Stillwater Valley Advertiser 11-23-22

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ECrWss Postal Customer STILLWATER VALLEY A DVERTISER PrE sOrtED stANDArD u s POstAGE PAID Arens Corporation Vol 71 - No 47 Circulation: 10,508 • 937-473-2028 • NOVEMBER 23, 2022 FAX: 937 473 2500 • E Mail: arenspub@gmail com • Check Us Out On The Web: arenspub com ZONED INsErt: PAttY’s IGA; sPECIAL PAGEs: smALL BusINEss sAturDAY PAGE 3; thANksGIvING GrEEtINGs PAGEs 4 & 5; BLACk frIDAY • PAGE 6 ! ! ! "
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Announces Move The Tri County Board of Recovery and Mental Health Services has moved to its new facility at 1280 N County Road 25A Troy Also moving are Community Housing of Darke, Miami, and Shelby Counties; Miami County Family & Children First Council; and NAMI Darke, Miami, and Shelby Counties Phone numbers for the Board and the agencies will remain the same at the new location
Tri-County Board

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At this special time of year, we’d like to extend our warm wishes to you and yours for a joyous anksgiving Celebration! % # " $ ) & " * $ ' $ " ) & "$ # " * % $") & ( * $ * & $ * " #!% * ''' " #!% DR. BRIAN J. OLSON Page 4 STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER NOVEMBER 23 2022 www arenspub com UVMC Again Recognized by Leapfrog With ‘A’ Grade for Hospital Safety Upper Valley Medical Center has again earned an A grade from the Leapfrog hospital ratings program for fall 2022 This national distinction which also was achieved in the spring of this year and fall of 2021 recognizes the hos pital s achievements in protecting patients from preventable harm and error UVMC is honored to again receive this patient safety recognition from the Leapfrog Group said Kevin Harlan UVMC president Patient safety and qual ity care are at the center of all we do This takes a personal commitment and shared responsibility among our care teams Harlan continued We are all ded icated to this mission every day for every one of our patients The Leapfrog Group is an independent national watchdog organization with a 10 year history of assigning letter grades to general hospitals throughout the United States based on a hospital s ability to prevent medical errors and harm to patients The grading system is peer reviewed fully transparent and free to the public Hospital Safety Grade results are based on more than 30 national perfor mance measures and are updated each fall and spring I applaud the hospital leadership and workforce for their strong commitment to safety and transparency said Leah Binder president and CEO of The Leapfrog Group An A Safety Grade is a sign that hospitals are continuously evaluating their performance so that they can best protect patients Your hospital team should be extremely proud of their dedication and achievement To view details on UVMC s grade and to access patient tips for staying safe in the hospital, visit HospitalSafetyGrade org Sharing Our Best Wishes at Thanksgiving May it fin d you surrou nded by loved on es, lau gh te r an d ple nty of blessings You’ll invite 20,000+ to your auction or garage sale when you advertise it in our classified pages.
www arenspub com Page 5 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - NOVEMBER 23 2022 A Gathering Place for Special Occasions 7867 W. St. Rt. 185 - Covington 937-272-8895 e Are Blessed at You Choose To Start Your Future With Us! t. Rt. 185 - Co . S W W. 7867 vington Covington Eagles A Great Place For Meetings & Receptions Thanks giving happy To our community 715 E. Broadway • Covington, Oh 937-473-2100 Banquet Hall y g ommunit k i ing iving gles E a vingtonCo ce t Pla vington,Co ay adwayBro q . "#* " '%*!#-#'! & ** '$(. & & ) +#'! ,) +" ''#- )* ). From Our House to Yours... West Milton Veterinary Clinic Caring for Your Companion Animals Paige L. Theuring, D.V.M. '. / '+ )#, ',#&!+'& "#' --- & -+ "($ *+# * '%



Make Black Friday Shopping More Successful with These T ips

People of a certain age might remember the often hec tic Black Friday of old, when shoppers would line up outside stores in the wee hours of the morning hoping to land the best deals on gifts for their loved ones While many shop pers still make such early morning pilgrimages, use the following tips to make your day more enjoyable

• Don t go shopping empty handed Shopping on Black Friday without a list can lead to excess spending on items you or your loved ones may not even need or want Creating a shop ping list in advance gives shop pers time to research and locate the best deals Sticking to that list eliminates the need to spend time either before or after the holidays returning items you do not give

• Shop local Shoppers who

want to venture out on Black Friday but still avoid crowds should skip shopping malls and big box stores in favor of local retailers Shopping local is a great way to keep money in your community, and local shops tend to have more unique offerings than chain stores

One of a kind gifts can be a great way to show loved ones how much you appreciate them And local shopping dis tricts likely won t draw the massive crowds or produce the long checkout lines that con sumers are likely to encounter at malls

• Start early The proverbial saying “the early bird catches the worm” is especially true on Black Friday If you want to find the best deals you should probably avoid sleeping in on the day after Thanksgiving

• Take a family member or

friend along That extra pair of hands and feet (and even eyes) can help lighten your load and keep you safe Working togeth er and even separating and shopping for different gifts in the same store can help you both get a head start on your holiday shopping C h a n c e s are it might also turn out to be an enjoyable and relaxing day for each of you if it’s shared

Page 6 STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER NOVEMBER 23, 2022 www arenspub com
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