Night!!!
On November 19th Area 5 and Washington DECA will enjoy an afternoon at the ShowWare center filled with workshops, sports marketing speakers, interact with other members and watch the Seattle Thunderbirds take Kelowna on! You don’t want to miss this event, it is not to late to register. Talk to your advisor in having your chapter attending this event.
October M.O.M
Connie is currently a senior at Decatur high School Serving as Communications officer for her DECA chapter. Connie is a shift manager in the store. She just returned from the Power Leadership DECA conference in Boston where she received an award for her leadership skills. She was a key component of Decatur’s successful Otis Spunkmeyer cookie dough fundraiser and is working on the SBE project for ICDC. She was in her school’s DECA fashion show and was the MC for the Talent Show. She has competed every year at area and hopes to go to state this year. She is working on the SBE project and helping with CAP. She always gives 110%. She is honest and straight forward. She is involved in DECA week organization this year. She organized and participated in all of the activities of DECA week and is planning our next DECA week for the month of November. She is awesome!! Her fellow classmates respect her and look to her for assistance with DECA projects and how to get involved.
October Member of the Month … Connie Controvadis, Keep it up!!
Important Dates: Nov 14-16—WRLC Phoenix, AZ Nov 19—Thunderbirds night Nov 30—Membership, Community Service, Promotional Campaigns due. Dec 4—Boot Camp Dec16-19—Area testing
Area 5 officer team 2013-2014
Stay Connected with Area 5 @Area5DECA
“Like” Washington DECA
E-Mail Wendy Newsletter Feedback for Spirit Award Points!