Country Living 11-22

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Country Living

Vol. 79 • No. 11 November 2022

(3) COFFEE POTS: Keurig, Mr. Coffee, and a 50 cup capacity Large elec roast er Antique full size bed Rainbow sweeper Versailles 937 417 2985

MOBILITY SCOOTER: LiteRider Golden 4-wheel Model G:L110/GL140 LN! Lewisburg 937 962 2364

NH 680 Tandem Axle / Beater Manure Spreader: Spreads good, but has weak sidewall $1,925 ‘95 Chrysler Pacifica, 222K mi , $1,515 Bradford 937 448 2439

YOUNG FARMER seeking farm ground to rent Darke & surrounding counties

Versailles 937 417 2969

WANTED: Someone to take care of a 50 tree apple orchard on shares Near Arcanum 937 692 8215

EXPERIENCED & hardworking 3rd gen eration farmer seeking to expand opera tion & lease farm ground in the sur rounding Champaign, Logan, & Miami Co area Ask for John St Paris 937 508 5635

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COUNTRY LIVING Contents Cover Picture Countr y Kitchen COUNTRY LIVING Is Published Monthly By: ARENS CORPORATION P.O. Box 69, 395 S. High St., Covington, OH 45318 937 473 2028 • 937 473 2029 • FAX: 937 473 2500 E MAIL: arenspub@gmail com CHECK US OUT ON THE NET: IMPORTANT!!! When submitting advertisements or news releases, always include your full name, address, & phone number (including area code) Fullenkamp’s Frenchtown IS THE SMART CHOICE FOR TRAIlERS & FlATbEDS You won’t find a larger inventory of name brand lines anywhere! Check out Fullenkamp’s impressive selection of trailers and flatbeds when you’re looking to purchase new equipment. conveniently located in versailles, ohio at 11465 mangen rd.
unless you
AND HAvE A CHANCE TO WIN $10! We O er No Hidden Or Credit Card Fees Since 1945 % #$ "! & !#
Many claim Thanksgiving dinner just isn’t complete
serve the perfect dressing, one that has guests begging for seconds! Could be the recipe submitted by Samantha Douglass of Arcanum is the an swer to your prayers! Check it out on Page 39, along with a delicious recipe for Sugar Cookies shared by an Indiana reader

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CHICKEN LAYING HENS: (4) red, (3) white, (2) barred rock. All for $48. Lewis burg 937 962 2364

WANTED TO BUY: Farm machinery Will buy one piece or complete lines Arcanum 937 670 0323

2) CEMETERY PLOTS: Side by side Sarasota, Florida Brookville 937 837 1070

16” WHEELS for 1 ton Ford dually Also, (4) LT205/75 R16 tires Covington 937 214 5798

WANTED: Good 18.4x34 & 18.4x38 tractor tires Versailles 937 526 4350

WANTED TO BUY: Horses, ponies, & saddles Ansonia 937 337 2622

TANDEM AXLE TRAILER: $500 Sidney 937 716 6377

(2) DIXON MOWERS: Both run Make reasonable offer. New Paris 937 564 2114

SQUARE Orchardgrass & Alfalfa Hay: $6/bale No rain West Milton 937 903 4197

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$ NEW & USED TOYS RON DIETRICH " ! # 937-548-4780 " $ ! " $ $ % % ! $ & $ # $ ! "! " !
Greenville Farm Toy Show &
DeaDline Fo r Decem ber issue: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23 – 4 p.m.

MASSEY-FERGUSON 245: Gas. Rear new tires. Freeman 4000 loader. Both buckets. 6’ blade. Coldwater 419-678-2594

KLEIN SAFETY BELT: Model 5228— #20. Size 35-42. LN! Celina 419-586-4388

JD 8200 21x7 grain drill w/grass seeder & press wheels. New tires. Like new disk. $4,500. Russia 937-621-4414

HOLLAND TRANSPLANTER: 2 units for toolbar w/trays, fingers & potato pockets. $1,200. Tipp City 937-239-1393

GRAVELY L, $450; running gear for Snowco hay elevator w/winch, $650; winch, portable, 110V, $200; JD Top Link, $350. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486

WANTED: Rims & tires. Farmall H & Farmall 460. Versailles 937-526-4350

10-HOLE nesting boxes; heavy wood horse manger, 4’Lx2’D. West Chester 513-520-2046

50’ ALTEC BUCKET LIFT with JIB & winch. Mounted on ‘83 Ford dsl. truck. 5 spd. manual. New tires & new hyd. lines on lift. GWC $8,000. Houston 937-295-3901

GRAIN DRILL w/fert. attachment. On steel wheels. McCormick. 12 disk rows. Arcanum 937-947-1495

M&W 15’ DISK CHISEL, $5,950; Demco sprayer, 45’ booms, hyd. centrifugal pump, w/monitor, $3,950. Germantown 937-696-2229

16’ LIVESTOCK TRAILER: Pull-type. Needs lights. $850. Bradford 937-313-6502

FEEDER PIGS FOR SALE: 40-80 lbs. Wapakoneta 419-236-8516

LOOKING FOR NICE, late model JD 2555 in GC. Russia 937-726-5460. Leave voicemail.

TRACTOR MOUNTED PTO driven Ace pump. Fits 1-3/4”—1,000 rpm. PTO shaft LN! $500. Urbana 937-238-6504

FIREWOOD: Sidney 937-295-3553

OLD FARM EQUIPMENT: NI 2-row corn picker; JD 5 btm. plow; 250 gal. weed sprayer. Make offer. Lewisburg 937-952-8758

TEDDER: Kuhn, 3 pt., 2 basket, $2,250; Shaver 12” Grand Slam springless post driver, like new, fully hyd. tilt & angle. $7,000. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486

KNOEDLER Auger Wagon: Tandem axle. Good tires. Overhead auger. PTO. Hyd. lift. Mechanical swing. $1,800. Tipp City 937-239-1393

GRAIN BIN BOLTS, nuts, & misc. dryer parts. New Paris 937-533-7456

WANTED: Winchester Model 1887 lever-action w/pistol grip stock. Elam Wickey, 4373E—100S, Monroe, IN 46772

VERY OLD 5-string child’s banjo. Made in ‘40s. Very rare. $300. ‘60s Bentley banjo. Fair cond. $150. Covington 937-603-7529

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WANTED TO BUY: 10 or more acres of land in Miami Co or surrounding coun ties Prefer west of I 75 Ludlow Falls 937 698 6611

TREADMILL: Nordic Track Model 1750 22 ft x 60 in LN! Incline Color display Wi Fi Folds into 3 ft $900 OBO Ever last HD body punch bag GC! $90 OBO Cash Tipp City 937 902 6928

1 BTM MOLDBOARD PLOW: Crafts man Sleeve hitch For garden tractor $200 Greenville 937 423 5389

NI #217 Manure Spreader: 200 bu Sin gle beater Good tires GC! Delivery available $3,000 Holland 419 277 0668

AKC CHOCOLATE LABS: (4) females, (3) males 8 weeks old Will have their 1st puppy check ups completed & ready for their forever homes on Dec 16 DeGraff 937 658 2629

SPACE FOR RENT: Great for farm equipment 200’ long, 40’ wide, 8 1/2’ clearance Mercer Co Celina 419 953 5341

(2) 5’ SPIKETOOTH HARROWS: Can be pulled behind small tractor or 4-wheeler Good for deer food plots $100 Greenville 937 621 4580

CORN PICKER: 1 row Works good $750 Vandalia 937 898 1830

FREE! Maytag electric wringer washer Model J2 Middletown 312 771 7318

ANHYDROUS GEAR: 11L 15 tires Adj width $400 Rossburg 937 564 0719

JD 148 Quick Tach Loader: 6’ bucket With hyd control valve Very nice! Asking $4,500 Hamilton 513 726 4736





In West Milton & surrounding areas Please contact Steve McGuffey, West Milton 937 673 5730

FORD ELEC SEAT: Helps you get in & out Bruno Reasonable Brookville 937 837 1070

(4) ANTIQUE cast iron hay trolleys All 4 for $200 Phillipsburg 937 832 7124

FREEZER BEEF: No hormones Grain fed Arcanum 937 533 0930 vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

POLY SKID SHOES for IH 820 grain head. New. Traded heads, won’t fit. $250 OBO. Tipp City 937 239 1393

MIXED ALFALFA GRASS: Round bales Stored inside $35/bale Covington 937 564 6309 Please leave msg

CLEAN, BRIGHT STRAW: Never wet Square bales Priced very competitive! Greenville 937 417 2315

MODEL T RADIATOR: Orig year 1923 Round tube core height 18 3/8 in $50 Germantown 937 855 3681

16x7 FLATBED WAGON: $500 New Bremen 419 230 1495 or 419 234 5646

6x12 HOMEMADE livestock trailer on rubber torsion axles Heavy built Good tires Lights $2,500 OBO Anna 937 658 1884

Page 8 - COUNTRY LIVING - NOVEMBER 2022 PULLEY FOR 8N FORD Brackets for next size up 800’s & up $75 Duals, 18 4x34 9 bolt rims (one bad rim) $125 Rossburg 937 564 0719 WOOD PLANKS: Reasonable Brookville 937 837 1070 JD 216 GRAIN HEAD: Wide front Off 4020 $250 Swartz brand cement mixer, $50 2 hog barn curtain controllers cable Greenville 937 423 4968 or 937 423 4967 ‘51 U MOLINE: Runs great! Fair tires $1,650 OBO Jackson Center 937 596 5414 LOOKING FOR A NICE, late model JD 2555 in GC. Russia 937 726 5460 CASE 530 BACKHOE: Works fine Springfield 937 925 6047 ‘58 FORD 861: 64hp, PS, rear remotes, live PTO, electronic ignition New tire Looks good, runs good Asking $5,800 OBO Irish Electric Motor Service Service All Your Motor Needs • Home • Farm • Industry • New • Used • Repair • Rebuild 419-394-3284 Fax: 419-394-7128 1600 Celina Rd. St. Marys, OH 45885 )! " % $ % " #% " % %% ! & %( # " ' ! " +* $ !()* " )) & %#&" * +*% !( %$ !*!%$!$ (*! ! !'+ ! *%( $ & ! "!)* Smith’s
Page 9 - COUNTRY LIVING - NOVEMBER 2022 .+& #"0-1 4*2) +",*-"2&% .0 /&0," $.+3,- /.121 .-$0&2& '..2&0 /.30&% 4"++1 .-$0&2& 1+"# ./2*.- )&"2*-( 1512&, *- '+..0 *-& *-13+"2& 4"++1 &*+*-(1 4*2) +*-&0 /"-&+1 6 6 6 " " ! " ! 6 6 6 " " " " ! " 6 6 6 " " " " ! " 6 6 6 " " ! " 6 6 6 " " " " ! " ! #!% +&) %,( ""&' (& * $( JD 8200 21x7 grain drill w/grass seeder & press wheels New tires Like new disk $4,500 Russia
Hay & Grain Horse Feeder: Brand new!
Please leave msg
937 621 4414 COMBINATION
Covington 937 564 6309
(2) SILAGE WAGONS: 3 beaters, roofs, $3,000 both; NH blower w/gooseneck to make pile, $350; green chop
wagon, $800; J&M 40’
hay eleva tor, elec motor, $1,200 Greenville 937 423 4967 YAKIMA PLOW: 2 btm Made in ‘50s For JD B Good shape Yakima hitch includ ed Xenia 937 372 0074 WIN RICH PERFECTA 4 season vent
propane free standing fireplace
outages Make offer Celina 419 733 5449 Leave msg
MAC TOOL BOX: Simizer Series 12 drawers 88” long, 27” wide On rollers Cost $10,000 new $3,500 Dan, West Alexandria 937 839 5048 (2) PRIME LOTS in “Freedom Garden” (Veterans) at Miami Memorial Park, Cov ington, Ohio Both improved with custom vaults $2,125 Piqua 937 418 2610 REAR TINE ROTO TILLER: 42” wide PTO driven $650 St Marys 419 733 8792

ALLIS CHALMERS Model 170 Loader: Fits D17, WD, WD45 & others $300 Greenville 937 423 0532

JD HYD CYL , $125; Gravely reel mower attachment, $250; hay wagon, D Bradley running gear, 7x14, $500; JD running gear, $850. Yellow Springs 937 572 5486

(2) CATEGORY 2 quick hitches, $150; 14x28 dual rims, $50; wheelbarrow, $20; galvanized tub, $10; (3) hyd cyls , $10 ea. New Bremen 419 234 5646

FREE: 200 gal fiberglass sprayer tank Arcanum 937 417 2537

PARSONS Sewing Center: 2 pc , w/elec power lift 42”W x 69”H x 24”D Includes Viking 990 computer machine w/acces sories. Will hold for Christmas! $900 OBO (cash) Tipp City 937 902 6928

300 BU HOPPER WAGON: 10 ton gear $800 JD gears 8 ton $700 ea Ross burg 937 564 0719

WANTED: Combine pick up guards Rossburg 937 564 0719

HEAVY GAUGE Metal Siding & Roofing Sheets: 10’ to 30’ $1/ft Also, 15’x10’ & 10’x10’ overhead garage doors & metal covered insulated panels Lewisburg 937 839 4540

(5) LARGE, ROUND Hay Bales: $50 ea New Carlisle 937 308 0194

LANDOLL TILL ALL: ‘12 21 ft New blades & bearings VGC! $17,000 Belle fontaine 937 935 5777

JD 750 15’ no till drill w/markers & moni tor $14,500 Greenville 937 547 0446

SNOWBLOWER: Frontier Model ST 7526 Electric start GC! Botkins 937 693 3771

‘01 CHEVY 2500 HD 4x4 Ext Cab: 171K mi $3,500 Make offer Eaton 513 456 5675

CAT 955H Track Loader: Runs good $6,500 Eaton 937 456 7154

tttttttttttt 1st, 2nd, & 3rd CUTTINGS MIXED HAY Orchardgrass, timothy, fescue. Some clover & some alfalfa. $4 $6 per bale. Tipp City 937-667-6583

30 GAL ELECTRIC Hot Water Heater: Used 1 year $350 Casstown 937 308 0194

2nd, 3rd, & 4th CUTTINGS HAY: 90% alfalfa 10% orchardgrass Average 55 lbs or better $6/bale Versailles 937 564 5542

WANTED: Old motorcycles, mini bikes, mopeds, 3-wheelers, or 4-wheelers Running or not Covington 937 473 2705.

‘11 T6020 FORD NH: 100hp Ditch bank mower $20,000 Best offer or trade Franklin 937 474 9899

WANTED TO BUY: Smaller manure spreader Sidney 937 570 3282

Page 10 COUNTRY LIVING NOVEMBER 2022 $# # $ ! # '"# " $# # $ ! # '"# " $ # ! # "# ! # # ! ! "" ! & ! " !% ! "" ! !#" # ! # !"
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Jared Gaier (937) 538-8527

IH 480 DISK: Manual fold wings. 18’ wide Needs bearing replaced $2,000 Wapakoneta 419 941 1196

(7) BROWN Egg Laying Chickens: 2 years old $15/all Brookville 937 479 4614

HORSE AND COW QUALITY HAY: Grass hay Grass/alfalfa mix & pure alfalfa. Huber Heights 937 751 3661

FACTORY skid plate for RZR 1000 or turbo LN! $180 OBO West Milton 937 684 6159

GALV CHICKEN WIRE: 1 5” openings Roll is 5’ tall Brand new $110 OBO Greenville 937 423 5389

1st CUTTING HAY: 4x5 bales Stored inside $30/bale Eaton 937 533 9610

TRIP BUCKET LOADER: $800 (1) chain hoist, $75 Englewood 937 789 8996

JD 7000 PLANTER / Yetter frame for fertilizer application & fluted coulter in front of disc openers MF 1163 6R corn head Kalida 419 532 3637 Leave msg

YOUNG FARMER seeking farm ground to rent Darke & surrounding counties Versailles 937 417 2969

TUPPERWARE: Overstocked! Huge savings on in stock items Dealer for 23 years Call for catalog & brochures Russia 937 238 6661

CASE INT 475 hyd fold wheel disc 20 ft With Remlinger 3 bar harrow $5,750 Greenville 937 547 0446

TORPEDO HEATER: Multi fuel 165,000 BTU $90 Boat cover, 17’x7 1/2’ $50 Electric oven, propane burners Best offer Germantown 937 855 3681

APPROX 700 BALES Wheat Straw: $3 /bale Russia 937 526 4091


SET OF 23x850 14 & 14 75 R4 tires On JD rims LN! Brookville 937 833 3590

SEVERAL Tractor & Combine Tires: New & used All sizes Franklin 937 474 9899

KILLBROS 385 wagon on Killbros 13 ton running gear, w/ext tongue, 24” sideboards w/brakes $5,000 OBO 375 Killbros w/ext tongue, on 12 ton gear $4,000 OBO Celina 419 953 2324

WANTED TO BUY: Youth crossbow mobile bale bind Sidney 937 570 3282

(2) HEAVY DUTY steel gas cans; roll of new barbed wire; old hand scythe. Piqua 937 773 3758

WANTED: IH front suitcase weights 70 lb or 100 lb Russia 937 638 8088

(2) 7 MONTH OLD Doe Goats: Alpine and 1/2 Alpine 1/2 Nubian $150 ea Haviland, Ohio 419 230 3023

MF 1155 w/less than 2,800 hrs Fast hitch Cold air Cab heat LED lights EC! Arcanum 937 692 8215

SEVERAL JD 2 Cyl Tractors: All very nice! Springfield 937 925 6047

ARTIFICIAL EQUINE Breeding Phan tom Mare & All AI Equipment for Horses: Versailles 937 564 5542

DEMOLITION: Also, concrete demolition such as old swimming pools, barn foun dations, porches, etc Also, general excavating work 937 232 7380

NEW ARMSTRONG Commercial Floor Tile: 45 sq ft per box Five patterns Numerous quantities $30/box or buy all & save! Brookville 937 287 0685

LOOKING FOR Farmor oil lamps made in St Louis, Missouri, in 1935 thru late ‘40s Portland, Indiana 260 335 2666

(2) GALV CULVERT PIPES: (1) 10” round, 9’ long (1) 12” round, 9’ long LN! Lynn, Indiana 765 874 1103

HORSE AND COW QUALITY HAY: Grass hay Grass/alfalfa mix & pure alfalfa Huber Heights 937 751 3661


IH SUPER W4: Restored Good tires Rear wheel weights Belt pulley & PTO Show ready $6,000 OBO Wapakoneta 419 230 5279

TWIN ADJ BED Base Unit: Dual mas sage $75 Coldwater 419 678 3289

WANTED: (6) seed boxes for JD 7000 planter Seed meters not required West Milton 937 684 6159

ROTARY PHASE CONVERTER: 3hp to 20hp $250 $1,500 1/2 ton C&M 3-phase power trolley $700 Rossburg 937 417 2219

1895 ROSENTHAL Corn Shredder: Barn stored EC! $1,395 Franklin 937 231 2397 Leave msg

IH 1250 feed grinder w/scales $4,500 Tipp City 937 239 1393

Page 13 COUNTRY LIVING NOVEMBER 2022 Auctions Estates Real Estate Far m Equipment / %!1! (&#(! +/#*'!(. / .#)($.& 1(01. ( -1&,)"*0 6 +*/0.1 0&+* -1&,)"*0 6 .1 '/ . &("./ !"" !(.2 / .#)(!!, 0(!, $ !"" / % %!1! # )' ' +00 "* " &-1 6 &) "*05 ** . ! "*05 .""*2&((" 6 0%4 ( 0#++0 &!*"4 .' +!"*)&((". //0+3* .) +*/0.1 0&+* -1&,)"*0 /0 0"/ &2+. " &//+(10&+* +((+3 1/ +* " ++' 1 '"4" *(&*" -1&,)"*0 1 0&+*/ ","*+ ! *)/ $%) $ $ &"## - '"/" %! )( 0 ... - '"/" %! )( )* ! ! " !" " ! ! " !" # " # " !" " ! ,%# (+&!' - !'", (+&!' *)$)'#))

WANTED: Used 3 phase motors, 5hp & up Good used 14 5 15 16 tires Ross burg 937 417 2219

JD 12 5 hp 2 CYL power unit & clutch Off JD 12 A combine. Engines are stuck. Covington 937 214 5798

WANTED TO BUY: Smaller manure spreader Sidney 937 570 3282

HAY FOR SALE: Large bales Clover, alfalfa, orchardgrass mixed West of Gratis, Ohio on 725 937 733 8968

2nd CUTTING Alfalfa Hay: $6/bale 1st cutting alfalfa hay, $5/bale Straw, $5/ bale New Lebanon 937 835 3311

475 BALES ALFALFA: 3x4x7 1/2 1st 4th cuttings EC! Stored inside 425 bales red clover 3x4x7 1/2 EC! Stored inside Versailles 937 423 5404

(12) WOODEN Storm Shutters: Off 1880 farmhouse $55 for all Franklin 937 231 2397 Leave msg

JD 9550 COMBINE w/2,682 engine hrs & 2,123 sep hrs ; JD 925F grain head on cart, & JD 643 corn head Ready to go $69,000 (total unit) GC! Wapakone ta 419 236 8516

STRAW: Clean, bright wheat straw Twine tied, small, square bales Easy loading or delivery available West Milton 937 875 1220

TEFF HAY: Small, square bales Delivery available $7/bale Middle town 317 432 0179

POLARIS Trailable ATV Cover: Bought for Sportsman 550xp I’m sure it fits other models Brand new! West Milton 937 684 6159

BEAUTIFUL BROWN Rouen Ducks: 6 months old Almost ready to lay $15 ea Arcanum 937 417 2537

SNOW PLOWS: JD, 42” blade MO2692X071150 Sears Roebuck, 42” blade 917 62604 $50 ea Lewis burg 937 962 2364

FARMLAND WANTED: To rent or buy Greenville 937 423 4967

FORD NH 5640: 75hp Roll bar & canopy Franklin 937 474 9899

HYD. POWER UNIT for shop car lifts, $500; JD 953 gear w/hoist, $750; 8N Ford sickle bar, belly mount, $250 Yellow Springs 937 572 5486

Page 14 - COUNTRY LIVING - NOVEMBER 2022 9164 County Road 101, Belle Center Handcrafted ! !
Adver tising Dead line for Next Month’s Paper Wednesday, Nov. 23, No Later Than 4:00 p.m. 200 S. Main St. Piqua, Ohio 937-773-3657 Batteries For Everything! Cordless Telephone • Cell Phone • Camcorder AA - AAA - C - D - 9 Volt • 2 Way Radio • Coin Cell Cars • Trucks • Farm Equipment • Golf Cart Motorcycle • Marine Deep Cycle &Starting • ATV Wheel Chair • Emergency Power • Lawn &Garden Snow Mobile • Jet Ski • Toy Cars • Battery Chargers Cables • Jump Start Units
• Control your grain marketing and maximize your profitability. • Market your grain on your terms. Contact us today to learn more. Don’t trust your grain to anything less. Storage | Handling | Conditioning | Structures

SMALL, Heavy Duty Trailer: 5’x10’ long, for small skidloader or small tractor Tilt bed All Diamond Plate $750 Greenville 937 621 4580

(40) 4’x5’ NET WRAPPED 1st cutting mixed hay Greenville 740 225 0698

ALLIS CHALMERS sickle bar mower, $175 8’ disk, $375 Greenville 937 313 6502

CAMPER: 26 ft., w/slide out. ‘06 Denali. Very clean $6,000 West Milton area 937 572 8282 Leave msg

RHODE ISLAND Laying Hens: 18 weeks old 1 20 $10 ea Bradford 937 214 1176

NEW & USED Sheep Trimming Stands: Side rails also available Greenville 740 225 0698

PARTING OUT: JD 4400 & 6600 com bines 444 corn head, 215 Flex head, FB JD drill, JD 3020 gas tractor Hamilton 513 726 4736

NI #217 Manure Spreader: 200 bu Slop gate Single beater Good tires Stored inside VGC! Delivery available $3,500 Holland 419 277 0668

ALLIS CHALMERS WD 45 Tractor: $1,990 Restored NF 4 cyl gas 12 4 28 rears, power adjust wheels, drawbar, PTO, 4 spd trans Lewisburg 937 839 4540

ELEC MOTORS: 1/4hp & 1/3hp 8” swivel heavy duty wheels Make offer Ashton Drake Princess Diana dolls & plates, $300 Englewood 937 789 8996

250 BALES 3rd cutting alfalfa mix hay, $6 25/bale; antique 3 bar basket side delivery rake, steel wheels, $295 Brad ford 937 448 2439

DELTA belt sander, $750; Loegering 12x16 5 tracks, $1,350; post driver, Shaver, 10 in , $2,600; Gravely rotary mower attachment, $100 Yellow Springs 937 572 5486

GRADER BLADE: 6 ft , w/tilt angle & off set, $400; tedder, Sitrex 2B, $2,750; Shaver 8” hyd post driver, front mount, $1,600 Yellow Springs 937 572 5486

WANTED TO BUY: Youth crossbow mobile bale bind Sidney 937 570 3282

Page 15 - COUNTRY LIVING - NOVEMBER 2022 “America’s Best Place To Buy Stoves & Fireplaces” + + ' ' % " *** ( %&'#) & " % $ & #!
( ( $" * ( & !$ $)( !(" + # ! # )+ &' $ $ ' % $ (' # (("

FORD NH 260C Industrial w/new engine overhaul One owner High quality 55hp With ROPS & canopy Franklin 937 474 9899

2-ROW NI CORN PICKER: VGC! Always kept out of weather Ready to pick corn Greenville 937 417 2315

‘01 CHEVY 2500 HD 4x4 Ext Cab: 171K mi Make offer Eaton 513 292 4093

40’ SNOWCO bale conveyor on wheels New 1hp motor Good tires GC! Can deliver $2,000 Holland 419 277 0668

180 WHEEL HORSE & Snow Blade: $1,200 New Paris 937 564 2114

4’x5’ ROUND BALES Mixed Grasses &

Forb Hay: Fertilized Net wrapped Avg 750 lbs $45/bale outside $60/bale inside Germantown 513 594 7855

APEX BADLAND 12,000 lb winch w/synthetic rope Never used, in box $500 New Madison 937 564 1474

IH 5088 & 5288: Both with dual & triple hyds & dual PTO’s One looks like new! Franklin 937 474 9899

‘88 FLEETWOOD Wilderness 27’ Camper: $2,200 Russia 937 638 0316

FORD Backhoe Attachment: Fits 4000 Ford tractor $950 Bradford 937 313 6502

‘95 SUNDOWNER 3H Slant GN: Ranch er Sport model Drop down windows head side Insulated dressing room New tire Pulls great Alum skin steel frame GC! Asking $4,500 New Carlisle 937 605 1324

(4) 22 5x8x12 HEADER Cart Tires: $800 Eaton 937 533 9610

WANTED: ‘61 or ‘62 Corvette Any cond Ludlow Falls 937 698 6611

STEEL CULVERTS: 30” x 20’ 3/8” thick. $500. Hog trailer, 16’x6’ (needs floor) $150 Rossburg 937 564 0719

TUPPERWARE: Overstocked! Huge savings on in stock items Dealer for 23 years Call for catalog & brochures Rus sia 937 238 6661

937-456-4672 • 456-4673 • Fax 456-1523 723 Yost Rd. • West Alexandria, Ohio 7:30 AM TO 5 PM M-F, 8-12 SAT. Our name says it all! Distributors of... • Ads Pipe • Hancor Pipe • Snyder Tanks Septic - Cistern 300-1500 gal. • Infiltrator Leaching Systems • PVC, SDR & Metal Culvert

WANT TO BUY: Small disks & cultipack ers, up to 8 ft , and any old farm equip ment JD or Ford planter plates Greenville 937 621 4580

3 PT BALE SPEAR Starter for JD trac tor, 40 30 dsl Piqua 937 773 3758

JD 8200 21x7 grain drill w/grass seeder & press wheels New tires Like new disk $4,500 Russia 937 621 4414

HARDEE 3 pt. extended boom rotar y mower. Honeysuckle remover. $5,950. Unverfer th 5-shank spring-loaded subsoiler. $7,700. Ger mantown 937 696 2229

WANTED: Old metal toys or other col lectible toys Also will consider other toys Elam Wickey, 4373E 100S, Mon roe, IN 46772

WANTED TO BUY: In search of Mercer Co , Ohio history books by Joyce Alig Ft Recovery 419 305 2658

WANTED: Clamp on duals for IH 986 & IH 1086. Versailles 937 526 4350

GALV CHICKEN WIRE: 1” openings Roll is 3’ tall. Used. GC! $65. Greenville 937 423 5389

POTBELLY PIGS; mini black & white filly; medium size stud colt, coal black Monroe, Indiana 419 615 0438

WANTED: Junk autos & scrap metal of all kinds Certified scale Top dollar paid Roll off container services Call for pric ing or pick up. Celina 419 363 2277

METAL KEYHOLE DESK: 60x30 Six drawers $50 Covington 937 232 0661

ASH FIREWOOD: $125/cord. Large pick up, $100 Small pick up, $75 Lewisburg 937 554 2237

TUPPERWARE: Overstocked! Huge savings on in stock items Dealer for 23 years Call for catalog & brochures Rus sia 937 238 6661

GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPPIES: AKC registered. Portland, Indiana. Mom & Dad on site 765 792 0546 or 260 335 2411

OLD FARM EQUIPMENT: NI 2 row corn picker; JD 5 btm plow; 250 gal weed sprayer Make offer Lewisburg 937 952 8758

ANTIQUE Mahogany Drum Table: Nice! Orig. finish. $100. West Liberty 937 465 7520

ALFALFA MIXED HAY: 4x5 round bales Net wrapped Stored inside $55/bale 2nd & 3rd cuttings Greenville 937 423 2281 or 937 968 6836

SMALL BALES STRAW: $3/bale Arcanum 937 548 0533

LOOKING FOR 16 9x28 Tires: New or used Greenville 937 423 5810

HD WORKBENCH: Wood top 35” high, 30 1/2” deep, 72” long With shelf 9” off the floor $275 OBO New Knoxville 937 423 4440

WHEAT STRAW: Small, square bales Clean $4/bale Versailles 937 658 1296

The Rodeo Shop Trailer Sales

– 4

WESTERN MODEL 2000 Spelt Spread er: Hitch receiver type mount GC! $500 OBO Brookville 937 287 0685

ROUND BALES HAY: Mixture Alfalfa Clover Smooth Broom Grass Never wet Stored inside Priced to sell! Greenville 937 417 2315

IN SEARCH OF hay ground around Huber Heights, Ohio I do custom farm work Huber Heights 937 751 3661

SEVERAL FORD & MF Tractor Parts: New & used Franklin 937 474 9899

ÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓ WANTED: Broken or non-running John Deere, Cub Cadet, & Wheel Horse lawnmowers 937 473 2705 or

‘20 KEYSTONE CAMPER: 36 ft Bumper pull, w/2 slides, bunkhouse, spread axle Heated underside for extended camping season Sleeps 14 Used twice $37,500 Covington 937 603 7529

MAC AIR COMPRESSOR: Upright New, never used Still in plastic 80 gal tank, 5hp, 1 phase, 270 volt, 175 psi $3,500 Ansonia 937 238 7901

FORKS FOR FORKLIFT: Hyd cyls New & used Wood splitter cylinder $125 Rossburg 937 564 0719

LOOKING FOR FARMGROUND to cash rent or share crop Paying competitive rates Russ Brown, West Milton 937 689 0765

GRADER BLADE: 7 ft , HD, $450; NH dual hay rake hitch, fully hyd , $2,600; skid steer carry all, $400 Yellow Springs 937 572 5486

ALFALFA TIMOTHY: Round bales 600 lbs $20 ea Laura 937 884 5741

GENTLE DONKEY Needs Loving Home: Can text pictures Full cross on shoulders 49 in Loves attention! Has bred mares Stands well for farrier Har rod 419 303 8682

WANTED TO BUY: In search of New Idea literature, collectibles, & advertis ing Ft Recovery 419 305 2658

PRESSURE CANNER/COOKER: Presto Large 23 qt canner w/all needed tools, canning jars, lids, etc $200 firm (cash) Tipp City 937 902 6928

YOUNG FARMER seeking farm ground to rent Darke & surrounding counties Versailles 937 417 2969

WANTED: Mini barn 10x12 up to 12x16 In useable cond Russia 937 638 8088

HAND HEWN Pin Frame Barn: 44x36 Beams, braces, rafters & wooden pins Dismantled & stored inside $6,000 Portland, Indiana 260 251 2413

WANTED: Farm ground to rent in Darke & surrounding counties Paying top dol lar! Greenville 937 547 0446

IH 480 DISK: Manual fold wings. 18’ wide Needs bearing replaced $2,000 Wapakoneta 419 941 1196

Page 18 COUNTRY LIVING NOVEMBER 2022 POST FRAME BUILDINGS 701 S. Main, New Knoxville, OH 419-753-2263
3 "0 )(,-+. -%)( 3 "')!"&%(# 3 )'", 3 +(!)'%(%.', 3 ),- + '" +(, 3 +"$).," -)+ #" (%-, 3 + #", 3 ( /", $" $"!, 3 & ( ",%#( 3 %-" 1 / -%)( 3 )(,-+. -%)( 3 )( +"-" ,*$ &3 -"+ "0"+ 3 &" -+% & &.' %(# 3 (,.& -%)( +20 && 3 ""!%(# (!, *" % "(,"! )(!"! (,.+"! +"" ,-%' -", Call today...we are dedicated AND driven to complete your project! " ! " % " !& #! $ " !

FILL DIRT: With some topsoil We can load You haul Terrific price! Greenville 937 417 2315

FREEZER BEEF: No hormones Grain fed Arcanum 937 533 0930

CASE IH 2500 Inline Ripper: West Liber ty 937 441 2193

6’ HEAVY DUTY Dearborn snow blade or scraper $350 8N Ford tractor Good paint & rubber New clutch Runs great! $2,500 Englewood 937 789 8996

LOOKING FOR SOMEONE to cut trees for free firewood West Milton 937 698 5529

WANTED: Illinois Bunn Special 60 hour pocket watches, 17 jewel, 21 jewel, etc. Elam E. Wickey, 4373E 100S, Monroe, IN 46772

FINE PLAY Adj Reamer: Manufactured by Hikari Seiko Co , Japan Size M 46 56 mm $55 Arcanum 937 417 2537

YARD ART: Old Queen wringer tub washing machine; large tractor tire for flower bed; old bathtub w/claw feet Reasonable Brookville 937 837 1070

NUBIAN DRY Milking Doe: About 5 yrs old Should be bred for March kids $350 Call or text Somerville 937 205 1483

KILLBROS Model 350 bed 10 ton gear $850 Gear only, $750 Rossburg 937 564 0719

ANTIQUE BOOKCASE: $300 New Paris 937 564 2114

GRAVELY tiller attachment, $200; Oliver hood center section, $100; Woods 9000 3 pt backhoe, $4,500; Bobcat backhoe attachment brackets, $500 Yellow Springs 937 572 5486

DRAFT HORSE COLLAR: Amish made Never used $150 Medway 937 849 1143 Please leave msg w/area code & phone number

50’ OF TV TOWER: Down, in sections $100 Phillipsburg 937 832 7124

5 SECTIONS of Red Picket Fence: $100 Overhead fuel tank, $50 New Knoxville 419 204 9956

SQUARE Orchardgrass & Alfalfa Hay: $6/bale No rain West Milton 937 903 4197

12’ MF DISK: Heavy duty, w/18” blade. $350 OBO Greenville 937 423 2281 or 937 968 6836

CHRYSLER AIRTEMP A/C: 12K BTU. Works fine $25 Brookville 937 479 4614

CHINESE Ringneck Pheasants: Call Mike for pricing New Weston 419 305 9616

SEVERAL 5000 FORDS: Two w/new restorations & engine overhauls Franklin 937 474 9899

IH 1250 feed grinder w/scales. $4,500. Tipp City 937 239 1393

85 GAL Hard Plastic Water Trough: $75 West Chester 513 520 2046

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JD LATE MODEL 213 Black Reel Grain

Table: SS seals Bolt on sections Exc skid plates New poly Asking $3,000 Hamilton 513 571 5980

‘43 McCORMICK DEERING W 6: Good tin Good tires Live hyd system M&W hand clutch for live PTO & belt pulley Must see to appreciate! $5,000 Piqua 937 418 2610

‘13 WHITE 5 ROW No Till Splitter: Kee ton seed firmers Cruiser closing wheels Soybean & wheat seed plates EC! $4,000 Wapakoneta 419 231 4155

CHRISTMAS TREES: Cut All sizes/ varieties Wreaths/roping 4’ 5’ balled/ burlapped Norway Spruce, White Pine, Black Hills Spruce, Serbian Pine Fri 4-5:30. Sat./Sun. 10 5:30. Weekends ‘til Christmas beginning 11/25 11273 Reed Rd , Versailles 937 526 4877

‘76 454: Short deck Crank shaft GC! Stock cast iron spread bore intake Oval port for ‘76 454 Also, misc parts Phillipsburg 937 832 7124

SQUARE Orchardgrass & Alfalfa Hay: $6/bale No rain West Milton 937 903 4197

FUTON BED & SLEEPER: 1 year old. Black 69” long x 33” wide New, $200 Asking $125 OBO New Knoxville 937 423 4440

250 BU HOPPER WAGON on JD gear Newer paint No rust Good tires & lights $1,000 Anna 937 658 1884

TRACKS: Grouser style, 12x16 5, for larger skid steer, $1,650; hood, ‘70 ’72 Chevy P/U, w/hinges, $500; Chevy 350 engine/trans , $500 Yellow Springs 937 572 5486

WHEEL PLANTER with 6 Plates: Sidney 937 295 3553

8 YR OLD GRADE MARE: Broke trail horse Rode hundreds of miles on trails, thru water, uphill, over logs and obsta cles $2,500 St Marys 419 733 8792

APPROX 700 BALES Wheat Straw: $3 /bale Russia 937 526 4091

Page 20 - COUNTRY LIVING - NOVEMBER 2022 # % , , ) # #$&( '( & "%! " #( $" $ + #$&( '( & "%! " #( $" *** #$&( '( & "%! " #( $" > " 12(0 45$5,10
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STRAW: Clean, bright wheat straw Twine tied, small, square bales Easy loading or delivery available West Milton 937 875 1220

JD 2 ROW PLANTER: Pull type, w/hyd cyl Sandblasted & new paint No fertiliz er $1,275 Greenville 937 621 4580

56 FORD T BIRD: Peacock Blue Com plete, off frame restoration Three tops Power steering Auto 312 V8 EC! Call for details New Knoxville 937 423 4440

RUBBERMAID Stock Watering Tanks: 50 gal & 100 gal 10’ bunker feeders Brookville 937 239 7663

FIREWOOD: Sidney 937 295 3553

(4) GOOD, USED Auto Tires: Goodyear P215/60R15 Used very little Arcanum 937 947 1495

(4) 80/80 R42 FIRESTONE new old stock 11R 22 5 steering tires Very nice! 11R 24 5 drive tires Franklin 937 474 9899

WILL HELP CLEAN UP trees or treetops for the firewood Wapakoneta, Botkins, or Minster area 419 941 1196

TUPPERWARE: Overstocked! Huge savings on in stock items Dealer for 23 years Call for catalog & brochures Rus sia 937 238 6661

JD 2510: Diesel. Needs engine over hauled Low hrs Franklin 937 474 9899

WANTED: Stationary exercise bicycle Versailles 937 526 4350

FORD NH 3930 with only 500 original hrs Like new cond With 7310 front loader One of a kind! Franklin 937 474 9899

MF 275: Diesel With nice front end loader Make offer or trade Franklin 937 474 9899

WANTED TO BUY: 10 or more acres of land in Miami Co or surrounding coun ties Prefer west of I 75 Ludlow Falls 937 698 6611

80 BIG, ROUND BALES: Wrapped 700 lbs $50 for 10 If more than 10, $45 Stored inside Good grass hay West Liberty 937 465 7616

DECORATIVE Landscaping Rocks: Assorted sizes Wapakoneta 419 302 2091

BOAT MOTOR: Sears 3 5 hp embedded tank, $150; Ferguson cult , 3 pt , rigid shank, $600; 8N fenders, $150; JD 80 lawn cart, $300 Yellow Springs 937 572 5486

HAY: Mixed alfalfa / timothy / orchard grass $5/bale All made w/o rain Hous ton 937 295 3901

GREAT PLAINS 1,000 gal sprayer 60’ X fold booms 540 PTO Ace pump Raven 440 controller $7,500 OBO Urbana 937 238 6504

STAINLESS running boards for ‘05 ’09 Chevy Crew Cab Brand new Bought, then truck quit In box $100 West Alexandria 937 416 8776

')!(" ',% & ',% &) '+*$''# '% #$ " % ( ! $ ( ' ( " # ( $" ( ( & &

JD 893 8 ROW 30” row Pixall rolls Wedge kit Wapakoneta 419 230 5279

1916 1921 MERCER County, Ohio Directory In good cond Ft Recovery 419 305 2658

JOHN DEERE, IH 2 , 4 , 6 , 8 row cults Greenville 937 313 6502

NI 214 SPREADER w/top beater & slop gate St Henry 419 852 6953

SEEKING FARM GROUND TO RENT: Darke & surrounding counties Excellent fertility package Versailles 937 467 1133

DMC GRAIN CLEANER: New Bremen 419 230 4925

HAY FOR SALE: Alfalfa grass mix 1st, 3rd, & 4th cuttings Russia 937 638 0316

STRAW: Clean, bright wheat straw Twine tied, small, square bales Easy loading or delivery available West Mil ton 937 875 1220

NICE, SMALL, square bales alfalfa hay 2nd & 3rd cuttings ‘21 $4/bale Wapakoneta 419 941 1196

AC 1200 FIELD CULT : With harrow 18’ $400 24’ $800 Also, AC disk for parts (6 sided shaft) Rossburg 937 564 0719 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ‘48 FARMALL C Good rear tires. New front. New paint. $2,300. Wapakoneta 419-657-6770

HAY: (31) nice 2nd cutting square bales Mixed fescue, orchardgrass, clover, etc $6 ea or all for $170 Germantown 513 594 7855

GOATS: (2) males, (2) females One female is Pygmy $75 ea (firm) Medway 937 849 1143 Please leave msg w/area code & phone number

(4) CONCRETE J or fenceline feed bunks 8’ long New cond With mangers built on them out of hardwood $250 ea Anna 937 658 1884

WANTED: Farmall Super MTA tractor Running or in need of repair Bradford 937 313 6502

LIVESTOCK CARRIER: 3 pt hitch 9 ft x 5 ft Sliding door Asking $325 Hamil ton 513 726 4736

FORD GRAIN TRUCK: LN800 ‘74 15’ bed & hoist Good tires Barn stored $2,800 Vandalia 937 898 1830

16’ BAYLINER BOAT: 85HP Force out board & trailer $200 Coldwater 419 678 3289

‘51 H FARMALL: Needs repair Exc. tires $1,500 Coldwater 419 678 3289

40’ ALUM LADDER; 3/4 horse electric motor (new cond ) Piqua 937 773 3758

1440 IH COMBINE: 15’ grain head 4 row corn head $11,000 New Madison 937 459 7584

RECOND MANURE SPREADERS: NI #206, 95 bu , VGC, $2,500 NI #17, 95 bu , VGC, $1,800 Delivery available Holland 419 277 0668

S tanding S eam M Metal R Roo ng New I Instal lation ~ ~ S er vice Repairs ~ ~ M Metal S ales

Page 23 - COUNTRY LIVING - NOVEMBER 2022 We Can Furnish Any Product You Need or Apply Yours We Cover a 90’ Swath & Can Get rough 10’ Tall Corn Schedule ahead... interest is high! $$ &' &%! * ("') '#! * ) )

WET WRAPPED ‘21 HAY: 1st cutting alfalfa & grass, $45 Spelt, $30 Rushsyl vania 937 468 2439

‘07 DODGE RAM: 5 7 Hemi 4x4 Quad cab Lots of new parts $4,250 OBO Greenville 937 423 2281 or 937 968 6836

8’ PULL TYPE rotary hoe Great for working in new grass seed or deer food plots 2 3’ footers also available $500 Greenville 937 621 4580

4x5 ROUND BALES Bean Stubble: For bedding $20 Greenville 937 459 2754

COMBINATION Hay & Grain Horse Feeder: Brand new! Covington 937 564 6309 Please leave msg

CUSTOM FARMING Combining, planting, & tillage work. Please contact Steve McGuffey, West Milton 937 673 5730

7-1/2’ MYER SNOW PLOW: Complete mount E 60 power unit Fits ‘98 ’02 Dodge Ram 2500 pick up $500 OBO Brookville 937 287 0685

WALNUT & Wild Cherry Lumber: Rough sawn Various sizes, lengths, & widths Arcanum 937 947 1495

BLUE POWER SPECIAL 5600 Ford with big motor Dual power One owner Franklin 937 474 9899

WANTED: Oats Small amount, for live stock feed Arcanum 937 417 2537

8’ SPRING SHANK HARROW: Great for new yards, deer food plots, or gardens $495 Greenville 937 621 4580

NEW 8” RIM: 4 hole Carlisle tire & rim Celina 419 586 4388

(2) PORTABLE Basketball Goals: GC! Lynn, Indiana 765 874 1103

SKID STEER bale spear, $300; Grouser 14x17 5 tracks, $2,000; hay wagon/NH gear, $900; Barge wagon body w/hoist, w/o running gear, $500 Yellow Springs 937 572 5486

CUB CADET lawn tractor w/mower deck & rear mounted roto tiller Located in Dublin, Ohio Croton 614 832 2199

IHC SERIES 86 Factory Cab Steps: RH & LH $50 ea Exhaust manifold for non turbo Series 66 & 86 IHC engines $100 Piqua 937 418 2610

FORD 3,000 front wheel weights, $200; JD 640 loader attachment brackets, $200; JD 953 gear 500; Ford 800 hyd lift cover, $650 Yellow Springs 937 572 5486

LOTS OF CHRISTMAS DECOR; large skillet; large electric grill Versailles 937 417 2985

SQUARE Orchardgrass & Alfalfa Hay: $6/bale No rain West Milton 937 903 4197

MASSEY HARRIS 60 Combine: Pull type Stored inside $900 JD 5 bottom A2600 plow Auto reset $1,100 Russia If interested, please e mail lgro

GOOD, USED House Furnace: Sidney 937 570 3282

SLAB WOOD: Cut from utility poles For fences, deer stanchions, or firewood New Knoxville 419 204 9956

(7) 16’ STEEL Cattle Panels: $25 ea (4) 8’ steel pig panels $20 ea Versailles 937 526 5915

WANTED TO BUY: English & Western Horse Tack, Stalls, Fronts, Saddles, Racks, etc West Milton 937 698 5529

MIXED ALFALFA GRASS: Round bales Stored inside $35/bale Covington 937 564 6309 Please leave msg

Page 24 - COUNTRY LIVING - NOVEMBER 2022 $!.'+% .+$. # .$$+2'))$ &', / )$/ 0.'-)$" %.'/1--)4 ",* 6 ,3$. . +/*'//',+ .0/ 6 $ .'+%/ 6 $)0/ 6 ,))$. & '+/ 6 -.,"($0/ 6 1 )'04 ,)0/ 6 -$"' )04 /0$+$./ $$ / ,. ,1. -. 4$. $.0')'5$. .0/ $$ / ,. ,1. -. 4$. $.0')'5$. .0/
Hill-T Farm Inc. Used - New - Rebuilt Tractor Parts Sales & Service WANTED: FIRE or WRECK-DAMAGED TRACTORS TRACTORS NOT FEASIBLE for REPAIR! REBUILTREBUILTUSED TRANSMISSIONS ENGINESENGINES Find us at... 4295 Richmond Palestine Road,New Madison,Ohio 937-548-0718 1/2 mile south of Palestine
on over
CASE 1570: 5,000 hrs (1,500
haul) Duals Field ready $14,500 Greenville 937 547 0446
PUREBRED Yorkshire Boar & Cross bred Boar: Ready to go to work! $300 ea Wapakoneta 419 236 8516
STRAW: Clean, bright wheat straw Twine tied, small, square bales Easy loading or delivery available West Mil ton 937 875 1220 (2) MOORMAN 6’ SS Hog Feeders: GC! $175 ea or both for $325 Sidney 937 710 6060
!!! ! ! ! !

MEP002A GENERATOR: Onan Cum mins U S Military Diesel 5 7KW Has only 16 hrs on meter Just installed new injection pump Very nice unit $3,200 Piqua 937 418 2610 (2) SETS OF Medical Cabinets: Heavy built Use for garage or barn storage Wired for electric Heavy tops VGC! Versailles 937 564 5542 (2) GRAY CLOTH bucket seats GC $50 OBO Curt 2 5/16 ball over the bed hitch plate Newer $150 OBO Brookville 937 287 0685

GOLDEN POWER Wheelchair: EC! Ft Loramie 937 597 2705

SPACE FOR RENT: Great for farm equipment 200’ long, 40’ wide, 8 1/2’ clearance Mercer Co Celina 419 953 5341

CUSTOM gas powered sprayer, $1,200; double rake hitch, Steiner Mfg , $1,850; remote Ford valve, $200; buzz saw, 3 pt , w/PTO gear box, $100 Yellow Springs 937 572 5486

(3) COFFEE POTS: Keurig, Mr Coffee, and a 50 cup capacity Large elec roast er Antique full size bed Rainbow sweeper Versailles 937 417 2985

SEVERAL TS100, FORD NH Good cond Franklin 937 474 9899

(100) ‘21 5x4 MIXED net wrapped hay, $50/bale (80) ‘22 5x4 net wrapped hay, $60/bale New Madison 937 459 7450

JOHN DEERE 40 T TRACTOR: Fully restored Asking $6,500 Hamilton 513 726 4736

45’ SELF LEVELING spray boom w/440 complete Raven monitor Hollansburg 937 997 2584

16’ HAY WAGON on JD running gear. $1,000 Rushsylvania 937 468 2439

‘77 F700 FARM GRAIN or Gravel Truck: V8 Big Block gas engine. 5/2 trans. Sin gle rear axle 16’ bed Twin cyl lift Runs good. $3,550. Lewisburg 937 839 4540

WANTED: Stationary exercise bicycle Versailles 937 526 4350

Page 25 - COUNTRY LIVING - NOVEMBER 2022 )' )' ) & # !" #! ! ! !$"" ( #! ! # )' )' ) ( & ( # ! #! ! ! !$"" ( #! ! # )' )' ) ( & ( # ! ( & ( ( # ! #! ! ! !$"" ( #! ! # )' )' ) ( & ( # ! ( & ( # ! #! ! ! !$"" ( #! ! # ' # % " (&&& ! !%" $ #" CTI SAFETY Horse Treadmill (no rollers) Or convert to portable livestock loading chute Versailles 937 564 5542 (2) 8 75x16 5 8 PLY truck tires, LN, 100% tread Firestone 14 9x34 FWD radial tractor tire 100% tread $300 Greenville 937 621 4580 WALNUT LUMBER: 15 pcs 8, 9 & 10 ft lengths 6 9 in widths MF front & rear wheel weights Piqua 937 773 3758 FOR RENT: Fall of 2022. 100,000 bushel grain storage. 3,000 bushel per hour grain leg & dr yer available. Located in Rosewood, Ohio. 937-441-1143 AIR COMPRESSOR w/gas engine Hard to start On 15” wheels $500 Sid ney 937 710 6060 ‘06 DODGE Cummins 2500 4x4:
Crew Cab Short bed 150K B&W GN hitch Step bars Boss V blade Auto Runs great Rebuilt title $16,500 New Carlisle 937 605 1324
%+(*! * "$)* ( !"% "*! & (*) , !%% %# ('+ )* %#

NH DUAL hay rake hitch for left & right hand rake, $750; tracks, Grouser, like new, fit Bobcat S185, 10x16 5 tires, $1,650. Yellow Springs 937 572 5486

OUTDOOR Storage Building: Siding, window, metal roof 12x10x8 Lynn, Indi ana 765 874 1103

FOR RENT: Trailers, semi trailers, RV’s, house trailers, boats inside storage, out side parking West Milton 937 698 5529

LOOKING FOR SOMEONE to live trap coyotes, raccoons, & possums West Milton 937 698 5529

FORD NH 6640 w/new engine, roll bar & canopy Franklin 937 474 9899

HEAVY DUTY RACK Crane lifting straps & steel cable straps Office desks & etc New Paris 937 533 7456

WANTED TO BUY: Horses, ponies, & saddles Ansonia 937 337 2622

PUREBRED POLLED Hereford Cows & Heifers: Bred or with calf at side Quiet West Liberty 937 465 7520

WANTED: 1,000 gal nurse tank in work ing cond. Russia 937 638 8088

SPRAY KING SPRAYER: 1,000 gal tank 90’ boom, w/rate control New Bre men 419 230 4925

MAPLE SYRUP: $6 to $22 bottles Ger mantown 937 855 3681

CAST IRON SKILLETS: Sidney 937 295 3553

CLUTCH ASSIST for tractor w/o live power Great for bushhogging JD hay spear for front loader on tractor LN! Brookville 937 239 7663

SHELBYVILLE Antique Desk: Solid wal nut Made in Shelbyville, Indiana 30” high, 34” wide, 66” long Can text pic tures. Very nice! $550 OBO. New Knoxville 937 423 4440

REG 2 YEAR OLD Belgian mare Broke Reg yearling Belgian colt Stud prospect. Rushsylvania 937 468 2439

JD 2305 LAWN TRACTOR: Dsl. 4WD. With 62” mower deck. Low hr s. 3 pt., w/remotes. GC! $9,950. Ger mantown 937-696-2229

DIRT SCOOP: 30 King Kutter 3 pt Pull or push $100 Rossburg 937 338 3501

GOAT: Nubian breeding buck About 4 yrs old Throws very colorful kids $325 Call or text Somerville 937 205 1483

SEVERAL 3000 Ford Tractors: Dsl & gas Nice cond Franklin 937 474 9899

MF MODEL 65: Factory propane Power steering Good matching 15 5x38 tires Runs good $4,200 West Elkton 937 787 3143

WOODS 7200 Model Finish Mower: 6’ cut LN blades Very nice! Asking $1,900 Hamilton 513 726 4736

1936 F 20 FARMALL: Good rubber, belt pulley, PTO ext Orig throttle/gov set up $950 Jackson Center 937 596 5414

Page 26 - COUNTRY LIVING - NOVEMBER 2022 * )! & % ' ! $ '" ' # ' *! !! # & " " * ' #) " # "' % ' # ' % * & % ' (" "" % ' " ' ! # ! " ! # ! " !
Page 27 - COUNTRY LIVING - NOVEMBER 2022 # ( & ( " ( " !" " ( % ( ( " ( "' ( # % ( & ( " ( ( % ( ( " ( " ' ( # ( ( $ # ( ( ! ( # " ' " # # " ( '" ( ( $ # ( ( # ( ! ( ( ( $ # ( ( ! ( # ( & ( " ( # % ( % ( ( ( ! ( # FULLENKAMP’S FRENCHTOWN HYD DUAL rake hitch, custom, $1,200; grader blade, 7 ft , $275; planter dolly, 3 pt hyd , $650 Yellow Springs 937 572 5486 INTERNATIONAL 6500 disc chisel: 10 shank Good blades $3,750 Greenville 937 547 0446 FREEZER BEEF: No hormones Grain fed Arcanum 937 533 0930 JD 8200 21x7 grain drill w/grass seeder & press wheels New tires Like new disk $4,500 Russia 937 621 4414 LAWN SWING, $20; JD mounted lawn sprayer, $50; 3 pt 7’ drag, $125; WD/ WD45 parts New Bremen 419 234 5646 ‘02 CAMARO CONVERTIBLE: Red w/black top. Low miles. VGC! Make good Florida car. Ger man town 937-696-2229 WANTED TO BUY: 2 1/2” or 3” steel square tubing, at least 6’ long Need 10 pcs And treated lumber of any size Greenville 937 621 4580 DEXTER BULL: 1 1/2 years old. 4” horns $950 Bradford 937 214 6480


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ROTARY PHASE CONVERTER: 3hp to 20hp $250 $1,500 1/2 ton C&M 3-phase power trolley $700 Rossburg 937 417 2219

1895 ROSENTHAL Corn Shredder: Barn stored. EC! $1,395. Franklin 937 231 2397 Leave msg

WANTED: Used 3 phase motors, 5hp & up Good used 14 5 15 16 tires Ross burg 937 417 2219

JD 12 5 hp 2 CYL power unit & clutch Off JD 12 A combine Engines are stuck Covington 937 214 5798

WANTED TO BUY: Smaller manure spreader Sidney 937 570 3282

HAY FOR SALE: Large bales Clover, alfalfa, orchardgrass mixed West of Gratis, Ohio on 725 937 733 8968

2nd CUTTING Alfalfa Hay: $6/bale 1st cutting alfalfa hay, $5/bale Straw, $5/ bale New Lebanon 937 835 3311

475 BALES ALFALFA: 3x4x7 1/2 1st 4th cuttings EC! Stored inside 425 bales red clover 3x4x7 1/2 EC! Stored inside Versailles 937 423 5404

(12) WOODEN Storm Shutters: Off 1880 farmhouse $55 for all Franklin 937 231 2397 Leave msg

FORD NH 5640: 75hp Roll bar & canopy Franklin 937 474 9899

STRAW: Clean, bright wheat straw Twine tied, small, square bales Easy loading or delivery available West Milton 937 875 1220

TEFF HAY: Small, square bales Delivery available. $7/bale. Middletown 317 432 0179

POLARIS Trailable ATV Cover: Bought for Sportsman 550xp I’m sure it fits other models Brand new! West Milton 937 684 6159

BEAUTIFUL BROWN Rouen Ducks: 6 months old Almost ready to lay $15 ea Arcanum 937 417 2537

SNOW PLOWS: JD, 42” blade MO2692X071150. Sears Roebuck, 42” blade 917 62604 $50 ea Lewisburg 937 962 2364

FARMLAND WANTED: To rent or buy Greenville 937 423 4967

JD 9550 COMBINE w/2,682 engine hrs & 2,123 sep hrs ; JD 925F grain head on cart, & JD 643 corn head Ready to go $69,000 (total unit). GC! Wapakoneta 419 236 8516

HYD POWER UNIT for shop car lifts, $500; JD 953 gear w/hoist, $750; 8N Ford sickle bar, belly mount, $250 Yel low Springs 937 572 5486 (40) 4’x5’ NET WRAPPED 1st cutting mixed hay Greenville 740 225 0698

SMALL, Heavy Duty Trailer: 5’x10’ long, for small skidloader or small tractor Tilt bed All Diamond Plate $750 Greenville 937 621 4580

ALLIS CHALMERS sickle bar mower, $175 8’ disk, $375 Greenville 937 313 6502

CAMPER: 26 ft , w/slide out ‘06 Denali Very clean. $6,000. West Milton area. 937 572 8282 Leave msg

RHODE ISLAND Laying Hens: 18 weeks old 1 20 $10 ea Bradford 937 214 1176

NEW & USED Sheep Trimming Stands: Side rails also available Greenville 740 225 0698

PARTING OUT: JD 4400 & 6600 com bines 444 corn head, 215 Flex head, FB JD drill, JD 3020 gas tractor Hamilton 513 726 4736

NI #217 Manure Spreader: 200 bu Slop gate Single beater Good tires Stored inside VGC! Delivery available $3,500 Holland 419 277 0668

ALLIS CHALMERS WD 45 Tractor: $1,990 Restored NF 4 cyl gas 12 4 28 rears, power adjust wheels, drawbar, PTO, 4 spd trans Lewisburg 937 839 4540

180 WHEEL HORSE & Snow Blade: $1,200 New Paris 937 564 2114

ELEC MOTORS: 1/4hp & 1/3hp 8” swivel heavy duty wheels. Make offer. Ashton Drake Princess Diana dolls & plates, $300 Englewood 937 789 8996

250 BALES 3rd cutting alfalfa mix hay, $6 25/bale; antique 3 bar basket side delivery rake, steel wheels, $295 Brad ford 937 448 2439

DELTA belt sander, $750; Loegering 12x16.5 tracks, $1,350; post driver, Shaver, 10 in , $2,600; Gravely rotary mower attachment, $100 Yellow Springs 937 572 5486

GRADER BLADE: 6 ft , w/tilt angle & off set, $400; tedder, Sitrex 2B, $2,750; Shaver 8” hyd. post driver, front mount, $1,600 Yellow Springs 937 572 5486

FORD NH 260C Industrial w/new engine overhaul One owner High qual ity 55hp With ROPS & canopy Franklin 937 474 9899

2-ROW NI CORN PICKER: VGC! Always kept out of weather Ready to pick corn. Greenville 937 417 2315

‘01 CHEVY 2500 HD 4x4 Ext Cab: 171K mi. Make offer. Eaton 513 292 4093

40’ SNOWCO bale conveyor on wheels New 1hp motor Good tires GC! Can deliver $2,000 Holland 419 277 0668

‘88 FLEETWOOD Wilderness 27’ Camper: $2,200 Russia 937 638 0316

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SNOWBLOWER: Frontier Model ST 7526 Electric start GC! Botkins 937 693 3771

22’ of 12” FIELD TILE; 24’ of 18” field tile Sidney 937 570 3282

FREEZER BEEF: No hormones Grain fed Arcanum 937 533 0930

BEAUTIFUL Bantam Chickens: $5 ea. Arcanum 937 459 0285

WOODS 159 finish mower, LN, $650; orig starter for JD 4010, $300; JD wide front, Schwartz, for 2510 4320, $600 Yellow Springs 937 572 5486

HYD SNOWBLOWER chute rotator for Blizzard 3 pt. snowblower. $225. Greenville 937 423 5389

WANTED: VW Trikes Basket case up New Paris 937 564 2114

WANTED: Old Dodge dsl farm truck Any cond , parts or complete Bradford 937 313 6502

PUREBRED POLLED Hereford Bulls: Yearlings 18 mos old Quiet West Lib erty 937 465 7520

GOLF CART: Yamaha Gas Very good running! $2,990 Heavy gauge metal sid ing & roofing cover sheets From 10’ 30’ $1/ft Lewisburg 937 839 4540

WANTED TO BUY: Farm machinery Will buy one piece or complete lines Arcanum 937 670 0323


AC WD 45: Wide front end Runs good $2,500 OBO. Greenville 937 423 5810

JD 14’ MOWER: 1,000 PTO Rebuilt a year ago Mows great! With manual Model 707 Gyramor Asking $2,200 New Carlisle 937 605 1324

WANTED TO BUY: Farm machinery Will buy one piece or complete lines Arcanum 937 670 0323

SEVERAL NEW Old Stock Tires: For cars, trucks, & semi’s Franklin 937 474 9899

JD 54” SNOW BLADE: For 425, 445, 720 mowers $975 Ansonia 937 238 7901

FOR SALE: 14T John Deere baler; 5-bar New Idea hay rake; 469 New Hol land haybine Ford Ferguson tractor with buzz saw, manure loader, & slip scoop Does not run Needs carburetor work & battery St Marys 517 902 8665

HEAVY DUTY 3 pt scraper blade $300 New Knoxville 419 516 3925

WOOD SPOKE high wheel wagon w/seat Very nice! Springfield 937 925 6047

8000 FORD: Open station Needs paint ed Mechanically in very good condition Dual hyd Filtration system 110hp Dual hyd & dual PTO’s Best offer or trade Franklin 937 474 9899

125cc 4 WHEELER: Honda knock off Runs great Low mi Remote shut off Red Spider Web Sharp! $850 OBO Jackson Center 937 596 5414

WANTED: Farm ground to rent in Darke & surrounding counties Paying top dol lar! Greenville 937 547 0446

100 GAL RUBBERMAID Stock Tank: New $75 Germantown 513 594 7855

FREE TO GOOD HOME: (3) old church banquet tables 8 ft x 30 in For garage sales, gatherings, etc West of Tipp City 937 750 3377

IH CUB LOW BOY tractor w/mower deck For parts or fix up $400 Greenville 937 313 6502

WANTED: Broken or non running John Deere, Cub Cadet, & Wheel Horse lawnmowers Will pick up others. 937-473-2705 or

WANTED: Farm ground to rent in Darke & surrounding counties Paying top dol lar! Greenville 937 547 0446

WANTED TO BUY: Horses, ponies, & saddles Ansonia 937 337 2622

COLLECTIONS of Harley Davidson dealer T shirts Sizes men’s 2X & ladies’ small medium Brookville 937 239 7663

SEVERAL Tractor / Loader / Backhoes Franklin 937 474 9899

AC D19 TRACTOR: GC! Sidney 937 716 6377

NORCOLD 16 cu ft freezer w/slide top, $175 20’x2’ alum work plank, $475 Stainless steel boat prop, $125 Coving ton 937 603 7529

IH SUITCASE WEIGHTS; IH wheel weights; Ford suitcase & wheel weights Franklin 937 474 9899

IH 966: Very nice! Roll bar & canopy Franklin 937 474 9899

PREDATOR GENERATOR: On wheels 6,500 watt $630 Germantown 937 855 3681

FORD 3600 DIESEL: Looks like new! Nicest one around Flat top fenders New injection pump Best offer or trade Franklin 937 474 9899

YOUNG FARMER seeking farm ground to rent Darke & surrounding counties Versailles 937 417 2969

BIG BALE WAGON: Needs floor, from truck frame $800 Sheep feeders 12 ft , $200 15 ft , $300 Rossburg 937 564 0719

BONFIRE RING w/cooking rack Can provide pictures Brand new! Wapakoneta 937 538 8960

50’ ALTEC BUCKET LIFT with JIB & winch Mounted on ‘83 Ford dsl truck 5 spd manual New tires & new hyd lines on lift GWC $8,000 Houston 937 295 3901

WANTED: Polaris Ranger / Sportsman 4-wheeler tires & rims Russia 937 638 8088

PHOENIX 30 Gal Trailer Sprayer: Roller pump 3 5 hp rear engine Hand gun 7’ coverage booms Model 6SR30 $50 Middletown 312 771 7318

I COLLECT OIL LAMPS & will buy com plete collections or just one Also, any amount of parts Portland, Indiana 260 335 2666

PUREBRED Yorkshire Boar & Cross bred Boar: Ready to go to work! $300 ea Wapakoneta 419 236 8516

SMALL BALES STRAW: $3/bale. Arcanum 937 548 0533

LOOKING FOR 16.9x28 Tires: New or used Greenville 937 423 5810


GENTLE DONKEY Needs Loving Home: Can text pictures Full cross on shoulders 49 in Loves attention! Has bred mares Stands well for farrier Har rod 419 303 8682

HAY: Mixed alfalfa / timothy / orchard grass $5/bale All made w/o rain Hous ton 937 295 3901

AR15 BY Ohio Ordinance Works: 5 56mm Model RM15A2 Some ammo included Holds 10 $1,800 Covington 937 603 7529

WANTED TO BUY: Horses, ponies, & saddles Ansonia 937 337 2622

28 30 10’ & 12’ PIPE PANELS; (2) walk in panel gates (3) gates 10’ 12’ 14’ Horse feeders & insulated water buckets Reasonable cash offers accepted Tipp City 937 902 6928

ENGLISH SETTER PUPPIES: All males Chestnut White Tic Terry Knight, Casstown 937 857 9451 Check us out on facebook!

150 GAL Overhead Fuel Tank: Hose, nozzle, filter Ready to go! Lynn, Indiana 765 874 1103

JD 8 ROW Conservation Planter: Newer seed disc, fert tanks, precision meters Main cyl rebuilt, w/JD transport trailer Greenville 937 423 4967

CLIPPER SUPER 47 Seed Cleaner: With books Some screens Set up to clean beans $550 Eaton 937 456 7154

HAY: (31) nice 2nd cutting square bales Mixed fescue, orchardgrass, clover, etc $6 ea or all for $170 Germantown 513 594 7855

PORCELAIN Doll Collection: LN! Some in boxes Brookville 937 239 7663

FOR SALE: 16” wheel weights Wapakoneta 419 302 2188

EXHAUST TIP for Dsl Truck: Inlet diam is 3 3/4 in. $30 OBO. West Milton 937 684 6159

16’ COACHMAN CAMPER: Deer Hunter Special $100 Coldwater 419 678 3289

(3) BLACK crossbred heifers, Gelbvieh / Angus / Hereford, 550 lbs , $1 86/lb ‘93 Silverado 2500 4x4 Good tires Rebuilt trans. 6.5L turbo dsl. that needs over haul 274K+ mi $2,275 Bradford 937 448 2439

' %&! &' "" ' %

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All steel. With power jack & new electric winch. New tires.

$7,500 St. Paris 937-243-1821

TRIPOD TV TOWER: 30’ tall Make offer Ludlow Falls 937 698 6611

JD 714 DISK RIPPER/MULCHER: 9 shanks New disk blades 14’ working width EC! $6,000 Piqua 937 507 2861

170 BALES Teff Grass: Individually wrapped 1,000 lbs each 20% mois ture Very good quality Versailles 937 423 5404

AR15 BY Ohio Ordinance Works: 5 56mm Model RM15A2 Some ammo included Holds 10 $1,800 Covington 937 603 7529

CORN PICKER: 1 row Works good $750. Vandalia 937 898 1830

FREE! Maytag electric wringer washer Model J2 Middletown 312 771 7318

JD 148 Quick Tach Loader: 6’ bucket With hyd control valve Very nice! Ask ing $4,500 Hamilton 513 726 4736


In West Milton & surrounding areas Please contact Steve McGuffey, West Milton—937-673-5730(4)

WANTED TO BUY: Horses, ponies, & saddles Ansonia 937 337 2622

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AKC CHOCOLATE LABS: (4) females, (3) males 8 weeks old Will have their 1st puppy check ups completed & ready for their forever homes on Dec 16 DeGraff 937 658 2629

SPACE FOR RENT: Great for farm equipment. 200’ long, 40’ wide, 8 1/2’ clearance Mercer Co Celina 419 953 5341

(2) 5’ SPIKETOOTH HARROWS: Can be pulled behind small tractor or 4-wheeler Good for deer food plots $100 Greenville 937 621 4580

CORN PICKER: 1 row Works good $750 Vandalia 937 898 1830

FREE! Maytag electric wringer washer Model J2 Middletown 312 771 7318

JD 148 Quick Tach Loader: 6’ bucket With hyd. control valve. Very nice! Ask ing $4,500 Hamilton 513 726 4736

SEEKING LAND TO FARM In West Milton & surrounding areas. Please contact Steve McGuffey, West Milton—937-673-5730

FORD ELEC SEAT: Helps you get in & out. Bruno. Reasonable. Brookville 937 837 1070

ANHYDROUS GEAR: 11L 15 tires Adj width $400 Rossburg 937 564 0719

(4) ANTIQUE cast iron hay trolleys All 4 for $200 Phillipsburg 937 832 7124

FREEZER BEEF: No hormones Grain fed Arcanum 937 533 0930 vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

POLY SKID SHOES for IH 820 grain head. New. Traded heads, won’t fit. $250 OBO. Tipp City 937-239-1393

MIXED ALFALFA GRASS: Round bales Stored inside $35/bale Covington 937 564 6309 Please leave msg

CLEAN, BRIGHT STRAW: Never wet Square bales Priced very competitive! Greenville 937 417 2315

MODEL T RADIATOR: Orig year 1923 Round tube core height 18 3/8 in $50 Germantown 937 855 3681

16x7 FLATBED WAGON: $500 New Bremen 419 230 1495 or 419 234 5646

6x12 HOMEMADE livestock trailer on rubber torsion axles Heavy built Good tires Lights $2,500 OBO Anna 937 658 1884

WALNUT DINING TABLE: 96x40 5 chairs + captain’s chair Carved legs on table & chairs. New Lebanon 937 416 8435

WALNU T DIN ING BU FFET: 66x22x36 C arved legs New Lebanon 937 416 8435

WOOD H ALF H UTC H (upper): 59x13x45 Glass doors on each side Two shelves between New Lebanon 937 416 8435

ARCACIA PATTERN CHINA: Small pink & blue flowers with gold trim. 8 place settings New Lebanon 937 416 8435

# ! % ( %& # $% % #" & & &# $ & " %#'& * ! &# % #"
#-00 &) )0( -2 %62 ! % ! % ! " #!" $ %& " " $'%& -00 300 ? ' & #" $ &#$ #$ %& & ) " ! &3* 02 *(', 6+4* 201(2 02 1*0403 )0 40 666 &5'4+0/7+1 '0. 8 5'4+0/((2 #! = 443-281)28 &-- +-- 0--
$ " 4 1 2 %7) 3* 2'0)1)28 #)%8,)6 9'8-32

WANTED: Farm ground to rent in Darke & surrounding counties Paying top dol lar! Greenville 937 547 0446

WANTED TO BUY: Farm machinery Will buy one piece or complete lines Arcanum 937 670 0323

WEATHER GUARD L Shaped Fuel Tank: 90 gal Black $500 Urbana 937 238 6504

IH LOADER Hyd Bucket: Fits many tractors $450 Greenville 937 313 6502

TYE 2015 NO TILL Bean & Wheat Drill: Fill auger, markers, sequence valve Field ready Hollansburg 937 997 2584

LOTS OF CHRISTMAS DECOR; large skillet; large electric grill Versailles 937 417 2985

‘08 CADILLAC CTS: AWD 151K mi Heated seats Navigation system New trans & transfer case LN! $7,700 Greenville 937 423 2281 or 937 968 6836

CUB CADET Model 2084: 20hp Kohler engine 60” commercial deck Power steering 3 pt rear lift New belts Runs good! $1,100 West Elkton 937 787 3143

JD “47” SNOWBLOWER: For 425, 445, 720 Any shaft drive mower $2,500 Ansonia 937 238 7901

BULLET ROTOR PARTS: Tine threshing element concave for 9570 Bullet rotor St Marys 419 733 6139

WANTED: Farm ground to rent in Darke & surrounding counties Paying top dol lar! Greenville 937 547 0446

SINGLE SEATED Top Buggy: Ben Miller made Older, but ready to go! $950 Rushsylvania 937 468 2439

‘52 JD MODEL MT: Runs good Tires almost new. Base coat. Clear Coat paint job Looks great! $3,200 West Elkton 937 787 3143

USED TIRES: Stored inside (9) 265/75R16; (4) 245/75R16; (4) 225/60R16; (3) 235/65R17; (3) 27x10 5 15 skid steer; (4) 215/65R16 $50/choice Bradford 937 448 2439

JD 235 21’ wing fold disk w/3 bar har row JD 230 21’ wing fold disk Both in GC! Springfield 937 925 6047

ANTIQUE Mahogany Kneehole Desk: Nice! Orig finish $100 West Liberty 937 465 7520

3 PT HITCH buzz saw Belt driven $300 2’x3’ dump yard trailer, $75 Englewood 937 789 8996

(2) FARMALL F20 Tractors: (1) ‘36 (has new tires) (1) ‘37 (has PTO extension) Both engines not stuck Ran about 3 yrs ago $1,200 ea or $2,200 for the pair West Elkton 937 787 3143

6’ 3 PT CAT 1 Scraper Blade: Can angle & reverse GC! $140 OBO Jackson Center 937 596 5414

‘13 KINZE 12R30 Corn Planter: HD No till fert openers 2x2 Totally tubular in furrow fert V sets & V drive 20/20 mon itor Martin row cleaners EC! $75,000 Urbana 937 238 6504



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THuRSDAY, NOVEMBER 17 AT 10:30 A.M. Retirement Auction located at 4200 N Fletcher Rd , Covington, Ohio Tractors; Forklift; Semi: Other Farm Equipment; Mowers; Misc. Roland & Charlotte Sink, Owners. Schrader Real Estate & Auction Co See Page 30

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18 AT 11 A.M. Retirement Auction located at 7725 S.R. 665, London, Ohio. Tractors; Combine; Backhoe; Trucks; Tillage; Planters; Grain Handling Equipment; Misc Jeff Beathard Farms, Owner Wilson National LLC, Real Estate & Auction Group Brandon Wilson, Sale Manager See Page 30

SATuRDAY, NOVEMBER 19 AT 10 A.M. Public Auction located at 6805 Wabash York Rd , Versailles, Ohio Farm Machinery & Related Dale & Diane George, Owners Bill Roll, Auctioneer See Page 32

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25 AT 10 A.M. Public Auction located at 10277 Shaffer Rd , Versailles, Ohio Real Estate; Low Hours / Miles Equipment; Equipment & Tools; Household & Collectibles. James W. & Delores J Williams Trust Bill Roll, Auctioneer See Page 36

SATuRDAY, NOVEMBER 26 AT 8:30 A.M. Annual Fall Con signment Auction located at Triple H Farm Equipment, south of Fair grounds, Greenville, Ohio Tractors; UTV Vehicles; Truck; Lawn & Garden; Combine & Heads; Hay Tools & Forage Equipment; Tillage Equipment; Planting Equipment; Trailers; 3 Pt Equipment / Skid Steer Attachments; Sprayers; Misc Equipment; Grain Handling Equipment; Grinder Mixers; Toys See Pages 34 & 35

SATuRDAY, DECEMBER 3 AT 10 A.M. Retirement Farm Auction located at 20283 Suber Rd., Conover, Ohio. Tractors; Combine / Heads / Grain Handling; Semi’s & Trailers; Planting & Equipment Bill & Mary Putnam, Owners Harley & Hal Jackson and Phil Thompson, Auctioneers See Page 37

SATuRDAY, DECEMBER 3 AT 10 A.M. Farm Machinery Public Auction located at 4422 St Rt 29, Celina, Ohio Combine; Tractors; Grain Truck; Pick Up; Farm Equipment; AMS Equipment; Gator; Mower; Golf Cart; Trailers; Misc. Also, Consigned Items. Estate of Steve Zumberge. Coldwater Auction Service See Page 33

SATuRDAY, DECEMBER 10 AT 9 A.M. Heavy Equipment & Ag Consignment Auction located at 4938 S. St. Rt. 49, Greenville, Ohio. Con struction Equipment; Ag Equipment; Semi’s & Semi Trailers Bussey Bros Auctioneers See Page 29

• SCHRADER REAL ESTATE & AUCTION CO. • Real Estate & Farm Equipment Offered in November See Page 31

Page 38 COUNTRY LIVING NOVEMBER, 2022 8* # !" " " # !" # " ! " # " ! 707 S. Barron St., Eaton, Ohio # " !? " !:+/41+ "8'):58 !'2+9 .'9 *+)/*+* :5 5,,+8 '4 7;/63+4: 549/-43+4: !'2+ .+2* ': :.+/8 ,')/2/:> /4 ':54 ./5 /4 )540;4):/54 =/:. 2/7;/*':/4- 953+ 5, :.+/8 /4<+4:58> (+,58+ :.+ += &+'8 %+ '8+ );8 8+4:2> '))+6:/4- -55* 7;'2/:> )549/-43+4:9 54:'): ;9 :5*'> :5 )549/-4 >5;8 /:+39 "./9 /9 ' 2/<+ ';):/54 +<+4: =/:. =+()'9:/4- 95 /, >5; )'4?: '::+4* /4 6+8954 (+ 9;8+ :5 '::+4* '4* (/* </' =+()'9:/4- 9:8+'3 $/9/: === .'83+>+8';):/54 4+: ,58 5362+:+ +:'/29 4<+4:58> .5:59 –AUCTIONEERS –#!"& & ./5 !" # STEINKE TRACTOR SALES ! '8854 !: ':54 ./5 === 9:+/41+:8'):58 )53 UPCOMING AUCTIONS
NOVEMBER 12 AT 10 A.M. Auction located at 7405 Dull Rd , Arcanum, Ohio Tractor;
3 Pt Tools; Work Vans (non running); Shop Equipment & Tools; Lumber; Forklift; Steam Cleaners; Firearms & Related; Household; Misc Mark & Jackie McFadden, Owners Jon W Carr, Auctioneer. See Page 32
Page 39 COUNTRY LIVING NOVEMBER 2022 COUNTRY KITCHEN You are invited to share your favorite recipe – for a main dish, casserole, salad, vegetable, dessert, or snack. If it’s chosen a 1st Place Blue Ribbon Winner, we'll mail you $10! Recipes should be clearly printed or typed, with full instructions, and mailed to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
( ( ) '!"#&'" $%& * * presorted standard us postage paId greenFIeLd, In perMIt no. 220 ARENS CORP. P.O. BOX 69 - 395 S. HIGH ST. COVINGTON, OHIO 45318-0069 POSTMASTER: DELIVER NOVEMBER 7, 8 & 9, 2022 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED

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