Penny Saver Published by arens cor p • P O Box 69, 395 S High St , Covington, OH 45318 • 937-473-2028 E-MAIL: • FAX: 937-473-2500 • WEBSITE: APRIL 17, 2023 Where Your Ad IS The News ! 1)' $ 2600 W. Michigan, Sidney (Next to Lowe’s) 937-492-6730 • HOURS: M-F 10am-7pm; Sat 10am-5pm; Sun 12 Noon-5pm ! ! *-%-&*-( # $ ! $ ! ./ !%+' % *0&.2-1 " ! ! $.2/ %,'0 !%3 ! ()2 2%5%. $!8 -/3/1#/!#( $%0!132 &1/3(% /&&)#% 3/ "%'). ! */41.%8 3(!3 3!+%2 8/4 3/ %)'(3 ()23/1)# 01%2)$%.3)!, 2)3%2 ). ()/ !.$ 3(% 2411/4.$).' 23!3%2 &%!341).' 2)3%2 &/1 !&3 !#+2/. /(.2/. /.1/% %&&%12/. ),2/. !2().'3/. !.$ # ).,%8 9 1)2( %./12 %,3)# !$)%2 9 %7!2 %./12 9 1!.2/. %,,% ,4.#( #14)2% 9 4%%. 23(%1 (% 1%2,%8:2 4"),%% (/6 9 4'(%2 1/3(%12 (1)23-!2 9 1!- )$% !3 !.3!23)# !5%1.2 9 /,,%'% /41 9 )'(32 ##/--/$!3)/.2 9 1%!+&!232 9 4.#(%2 )..%12 ),,)!- /6!1$ !&3 !3)/.!, )23/1)# )3% 9 .$1%6 !#+2/.:2 %1-)3!'% /(,&!13 !42 $)..%1 3(%!3%1 !-%2 !$)2/.:2 /.30%,)%1 9 !-%2 /.1/% )'(,!.$ 9 !13%1 /4.3!). 1#(!1$ (/-!2 %&&%12/.:2 /.3)#%,,/ 9 %/1'% !2().'3/. /4.3 %1./. 9 # ).,%8 1%2)$%.3)!, )"1!18 42%4)123 !$)%2 !3)/.!, )23/1)# )3% %,47% /3/1#/!#( 1!.20/13!3)/. 9 !7%2 1!34)3)%2 9 )'(32 ##/--/$!3)/.2 9 1%!+&!232 4.#(%2 !.$ )..%12 9 $-)22)/. 3/ ,, .#,4$%$ 331!#3)/.2 9 %,47% 1!.20/13!3)/. 9 !7%2 !.$ 1!34)3)%2 Real Estate Agents Builders • Developers REAL ESTATE LTD DEVELOPMENT LTD PRE-SORTED STANDARD U S POSTAGE PAID Arens Corporation INSERTS ~ Full: Kroger SEcTIoN B Wagner ’s IGA SPEcIAL PRomoTIoNS Business cards: Page 2; Spring Home Improvement: Page 4 PENNY SavEr CLaSSIFIEDS rEaCH OvEr 20,000 HOmES wEEkLY! TO PLACE AN AD, CALL 937-473-2028 PAID ADVERTORIAL
EastEr Coloring ContEst
WinnErs announCEd
Congratulations to these talented artists who entered Penny Saver’s Easter Coloring Contest We received many entries this year and it was difficult to choose our winners from so many creative submissions Thanks to all who took the time to participate in this year ’s contest Winners are as follows:
2 Years - Grade 1: Olivia Bohman, who received a prize donated by ABloom Flowers and Gifts
Grades 2 - 4: Maria Eilerman Ft Loramie Hardware donated Maria s prize
Grades 5 - 6: Bennett Rutschilling Many thanks to Topsy Turvy Toys for donating Bennett’s prize
Layne Voisard Named To Fall Dean’s List At Univ. of Kentucky
Layne Voisard of Minster was named to the fall 2022 University of Kentucky College of Arts & Sciences Dean’s List This accomplishment is an indication of Layne’s hard work and commitment to learning
Students on the Dean’s List earned 12 or more credit hours as letter grades, with a minimum of 3 60 GPA for the semester
The university is located in Lexington Kentucky
Page 2 - PENNY SAVER - APRil 17, 2023 www arenspub com HERE’S MY CARD Find the right person for the job right here! ! $ ! # """ ADVERTISING SERVICE PET GROOMING SERVICE AUTO COLLISION SERVICE RESTAURANT Keep the numbers of these locally owned businesses on hand for all of your ser vice & shopping needs % "! &.)#(+ ,! *- %&( !,*$ -/$' !' (* !'!*$ $ !*,. (,! '&$+, '! %" '&$+, '! (,!+ '&$+, -( (,!+ !'!*$ &&$+,*( %" ,* /$'! %" *. "+ Page 3 - PENNY SAVER - APRIL 17, 2023
Signs A Home Exterior Needs Updating
is equally
owners who aren’t putting their homes on the market A well-maintained, aesthetically appealing home is a source of pride, while a home with fading curb appeal can make homeowners feel a little sheepish Homeowners who want their homes to maintain their curb appeal can look for signs that it’s time to update their home exteriors
• Curling shingles: The roof may not be the first thing people think of when pondering curb appeal, but a damaged roof can contribute to problems that ultimately affect the exterior and interior of the home
Multiple curling shingles indicate it s time to replace the roof The sight of curling shingles is not pretty, but the larger issue in such instances is the potential for costly water damage when water gets in through the affected shingles
• Dated entry door: Many home improvement experts insist they can determine when a home was built or most recently renovated simply by looking at the front door Steel and glass doors are popular in modern homes, so homeowners with front doors with ornate designs and oval glass inserts can likely benefit from an upgrade to their entryway A modern front door can make a statement and real estate experts note how popular updated front doors are among buyers
• Unsightly landscaping: It’s not only the physical components of the home that may suggest an update is necessary Homeowners without a green thumb may have exterior landscaping that has seen better days If a spring or summer day spent tending to your landscaping is not your ideal weekend pastime, then consider replacing unsightly landscaping with low-maintenance plants or hardscaping These alternatives to more needy plants can create curb appeal without requiring any extra work for homeowners
• Cracked driveways/walkways: If the driveway looks like a busy road at the end of snow plowing season, chances are that’s adversely affecting the impression people have of your home In addition cracked walkways indicate a need for renovations, as these areas are front and center when welcoming guests
Updating a home’s exterior can restore curb appeal and help homeowners feel better about their properties situation, it might be time to replace windows
Page 4 - PENNY SAVER - APRIL 17, 2023 www arenspub com GEHRET NURSERY INC 12155 State Route 66 Minster, Ohio 45865 Phone 419-628-2984 Fax 419-628-9204 TREE TRIMMING LAWN MAINTENANCE LANDSCAPE INSTALLATION GREENHOUSE & NURSERY L A N D S C A P E D E S I G N / / / &!+)*(# % ($ ( "- &'.,#%%" /
for Spring? Find Advice & Local Savings to get your projectS StArted! HOURS: M, T, TH, F 8:00-5:00; Wed. 8:00-7:30; Sat. 8:00-2:00
Ready to Spruce Up
personal taste,
modern styles and
to do so
the naked eye
the time
home exteriors
to the
Renovations are a great
for homeowners to
their homes Some may aspire to renovate so their
is more reflective of their
while others may do
make their
better align with
sensibilities Regardless of why a homeowner chooses to renovate,
is often evident to
especially when
Curb appeal is often discussed in regard
effects it can have
selling a home
curb appeal
Upgrading a driveway and walkway s one way to update a home s ex erior and restore ts curb appeal
EverHeart Hospice to Host Camp Encourage in July
Children ages 6-15 who are grieving the loss of a loved one are invited to a two-day bereavement camp organized by EverHeart Hospice This workshop is an opportunity for children to come together in an atmosphere of love and acceptance and connect with other kids who are going through similar emotions
Camp Encourage is open to any child in the community at no cost, and will be filled with hands-on activities, team building, and adventures related to grief and coping skills Camp will take place Friday and Saturday, July 7 and 8, 9 a m - 3:15 p m with lunch provided each day
This year's camp will be at the Montezuma Spiritual Center, 6731 St Rt 219, Montezuma
In addition to campers, EverHeart Hospice is also looking for volunteers to help with Camp Encourage If you are looking for a rewarding and unforgettable experience that truly makes a difference, you will want to volunteer!
The registration deadline for both campers and volunteers is May 15 Applications can be found on the EverHeart Hospice website at under the News and Events tab
If you have any questions or want to learn more contact their bereavement team at bereavementservices@ehhospice org or 800-417-7535 – Option 6
www arenspub com Page 5 - PENNY SAVER - APRIL 17, 2023 Combine the power of print with the power of the internet All of our advertising is also available on line. Visit Irish Electric Motor Service Service All Your Motor Needs • Home • Farm • Industry • New • Used • Repair • Rebuild 419-394-3284 Fax: 419-394-7128 1600 Celina Rd. St. Marys, OH 45885 # ! # ! "
!*! + (. , (*&+ %#' -) "(* / %' ,$! (" ,$! ,( HAVING A GARAGE SALE? Just a reminder that the deadline for submitting classified ads is THURSDAY AT 5 P.M. PRECEDING PUBLICATION
CAMPERS & VOLUNTEERS from last year’s bereavement camp said this workshop was a great opportunity to interact with others experiencing the loss of a loved one PIONEER PROFESSIONAL CENTER OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE Call Tim for Details 419-629-2683 amsterdam center Retail Space Available for Lease 25,000 sq. ft. Call Tim For Details 419-629-2683 Tim Hemmelgar n 419-305-3500 Broker, Owner, ABR Realtor Becky Dabbelt 419-733-4243 Agent Realtor Steve Dabbelt 419-733-2723 Agent Realtor Ryan Will 937-726-8011 Agent Realtor 224-226 N. Her man St., New Bremen Walnut Street Subdivision New Bremen 8 Lots Available Prices start at $40,000 Cardinal Subdivision New Bremen LOT 10 $44,000 (near the high school) 131 S. Washington St. New Bremen 419-629-2683 1-800-700-0405 318 S. Washington St., New Bremen www timselect com 503 E. Front St., New Bremen www timselect com 7874 St. Rt. 219, Celina 120 Crowder Rd., St. Marys S S o o L L d d 0 S.R. 29, St. Marys 116 N. Main St., New Bremen 563 S. Second St., Coldwater Page 6 - PENNY SAVER - APRIL 17, 2023 www arenspub com D D U U P P L L E E X X 120 Meyer Rd., Celina www timselect com 321 N Main St , St Marys S S o o L L d d 06541 New Knoxville Ave , New Bremen 29 S. Her man St., New Bremen S S o o L L d d S S o o L L d d Make Your Move W ith A Name You Can Tr ust! 11.82 Acres W ith Pond S S o o L L d d N N e e w w p p r r II c c e e S S o o L L d d S S o o L L d d S S o o L L d d N N e e w w L L II S S T T II N N G G
Arens Corp Office Closed April 24 thru 28
Due to a family commitment, the office of Arens Corp will be closed Monday thru Friday, April 24-28 If at all possible, display adver tising, classified ads, and news ar ticles should be submitted by 4:30 p m Friday, April 21, for publication in the May 1 issue of Penny Saver and May 3 issue of the Stillwater Valley Adver tiser
During the week of April 24-28 you may also e-mail to: arenspub@gmail com; mail to: Arens Corp , 395 S High St - P O Box 69, Covington, OH 45318; contact our sales representative Yvonne Welbaum at 740-364-8981; or you may drop off your infor mation or adver tising in our drop box located to the left of our building, adjacent to the parking lot
Please be sure to include a phone number where you can be reached during business hours and our office will contact you Monday, May 1
It is our sincere commitment to continue to ser ve our customers and readers without inter ruption due to this one week closing
THANK YOu! Arens Cor p.
¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ WANTED: Old motorcycles, minibikes, mopeds, 3-wheelers, or 4-wheelers Running or not Covington 937-473-2705
Cub Cadet, & Wheel Horse lawnmowers Will pick up others 937-473-2705 or KJRIND01@hotmail com
CareFlight Air and Mobile Ser vices K icks Off Drive Smar t Season
Premier Health’s CareFlight Air and Mobile Services will once again launch its Drive Smart program at area high schools For more than 20 years, CareFlight has offered Drive Smart, a nationally recognized mock crash program that gives high school students a real-life look at the consequences of poor choices before getting behind the wheel of a car
In collaboration with the trauma programs at Miami Valley Hospital Miami Valley Hospital South Upper Valley Medical Center and Atrium Medical Center area fire departments law enforcement dispatchers, EMS, etc , the Drive Smart mock crash involves a scenario with two wrecked cars that are staged to represent a crash scene immediately following a motor vehicle accident Student actors are participants in the mock crash
The mock crash is narrated throughout, and all events occur in real-time, with emergency radio traffic and phone calls made audible for the entire audience The scenario begins immediately after the crash occurs with bystanders calling 911 and progresses with the dispatch and arrival of police fire and EMS the extrication of victims from the vehicles the dispatch and arrival of the CareFlight helicopter the transport of the injured crash victims the arrest of the intoxicated driver and finally the removal of the deceased victim by the coroner, with placement into a hearse At the conclusion of the scenario, a parent who has lost a child in a similar situation speaks to the audience, giving an emotional and sobering testimony to the realities of impaired and risky driving
The objectives of Drive Smart are geared towards raising teen awareness of the dangers and consequences of bad decision-making, specifically drinking and driving, driving/riding without a seatbelt, texting and driving
A Drive Smart program will be held Thursday, May 4, 1 p m , at Minster High School, 100 East 7th St , Minster
Drive Smart programs are free to area high schools
GARAGE SALES www arenspub com Page 7 - PENNY SAVER - APRIL 17, 2023 REAL ESTATE WORK WANTED AUTOMOTIVE CLASSIFIEDS PENNY SAVER CLASSIFIEDS aMiSH CReW Sam Schwartz wants any type of carpenter work Room additions roofs, foundation replacements, restoration of buildings, etc For FREE estimate, call 260-301-1777 DEMOLITION: Al so, concrete demolition such as old swimming pools barn foundations porches etc Also general excavation work and l ight demoli tion 937-232-7380 SAND & GRAVEL HAULING BRuSH CLEARING BOBCAT WORK Quality work! Reasonably priced For FREE estimates call Reed, 937-613-0511 or 937-581-0045 MOBILE AUTO REPAIRS LLC ASE certi fied 41+ years experience GM engi ne transmissi on, & differential repair Call Dennis Bowerman at 937-459-8451 PENNY SAV ER CLASSIFIEDS REA CH OVER 20,00 HOMES WEEKLY! To place an ad, c all 4 73- 202 8 or 473 -20 29 MINSTER COMMUNITY GARAGE SALES! April 20-21-22 Sponsored by Minster Garden Club HUGE MULTI-FAMILY GARAGE SALE: Kids clothes; doors; shed; furniture; home decor; kitchen tools; & other misc household items April 27-29, 9-4 467 S Stichter Rd , Pleasant Hill FOR RENT: Ft Loramie School D istrict Four bdrm country home 937-726-5386 U SED WASHER & D RYER: Dryer hardly used 8 years old Very nice & clean! Includes cord $175 419-953-3594 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––ÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓ WANTED: Broken or nonrunning John Deere,
&,, +$%#&" - %(,-#+ DI SERVICES LP Tank & Equipment Sales )1 - )+ '%# 0 0 0 " % , # + / % ! # , . ! ) ' # $ " # ! $ ! " ! $ ! ! ! " !! ! ! ! "% " " ! "! !! % " ! #! !! #"! "! &+ ,+ !&. &+ &+ ! ()'*&-&/ 444 .*+./('5',+-) -(1 SCHMIESING TREE SERVICE 1*#+%#(!#" (,.+#" +## ,! # ! ! ! !! ! $ " ! ! $ ! " $ ! ! % " !*+0 20+-(00 (/3+'( +/('1./5 0 %.2/ .,21+.-
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Page 8 - PENNY SAVER - APRIL 17, 2023 w w w a r e n s p u b c o m JANE KAYLOR AGENT Now Celebrating 46 Years of Continued Service! SANDY SCHMITMEYER AGENT TODD WEIGANDT BROKER DEAN KEMPER AGENT DICK WEIGANDT BROKER View All Listings At: www.weigandtr ISAAC HOYING AGENT REAL ESTATE LTD (419) 628-3107 (800) 803-8213 Email: weigandt@weigandtrealestate com www weigandtrealestate com www weigandtdevelopment com 90 North Main St Minster, Oh 45865 “there is no suBstitute for experience” ID5035 Minster - 121 S Garfield St Three bedroom, 1 full bath ranch style home Living room, den, updated kitchen, 1-car attached garage excellent location Minster - 12521 Maple Grove Rd. Two bedroom plus loft area, 2 5 bath, 2472 sq ft country home located in Minster School District Waterfront lot ownership on Lake Loramie with dock 2-car attached garage with recent updates A RARE OPPORTUNITY! Minster - 665 E Fourth St Nice and neat 3 bedroom, 1 full bath, ranch-style home Full, finished basement Newer A/C 1,555 sq ft of living space Two-car attached garage WooDLAND SUBDiviSioN ~ Botkins ~ 8 YeAr TAX ABATeMeNT 3 LoTS AvAiLABLe LOT PRICES START $42,000 Sidney - 16791 Mason Rd Historic 2-story, 2 bedroom, 1 bath home situated on 2 5 acre “Country Lot” with 2-car attached garage plenty of potential Anna - 7445 Hoying Rd Three bedroom, 1 5 bath, ranch-style home Partial finished basement One-car garage Newer roof and additional updates Sunny Side Inn Longtime, very well established restaurant/bar“waterfront” business located on Grand Lake St Marys Complete turnkey purchase is now available Great Opportunity! ID4000 ID5030 Minster - 42 S. Jefferson St. Cape Cod style home Three bedrooms, 2 5 baths, partially finished basement with outside access, 2-car attached garage ID4050 New Bremen - 14 Kuenning St Brand New “Custom Built” condominium now under construction Two bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms, open floor plan with vaulted family room, custom cabinetry, four seasons sunroom, full basement and 2-car garage Still time to customize your finishes Give us a call ID5010 CRUIZER’S BAR & GRILL Russia - 115 North St Well established bar and grill Recent updates Dine inside or outside on the enclosed patio Sale includes D 1 liquor license Priced to sell! Complete turnkey purchase Call for details!!! ID4070 Minster - 12215 Short Dr Walk to your boat dock at Lake Loramie! Features 2 bedrooms, 1 full bath & too many updates to list Also Includes storage shed, patio & more Priced to sell! ID5040 Russia - 120 E Main St Four bedroom, 2 full bath, 2-story home Complete remodel! One-car garage Gas heat, central A/C Many newer updates Move-in condition! ID5055 A r e Yo U L o o K i N G A r e Yo U L o o K i N G T o S e L L , B U i L D o r B U Y ? T o S e L L , B U i L D o r B U Y ? Call The area’s real esTaTe speCialisTs ID5005 New LISTING! SOLD! SALE PENDING! SALE PENDING! SALE PENDING! NEw PRICE ID5050 SToNeGATe SUBDiviSioN ~ Minster ~ PhASe i: 2 Lots Available PhASe ii: 5 Lots Available P r e m i e r B u i l d i n g S i t e s LOT PRICES START $56,500 For SALe Stillwater Beach Campground 8408 versailles Southeaster n rd. Bradford, ohio Long-time established local campground for sale, consisting of 44 acres & stocked pond Has many seasonal, monthly & weekend campsites, & (11) year-round rental homes Offers full hook-ups including electric, water & sewer RARE INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY A LoCAL FAvoriTe! Real Estate Public Auction January 11, 2023 - 7:00 pm ••• 80 Acres 3 Parcels ••• FARMLAND - WOODLAND - POTENTIAL DEVELOPMENT LAND Farm Location 14500 St Marys River Rd , St Marys, Ohio 45885 (Corner of Markley Rd & St Marys River Rd ) Auction Location St Marys High School - Common Area JANUARY 11, 2023 7:00 P M - 2250 ST RT 66, St Marys, Ohio 45885 New Survey in process Watch our websites for more updated info We will advertise new acreages as soon as survey is complete 80 ACRES Tract 1 - Approximately 10 Acres Wooded Land - Markley Rd Tract 2 - Approximately 60 Acres Bare Farmland - St Marys River Rd Tract 3 - Approximately 10 Acres Bare Land Possibility of potential building site corner of St Marys River Rd & Markley Rd Call Todd Weigandt for Specific Details New LISTING! SOLD New LISTING! ID4030 SOLD!