Penny Saver 10-10-22

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Penny Saver Published by arens cor p • P O Box 69, 395 S High St , Covington, OH 45318 • 937-473-2028 E MAIL: • FAX: 937 473 2500 • WEBSITE: OCTOBER 10, 2022 Where Your Ad IS The News GROCERY ~ Buschur ’s Page 3 INSERTS ~ Full: Kroger SECTION B ~ Wagner ’s IGA SPECIAL SECTIONS ~ New Bremen Shop & Dine: Page 5; National Fire Prevention: Page 7 PENNY SavEr CLaSSIFIEDS rEaCH OvEr 20 000 HOmES wEEkLY! TO PLACE AN AD, CALL 937 473 2028 2600 W. Michigan, Sidney (Next to the Lowes Store) 937-492-6730 • HOURS: M-F 10am-7pm; Sat 10am-5pm; Sun 12 Noon-5pm Real Estate Agents Builders • Developers REAL ESTATE LTD DEVELOPMENT LTD PAID ADVERTORIAL Call for appointment... PRE SORTED STANDARD U S POSTAGE PAID Arens Corporation
Page 2 PENNY SAVER OCTOBER 10, 2022 www arenspub com PENNY SAVER CLA SSIFIEDS REA CH OVER 20,0 0 HOMES WEEKLY! To place an ad, call 937 473 2028 or 937 473 2029 G u i d e N e i g h b o r h o o d SATURDAY OCT. 15 Page 3 PENNY SAVER OCTOBER 10, 2022 B U S C H U R ' S M A R K E TB U S C H U R ' S M A R K E T 1 102 E E. M Main S Street • • 9 937 52 6 5 108 • • R Russia * * +" (*$ #$7 #%, 1#2'2+$3 * -* .' #2+/#4'& 0/'-'33 *+%,'/ 2'#343 * $ *# $2+ ', * -, 0/' / #. 4'#,3 '2 $ '/4'2 54 $ % ! & ' % * & & $' &'$ * & , # ! "! $ &" # & &" # '! &" # * *(0 *2+ #* * $ * #%, *''3' * ' *# ! '2.#+& #34# * &#,"2+ * &#-& ', * -, 5-, -+%'& #%0/ * -* .' "-'$0 *+%,'/ #-#& 1 ! ))0 + * 544'2(-+'& *2+.1 ' $ -' '!," #2 2#/,3 * "'2+ %-/ %0-0)/# * #', *2+ , * 00,'& #. '2 $ %,2+%* ! '2 $ '2 $ '2 $ 2'3* 02, 0+/ " " 1 (/ #+ ( +48 2#%,'23 1 ' %% *# ,# + 53*:3 #,'& '#/3 1 * 044:3 11-'3#5%' ' - *, *+ -5' 0//'4 #2)#2+/' 9 1 ! *(1 ' (% ' *#'$% 2' &# 2'/%* 2+'3 , $ (*," , * %' 2'#. #23 '2 $ " ! 9 ' " " " "$& ) "## $ # $ "( % + 8 044-' -- #2+'4+'3 ! " ": 1 ! 0-' #-#& +6 , %$ * +" '-'27 ! &)$' % 1 /--(# *.() +)% /. " 0 +, " " % # % $ ! " ! # % $ !" $ ! # % $
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Top Tips To Stay Safe This Halloween Season

Much like Christmas, Halloween is no longer relegated to a single day A number of Halloween enthusiasts now begin decorating at the start of October Hijinks and autumn revelry fill the air as individuals eagerly count down to the end of the month

Though the lightheartedness of Halloween festivities, such as costumes and candy, garner the bulk of celebrants’ attention, it’s important to take safety into consideration as well According to the Mayo Clinic, children are twice as like ly to be hit by a car on Halloween as other nights of the year Cuts and burns also are more common on October 31

A good Halloween scare should come from costumes, not accidents or injuries This Halloween, consider these safety measures, courtesy of Safe Kids Worldwide, the Mayo Clinic, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

• Make sure you’re visible when trick or treating Reflective tape, glow sticks, flashlights, or camping lanterns can make pedestrians more visible to motorists

Pedestrians should walk on sidewalks if they are available When sidewalks are not available, walk facing traffic and do so as far off to the side of the road as you can get

Drivers should be especially alert to pedestrians on Halloween Drive slow ly, as many kids scurry from house to house in search of Halloween candy Pedestrians and drivers should follow the rules of the road, stopping at inter sections and crossing in crosswalks

Consider alternatives to carving pumpkins, since the risk of being cut while carving is high If you want to carve, leave the carving to adults Utilize bat tery operated flameless candles or glow sticks to illuminate jack o’ lanterns

• While incidences of candy

candy until it has been


• The candy bounty should be rationed

later on Halloween season is a fun time of year, but


this special


How To Reduce Risk Of Home Fires This Holiday Season

Safety might not be




with fresh, green needles that do not fall off when touched Such trees are less likely to dry out, especially when well watered throughout the season Dry trees can catch fire more eas ily than healthy trees if embers from nearby fireplaces or candles drift in their direction

• Recognize that location matters when decorating The NFPA notes that Christmas trees should always be placed at least three feet away from any heat source including fireplaces space heaters heat vents candles and even overhead lights If decorating with candles never place them on the tree or on tables where other flammable decorations have already been placed Chanukah menorahs should never be placed near curtains or other decora tions

• Turn off all lights and extinguish all lit decorative items when leaving the home or going to bed Lit candles and menorahs should never be left unat tended The NFPA recommends turning tree lights and exterior decorative lights off when leaving the home or going to bed

• Utilize a fire screen on fireplaces Embers can catch on trees, decorations or anything else that’s flammable if they escape the fireplace Fire screens prevent that from happening by ensuring embers from burning logs stay in the fireplace Like candles and menorahs, fires burning in a fireplace should never be left unattended Make sure all embers have been extinguished before leaving the home or going to bed

Keep discarded trees away from your home A 2014 analysis from the NFPA found that none of the ten days with the largest share of Christmas tree fires were before Christmas Dried out trees still pose a fire risk even after they’ve been removed from a home When discarding a tree at the end of the holiday season, place it at the curb or keep it a safe distance away from your home and garage until you can

Fire safety measures are an important component of the holiday season that can prevent this joyous time of year from turning tragic

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All costumes, wigs and accessories should be fire resistant Make sure that costumes do not impede your ability to walk or see • Test makeup to check for skin irritation before application Remove it promptly after returning home
Set up a buddy system so that no one is going it alone Agree on a specific time children should return home Adults should chaperone young children
tampering may be minimal, no one should snack on
inspected Inspections also protect against food
so no one
and feels ill
safety should go hand in hand with all
celebrating on
the first thing people think of as the holiday season approaches Faith, celebrations, decorations, and holiday dinners all come to mind when considering the holiday season But that doesn’t mean safety should be left out of holiday planning
safety bears special consideration during the holiday season, when the prevalence of fire hazards like Christmas trees, holiday lighting displays and other decorative items increase the risk for home fires Such tragedies can be averted with a few simple safety measures
to your tree
Christmas trees are awe inspiring, but they also pose a significant fire risk The National Fire Protection Association urges celebrants to purchase only healthy trees
Surprise the one you love this Sweetest Day with flowers!
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! # " % $ # # # # # ! # " # &#*$ " ' "%() ' !"& +++ !"##) ,## &$199 N. Ohio St. P.O. Box 109 Minster, Ohio 45865 For All Veterans (Stock Jewelry & Gift Items) IF IT’S NOT A CHUNKY BOB’S PIZZA, IT’S NOT PIZZA! www arenspub com Page 7 PENNY SAVER OCTOBER 10, 2022 October 9 - 15, 2022 / / &!+)*(# % ($ ( "- &'.,#%%" " " " ! " ! "

Signs Of Electrical Problems In A Home

Homeowners know that all sorts of issues can affect a home Issues can run the gamut from the merely annoying to the unsafe Electrical issues fall into the latter category, posing a significant safety hazard if left unchecked

According to the home safety experts at UL (formerly known as Un derwriters Laboratories), learning to recognize warning signs of electrical wiring issues can greatly lower the risk of house fires House fires pose a significant threat, as the Electrical Safety Foundation International notes that electrical malfunctions cause more than 50,000 house fires each year UL indicates that the majority of those house fires can be prevented, and learning to recognize signs of a electrical problems in a home is a key component of home fire prevention

• Dimming or flickering lights: The UL notes that light fixtures do not typ ically draw a substantial amount of power, so dimming or flickering lights is not often indicative of an issue with a fixture Dimming or flickering lights could indicate that the circuit the lights are on is overburdened, most likely by large appliances sharing the circuit with the lights If dimming and flickering lights are a problem, homeowners can speak to an electri cian about moving the fixtures to another circuit or installing a new line specifically for major appliances

• Odors: Odor emanating from an outlet, fuse box or breaker panel should be reported to an electrician immediately The odor, which some home owners indicate smells like fish, could be a result of an overheated circuit Odor coming from an outlet, fuse box or breaker panel could indicate a significant electrical issue, so homeowners should not hesitate to report this problem to an electrician Odors can sometimes travel through HVAC systems as well, so homeowners should take note and call an electrician even if their outlets do not smell

• Hot outlets/switch plates: Outlets and/or switch plates that are hot to the touch are another indicator of an electrical issue UL notes that outlets that become hot even when nothing is plugged into them could be wired in correctly In such instances, an electrician will need to fix the issue, and in the meantime it may be best for homeowners to flip the breaker or re move the fuse for the outlet

• Frequently blown fuses or tripped breakers: According to UL, circuit breakers and fuses have a built in fail safe that is designed to prevent over loading Sometimes a tripped breaker is a result of an aging appliance One way to detect that is to plug in the product to more than one outlet in the house If each breaker trips, then the appliance is likely to blame How ever, if using the same outlet continues to trip the breaker regardless of what’s plugged into it, then the circuit requires the attention of an electri cian

Electrical issues increase the risk for home fires Fortunately such is sues are generally preventable and often easily remedied by a qualified electrician

A Recipe For Safer Home Cooking

Making meals together in the kitchen can be an enjoyable activity for couples and families Preparing food at home enables anyone to customize ingredients to fit with their specific diets and tastes

The kitchen may be one of the most popular rooms in the home to gather but it also can be among the most dangerous Even modest meals can put individuals at risk

According to the National Electronic Injury Surveil lance System a database of emergency room visits and the injuries that preceded them, finger lacerations and finger avulsions from knives, upper torso burns and lacerations from drinking glasses and bottles/jars are the most common injuries Hand burns from cookware and ovens also cause a high number of injuries

Cuts and burns may cause instantly recognizable injuries, but bacteria can be even more harmful even if it s not as noticeable According to the food and beverage news site FoodBeast, the average cutting board is home to 200 percent more fecal bacteria than the average toilet seat!

With so many potential threats lurking cooks must be especially vigi lant when preparing meals at home These strategies can make cooking in the kitchen more safe

• Keep a watch on foods, as walking away from something cooking on the stove or going outside while the oven is on is risky Do not leave cook ing food unattended for an extended period of time It only takes a minute for something to catch on fire

• Keep flammable items away from open flames Wear short or close fit ting sleeves when cooking, as loose clothing can catch fire Make sure curtains, pot holders and towels are away from hot surfaces

• Remember that hot items remain hot for some time Use oven mitts or pot holders when handling hot cookware

• Sharpen knives, as sharp knives cut more easily, thus reducing risk for injuries

• Clean cooking surfaces to prevent the buildup of grease, which can catch fire

• Turn pan and pot handles inward on stoves or counters to prevent food spills

• Always defrost foods in the microwave or overnight in the refrigerator to reduce the chances that pathogens may develop

• Prepare raw meats poultry and seafood away from fresh produce to avoid cross contamination Utilize separate cutting boards and knives, and use warm, soapy water to wash away bacteria from surfaces

• Wash hands before and after handling ingredients

• Keep pets and children out of the kitchen or away from any in use ap pliances, including outdoor grills

• Invest in a food thermometer to ensure that food is properly cooked to the right temperature to reduce risk of foodborne illnesses

Kitchens are popular gathering spaces, and various measures can make home cooking more safe

Page 8 PENNY SAVER OCTOBER 10, 2022 www arenspub com
Learning to recognize signs of a electrical prob ems in a home is a key component of home fire prevention
www facebook com/newbremen PIONEER PROFESSIONAL CENTER OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE Call Tim for Details 419-629-2683 amsterdam center Retail Space Available for Lease 25,000 sq. ft. Call Tim For Details 419-629-2683 Tim Hemmelgar n 419 305 3500 Broker, Owner, ABR Realtor Becky Dabbelt 419 733 4243 Agent Realtor Steve Dabbelt 419 733 2723 Agent Realtor 224 226 N. Her man St., New Bremen www timselect com Walnut Street Subdivision New Bremen 12 Lots Available Prices start at $40,000 Cardinal Subdivision New Bremen LOT 10 $44,000 (near the high school) 411 N. Franklin St., New Bremen Make Your Move With A Name You Can Trust! 131 S. Washington St. New Br emen 419-629-2683 1-800-700-0405 8 Deer Dr., New Bremen s s o o l l d d C C o o N N d d o o 16 Circle Dr., New Bremen www timselect com s s o o l l d d 191 W. 6th St., Minster www timselect com 503 E. Front St., New Bremen www timselect com 8507 St Rt 66, New Bremen www timselect com s s o o l l d d 77 S. Frankfort St., Minster 319 S Washington St , New Bremen s s o o l l d d 105 N. Main St., Minster s s o o l l d d s s o o l l d d s s o o l l d d s s o o l l d d N N e e w w p p r r ii C C e e 10 Deer Dr., New Bremen www timselect com C C o o N N d d o o s s o o l l d d www arenspub com Page 9 PENNY SAVER OCTOBER 10, 2022 D D U U P P L L E E X X s s o o l l d d 8 Melrose Place, New Bremen www timselect com $ $ 9 9 9 9 ,, 9 9 0 0 0 0 C C o o N N d d o o s s o o l l d d
Page 10 PENNY SAVER OCTOBER 10, 2022 www arenspub com PENNY SAVER Where Your Ad IS The News &,, +$%#&" - %(,-#+ DI SERVICES LP Tank & Equipment Sales )1 - )+ '%# 0 0 0 " % , # + / % ! # , . ! ) ' ! " ! " " " !! ! "% " " ! "! !! % " ! #! !! #"! "! &+ ,+ !&. &+ &+ ! ()'*&-&/ 444 .*+./('5',+-) -(1 SCHMIESING TREE SERVICE 1*#+%#(!#" (,.+#" +## ,# ! ! ! !! ! $ " ! ! $ ! " $ ! ! % " !*+0 20+-(00 (/3+'( +/('1./5 0 %.2/ .,21+.AUTOMOTIVE CLASSIFIEDS WORK WANTED MOBILE AUTO REPAIRS LLC ASE certifi ed 40+ years experie nce GM engi ne transmission & differential repair Call Dennis Bowerman at 937 459 8451 99 BUIC K PAR K AVENUE: 937 232 7380GARAGE SALES PENNY SAVER CLASSIFIEDS T H I S W EEKS P U Z Z LE A N S W ERS !! OLD GUITARS WANTED !! Gibson, Fender, Martin, Etc 1930’s to 1980’s TOP DOLLAR PAID Call Toll Free 1-866 433 8277 ttttttttttttttttttt WANTED: Old motorcycles, mini bikes, mopeds, 3-wheelers, or 4 wheelers Running or not Covington 9 3 7 4 7 3 2 7 0 5 KJRIND01@hotmail com FREEZER BEEF AVAILABLE: 1/4 1/2 or whole Dates Oct or Nov All natural grain fed Charo lais cross Bradford 937 448 2439 GARAGE SALE: 7585 S Jay Rd West Milton Thursday & Friday, Oct 13 & 14 Stuff for everyone Clothing, shoes, handbags, home decor, household items, golf bag and more! REAL ESTATE 25 ACRE DEVELOPMENT: West Milton Some engineering is done Up to 52 lots 5 ACRES LIGHT COMMERCIAL: West Milton 1/2 ACRE RESIDENTIAL LOTS 937 232 7380 DEMOLITION : Al so concrete demolition such as old swimming pools, barn foundations, porches, etc Also, general excavati on work 937 232 7380 AMISH CREW Sam Schwartz wants any type of carpenter work Room additions, roofs, foundation replacements, restoration of buildings, etc For FREE estimate, call 260 301 1777 FREE TO A GOOD HOME: 2 (3-4 month old) kittens Litter box trained Also, 1 adult cat (937) 670 4846 leave message nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn WANTED: Broken or non running John Deere, Cub Cadet, & Wheel Horse lawnmowers Will pick up others 937 473 2705 or KJRIND01@hotmail com IH B275: Diesel IH 240 w/sickle bar mower 10’ IH wheel disc MF 255 tractor 937 232 7380 For Sale: Pellet stove Enviro Meridian 1 Cal l for details Leave name and number (937) 947 1127 % # ! ! ! " $ ! # # % % !" $ ! # % $
www arenspub com Page 11 PENNY SAVER OCTOBER 10, 2022 # $ $ ! $ """ " ! ! # # " !

Sunny Side Inn

on Grand Lake St. Marys...

turnkey purchase



N. Hanover St.


Living room


Stillwater Beach Campground

Versailles Southeastern

Page 12 - PennY saVeR - octoBeR 10, 2022 JANE KAYLOR AGENT Now Celebrating 45 Years of Continued Service! SANDY SCHMITMEYER AGENT TODD WEIGANDT BROKER DEAN KEMPER AGENT DICK WEIGANDT BROKER View all Listings at: ISAAC HOYING AGENT REAL ESTATE LTD. (419) 628-3107 (800) 803-8213 email: 90 north Main st. Minster, oh. 45865 “there is no suBstitute for experience” ID4060 LAKE LORAMIE - WATERFRONT Minster - 12216 Lee Dr. Three bedroom home located on Lake Loramie. Two full baths, galley style kitchen, covered porch, (2) storage sheds, and more . . . Fort Loramie - 25 Sawmill Rd. Two bedroom, 1 full bath condominium with eat-in kitchen, living room with vaulted ceiling, appliances & one-car garage. PARK PLACE SUBDIVISION ~ Minster ~ 7 LOTS AVAILABLE WOODLAND SUBDIVISION ~ Botkins ~ 8 YEAR TAX ABATEMENT 3 LOTS AVAILABLE LOT PRICES START $42,000 WEBSTER STREET LOTS ~ Minster ~ 2 LOTS AVAILABLE Minster - 12 Crestwood Dr. Ranch style 3 bedroom, 2 full bath home, with living room, eat-in kitchen, & basement. Also features a full list of recent updates & two-car garage. Great location! ID4045
- 83
and 1 full
with eat-in kitchen, newer flooring and appliances.
Longtime, very well established restaurant/bar“waterfront” business located
is now available. Great Opportunity! ID4000 ID3975 Russia - 102 E. Main St. Buschur’s Market is a well established grocery store located in the heart of Russia. Complete turn-key purchase is now available. Call Todd Weigandt for more details. Opportunity knocks! ID4035 INVESTMENT PROPERTY “RussIa stoRe anD Lock” Located in Russia, Ohio. Includes 3.91 acres of land, 24’x30’ building, with additional 30’x120’ store and lock building. Plenty of land to build additional buildings, plus outside storage area for boats and campers. ID4005 New Bremen - 5700 St. Rt. 274 26 acre fully wooded home site. Large pond. Historic barn. Large custom-built home. Two stone fireplaces. Three-car garage. AND MUCH, MUCH MORE! Call Todd for all The deTails! ID4070 Minster - 12215 Short Dr. Walk to your boat dock at Lake Loramie! Features 2 bedrooms, 1 full bath & too many updates to list. Also Includes storage shed, patio & more. Priced to sell! ID4075 Minster - 11 Parkview Drive ~ Parkview Acres ~ Nicely updated 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath 2-story home with finished basement, living room, family room, & full set of new appliances. Also has many other nice updates & 3-car garage. ID4030 Minster - 665 E. Fourth St. Nice & neat 3 bedroom, 1 full bath ranch-style home, full finished basement, newer A/C, 1555 sq. ft. of living space with 2-car attached garage. ARE YOU LOOKINGARE YOU LOOKING TO SELL, BUILD OR BUY?TO SELL, BUILD OR BUY? Call The area’s real esTaTe speCialisTs ID4065 New LISTING! New LISTING! New LISTING! New LISTING! SOLD! SALE PENDING! SALE PENDING! SALE PENDING! NEw PRICE ID4080 STONEGATE SUBDIVISION ~ Minster ~ PhASE I: 3 Lots Available PhASE II: 7 LotsAvailable Premier Building Sites LOT PRICES START $56,500 LOT PRICES START $38,500 LOT PRICES START $41,000 New LISTING!
Rd. Bradford, Ohio Long-time established local campground for sale, consisting of 44 acres & stocked pond. Has many seasonal, monthly & weekend campsites, & (11) year-round rental homes. Offers full hook-ups including electric, water & sewer. RARE INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY

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