Penny Saver Published by ar ens cor p • P O Box 69, 395 S High St , Covington, OH 45318 • 937-473-2028 E MAIL: • FAX: 937 473 2500 • WEBSITE: NOVEMBER 21, 2022 Where Your Ad IS The News GROCERY: Buschur ’s Page 3 INSERTS: Full: Kroger SPECIAL PAGES: Small Business Saturday Page 2; Black Friday Page 5; New Bremen Volleyball State Champs - Page 3; Thanksgiving Greetings - Page 4 PENNY SavEr CLaSSIFIEDS rEaCH OvEr 20,000 HOmES wEEkLY! TO PLACE AN AD, CALL 937 473 2028 " !" $ " $ - ,) )% )! %+ ( )%' . +++ % $ *'$")*' %# # &# ) # &# *$ %%$ &# ) $ +!) !' &" ! !$!$ ) ! '%%# ) BLACK FRIDAY BLACK FRIDAY "!$!$ % door busters ) !$ "!$ '( * $ !, ))' (( ( Real Estate Agents Builders • Developers REAL ESTATE LTD DEVELOPMENT LTD PRE SORTED STANDARD U S POSTAGE PAID Arens Corporation
" ! ' $ $ # #" & $ ! ) ( $ $ & % ( $ $ & % # $ % '&% '& &% Page 2 PENNY SAVER NOVEMBER 21, 2022 www arenspub com Small Business Saturday 20% OFF ONE ITEM* *Lego/Duplo Excluded Good 11-2 -20 ONLY AMSTERDA CENTER State Route 66, New Bremen (419)629-0000 DOWNTOWN TIPP CITY 31 E. Main St., Tipp City (937)506-7113 W WW.TOPSYTURVYTOYS.COM
B U S C H U R ' S M A R K E T B U S C H U R ' S M A R K E T 102 E. Main Sttrreeeet • 526-55108 • Ru ssia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hio St. P.O. Box 109 Minster, Ohio 45865 Congratulations to the 2022 OHSAA Volleyball State Champions NEW BR EMEN CARDINALS NEW B REMEN CARD INALS “THESE LOCAL COMMUNITY MINDED BUSINESSES SAY “GREAT JOB, LADY CARDINALS!“ www arenspub com Page 3 PENNY SAVER NOVEMBER 21, 2022
Interesting Facts A bout Thanksg iving
Here are some interesting facts about the Thanksgiving celebration
• American Thanksgiving is largely modeled on a 17th century har vest feast shared by the English settlers and the Wampanoag tribe
• The National Turkey Federation says around 45 million turkeys will be eaten on Thanksgiving, which equates to about 720 million pounds of turkey being consumed (with the average turkey size being 16 pounds)
• The Butterball hotline answers roughly 100,000 calls every year on its turkey question hotline • In 1953, the Swanson company overesti mated the number of frozen turkeys it would sell for the holiday season by 26 tons Rather than waste the meat, Swanson sliced it up, repack aged it and created the first frozen TV dinners
• Thanksgiving in America may be older than many recognize While Thanksgiving is largely tied to the 17th century settlers, the National Parks Service says in 1565 Spanish settlers in St Augustine (now Florida) celebrated by having a meal to which they invited the native Seloy tribe The Spanish served pork stew sea biscuits red wine and garbanzo beans Some say the Seloy contributed turkey, venison and maize
• Apple pie is the pie of choice for Thanksgiving even though pump kin pie is prevalent this time of year
• Thanksgiving didn t become a civic holiday until Abraham Lincoln made it one after the Civil War tragedy Thanksgiving was declared a national holiday on October 20, 1864
• The Pilgrims did not refer to themselves as “pilgrims ” They used the word “separatists” as they were separating themselves from a larger belief system
• In addition to Canada and the United States, Grenada, Liberia, the Philippines, Saint Lucia, and the Netherlands celebrate their own ver sions of Thanksgiving
• Each year, the American president “pardons” a turkey from slaugh ter on Thanksgiving This tradition dates back to when Abraham Lin coln’s son was upset that his family’s turkey that was going to be killed for Thanksgiving dinner
• According to the U S Calorie Control Council (CCC) an average American may consume 4,500 calories and 229 grams of fat on Thanks giving Day
• The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade is an annual tradition People line the parade route in New York City or tune in to watch the parade on television It originated in 1924 and the famed balloons were added in 1927
# ! # ! " ANNUAL SALT SALE Sale ends November 30 37 S. Main St. North Star, OH 419-336-5103 On Dura-Cube Salt LOW PRICE LOW AS S A ALE T S AL ALLT E A SA LT L , North Star www arenspub com Page 5 PENNY SAVER NOVEMBER 21, 2022 ! " "
Page 6 PENNY SAVER NOVEMBER 21, 2022 www arenspub com Retail Space Available for Lease 25,000 sq. ft. Call Tim For Details *** )!$( # ) &$ *** )!$( # ) &$ $' !''!&" *( *)%!* .(!* ! &,)* ! %/ !&, "!(, ! &,)* ,!-! !&, "!(, ! &,)* '$ % ) * ' $ % ' %"#!% ) * ' $ % +#$(",)( , !. *!'!( ... ,$'+!&! , )' !' # ' * ' $ % ) ) !%() ' '&%) ) * ' $ % ) ) * ' $ % ' %" &') ) !%() ' ( !% )&% ) * ' $ % !% ) !%() ' &% ) &# * ) ' #'&( # * ' $ % '$ % ) * ' $ % && ! ! ! ! ( ( $$ ( ( " "
www arenspub com Page 7 PENNY SAVER NOVEMBER 21, 2022 &,, +$%#&" - %(,-#+ DI SERVICES LP Tank & Equipment Sales )1 - )+ '%# 0 0 0 " % , # + / % ! # , . ! ) ' # $ " # ! $ ! " ! $ ! ! ! " !! ! ! ! "% " " ! "! !! % " ! #! !! #"! "! &+ ,+ !&. &+ &+ ! ()'*&-&/ 444 .*+./('5',+-) -(1 SCHMIESING TREE SERVICE 1*#+%#(!#" (,.+#" +## ,! # ! ! ! !! ! $ " ! ! $ ! " $ ! ! % " !*+0 20+-(00 (/3+'( +/('1./5 0 %.2/ .,21+.$,-+* .,'*% +/,* )$*. "& "& $'!. # $,- '(($PENNY SAVEr CLASSIFIEDS DEMOLITION: Also, concrete demolition such as old swimming pools, barn foundations, porches, etc Also, general excavation work and light demolition 937 232 7380 HANDYMAN SERVICES BOBCAT WORK LIGHT DEMOLITION LIGHT DIRT & GRAVEL HAULING Quality work! Reasonably priced For free esti mates, cal l 937 613 0511 or 937 581 0045 AMISH CREW Sam Schwartz wants any type of carpenter work Room additions, roofs foundation replacements restoration of buildings, etc For FREE estimate, call 260 301 1777 JD CONSTRUCTION: Metal roof ing, all types of siding, remodel i ng , dryw al l , & MOR E! 567 510 7358 GArAGE SALES ttttttttttttttttttt WANTED: Old motorcycles, mini bikes, mopeds, 3 wheelers, or 4-wheelers Running or not Covington 937 473 2705 KJRIND01@hotmail com nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn WANTED: Broken or non running John Deere, Cub Cadet, & Wheel Horse lawnmowers Will pick up others 937 473 2705 or KJRIND01@hotmail com SPLIT FIREWOOD: Approx 1/2 cord $50 Fi rel og pol es al so available New Knoxville area 419 204 4926 !! OLD GUITARS WANTED !! Gibson, Fender, Martin, Etc 1930’s to 1980’s TOP DOLLAR PAID Call Toll Free 1-866 433 8277 ‘93 GLEANER R62 w/25’ 500 Series grain head & car t 630 Hugger cor n head EC! Field ready $40,000 OBO 419 236 3139 BARBER CHAIR: 1930 s or 1940’s Excel lent condi tion Reupholstered $1,200 (937) 778 9864 or (937) 214 1208 C O M M E R C I A L / R E TA I L / O F F I C E SPACE: In downtown Covington Close to all the new action! Call today for information and a per sonal tour 937 448 6405 FOR RENT: 30 acres of tillable farmground West Milton area 937 698 5529 rEAL ESTATE CLASSIFIEDS WOrk WANTED MOBILE AUTO REPAIRS LLC ASE certi fi ed 40+ years experi ence GM e ngine transmission, & di fferenti al repair Call Dennis Bowerman at 937 459 8451 ‘07 CHEVY 1500: 5 spd manual trans 76,500 mi 4 3 liter engine 2- w h e el dri ve Exc cond $8 999 419 584 6457 ‘92 CHEVY Silverado pick up Needs TLC ‘00 model Wide Glide Harley Davidson motorcy cle 937 448 3043 AUTOMOTIVE CLASSIFIEDS ESTATE SALE: Colored glass ware; bottles; saddles; Hopalong Cassidy items; Mickey Mouse puppet; beer steins; iron trains; hooks & stuff; Anchor Hocking dishes; benches; boxes; old lum ber pile; Hot Wheel cars; bird houses; ornamental rugs; jewel ry Nov 25 26 27, 10 4 5385 Kessler Cowlesville Rd , West Milton CHRISTMAS PAST GARAGE SALE: 3333 N Rangeline Rd , Covington Fri , Nov 25, 9 5 Greenery; trees; ornaments; w reaths; decorations; N ati vity sets; table linens; dishes; wrap ping paper & cards; wrought iron fence Need some work done around your home? Find the help you need in our BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY! PENNY SAVER Classifieds Get Results! To Place An Ad, Call 937 473 2028 0r 937 473 2020 or e-mail ( % % ++$!$ ' # ''0 . * 1 %% -+ , (* 1 & $% -+ , * '+)- "& $% (& 1 $% (/ (.$'",(' & & * % ++$!$ + -+, $ ' . '
Page 8 PENNY SAVER NOVEMBER 21, 2022 www arenspub com JANE KAYLOR AGENT SANDY SCHMITMEYER AGENT TODD WEIGANDT BROKER DEAN KEMPER AGENT DICK WEIGANDT BROKER '$2 (( './'*%. / 777 7(,*$/'42($-(34$4( &0. ISAAC HOYING AGENT ) '( 2$'% *#/ 2$'% *#/-$ ($./ /$ "+) 222 2$'% *#/-$ ($./ /$ "+) 222 2$'% *#/#$1$(+,)$*/ "+) +-/& '* / '*./$- & +/34'2 #/06'2 4 9 #--3 0( #/06'2; /% 9 -++$0"( * !3(*#(,& 5(2' +3*2(.*$ 2$, ,2 1. "$1 0$ 2 (,4$12+$,2 -..-023,(26 5(2' + ,6 3.# 2$1 $,20 * *-" 2(-, : : +/34'2 #1-' 206' & 5- !$#0--+ .*31 *-%2 0$ ! 2' 1/ %2 "-3,206 '-+$ *-" 2$# (, (,12$0 "'--* (120("2 2$0%0-,2 *-2 -5,$01'(. -, )$ -0 +($ 5(2' #-") " 0 22 "'$# & 0 &$ 5(2' 0$"$,2 3.# 2$1 : : ! # " ! +/34'2 2'34700& 2 ,"' 126*$ !$#0--+ %3** ! 2' '-+$ 5(2' *(4(,& 0--+ $ 2 (, )(2"'$, ! 1$+$,2 *1- %$ 230$1 %3** *(12 -% 0$"$,2 3.# 2$1 25- " 0 & 0 &$ 0$ 2 *-" 2(-, +/34'2 +/%0-/ 4 '0$$ !$#0--+ ! 2' % +(*6 '-+$ (4(,& 0--+ #$, %3** %(,(1'$# ! 1$+$,2 5(2' " 0 22 "'$# & 0 &$ 0$ 2 *-" 2(-, 5//8 +&' // -,&2(+$ 4$06 5$** $12 !*(1'$# 0$12 30 ,2 ! 075 2$0%0-,28 !31(,$11 *-" 2$# -, 0 ,# )$ 2 061 -+.*$2$ 230,)$6 .30"' 1$ (1 ,-5 4 (* !*$ 0$ 2 ..-023,(26 533+# #+/ 4 31"'3091 0)$2 (1 5$** $12 !*(1'$# &0-"$06 12-0$ *-" 2$# (, 2'$ '$ 02 -% 311( -+.*$2$ 230, )$6 .30"' 1$ (1 ,-5 4 (* !*$ ** -## $(& ,#2 %-0 +-0$ #$2 (*1 ..-023,(26 ),-")1 +/34'2 2#/,(024 4 5- 12-06 !$#0--+ ! 2' '-+$ (4(,& 0--+ 5(2' 4 3*2$# "$(*(,& %(,(1'$# ! 1$+$,2 %3** 1$2 -% ,$5 ..*( ,"$1 1$4$0 * ##(2(-, * 3.# 2$1 5- " 0 22 "'$# & 0 &$ ,# ,("$ #$$. ! ")6 0# %-0 6-30 % +(*6 " : ; 533+# 024* 4 $** $12 !*(1'$# ! 0 ,# &0(** $"$,2 3.# 2$1 (,$ (,1(#$ -0 -321(#$ -, 2'$ $,"*-1$# . 2(*$ (,"*3#$1 *(/3-0 *("$,1$ 0("$# 2- 1$** -+.*$2$ 230,)$6 .30"' 1$ ** %-0 #$2 (*1 +/34'2 *024 2 *) 2- 6-30 !- 2 #-") 2 )$ -0 +($ $ 230$1 !$#0--+1 %3** ! 2' 2-- + ,6 3.# 2$1 2- *(12 *1- ,"*3#$1 12-0 &$ 1'$# . 2(- +-0$ 0("$# 2- 1$** +/34'2 #2,6+'7 2+6' 9 #2,6+'7 %2'3 9 ("$*6 3.# 2$# !$#0--+ ! 2' 12-06 '-+$ 5(2' %(,(1'$# ! 1$+$,2 *(4(,& 0--+ % +(*6 0--+ %3** 1$2 -% ,$5 ..*( ,"$1 *1' 1 + ,6 -2'$0 ,("$ 3.# 2$1 " 0 & 0 &$ +/34'2 0524* 4 ("$ ,$ 2 !$#0--+ %3** ! 2' 0 ,"' 126*$ '-+$ %3** %(,(1'$# ! 1$+$,2 ,$5$0 1/ %2 -% *(4(,& 1. "$ 5(2' " 0 22 "'$# & 0 &$ # # # # 043 6$,-$%-( 043 6$,-$%-( 4,--7$4(2 ($&+ $.1*205/' (23$,--(3 054+($34(2/ ' 2$')02' +,0 0/) 4+.' '34#$-+3*'& -0%#%#.1)205/& (02 3#-' %0/3+34+/) 0( #%2'3 340%,'& 10/& #3 .#/8 3'#30/#- .0/4*-8 7'', '/& %#.13+4'3 8'#2 205/& 2'/4#- *0.'3 (('23 (5-- *00, 513 +/%-5&+/) '-'%42+% 7#4'2 ;3'7'2 !