Stillwater Valley Advertiser 3-29-23

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ECRWSS Postal Customer STILLWATER VALLEY A DVERTISER PRE-SORTED STANDARD U S POSTAGE PAID Arens Corporation Vol 72 - No 13 Circulation: 10,508 • 937-473-2028 • MARCH 29, 2023 FAX: 937-473-2500 • E-Mail: arenspub@gmail com • Check Us Out On The Web: arenspub com ZONED INsErts: PAttY’s IGA MENArDs sPECIAL PAGEs: COLOrING CONtEst: PAGE 3; NCAA: PAGE 5 Driveways • Farm Lanes • Parking Lots Re-Gravel • Re-Grading • Hauling Complete Gravel, Excavation & Hauling Commercial • Residential &&& !!" #$ %!" ! • PAID ADVERTORIAL •



Automotive Automotive


experience GM engine, transmission, & differential repair Call Dennis Bowerman at 937-459-8451


Buf falo


AMISH CREW Sam Schwartz wants any type of carpenter work Room additions roofs, foundation replacements, restoration of buildings, etc For FREE estimate, call 260-301-1777

DEMOLITION: Also, concrete demolition such as old swimming pools, barn foundations, porches etc Also general excavation work and light demolition 937-232-7380

SAND & GRAVEL HAULING BRUSH CLEARING BOBCAT WORK Quality work! Reasonably priced For FREE estimates, call Reed, 937-613-0511 or 937-581-0045



nurSing and rehabilitation

For a Free breakfast & Coloring Contest!

You are invited to a special Easter event at Stillwater Skilled Nursing & Rehabilitation on Saturday, April 1, for “Breakfast with a Bunny” from 9:30-11:30 a m Enjoy delicious pancakes and have your picture taken with their Easter Bunny

Grab a coloring page and make it pretty! Prizes will be awarded in each grade level from Pre-K to Grade 6 Entries will be accepted until 1 p m

Stillwater Skilled Nursing & Rehabilitation is located at 75 Mote Dr , Covington

Brush Creek Church of God

Welcomes Back

Pastor Dale and Cheryl Swartz

Brush Creek Church of God is pleased to welcome back

Pastor Dale and Cheryl Swartz on Sunday April 2

Dale grew up at Columbia Station Church of God near Cleveland Over the years he has pastored at seven Church of God congregations They were at Brush Creek Church from 1988-1999 After 24 years Brush Creek Church is very glad to have them back

Sunday School starts at 9:30 a m with worship beginning at 10:30 There will be a carry-in meal following the service Please come say hello to Pastor Dale and Cheryl

The church is located at 6370 S Kessler-Frederick Rd , Tipp City


this casual book club This month’s book is The Nature of Fragile Things by Susan Meissner Books are available in the library, through the Ohio Digital Library, and HOOPLA CRAFT CLUB - Fridays, April 14 and 28, 1-3 p m Are you a crafter who wants to join other crafters as they work on independent projects? Join Katie for this new club that’s intended for anyone who would like to bring their crafts or projects in to work on with other patrons If you don t currently have a project to work on there will be supplies from previous Pinterest of the month crafts to be able to use

KIDS’ MOVIE DAY - Saturday April 15 1:30-4 p m Join Stacy and Evelyn as they show a famous animated kids movie which follows a toy cowboy and his friend, the astronaut (who doesn’t think he’s a toy) as they fight to reunite with their lost owner Snacks and a craft will be provided For Infor mation About the Above Events, Contact the Librar y – 937-698-5515 – www mupubliclibrar y org

Page 2 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - MARCH 29, 2023 www arenspub com
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Stillwater Skilled
41+ years
MULTI-FAMILY GARAGE SALE: March 31 April 2, 8-? 9156 Hetzler Rd , Piqua Vintage dolls & carriage; table; household items; antique wheels; fiberglass canoe; rototiller; lawnmower; tools Something for everyone!
it in our classifieds
name Boy or Girl Phone number Address Located 3-1/2 miles N. of 70 (on Rt. 48) or 4 miles S. of West Milton (Rt. 48) Covington 937-473-3331 Bradford 937-448-2111 ( $ !% ( " # ( # & %&# ( ! # #' # ! &$% ! ! Buffalo Page 3 - STILLWaTeR VaLLeY aDVeRTISeR- MaRCH 29, 2023 !$ & $ &!* &) &% + - #! (& %, %*!$ (%$ !% +++ %*!$ (%$' *!$ ' $ "% $ %# ! ! ! COVINGTON EAGLES 715 E. Broadway Covington, Ohio 937-473-2100 " ! " # # COVINGTON BODY SHOP & SERVICE DEPT. “Impeccable Service, Driven by Integrity” Steve E. omas as sole proprietor DR . BRIAN J. OLSON Ma rmee ’ s P Pant ry People who care...protecting your future A Chance To Win A Prize: Clip & Color Mail Or Drop In Our Mail Box Note: Must Be Recieved By Thursday, APRIl 6 NOON NeW ADulT CATegORy! Grade levels: Age 2 to Grade 1 Grades 2-4 Grades 5-6 Adults Mail To Or Drop Off (side mail box) : Arens Publications 395 S. High St., P.O. Box 69, Covington, Ohio 45318 All enTrieS neeD TO Be reCeiveD By THurSDAy, APril 6 AT nOOn. If mailing, please be sure to allow enough time for delivery, as entries received after the deadline will not be judged.
Page 4 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - MARCH 29, 2023 www arenspub com
Combine the power of print with the power of the internet All of our advertising is also available on line Visit www arenspub com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www arenspub com Page 5 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - MARCH 29, 2023 SOUTH EAST SWEET 16 & ELITE 8 MARCH 25 & 26 FINAL FOUR APRIL 1 CHAMPIONSHIP GAME APRIL 3 " # $ % ( & (%$ & $ (%$ "%& (" $( $$ '' $' ' ( $ ( MIDWEST WEST MIDWEST ( $ !% ( " # ( # & %&# ( ! # #' # ! &$% ! ! !! '% #$ (#' '( %& " & &&(% '$ # N o 1 N o 5 N o 3 N o 2 WEST ! ! ! N o 8 N o 4 N o 3 N o 2 SOUTH EAST " " $ & ### " " " !" ! % N o . 1 N o . 5 N o . 6 N o . 1 5 N o . 9 N o . 4 N o . 3 N o . 7 %)'(%$ # * & + ' &! $' ' %$$ %$,
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WaNtED: Old motorcycles, minibikes, mopeds, 3-wheelers, or 4-wheelers Running or not

Covington 937-473-2705

KJrinD01@hotmail com

GARAGE FULL OF ANTIQUES: All must go! Not sold separately

Oil lamps; crocks; irons; railroad l a m p s ; f a r m e q u i p m e n t ; j a r s ; signs; etc 937-295-3346

QuaLitY Boat CoVers & Boat uPHoLsterY! Pontoon flooring now is the time to get your boat r eady!

www arenspub com Page 7 - StILLWatER VaLLEY aDVERtISER - MaRCH 29, 2023
ÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓ WaNtED: Broken or nonrunning John Deere, Cub Cadet, & Wheel Horse lawnmowers Will pick up others 937-473-2705 or nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn truCK toPPer For ‘96 or similar Chevy s10 tr uck $50 Call Jef f 937-473-2144 JACK RUSSELL PUPPIES: (1) female, $500 (3) males, $400 ea Call 918-370-2800 Leave message D I N I N G R O O M TA B L E & 6 CHAIRS: Solid mahogany wood Length with center: 90 in 44 in wide Minor scratches EC! $225 OBO 937-524-2748 ÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓ wanteD: Canoe or kayak Call Jef f 937-473-2144 LOG CABIN KIT: 36’ x 24’ 1,728 sq ft Call for more information! 937-541-2432
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