Penny Saver Published by arens cor p • P O Box 69, 395 S High St , Covington, OH 45318 • 937-473-2028 E MAIL: • FAX: 937 473 2500 • WEBSITE: AUGUST 29, 2022 Where Your Ad IS The News PRE SORTED STANDARD U S POSTAGE PAID Arens Corporation GROCERY ~ Buschur ’s Page 2 INSERTS ~ Full: Kroger SECTION B ~ Wagner ’s IGA SPECIAL SECTION ~ Fall Sports: Page 5 PENNY SavEr CLaSSIFIEDS rEaCH OvEr 20 000 HOmES wEEkLY! TO PLACE AN AD, CALL 937 473 2028 lining sofacwer reRelaxpo in style with thisRelax ONTH FINM$1,44936 or $40/MONTHliningsofacpo GANCIN MONTHWITHHW 2600 W. Michigan, Sidney (Next to the Lowes Store) 937-492-6730 • HOURS: M-F 10am-7pm; Sat 10am-5pm; Sun 12 Noon-5pm Real Estate Agents Builders • Developers REAL ESTATE LTD DEVELOPMENT LTD

B U S C H U R ' S MM A R K E TB U S C H U R ' S MM A R K E T 1102 EE. MMain SStreet •• 9937 52 6 5 108 •• RRussia &1 # )/*$& /.&,&22 )8 64-3$24.6)%.5 &1 # 41 5. %4-1%6)( 21)/)55 24. ,235 &1 # 1&2) /1+ %&9 %'. -&5 &1 # "$ "$+ /&(&,92 -1+ 2/2+1% )4 & 4)5, # ! ! '! ( $ ) * ( + * ) '* )*' + &) , & $ %$ '! # )% &# ) # )% &# *$ # )% &# &1 # 1/7&192 4''",/ ,-'.)1 4)%56 &1 # ".%1*%(& 1".%-"92 2/) /%8 ; &1 # 1&2) /1+ )/4,%&1 21)/)552//)( 2%56 &1 # 41 5. ,-'.)1,71.9 %/%( 8 "( "007 &"2 4)%()( ,4-03 8 "$+ 1/,, -/+&)/42& 1%'. 6-'.5 &1 # $+1*$) ","0&./ /1 -'./) 2%* &1 # &,38&192 )&%121 2/2+1% )4 & 429)4<5 $ )4 & 4)5, 24. ,27/()4 " )4 & )4 & ! 8 /33,& ,, "1*&3*&2 8))6 %&9 %9<5 %4&)'7) %7') 8 ". ,, "1*&3*&2 %.)(75,<5 )%15 8 ". ,, "1*&3*&2 . 5. 4*$& 2/) -1)%33/) 8 /6 "#*2$/ -6: 4%'.)45 3 "$+ /13) 3"1 ') 4)%0 %45 8 4# 1/8&. !)*00&% /00*.( 22/ ",-3 8 4# %-59 274 4)%0 %', ! ! %% ( $() $) ! ) ' % " 2// %'. # ! 4.$) 1&2) 42''2/&1 # &% *0& 20%62)5 Page 2 PENNY SAVER AuguSt 29, 2022 www arenspub com - Help Wanted -

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Page 4 PENNY SAVER AuguST 29, 2022 www arenspub com Combine the power of print with the power of the internet All of our advertising is also available on line. Visit www arenspub com TYPENNYSAVERWhereourAdISheNews # $ ! $$ """ * ) %&, &+( +)!% )) &+# !" & '&%)&( ( %)'+ $ !# &$ Page 5 PENNY SAVER AUGUST 29, 2022 Anna Rockets boys’ FOOTBALL botkins trojans boys’ soccer botkins trojans volleyball botkins trojans girls’ soccer Anna Rockets VOLLEYBALL Anna Rockets girls’ SOCCER PIZZA • SUBSBURGERS Good Luck on aNew Knoxville, Botkins & Anna Photos by Lange Photog raphics, Inc. botkins trojans Golf Anna Rockets cheerleaders %% " ' % , %% , +++ !&% * &' &% ' $ ' ") %"&% +&*$ $"# )& +"(! )! $$ )!$ ) ( New knoxville rangers volleyball New knoxville rangers Ngolf ew knoxville rangers Nsoccer ew knoxville rangers cross country Great Season!

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www arenspub com Page 7 PENNY SAVER AUGUST 29, 2022 HAVE A SERVICE TO OFFER? Advertise it in our classifiedsCall 937 473 2028 ! &,, ! " & & % # $$$ "-&'%($ / '*./%-! DI SERVICES LP Tank & Equipment Sales +3 / +-")'% 2 2 2 $ ' . % - 1 ' # % . 0 # + ) ! " ! " " " !! ! ! "% " " ! "! !! # ! " "! ! $- 0- $3 $- $*+%,$2$5 444 .*+./('5',+-) -(1 ! ! TREESCHMIESINGSERVICE 3,%-'%*#%$ *.0-%$ -%% ./ #$ " !*+0! 20+-(00 (/3+'( +/('1./5 0 %.2/ .,21+.! " % " ! ! $ " 6! % " ! ! ! ! $ #" # % $ % % # /5 (('1+.) $.&6-$. '14+%'2 ! AUTOMOTIVE CLASSIFIEDS WORK WANTED MOBILE AUTO REPAIRS LLC ASE certifi ed 40+ years experience GM en gine transmission, & differential repair Call Dennis Bowerman at 937 459 8451 GARAGE SALES DEMOLITION : Al so, concrete demolition such as old swimming pools barn foundations porches etc Also, general excavation work 937 232 7380 HANDYMAN SERVICES BOBCAT WORK LIGHT DIRT & GRAVEL HAULING Quality work! Reasonably priced For free estimate s cal l 937 613 0511 or 937 581 0045 AMISH CREW Sam Schwartz wants any type of carpenter work Room additions roofs, foundation replacements, restoration of buildings, etc For FREE estimate, call 260 301 1777 PENNY SAVER CLASSIFIEDS T H I S W EEKS P U Z Z LE A N S W ERS ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ WANTED: Broken or non running John Deere, Cub Cadet, & Wheel Horse lawnmowers Will pick up others 937 473 2705 or FOR SALE: Mi ami Memorial Park, Covington (2) lots in “The Garden of Freedom ” $1,500 each 937 570 0447 ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ WANTED: Old motorcycles, mini bikes, mopeds, 3 wheelers, or 4-wheelers Running or not Covington 937 473 2705 KJRIND01@hotmail com 12x20 SUNSETTER Motorized, Retractable Aw ning : Brow n & beige 2 1/2 years old Price new: $5,000 Sell for $2,500 937 875 0435 ! 53? :/, (+ :,>: 05 ,(*/ )6> =033 ), 7;)309/,+ .($3( 44$&+ 3+((4 )02 702'3 06(2 : ($ 65 *644 653? .($3( ),.. 054 )02 052 2(&02'3 (4,''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' (5+":(:,''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''++8,99'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''/65,'''''''''''0:?'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''&07''''''''''''':6 ( %) + #! *!&%) @ 6> @ 6<05.:65 #)& % #+ ) 4,..7$4(2 "$..(9 '6 (//9 $6(2 5+ =,,2 780*, 05/429 ,6,/* 0.' 2,/4 5+ =,,2 .. ,/*%$4$13 (::,5:065 .,::,8 ! ! ########### # " A :6 ;9, (5? 4(168 *8,+0: *(8+ $8 4(03 (8,597;) .4(03 *64 $!" 65+(? :/8; 80+(? 74 "(: ";5 369,+ # !% *!##- * ( ## . , (*!) ( &( %%. , ( .&+( -!## +*&$ *! ##. '' ( !% &* '+ #! *!&%) # % &( &%#. '( ' ! -&( ) &( # )) %&% &$$ ( ! # '' () !% &* '+ #! *!&%) &( / &( !*!&% # -&( &( )* - " /' 7((- 12,&( ":033=(:,8 %(33,? +< ,55? "(<,8 #/;89+(? 6;5:8? 0<05. :/08+ #/;89+(? 78,*,+05. 465:/ +9 8,*,0<,+ (-:,8 :/, +,(+305, =033 (;:64(:0*(33? 8;5 05 :/, 5,>: 099;, MOVING SALE! Ornamental rugs; colored glassware; Hopa long Cassidy items; jewelry; old lumber pile; Hot Wheel cars; cabi net hardware; chimes; dresser & chest; benches; bottles; pictures; horse books; saddles, tack, etc ; Pfaltzgraff pottery Aug 30 Sept 2 4:30 7 538 5 W Kessl er Cowlesville, West Milton HOUSEHOLD SALE: Featuring Longaberger baskets & pottery Also, many other new & used items Mon Sat Sept 5 Oct 8 18 Meadow Court Minster GAR AGE SALE: 6101 Ft Loramie Swanders, Minster (1 mi east of State Park) Sept 1 & 2 9 6 Wagner Ware roaster chicken fryer & Dutch oven; antique clocks; seasonal decor; Vera Bradley purses; metal lawn chairs; & housewares Looking for an honest deal? You can find it in our classifieds

Page 8 PennY saVeR auGust 29, 2022 w w w a r e n s p u b c o m JANE KAYLOR AGENT Now Celebrating 45 Years of Continued Service! SANDY SCHMITMEYER AGENT TODD WEIGANDT BROKER DEAN KEMPER AGENT DICK WEIGANDT BROKER View all Listings at: www.weigandtr ISAAC HOYING AGENT REAL ESTATE LTD (419) 628 3107 (800) 803 8213 email: weigandt@weigandtrealestate com9wwww.weigandtrealestate.comwwweigandtdevelopmentcom0northMainstMinster,oh45865 “there is no suBstitute for experience” ID3995 Minster 284 S Garfield St Three bedroom, 1 1/2 bath ranch style home Living room, den, full basement, and two car garage Minster 254 S Cleveland St Three bdrm , 2 full bath, ranch style home Living room, dining room, kitchen, gas forced air, central air, two car garage PARK PLAcE SUBDIVISION ~ Minster ~ 7 LOTS AVAILABLE WOODLAND SUBDIVISION ~ Botkins ~ 8 yEAR TAX ABATEMENT 3 LOTS AVAILABLE LOT PRICES START $42,000 WEBSTER STREET LOTS ~ Minster ~ 2 LOTS AVAILABLE New Bremen 123 Dicke Drive Two story 3 to 4 bedroom “Custom Built” home locat ed in Pioneer Subdivision 2 1/2 baths, great room with fireplace Newer updates Finished basement & 2 car garage Excellent Condition New LISTING! SOLD! SOLD! ID4016 Minster 139 N. Hanover St. Four bdrm , 2 full bath, 2 story home Living room with vaulted ceiling, updated kitchen and detached out building Sunny Side Inn Longtime, very well established restaurant/bar“waterfront” business located on Grand Lake St Marys Complete turnkey purchase is now available Great Opportunity! ID4000 ID3975 Russia 102 E Main St Buschur ’s Market is a well established grocery store located in the heart of Russia Complete turn key purchase is now available Call Todd Weigandt for more details Opportunity knocks! ID4035 INVESTMENT PROPERTY “RussIa stoRe anD Lock” Located in Russia, Ohio Includes 3 91 acres of land, 24’x30’ building, with additional 30’x120’ store and lock building Plenty of land to build additional buildings, plus outside storage area for boats and campers ID4005 New Bremen 5700 St Rt 274 26 acre fully wooded home site Large pond Historic barn Large custom built home Two stone fireplaces Three car garage AND MUCH, MUCH MORE! Call Todd for all The deTails! New LISTING! ID4015 Minster 272 S Paris St Nice 3 bdrm , 2 1/2 bath, one owner home Great room, dining room, full finished basement Two car garage Large deck GreaT loCaTioN! ID4020 LAKE LORAMIE “WATERFRONT” Minster 12093 Brun Dr Two bdrm ranch style home located on Lake Loramie Two full baths Updated kitchen New Trex deck Boat lift One car garage Many newer updates! ID4025 New Bremen 1 Plattner Pike Rd 3 75 acre parcel with 3/4 acre pond Small cabin,(3) RV camper hook ups, slide, diving board, hot tub Well & sewer system AND MORE! Call Todd for all The deTails! hOUSE FOR RENT MINSTER Three bedrooms, 1 full bath, finished basement, 2 car garage $1,100/month • No Smoking • No Pets • One Year Lease R E A D y T O c A P I TA L I z E O N R E c O R RD E A D y T O c A P I TA L I z E O N R E c O R D R E A L E S RT E A L E S T A A T E VA L U E S T? E VA L U E S ? Call The area’s real esTaTe speCialisTs ID3990 SOLD! SOLD! SOLD! SOLD! SALE PENDING! NEw PRICE ID3985 STONEGATE SUBDIVISION ~ Minster ~ PhASE I: 3 Lots Available PhASE II: 7 LotsAvailable Premier Building Sites LOT PRICES START $56,500 LOT PRICES START $38,500 LOT PRICES START $41,000