ECrWss Postal Customer STILLWATER VALLEYA DVERTISER PrE sOrtED stANDArD u s POstAGE PAID Arens Corporation ; " 05' 3 07+/)50/ 0/ 3+ $. 1. # ! ! ! ! ! " ! # ; ! 5 3$&(03& 0/ $5 $. 1. 6/ $. 1. 307+&+/) #'$34 0( 0% 5$%+-+59 : " # : : " # : # # : ! : ! *' '8'45 6/5'3 -+)/.'/5 26+1.'/5 $-- 4, (03 0*/ 03 $+- 50 ! 5 3$&(03& Vol 71 - No 42 Circulation: 10,508 • 937-473-2028 • OCTOBER 19, 2022 FAX: 937 473 2500 • E Mail: arenspub@gmail com • Check Us Out On The Web: arenspub com ZONED INsErt: PAttY’s IGA sPECIAL sECtION: NAtIONAL sChOOL Bus sAfEtY WEEk PAGE 5 Celebrating Our 100 th Anniversary PAID ADVERTORIAL
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EverHeart Hospice Welcomes Aide
EverHeart Hospice is pleased to wel come Kerstin Breece to their care team as a hospice aide A Van Wert High School graduate, Kerstin received her STNA in 2018 and in 2021 earned her CPR, Medication Administration, and non violent crisis certifications
She chose this field to be able to give families and patients support, compas sion, and comfort “I love helping others, and hospice allows time for one on one care to ensure needs are met ” she shared “I am excited to be part of the team and be able to make a difference
Kerstin Breece
UVMC to Host Free Prostate And Bladder Cancer Screenings
Free PSA prostate cancer and bladder cancer screenings will be offered this fall at Upper Valley Medical Center ’s Cancer Care Center, 3130 N Co Rd 25 A, Troy The two part screen ings will be held October 31 November 7 and November 1 8
“Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men A PSA blood test is a very effective tool to screen for it and takes only a few minutes,” said Sarah Jones, nurse manager for cancer care
“Bladder cancer risk increases with age and is rarely diag nosed in patients under 40 years of age Men are at least three times more likely than women to get bladder cancer,” Jones added
An appointment is required for the free screening and requires participants to have blood drawn one week in advance of an appointment with a urology provider to review personal cancer risk
Registration is limited Deadline is October 24 for the screen ing to be held October 31 November 7 and October 31 for the screening to be held November 1 8
To schedule an appointment, or for further details, call the Cancer Care Center at 937 440 4820
HAVE A SERVICE TO OFFER? Advertise it in our classifieds Looking for an honest deal? You can find it in our classifieds Page 2 STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER OCTOBER 19, 2022 www arenspub com Buf falo ! $ & #%!" $#" & $ $$$ $ $$$ ' ' ' # ! # +-/% )"-& * &(! )" " # %&,,"! ""# - 02 1&/% &!". # %& '"* +/ &" &!". # (("2" &!". # &!". # ) &**"- &!". # , $%"//& 1&/% &!" ~BREAKFAST SPECIALS~ ~daily SPECIALS~ " # 1&/% % .% -+1*. +- %+)" #-&". # 1&/% /+ ./ # 1&/% /+ ./ # 1&/% .&!" +# -" '# ./ )" / # 1&/% % .% -+1*. +- %+)" #-&". # 1&/% .&!" +# -" '# ./ )" / :1,)A !+< ) 5 <7 8 5 7: =6<14 ;74, 7=< )< 7>16/<76 0:1;<1)6 0=:+0 627A 7< 01+3-6 %)4), ?1<0 ?)<-: +0-;<6=<; )476/ ?1<0 ) +76 <)16-: 7. 7<0-: >):17=; ;)4),; )6, ) <01:, +76<)16-: .=44 7. ,-41+17=; ,-;;-:<; 6<-: <0- ,:1>- <0:= .:75 <0- )44-A 7.. "-):4 %< 6-@< <7 <0+0=:+0 )6, +76<)16-:; ?144 *- ,-41>-:-, <7 A7=: +): -)4; ):- 8:- 8)+3 )/-, 67 ;8-+1)4 :-9=-;<; %<78 *A <0- +0=:+0 7..1+- <7 8:- 7:,-: )6, 4-)>A7=: ,76)<176 *A &0=:;,)A !+< &0- 7=6<:A %<7:- ?144 *- 78-6 884- =58416/ 7:,-:; ):- *-16/ )++-8<-, #=-;<176; )44 <0- +0=:+0 7..1+- )< &0- +0=:+0 1; 47+)<-, )< "-):4 %< 7>16/ <76 !..1+- 07=:; ):- 76,)A <0:= &0=:;,)A <7 &0- !+<7*-: =;<-: 16/4- ?144 *- )< <0&188 -6<-: 76 (-,6-;,)A !+< .:75 8 5 '-<-:)6; ):-/1>-:; )6, +<1>- =<A ):- ?-4+75- <7 <01; .)514A .:1-6,4A ->-6< 166-: ?144 *- ;-:>-, =-;< ;8-)3-: .:75 ,1;76 755=61<A
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CORRECTION In the October 12 edition of the Stillwater Valley Advertiser the Fall Fabric Fling ad for Wertz Variety and Fabric Crafts of West Milton listed incorrect days The ad should have read: Fall Fabric Fling OctOBer 19 22 Wed thru Fri 9 5 Sat 9 4 We apologize to Wertz Variety and Fabric Crafts and their customers for our error Covington Garden Club Meeting Announced The Covington Garden Club will meet at the home of Sandy Zell on Tuesday Oct 25 at 6:30 p m Members are asked to bring a jar ribbon and decorations for the fall craft project
www arenspub com Page 3 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - OCTOBER 19, 2022
‘Compassion Coordinator
‘Everett Beary’
Everett’s previous experience includes working with
helping to bring smiles to their faces He is excited
be part of the EverHeart Hospice team to help every patient
their best
even through their final moments Looking at the
you may have noticed that Everett is not your typical employee and is, in fact, a stuffed bear!
The idea for the Compassion Coordinator came when the Business Development team was looking for a fun way to show the community more about
organization We encourage you to follow EverHeart Hospice on social media and watch as
new "employee" Everett begins his career with
Page 4 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - OCTOBER 19, 2022 www arenspub com ( ( & ! % ! " # ' $! "#' ! #' # ! #! ( + '( !"(%$ !% ! $' , , %$ $')& %$ * Her e’s My Car d! DOUG’S LAWNMOWERS Lawn Equipment Sales & Service 937-773-4292 Keep the numbers of these locally owned businesses on hand for all of your service and shopping needs EverHeart Hospice
’ Hospice is proud to announce the addi tion of their newest “team member,” Everett Beary who will serve as the agency s Compassion Coordinator Everett will be helping the team at EverHeart Hospice ful fill their mission of honoring life with trust ed care Everett is originally from Teddy Kentucky and has relocated to Greenville to learn more about Hospice Care and how it can help patients and families His family includes wife Cicely and their chil dren, Daryl and Parker
hospital patients and
EverHeart Hospice Through his career we will share information about our organi zation and the services we provide to our patients and families Be sure to like and follow our Facebook page to watch his journey! OUR CLASSIFIEDS GET RESULTS! TO PLACE AN AD, CALL 473 2028
1 BuS + 1 dRiveR = a BiG iMpact on education
GettinG Ready foR School
• have your children put everything they carry in a backpack or school bag so that they won’t drop things along the way
• encourage them to wear bright, contrasting colors so they will be more easily seen by drivers
• Make sure children leave home on time so they can arrive at the bus stop before it is due, ideally at least five minutes early Running after or in front of a bus is dangerous WalkinG to the BuS Stop Walk young children to the bus stop or encourage children to walk in groups there is safety in num bers; groups are easier for drivers to see
• practice good pedestrian behavior: walk on the side walk, and if there is no sidewalk stay out of the street if you must walk in the street, walk single file, face traffic and stay as close to the edge of the road as you can Stop and look left, right and then left again if you must cross the street do the same thing at drive ways and alleys exaggerate your head turns and nar rate your actions so your child knows you are looking left, right and left at the BuS Stop
• have children wait in a location where the driver can see them while driving down the street try to avoid waiting in a house or car
do not let children play in the street playing with balls or other toys that could roll into the street is also dangerous GettinG on and off the BuS
• Warn children that if they drop something getting on and off the bus, they should never pick it up instead, they should tell the driver and follow the driver ’s in structions
• Remind children to look to the right before they step off the bus
• if you meet your child at the bus stop after school, wait on the side where the child will be dropped off, not across the street children can be so excited to see you after school that they dash across the street and forget the safety rules
MoBile deviceS
cell phones and other electronic devices are often permitted on the school bus as long as:
• they are in backpacks or other holders, keeping hands free to use handrails while boarding and de parting the bus Sound is muted or headphones, ear buds or similar devices are used
• content does not violate the law or school district policy and procedures
• use does not create a distraction for the driver.
www arenspub com page 5 StillWateR valley adveRtiSeR octoBeR 19, 2022 Covington Eagles 715 E.Broadway (St.Rt.36) Covington,Ohio (937) 473-2100 $ ! $ $ " !" # ! ! ! # ! " ! Owner & Groomer october 17 - 21, 2022
o Na l Sc ho o l Bu S Sa fe ty W e e k the m e i S
! ! " # ! "
Valley Farewells
DeMoss, Maxine, 87 A resident of Troy Died Saturday, Oct 8, at Upper Valley Medical Center, Troy kline, steven, 71 - Formerly of Piqua, most recently of Melbourne, Florida Died Thursday, Oct 6, at his home stewart, barbara l., 83 A resident of Piqua Died Wednesday, Oct 12, at Piqua Manor
What’s happening at Milton-Union
PUblic library
play, music, games, and fun craft Grades Pre K 5 FRIENDS MEETING Thursday Nov 3, 6 p m DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS Saturday, Nov 5, 12 p m Teens can join Tiana for a fantasy filled afternoon No previous experience is needed Character sheets and refreshments will be provided BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENINGS Monday Nov 7, 1 p m Kettering Health will conduct free blood pressure screenings No regis tration required
PINTEREST CRAFT OF THE MONTH Tuesday, Nov 8, 6 p m Adults can join Katie in making Homemade Holiday Cards Registration required EVENING BOOK DISCUSSION Thursday Nov 10, 6:30 p m Adults can join Staci for a casual book discussion of Pretending to Dance by Diane Chamberlain Books are available in the library, through the Ohio Digital Library, and HOOPLA FALL FAMILY CRAFT Saturday, Nov 12, 2 p m Families are welcome to join us in a fun fall craft
MEET JACK SCHWARZ, LEGO MASTER Monday, Nov 14, 6:30 p m Join us as Mr Schwarz discusses his creative process and his experience as a contestant on the LEGO Masters show A family LEGO building contest will take place after the presentation Light refreshments will be served Registration required BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING Tuesday, Nov 15, 7 p m HIGH NOONER’S BOOK DISCUSSION Thursday, Nov 17, 12 p m Join Katie for a casual book discussion of The Winemaker ’s Wife by Kristin Harmel Books are available in the library, through the Ohio Digital Library, and HOOPLA BINGO FOR BOOKS Thursday, Nov 17, 6:30 p m Join Staci for an evening of BINGO and fun! Prizes will be awarded for each round For adults Registration required “FABRIC WRAPPING” Saturday, Nov 19, 11 a m Angie Collins will teach teens and adults how to wrap presents in fabric Registration required CLOSED FOR THANKSGIVING Thursday, Nov 24 The library will reopen November 25 at 9 a m FAMILY BINGO Saturday, Nov 26, 2 p m Families can join Stacy for a fun filled afternoon of family friendly BINGO FOOD FOR THOUGHT Tuesday, Nov 29, 6 p m Adults can join Vikki and Amber for a fun filled Holiday Cookie Swap based on Carroll Pellegrinelli s Easy Christmas Cookie Cookbook Please register with the cookies that you re bringing to share JUST A LITTLE INSPIRATION BOOK DISCUSSION VIRTUAL AUTHOR PRESENTATION Wednesday, Nov 30, 1 p m Join Staci in welcom ing author Suzanne Woods Fisher, who will be doing a virtual presentation on her new book, The Sweet Life, followed by Q and A For Infor mation About the Above Events, Contact the Librar y 937 698 5515 www mupubliclibrar y org
Page 6 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - OCTOBER 19, 2022 www arenspub com
Clean out your basement and maybe even the attic Sell your unwanted items in our classifieds.
A U C T I O N Need some work done around your home? Find the help you need in our BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY! ! "# % " = &1 " # ! = " ! = " ! $ " ! = # " = # "# #! = " !! = ! # % = #" " ! = # " ?! " "-.7 .7 & :*6< 0&6,* &9(8.32 ;.8- & :&6.*8< 3+ 92.59* .8*17 9(8.32 ;.00 -*0) .27.)* $* 1&< '* 6922.2, 8;3 6.2,7 >(31* 46*4&6*) 962.896* &2) 0&6,*6 .8*17 83 7*00 &8 2332 + + " ! 00 .8*17 &6* 730) &7 .7 ;-*6* .7 &7- (-*(/ 36 (6*).8 (&6) ;.8- 4634*6 (-&6,* +36 ! (-*(/7 )" % ( ' $ %' & AUCTIONEER ))) ( ' #"* $ #! + 6.&2 !4.:*< % / "+. 0$! "1.*%/$%*# +" 0$! *! !// .4 ) 0!.% (/ * +* /0.1 0%+* +" 0$! ' ( "!% ) !! !%# " ! !& $! " $ $ !& $! ! ! (! % / 3%(( ! .! !%2! 4 0$! %(( #! +" +2%*#0+* 0 0$!%. +" "% !/ (+ 0! 0 +10$ %#$ 0 +2%*#0+* $%+ % $ ! $! " * 0 0$ 0 0%)! 3%(( ! ,1 (% (4 +,!*! * .! (+1 $! 3+.' 3%(( +*/%/0 +" 0$! ,1. $ /%*# +" *!3 ,( 4#.+1* !-1%, )!*0 * %*/0 (( 0%+* +" / % !-1%,)!*0 * /1." %*# +,! +" /!.2% !/ %/ !"%*! %* 0$! % /,! %"% 0%+*/ $! !/0%) 0! +" ,.+ (! +/0 "+. 0$%/ ,.+&! 0 %/ "+. (( !-1%,)!*0 ".!%#$0 %* /0 (( 0%+* * #.+1* /1." ! ) 0!.% ( * %*/0 (( 0%+* / % !*0%"%! %* % /,! %"% 0%+*/ /0%) 0! +*/0.1 0%+* 0%)! */0 ((! 4 !,0!) !. %* ( +),(!0%+* 0! ) 4 ! ++. %* 0! 3%0$ 3*!. (( !-1!/0/ "+. *"+.) 0%+* * -1!/0%+*/ )1/0 ! ! ) %(! 0+ +*0 0 2%(( #!+" +2%*#0+* +) + 0!(!,$+*! ((/ % /,! % "% 0%+*/ ) 4 ! +3*(+ ! ".+) 0$! %(( #! 3! /%0! $!.! 5 333 2%(( #!+" +2%*#0+* +) / $++($+1/!, .',( 4#.+1* (( % / )1/0 ! /%#*! * /1 )%00! +* +,%!/ +. +.%#%* (/ +" 0$! ( *'/ 3$% $ .! +1* %* 0$! +*0. 0 + 1)!*0/ % / )1/0 /0 0! 0$! ,.% !/ %* 0$! ( *'/ ,.+2% ! * ! !* (+/! %* /! (! !*2! (+,! ) .'! ( 4#.+1* -1%,)!*0 * */0 (( 0%+* $++($+1/! .' +2%*#0+* $%+
560 S. Main St., West Milton & 937-698-5515 BRING YOUR OWN DEVICE Mondays, 1 5 p m The Guiding Ohio Online program provides free tech training Have questions about Overdrive, Hoopla, or your device? Stop by the library to have your questions answered Appointments are encouraged; however, drop ins are welcome TINY TOTS Every Tuesday at 11 a m Toddlers can enjoy listening to a book, finger plays, music, and fun movements Newborns to Pre K STORY HOUR Every Wednesday at 10:30 a m Kids can enjoy a story, puppet
HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS SCORES – BRADFORD –SATURDAY, OCT 8 Boys’ Varsity Cross Country f nishes 21st place at Coldwater Invitat onal with 565 points SATURDAY, OCT 8 Gir s’ Varsity Cross Country finishes 19th p ace at Coldwater Invitat onal with 553 points mOnDAY, OCT 10 Girls’ Varsity Vol eyball falls to Covington Jr /Sr High School 3 0 – NEWTON –SATURDAY, OCT 8 G i r l s Va r s i t y S o c c e r b e a t s Ye l l o w Springs/McKinney High School 9 0 TUeSDAY, OCT 11 Gir s Varsity Volleyball beats National Trai 3 0
www arenspub com Page 7 STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER OCTOBER 19, 2022 *9>6/8C= ,#(% 995 ;0-= 8 '34< &:9= " & " & " ! $ & # ! $ " " #!" ! % ! & # ' & # ( ,#(% & $ # ' " " " & # BRADFORD STOR & LOCK $0;<98-6 ><480<< 9770;.4-6 ! # # # # ; = ; ; = ; '% & %) ))) ))) # TRIMMING STUMP REMOVAL TREE REMOVAL $ # # ! $ ! $ ! ! ! "# $ ( "$! <<< ;,.9,*/8,7;0*,8 *42 '% % 3 # " # " $ ' % ' #"& C& C& '% & %) & & $# ! ( $ )11 $" ,-47, (4: ,*0+, !7+9+ > 6+1 '% % &'#% ', WOOD CHUCKIN, LLC !"# #! $ ! !" "& ! $ ! &'(!$ %(& % !#) '% & %) +-1'2 * 5++29.00+ -.3 " &(( $ &' #"'%# #)&$+# #*+ ('+)(% +% &)&+$-'*) 0)&+, 6+1 & $' ' " & COOPER'S ! ! < 6+1 & $' ' " & % $ % B ' #"& & $' ' " $(!$ " # & + ) ' " $ (! " ! ! # '% & %) TAYLOR’S TREE SERVICE #! #! ! % " " ! & # " !% $ $ "#$ ! $"! % $ & ( !$&# , $$ " & %) " !$ " 0*4,*1); "*48-)* 8'-/'(/* (( +$)%, (( *%&(, $ &' % " " * % $ % 16*4-24 = *9 !*3'-4 :6*4-24 "67))2 4;8-6 ";56*05 7'/-6; %24. < ! "# # " ( ' #" % " ! 8)7.32++5 * &74=3 %/ 9?482=98 <<< ):*9043>05 *42 =476-8/4<->.=49800; A-399 .97 6+1 '48-1 "6 < *66;5(74, '>0< ;4 &-= =18 " , &($$ & + ) ' " !# ' #" 60-8 *-=0;@-A< 4=.30< $98/< %##! ' #"& B !# ' #" % ) '#$ # & ! ! # & # # & ! # # ! # $ ! " ::: '5+2648( )31 # ! % & ! ! ' "# 5.9+:'<6 '51 '2+6 '5/.2, 376 '80.2, ! ! % ! ! ! ! " # $(( , *+ (( #*.+ +'/&0$1 &&%, 999 )223*45(/').623 )20 !!# % ! "5,*0)10>03. 03 " # & " #,*/306:, 4,8(4:7 42, );, 1.), ?% " @ "947= 42, "9)7903. )9 "947= 42,8 "9)7903. )9 #' ! # "&!% $ ! " &# ' * & *" % ! ! " # ! , , , ! 2 2 - ! !,80+,390)1 422,7*0)1 ",7;0*, Your High Standards Plumber > ",7; 3. )20 4 " 3*, /04 *,38, ! # * W O R K W A N T E D DEMOLITION: Also, concrete demolition such as old swimming pools, barn foundations, porches, etc Also, general excavation work 937 232 7380 REAL ESTATE VALLEY CLASSIFIEDS MOBILE AUTO REPAIRS LLC ASE certified 40+ years experience GM engine, transmission, & differential repair Call Dennis Bowerman at 937 459 8451 ‘99 BUICK PARK AVENUE: 937 232 7380 A U T O M O T I V E zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 1st, 2nd & 3rd CUTTINGS MIXED HAY Or char dg r ass, timothy, fescue. Some clover & some alfalfa $4 to $6 PER BALE Tipp City 937 667 6583 uuuuuuuuuuuuuu WANTED: Broken or non running John Deere, Cub Cadet, & Wheel Horse lawnmowers Will pick up others 937 473 2705 or KJRIND01@hotmail com IH B275: Diesel IH 240 w/sickle bar mower 10’ IH wheel disc MF 255 tractor 937 232 7380 GARAGE SALE GARAGE SALE SATURDAY & SUNDAY Oct. 2 22 Oct. 2 23 • • 10:30 - 4 4:00 5385 W. Kessler-Cowlesville WEST MILTON nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn 20’ HYD TILT TRAILER All steel With power jack & new electric winch. New tires $7,500 ST PARIS 937 243 1821 FREEZER BEEF AVAILABLE: 1/4 1/2 or whole Dates Oct or Nov All natural grain fed Charo lais cross Bradford 937 448 2439 PELLET STOVE: Enviro Meridi an 1 Call for details Leave name & number 937 947 1127 ÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓ WANTED: Old motorcycles, mini bikes, mopeds, 3 wheelers, or 4-wheelers Running or not Covington 937 473 2705 KJRIND01@hotmail com 25 ACRE DEVELOPMENT: West Milton Some engineering is done Up to 52 lots 5 ACRES LIGHT COMMERCIAL: West Milton 1/2 ACRE RESIDENTIAL LOTS 937 232 7380 FOR RENT IN COUNTRY: Smoke free 1 bdrm apt with appliances No pets 937 947 1255 AMISH CREW Sam Schwartz wants any type of carpenter work Room additions, roofs foundation replacements restoration of buildings etc For FREE estimate, call 260 301 1777 P U Z Z L E A N S W E R S
Page 8 STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER OCTOBER 19, 2022 OLL PUMPKIN ROLL NEW It Our Baked Goods are Made Daily with NO Preservatives! Plain & Simple t's Pop The Highest Quality of Products, At the Best Prices! corn Tp Time! POPCORN POPPERS AND MICROWAVE POPPERS CARAMEL GLAZE - BUTTER -RANCH-CHIPOTLE AND MORE GARLIC HERB - JALAPENO CHEDDAR DON'T FORGET POPCORN TOPPINGS! PLUS DAC SWEET KETTLE- LITE NATURAL - BUTTER $9.99 PER BOX OF 10 $1.19 PER PACK h Country Microwave PopAmis Buy 3 Get 1 Free corn ums oM Mums or1199$ ums or • MINI PUMPKINS & GOURDS - $1 LARGE PUMPKINSMEDIUM PUMPKINS• • 49 BUY 3 GET 1 FREE 2/$7 OR$599 OR$399 5/$5OR October 19 Winner Ann GIANT P FARM FRESH PRODUCE LARGE VARIETY nounced WEIGHT! • PIE PUMPKINS - $2 • SPECIALTY & COLORED PUMPKINS 2/$5 OF OUR OR99 ERENNIAL S2/$7 Colby Cheese Deli Sp Honey Ham OR$399- P / ALE $5.99 OR 2 F 794$ l/99.4$ lb OR $10 lb ecials s By The Bushel FOther Tomatoes • rchaPuur ! Vegetable Vegetables &resh Frresh Green Beans • roducese P 937-832-0807 Too Too!uits,Fregetables Peppers O ORDER, TCALL... oo! Chicken Salad Sandwich . .wich $6 49 EETENED APPLE BUTTERFRUIT SW SWEET POTATO BUTTER APPLE BUTTER-PUMPKIN BUTTER Covered Wagon Pint Jams $1.00 SAVE BUY 2 A elicious Golden Macintosh, Jonat PPLE V VARIETIES Red Delicious, Golden Delicious & Cortland ARIETIES Gala, Macintosh, Jonathan, Fuji, Jonagold, Pump Caramel Candy Corn • Mello Cremé Autumn Mix kin Pie AVAI Pump ice Malt Balls •kin Sp LABLE NOW Plus More Gummy Candy Corn Gummy Pump•ix x APPLE DUMPLING BREAD pkins 3 lB. BAG $6.99 or 2 for $12 - 1/2 Bushel $25 Octobe PUMPKIN PIE OR $r Specialobeer Honeycrisp B. BAG $5.99 or 2 for $10 - 1/2 Bushel $18 elicious, 00 OFF Each.1 3 lB. esler Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Pump W kin Cake with Cream Cheese IPump Apple Cider Available In: kin BreadPump ie Piekin Whoop Cookies cing is Back! Located 3.5 miles N. of 70 (on Rt. 48) or 4 miles S. of West Milton (Rt. 48) • HOURS: TUES. - THURS. 10 - 6 / FRI. & SAT. 1060 1/2 Gallon & Gallon Sizes 07 N. Ma We reserve the right to change any specials at any time ain St., U, Union • 937-8322-0807 7