Penny Saver 9-5-22

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Penny Saver Published by arens cor p • P O Box 69, 395 S High St , Covington, OH 45318 • 937-473-2028 E MAIL: • FAX: 937 473 2500 • WEBSITE: SEPTEMBER 5, 2022 Where Your Ad IS The News PRE SORTED STANDARD U S POSTAGE PAID Arens Corporation GROCERY ~ Buschur ’s Page 2 INSERTS ~ Full: Kroger SECTION B ~ Wagner ’s IGA SPECIAL SECTION ~ Labor Day: Page 5 PENNY SavEr CLaSSIFIEDS rEaCH OvEr 20 000 HOmES wEEkLY! TO PLACE AN AD, CALL 937 473 2028 lining sofacwer reRelaxpo in style with thisRelax ONTH FINM$1,44936 or $40/MONTHliningsofacpo GANCIN MONTHWITHHW 2600 W. Michigan, Sidney (Next to the Lowes Store) 937-492-6730 • HOURS: M-F 10am-7pm; Sat 10am-5pm; Sun 12 Noon-5pm A R E N S P U B L I C AT I O N S Real Estate Agents Builders • Developers REAL ESTATE LTD DEVELOPMENT LTD

PENNY SAVER Where Your Ad IS The News PENNY SAVER CLASSIFIEDS REA CH OVER 20,0 0 HO MES WEEKLY! To place an ad, call 9 37 47 3 20 28 or 937 4 73 2 029 B U S C H U R ' S MM A R K E TB U S C H U R ' S MM A R K E T 1102 EE. MMain SStreet •• 5526 51 08 •• RRussia &1 # (.)$& 21)/)55 -&):) 6)%. &1 # "$ "$ 1)$*92 .-&%0 6)%. 8 )-3&192 "341"+ %5-1+ #)-1)45 &1 # ,.*&% %0 ,%1.58 .6 &23 !&3 %'%421- ,))5) 8 "- "- ",/92 24. )%15 < # .6 &23 !&3 %/6-1) 4%'.)45 8 "' 1& %" !%6)4 !265 8 .6 4-$"- )-&2 (&57 7(+) 4281-) -9 8 04&&8& .33+& &23 !&3 )6',73 8 .33+& &23 !&3 33/) 7-') &1 # &-34$*7 .+% %0 ,))5) 2%* &1 # 41 5- &+) %.)( %0 &1 # 1.7&192 "-%5)$( )33)421&1 # "1%&- 1&2( 5&&3 286-) %56% )4 & " ,2-') ))* 21)/)55 " ! 74 81 624) %() 24. " " )4 & " ,2-') 21)/)55 " ! ! )4 & " ,2-') 21)/)55 ! '" ( $ ) * ( + &) )!'* )*' + &) - & $ %$ . '" # )% &# ) # )% &# *$ # )% &# )4 & $)//28 <-3); .+ 24()1 )4 & !42:)4=5 02.)( .1 # "' "#7 43 %44265 8 *' 4%3) !20%62)5 , &1 # &-3&1 43 02.)( 2-1 24. ,235 &1 # 41 5- "1)-"3&% 21)/)55,-'.)1 4)%56 8 "$ "$ "1 4- &-'3( 26 2+5 DELI SPECIALS &1 # 41 5- 1&2( 3.1& "%& " $ G u i d e Page 2 PENNY SAVER SEPTEMBER 5, 2022 www arenspub com # "! ! ! ! ! Christmas Quilt Raffle to Benefit Burkettsville Neurological Center “Christmas Surprise” is the name chosen for this beau tiful quilt to be raffled All proceeds will be donated to Bur kettsville Neurological Center, which doesn’t receive any government funding and relies on donations and the gen erosity of others This year s quilt as in the past was a wonderful group project by ladies from Russia and Versailles They decided on a Christmas theme, since they’ve already done a patriot and a fall themed quilt Tickets are available in Versailles from Rosie Pierron and Carolyn Francis (937 526 5915) In Russia, you can contact Betty York Cindy Goubeaux Diane Grillot Ellen Heffner Janice Armstrong Wanda Monnin Marilyn Sher man, Mary Ann Bohman, Trudy York, and Marilyn Monnin (937 205 6524) Leave your name and phone number and they’ll get back to you Tickets are $1 each or six for $5 Drawing will be November 8 Please consider helping with this worthy cause The Burkettsville Neurological Center does amazing work at no cost to families ! * )'' % " #( ! $! )( $& Looking for an honest deal? You can find it in our classifieds Neighborhood

HAVING A GARAGE SALE? Just a reminder that the deadline for submitting classified ads is THURSDAY AT 5 P.M. PRECEDING PUBLICATION Page 3 PENNY SAVER SEPTEMBER 5, 2022 HE RE’S MY CARD Find the right person for the job right here! ! $ #! """ ADVERTISING SERVICE PET GROOMING SERVICEAUTO COLLISION SERVICE RESTAURANT Keep the numbers of these locally owned businesses on hand for all of your ser vice & shopping needs

Page 4 PENNY SAVER SEPTEMBER 5, 2022 www arenspub com Need some work done around your home? Find the help you need in our BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY! AUCTION TYPENNYSAVERWhereourAdISheNews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rish MotorElectricService Service All Your Motor Needs • Home • Farm • Industry • New • Used • Repair • Rebuild 419-394-3284 Fax: 419-394-7128 1600 Celina Rd. St. Marys, OH 45885 DON’T MISS OUT Having Your Business In e 2022 ... Minster Oktoberfest Prints 9-26-22 Ft. Loramie German Heritage Days PrintsNew9-19-22Bremen Pumpkinfest Prints 9-19-22 ## """ Lake Festival Prints 9-12-22 '! & $ "# $ % % ' + *( & ! + ) # $"& ! ((( # $"& ! !

www arenspub com Page 5 PENNY SAVER SEPTEMBER 5, 2022 H A P P Y L A B O R DAY, A M E R I C A ! ! # " % $ ! " # # # # # ! # " # " " " ! " ! " BURGERSPIZZASUBS / &!+)*(#/ % ($ ( "- &'.,#%%" This message is brought to you by these proud local businesses HONORING OUR WORKFORCE! On Labor Day, we salute the men and women whose hard work keeps our nation moving in the right direction. Their expertise, dedication, innovation and industry are the lifeblood of America’s economy, and it’s the combined effort of so many hands, hearts and minds working together as a team that keeps our country strong and vibrant. As we celebrate Labor Day, we recognize with gratitude all of the workers who uphold and embody the robust work ethic that makes us so proud to be Americans.

www facebook com/newbremen PIONEER PROFESSIONAL CENTER OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE Call Tim for Details 419-629-2683 amsterdam center Retail Space Available for Lease 25,000 sq. ft. Call Tim For Details 419-629-2683 Tim Hemmelgar n 419 305 3500 Broker, Owner, ABR Realtor Becky Dabbelt 419 733 4243 RAgentealtor Steve Dabbelt 419 733 2723 RAgentealtor 224 226 N. Her man St., New Bremen www timselect com Walnut Street Subdivision New Bremen 13 Lots Available Prices start at $40,000 Cardinal Subdivision New Bremen LOT 10 $44,000 (near the high school) 411 N. Franklin St., New Bremen www timselect com Make Your Move With A Name You Can Trust! 131 S. Washington St. New Bremen 1www.timselect.com419-629-2683-800-700-0405 8 Deer Dr., New Bremen s s O O l l D D c c O O N N D D O O 16 Circle Dr., New Bremen www timselect com s s O O l l D D 191 W. 6th St., Minster www timselect com 20 N Walnut St , New Bremen 8507 St Rt 66, New Bremen www timselect com s s O O l l D D 77 S Frankfort St , Minster 319 S. Washington St., New Bremen s s O O l l D D 105 N Main St , Minster s s O O l l D D s s O O l l D D s s O O l l D D N N e e w w p p r r ii c c e e 10 Deer Dr., New Bremen c c O O N N D D O O s s O O l l D D Page 6 PENNY SAVER SEPTEMBER 5, 2022 DD UU PP LL EE XX s s O O l l D D 8 Melrose Place, New Bremen www.timselect com c c O O N N D D O O SSaallee PPeennddiinngg N N e e w w p p r r ii c c e e

www arenspub com Page 7 PENNY SAVER SEPTEMBER 5, 2022 ! &,, # !$ ( ! " ( ' % &&& "-&'%($ / '*./%-! DI SERVICES LP Tank & Equipment Sales +3 / +-")'% 2 2 2 $ ' . % - 1 ' # % . 0 # + ) ! " ! " " " !! ! +))%-#'"( 4 %.'$%*/'"( ! "% " " ! "! !! # ! " "! ! $- 0- $3 $- $*+%,$2$5 444 .*+./('5',+-) -(1 ! ! TREESCHMIESINGSERVICE ! ! 3,%-'%*#%$ *.0-%$ -%% ./ #$ " ! !*+0 20+-(00 (/3+'( +/('1./5 0 %.2/ .,21+.$ " 6! % " ! ! ! ! $ #" # % $ ' ' % /5 (('1+.) $.&6-$. '14+%'2 ! AUtOMOtIVE CLASSIFIEDS WORK WANtED MOBILE AUTO REPAIRS LLC ASE certifi ed 40+ years experience GM en gine transmission, & differential repair Call Dennis Bowerman at 937 459 8451 - HELP WANtEDGARAGE SALES D EMOLITION: Also, concrete demolition such as old swimming pools barn foundations porches etc Also general excava tion work 937 232 7380 HANDYMAN SER VICES BOBCAT WORK LIGHT DIRT & GRAVEL HAULING Quality work! Reasonably priced For free estimates cal l 937 613 0511 or 937 581 0045 AMISH CREW Sam Schwartz wants any type of carpenter work Room additions roofs, foundation replacements, restoration of buildings, etc For FREE estimate, call 260 301 1777 PENNY SAVER CLASSIFIEDS T H I S W EEKS P U Z Z LE A N S W ERS ! 53? :/, (+ :,>: 05 ,(*/ )6> =033 ), 7;)309/,+ .($3( 44$&+ 3+((4 )02 702'3 06(2 : ($ 65 *644 653? .($3( ),.. 054 )02 052 2(&02'3 (4,''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' (5+":(:,''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''++8,99'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''/65,'''''''''''0:?'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''&07''''''''''''':6 ( %) + #! *!&%) @ 6> @ 6<05.:65 #)& % #+ ) 4,..7$4(2 "$..(9 '6 (//9 $6(2 5+ =,,2 780*, 05/429 ,6,/* 0.' 2,/4 5+ =,,2 .. ,/*%$4$13 (::,5:065 .,::,8 ! ! ########### # " A :6 ;9, (5? 4(168 *8,+0: *(8+ $8 4(03 (8,597;) .4(03 *64 $!" 65+(? :/8; 80+(? 74 "(: ";5 369,+ # !% *!##- * ( ## . , (*!) ( &( %%. , ( .&+( -!## +*&$ *! ##. '' ( !% &* '+ #! *!&%) # % &( &%#. '( ' ! -&( ) &( # )) %&% &$$ ( ! # '' () !% &* '+ #! *!&%) &( / &( !*!&% # -&( &( )* - " /' 7((- 12,&( ":033=(:,8 %(33,? +< ,55? "(<,8 #/;89+(? 6;5:8? 0<05. :/08+ #/;89+(? 78,*,+05. 465:/ +9 8,*,0<,+ (-:,8 :/, +,(+305, =033 (;:64(:0*(33? 8;5 05 :/, 5,>: 099;, BARN SALE: Sept 8 10, 9 6 11 Newton Dr , Pleasant Hill Furni ture; home & hol iday decor; antiques; kitchenware; nice cloth ing; toys; jewelry; Tupperware; & lots of misc HAVING A GARAGE SALE? Just a reminder that the dead line for submitting classified ads is THURSDAY AT 5 P M preceding publication HOUSEHOLD SALE: Featuring Longaberger baskets & pottery Also, many other new & used items Mon Sat , Sept 5 Oct 8 18 Meadow Court, Minster HUGE SALE! Thurs , Sept 8, 8 6 1 2828 L uthman R d , Mi n ster Guns; kn i ve s; h u nti ng a cce s sories; tools; Champion items; fur niture No early buys! Cash only FOR SALE: (7) wire filled pipe gates, 10 ft ; electric fence posts (approx 70), T posts, all types of insulators & connectors; Echo Easy Start string trimmer (like new); 40 lb pressurized portable sandblaster; wooden 8 ft stock racks, off ol der Chevy truck (good wood) 937 214 4408 MANURE TANKER with Balzer unload pump; ‘01 Freightliner, with wet kit; (2) silage wagons, Rex; NH blower with gooseneck; green chop wagon; JD 444C Payloader wi th forks 937 423 4967 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz WANTED: Old motorcycles, mini bikes, mopeds, 3 wheelers, or 4-wheelers Running or not Covington 937 473 2705 12x20 SUNSETTER Motorized, Retractable Aw ning: Brow n & beige 2 1/2 years old Price new: $5 000 Sell for $2 500 937 875 0435 ttttttttttttttttttt WANTED: Broken or non running John Deere, Cub Cadet, & Wheel Horse lawnmowers Will pick up others 937 473 2705 or KJRIND01@hotmail com PENNY SAVER Where Your Ad IS The News


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