RegioCom 2018 : guide of the european actions promoting fruit and vegetables

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REGIO’COM 2018 Guide to promotion initiatives of fruit and vegetables across Europe Published by the Assembly of European Regions producing Fruit, Vegetable and Ornamental Plants

With the support of :


Table of contents Foreword by Renzo Piraccini ....................................................................................................................... 4 Editorial by Simona Caselli, President of AREFLH .................................................................................5 Consumption stagnates in Europe: current state of play .................................................................. 6 The challenges of promotion, a lever to boost consumption .......................................................... 9 Fruit, vegetables and health : Multiple benefits ................................................................................. 10 Tastes and flavours to combine balance and pleasure .................................................................................... 11 The Mediterranean Diet ....................................................................................................................................................... 12 Promoting a healthy diet ..................................................................................................................................................... 12

Hope-bearing initiatives at all levels ...................................................................................................... 13 At international level : AIAM5 and the International movement « 5 A Day » ................................... 13 "The Hive that says Yes" in Europe .......................................................................................................................... 15 Multi-actor and multi-country European programmes .............................................................................. 20 Europe signs the products of its territories ............................................................................................................. 20 Fruitness ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 24 Freshness from Europe, Delicious Fruit & Veg ..................................................................................................... 25

The European School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme (SFVS) .................................................................... 26 General presentation of the programme .................................................................................................................. 26 Promotion programmes in AREFLH’s member regions ................................................................................... 30 Conclusions on the effectiveness of the School Fruit Program ................................................................. 44

National policies and programmes......................................................................................................................... 46 Belgium: the Belgian National Nutrition and Health Plan (PNNSB) .......................................................... 46 Spain: Estrategia para la Nutrición, Actividad Física y Prevención de la Obesidad ........................ 47 France : Programme National Nutrition Santé : « Manger, Bouger » ....................................................... 47 Italy : Guadagnare salute, rendere facili le scelte salutari ............................................................................. 49 Portugal: Programa Nacional para a Promoção da Alimentação Saudavel ......................................... 49

Initiatives promoted by the Regions ....................................................................................................................... 51 Andalusia ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 51 Emilia Romagna ....................................................................................................................................................................... 56 Occitania: Nutrition, an important regional cause in 2018 .............................................................................. 57

Interbranch programmes .............................................................................................................................................. 65 Interfel and the F&V promotion campaigns ............................................................................................................ 65 2016 Fresh Fruit and Vegetable week ........................................................................................................................ 69 A fun kit developed by Interfel and Unilet: My little Legumady ................................................................. 72 Fresh Baskets in French Railway stations ................................................................................................................ 73 « 5 al día » in Spain ................................................................................................................................................................ 75 A specific action from “5 al día” in Spain: La Frutoteca .................................................................................... 78

Professional programmes ............................................................................................................................................ 80 France, a nationwide label : eco-sustainable orchards (les Vergers écoresponsables) .............. 80 Belgium: « All Day long » ................................................................................................................................................... 82 Spain, Catalonia : AFRUCAT.............................................................................................................................................. 82


Spain, Catalonia : Mercabarna’s visit ........................................................................................................................... 84 Spain, Murcia: Proexport ..................................................................................................................................................... 88 France, New-Aquitania : Interfel regional action ................................................................................................. 89 France, Auvergne Rhône Alpes : the « Autumn Fruit and Vegetable day » ......................................... 91 France, Bretagne : Cerafel and the brand "Prince de Bretagne" ................................................................ 93 France, Centre-Val de Loire : IDfel ............................................................................................................................... 94 France, Centre-Val de Loire : the Angélys association .................................................................................... 97 France, Normandie : the actions of "Eating Well in Normandy" .................................................................. 99 France, PACA : « Voyage au pays des fruit et des légumes » ................................................................... 100 France, PACA : Epicurium, the plant from field to fork ................................................................................... 102 Italie, Fruit and Salad on the beach in Basilicate and other regions ...................................................... 103 Italie, Alimos ............................................................................................................................................................................. 105 Italie, Emilie-Romagne : le CSO .................................................................................................................................... 107 Italy, Emilia-Romagna: IGP of Emilia-Romagna pears and peaches and nectarines from Romagna .................................................................................................................................................................................... 109 Italie, Emilie-Romagne, ApoConerpo et Fruit24 !............................................................................................... 110 Italy, Emilia-Romagna : fattorie didattiche en Forlí Cesena ......................................................................... 111 Italy, Piedmont : Strada della frutta............................................................................................................................. 113 Italy, Trento : Melinda apples from the Val Di Non ............................................................................................ 115 Portugal : “Heróis da Fruta” .............................................................................................................................................. 117

Conclusion by François Lafitte ................................................................................................................ 121 Presentation of AREFLH ............................................................................................................................. 122 Thank you to… ................................................................................................................................................ 123 Acronyms ........................................................................................................................................................ 123 Bibliography................................................................................................................................................... 124


Foreword by Renzo Piraccini The world of fruit and vegetables faces many challenges. Let us start with a global vision such as the demographic aspect. By 2050, and therefore in a relatively short period of 32 years, the earth will have 9.1 billion inhabitants, 34% more than today. The increase will not affect Europe, but will be concentrated mainly in countries located in Africa, Asia and North America. What do fruit and vegetables have to do with it? According to FAO, food requirements for fruit and vegetables will be 900 million tons higher than they are today. This represents a greater demand for fruit and vegetables which questions both Europe - and Italy in particular - on the production of F&V as well as "collateral" aspects such as migration, know-how and water. The word fruit and vegetables is rightly associated with an adequate diet and lifestyle. And here's another important challenge: healthy eating. Fruit and vegetable consumption in Europe is well below the Wolrd Health Organisation (WHO) recommendation of 400 g per person per day. Take our country: an Italian consumes an average of 300 grams of fruit and vegetables a day, compared to 360 fifteen years ago. In addition, a household spends an average of about 50 euros per month for fruit and vegetables, which is very low when considering other household expenditure items. It is no coincidence that obesity and overweight are among the major problems of our societies. Yet, awareness of the importance of having a healthy lifestyle is present in many people's minds. So much that the market for organic products in Europe, until 2025, should grow at an annual rate varying between 6.7% and 7.6%, a percentage that corresponds to about three times the expected growth rate in general for food consumption. The challenge of healthy eating therefore remains one of the main challenges we face. In reference to the great Federico Fellini, who said "the only realist is the visionary", Macfrut, wishes to be realistic while looking to the future. It is the fruit and vegetable system that demands it from us; it is the fruit and vegetable system that deserves it! All these challenges, as well as many others, are largely taken into account by an international exhibition such as Macfrut. A business event, I agree, but one that has broadened its view to the new dynamics affecting all links in the fruit and vegetable chain. The fruit and vegetable sector does not sufficiently take into account the specific expectations of the consumer. Renzo Piraccini President of Macfrut, Fruit and Vegetable Trade Fair, Rimini, Italy


Editorial by Simona Caselli, President of AREFLH AREFLH is a place for sharing experiences and good practices. Our regions and producer organisations are sources of initiatives, projects and actions that enable the European industry to respond better to economic, social, climate and environmental challenges. The stagnation of fruit and vegetable consumption in Europe is another major challenge for our sector. We must mobilize ourselves to better inform consumers about the health benefits of fruit and vegetables, participate in food education for young people, stimulate research for a safer and more sustainable production. Many food promotion and education initiatives are implemented in our regions as well as at national and European level. Regio'com lists a number of them, highlighting their richness and diversity. This guide is intended for actors in the sector wishing to draw inspiration from the various experiences presented to improve their promotional and educational tools, develop joint programmes and synergies at all levels. Finally, it is important to support quality policies promoting PGI and PDO products in each of our regions. These represent an important asset making the link to the soil, to the preservation of the environment and to the know-how of our producers. Simona Caselli, President of AREFLH and Regional Minister of Agriculture of Emilia Romagna (Italy).


Consumption stagnates in Europe: current state of play The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends a daily intake of at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables per person, or 400 gr. New studies recommend a daily consumption of 10 portions of fruit and vegetables. However, according to fruit and vegetable consumption data from the European Union (Eurostat), in 2017 only 14.3% of the European population consumed 5 servings of fruit and vegetables per day. Indeed, many obstacles still exist among consumers which do not make it possible to achieve a healthy and balanced diet (lack of will, cost considered too high, pleasure, availability, preparation time, cooking skills, social influence, etc.). Consumer studies in Europe and around the world have all come to the same conclusion: there is still considerable room for improvement. The study conducted from 20 to 26 September 2017 by KANTAR TNS in 7 European countries (Norway, Sweden, Denmark, the United Kingdom, France and Spain) confirms that the threshold of 5 portions of fruit and vegetables per day is far from being reached. For Spain and France, which are the largest consumers in the sample, the proportions of people who consume 3 or more servings daily are as follows:

France Spain

Fruit and berries

Vegetables and salads






The following two tables also show the important differences that still exist between different countries.

How many portions of fruit and berries do you usually eat ?

Graph 1: Kantar TNS study "F&V consumption in Europe" for Stiftelsen Opplysningskontoret for frukt og grønt (OFG, Fruit and Vegetables of Norway) - October 2017

How many portions of vegetables or salad (ex. potatoes) do you usually eat ?

Graph 2: Kantar TNS study "F&V consumption in Europe" for Stiftelsen Opplysningskontoret for frukt og grønt (OFG, Fruit and Vegetables of Norway) - October 2017


The proportion of adults who regularly consume fruit and vegetables also shows very large disparities between countries.

Graph 3: Overview of health 2017, OECD indicators

In the case of France, according to a study commissioned by APRIFEL and carried out by CIHEAM, despite major and continuous promotional efforts, the quantities consumed fel l significantly from 1999 to 2015. Consumption in grams per day, France : 1998-99 Children 3-17 y.o.

Adults 18-79 y.o.














Source: CIHEAM

According to the same study, between 2007 and 2017, the proportion of adults over 18 years of age consuming 5 servings of fruit and vegetables per day fell from 27 to 25%. Among young people aged 2 to 17, only 6% consume 5 servings per day ! The share of very small consumers (minus 2 daily servings) rose from 32% in 2010 to 45% in 2016. For the generation born between 1987 and 1996, the level of vegetable consumption at 25 years was 50 grams per day and that of fruit 45 grams at the same age, it was more than 2 times higher for the generation born between 1967 and 1976 with 145 grams of vegetables and 100 grams of fruit (study CREDOC 2017).


The challenges of promotion, a lever to boost consumption The decline in fruit and vegetable consumption is a global social phenomenon, mainly linked to lifestyles and a lack of knowledge of products and know-how. By stimulating consumption, promotional campaigns contribute to an increase in demand and thus benefit the entire production chain, right through to distribution and the consumer. Fruit and vegetables play an essential role in the prevention of public health, but they are still not sufficiently present in our daily diet. It is in the interest of stimulating their consumption through appropriate policies and targeted promotional initiatives. This means that raising awareness and educating children and adults about the nutritional principles of healthy eating must have a global impact in the short and long term. Indeed, it is necessary to conduct more coherent nutritional and economic policies at both national and European level and to take the problem to its roots. Policy analysis shows the limitations of public health strategies acting solely on individual determinants of dietary behaviour. The marketing environment, the quality of supply and support for producers are essential. Many factors still hamper fruit and vegetable consumption: Economic factors (price and income), Education and knowledge, Accessibility and availability, Family and peer influence, Tastes and preferences, (Perceived) barriers such as lack of time. Many international organisations warn of the harmful consequences of the nutritional enrichment of world diets (fat, sugar, meat) on our health. A change in our eating habits is strongly recommended, notably by increasing the consumption of fruit and vegetables (WHO/FAO Expert Consultation, 2004).


Fruit, vegetables and health : Multiple benefits

A good coverage of nutritional needs Fruit and vegetables are an important source of nutrients. They cover daily needs of: 38% of fibre intake. 38% of pro vitamin A intake. 73% of vitamin C intake. 29% of vitamin K intake. 22% of fat. Source: INRA France, 2007

It is the least energy food group compared to the nutritional density it contains.

The fight against obesity While obesity can have multiple causes, it is recognized that unbalanced diet is the cause of weight problems. It is indeed the result of an energy imbalance between calories consumed and calories expended (WHO, 2016). According to the WHO, in 2014, 39% of adults aged 18 and over in the European Union were overweight and 13% were obese. In 2014, 41 million children under five were overweight or obese. The impact on public health expenditure is considerable. To fight obesity it is necessary to reduce the consumption of energy-rich foods while guaranteeing the satisfaction of our nutritional needs. Thus by their high nutritional qualities and their low energy content, fruit and vegetables are a solution to this problem. However, other factors can also influence weight gain: heredity, medications, hormonal factors, smoking cessation, psychological or social factors, overly restrictive diets, etc. By limiting weight gain, fruit and vegetables are indirectly involved in the preservation of our health capital, because :

They protect the heart and vessels

Thanks to their richness in antioxidants and certain fibres, fruit and vegetables prevent the oxidation of cholesterol thus reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

They strengthen the bones

Fruit and vegetables are a significant source of calcium and potassium. They thus fight against bone demineralization and are a major asset in the prevention of osteoporosis. 10

They protect against cancer

One third of cancers are caused by poor nutrition. Fruit and vegetables provide a set of protective components: fibres, vitamins, minerals, polyphenols and other micronutrients, which act synergistically to balance cancer activators and inhibitors in our body. Higher fruit and vegetable consumption helps reduce the risk of many diseases and health costs

Graph 4: Reduction in health expenditure in dollars per participant in the health check -up programme.

Tastes and flavours to combine balance and pleasure Taste is one of the five senses. It is used to analyse the flavour of food placed in the mouth. There are 5 basic tastes that we perceive: sweet, salty, sour, bitter and umami (meat taste). Taste influences our fruit and vegetable consumption choices. Indeed, bitterness is often perceived as a brake, whereas, for example, strawberry consumers will seek a balance between sweetness and acidity. The combination of flavors and tastes of food allows us to experience many existing flavors. Other factors are added to multiply the possible combinations: Spice: activation of pain receptors, Coolness: activation of cold receptors, Astringency: activation of tactile receptors. Appetite is satisfied by food and by the pleasure of eating. The preparation of food plays an important role in appetite and satisfaction, it helps to "whet your appetite", but also to share and develop social ties.


Fruit and vegetables offer a wide range of colours, shapes and flavours in this field.

The Mediterranean Diet The Mediterranean diet today enjoys an international reputation, it has its origin in the traditional diet of the Greek islands, of Crete and of Cordoba. It is based on an abundance of plants (fruit and vegetables, whole grain cereals, nuts and starch), olive oil as the main source of fat, moderate amounts of fish and poultry, a relatively low consumption of red meat and a moderate intake of red wine. Depending on the country, there are variations to this diet: more pasta in Italy, more fish in Spain for example. It is also recognized for its health benefits and for the prevention of certain diseases.

The benefits of the Mediterranean diet Diseases whose risk is reduced by this type of diet: Obesity, Cardiovascular diseases, cancer, cholesterol. The components of this diet are antioxidant foods and drinks (fruit and vegetables, red wine), monounsaturated fats (olive oil) with Omega 3 (fish). .

It is also a food source of great nutritional diversity.

Promoting a healthy diet What can we do to promote a healthy diet? Increase product selection and availability (e.g. new products, reformulations etc.), Influence, through better education, established preferences (e.g. monitoring and counselling, school interventions etc.), Increase the price of unhealthy products (e.g. taxes on fats and sugary drinks), Prohibit unhealthy products and behaviours. The Ministry of Health should strengthen its efforts to ensure that healthy food (following WHO recommendations) is provided in public institutions and establishments (e.g. hospitals, schools).


Hope-bearing initiatives at all levels At international level : AIAM5 and the International movement ÂŤ 5 A Day Âť AIAM5 is an international movement to promote fruit and vegetables, whose name is based on the world's daily consumption recommendations.

Current situation Current recommendations support a daily fruit and vegetable intake of at least 5 servings or 10 servings. 80g < 1 portion < 100g However in reality consumption in European countries is much lower, only 14.3% on average of the European population reaches this threshold of daily consumption.

Its missions

Graph 5: % of population consuming at least 5 F&Vs per day. Source: European Commission 2017

1. Support, maintain, improve and create programs such as "5 a day". 2. Increase fruit and vegetable consumption worldwide by developing an international network of different countries. 3. Promote and enhance biodiversity, sustainable production and distribution systems that respect the environment.


The International Alliance of Associations and Movements "5 a day" currently brings together 25 member countries and 2 collaborative partner countries in the world.

Its objectives : 

Collect and disseminate communication tools, educational tools, and information concerning the promotion of fruit and vegetable consumption:

    

Culinary, gustatory workshops, etc.

Educational Guides

Magazine 5 al día


Product sheets

Provide and support nutrition and food education in schools based on the health benefits deriving from fruit and vegetables.

Work with multiple organisations at different levels: international, national, local.

Create reference documents for promotion partners: Annual publication of an article in the magazine "Revista Española de Nutrición Humana y Dietética" on good practices in promoting fruit and vegetable consumption.

Organise conferences, meetings, and other events to share knowledge and experiences: GA, Association Congress, etc.

Edit a newsletter: The global Fruit and Veg Newsletter

Organise the World Fruit and Vegetable Day.

In 2015, Portugal received the third AIAM5 award at the Annual Congress. Contact:


"The Hive that says Yes" in Europe What is a Hive? Distribution points managed by a direct online sales platform. Objectives : Support local production and distribution. Give quality food to as many people as possible. Create proximity between producers and consumers. Weekly distributions throughout the year based on producers' inventories. The productions concerned Regional products: fruit and vegetables, bread, cheese, meat, beer, etc. The message: "Technology for local consumption: easy and fast! Âť

How does it work ? The person in charge of the hive opens a distribution site and brings together producers within a radius of less than 250 km, as well as consumers.

Each hive has its own website. Each producer has his dedicated space allowing him to manage his sales, his stocks and to present his catalogue of products. Buying members registered on the site can place orders by consulting the producers' product catalogues. Every week the person in charge of the hive publishes the available products according to the price fixed by each producer and the minimum delivery that he wishes to reach... Buyers have 6 days to place an order. If the requested quantity is sufficient the producer delivers his products to the hive, otherwise he does not move. The day before the distribution each member receives a message informing him of the available products he has ordered and the corresponding invoice. Financing :

Strenghts A specific and innovative message: A message in line with the rise of Internet platforms, and the willingness of consumers to buy local.


Easy and practical operational means for everyone:

The tools available to hive managers :: 

Online communication tools (messaging, directory of producers, etc.) and offline (posters, leaflets, aprons, etc.).

Collaborative training tool: participatory training site gathering all the knowledge accumulated since the beginning of the experiment.

Tools available to producers : 

Platform dedicated to producers on which they can present and sell their products. Invoices and accounting documents are issued instantly.

Tool for analyzing consumer expectations (statistics, dashboards, etc.).

Social networking tool. It helps to explain the business of producers and to stay close to their customers.

Tools put in place for consumers : 

Informative collaborative magazine published every day on food issues (yes ! the magazine).

Customer service (by email): tool adapted for use on mobile, tablet or computer, easy to use.

Information and communication media that reach a wide audience  Online communication tools : 

Messaging, producers directory, Newsletter, Social networks (#la vie en ruche, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram).

Organisation, by the hive manager, of visits to producers and local events for member consumers. Participation in recognized public events: Since 2013 presence at the Ouishare Fest Festival (digital tools and collaborative culture), and since 2014 at the International Agricultural Show. In the same point of sale, several local products. Partnerships adapted to the network's activity:  Social entrepreneurship partnership (exchange, expertise, etc.) : 

In 2013, The Hive became a member of the Mouves social entrepreneurs movement association and the Ashoka non-governmental organisation (social innovation).

Partnership with other direct sales initiatives:

In 2017, the Hive signed an agreement with SNCF for the distribution of fresh baskets in stations.

A multiplicity of actors to ensure the network and best cover each territory:


Network development, technical and commercial management of the platform Research and development Direction, management and communication Number of hive managers Number of producers F&V growers Saffron producers and Beekeepers Bakers and Pastry Cooks Cattle and sheep farmers Dairy farmers Brewers and Winegrowers Number of Clients Number of network employees (in all network countries))

40 60 1 050 13 000 29% 21% 20% 14% 8% 8% 180 000

Table 1: Actors ensuring the network in 2016

Good cooperation between actors: The network organisation with the hive managers allows to structure and manage sales, to create a contact between the producer and the consumer, first through the online platform, then directly during distribution and animations. Hives everywhere and for everyone: Sales destination of the hive that says yes! in 2016 Individuals Restaurants Public Places Associative premises Cultural Spaces Boutiques Businesses

63,3% 9% 8 ,5% 6,5% 5% 5% 2,7%

Table 2: Location of hives

Local anchorage with decentralized distributions. More and more funds raised to ensure the development of a growing network: Year end of 2010

2012 2014

Funders Web Entrepreneurs: C.Duhamel (marmiton), M.Simoncini and MC.Levet (Zilok, Sensee,etc.) X-Ange (Siparex Group) Solid (Siparex Group) BNP Deposit and Consignment Fund France Active

Type of fund Investments in financial capital .

Amount (â‚Ź) 115000

Social Innovation Fund Social Innovation Fund Bank loans Bank loans

1000000 500000 500000 500000

Bank loans


Table 3: Evolution of network financing

A platform production.









Results and benefits For consumers :  Proximity to production. 

Easy and practical access to quality products at the same price, compared to the mass distribution offer.

For producers :  An advantageous remuneration and a short payment period. 

Adaptation of supply to demand.

A guaranteed clientele.

Proximity with customers.

Accounting tools made available.

Producers set their prices freely.

For Hive managers 1


A profession that suits them:

  

99% feel they are conducting a mission of general interest. 35% would like to open an extra hive. A network support that reassures: 87% of them did not feel they were taking a risk by opening a hive and 71% would not have embarked on a similar project without "The Hive Saying Yes".

Study conducted in 2015 by the Hive-Mama Strategy Team, based on 260 responses.


A very positive result Evolution of the number of hives: from 24 hives in 2011 to more than 1050 in 2016)

First foreign hives

More than 800 active hives in France and 250 in neighbouring countries, since its creation in 2011!

Graph 6: number of hives in Europe Let’s talk about it !  On television

Year 2015

Channel BFM TV TV Agri Canal +


France 2


France 5 BFM TV

TV programme Interview with Guilhem Chéron at the Salon des Entrepreneurs Who will be the Amazon of tomorrow's food industry? Le Petit Journal What's an Apéruche? Comment ça va bien ? Le Locavorisme La Quotidienne New forms of direct sales SNCF opens its stations to the organic baskets of "la Ruche qui dit oui" (the hive that says yes)

Table 4: Television appearances 

On the press

Year 2015

Newspaper La France Agricole Elle édition Bretagne Le Parisien


Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace La Dépêche Le Parisien


Femme Actuelle Les Échos

Title of article A competition to reward "13 farms of the future". They live in CO2 mode The Hive that says yes makes its honey from the best products Open doors in the Hives, good taste near home The Hives Make the Buzz Fresh products from producer to consumer Become a "locavore" These start-ups ready to revolutionize agriculture

Table 5: The press articles that talk about it


On the radio

Year 2015

Channel RFI France Info RTL

Programme 10 faces for 10 stories at SIA Question of choice: Buy differently with the Hives Bio: SNCF turns into a fruit and vegetable market

2017 Table 1 : Radio appearances 

On Social Media : 170 000 fans on Facebook 26 000 followers on Twitter 100 000 visits on Oui ! Le Magazine website

Contact: Tel: 01 42 41 32 77

Multi-actor and multi-country European programmes Europe signs the products of its territories An information and promotion programme on quality signs (PDO and PGI) in France, Italy and Germany.

Its objectives : 

Improve awareness and recognition of PDO and PGI quality labels in Europe.

Create distinctive characteristics for these products as part of the campaign: "these fruit cannot be produced anywhere else". 20

Its strategies : 

Promotion of products and links with the territories.

Make their discovery a concrete experience.

Rely on the different product seasons to ensure a year-round presence.

Create a consistent campaign in the different target countries (France, Italy, Germany) in line with the expectations of the European Union.

The budget : 3,9 million euros (from 2014 to 2017)

France: 2.4 million euros (62%)

Italy: 0.9 million euros (23%)

Germany: 0.6 million euros (15%)

 The means implemented  Transversal actions   

Common visuals adapted by country. A website available in 5 languages (French, Italian, German, Spanish, English). Promotional means (ex: press releases).

Actions in the field    

Public relations and press relations. Generic and product-specific press articles. New recipes. Events, press conferences.


 Media plan, promotional actions:  

Increase visibility at supermarket points of sale. Promotion actions in the streets of cities.

 The targets:  

Priority target: consumers and distributors (supermarkets, wholesalers and retailers). Secondary target: opinion leaders, journalists.

Impact on public: PDO and PGI website: 33,000 individual visitors and 60,000 pages visited. Facebook page: 15,000 fans Press releases and press events: 55 Published press articles 968 Media campaign (radio, press and digital) 1.4 million contacts.


Tastings at points of sale:  3 000 contacts on point of sales. 

10 000 tastings.

2 millions of contacts.

Positive effects for products

Graph 7: Evolution of sales volume for the 8 products. Source: Powerpoint "Programme of information and promotion DPO and PGI in France, Italy and Germany 2014/2017" presented on 31 January at the Information Day on European Agricultural Promotion Programmes in Brussels.


Fruitness The project "Fruitness, enjoy it" was funded by the European Union, the Italian State and the Centro Servizi Ortofruticolo (CSO) and launched in 2006. This project also counts as partners the main companies of the sector in Italy: Afe, Alefra, Cico, Granfrutta, Zani, Made in Blue, Naturali, Orogel and Pempacorer.

Its objectives: 

Inform consumers about the nutritional qualities and safety of products and their beneficial effects on children's health and the prevention of childhood obesity. Promote fruit consumption by highlighting the positive effects on health ("because I have to take care of my health") and for pleasure ("I eat fruit because I like it and not because I have to take care of myself").

It is a promotion and information campaign aimed at very young consumers and their families, as well as commercial operators, schools and institutions, in particular public health services. It aims to reverse the downward trend in fruit and vegetable consumption that has been observed in recent years. This trend has of course a direct repercussion on the economy of the sector at the same time as on the general state of health of the European population. In particular, studies show that the social cost of childhood obesity is between 2 and 8% of total health expenditure. Fortunately, fruit and vegetable consumption in Italy recovered in 2017, a cyclical or structural phenomenon?

Target countries are: the United Kingdom, Sweden, Poland, Germany and Denmark The means implemented 

A website dedicated to children ( with online games, applications to download, delivering rigorous information on the nutritional qualities of fruit and vegetables. A new "super healthy hero" has appeared in 2012, another sports symbol that shows the power of fruit and vegetables on health. This site is available in English, Italian, German, Polish, Danish and Swedish.

Installation of interactive multimedia totems that allow you to enter the world of fruit and vegetables with a simple touch. The information is available on tablets and smartphones and gives direct access to the world of fruit and vegetables and their seasonality.

Specific events in 1,000 points of sale in 5 countries highlighting the different products over the seasons (peaches and nectarines, plums, apricots and many others). Posters and leaflets were distributed, as well as gadgets specially designed for children and sweatshirts and Tshirts for store staff.


The involvement of thousands of doctors: a newsletter was created and sent to 10,000 doctors in Germany, containing concise scientific information on the properties of seasonal fruit and the latest research on the subject.

Participation in trade fairs such as Fruit Logistica on the Plazza Italia stand.

Freshness from Europe, Delicious Fruit & Veg It is a project financed by the European Union, the Italian State and the CSO whose aim is to promote and enhance the supply of quality fruit and vegetables from Europe. Thanks to their privileged territorial position and their particularly favourable climate for crops, the Mediterranean countries are the main fruit and vegetable producers in the world. Italy is the leading producer in Europe, with excellent peaks for peaches, nectarines, kiwis, apples, plums, oranges, table grapes, tomatoes and many other products. Freshness from Europe offers a range of initiatives aimed at retailers and consumers all over the world, to make known the origin and history of products that are always synonymous with quality and freshness. The Freshness from Europe project offers a wide range of initiatives aimed at trade and consumers, to make known the identity and history of products that are always guaranteed for their quality and freshness. In particular, the countries concerned by the information activity of the project are the following: United States, Canada, China, Japan, United Arab Emirates.

The actions developed 

Participation in trade fairs and exhibitions (Fancy Food Show USA, New York Produce USA, Fruit Logistica Berlin, Foodex Japan, CPMA Canada, WOB Dubai, Summer and Winter Fancy Food USA, "Freshness from Europe" Bejing China.

Point of sale promotions.

Communications in the professional and general press.

Communication via the website.

Organisation of events and meetings.

For more informations :


The European School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme (SFVS) General presentation of the programme Its objectives In response to the findings in 2006 that more than 22 million children are overweight in Europe, the European Union has set up a large-scale programme to increase the distribution of fruit and vegetables in voluntary schools. This programme aims to develop healthy eating habits among young people. Schools are indeed the ideal place to instill good habits in children, who spend several years there, at a decisive age, where behaviour takes root on a long-term basis. These places, which welcome children for a large part of the day, employ qualified people to guide them in their choices; teachers and school staff also act as role models for children who are themselves likely to influence the behaviour of their whole family, as they can apply the advice they have received at school at home. However, feeding problems are more common among older people. Its implementation at national and regional level is based on networking and the participation of the various actors in the sectors of education, health, agriculture, civil society and the private sector, It aims to achieve four main objectives:  Increase fruit and vegetable consumption in a sustainable way.  To introduce as many children as possible to the characteristics of fruit and vegetables and their properties, so that they can integrate them spontaneously into their diet.  Diversify and broaden the range of fruit and vegetables consumed.  Introduce fruit and vegetables as an alternative to snacks usually consumed during snacks during the day.

Age of the public :

Most of the pupils affected by this distribution are aged between 6 and 10, but in many Member States this interval is wider, particularly in AREFLH member regions.

Organisation and Implementation :

The countries and bodies responsible for managing implementation of the programme are as follows:




Belgium (Flanders): Department of Agriculture and Fisheries of the Government of Flanders : Landbouw en Visserij

Spain : Autonomous Communities

France : Organisme national FranceAgriMer

Greece: Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food

Italy: Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policy (Technical Coordination Committee)

 Portugal: collaboration between :  The General Directorate for the follow-up and control of the SFVS program,  The Directorate General of Education,  The Ministry of Education,  Planning and policy offices,  IFAP. 


Fruit and vegetable distributions

European directives require a minimum frequency of 6 distributions per quarter. However, the European Commission study shows that they are more frequent, between once a week and once a day for some establishments. Another directive recommends that meals be distributed outside school meals. This measure thus makes it possible to reach children who do not take their meals at school, and to avoid the substitution of fruit and vegetables by other foods during meals. EU guidelines for the free distribution of fruit and vegetables at school Frequency: at least 6 times per quarter Time: Outside mealtime Eligible Products Fresh products: stone fruit, berries, red fruit, pome fruit, exotic fruit, citrus fruit, crunchy vegetables, fruit vegetables. Processed products: compotes, soups, pure juices, dried fruit. Ineligible products Processed products with added salts, sugars, and fats, nuts, starches. Product selection criteria : Products chosen taking into consideration environmental impacts, seasonality, variety and availability with a European priority. Table 7: Summary of the European directives of the programme The conditions of application of the programme vary from country to country, particularly in AREFLH member countries. Country

Frequency distribution


Average weight of fruit and vegetables received by students during one year (Kg) 22,5




1 to 3 times/week







Usually once a week but it depends on the schools 3 times a week most of the time 2 times per week

1 time/week

Duration of the distribution period

Age of public

30 to 37 weeks from October to June From 1 to 27 weeks 36 weeks

2.5 to 12 years

18 weeks

6 to 11 years 6-10 years

30 weeks

3-12 years 3-18 years

Table 8: Modalities of application of the programme in the countries of AREFLH members

Suppliers and procurement: The participating countries and regions should take into account the regional origin of products, organic farming, short supply chains, and environmental benefits when selecting their suppliers as far as possible. Table 9 summarizes the general organisation of product supply and distribution within the AREFLH regions.



Choice of suppliers

Deliveries to schools

Belgium Spain

Schools The Autonomous Communities

Suppliers Suppliers organisation depend on Autonomous Communities


At the local level by managers

Distribution managed by school staff, parents or school catering staff


Ministry Technical Coordinating Committee: selection of nine providers Municipalities in the different regions

- if the town hall is the delivery manager for the suppliers or the municipal agents - if the school is manager: delivery by teachers or principals if it is the associations: the parents are responsible for the delivery The 9 selected regional providers Suppliers



but that the

Organisation of distribution to students within the school School community Distribution managed by school staff and suppliers according to communities

Distribution managed by service providers

Table 9: Organisation of supply and distribution within AREFLH member countries

Accompanying measures:

In addition to the distribution of fruit and vegetables, participating Member States are requested to put in place accompanying actions to reinforce the assimilation of good eating habits by young people and to make them more aware of the nature and quality of their food. These interventions take the form of educational initiatives and awareness-raising actions, according to four main themes:  To recreate the link between children and the agricultural world as well as a better knowledge of the origin of their food.  The variety of agricultural products.  Healthy eating habits.  Environmental issues related to food. Accompanying measures play a central role. They stimulate consumption through the children's personal experience, so that they perceive fruit and vegetables in a positive way. The actors involved in the implementation of these measures in the countries of the AREFLH regions are listed in the following table. Country

Organisers of accompanying measures

Belgium Spain

Community of schools Service providers chosen by the autonomous communities and regional associations Interfel dieticians, local companies, school staff, stakeholders in the sector CREA, selected service providers, school staff, industry stakeholders, other Italian companies and associations (SlowFood, ALIMOS, producer

France Italy



organisations, etc.) Schools, municipalities, communities of communes,

Table 10: Organisation of accompanying measures in AREFLH member regions

Budget and financing :

The funding allocated by Europe to the SFVS (School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme) in 2018 is 150 million euros per year. This budget is mainly intended for the distribution of fruit and vegetables and the accompanying educational interventions. On the other hand, the share earmarked for monitoring and evaluation remains marginal. (Table below)

Accompanying measures Product distribution Communication Monitoring and evaluation

AREFLH Regions <15% >70% <4% <2%

Table 11: Breakdown of the budget

There is a great disparity between the budgets of different countries. Greece and Italy do not have the same financial capacity to implement this programme. With the latest reform of the programme, Europe's co-financing with member countries is currently 75-90%. For our member regions, budgets and co-financing are detailed in Table 12 below.


European funding

Total programme budget (â‚Ź)

Average cost per student and per portion (â‚Ź) 0,28

Paying agency

Belgium (Flanders)




3.4 million (including 2.1 million for Flanders) 14,4 millions



19,7 millions


Greece Italy Portugal

81% 80% 85%

3,1 millions 23 millions 3,9 millions

0,62 0,15


Management at national level (ministry) and distribution after to each autonomous community Management by FranceAgriMer and distribution to managing bodies AGEA IFAP




The Flemish Agriculture and Fisheries Agency

Table 12: Organisation of the budget and financing of AREFLH member regions

The impact of the programme

Since the programme began, more than 30 million children have benefited from school fruit and vegetable distributions.

According to data collected by the European Commission in 2017, 24 Member States participated in this programme, i.e. 12.2 million children in almost 80,000 schools. This represents 74,000 tonnes of product.


Regions Belgium (Flanders) Spain France Italy Portugal

Number of participating schools -

Number of students affected 729 694

5 887

1,3 millions 1,2 millions 1,2 millions

3 571

343 751

Distribution of the number of participating institutions in AREFLH member regions

Promotion programmes in AREFLH’s member regions In Belgium : Vlaamse SchoolFruitactie (Flanders) Objectives and description

In Belgium the programme applies in two geographical areas:  Wallonia and the Brussels region 


The Flemish programme guidelines are developed by the local health authorities and programme management is coordinated by VIGeZ (a partner organisation of the Flemish government). Tutti Frutti is the school fruit programme of the Flemish region. Its organisation is simple: the school chooses a day of the week when all students will receive a fresh fruit as a snack.

Operational objectives : 

Increase the supply of fruit and vegetables in school snacks.


 

Develop knowledge, improve habits, and behaviors regarding fruit and vegetables. Create and propose accompanying measures.

These measures make it possible to :  

Target issues and constraints related to consumer habits. Contribute to the development of health policies and personalised actions carried out by schools, for example, integration into the "Gezonde School" school awareness campaign.

The actors involved

The Flemish Agriculture and Fisheries Agency is responsible for managing school enrolment. On the other hand, its operational implementation is ensured by the involvement of the entire school community.

Target group

The programme in Flanders reaches a fairly wide range of audiences. It covers nursery, primary and special schools.

The distribution :

One of the strengths of the programme in Flanders is its simple administrative system and decentralised distribution model.

The use of an information website for registration It deals with:  School financial issues. 

Eligible costs for schools.

Conditions of support.

Distribution organisation Schools have several options for organising their distribution:  Fruit in the backpack


The schools fix the day of the week with the parents where the children receive a fruit to taste it. The choice of a supplier with subsidy for the supply of fruit : The school chooses a supplier and fixes with him a day of fruit delivery within the week. The supplier undertakes to deliver a range of fresh and ripe seasonal fruit. Choosing a fruit supplier without subsidy: Schools concede the logistics of delivery to a supplier without subsequent reimbursement.

Request for assistance

If a school chooses to manage its fruit and vegetable distribution alone: it is nevertheless eligible for the European programme, and can supplement its funding with a parental contribution, support from the municipality or self-financing. This allows decentralization of supply, freedom of choice of supplier, and greater stimulation of the local economy. In addition, it is possible for a school to apply for a grant without a contract with a supplier. This makes programme management more flexible in the choice of products, and makes it easier to manage the enrolment of students participating in the program. One of the specific features of the Flanders region, and a not inconsiderable point in the application of the programme, concerns the flat-rate reimbursement arrangements. Indeed, to ensure a minimum supply of 30 weeks with a budget of 6 euros per pupil, schools receive a grant amounting to 4 euros per pupil.

Fruit and vegetables offered

No processed products are distributed under the program.

Communication strategy:

Some providers promote the programme themselves. In all cases, after confirmation of registration by the Flemish Agriculture and Fisheries Agency, schools receive the promotional material and an application for participation in the programme.

In Spain: «Plan de Consumo de Frutas y Verduras en las Escuelas» (PCFVE) The general framework In Spain, the programme is renewed at the beginning of each school year with the participation of the Autonomous Communities concerned (CCAA). The Spanish administrative organisation leads to the deployment of the programme at the level of these Communities. Implementation therefore takes place at the regional level, while the broad lines and distribution of funding are decided at the national level.


The regulatory framework is established in collaboration between the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment, the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality, and the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports. These ministries shall maintain contacts with the corresponding authorities of the Communities in order to facilitate the deployment of the programme throughout Spain.


 

   

Increase fruit and vegetable consumption in a sustainable way. To make the greatest number of children discover fruit and vegetables, their characteristics and their properties, so that the pupils can appropriate them naturally. Increase the number of schools participating in the programme. Target the most economically and socially sensitive areas. Promote parental participation and involvement. Diversify the products distributed.

AREFLH member regions (Andalusia, Catalonia) have all set up this programme.


Fruit and vegetables are distributed regularly once or twice a week, mainly in the mor ning, except in Catalonia where they are sometimes distributed at snack time.

Communities Andalusia

Distributed vegetables Carrot, Tomato, Gazpacho

Fruit Mandarin, Strawberry, Banana, Apple, Pear


Carrot, Tomato

Orange, Strawberry, Apricot, Nectarine, Grape, Apple, Pear, Nèfle, Cherry



Table 13: Fruit and vegetables proposed in the Spanish AREFLH member regions

Distribution support measures

Many forms of action are used and affect students in different ways in AREFLH member regions.

Competitions 

Recipe contest developed by children, mainly composed of fruit and vegetables. These competitions educate and sensitize students to the health benefits of fruit and vegetables. They also allow parents to be involved, helping their children. Writing and drawing competition on the theme of fruit and vegetables so that the pupils take ownership of these activities and are motivated by obtaining prizes: fruit cups, materials, etc.

Culinary tools and fruit and vegetable tastings

The intervention of a cook who prepares the fruit and vegetables to savour and makes the students aware of the production methods of the products. Other actors in the sector and socio-cultural facilitators also participate in these workshops. Other actions enable children to discover the fruit and vegetable sector and its actors, and to be made aware in a playful and educational way of the characteristics and qualities of fruit and vegetables (sensory workshops, taste workshops, etc.).

Field visits

Visits to market gardens and fruit farms are organised, as well as agri-food industries, fruit and vegetable sorting and packaging warehouses, farmers' markets, etc. The field tastings allow 33

the students to better understand the organisation of the fruit and vegetable sector, and to make the relationship with what they eat by finding pleasure there.


Signs with clear and visual messages explain the health benefits of fruit and vegetables. These panels are displayed in schools for a more or less long period. These exhibitions are mainly located in the entrances of schools to be seen by both students and their families. In addition, these exhibitions can be the subject of active participation by students in the development of the panels.

Teaching sheets and materials

Entertaining and fun fact sheets, posters and leaflets provide knowledge about the characteristics, properties, benefits, growing methods, varieties, production seasons, and curiosities of fruit and vegetables. These teaching materials are made available to all participating students in their class with their teacher. But they can also take these materials home, which allows information to be disseminated to their families.

Multimedia games

Online games consist of questions related to the properties of fruit and vegetables, but also related to healthy eating habits. These various teaching materials are designed in a playful form that attracts children and that they can use independently.

Educational vegetable gardens

Vegetable gardens and gardening workshops are installed in schools or made available by municipalities. They arouse children's interest in the fruit and vegetables they eat. The measures considered the most effective by the surveys carried out in the Autonomous Communities are measures of a playful nature and of an extraordinary nature, which break with the daily routine. In our regions the most appreciated are: Andalusia

FrutibĂşs and the fruit and vegetable recipe contest


Workshops on healthy habits including tasting workshops

Table 14: The flagship accompanying measures of AREFLH member regions

Coordination, management and monitoring

The control and execution of payments are carried out by the Consumer, Food Safety and Nutrition Agency, and the departments responsible for health for some Autonomous Communities.

The actors

A diversity of actors is involved throughout the programme in Spain: Actors Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment and related advice in CCAAs Agency for Consumer Affairs, Food Safety and Nutrition, and departments responsible for health for some Autonomous Communities

Participation in the programme Coordination, management and monitoring Control and execution of payments Strategy development


Ministry of Education, and corresponding entities in the autonomous communities Fruit and vegetables sector Private companies

Strategy development Fruit distributions and accompanying measures Advertising, Evaluation and Monitoring Accompanying measures

Table 15: Spanish programme actors

A communication strategy that remains unclear

The promotion of the programme is carried out in a non-uniform manner by the various Autonomous Communities, which undermines the effectiveness of the programme.

What are the prospects for improvement? 

Organise physical meetings with the various schools to explain how the programme works. The interest is to present feedback of experiences within each Autonomous Community. Develop for each Autonomous Community a website dedicated to the programme where the regional organisation is explained (suppliers, registration procedures, educational tools, proposed accompanying measures, etc.), on the model of the 5 al dia de Catalunya programme website ( Develop awareness materials for parents.

In France: "Un fruit pour la récré" (A Fruit during recess) Programme objectives and description :

All French AREFLH member regions participate in this programme. For each project included in the programme, the application conditions are as follows (Table 16): Programme Recipients Financial Assistance Applicants Distribution Accompanying educational measures

Schools and extracurricular establishments Organisation that buys fruit and vegetables, approved by FranceAgriMer, called "management body". Free of charge Frequency: at least 6 times a week Time: Outside mealtime At least once every quarter Freedom of schools to organise measurement Carried out by teachers or facilitators from the community or external structures

Table 16: Functioning and conditions of the application of the "a fruit for recreation" programme in France

This scheme, launched by France in 2008 on an experimental basis, has been funded by the European Union since 2009.

The goals to be achieved:  

Increase consumption by children aged 3 to 18 so that at least 50% of them consume 3.5 servings and 25% at least 5 servings. Sustainable behaviour change with the integration of activities into the National Food Programme (NFP).

All fresh fruit and vegetables are allowed. They can be supplemented with dried and processed fruit and vegetables. Each distribution must be less than 300g of fresh and processed fruit and vegetables.


The choice of suppliers is made at the local level by the managers of the establishments and town halls. The implementation of each project must respect the recommendations of the National Programme for Nutrition and Health (PNNS) and benefits from the support of the Ministry of Health.

Accompanying measures

In addition to the nutritional aspect, one educational activity per term is required to introduce students to fruit and vegetables. Interfel offers local authorities edutainment and educational activities (interventions in class or in the canteen, events around fruit and vegetables via its network of dieticians). After 12 years of experience, nearly 55,000 classes have benefited from these actions, more than 10,000 schools visited and more than 1.5 million children reached.

Stakeholder participation

The national strategy is drawn up within the framework of coordination between the Ministry of Agriculture and Food (DGAL and DGPE) and France-AgriMer (paying and inspection body). In addition, to implement the programme, the ministries in charge of health and national education, local authorities and professionals in the fruit and vegetable sector are working together to implement promotional interventions on both food and health.

Barriers and prospects for improvement What are the barriers? 

The case of managing town halls :

The financial commitment of a town hall must be made for all the schools of the city, This leads to a heavy investment and obliges the town hall to make a public procurement. The chances that this investment will benefit the local economy are thereby reduced.

The case of management schools or associations :

These structures often do not have the financial capacity to support the advance payments and the long waiting periods for reimbursement of the costs incurred by the programme.

Prospects for improvement

Co-financing between town halls, schools and associations would reduce repayment delays and circumvent the obligation to award public contracts (see the model of the programme in Flanders). It would also be desirable to simplify the reimbursement of costs generated by the programme in order to facilitate access to structures with reduced financial capacity as well as to reduce payment delays by France-AgriMer and organisational costs.

The logistics

The general organisation of the programme is ensured by the managing bodies, from the choice of suppliers to the management of distribution and accompanying measures. However, these structures do not all have sufficient human and logistical resources to perform such functions. As a result, the balance of the programme remains fragile because it is based essentially on the voluntary work of the different actors: school principals, teachers, parents, etc. In addition, administrative procedures (e.g. claims) are relatively cumbersome a nd also increase the workload. Finally, the cost of supply for small schools and for small quantities remains high for suppliers compared to other distribution channels.


Prospects for improvement  Establishment of fixed support at the level of managing organisations to ensure the stewardship of operations.  Ensure the presence of at least one facilitator per region with a function of information, advice, animation of a school network, etc.  Encourage the grouping of managers and work upstream with producers to establish lists of suppliers for each region.

A fuzzy programme communication strategy

The programme is promoted by different structures, which blurs the message: Ministry of Agriculture, France-AgriMer, DRAAF, local authorities, etc.

Prospects for improvement  Create a website at national level dedicated to the programme for registration procedures and programme implementation, which could subsequently include links to regional versions.  Organise physical meetings with the different schools in order to explain the functioning and interest of the programme and to present feedback from other actors.  Clearly identify a single structure that promotes the program.

Dissemination of educational material and support

The educational and awareness-raising tools made available to schools by the institutions are very little used with regard to accompanying measures.

Prospects for improvement  Communicate on the availability of the tools provided for by the accompanying measures on the website of the Ministry of Agriculture.  Creation of a website dedicated to the programme where these tools could be directly downloadable.  Creation of a collaborative platform for committed schools and municipalities to share experiences, advice and contacts. Sources : Comission-internal consultation, 2016 CIHEAM-IAMM, 2017

In Greece : « Σχέδιο προώθησης της κατανάλωσης φρούτων στα σχολεία» Promotion Plan of the School Fruit Greece is the European country with the best individual offer of fruit and vegetables distributed to children. In the case of Greece, there are no procurement procedures because of the desire to keep the implementation of the programme independent. The programme has been in place for only two school years: 2012-2013 and 2013-2014. Several reasons explain this lack of regularity in the application: 

Lack of a specific national strategy to deploy the programme.

A lack of coordination and management on the territory.

Administrative procedures that led to delays in launching the programme and a lack of social awareness, including a significant lack of family participation.


Only institutional operational actors: Ministry of Agriculture, Development and Food, Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs and Ministry of Health.

Objectives  

Increase fruit and vegetable consumption among children as they develop their eating habits. Contribute to market stabilization.

Target group : pupils in public and private primary schools, from 6 to 12 years old. Application of the programme alternated between regions :

Given the limited budgetary framework, the programme is implemented in Greece each year in different regions in order to cover the entire national territory over a period of several years. Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food Supervision and monitoring of implementation Selection of promoters and accompanying measures Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs Validation of educational activities Implementation of accompanying measures Management of the delivery, reception and waste of products in schools Ministry of Health Approval of products distributed Regional Rural Economy and Veterinary Services Units and Regional Health Agencies Carrying out checks Table 17: Greek Programme Organisation


The range of products offered is based on seasonality and availability during the school year. Fresh fruit Fresh vegetables Processed products

Apples, pears, oranges, mandarins, grapes, peaches, nectarines, apricots Cherry tomatoes, pickles Fresh orange juice, fresh peach juice, canned peaches, dried figs

Table 18: Products in the greek programme

Accompanying measures :

They consist of:  Brochures  Teaching records  Recipe Booklets  educational DVDs  Films  Educational materials on fruit and vegetable consumption  Books  Posters  Nutritional guide sheets issued to each child  Games. Information and communication materials are distributed to students in particular:  Cardboard boxes 38

  

Bookmarks pages Programme Posters Notebooks.

The barriers

The greatest difficulty for the implementation of the programme in Greece is linke d to a very constrained budgetary framework which has led to a low frequency of fruit and vegetable distributions. For the first edition, a total of 3 distributions were made to schools, and 5 for the second edition. A lack of infrastructure in Greek schools (fridge, kitchen, etc.) and staff in charge of distribution, leads to difficulties in the preparation of fruit and vegetable distributions.

Source : School Fruit and Vegetables Scheme Strategy for the 2016/2017 school scheme for Greece, 2016

In Italy: « Frutta nelle Scuole », « Fruit in Schools » Italy has been part of the European programme since the 2009-2010 school year, under the name "Frutta nelle scuole". This programme is implemented in all Italian regions for pupils aged 6 to 11.

General framework of the programme

The Italian particularity is that the programme is directly managed at national level by the Italian Government, around eight groups of regions. Nine supplier companies, chosen by the Ministry of Food, Agricultural and Forestry Pol icies, ensure the distribution of fruit and vegetables in each of the regional groups : Groups

Suppliers 1


2 4












Map of the grouping of Italian regions and their suppliers for the operation of Frutta nelle Scuole

Multiple national bodies are involved in the operation of the programme.


Actors Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Policy (Technical Coordination Committee)

Participation in the programme Development of national guidelines. Distribution of the budget over the territory. Programme management and coordination. Management of service provider companies for the 8 groups of Italian regions: support for the tender procedure for suppliers, development of the national strategy, definition of accompanying measures, directory of participating schools.

AGEA: Agricultural Agency Agecontrol

Programme funding management, payment execution and control.

National Financing

Provider companies in charge of distribution CREA : Advice for agricultural research and agrarian economic analysis ISMEA : Service Institute for the Agricultural Food Market Staff teachers

Ensures the implementation of controls: technical quality checks of the product distributed, checks of the accompanying measures implemented. Controls in product packaging plants for the technical quality verification of the packaged product The test results, summarized in the reports, are forwarded to AGEA for appropriate decisions. Supply schools and distribution management. Development of accompanying measures.

Table 19: Programme actors in Italy

Distribution Distribution organisation

The fruit and vegetables are distributed on a regular basis at least four times a month and exclusively in the morning by the 9 suppliers. Frequency of distribution Duration of the distribution period Time of distribution Distributor Average portion weight Average portion price Average consumption/child/year Percentage of fresh-processed products

At least 4 times a month March-April to June in the morning businesses 218g 0,62â‚Ź 7,4kg 51,9% - 48,1%

The distribution process must follow certain guidelines imposed by the national level.

Delivery of products

The director of the school or the coordinating teacher of the school programme must agree on the delivery of the products with the service provider, signing the transport document (DdT). The products must be delivered before 10am on the same day, or at least in time for the distribution to take place during the morning or afternoon snack. In addition, the products must be delivered with an information sheet on the distribution methods.

Distribution among students

The distribution among students must be equitable, products of the same type and size are distributed to all.


Fruit and vegetables offered

Twenty-eight fruit and vegetables are available for distribution: Kiwi, apricot, watermelon, watermelon, orange, cherry, clementine, fig, fig, fig, strawberry, khaki, mandarin, apple, melon, pear, peach, nectarine, red fruit, plum, table grape, tomato, carrot, fennel, celery, babyrot, carrot. Over the duration of the programme each student must receive at least 10 different species of fruit and vegetables.


Fruit and vegetables are supplied to Italian schools by the supplier groups that responded to the Ministry's call for tenders and were selected. The tender is awarded to the company with the best economic position, in accordance with the public procurement code.

Distribution support measures

The pupils participating in the European plan in Italy also all benefit, in addition to the distribution, from the accompanying measures. A wide variety of actions are implemented by the actors who intervene in schools:

Activities Visits to farms, processing units, farmers' markets School educational gardens Activities in the field Sensory workshops Tasting workshops Culinary workshops "Conference" at school Olimpiadi della Frutta (Inter-school Championship) Teacher training Other activities: professional meetings with parents, photo contests, educational videos, weekly fruit and vegetable menus, etc. Distribution of fruit and vegetable awareness materials and gadgets

Actors involved Programme Providers CREA, teachers, school staff CREA, teachers, school staff CREA and Service Providers (ALIMOS, Slow Food, etc.) Providers (ALIMOS, Slow Food, etc.) and teacher assistance Providers (ALIMOS, Slow Food, etc.) and teacher assistance AERC CREA, teachers, school staff CREA, programme suppliers, other providers, teachers, school catering staff, professionals in the sector Suppliers Programme Providers

Table 20: Accompanying measures to the programme in Italy

Distribution of educational materials and gadgets

The actions most often carried out in participating schools are school vegetable gardens and the distribution of teaching materials. Italy's strength lies in its multiple, varied and proactive support measures for children. They are moments of conviviality shared with their classmates, and tools enabling them to develop their possibilities of choice and food discoveries. It is also a way to make them aware of the close relationship between their diet and their health.

Communication tools

Communication materials are also developed to facilitate the operation of the programme, but also to promote it to the general public. Various tools are developed :  Posters,  Website:,  Television, Radio, Social Networks,  Creation of different applications,  Institutional information brochure,  Information booklets adapted to all primary classes.


Barriers and prospects for improvement Distribution organisation: which difficulties? They are linked to : 

Insufficient coordination between actors with delivery schedules which are often poorly respected and delivery delays are numerous. A large number of deliveries were delayed during the program. Some have been expected for several weeks and have led to storage and preservation difficulties of the products. These delays caused quality and sometimes quantity problems for the products delivered and limited the variety of fruit and vegetables on offer.

Supplier-institution relations. A weakness in the communication of information concerning logistics and deliveries to schools is criticised by the suppliers to the administrations responsible for coordinating the programme.

Non-compliance with the timetable. Some suppliers have seen an increase in the number of their weekly deliveries, forcing a more complex reorganisation of the delivery schedule and accompanying measures and a reduction in the range of products offered. Schools have also encountered difficulties in reorganising the planning of their activities in a short time, in particular because of the overlap with other educational activities already planned.

Prospects for improvement

It would be desirable to have greater storage capacity in schools, by adapting their infrastructures to make the supply of products more flexible, particularly in terms of varieties. It would also be desirable to start the programme earlier in the year in order to make the pupils more aware of the seasonal nature of the products, to make the organisation of actions more effective (avoid excessive concentration) and to reduce the number of weekly deliveries.

Information and documents disseminated  

A lack of information material to distribute to families and schools over the 2012 2016 period. A dissatisfaction that has increased on the part of staff over the last 3 years in relation to the quantity of documents made available.

Prospects for improvement

There seems to be a need for greater clarity regarding information on deliveries to schools, including the start and end dates of the programme and the list of participating schools.

Quality of products

This point is often criticized by parents and when it is, the blame is uniform throughout the school. This difficulty is mainly due to the choice of suppliers which is made at the national level on an economic priority criterion. Indeed, the supply is often not reg ional and sometimes outside the country, which leads to difficulties in the conservation of products and complex supplies to schools.

Prospects for improvement

The selection of suppliers, logistics and relations with schools are decisive and should be reorganised.

Dissemination of educational material and support

Very little use is made of the educational and awareness-raising tools made available by the institutions.


Prospects for improvement   

Communicate on the availability of tools supporting the accompanying measures within the framework of the website of the Ministry of Agriculture. Create a collaborative platform for committed schools and communities to share experiences, advice, and contacts. Despite the recognized quality of CREA's intervention measures, only 30% of the schools were contacted by this organisation to ensure their implementation.

Sources : School Fruit and Vegetables Scheme Strategy for the 2016/2017 school scheme for Italy, 2016 et ISMEA, 2017.

Portugal: « Regime de Fruta Escolar>> The guidelines of the School Fruit and Vegetables Programme in Portugal (2016 -2017) are developed within the framework of a national strategy defined by the Ministry of Agriculture, Health and Education.

Target group : elementary students in public schools.

Schools are selected on the basis of health criteria, students' eating habits and budgetary constraints. For the sake of equality, the commitment of the schools in the programme implies that all the students of this school can benefit from it, and that the selected suppliers deliver to all the schools in the region.

Distribution and products distributed

The criteria for selecting products; they must contribute to :  Improvement and stabilization of the local sector. 

Reduction of transport costs and greenhouse gas emissions (good environmental practices).

The valorisation of local and regional products.

Quality certifications: MPB, AOP, IGP

Respect for the seasonality of products.

Fresh and ready-to-eat products that comply with health regulations.

For example, the procedure followed by Portuguese producer organisations is the packaging of fresh products in bags of 10-12 units which are aseptic and ready for use. If the cost of the distribution is too high for schools to ensure a good distribution for all students, they can use 2 possibilities:  

Greater concentration of the distribution period. Common requests from a group of schools or from all the schools in the same municipality via the town hall for the organisation of delivery logistics.

The products distributed in Portuguese schools according to the above criteria are the following: apples, pears, clementines, oranges, bananas, cherries, grapes, plums, peaches, carrots and tomatoes.

Accompanying measures

They must be operated at least once a year. What are the selection criteria? The accompanying measures are adapted to the curricula of the various school levels and take account of the general knowledge provided on the fruit and vegetable sector and their impact on children's eating habits:  The choices are made by the schools in collaboration with the municipalities or the Direction Générale des Institutions Scolaires.  The measures are validated by IFAP (Instituto de financiamento de agricultura e pescas). 43

Fruit and vegetables should be distributed to all students.

The main measures put in place:  Visits to farms and farmers' markets.  The realization of school vegetable gardens and seed bag distributions.  Taste workshops and culinary workshops.  Distribution of teaching and learning materials.  A website of the RFHE (Regime de fruta escolar).  Creative and fun activities: theatre, dances, songs, poems, games and competitions.

Involvement of the various actors National, regional and local representations of the agriculture, education and health sectors.  The decentralized regional agencies of the three ministries involved in the programme.  Local authorities.  School groups.  Civil society represented by municipal associations, producers' associations, parents' associations, etc.

Communication between actors

All town halls and schools that are part of the programme must designate a contact person responsible for communication with the national coordination team. At the institutional organisation level, difficulties of coordination and operationalit y of cooperation between the 3 ministries were noted. They lead to too much bureaucracy and reduce the number of municipalities joining the program.

Accompanying measures

They are not considered to be very effective and, as a result, are not applied very often.

Delivery costs for suppliers

Deliveries are expensive for suppliers because they are not very profitable because of the small quantities for small structures such as schools.

Conclusions on the effectiveness of the School Fruit Program What overall assessment? Families are generally satisfied with the programme and children appreciate its actions. The scale of the programme continues to grow, with additional schools being added each year. In Belgium and Spain the discovery by children of new fruit and vegetables through the programme is considered particularly effective. In outlying areas of the rural world parents, children and school officials have the clear impression that children's consumption of fruit and vegetables has increased significantly. Concern was expressed about the introduction of dairy products into the program. The actors fear, therefore, that there will be confusion in the messages disseminated and competition vis-à-vis fruit and vegetables in the offer made to children, while fruit and vegetables have far greater benefits.

Key factors for good delivery management Based on the experiences of AREFLH member regions, good management of distribution in schools seems essential for the implementation of the programme.


Delivery to schools: a crucial but difficult stage to put in place. This stage is difficult to organise because few suppliers are ready to guarantee deliveries, not very profitable for them, even to the small isolated structures that are certain schools. It is however a condition of quality of the products because its good management makes it possible to reduce the time of storage and to guarantee good conditions of conservation. The key factors for good delivery management can be summarized as follows: 

The use of regional suppliers and a good division of the territory for distribution. This would limit delivery times and encourage a more local product offer, as is the case in Andalusia with the various storage units set up throughout the country.

A good communication between the actors of the distribution. Good coordination between distribution agencies, suppliers and schools seems necessary for the proper transmission of information on delivery logistics, and to avoid overconcentration of deliveries and disorganisation of the timetable,

A distribution in adequacy with the objectives of the program.It would appear that to best meet the objectives of the program, less frequent fruit and vegetable distributions (about once a week) but spread over a longer period (at least one quarter) would be more effective. Indeed, a longer distribution period increases the variety of products on offer, while covering more widely the fruit and vegetable seasons. Finally, a phenomenon of substitution of the domestic offer for the school offer of fruit and vegetables sometimes appears when the distributions are daily. This is why limiting the frequency of distributions would guarantee additional quantities and not a substitution in the consumption of fruit and vegetables by children.

How can accompanying measures be better managed?

They are sometimes underused but represent a real lever for promoting fruit and vegetables to children. The most effective accompanying measures seem to be actions: 

Playful and exceptional in nature, breaking with the daily routine (for example the intervention of an outside person, field visits, etc.).

Multi-thematic activities that capture children's attention by stimulating their interest in different ways: activities that touch on different areas of knowledge such as cooking, seasonality, production locations, etc.

Culinary and sensory workshops are very appreciated by children because they are perceived as a source of pleasure, autonomy and also learning. One of the levers for improvement identified in the Italian evaluation of the programme would be to involve high school students in order to create interactivity between students and encourage learning and memorization of each student's experiences.

They must be adapted to the age of different audiences.

What are the prospects for improvement? It would be desirable to:  Redefine regulation versus procurement: focus on regional and national sourcing. 

Set up regional relays to implement actions and manage the programme: referrals in each territory, creation of lists of local suppliers, additional human resources to ensure distribution and support measures.

To deepen knowledge about products and their transformation and enable students to develop their critical sense of advertising and food marketing amalgams.


Adapt financing according to the real prices of suppliers' products and not those found on mercurial wholesale markets

Créer une plateforme européenne réunissant les initiatives de chaque pays et présentant les bons messages nutritionnels.

Programme opportunities to be seized

Participation in the programme allows supplier companies to increase their visibility with the general public, but also to stimulate long-term consumption of fruit and vegetables for future generations. For most interviewees, it would be useful to extend the curriculum to secondary schools, but this approach will have to be different and adapted to this audience which is more independent of education. In addition, another interesting possibility was identified. It would consist in intervening more in urban areas in order to counter young people's growing ignorance of fruit and vegetables and at the same time enable them to recreate social ties.

National policies and programmes In terms of nutrition, states have become aware in recent decades of the importance of the quality of food, and the existence of malnutrition by excess. As a result of this general awareness, many countries have put in place comprehensive strategies linking nutrition with health.

Belgium: the Belgian National Nutrition and Health Plan (PNNSB) Launched in April 2006, the first objective of the National Plan is to implement a set of operational means to offer the Belgian population concrete, visible and coordinated measures: improving eating habits, increasing physical activity, thus reducing the risk of disease, improving the state of health and quality of life for all. It has 7 objectives and areas of work: 

Information and communication: creation of a website, a TV spot, various posters, 5 food guides and two contests..;

Creating an environment that stimulates healthy eating and physical activity;

Private Sector Engagement;

Breastfeeding and infant and young child feeding / Selective feeding deficiencies and optimal feeding ;

Undernutrition in hospitals, nursing homes and in home care;

A national food survey ;

Scientific research on diet, eating behaviour and physical activity.

Useful link:


Spain: Estrategia para la Nutrición, Actividad Física y Prevención de la Obesidad The National Strategy for Nutrition, Food and Obesity Prevention "NAOS" of the Ministry of Health and AECOSAN (Agencia Española de Consumo, Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición) was defined in 2005. It includes a set of recommendations and agreements with the food industry, distribution and the advertising world. One of the objectives is the planning, coordination and implementation of actions to widely disseminate information, promote food education and recommendations for the preservation of health capital, in particular through better nutrition. At school:

Teaching about nutrition and encouraging physical activity ;

Elaboration of healthy and balanced menus, respecting the differences between the pupils;

Actions related to vending machines.

In the food industry (IAA) :  Commitment by LPNs to reduce salt, market healthier products for children, reduce caloric intake of food products and individual serving sizes ; 

Nutritional and caloric information on all labels ;

Specific advertising for products intended for children;

Use of a self-regulatory code for food and beverage advertising to children under 12.

Helpful link :

France : Programme National Nutrition Santé : « Manger, Bouger » The National Nutrition Health Programme (PNNS) "Manger Bouger" was launched in 2001. Its objective is to improve the general state of public health. In order to maintain good public health, good nutrition is necessary, i.e. an appropriate and balanced diet and regular physical exercise. This is why the actions implemented by the PNNS aim to highlight, in diet and lifestyle, health protection factors and thus reduce exposure to risk factors for chronic diseases.

PNNS actions

The PNNS is implemented in a concrete way in 35 public and private establishments (agri food, pharmaceutical, medico-social), 13 communities of communes and more than 300 "active PNNS" cities.


They are all signatories to a charter committing them to : 

Implement at least three actions,

Ensure that these actions are in line with PNNS standards,

Ensure that their communication bears the PNNS logo.

In addition, a tool, Evalin, has been developed to enable regional actors to diagnose their nutritional actions themselves.

The National Food Programme: "Eating well is everyone's business".

In parallel and complementary to the PNNS, the PNA was created in 2010 with the message: "Eat better and make our food model a force for the future". All PNN actions related to food are integrated into the PNA. This programme is developed around four fields of action: 

Social justice,

Food education for youth,

Territorial anchoring,

The fight against food waste.

To meet these objectives, the NLP has four main axes: 

Axis 1 "Facilitating access for all to quality food".

Axis 2 "Improving food supply

Axis 3 "Improving knowledge and information on nutrition

Axis 4 "Preserve and promote the French food and culinary heritage

In this new programme, the taste classes, in schools, are actions making it possible to carry out axis 2 relating to food education for young people. They are part of the tools designed at the national level and made available to teachers in the same way, for e xample, as "A fruit for recreation". The PNA Call for Proposals : To support the implementation of the NLP in the regions, a call for projects was launched. The aim of this call is to encourage initiatives, based on local authorities, associations, institutional bodies and private actors, to meet the health, socio-economic and environmental challenges of food.

Contacts: PNNS : PNA



Italy : Guadagnare salute, rendere facili le scelte salutari As regards food education, in 2007 the Italian Government presented a national strategic plan entitled'Guadagnare salute, rendere faciliti le scelte salutari'. The government wants to promote healthy lifestyles by providing a number of pieces of advice to citizens: 

Regular physical activity;

Eat fruit and vegetables several times a day;

Reduce the consumption of sugars and high-calorie foods ;

Reduce tobacco and alcohol use.

This plan develops three types of communications:  Specific communication plans for each intervention; 

An information campaign that puts citizens at the heart of health choices and gives the government a facilitating role;

A specific programme in collaboration with the school world.

The main concepts of food education in Italian schools were summarized in a text published in November 2011 under the title "Scuola: linee guida per l'educazione alimentare". al entitled "Guadagnare salute, rendere facili le scelte salutari". The government wants to promote healthy lifestyles by providing a number of pieces of advice to citizens:  Regular physical activity;  Eat fruit and vegetables several times a day;  Reduce the consumption of sugars and high-calorie foods ;  Reduce tobacco and alcohol use. This plan develops three types of communications:  Specific communication plans for each intervention;  An information campaign that puts citizens at the heart of health choices and gives the government a facilitating role;  A specific programme in collaboration with the school world. The main concepts of food education in Italian schools were summarized in a text published in November 2011 under the title "Scuola: linee guida per l'educazione alimentare". Useful links : Project Presentation: Guide for Schools:

Portugal: Programa Nacional para a Promoção da Alimentação Saudavel


Unlike its European neighbours, Portugal is a country without a national nutrition plan. On the other hand, it has a National Programme for the Promotion of Healthy Eating. Its mission is to improve the nutritional situation of the Portuguese population, promoting the physical and financial accessibility of healthy foods and creating favourable conditions to increase the population's appetite for healthy foods. The programme is based on an Advisory Council composed of different representatives linked to:  Power supply ;  Nutrition and health;  Food production and distribution;  The environment ;  local authorities ;  Culture and tourism ;  representatives of civil society. Under the PNPAS, cooperation agreements have also been concluded with several NGOs, academic institutions and companies in the food sector, with the aim of improving consumer information and food accessibility. The PNPAS has initiated some projects specifically concerning the promotion of fruit and vegetables: Programa "5 ao Dia" national scheme Heróis da Fruta” APCOI’s national project “Regime de Fruta Escolar” National project “Transforma o Teu Lanche” Regional project of the Centre region, the town hall and the community of municipalities of Seixal “Da Horta à Sopa” Regional project of the region Centre of ACES do Baixo Mondego / ULS for the town hall, the community of municipalities and the Montemor-o-Velho school group. Helpful link :


Initiatives promoted by the Regions Andalusia 1- Fruit Consumption Plan in Andalusian Schools The European School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme has been in place since the 2009/2010 school year in Andalusia.

Presentation Administrative organisation of the programme in Andalusia

The School Fruit Consumption Plan is implemented in collaboration with three regional councils, the Junta de Andalucia the Education Council, the Agriculture, Fisheries and Environment Council and the Health Council. The implementation of this plan in Andalusia is part of another programme: Hábitos de Vida. The latter aims to disseminate good practices to the educational community (children and young people in Andalusia) and to bring together professionals in the education and social health sectors.


15 rations per child are distributed during the 2016/2017 school year, about 1-2 kg/child.

Correspondence between a ration and the amount of fruit or vegetables per child For children in 100g conventional fruit kindergarten, a 60g fresh fruit from the IV range (see Fruit and Vegetables below) ration is worth: 60g cherry tomatoes or carrots For primary school children, a ration is worth:

200 ml orange, mandarin or gazpacho juice 130 g conventional fruit 110g fresh fruit IV range 100g cherry tomatoes or carrots 200 ml orange, mandarin or gazpacho juice

Table 21: Correspondence between a ration and the quantity of fruit or vegetables per child

Organisation of delivery: Fruit distribution at the school takes place from January to May, Monday to Thursday.  Reception-distribution centres and mobile storage units: To manage the fruit and vegetable distribution network in Andalusia, two reception-distribution centres have been set up in Granada and Seville, and 14 mobile storage units are used throughout Andalusia. 

A coordinating teacher in each school: In each school, a teacher is designated as the coordinating teacher. It must follow the instructions of the General Secretariat of Education (published on the Hábitos de Vida website), which explains the basics of receiving, storing, and distributing fruit and vegetables to students. He must assume different roles, from receiving products at school to distributing fruit and vegetables to children:

Receipt goods


Storage Distribution children


Intermediary with the distributing company, he/she must approve the good condition of the goods and choose the storage place Choice of storage location according to the instructions received in the distribution and consumption manual - Prevent children from bringing a container - Supervise the distribution among students, paying attention to product size variability - Guarantee the consumption of products within the 51

school Table 22: Role of the coordinating professor

Product quality maintenance and management: all mobile units must be in a controlled atmosphere and maintain the cold chain. For each school, a distribution and consumption protocol is made available, in which are the steps to follow concerning the handling of products: premises and storage method Fruit and Vegetables proposed: the products proposed are mainly products of range IV of the brand Frutanova de Cortijo Cuevas.

Distributions are organised according to product types, following a 3-day cycle. Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

Product range IV Product range IV or Gazpacho Conventional Fruit

Table 23: Product distribution diagram

In Andalusia, the Junta de Andalucía guidelines require that seasonality be respected for fruit and vegetables distributed in schools. The calendar of products distributed for the 2016 -2017 school year is as follows: From 10/01 to 31/01/2017 From 01/02 to 22/02/2017 From 06/03 to 27/03/2017 From 28/03 to 05/04 and from 17/04 to 26/04 From 08/05 to 29/05

Khaki range IV Organic tangerine or apple Plum Ecological orange range IV or Apple range IV Series IV milling cutter Pear Ecological orange range IV or apple range IV Series IV milling cutter Pear Watermelon of range IV or Gazpacho ecological Series IV milling cutter Cherry tomato and carrot Watermelon of range IV or Gazpacho ecological Melon of range IV Cherry and Cucumber Tomato

Table 24: Calendar of products distributed in Andalusia

Accompanying measures The Frutibus: Mobile toy library The children's recipe contest

Teaching activities Webquest "El consumo de fruta" School library

See description in next part of Regio'Com Realization of three recipes composed mainly of fruit and vegetables by children, with the help of parents at home, teachers at school, or both at once Recipes sent by email to the coordination of the Creciendo en Salud program Publication of each recipe on the Habitos de Vida Saludable website and social networks Available on the Healthy Living Habits Portal :

Table 25: Accompanying measures in Andalusia



For the 2016/2017 school year, Andalusia has received a total funding of 4 137 000€, that is 29% of the Spanish budget dedicated to the programme.

The strengths Trained coordinating teachers who exchange among themselves.  All coordinating teachers in each school are obliged to follow an 8-hour training course in two sessions (one in November and one in May). These trainings are organised by province and promote:  The dissemination of educational tools and resources on fruit and vegetable distribution,  Support for programme management in schools,  The meeting between teachers of the same province in order to create a collaborative work for the application of the programme in Andalusia,  A space for communication and exchange of experiences between teachers,  Information resources for all stakeholders,  Distributors, teachers, families and students have access to the informative tryptic of the Junta de Andalucía, and to a nutritional information platform of the European Institute of Mediterranean Food.. An efficient network delivery and distribution system that covers the whole of Andalusia. Cortijo Cuevas an Andalusian supplier offering products adapted to school distribution. The agricultural company Cortijo Cuevas in Granada supplies fruit and vegetables. This company produces, processes and packages its products in Andalusia, thus concentrating all the steps locally. It applies quality standards such as IFS and GLOBALGAP. It uses a specific marketing method for school supplies: cut fruit for the FRUTANOVA brand.

The scope of the programme Currently more than 1,400 school centres are participating. During the school periods, teachers from the "Estilos de Vida saludable" programme visited 1,250 school centres to carry out educational measures.


2- European programme action in Andalusia: La ruta de Fruta y el Frutibús Frutibús is a mobile bus used as a toy library throughout Andalusia offering a series of games and activities around fruit and vegetables. This action takes place within the framework of the ‘Estilos de Vida Saludable’ project of the ‘Hábitos de Vida’ programme of the Junta de Andalucía, in place since 2014-2015.

Presentation Objectives

Know the benefits of fruit and vegetables in a balanced diet and apply daily life models.

Transmit the benefits of healthy lifestyle habits through activities and educational games, to prevent diseases in the future.

Target group : students from 8 to 10 years old Period : December to June Organisation of the day

In each school where the bus operates, four groups of 25 to 29 pupils participate in the activities. They participate in four games inside the 40-minute bus and one outside the 20minute bus. In case of bad weather conditions another activity is planned inside. In front of each workshop is a poster explaining how to do the activity.


Andalusian Council for Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development, 2016

The main cost of this type of activity is related to bus rental. However this cost is shared for all schools in Andalusia.

Highlights of the event 

Adapted workers: a specialized staff is in charge of animating the various activities with the children.


Active participation of all the children: five teams of different colours for the five planned activities of Frutibús. Each group having a distinctive colour, they rotate to participate in all games at least once.

Games of different shapes, addressing a variety of themes, to involve students actively and playfully.



Theme addressed

Student Participation

The fruit bowl of Andalusia

Video quiz

Active and collective

Fruit Twister

Game, physical activity Culinary workshop (skewers)

Nutritional contribution of the fruit and vegetables of the region and their role in a healthy diet General knowledge about fruit and vegetables Aesthetic and gustatory pleasure of fruit and vegetables while following the indications of the video General knowledge of fruit and vegetables

Active guided

Fruit and vegetable consumption advice Students must follow the nutritionist's instructions to recover as much fruit and vegetables as possible.

The recipe book of Andalusia Who's who of the fruit and vegetables The fruitcake puzzle Gymkhana

Video game Game Course


Frutibús / outdoor Frutibús

Frutibús and


Active and collective






Table 26: The different forms of Frutibus games

Targeted schools Of the 655 requests received by the Junta de Andalucia, only 150 schools are selected to benefit from the visit of Frutibús. That is why the choice of schools is made according to:     

The schools that have received the least visit from Frutibús since its establishment. The oldest schools in the school fruit and vegetable distribution program. The number of Frutibús beneficiary schools in the same province, so as to balance the participating schools throughout Andalusia. The involvement of schools in educational compensation plans, and located in areas of social transformation needs The chronological order of applications.

 A means of disseminating the benefits of healthy eating, through schools in Andalusia: the bus system makes it possible to travel throughout the region, and to equally distribute information about good eating habits.  High mobility: schools have access to activities without having to organise a field trip, which is more practical and less expensive. Contacts : Tel : +34 (0) 955066742 Dossier Frutibús 2017/18.pdf


Emilia Romagna ConsumAbile communication campaign "Fai come se fossi a casa tua" ("Make yourself at home") The ConsumAbile communication campaign aims to promote and develop a sustainable lifestyle model for city dwellers, both in their private lives and in their workplaces, at the same time as encouraging the purchase of eco-compatible products, particularly fruit and vegetables. In 2017, a series of new initiatives and projects were developed, financed solely from regional funds.

As part of this campaign, several communication media were created:    

Special signage for workplaces in the form of adhesives. A Vademecum for "sustainable" behaviour for the public concerned. A Tool-Kit of recommendations for green purchases (fruit and vegetables) in EmiliaRomagna. A database on good consumer practices.

Also available to the public are visuals, informative multimedia brochures (to avoid paper consumption) incorporating the objectives and actions developed by the Emilia -Romagna region. One of the most important vectors of this campaign is, via the website, the distribution of videos dedicated to the promotion of sustainable behaviour in the workplace.

The Food Education Program The Emilia-Romagna region has embarked on a food orientation and education programme aimed at developing consumers' critical faculties, highlighting the possible packaging of purchasing behaviour and proposing conscious and reasoned eating behaviour. The aim of the project is to promote selected and rational food consumption for all ages of the population, from small children to adults. Sustainability, networking and communication are the watchwords of this new programme, based on the quality of food and the sustainability of production systems. A better awareness of the population with regard to their food requires knowledge of the techniques of production and processing of agri-food products (from the field to the plate) and the environmental and social impact of production and consumption.


The programme is structured as follows:  To promote the knowledge and consumption of foods and food products that are their source, favourable for health, especially fruit and vegetables, and that are part of the Mediterranean diet. Priority is given to local products. Both domestic consumption and catering consumption are concerned by this programme.  To promote the knowledge of agriculture, to develop the territories of EmiliaRomagna, in particular through educational farms and open farms. .

Occitania: Nutrition, an important regional cause in 2018 A concerted regional policy with the inhabitants of Occitania Nutrition is a subject of daily life for our fellow citizens. They expect action from the public authorities in terms of public health and product quality, but they also question the societal, economic, agricultural and environmental impacts, the social and ethical link, and the protection of our territory. In Occitania, the food sector is a key economic sector, with nearly 2,000 agri-food companies and farms employing 164,000 people, the largest regional employer. The Occitania / Pyrenees-Mediterranean Region has therefore decided to make nutrition the great regional cause of 2018 and will soon propose a major regional plan to accompany all the players in the food sector, which will be concerted with citizens. This plan will propose actions with economic, environmental, social, health and cultural aims. The construction of a regional food policy is based primarily on broad consultation. This began at the end of 2017, with debates and meetings with professionals from the agricultural and agri-food sectors and bodies representing consumers and experts. This approach aims to bring out the challenges of the future food plan and has the following objectives:  Encourage the gradual establishment of a virtuous circle of reconquering the relationship between consumers and local producers;  To enable as many people as possible, particularly those living on a low income and in a situation of food insecurity, to have a quality, healthy and balanced diet at socially acceptable prices; 57

  

Structuring and developing local economic sectors, adapting local production to regional demand and promoting more remunerative prices for producers; To reinforce the purchases made by high schools in terms of collective catering in favour of local and organic purchasing; Preserving the environment and promoting energy transition.

At the same time, it is also a question of raising awareness among consumers, young people in particular, to eat better and to support their awareness of their role as economic citizens-actors likely to guide the evolution of production and distribution methods.

The steps in this process 

From December 2017 to February 2018, the themes and objectives of this regional consultation were discussed and decided by regional elected representatives in conjunction with food stakeholders and experts (consumer associations, etc.). From April 2018, the region consulted widely with the inhabitants of Occitania, via a questionnaire. Until the end of June, the general public has the possibility to participate online. From May to October, about twenty territorial meetings will be organised in several municipalities of all the departments of Occitania. In the autumn, various regional food policies will be presented for the vote of the inhabitants of Occitania.

Subsequently, the Occitan region will determine the Regional Food Plan and thus determine the region's concrete actions in this area.

What the region proposes The region is launching a new scheme called "Plan de valorisation des produits de proximité et de qualité dans les restaurants scolaires des lycées de la région Occitanie". The target is 40% quality local products in high schools. To reach this goal, the region will rely on a working group composed of high school managers and chefs, among others, and propose an incentive scheme to schools on a voluntary basis. This system includes training and financial assistance. In parallel, an additional effort will be made to support local sectors in their structuring so that they are able to respond to public orders.

Produce, consume and live organic State of play :  40% of the increase in national consumption of organic products in two years.  7 out of 10 French people declare consuming these products at least once a month.  23% increase in agricultural land reserved for organic farming in 2015 and 16% in 2016 at national level against 34% in 2015 and more than 23% in 2016 at regional level.  Occitania / Pyrenees-Mediterranean 1st French region in organic farming and 4th European region involved in organic farming.


The region is implementing the "Bi'O Plan 2018-2020". Six lines of action have been identified, including: training and knowledge sharing, support for production and therefore the installation and conversion of land into organic or what is called "the influence of organic products", i.e. advertising around these products to promote their distribution. 2.7 million euros will have been devoted to organic farming in 2017.

Taste classes Taste classes are networks created to share around the taste of food. Their aim is to develop the different teaching methods and activities related to sensory education with trained and reliable referees. They represent a flagship action of the PNA in Occitania and are more generally part of the school health plan deployed by the region.

Three fundamentals: 

Development of the child's ability to taste and verbalize sensations.

Encourage the child to make conscious food choices.

Improve the child's relationship with himself and others through nutrition.

Children's nutrition is primarily influenced by the family and its environment, especially at school for young people. Taste classes thus use school to influence children's food socialization. These classes are intended for children in the third cycle, but interact, therefore, also with families and the various school actors.

The territory Cultural Heritage Mediation Sensory Awakening (17) Culinary art (1) Sensory awareness, Cultural heritage mediation (4) Sensory Awakening, Culinary Art (4)

The message: "Eat responsibly and consciously".

The project aims to learn to eat responsibly by becoming aware of their physiological and nutritional needs and how fruit and vegetables are produced and prepared. The activities proposed in this project broaden the food range, thus reducing dependencies, promoting a heritage accessible to all, and opening up a universal field of expression.

Actions Themes on which the structures act Product knowledge Environment and territories Social function of food Nutritional function of food Hedonic function of food

% of total number of structures 42% 45% 52% 55% 90%


% of structures acting on the environment/territory theme Short circuits 7% Waste 7% Tourism 7% APOs and local products of the 7% territory Heritage 14% Terroirs 14% Collective catering 14% Waste 36% Environment 43% % of structures acting on knowledge about products Origin of the products Food accountability Product quality Species Knowledge Knowledge and discovery of the actors of the sector Production F&V % of structures acting on the nutritional function of food Health, healthy and diversified food Eating Behaviours Nutritional knowledge of fruit and vegetables % of structures acting on the hedonic function of food Culinary Art Taste Awareness Awakening of the senses in general

15% 15% 38% 38% 46% 77% 12% 65% 71%

45% 71% 81%

Source : PNA Occitanie

In the category "other forms" original initiatives are carried out such as a workshop around the design of the plate, a sensory walk, an odour bar, an "almost perfect dinner", healthy restaurants, etc.

Partnerships and collaborations

This regional programme is developed in accordance with the guidelines of the national PNA programme, administered by the Regional Directorates of Food, Agriculture and Forestry (DRAAF), and the decentralised services of the Ministry. 60

Organisational structure  

4 pilot "taste classes" for the three school cycles. Taste education relays: relays are actors located in Occitania and trained in taste education. They design and lead programs, events, and/or training related to a sensory approach to food.

Coordination with other promotion programmes for a balanced and conscious diet

Taste classes belong to a more global system of "eating well" including other actions: "fruit for recreation", "pleasure in the canteen", farm visits, etc.

Educational tools used

Source : DRAAF Occitanie

The strengths Relevance and impact of the message Taste classes make their message all the more relevant thanks to the relays of taste education, which are as follows: Teach eaters of all ages to :       

Reintroduce the pleasure of eating into everyday life while respecting each person's culture, beliefs and physiological needs. Awaken curiosity and help build personality. Expand your food repertoire. Pay attention to food quality. Eat responsibly and as a good citizen. Perpetuate, create or rebuild social bonds. Develop your culinary creativity.

Source : J.Billiaux, 2016 Effectiveness








around 61


Source : DRAAF Occitanie A good cooperation between the actors A diversity of actors involved. Of the 30 structures of the Occitan taste classes, most of them act with different actors involved in child nutrition:

Source : DRAAF Occitanie Cooperation between the training structures of the territory for each actor.


Source : DRAAF Occitanie For the Occitanie region, two pilot networks exist in Toulouse and Montpellier. They make it possible to coordinate the network of taste classes at the regional level, and to organise training for field workers with the support of the DRAAF and the rectorate. Two ways of operating and organising the training of actors are implemented:

 

for the Montpellier pilot network: numerous training courses are organised by the rectorate, more than 180 relays are trained for the Toulouse pilot network: training is directly integrated into the academic training plan of the reference school nurses, who themselves provide training to other nurses and school staff

Results and impacts of the event 

Impact on agriculture : Highlighting products as markers of cultural diversity, and of the region's food heritage (diversity of agricultural production, products, etc.).

Impact on health Openness to food and therefore nutritional diversity. Educational method based on sensitive experience that facilitates the acquisition of knowledge by the child.

Impact on socialization through social bonding Implementation of the food education programme, a source of socialization for children, between teachers and children in the classroom, and between teachers and families.

Impact on dietary variability of participating students (DGAL, 2012) 63

Children in taste classes are more likely to switch to a wider range of products and to move more easily to new foods than the control group. 

Tendency of participating students to talk more about taste at meals.



Interbranch programmes Interfel and the F&V promotion campaigns Since 1993, INTERFEL has been running year-round communication programmes to promote the consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables.

Interfel in short    

It is a national interbranch association of the fresh fruit and vegetables sector. Its objective is to promote consumption and develop the supply of fruit and vegetables. It is strongly involved in the promotion of fruit and vegetables at the national level. It brings together and represents the whole fresh fruit and vegetables sector, from the production to the distribution, including collective catering.

The basis The message present in all Interfel actions is that fresh fruit and vegetables: are a lever to change eating habits. "Unity is a strength!”. Indeed, this sector is characterized by a large number of brands, each, individually, having a limited impact. Collective communication is therefore essential, given the significant advertising investments of the major agri-food brands against which the F&V are competing.

The missions     

Taking into account the strategic orientations of research and experimentation. Developing interprofessional agreements. Defending the sector on the national and international market. Implementing information and communication actions to encourage the consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables. Disseminating scientific information on fruit and vegetables for health professionals, the industry, and consumer associations (for example, Aprifel is Interfel’s agency responsible for the study of nutrition and food education).

Its members The members are national associations representing the diferent professions of the sector: producers, wholesalers, exporters, importers, collective catering, etc.

Interfel’s communication commission The goals of the commission is to meet the expectations of consumers-citizens with informative communication, and to meet the demands of consumer-buyers with a public promotional communication.


This communication strategy is split in two :  Online communication, with the website, the social networks and bloggers;  Offline communication, with printed materials, events, workshop by dieticians, etc.

Working groups They are created for a period of one year and aim at analysing actions and communication programmes. There are four:  The working group on the European programme "Envie de ...". It Informs and reassures consumers about the modes of production and marketing.  The child-parent working group. It promotes fruit and vegetables in order to increase consumption.  The Agriculture Trade Show Working Group, it informs the general public about the sector, focuses on the discovery of products, and allows meetings between the different actors in the sector.  Crisis Management Working Group

Budget Communication (Interfel, 2016)

The parent-child strategy From 2016, parents have been involved in Interfel's awareness-raising activities, including regarding fruit and vegetable consumption within the family. Several actions are implemented to improve parent-child involvement in the promotion.




Factors integrating the parent-child strategy

Broadcasting schedule: at snack time

Gulli is the French reference channel for the kids and their parents “Kids on skiing holidays” are animations in 8 ski resorts: games based on the senses, memory games on fruit and vegetables, tasting and choreography Actors involved The channel Gulli Diéteticians from Interfel Factors integrating the parent-child strategy

The ski resort is the meeting place of families


Actors involved

Professionals from the sector who participate to the workshops during the event The event happens on public places, where families come

Factors integrating the parent-child strategy Contest of the most beautiful picnic in France, based on fruit and vegetables, in ten cities Actors involved City halls Factors integrating Fun atmosphere the parent-child Events dedicated to local families strategy Fresh Attitude Week in the United States (since 2015): in school restaurants healthy menus were made, rich in fresh fruit and vegetables and with animations around these products (salad bars, promotion of the art of cooking, cooking contests and visits to local farms Actors involved  City Halls  The schools from the Urban School Food Alliance: New York, Chicago, Miami, Dallas, Los Angeles and Orlando  Local producers Factors integrating The events happened in places where many children are the parent-child usually present strategy FRUTTI AND VEGGI ARE BACK TO SCHOOL

Actors involved

150 school canteens Others actors from the sector Factors integrating the parentAdapted workshops: discovery of fruit and child strategy vegetables by children, in places they are used to Partnership with cartoons broadcast on “France 4” tv channel Actors involved

France 4

Factors integrating the parentFamily tv programme child strategy On the internet, link between the actions in the campaign and life at home


Special forms available on the site allowing children to participate in the campaign and to receive a book of activities and a tasting box The section « withing the family », on the website has tricks and advice to eat more fruit and vegetable at home. Contests on social networks Actors involved

Dieteticians, sociologists and other experts

Factors integrating the parentContents for children from 6 to 12, and for child strategy parents too. 1 400 professionals from the sector are registered to receive the communication tools in relation to the campaign. RESULTS OF PARENT-CHILD AWARENESS, and media contacts (2016) Kids on skiing holidays 22 millions contacts Fresh fruit and vegetables week 310 press articles written on the event With a total of 67 millions contacts (tv, radio, internet) Frutti and Veggi back to school 17 millions contacts (from tv)

The awareness and information strategy This strategy is part of the European programme "fun at every season". It raises public awareness on various topics:  Seasonality of fruit and vegetables,  The variety of products,  Knowledge of the different jobs within the sector,  The pleasure of eating, sharing and conviviality. This strategy is being implemented in various key areas of the sector in order to reach the widest audience possible: retail, drive shopping, markets and greengrocers. Promotional activities are implemented there : such as shelf stops, contests and tasting workshops. The content of information comes in different forms in order to better disseminate the message:  Paper-based communication: billboards, booklets, leaflets, etc.  Promotional kits distributed to partners.  A quarterly brochure for restaurants and the press: recipes, information on products, trades and savoir-faire of the sector, etc.  Press relations: newsletters, push mail, product sheets, press lunches and culinary workshops. The spin-offs are qualitative since several news stories have been made as a result of these relations, on RTL, in Le Monde, Le Parisien, etc.  Internet marketing: contests and banner campaigns on websites with high traffic (TF1, Le Monde, 750g, Le Parisien).  Recipes and advice in articles, in videos and images, posted on Interfel's fresh fruit and vegetables website, on social media, in the press and on partner websites.  A comic called "Discovering the professions of the fresh fruit and vegetables".

Promotion actions everywhere in France

School interventions coordinated by the dietician network: educational events and cooking workshops.  Many public awareness events throughout France.  Actions in sale points : information and animations.  Actions in the catering sector: raising awareness of guests and staff. 68

 

A website: A powerful communication: relations with the press and advertising and media campaigns (radio and television).

Network coverage The teams >13 employed dieteticians >25 providers

Employee network Provider network Animation that can be programmed

Contact : Dragana Miladinovic Tel : +33 (0) 1 49 49 18 88

2016 Fresh Fruit and Vegetable week One of Interfel's main promotional events is the Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Week.

Presentation During this week, fruit and vegetables are present everywhere, for all, in all forms for a week, in June each year. This is when the fruit and vegetables are the most easily available, and it is a favorable period for outdoor activities and visits to the most interesting F&V productions It is organised all over France and Italy with a new partnership UNAPROA which helped develop themed workshops and healthy snacking in leisure centers, large supermarkets and Italian summer camps.

How does it work? A real discovery of the sector Distributions of fruit and vegetables in public places, stands and awareness workshops, many events around the fruit and vegetables, many meetings with all stakeholders from the sector. A main message: fruit and vegetables 69

are fun, fresh and colourful!

In 2016, a variety of events in France, throughout the week, involving many stakeholders on the territory. Action type


Associated events

Actions in public places

Municipal Agents, Families and External Organisers

Contest of the most beautiful picnic of fresh fruit and vegetables Election for the best Fraich’Attitude cities Treasure hunts in the various participating cities around the theme of fruit and vegetables Exhibitions, conferences, etc.

Interventions of the professionals of the sector

Producers, shippers and cooperatives

Wholesalers School Restaurant Staff F&V retailers

Interventions from health practioners

Frutti et Veggi Interfel dietetici ans

Farm visits and tastings of fruit and vegetables for the general public Participation in the actions in public places Animations on wholesale markets, and direct promotions to their customers fruit and vegetables in the limelight in canteens: Gourmet and colourful plates, animations around the 5 senses Specific menus in canteens Exchanges and proximity relationship with consumers: Tips, and product selections In Supermarkets Coordination of more than 150 events for professionals in the sector, in schools, in public squares (culinary workshops, product discoveries, competitions, etc.)

Beforehand information and communication Tools Website Kits

Information given - Presentation of the week: times, places, programming - "Become an actor" heading: Registration and action ideas according to each profile of actors. Communication kits distributed to the actors of the various events of the week to ensure prior communication with the general public. 70

Social networks Consumer Advertising Newsletter s Public events

On Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Dailymotion: Dissemination of information for each event through the two mascots Veggi and Frutti (programme co-financed by the EU). Communication campaign launched in supermarkets and restaurants Information about this week disseminated to all Interfel partners. Launch party of the week in Paris: Presence of the 2 mascots, journalists and bloggers

2016 Media Plan     

Press Advertising in June on Europe 1 Television Advertising on Gulli children's channel TV spots: Gulli, LCI throughout the week Radio Advertising on Europe 1 Presence throughout the whole week on RTL and regional radio channels France Bleue

Organised and coordinated action by Interfel's network of dieticians at regional level. Several financing actors are asked to take action in all French regions. Funding during this week is provided both by Interfel, professionals from the sector, mass distribution and local authorities.

The strengths of the events Thanks to a relevant message the fruit and vegetables are perceived in a positive way: fun and colourful. Effective information and beforehand communication: for the 2016 edition, more than 310 media releases were identified, including 9 TV and radio broadcasts. A total of 26 million contacts were made, plus those by the all different actors in the sector. Many partners at all levels:  Local authorities: town halls, departments, regions.  Retailers: Simply Market, Netto, Magimix, E.Leclerc, Mastrad, Intermarché, Casino Group, Franprix, Cora, Chrono Drive, Auchan.  Catering suppliers: Sogeres, Rosteria and Elion.  Institutional partners: project headed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry. Veggi and Frutti: two mascots characters were created as programme co-financed by the events, they are the symbols of children.

for children, these two part of a European EU. Present on several fruit and vegetables for

A media plan adapted to the event:  Gulli and LCI are two TV channels that provide information to both children and parents.  FranceBleu and RTL are two consumer radio stations specialising in the communication of regional events. 71

A showcase for the entire sector: by meeting the various actors in the sector, the general public has the opportunity to discover the fruit and vegetables from their production methods to their distribution. A large-scale project that reaches a wide audience: in 2017, more than 15,000 actions and 24 events in public places were carried out, and 230 municipalities were involved.

A fun kit developed by Interfel and Unilet: My little Legumady Presentation Educational kit for the implementation of activities around the fruit and vegetables at school by the educational team, by the dieticians of the network, but also by the animators during the times of outside school activities. Objective: To apprehend vegetables by the five senses and the imagina tion in order to make them more friendly. Public: children from 6 to 11 years old

Price: 60 euros

How does it work? A collaboration between Interfel and Unilet for the development of the kit. The sale of the kit is managed by Unilet. Inside the kit: 41 activities on six themes: the touch, the smell, the sight, the hearing, the taste and the imagination. This tool adapts itself to the different cognition levels of the children, to their number, their autonomy according to the time dedicated to the workshop. Examples of the type of animations proposed by this kit Name of the activity « Hullabalooin the kitchen » « Hand in the bag » « Soup in colour»

The sense developed Identifying sounds Identify a vegetable by touching it Discovering the influence of the sight on the taste

Institutional partnership with FranceAgriMer and the Ministry of Agriculture, Agri-Food and Forestry Marketing managed by UNILET Organisations: Schools, Associations and Town Halls

The strengths Enthusiasm of young audiences to play Playful and pedagogical participative kit, based on the imagination of the child. The kit is a real help for the organisation of awakening workshops based on the senses. Games well explained: from the organisation of the workshop up to till the end. 72

The kit can be used in different contexts: school, leisure center, or as an accompanying measure of fruit and vegetable distributions at school. Contact : Tél : +33 (0) 1 .53 91 44 44

Fresh Baskets in French Railway stations Presentation SNCF “freshness baskets” are sales opportunities for local producers in train stations, once a week, sometimes more. Message : « Vos fruit et légumes à portée de train ! » (your fruit and vegetable close at hand) Everywhere in France. Initially this project was launched in Ile-de-France in 2007, it currently extends to all French regions:  SNCF stations in Ile-de-France: the Greater Paris network has 42 participating stations.  And stations from the following regions : Greater East, Hauts-de-France, Normandy, Brittany, Pays de la Loire, Center-Val de Loire, BourgogneFranche-Comté, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Occitanie, PACA. Productions concerned : local fruit and vegetables

How does it work? The promotion of the initiative is carried out on the website (see below), where consumers can order the baskets. Posters and informative brochures on timetables and places of sale are available in the participating stations and on their website. In addition, recipes are available at the station or distributed directly by producers. The train stations have partnerships with local Agriculture Chambers. Most of the products as sold as prepared baskets, from 10 to 20 euros.

The main strengths A market opportunity for producers: there is a large number of daily SNCF passengers in France. 73

An easy purchase for consumers. The stations become a meeting place for producers and consumers. High visibility of the stands in the stations. Many brochures and posters are present in the stations, places of great affluence, and are available on the websites. Healthy consumption habits are created In addition to the fact that consumers have access to fruit and vegetables on a regular basis, producers facilitate their consumption by offering them recipes they have created themselves, according to the products offered each week. Interesting points for passengers  Conveniency: baskets prepared and ready to be picked up, as a one-time purchase or regularly, thanks to the subscription. Schedules adapted to peak hours.  Taste: awareness of fresh and seasonal fruit and vegetables from sustainable agriculture, recipe leaflets.  Nutritional diversity: the baskets may improve the nutritional aray of travelers' diets.  Cost: subscriptions at preferential rates. Interesting points for producers  Logistics: the main sales are the baskets, which facilitates inventory management for producers. One move for many sales.  Regular sales thanks to the subscriptions.  Increase in income and freedom for price fixing: direct sales, therefore no intermediaries.  Promotion of their seasonal fruit and vegetables. Local sales reducing the carbon footprint of transport, For the buyer, there is no extra transport as the purchase is made on the daily trips of the passengers. More and more "small" regional stations are participating in this action.

Contacts : For the producers: For the end consumer :  Ile de France train network :  Other networks: Ter regional website (section « Service à bord et en Gare ». An example 74

« 5 al día » in Spain Since 2000 Spain has joined the global movement "5 a day", with the national organisation " 5 al día", a non-profit organisation. The challenge of this movement is to increase the consumption of fruit and vegetables to 5 daily servings per person, when the usual serving for most people is 3. A message: "Frutas y Hortalizas 5al día, Bueno para la salud!" Objectives:  Inform about the health benefits of eating 5 fruit and vegetables a day.  Spread the message of the association to as many people as possible. The actors involved in the association:    

 

The professionals from the fruit and vegetables sector : producers, actors from the distribution, trade and services of the fruit and vegetables sector Financial Support Organisations (implementation of the actions of the association, stakeholders of the board of directors) Social partners : institutions, public administrations, means of communication, associations, entities related to the fruit and vegetables sector Sympathising members : any entity or person from the civil society. There are no special partnership conditions, but most of these members are essential for the implementaton of the actions Member companies : they are companies that do not belong to the fruit and vegetable sector The Scientific Committee : advisory Board of the association in terms of food, nutrition and dietetics. It responds to requests from members of the council of the general assembly, partners, schools and consumers. It develops and controls information disseminated by the association

Financing "5 al dia" is financially supported by the EU, the Spanish government, but also by its members if they wish. Activities for the public and for children  Debates on healthy eating and health in general      

Photo and drawing contests Healthy breakfasts in private companies and schools. Cooking shows Participation to trade shows Workshops and games for children A theatre play called « La magia de las frutas y las hortalizas » (The magic of the F&V)

A special educative programme in schools


This programme gives the keys to a good diet, with actions developed by professionals and adapted to different levels of education. The adherent schools receive a label and certain advantages, in exchange for actions that they must carry out with their pupils.

Advantages for the school

Actions it needs to develop

It is related to the global environment that children know well: television, internet, street life, etc. The school is seen as health-aware (positive image) Access to educational and didactic materials developed by professionals, in order to best match the different school cycles Participation in activities organised by "5 al día" outside the establishment

Ensuring that at least 2 daily portions of fruit and vegetables are available for each student Communicating to parents that the school is joining the programme Offering at least once a month a special "5 al día" menu Dedicate at least 10 minutes per week in class to training on fruit and vegetables in general

Support of "5 al día" to develop other projects initiated by schools Distribution of "5 al día" magazine to all students

Table 27: Benefits and compromises of participating schools in the "5 al día" program me Actions for partners  A congress and meeting of the sector.  Specific discussions for raising the awareness of businesses and other institutions about fruit and vegetable consumption.  Networking at the various events organised by the partners.  Tasting points in sale areas supervised by dieticians and nutritionists of the association.  Educational tools from the scientific committee are available to educational and social centers. Dissemination of information On the website of the association ( a lot of information about healthy eating is disseminated through advice, recipes, nutrition factsheets, and links to other interesting initiatives. A communication guide has also been written by the scientific committee of the association to avoid confusion about the message. It is intended for all means of communication and explains certain rules to follow for the diffusion of the message of the association. Its strong points:  Basic and clear information.  A message adapted to the public based on scientific studies.  Specific recommendations: size, times of consumption, age groups, etc. An effective communication on the F&V 76

The marketing and promotion department of the association is at the origin of the well-known "5 al Dia" promotion campaign. Three types of actions are in place:   

Communication on websites and social networks (Facebook and Twitter) for the general public and children. Design and development of images, for the sector, for advertising, and promotion around fruit and vegetables. Dissemination of information provided by the scientific committee , for the sector, and for schools through press notes, a newsletter, mailings and websites.

Two websites are also operational: one for the general public, the press and partners (, and the second for member schools where the teaching material is available ( At the end of a 10-year programme, students remember 95% of the programme's message and its meaning.


A specific action from “5 al día” in Spain: La Frutoteca Presentation The Frutoteca is a fun and interactive space, allowing visitors to make a sensory journey and discover the world of fruit and vegetables. This travelling project is in the form of an inflatable structure, inside which a video is projected at 360°, completely plunging the public into a colourful world. The public : 1st grade pupils Territory : in the whole of Spain

How does it work? The message : "The fruit and vegetables accompany us from field to fork" Objectives :  Showing the benefits of daily consumption of fruit and vegetables.  Understanding how fruit and vegetables arrive to our plates.  Understanding how fruit and vegetables fit into our diet, and their role in the food group pyramid.  Making recommendations to reach the 5 portions of fruit and vegetables that is recommended daily. Beforehand information and communication:  For practical information and to book a date an e-mail service ( is available.  Frutoteca actions are kept lively through games on the site of 5 al dia: pairs game, question games, virtual kitchen garden, riddles, etc.  Access to the games of the Frutoteca on the internet. Supervising staff: nutritionists and dieticians from "5 al Dia" organise the various activities of Frutoteca. Role of “5 al dia” partners: financial support and supply of fruit and vegetables. A sponsorship system for financing: companies can sponsor the programme. This allows them to value their social responsibility and their image. In 2016 the main sponsors were Love my Salad, Plátano de Canarias, Brócoli Pasión and Gadis. The actions : the frutoteca offers three activities presenting fruit and vegetables: the virtual tour, "Del campo a la mesa ", and "En la mesa " (see below).


Discovering the fruit and vegetable

The virtual tour

During this visit the visitor will learn about the characteristics and properties of the fruit and vegetables, and why they are essential to our diet

Discovering agriculture, from sowing to harvest

Through images, sounds and interactive videos, the following items are presented:  A diversity of seeds and their final product  The different cultivation techniques depending on the type of soil  Different types of irrigation, fertilization and pest control  The evolution from flowering to harvest  The tools used by the farmer Del campo a la mesa (From field to fork) Through exhibitions, children will discover the paths of fruit and vegetables, the functions of the different actors in the distribution chain, but also the different stages of their marketing (packaging, transport, retail, etc.).

En la mesa (In the plate) A game and a nutritional pyramid explains, in an easy and fun way, the importance of a daily consumption of 5 fruit and vegetables.

The strengths The message conveyed by the Frutoteca gives a complete view of the fruit and vegetables. Mobility of the Frutoteca The mobility of Frutoteca widens the public affected: indoors and outdoors, in a college, a school, a town hall, a sports center, a supermarket, etc. The schools have access to activities without having to organise a school trip, which is more convenient for them and less expensive. Educational objectives adapted to the content of school curricula The different themes during this project correspond to those studied by primary school pupils, so as to perpetuate the good eating habits. These themes are:  The characteristics, properties and classification of fruit and vegetables.  The cycle of agriculture and the path of products in the sector.  Clarifying misconceptions about fruit and vegetables. Interest for partner companies : In addition to developing a good image, these companies solicit their future consumers.

Contact: - Tel : +34 90 23 65 125


Professional programmes France,




label :





The National Apple and Pear association ( Association Pommes Poires de France -ANPP), which represents 1400 producers, has developed the ecosustainable orchards label (Vergers ecoresponsables) in 2010 in order to communicate on orchard production methods. This label obtained environmental certification of level 2 farms from the French Ministry of Agriculture in 2013. This eco-friendly orchards label now represents 65% of French apple production and 36% of French pears. It has been extended to the production of peaches, nectarines and apricots. In 2017-2018, the actions to develop the reputation of the eco-sustainable orchards label are as detailed below.

Media actions: Sponsorship of Télématin on France 2 for 4 weeks in November 2017. Sponsorship of the programme Love is in the meadow (L’amour est dans le pré) on M6 for 4 weeks in January-February 2018. About 110 million contacts were made on less-than-60-years-old potential purchasers and 55 million contacts on women from 25 to 49 years.

Two main events organised by the ANPP: Operation Open Orchards (7th edition in 2017) This operation welcomes the general public in orchards at the time of harvest. A path in the orchard is always organised by the grower to explain the production methods, including all the alternative techniques to the treatments. Free picking, workshops for children may also be set up. In 2017, 52 orchards all over France participated in this event and welcomed approximately 10,000 people. This operation also generated numerous media spin-offs, particularly on TF1, France 3, France Infos and in the regional daily press.

Agriculture Trade Show (Le Salon de l’agriculture) (February-March 2018) For the first time, eco-sustainable orchards set up a 90 m² stand at the Salon de l'agriculture in Paris. Various activities were planned to communicate both on the apple growing job and on the apple and pear products: a path called "in the orchard" over the four seasons, a workshop led by a chef, tasting sessions, a nutrition workshop led by a dietician and designed for children, a quiz space, and an apple/pear of the day area divided between the varieties Angélys, Ariane and Tentation.


Promotion : Most retail chains in France are now committed to sourcing apples and pears grown in eco friendly orchards. Thus, identification material for these apples was created for all the distributors involved, plus 340 days of eco-friendly orchards educational animations in store.

Communication, the Internet and social networks : The Vergers ecoresponsables label now has a wide communication plan for the French market: In the media: TV sponsorship of Télématin on France 2 and « l’Amour est dans le pré » on M6 Events:  Operation « open orchards » in September each year  Stand at the Paris International Agricultural Show in February    

Promotion in partner store stores, with specific tools: Information on eco-sustainable orchards Identification of the label on the shelf Variety information Animations

On the internet :  Website  Facebook page: La Pomme : Craquez, Croquez !


Belgium: « All Day long » "All Day Long" is a programme created by Belgian fruit and vegetable producers with the support of the European Union and the Belgium trade (wholesalers, mass-market retailers and specialized businesses). Several actions have been put in place, particularly within companies in the sector to stimulate the consumption of fruit and vegetables all day long.

"Fruit and vegetables at work" It initiative targeting people who consume at least one-third of their daily meals at work. The workplace is a great place to increase fruit and vegetable consumption. Companies are committed to helping their employees to consume more fruit and vegetables by having some ready to eat in the offices but also by spreading information and awareness campaigns.

Why consuming F&V at work ? Benefits or the employees

 

Benefits for the company

Protection against chronic deseases.  Facilitates the recommended daily consumption of 300 grams of vegetables and 2 to 3 pieces of fruit.  F&V are a healthy snack in case of tiredness 

Increases employee satisfaction and improves the working environment. Provides good energy to employees. Increases disease resistance, thus decreases absenteeism. Allows employees to take charge of their social responsibility.  Improves the reputation of the company.

« All Day long » trophy Each year, the programme proposes a trophy that rewards companies that best encourage F&V consumption in the workplace. Contact : Sophie Lambreht, tel : 0032 25528039

Spain, Catalonia : AFRUCAT Afrucat's promotion, information and food education activities are numerous and varied. Afrucat is the regional federation of companies, producers and private organisations for the soft fruit sector. More than 307,000 children have been affected by the communication and promotion of Catalan fruit. Three competitions for children and their families have been organised: Tasta Fruita , Family Fruit and Pinta Fruita in partnership with the Directorate of Agriculture of the Generalitat de



The contest Tastafruita The objective of the game was for the young cooks to compose dishes with fruit and other products such as pasta, cheese, vegetables, dried fruit, chocolate etc. Of all these unique creations Afrucat selected the most original, and published it on a dedicated page on the Internet

The participants : primary school pupils involved in the national and regional school fruit & veg promotion programme. The geographic area : all the schools involved in the regional school fruit & veg promotion programme. The jury : the jury is made up of chefs and professional representatives of the fruit sector. How to participate ? The classes prepare a recipe including mainly seasonal fruit (apples, pears, peaches, nectarines, plums, cherries and apricots). The recipe must be presented in an A4 size sheet accompanied by a photograph.

The LLeida Pear promotion Several promotional and public relations actions were organised to publicize the Lleida pear as a sign of European quality, the Protected Designation of Origin. These actions were set up throughout Catalonia in partnership with the Department of Agriculture and the Catalan Federation of PDOs and PGIs: PDO pears tastings in the streets of Barcelona, Lleida, Tarragona and Mollerussa. Cooking workshops with chef Pep Nogue as part of the San Miguel Fair. A Traveling tasting stand in collaboration with the Cursa de la Boira. Collaboration with Mostra Gastronomica de Cuina d'Ivars in the presence of the Food Truck. Participation in the Spanish trade show Fruit Attraction in Madrid. Contests for families with a view to raise awareness and inform them about the path of pears from picking to their plate, their seasonality, their taste and nutritional qualities of Catalan fruit.

Family Fruit The Family Fruit project offers to families the possibility to incorporate in their daily diet more fruit and vegetables. These families are invited to share with each other all the information on their daily diet and the place of fruit and vegetables in this diet. They share with other families fruit cake ideas, family videos made during the preparation of salads, new recipes invented as well as original ideas to increase the consumption of fruit and vegetables.


These exchanges can also be done through a public platform for participating families and for the educational community. The organisation selects the three most active, creative and imaginative families who have best valued fruit and vegetables in their meals. The organisation offers a basket of fruit and vegetables to the first 10 winning families. The participants: all families of elementary school children participating in the Fruit Veg School programme. Geographical area: Catalonia. The jury: it is composed of experts from the world of fruit and vegetables. Registration can be done by mail on

Pintafruita: a drawing contest for children '' Paint a postcard of Christmas fruit '' The contest is aimed at young kindergarten and elementary artists. They have to draw a postcard for Christmas celebrations using fruit and vegetables as a support. All forms are accepted (paintings, drawings collages, print) manual or digital or by combination of 2. The images must highlight at least one fruit (apple, pear, peach, nectarine, plum, cherry, apricot) and the nativity or the new year. A winner is selected and the drawing will be used by Afrucat for its Christmas and New Year greetings. The finalists each receive a gift. The participating classes who organise drawing workshops thus contribute to develop artistic creation talents in the field of fruit and vegetables. The drawings are collected by Afrucat. The jury is composed of experts from the fine arts and professionals of the sector. The geographical area: Catalonia.

Spain, Catalonia : Mercabarna’s visit The pupils’ visit to the Mercabarna market is part of the “5 al dia” programme of Catalonia. This initiative is an important activity of the campaign around which other activities are developed.

Presentation Objective: promoting the consumption of fruit and vegetables among pupils and their families, and spreading the message of the “5 al dia” campaign. Public: pupild of elementary school 2 nd and 4th year . Duration: one day Details of the action : the pupils visit the Mercabarna market with a group of animators. 84

The different stages of the day Presentation of the fruit and vegetables from production to the sale points and their impact on health. The scale model market This reduced-size market is for the pupils to understand the operation and general organisation of the market.

 

The visit of the market Theoretical and practical presentation of the different product families. Observation, experimentation and tasting activities for children to experience different plant varieties, colours, smells, textures and flavours. Visit of the potato and onion packaging unit (Hermanos Fernandez Lopez Group) To discover the different processes and actors involved.

Healthy lunch with F&V and fresh juices Pupils satisfaction questionnaire in order to improve the campaign Distribution of bags with information and games to the participants

Additional activities :  Preliminary work: an information pack is sent to each participating school to prepare the visit of its pupils. In addition, a questionnaire is also sent to them to know the habits of food purchases of the families, and the habits of consumption of the pupils.  After the visit teachers and pupils report didactic tools to continue classroom outreach after the visit. In addition, other complementary educational activities are proposed to schools.


How does it work? Operational means  Staff involved: a team of ten people from the partner companies deals with the organisation of the action, in addition to the accompanying school staff.  Logistical requirements: The market and a pedagogical room are available.  Tools and material  Information folder on the “5 al dia” programme and on the properties of fruit and vegetables.  Workbook distributed in the bags after the visit to consolidate the knowledge gained during the visit.  Leaflets for parents on the importance and benefits of eating 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day, but also with activities and games for parents to play with their children, on this theme.  5 characters: the campaign is based on five characters (an orange, a banana, an artichoke, a strawberry, an aubergine) that are found on all media and that can be downloaded from the website, in different forms (phone wallpapers, to make invitations, to be coloured, etc.).  Website: it was developed in collaboration with AGEM and Mercabarna under the authority of the Generalitat de Catalunya: it contains games, tests, information on F&V properties, consumption and on how to cook them, on the food pyramid, seasonality and health benefits.

Local parners AGEM and the Mercabarna market company in Barcelona are partners in this action. The budget and financing The budget is € 113,500 per year financed by AGEM and Mercabarna in equal shares (50%). F&V suppliers The suppliers of fruit and vegetables distributed to the pupils during the visit are the wholesalers of the market.

The strengths Validated contents All tools and material are validated by the technicians of the Department of Education, Health, and Agriculture of the Generalitat de Catalunya. An adapted action: educational tools are made to measure. The age of participating pupils is deliberately limited in order to better adapt activities. Students aged 9 to 10 are very receptive to these visits, and their yearly school programme includes agri-food consumption issues. An educational impact before and after the action Previous and post-market work is done at school, but also within families. Involving families in raising children's awareness Teaching materials are distributed for the parents, after the visit, and to discuss the eating habits of the family, with the aim of consolidating the information gathered during this visit.


Good relations between Catalan entrepreneurs in the sector The organisation of the visit was facilitated by the good relations that exist between the two main partners, the AGEM and the management of Mercabarna. Indeed, a team work is carried out by these two partners to ensure the efficiency of this project, both at the level of the organisation of the visit, as for the development of materials and information and educational tools. An active collaboration between the actions of the “5 al dia” programme at national and regional level At regional and national level the educational message is the same, and the pedagogical guidelines very similar.

Impacts and results The public affected by the programme Between 4,800 and 5,000 pupils and teachers participate each year. Since the beginning, and for more than 18 years, this project has reached over 80,000 children in Catalonia. Quantities of F&V distributed to the children At lunch, each pupil receives a 250ml glass of natural orange juice, a mixed salad, and a fruit salad. Bringing awareness to the family’s meals increases domestic consumption of fruit and vegetables. The integrated action in the “5 al dia” programme brings awareness of the direct link that exists between diet and health.

Evolution of the project Since 2011, another similar project was set up at the Mercabarna flower market: "Flores y Plantas cada día". In the same way, every year 600 pupils from Catalan schools visit Mercabarna -Flor for one day. They discover flowers and plants in order to bring consciousness of their benefits for emotional well-being, and to make them aware of the importance of respecting the environment. Contact : Maria José Sala Torres Tel : +34 93 55 62 000


Spain, Murcia: Proexport Fruticoles is an initiative led by the Association of Producers / Exporters of Fruit and Vegetables of the Region of Murcia (Proexport). The objective : Increasing the consumption of fruit and vegetables consumed by small children and promoting a healthy and balanced lifestyle, thus fighting childhood obesity and overweight. The target group: The Fruticoles project is aimed at young children in schools, it also involves their parents. Mr. ROOT : Mr. Root is a puppet who guides children through the Fruticoles project during the 4 stages of the year programme. The means :  Drawing competitions, creation of cooking recipes, games, theatrical performances, fun activities highlighting the richness and diversity of the fruit and vegetables.  Cardboard chart of 4 seasons that will serve as a basis for activities and will create a constant reference work for students and their teachers.  This 4 seasons chart includes 365 colour clips that represent the days of the year Focus on the brocoli : A special focus is made on broccoli through the message "Broccoli, a lasting pleasure". The aim is to :  Promote an attractive image of broccoli.  Develop different activities: debates, general public communication about broccoli and how it can be prepared.  Disseminate scientific information on the nutritional and health bene fits of broccoli, its storage and preparation in the kitchen.  Develop continuous messages to consumers : coordinate promotional and advertising activities and promote training and nutritional education actions. Contact : M. Fernando Gomez Molina Mail :


France, New-Aquitania : Interfel regional action Presentation Interfel dietitians are the ambassadors of the national inter-professional association in the regions. They work in the regions and coordinate the various promotion initiatives between the different actors of the territories. The network in New-Aquitania is led by two dieticians .

Objectives network   




Organising the regional coordination Accompanying professionals in the sector. Giving information to the general public, and, more specifically, to children throughout the year.

How does it work? The message : "Discover for yourself the health benefits and the pleasure of eating fresh fruit and vegetables! " Partnerships and collaborations: the network is made up of professionals from different sectors: professionals from the fruit and vegetable sector, health professionals, but also associations, etc. Dieticians contact institutions (town halls, general councils, regional councils ...) to initiate promotional activities around fresh fruit and vegetables. This is their goal throughout the year.

Examples of actions proposed by dieticians 

An educational animation and culinary workshops on the product: apple are fun. This action is aimed at elementary school pupils and is co-organised with the Bordeaux Lac II school and the Bordeaux Lac teaching farm. A conference on nutrition : "Wellness, pleasure and health day with fresh fruit and vegetables". This conference was open to the general public and co-organised with the Mutuelle Régionale Pavillon Prévoyance during a yearly event on wellbeing in Bordeaux. A cooking workshop for elementary school pupils accompanied by a conference for their parents: "Balanced snacks with fresh fruit and vegetables! ". Workshops are organised in the town of Bègles near Bordeaux to make children aware of their own consumption of fruit and vegetables, and to discover these products while cooking. This action is complemented by a conference for parents on the nutritional composition of their children's afternoon snack. This action is 89

made possible by the PAE Buisson. 

Training for high school students in the health and social sciences curriculum: it is called "health forum project at Bègles high school with fresh fruit and vegetables". For three days the high school students undergo a training provided by a dietician, including initiating the management of a project around fruit and vegetables.

An action aimed at senior peole: The "Forum for aging well, with fresh fruit and vegetables!". In Mont-de-Marsan, Bayonne and Libourne cooking workshops and memory workshops on fruit and vegetables are set up for the senior. This forum is organised by the mutuality EOVI. The nutritionist Amélie Foulon participates, with collaboraton of the dietician of the Aquitania network.

The strengths Actions particularly adapted to a young public. For each action aimed at children, dieticians let them do their own experimentation so that they learn the nutritional values of fruit and vegetables and develop their own autonomy. During the tastings the portions are calculated so that the quantities are adapted to their age, small portion to eat directly with the hands. The dieticians also pay attention to the fact that the preparations of fruit and vegetables should be familiar to them and a source of pleasure.

A large variety of places to reach a different audiences Dietitians in Aquitania organise promotional activities in different places:  Professional structures of the sector: farm visits, farmers' markets and more  Agriculture trade show in New Aquitania.  Schools: nursery and primary schools, colleges and high schools.  Public places: public events, public exhibition shows.


Different actions are defined to best respond to each audience and each theme. The forms of actions put in place can be:  educational animations;  culinary workshops;  conferences ;  trainings  relations with the media. Coordination of the different regional actors: The Dietitians of Aquitania, in order to set up each action, coordinate themselves with the territorial actors: the producers, the local authorities, and the local associations. Contact of the dieteticians in New Aquitania :  Virginie Roux : for the départements 19, 24, 33, 40, 64,  Sophie Vidal : for the départements 32, 46, 47, 82, 24,

France, Auvergne Rhône Alpes : the « Autumn Fruit and Vegetable day » The Autumn Fruit and Vegetable Days are two days dedicated to the sale and promotion of autumn fruit and vegetables in Revermont (Ain department) every year on the third weekend of October.

Presentation Objectives  Financing the conservatory orchard of the Revermont fruit and nature association. (exhibiting more than 700 different varieties)  Developing customers loyalty.  Promoting the varietal diversity of the territory in order to transmit it to future generations. The event is open to everyone.

How does it work? Financing To remain independent, the event is self-financed by the price of admissions which has not changed for more than thirty years (3€). Means of communication  Word of mouth has replaced the intervention of local radio stations. It has been very effective with the increase in the number of visitors.  However the promotion of the event is always done in the local press (in the newspaper Progrès), and on the website of the association


Actions implemented during the two days A market for winter products : fresh and processed fruit: pressed apple juice, blackcurrant juice. Quality farm products: chickens, cheeses, honey, snails, foie gras, charcuterie. Handicraft products: basketwork, pottery and horticultural and arboricultural tools. Various wine appellations proposed by winemakers Breads, pies, pastries.  Interventions by pomologists such as Bernard BAZIN, pomologist of the Apples Crunchers, Jean-François BOURLES, pomologist of Saône et Loire deparment, Gilles LIEGE, pomologist of Haute-Loire, Alain BILLON, pomologist of Cuisiat.  Agronomic determination of fruit and mushrooms by specialists  Pomological exhibition with 600 to 800 old varieties of apples and pears, where each fruit has its historical and explanatory sheet.  Mushroom exhibition 

A hundred volunteers for the organisation of the event Partnership with the Lausanne Retropomme Association : throughout the year, there is a collaboration with Retropomme notably through visits and event organisation

The strengths An annual meeting that has been lasting for more than 30 years. Local visibility thanks to the museum present from the first edition. A dynamic participation of volunteers in the organisation of the event. It is the volunteers of the Revermont Fruit and Nature Association who are in charge of organising the event. They succesfully manage it by keeping friendly relations with producers. On the market, a hundred exhibitors from all over the department. “Apple taxis” are available for transporting purchases. Food stalls More than 650 different varieties of apple and pears are shown, with varieties of apples from Ain and neighboring departments Results and impacts of the event  More than 8,000 visitors each year!  Quantities sold: on average, two trucks per producer are sold during this event.  An increase in the consumption of fruit and vegetables of local varieties  Customer loyalty is strong : visitors often ask for the contacts of the producers.  A public better informed about regional fruit and vegetables: about their varietal diversity, their qualities, and the organic production Contact: Revermont Fruit and Nature Association Place du Musée 01370 Treffort-Cuisiat Tél : 04 74 51 38 35


France, Bretagne : Cerafel and the brand "Prince de Bretagne" Presentation « Prince de Bretagne » is a registered trademark of the regional APO Cerafel whose objective is to promote Brittany’s fruit and vegetables in France and abroad. 

Objectives Marketing objectives :  for consumers: an offer that meets their needs in terms of quality and origin.  for distributors: traceability and identification requirements to ensure the quality of products and their origin. Federating producers around the same brand : with a spirit of collective work on marketing. Brittany fruit and vegetable producers have demonstrated their desire to have a strong brand, synonymous with quality and recognised by the entire industry and consumers. The public : all the F&V sector and the consumers. The territory: Brittany

Promotional means : Sports sponsoring Since 2009 Cerafel has set up a sports sponsorship with the construction of a trimaran that participates in well-known races such as the Route du Rhum. In photo on the right : the Brest International sea days

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The website : The website content is presented in an original way and shows the seasonal availability of fruit and vegetables, tips for each product, recipe cards and recipes prepared by Chef Imbert. Photo contests Posters in supermarkets, animations in sales points. Partnerships and collaborations Financing by Cerafel: member POs, European research and experimentation programmes co-financed by Europe. Technical support and dissemination of references to producers: Departmental and Regional Chambers of Agriculture. Training of Marketing and Distribution Staff: ISFFEL (Higher Institute of Fruit and Vegetable Training) Financing of the Prince de Bretagne brand: the members of Cerafel totally finance the brand. Decision-makers and creators of the brand: the 2,350 Prince de Bretagne producers.


The strenghts The relevance and impact of the message The image used in the sponsorship, the skipper, has a relevance and adequacy with the F&V grower : both experience the randomness of the nature, difficult working conditions, harsh climatic condition. And both enjoy a healthy image. An effective communication The IFOP 2007 survey showed that the brand was the best known fruit and vegetable French brand. Regional specificity of the action: the brand has strong territorial roots. Brittany has a tradition of vegetable growing because of its particularly mild climate in the north, at the level of the "golden belt", and also thanks to the Gulf Stream. Regional specificity of the action: the brand has a strong territorial anchorage

Results Impact of the brand 2,350 producers are grouped under the Prince de Bretagne brand. A production of 500,000 tons per year. The brand touches more than 100 products and 1,732 farms. The first organisation of French organic producers A production of 20,000 tons per year, and a brand that includes about forty products and 45 in organic exploitations. Impact in the consumption in fruit and vegetables The product range continues to grow and broadens the offer made to the consumers.

Impact for the local producers Before the creation of the APO Cerafel, the different POs were in competition with each other at different levels: market management, quality, basic research, management of cooperatives, research and development, sales pricesand marketing .

France, Centre-Val de Loire : IDfel Supported by the Centre-Val de Loire and Pays de la Loire regions, IDfel Val de Loire sets up a fruit and vegetable awareness campaign in this region.

Presentation IDfel is an association bringing together economic actors from the fruit and vegetable sector in the Loire Valley and North Loire.


The objective of the promotion actions: Proposing, promoting, and supporting any initiative generating the necessary dynamics for the development of companies in the fruit and vegetable sector.

The public : all kinds of publics but the young people are specially aimed at. The territory : the action of IDfel is mainly located at the level of the historic area of the Loire Valley. However, IDfel also offers its services to other members of the fruit and vegetable sector. The message : developing the dynamism of the fruit and vegetable sector. Promotion actions In trade shows Quality and product actions In public places

Tastings, animations and cooking workshops, distribution of recipe cards. Display campaign, promotion game, actions in supermarkets. Fruit and vegetable distribution, stand and awareness workshops.

IDfel key events

The professional trade shows    

From January 17 to 19, 2017 : Sival 2017 From February 8 to 10, 2017 : Salon d'Angers, Fruit Logistica From February 25 to March 5, : SIA in Paris From 25 to 27 April 2017 : Medfel in Perpignan

Public events     

December 14, 2016 : Distributions in train stations In Angers: November 25, 2016 : Distributions in train stations In Orléans: January 14 and 15, 2017 : Cross Ouest France Pays de la Loire : distribution of fruit in the regions during the cross-country race. From 18 to 21 april 2017Bourges Spring Festival : tastings for festival-goers and behind the scenes June 24 and 25, 2017 :The bicycle festival, leg of Saint Mathurin sur Loire : tastings, games on the 5 senses, cooking workshops.


Financing : IDfel's funding partners are their members and the Center-Pays de la Loire region. The actors involved: 7 employees in the association, 66 producers or producers associations of the region, 8 partners of the sector. The partnerships  Fruit and vegetable experimentation : ARELPAL, LCA Blois, ACPEL  F&V Marketing to the processing sector : Transfofruit  Production outside the historic Loire Valley : ANCG and APFELSO  Quality product promotion : Angélys Association  Institution : Centre-Pays de Loire Region

The promotional tools IDFel recipe cards, paper bags, brochures and posters are used for every promotional activity of the association.


The strengths Repetition of the actions Each year the partnerships are renewed, sometimes with new initiatives to diversify promotional activities. Personal involvement of the public  Direct tasting of fruit and vegetables by consumers: develops food knowledge and tasting abilities.  Involvement in cooking workshops.  Creation of recipes with the help of the cards distributed by IDfel  Purchases of varieties as a result of IDfel's actions A regional organisation responsible for promotion actions firmly rooted in the territory Actions for children  A cross-country race: kids really enjoy fruit and vegetables after sport  Fruit and Vegetable Distribution: Consumers come back and say that now they buy that variety.  Culinary animation: Visitors come back saying that they sometimes make the recipes at home.

Results and impact of the event A young audience: 50% of the target audience are children. Quantity of fruit and vegetables distributed during promotion activities: 46,000 apples distributed per year, 2,000 pears, 200 melons, 50 radishes and cucumbers.


Impact on consumers' knowledge of fruit and vegetables: an improvement in general consumer knowledge on fruit and vegetables was noted, especially on the different varieties and species, on their health benefits and their taste.

Contact: Anaïs Boissel Dombreval Tel: +33 2 41 37 59 31

France, Centre-Val de Loire : the Angélys association Presentation Angélys is an association of IDfel, it promotes the pear variety Angélys. It also controls the specifications and follows the evolution of its production and marketing. Objectives  Promoting the variety and keeping its quality  Controling the quality specifications  Monitoring the evolution of th production and the marketing Audience aimed at : distributors and consumers

Territory : the orchards are mainly in the North-West of France, the Angélys pear is only found in territories with the specific climatic conditions that allow its growth.  100 ha in northwestern France representing around 2% of the French orchard  3 ha in Spain  70 ha in Italy  27 ha in New Zealand

Period : December to June

How does the association work? The message: "An incredible taste for an exceptional shelf life! " Opportunity: it is mainly the distributors who showed an interest in recognizing the quality of this variety of pear. Information on quality: requirement specifications are established, based mainly on four criteria:  specific sugar content.  visual aspect: trace of woodwork, tanning.  Packaging.  Caliber 97

If the specifications are not respected for a product, it is marketed under the name of pear Morgane (cat 1 and 2). Partnerships : the main collaborations for the promotion of the Angélys pear are with the following partners: 

 

The distributors: Conventional distributors

49 in Île de France : BlueWhale 80 in the northwest of France : Nelfruit,

Organic distributors

Pom’Evasion Coteaux Nantais

In Italy


In Spain


The members of the association IDfel Val de Loire.

Promotion actions Throughout the marketing period, from December to June, the following promotional actions organised by the association:  Advertising in the professional press (FDL and Linéaire) and for the general public  Animations in supermarkets: BlueWhale and Nelfruit. In total 60 days of animation are organised each year in this type of structures.  LCQUIL Communication Agency  A scratch game : 85 retailers give the possibility to their customers to win a blender.  Bloggers relay the events on social networks  Recipe contest  Presence of the Angélys pear in the trade shows where IDfel is present

The strengths Long shelf-life The promotion and marketing activities are gathered


Perspectives Following the wishes of Blue Whale, a change of name and brand colour might be made to facilitate the international export of the pears. Contact: Facebook : Poire Angélys Marine Boucaud : tel: 02 41 37 59 31

France, Normandie : the actions of "Eating Well in Normandy" In 2018, for the 13th year, the Regional Chamber of Agriculture of Normandy and its partners, in particular the Normandy region and the departments that compose it, continue their movement called "Eating Well in Normandy", through several stages and tools. They have a triple objective:  Valorising Normandy products in connection with a balanced, healthy and varied diet,  Promoting a qualittative collective catering and favouring the supply of Norman products,  Making young people aware of good eating habits and transmiting the values of their regional food and culinary heritage.

The challenge (from September to January) Each year, the Regional Chamber of Agriculture of Normandy organises a contest to promote the agri-food products of Normandy. It is open to chefs from Normandy school restaurants (kindergartens, primary schools, colleges and high schools), students from the hotel school and the restaurant training centers. Participants are invited to create a balanced meal based on Norman products, taking into account the specific requirements of the collective catering and nutritional needs of this young audience. After a first selection (through the person’s portofolio), each candidate has an hour in the kitchen to prepare the menu. Each of them justifies his dishes in front of a jury of experts who assesses and chooses the winners.

International Agriculture Exhibition (February 24 to March 4, 2018) The show is an opportunity for the winning chefs to show their talents on the pavilion of Normandy and in front of many visitors, in the presence of the region’s AOC (Appellation d’Origine Controllée : registered designation of origin) and professionals for the sea sector. Cooking on the pavilion is resolutely creative, educational and interactive chefs, The exhibition stand holds events, tastings around Norman products and presents the "Saveurs de Normandie" brand, it hosts taste workshops and educational animations for adults and children with professionals. The stand also shows the product making processes.

The festival “Eating Well in Normandy” (May 28 to June 1, 2018) During that festive week, all the chefs of the Normandy school restaurants are invited to create a balanced Norman menu. They share their creations with students and raise awareness to a three-limb rule : quality, pleasure and balance. To promote the event in


schools, many posters, easels, garlands and educational games on Norman gastronomy are distributed.

Cooking classes (June) Lastly, the chefs who wish to, can invite their students behind the stove, for a cooking class in their establishment. Aprons, toques and cookbooks are distributed to each student.

A genuine success From a "qualitative" point of view, the feedback from catering school chefs is excellent, as evidenced by the loyalty of some of them.

How many children benefit from it? In 2017, more than 45,000 children from more than 210 schools enjoyed a balanced Norman meal during the “Eating Well in Normandy” week. Contact : Irqua Normandie : 02 31 47 22 52

France, PACA : « Voyage au pays des fruit et des légumes » Presentation "Travel to the country of the fruit and vegetables" is an educational tool for the promotion of these products by education and school catering professionals.

Objectives : Gathering educational initiatives surrounding the F&V The public : nursery to retirement homes, colleges and high schools, fruit and vegetable retail stores, territorial structures (catering, nurseries, structures of insertion, social centers, social grocery stores, farmers and educational farms) and schools. The territory: the programme is broadcast in the PACA region. Brittany. The budget : the first edition (the prototype) was funded by Europe, the second edition by the PACA region, the DRAAF and other partners. The region extended it to the entire PACA region, ie 56,000 euros for 1,900 copies. Funding : between the MSA (Mutualité Sociale Agricole) (Alpes Vaucluse, Languedoc Provence Azur), the CAF (Family Insurance Fund), Crédit Mutuel, the PACA region and the intercommunalities of Aix, Avignon and Bollène

How does it work? The message : promoting the consumption of F&V The partnerships The project was co-built and co-piloted by the regional chamber of agriculture, the MSA Alpes Vaucluse and the association of educational farms.


The development of this game was possible thanks to a working group composed of teachers (from school to high school), health professionals and nurseries, restaurants and producers. Meetings between the parents and the MSA were also set up.

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The material and tools Educational materials for catering staff: recipes, menus, etc. Development of explanatory boards on vegetables from seed to plate. A box of games with more than 150 colour photos. A DVD with movies or interactive games to download for the teachers, and menus, additional information for managers and cooks. A user guide. A more complete version for workers from nursery level and beyond. A cardboard educational tree. A tale.

Perspectives Other MSA interventions complement this initiative, including the distribution of snack boxes for carrying fruit and a book on Mediterranean food and health. For the next the changes could be to make the support more easily transferable by digitising the boards.


The strengths Relevance and impact of the message: this tool brings awareness to children from an early age (from the nursery).

     

A variety of teaching aids Food education. Educational gardens, Short cycle. Stand and workshops Awareness of food and health, Educational support from kindergarten up to high school through retirement homes.

Adapted tools for all kinds of awareness on F&V The explanatory boards on the vegetables from seed to plate bring value to the whole sector, and are displayable everywhere: in the school restaurants, in the classrooms, at retailers’ and for farmers. In addition, the game can also be a useful tool for the health for the older people, with the (memory game or lotto for example).

The Information is accessible to as many people as possible for a wider dissemination. The DVD is not locked, for a wider distribution. In addition, the kit is available in chambers of agriculture, in PACA CANOPES (40 boxes distributed), in the county and regional councils (college and high school), Crets and nurseries.

France, PACA : Epicurium, the plant from field to fork

Located near Avignon, in Provence, Epicurium is the first museum in Europe devoted to fruit and vegetables. It is an educational and cultural center, which opened its doors in 2010.

Itineraries for all Through an interdisciplinary approach - agriculture, food, industry, environment - Epicurium presents the path of fruit and vegetables from seed to plate, from the field to the industry, with the help of:  An interactive and sensory museum space;  An itinerary in the gardens: vegetable garden, orchard, greenhouse and hive;  Different activities and visit formulas for the different categories of public : groups or families.

Various events each year :  Festive events around seasonal fruit and vegetables.  Relay of national events such as the Festival of Nature, “Meetings in the Gardens”, the Science Festival, the Week of Taste. 102

 Epicurious workshops during school holidays for children from 3 to 12 years old.  Cooking classes for adults with renowned chefs, around seasonal products.

A real success In 2017, Epicurium welcomed more than 14,000 visitors, showing an increase of more than 10% compared to 2016. The audience is 60% children and 40% adults. Children groups in particular represent 45% of the total public, that is to say nearly 7,000 children in 2017. From a "qualitative" point of view, the feedback from individual visitors is excellent, as evidenced by the loyalty of many visitors (which led to the introduction of a loyalty card) and the importance of word-of-mouth.

The importance of partnerships The museum was created by the Pole Terralia association. A scientific committee, composed of scientists from various organisations (INRA, INSERM, UPR, GEVES, ISARA, Arc High School, CTCPA and PEIFL) who validated all the scientific and educational content of the museum. Many companies are also partners in the project. Lastly, several authorities also support the initiative: the PACA region, the Vaucluse department, the Grand Avignon Urban Community, the Ministry of Food Agriculture and Fisheries, the Ministry of Higher Education and Research. Contact: Epicurium, Tel: +33 (04) 32 40 37 71 Email:

Italie, Fruit and Salad on the beach in Basilicate and other regions Presentation Fruit and Salad on the beach is the distribution of ready-to-eat fresh fruit and vegetables. It is one of Italy's most important fruit and vegetable promotion campaigns. For the 2017 edition the region Basilicata joined this project.

The objective: the initiative is not just a simple distribution. It also includes public awareness of fruit and salad consumption. The public: adults and children The territory : on Italian beaches


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

Riccione Capaccio Pestrum Marina di Camerota Baia Domizia Marina di Eboli Battipaglia Torre del Greco Barletta Marina di Pisticci Scanzanno Jonico Nova Siri Marina San Benedetto del Tronto Termoli Petacciato Battipaglia Catania

In Basilicata : on the Marina di Pisticci beach, Scanzanno Jonicos beach, and Nova Siri Marina beach. When : during July and August from 9.30am till 12 ;30pm

How does it work? Distribution of the products from the travelling caravan in two different ways:  without distinction to all those who are present on the beach, adults as children.  Games organised by professional animators followed by a tasting of fruit and vegetables to cool off. The information disseminated The classes are taught by specialized nutritionists, giving children and parents valuable opportunities to learn about the nutritional value and taste of the F&V. Beforehand promotion  Presentation in Rome in the presence of the Deputy Minister of MIPAAF (Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Policy).  At Fruit Logistica: presentation of the action in the presence of different suppliers. European financial support The partners  Supplier in Basilicata: AssoFruit  Institutional partner: MIPAAF

The strenghts The beach: an ideal place for the promotion of fruit and vegetables A day at the beach is a great time to eat fresh fruit and salads. The summer sun and warm beaches are key factors in enjoying a refreshing and nutritious snack. In summer, the beach can indeed be a particularly appropriate place to promote 104

health and encourage healthy eating. Repetition of actions: seventh edition in Italy The 2017 edition expanded to new regions : Apulia, Basilicata and Molise. Whereas the previous was only organised in Campania and Lazio.

Contact: Naturalia, tel : 0828 302142

Italie, Alimos Presentation Alimos is an association with a strong experience in the field of business service for the food industry. It develops food education, environmental education and sustainable development projects for adults and children. Based in Emilia-Romagna it carries regional, national even European projects,

The public : institutions, associations, government agencies, schools and private companies interested in raising consumer awareness on healthy eating and territory promotion. The actions  Participation in the European School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme  Creation, management and implementation of tools and some of the program me's accompanying measures (visits to educational farms, educational gardens, goodies, brochures and competitions).  Promotion of two food programmes Actions Public Frutylife - « Frutta e Verdura, Sana e Sicura » Information and consumer education Italian, German campaign on fruit and vegetable health and French and safety, supported by the EU and the consumers of all Italian Ministry of Agricultural Policy. ages

Role of Alimos Development, management and coordination of activities. Creation of a website and a Facebook page

« Frutta e Verdura : Scoprila, Gustala, Sceglila »


The specific projects Projects Frutta Snack Promotes greater consumption of fruit and vegetables in the form of snacks at school, in the workplace and during daily activities


Role of Alimos

Students aged 6 and over Workers

Design and creation of a website and a Facebook page. Highlight the seasonality of fruit and vegetables, the general concepts of the Mediterranean diet, the benefits of fruit and vegetable, knowledge of the sector, nutritional information Gli Atelier del Mangiar Sano - “La cucina delle idee e del cibo” Original events are created Teachers, Design, development, through culinary workshops. educational farm operational implementation and Cooking is explained with the help teachers, industry coordination of the action. of recipes, stories, poems, with a experts, cooks balance of flavours and aromas, at and chefs. fairs, exhibitions, training courses and information seminars:  A cooking show with professional chefs for adults.  Cooking stories based on an exchange between an actor and a chef.  A raw vegetables laboratory so that children can prepare quick and tasty dishes.

The workshops Che cavolo mangi ? Objectives Awakening and discovery of taste, presentation of the agricultural world of fruit and vegetables (farmers and educational farms) with the intervention of two animators on the premises of the school or on a farm. Strengths Impact on the memory by stimulating the senses. Bringing students closer to the fruit and vegetables they consume: contact with professional circles and actors in the sector. Alimos cooks Objectives Prepping for F&V consumption Strengths Stimulation of curiosity and improvement of knowledge on the different phases of vegetables preparation. Children are really involved in the workshop Involvement of parents: the motivation of children is also stimulated by the fact that the food cooked is for their parents. A scuola in cucina Objectives Prepping for F&V consumption Strengths Developing curiosity and increasing knowledge on the different phases of vegetables preparation. A scuola di frutta Actions Poly-sensory workshops run by dieticians. Strengths Active participation of the public Highlighting the characteristics of a balanced snack, the nutritional characteristics of the fruit and vegetables on offer. In gita in fattoria Actions Whole days in a farm 106


Discovery of the agricultural world to bring the public closer to their diet: discovery of plants, animals, fruit and vegetables, snacktasting. Awareness of the itinerary of fruit and vegetables from the field to the plate Sharing experiences and learning while being with others Merenda con gusto Actions Preparation of a healthy snack from typical products, quality and season. Strengths Highlights a healthy diet Concrete action. The educational tools created Games, leaflets and multimedia tools, gardening kits, and a story are developed by Alimos, for children, adults and teachers, on all topics related to fruit and vegetables, from seeds to plate. Alimos trainings Alimos oversees the organisation of trainings primarily for food professionals, farmers, educational farm managers, teachers, and educators. These courses are offered in different forms:  Training and e-learning.  Out-of-site training.  Meetings with a training purpose Contact: +39 05 47 41 51 58

Italie, Emilie-Romagne : le CSO The CSO is the fruit and vegetable service center for producer organisations and for F&V companies. It is at the origin of several actions promoting F&V: Promoting the quality of products with PGIs (the CSO is a partner of the EU programme "Europe signs its local products"). Ortofrutta d'Italia: advertising campaign for the promotion of fruit and vegetable consumption. Fruitness Enjoy it: European project to promote fruit consumption for children and teenagers, in order to fight (read about Fruitness in this document). European flavors: European promotion project for the United States, Canada, Japan and Russia, whose message is based on health and nutrition from fresh fruit and processed products

The educational farms The project was born in 1999 as part of the "Open Farms" initiative created by the EmiliaRomagna region with the collaboration of its provinces and with the technical assistance of Alimos. The initiative aims to bring young people closer to the countryside and have them discovering the close link between the land and the food they eat, by introducing them to the culture of the rural world, the knowledge of organic products and local products..


For more than 10 years, the project has spread to many areas as we can see from the map below.

Map of the educational farms in Italy

Number of educational farms per region – <50

between 50 and 100 between 100 and 150 between 150 and 200 between 200 and 300 More than300

Here is the number of educational farms in AREFLH member regions Basilicate






Emilia Romagna 148

The brand Ortofrutta d'Italia

For the first time in Italy, 16 producer organisations came together under the same brand, Ortofrutta d'Italia, to launch a major communication campaign. The objective of this campaign is: Highlighting Italy’s leading position in Europe’s F&V production Promoting a unique quality heritage. The slogan chosen by the brand is: "Sapori di qualita, the flavors of quality!” The means used to carry out this campaign include TV commercials broadcast at prime time, as well as thematic documentaries broadcast on national and local channels. A Facebook page has also been created to widen even more the audience. Contacts: For the PGI peach : For the PGI pear Tel. +39 05 32 90 45 11 Simona RUBBI :


Italy, Emilia-Romagna: IGP of Emilia-Romagna pears and peaches and nectarines from Romagna The protected geographical indications, created by the European Union to foster local identities of typical products of the different regions, has become an important means of promotion. The link with the territory of origin of a product is, according to sev eral consumer studies, an important value, it is reassuring and considered synonymous with quality. Emilia-Romagna is one of the European cradles of pear, peach and nectarine production. The PGI certification of these products was granted in 1998 by the EU, to protect their territorial specificity. The Message Emilia Romagna PGI pear Emilia Romagna: a perfect terroir for pear production Product caracteristics Emilia Romagna PGI pear Recognized by consumers who appreciate such features as taste, product health, and territorial origin.

Romagna PGI pear and nectarine Romagna: Italian cradle of peach and nectarine production

Romagna PGI pear and nectarine Good because they are chosen at the proper stage of maturity; They are controlled at all stages of production; They are rich in vitamin c, beta-carotene, potassium.

A label issued by a private body, accredited by the Ministry of Agriculture Emilia Romagna PGI pear Romagna PGI pear and nectarine 9 groups of producers 7 groups of producers The partners : 2 chambers of commerce Partners: 3 chambers of commerce of of province of the region, Province of province of the region the Province of Ferrara and Bologna. Ferrara. Effective promotional means Promotional material Recipes and information on nutritional benefits, varieties, methods of growing and culinary tips. The material is distributed at points of sale or during promotional events. IGP pears posters with the slogan "Buona di Cuore" displayed in participating stores.

Packaging Advertising campaign

Promotion actions in big supermarkets

El libro delle Pere : informations sur l’attribution de l’IGP, le marché et le marketing de la poire, son origine et son développement, etc. A unique and recognizable label: a blue ellipse with a sunset referring to the PGI of Emilia-Romagna. Advertising in the press, on television and on the radio. The production of pears PGI is thus the most represented agricultural production in the Italian media. Regular promotion in Italy’s distributors chains


Regional specificity of the action  65% of Italian pear production.  50% of Italian production of nectarines.  20% of Italian peach production.Spécificité régionale de l’action Website:

Italie, Emilie-Romagne, ApoConerpo et Fruit24 ! Apo Conerpo is one of the leading European organisations in the fresh fruit and vegetable sector, with 6,000 farmers, 48 member cooperatives and a production of 1,094,000 tonnes for an area of more than 30,600 hectares.


The Fruit24 programme deploys original and very creative initiatives from APO CONERPO. It aims to popularize the benefits of fruit and vegetables in our daily diet. The objectives To disseminate information in a clear, fair and accessible manner to improve knowledge of fresh fruit and vegetables in the community. To spead a new image of fruit and vegetables : one that is is fresher, more natural, practical, enjoyable, and that matches a healthy daily diet.

The public : all kinds of publics The territory : in all Italy The time period : it is a three-year project Funding : it is cofinanced by the EU and the MIPAAF

"Fruit24! has modernized the fruit and vegetable experience by focusing on new ways and opportunities to consume them at different times of the day, from breakfast to dinner, by building real menus, always different depending on the seasons. " Davide Vernocchi, President of Apo Conerpo

How does it work? The message : "The fruit and vegetables are fresh, natural, easy to use, and pleasant all day long, from breakfast to dinner!” The opportunity : The second edition of the programme began with a strong event: the Italian fruit and vegetable festival. Beforehand information and communication A wide communication was set up: both online and offline, through various tools:  The website:  Social networks: Facebook, Instagram  Digital magazines  Distributions of informative material: leaflets, posters, goodies  Paper advertising campaign  Several events promoting the consumption of fruit and vegetables throughout the territory 110

Promotional events in stores

The actions  

 

Fruit and vegetable tasting event for the general public, in July and August on the Riviera Romagnola Citizen road show: creation and distribution of an informative leaflet on the different ways of preparing fruit and vegetables every day, particularly targeted at children. The means : a team leader, two hostesses, and a chef specialised in food creations based on fruit and vegetables (Citizen Road Show) The visual communication is created by a company specialized in food advertising design: Visual Food.

The strengths 

An efficient information for the second year Dissemination of information even more effective than the 1st year and valued by the involvement of Visual Food, that created a style even more original and attractive to Italian consumers. New additional promotional weeks are planned in the various retail outlets

A Tour passing through 14 cities with 368 daily events. The distributors also had an interest in this promotional programme

Main national and regional distribution chains: 700 points of sale involved with a total of more than 6,000 promotional days

The repetition of the actions : the programme is renewed each year

Contact: Apo Conerpo Via B. Tosarelli, 155 40055 Villanova di Castenaso (BO) Tel. : 051 781837 e.mail :

Italy, Emilia-Romagna : fattorie didattiche en Forlí Cesena In Italy, educational farms are organised in regional networks. We are introducing below the details for Emilia-Romagna’s farms, especially in Forli-Cesena

Presentation Objectives  Direct link between farmers and citizens (schools, families, adult groups) during the meetings on farms, primarily affecting younger generations.  Creation or strengthening of the link between cities and the countryside.  Bringing awareness to the specific context of the rural environment in general, to the origin of products and to animal life.  Learning by doing, learning to work collectively, developing creativity.


How does it work? Message : Tradition and culture for a sustainable future Opportunity. The farm is an ideal place :  For the development of an active pedagogy, to better understand the link between the origin of the products and our diet.  For meetings between the different actors.  For exchanges of mutual experiences between producers and children, parents, teachers and adults in general. Information : Guide to educational farms in Forli-Cesena

The strengths Efficiency of the educational method  Active public participation: the farm is a laboratory that allows direct experience and an active public practice (know-how, handling, picking, seed planting, food processing, etc.).  Contact with the living species around us.  Farms are considered as places of life, meetings, training and emotions allowing a personal enrichment brought by the producer who is easily remembered (emotion, knowledge, reciprocal exchange). A diversity of themes addressed in these farms (in French)

Graphic 8 : themes tackled by the farmss. Source : Emilia Romagna region

A healthy cooperation between these actors:  The representative of the farm  Coordination between local agricultural policies, educational innovation policies and school content policies. 112

 Development, writing, printing and dissemination of the “Guide to educational farms in Forli-Cesena “ by Alimos.  Teachers / accompanying persons: they fill out an evaluation form at the end of the visits. Effectiveness of information and communication In addition to the 13,000 copies, the guide was produced in a digital version (pdf) The importance of the area and the fact that the specificity of the territory is taken into account Each farm is a testimony to the richness and diversity of each territory's agriculture, products and landscapes. The multifactorial approach of the rural context: educational farms are considered as a tool to make the link between the person, the social, economic, technical, political and cultural context of the territory in which the farm is located.

Results and impact Extent of the event and the audience affected: 33 educational farms across the province. Impact on the sector: farms also increase the understanding of the farming profession and the general knowledge of the rural culture. Contact: Person in charge : Francesca Marini Tel. +39 0543 714512 (Italy) e-mail

Italy, Piedmont : Strada della frutta Presentation The strada della frutta is a 50 km route that can be explored on foot, on horseback or by bicycle. It crosses the municipalities of Pinerolo, Cavour, Bricherasio and the historical and natural sites that surround them. Travelling on the Strada della Frutta we meet agribusinesses that produce apples, apricots, plums, peaches, kiwis and berries. On site, there is the possibility to buy fruit, fruit juices and jams. One of the walks on these paths is the "strada delle mele", devoted to the apple.


Objectives: To promote regional apple varieties and develop a tourist activity. Territory: Pinerolese, from Pinerolo to Cavour crossing 14 municipalities. Production concerned: Apples.

How does it work? Message : Pinerolese has always been a land dedicated to quality fruit. Beforhand information and communication: the information needed to organise the itinerary is available at the tourist offices of participating municipalities, the tourist center of the province of Turin, and on the website dedicated to the project. The route maps, with the different retail outlets and the participating industry structures are available from these structures. In addition, tourist agencies organise tours along the path of the apple, by bike or on horseback, with tasting workshops, etc. Lastly, a smartphone application is available in order to find all the routes, available accommodation and restaurants while being geo-located, which facilitates the visitor meeting the participating companies Partnerships and collaborations The tourist centers of the various municipalities and the province promote these trails. The participating orchards on the trail welcome tourists, who can discover more than 40 different apple varieties.

The strengths Cooperation between tourism and the promotion of products by the farmers themselves. A complete and easy information pack available by the smartphone application Regional specificity of the action: Climatic, pedological and hydraulic conditions have allowed the region to develop a tradition around fruit farming. A multiplicity of participating orchards, all different and specific. A diversity of routes, one for each type of visitors.


Contacts: Website : Itinerary maps : /cartina_interna.pdf Maps of the structures : maps2.asp?idp=308

Italy, Trento : Melinda apples from the Val Di Non For more than 2000 years, farmers have been growing apples in the Val di Non, province of Trento, in northern Italy. Its altitude (between 500 and 1000 meters) and its microclimate give apples their unique colour, crispness and fragrance. The Valley fruit growers use integrated agricultural production techniques to reduce the use of chemical treatments and instead produce on natural organic rhythms so the fruit respects and preserves the environment for the benefit of producers and consumers.

A collective brand At the end of the 80's the producers decided to regroup under a common brand to allow consumers to easily recognize apples "Val di Non". Today, the 16 cooperatives that founded the Melinda consortium have more than 5,000 members. Over the years, Melinda has combined traditional production with modern marketing techniques to be more competitive with a quality product that has built its own identity and reputation, both in the domestic market and on international markets., and is now well established. If the brand "Melinda Š" became the property of the cooperative association "Consorzio Melinda", the management and development policies of the cooperatives remained under the responsibility of the fruit growers. The protection of the Melinda brand, a combination of the Italian words "mela" (apple) and "linda" (clean), was later extended to the international level. To claim the protection of the collective mark, the fruit produced by the members of the "Consorzio Melinda" must meet certain visual and distinctive quality criteria. The consortium has adopted strict regulations ("product specifications"), ranging f rom cultivation techniques to quality control and packaging.


To give additional guarantees to consumers, they adhered to a protocol of self -discipline developed by APOT (Association of fruit and vegetable producers of Trentino) and agreed to submit to the control and advice of ESAT (Agricultural Development Agency of Trentino) and the Agricultural Institute of San Michele all'Adige.

Geographic Indication In accordance with European Union legislation establishing a system for the protection of food designations on a geographical basis, the consortium has registered "Melinda apples" as protected designation of origin (PDO), on the basis of the properties and characteristics that their production method and their particular geographical area give them (described in the European Union regulation for the production of "Val di Non apples"). In addition to providing legal protection against imitations in the European Union, the APO has also helped to promote the "Val di Non apples" throughout Europe.

The impact A study commissioned by APOT showed that the Melinda brand is the best-known and most popular apple brand in Italy. Each year, more than 300 000 tonnes of Val di Non apples are harvested, which represents 60% of the production of apples from the Trentino region, 10% of Italian production and 5% of European production. About a quarter of the production is exported. The consortium's turnover is nearly 200 million dollars a year. More recently, in response to consumer demand, Melinda launched two new products: Melinda juice, a: apple juice without added water or sugar (100% apple), and the Melinda snack, consisting of Golden Delicious apple slices from the Val di Non, which have been peeled, seeded, sliced and dried.

The promotion programme and main events Melinda organises on the Italian territory and in the main importing countries a large number of events related to the preservation of nature and landscapes, on sports, on the culture and on solidarity to promote to the greatest number the unique and distinctive characteristics of the apples under the quality label Melinda and to promote also its territory of origin, the region of Trento.

31st August 2017 : charity for the ÂŤ dedicamela Âť project

For the anniversary of the earthquake that hit central Italy the project dedicamela has allocated a sum of 90 000 â‚Ź to a family from the fruit and vegetables sector.

3st of October 2017: The Saints run, in Rome 4th Novembre 2017 : Melinda on television

Promotion with Gerry Scotti and Antonella Clerici: 2,500 screenings for the TV campaign, 8 million views on the web and a national sponsorship.

15th December 2017 :

Melinda, the most popular apple in Italy appeared at the Milan Fair. The proceeds from the sale of apples were given to the victims of the earthquake. .


05th March 2018 : funding of dedicamela

The Melinda group collects 1 euro per crate from a specially picked harvest of 2 million crates to give to the dedicamela solidarity fund.

24th February 2018 : the tour of the Alps and the first picking of Melinda apples The Melinda consortium joins the list of partners of the Trentino cycling tour, marking its interest in this sport.

14th February 2018 : Melinda gets dressed in pink to say no to the violence against women. Contact :

Portugal : “Heróis da Fruta” Presentation "Heróis da fruta" is an APCOI initiative to promote and monitor the daily consumption of fruit by schoolchildren. The objective: creating a nutritional education tool to stimulate the consumption of fruit among children The public: kindergarten and primary school students from public or private schools in Portugal (Madeira and Azores) The territory : the whole of Portugal When: during the school year

How does it work? Message : "Because prevention is the best medicine, and because education is prevention"

Within the school Every Portuguese child spends an average of 6 hours a day at school, and consumes at least two meals: the lunch and a snack in the morning or afternoon. Snacks for children are often rich and processed foods. The school is therefore a real vector for making people aware of the benefits of fruit on the health of children. Beforehand information and communication Schools receive free educational materials after registration, to support activities organised by teachers. Promotional means and media plan  Two promotional mascots, Sushi and Yago, are the "Heróis da Fruta".  Media partners are also involved in the communication of the programme and awareness at home continues thanks to the visibility of the two mascots.  Portuguese artists responded to APCOI's invitation and acted as ambassadors 117

of the association, notably by evaluating the fruit hymns created by the pupils and sometimes leaving them messages. Details of the action : a competition for the best fruit anthem is part of this programme. It takes place in three stages: 1- Students' awareness of their fruit consumption. For twelve weeks, pupils become aware of their daily consumption of fruit by counting it through stars that they hang on a bulletin board in class. 2- All students in the school or class create the best "fruit anthem" 3-Later they will choose, with the school staff and the parents' councils, which one they want to keep in order to present it at the "Hérois da Fruta" contest. This action allows the involvement of all the people around the child, both at school and at home. The awards All participating students receive a diploma declaring them "Hino de Fruta". To be considered a participating school 5 tasks must be carried out: - Respond to the initial survey of the programme - Identify the fruit consumption of each student - Send a proposal for a fruit anthem - Respond to the final survey - Carry out the activities of the theme of the year (cf below) For the fruit hymns, the winning schools receive the visit of the two "Herois da Fruta" and their interactive show to celebrate together "the great feast of fruit heroes". Activities carried out throughout the year Additional challenges are offered to schools to win classroom educational sessions with the two mascots "Herois da Fruta" Activities are carried out in class by teachers thanks to the teaching materials received, but this teaching kit also contains materials to be distributed to pupils so they can carry out fruit awareness activities at home with their families. “Jornal dos Heróis da Fruta” is an experience-sharing platform for the programme that children, teachers and schools can publish. Parents also have access, they can consult the various projects of the programme and get awareness tools.

Solidarity fruit baskets The programme "Heróis da Fruta" is also involved in the distribution of weekly fruit baskets for schools where the children mainly come from deprived neighboughood. The action is financed by a solidarity fund set up by the project "Heróis da Fruta". It is the schools that request these baskets, the distribution is managed by specific partners (see the partnerships and collaborations, below)

The educational means The educational materials received by the schools consist of roadmaps for the proposed activities, educational games and other entertaining activities for children. 118

In addition, each school sets up a bulletin board on which every child will register and follow his daily consumption of fruit, in order to become a real "Hino de fruta"! Partnerships and collaborations The project partners are not exclusively actors from the fruit sector. Many companies and various institutions support this project. The main partnershelp in the implementations of the actions, the financing and participate in the solidarity fund of the project  Clube Pelicas (Montepio Group Association dedicated to children under twelve)  Fabrica de Oculos (CACEM)  3 sponsors: they financially support the project and participate in the solidarity fund of the project  AquaFresh, Vitacres, Fruut, Montepio  8 other financial supports  Maça de Alcobaça, Agencia Zero, IMACX, Kids Meo, Immochan, Jumbo, Konica Minolta, Vimeiro  Donor schools: participation in the solidarity fund of the project  8 partners supporting the implementation of actions  76 local authorities partners

Following the programme is not a financial burden for these communities, they support the implementation of the actions and the promotion of the programme. There are 5 partner institutions : Governo dos Açores, DGEstE, Regional Secretariat for Education of Madeira, Fundaçao PT, Lions Clube do Seixal The media partners (see promotional means and media plan)  6 national partners: 2 radios, a TV channel, 2 newspapers, 2 publishers  30 regional partners: 2 TV spots, 11 radios, 1 website, 1 blog, 1 audiovisual company, 14 newspapers

The strengths Relevance of the message A message on food education to perpetuate a sufficient consumption of fruit. Entering every day the number of fruit eaten allows children to realize that their consumption is sufficient or not. The two heroes give a positive image of the fruit, and propose entertaining activities: so the children become aware of their consumption and educate themselves .

Effectiveness of the communication A multiplicity of regional and national mass media partners and ambassadors close to the child's environment. Family involvement at each stage of the programme The family advises children for the creation of the anthem, and awareness materials are also brought home by children Effective socio-economic partnerships Many financial support exist thanks to the participation of the different partners. In addition, coordination between local authorities and school staff is effective for the implementation of the mascot visits and awareness-raising activities adapted to each 119

municipality. Also, through a distribution of educational materials, the programme provides the tools needed to perpetuate a consumption of fruit to people in the entourage of the child: teachers and parents. These measures can be adapted to the accompanying measures of the European school fruit and vegetable programme. Indeed, if children realize that their fruit consumption is insufficient with the programme "Heróis da Fruta", they can all the more readjust if their school sets up a distribution of fruit and vegetables via the European programme. A good sharing of experiences between the different participants in the programme The online platform "Jornal dos Heróis da Fruta" is a good tool for sharing experience. A good local initiative can be disseminated to other schools in the national territory. An effective and supportive programme: the promotion of the programme is also accompanied by an increased access to fruit for those who need it most, which makes the programme all the more efficient and supportive. Good monitoring for a more effective programme The APCOI initiative is all the more effective as it gets better every year, with the feedback from the surveys that are done before and after the program.

REsuls and impact Feedback from the 2014 APCOI survey  A real increase in the daily fruit intake for children: 42% of participating children increased their fruit consumption after the programme in 2013-2014.  More than 70,000 pupils participated in Portugal, per year. The solidarity baskets For the 2015-2016 school year, 207 students received these fruit baskets for 2000 applicants, or 10%. For 2016-2017, additional financial support from Montepio, Aquafresh, Fruut, Vitacress has doubled the number of pupils receiving baskets. However, 80% of applicants still cannot access it.

Contact : Maria do Carmo Martins +351918113976


Conclusion by François Lafitte The consumption of fruit and vegetables is still a matter of concern for the European, national and regional authorities. This document has the advantage of summarizing the promotion actions for the consumption of fruit and vegetables. It highlights the merit of the numerous actions undertaken in Europe and gives evidence of interest in this issue. Still, the health issues and the risks of additional costs of diseases related to obesity are very heavy. We lack success because we lack resources. We must persevere and double energy to achieve these promotion goals . We can welcome the recent commitment of the European Commission through the SFVS programme and the financial support for multi-country and multi-sector programmes for the promotion of fruit and vegetable. These recent actions are important to give this s ector the means to fairly compete with the major multinational food organisations. These efforts are recent and deserve to be amplified! We must be able to increase the promotion of fruit and vegetable consumption to meet nutritional and health concerns o f European populations. Nutrition has evolved over the centuries and exchanges between countries. Life expectancy has increased in European countries in strong economic development thanks to advances in medicine and hospital equipment. A challenge thus remains : developing a better health and quality of life thanks to the nutrition! Live better and longer thanks to the consumption of fruit and vegetables; it could be the new "creed" of our young European generations! François Lafitte is President of AREFLH Promotion Commission and President of Gefel, the French economic organisation for fruit and vegetables. Vivre mieux et plus longtemps grâce à la consommation des fruit et légumes ; cela pourra être le nouveau « credo » de nos jeunes générations européennes !


Presentation of AREFLH The Assembly of European Regions producing Fruit, Vegetables and Ornamental Plants is an association created in 2000 on the initiative of a group of Spanish, French and Italian regions. It represents the voice of the fruit, vegetable and horticultural regions and their producer organisations in Europe. The specificity and strength of AREFLH lies in its original structure, as it is composed of two Colleges: the College of Regions and the College of Producers. The complementarity of these two colleges allows a collective work and the definition of common positions between regions and representatives of producers.

Our objectives The purpose of AREFLH is to represent and defend the economic and social interests of regions and producers in the European institutions. It is a platform for exchanging experiences and good practices, in order to foster partnerships and joint actions between regions and professional organisations. Through the European policies of the fruit and vegetables CMO, promotion, research & innovation and territorial development, AREFLH aims to actively support regional productions and economies.

Our main topics 

The CAP and the Fruit & Vegetables CMO, Both are essential for the technical and economic progress of the European fruit and vegetables production which is facing world trade competition (9.2% of the value of the production of producer organisations is invested each year under the CMO).

Research & Innovation, Both must meet the needs of producers, and help promote an environmental-friendly agriculture.

F&V Promotion and healthy-eating education, They are essential to fight the decline of the consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables in Europe.

Working groups and Commissions:     

CMO experts group The Commission ‘Promotion and markets’ The Research and Innovation Task Force ‘ The Commission of APO directors The flower and plants working group.

These commissions and working groups propose to the Board of Directors and to AREFLH Bureau the working lines and position papers to be defended in Brussels. AREFLH office team :  Pauline Panegos, General Secretary  Laetitia Forget, Administration manager  Andrea Tivoli, Europe project officer Twitter : @areflh


Thank you to… The AREFLH would particularly like to thank Louise Plottet, trainee from Supagro Montpellier, Jacques Dasque, for the supervision of the project, Eugeniu Verbitchi for the translation to Italian, as well as all the regions, professional organisations and institutes that were kind enough to provide us with information about their programmes and have enabled us to create this document

Photo credits To know the source of the images, refer to the contacts of each section


Association Charentes Poitou d’Expérimentation Légumière Agrupamentos de Centros de Saúde (Portugal) Agencia Española de Consumo, Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Espagne) Agencia per le Erogazioni in Agricoltura (Italie) Association des grossistes de fruit et légumes de Mercabarna (Barcelone) Alianza Internacional de Asociaciones y Movimientos “5 al día” Accueil de Loisirs Sans Hébergement (France) Association Nationale des Pôles d’équilibre territoriaux et ruraux et des Pays Apellation d’Origine Protégée Associaçáo Portuguesa Contra a Obesidade Infantil (Portugal) Asociazione Produtori Ortofrutticoli Trentini Association Régionale d'Expérimentation Légumière des Pays de la Loire


Biological Production Mode


Réseau de Création et d’Accompagnement Pédagogique Common Agriculture Policy Communautés Autonomes en Espagne Centro Operativo e Tecnologico Hortofruticola Nacional Consiglio per la ricerca in agricoltura e l’analisi dell’economia agraria (Italie) Centre Technique Interprofessionnel des fruit et légumes


European Union


Food and Agriculture Organisation

IAA Industries Agro-Alimentaires IDFEL Initiative de Développement de Fruit Et Légumes (France) INIAV Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agraría e Vetenária INRA Institut National de Recherche Agronomique (France) IRQUA NORMANDIE Institut Régional de la Qualité Agroalimentaire de Normandie ISFFEL Institut Supérieur de Formation Fruit Et Légumes (France) ISMEA Instituto di Servizi per il Mercato Agricolo Alimentare (Italie) IFAP Instituto de Financiamento de Agricultura e Pescas (Portugal) 123


Lieux d’acceuil Enfants Parents (France) Légumes Centre Actions Blois


Ministero delle politiche agricole alimentari e forestali


Nutrición, Actividad física y Prevención de la Obesidad (Espagne) Nouvelles activités Périscolaires (France)


Organisation de Coopération et de Développement Economique Organisation Mondiale de la Santé Organisation Non Gouvernementale


Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Protected Designation of Origin Protected Geographical Indication Programme Nationale pour l’Alimentation (France) Plan National Nutrition Santé (France) Plan National Nutrition Santé Belge (Belgique) Programa Nacional para a Promoção da Alimentação Saudavel (Portugal)


Relais Assistantes Maternelles (France) Regime de Fruta Escolar (Portugal) Responsabilité sociétale de l’entreprise


School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme Salon International de l’Agriculture Section Interprofessionnelle de Première Mise en Marché


Temps d’activités périscolaires (France)


Institut Flamand pour le Promotion de la Santé et la Prévention des Maladies Vlaamse SchoolFruitactie (Belgique, Flandre)

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A.R.E.F.L.H. Assembly of the European Regions producing Fruit, Vegetable and Ornamental Plants 37, Rue du GĂŠnĂŠral de Larminat 33000 Bordeaux, France Twitter : @areflh


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