Stillwater Valley Advertiser 4-12-23

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ECRWSS Postal Customer STILLWATER VALLEY A DVERTISER PRE-SORTED STANDARD U S POSTAGE PAID Arens Corporation Vol 72 - No 15 Circulation: 10,508 • 937-473-2028 • April 12, 2023 FAX: 937-473-2500 • E-Mail: arenspub@gmail com • Check Us Out On The Web: arenspub com ZONED INsErts: PAttY’s IGA MENArDs FAMIlY FArM & HOME sPECIAl PAGEs: sPrING sPOrts: PAGEs 4-5 Serving Miami Co. for ree Generations ! " $ ! " $ # ! " ! • PAID ADVERTORIAL •

Road to the Final FouR NCAA Tour nament Adver tiser W inner s

Congratulations to the following advertisers who are winners in our Road to the Final Four NCAA Tournament Contest:

FRee QuaRteR PaGe oF adVeRtiSinG: Fort Loramie Brewing Co – San Diego ST; Joe and Jean’s Town Tavern, Chickasaw –FAU; Angle Electric, Covington – Miami University

FRee Full PaGe oF adVeRtiSinG: Wintrow Trucking Covington – UCONN

West Milton Lions Blood Drive Scheduled Wednesday, April 19

Help strengthen the spring blood supply by donating at the West Milton Lions Club community blood drive on Wednesday, April 19, 1-7 p m , at the West Milton Church of Christ, 108 S Main St Make an appointment online at, call 937461-3220 or use the new Donor Time app Everyone who registers to donate will receive a “Blood Donor – Difference Maker” T-shirt April is a challenging month for blood collection because of holiday closings, spring breaks, and vacation travel Help make a difference in the lives of hospital patients by keeping your appointment to donate or rescheduling as soon as possible

Save time when you donate by downloading the Donor Time app You can also use “DonorXPress” to complete the donor questionnaire before arriving at a blood drive Find DonorXPress on the Donor Time App or at www givingblood org/donorxpress

Covington HS Alumni

To Meet on April 20

The Covington Alumni Committee will hold its monthly meeting at Buffalo Jacks on Thursday, April 20, at 1:00 p m

The alumni banquet is scheduled for June 3, with the doors opening at 4:00 p m and the banquet beginning at 6:00 p m The following classes will be honored: 1963, 1973, 1998, 2013 and 2023

698-5515 to register BoaRd MeetinG - Tuesday April 18 7 p m The Board will discuss regular business For more information call the library or visit mupubliclibrary org

JuSt a little inSPiRation Book cluB - Wednesday, April 19, 1 p m Join Staci for discussion of Something Old, Something New by Amy Clipston Books are available in the library through the Ohio Digital Library and HOOPLA JeSS MontGoMeRy Watch PaRty - Wednesday, April 19, 6:30-7:30 p m To end our community event One Book, Many Communities we will host a watch party of a Q&A with the author of The Widows, Jess Montgomery, who will be at Edison State Community College conducting an in-person book signing followed by a Q&A which will be LIVE streamed on Facebook and shown in the library Please join us to watch the Q&A and possibly be able to ask the author your own questions hiGh nooneR’S Book cluB - Thursday April 20 12-1:30 p m Join Katie for this casual book club discussion of I am Malala: The girl who stood up for Education and was shot by the Taliban Books are available in the library, through the Ohio Digital Library, and HOOPLA BinGo FoR BookS - Thursday, April 20, 6:30 p m Adults can join Staci for another night of BINGO Prizes will be awarded for each round Please register ahead of time in order to attend Give us a call at 937-698-5515 to register or with questions Paint youR heaRt out - Saturday, April 22, 10-11 a m This is the first adults only meeting to our four-part painting series Participants will be using nail polish to create marbled wooden eggs Supplies will be provided Please sign up ahead of time Call 937-698-5515 to register or with questions

oPen Mic PoetRy SlaM - Saturday, April 22, 2-3 p m Teens and adults are invited to a very special Open Mic Night, an opportunity to come read and listen to poems performed by other people in the community chillaX dude - Monday April 24 4 p m Do you need somewhere to de-stress and unwind after a long day at school?

Join teen librarian Lainie as she does a de-stressing craft or activity Every month there will be a new craft or activity For April she will be showing teens how to make Book Confetti and Rage Page Tearings dunGeonS and dRaGonS - Saturday, April 29, 1-4 p m Get your dice ready for another great adventure! Experienced players (or not!) are able to join this new month s campaign Game accessories and snacks will be provided for infor mation About the Above events, Contact the librar y – 937-698-5515 www mupubliclibrar y org

What’s happening at

B r a d

B l i c l i B r a r y B r a d f o r d P u B l i c l i B r a r y 138 e. Main St., Bradford & 937-448-2612

PReSchool StoRy houR - April 11 18 and 25 as well as May 9 16 and 23 from 11 a m til noon

Miss Candice will lead the group in stories games crafts and activities – all geared to get your preschooler ready for Kindergarten Registration for this coming session is available now

Our final SteaM WoRkShoP of the season will be held April 13 from 10:15-11:30 The hands-on workshops are for Homeschool students in Grades 1-8 No registration required

Our popular aMeRican GiRl doll PaRty will be Saturday, April 15, 10:30-noon This event is for young ladies in Grades K-5 Bring along your favorite doll (does not have to be an American Girl doll) and be ready to get your picture taken We will enjoy a morning of crafts, games, and snacks, all centered around the 2023 American Girl Doll of the Year, Kavi Registrations are required and space is limited

Adults are welcome to join us for BinGo on Thursday April 20 from 1:30-3:30 Everyone goes home a winner! BINGO is free to play Participants may bring a prize to share if they wish, valued at $5 or less

This is always great fun for everyone!

eSSential oilS 101 claSS on Friday, April 21 from 3-4:30 Learn how essentials oils can help with general health and well-being Registrations are appreciated, but not required

celeBRate eaRth day with us April 22 with the return of our Plant and Seed Swap! Swappers may start to bring in their items at 9 a m that day Please have plants in containers/bags clearly marked with the type of plant Participants can browse the selection through the morning and take home what they wish to try Swapping will end at 12:30 Guest speaker Taylor Dill from the OSU Extension Office will talk about Starting a Vegetable Garden Come with your questions ready to learn about the best practices to grow your own food this summer No registration necessary

SuMMeR ReadinG kick-oFF Block PaRty will be held April 26 from 6-7:30 Register early for our Summer Reading Program and stay for great food activities games and prizes This event is for the entire family and is not just for Bradford students everyone is welcome! Watch for more details to come pleAse CAll 937-448-2612 To sigN up for librAry eveNTs or hAve your quesTioNs ANsWered!

Page 2 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - APRIL 12, 2023 www arenspub com Buf falo ! $ & #%!" $#" & $%& " % # ! " # # '( !% $ # !# % #$ !& % &# # # # $ # # ) $ % # " # ) $ % ! ) $ ' ' ' " " " ! TAX, ACCOUNTING & FINANCIAL SERVICES " " " ! " " $ " #" +' $ ! )&' +' ! $ ! ( ' ( %) $& "" & &#! $ ! $&#* ( $$ "( & & ( $$ (+ + "" & &#! $ ! $&#* ( %) "( & ' ( %) What’s happening at... Milton-Union PUblic library 560 S. Main St., West Milton & 937-698-5515 kidS’ cRaFt niGht: BiRd FeedeRS - Monday, April 17, 6-7 p m Geared for children in grades kindergarten to 6 Participants will be constructing bird feeders out of popsicle sticks and pine cones Please be advised that there will be peanut butter used PatteRSon’S FloWeRS - Tuesday April 18 5:30-6:30 p m Local florists from Patterson’s Flowers will lead a program on flower arranging There will be supplies provided Please register in order to attend Give us a call at (937)
f o r d P u
Clean out your basement and maybe even the attic Sell your unwanted items in our classifieds. www arenspub com Page 3 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - APRIL 12, 2023
! People who care...protecting your future We’re Always On Your Team COVINGTON BODY SHOP & SERVICE DEPT. “Impeccable Service, Driven by Integrity” Steve E. omas as sole proprietor " ! " # # $ !% " # & %&# ( ! # #' ! &$% ! ! ! ! ! !! '% #$ (#' '( %& " &&(% '$ # Hometown Proud! Best Meats in Town! cOVINGTON BUccANeerS 2023 Boys’ Base ball BrADFOrD rAILrOADerS 2023 Boys’ Base ball NeWTON INDIANS 2023 Boys’ Base ball cOVINGTON BUccANeerS 2023 Gir ls’ Softball MILTON-UNION BULLDOGS 2023 Gir ls’ Softball MILTON-UNION BULLDOGS 2023 Boys’ Base ball BrADFOrD rAILrOADerS 2023 Gir ls’ Softball NeWTON INDIANS 2023 Gir ls’ Softball NeWTON INDIANS 2023 co-ed Tr ack cOVINGTON BUccANeerS 2023 Gir ls’ Tr ack cOVINGTON BUccANeerS 2023 Boys’ Tr ack MILTON-UNION BULLDOGS 2023 co-ed Tr ack BrADFOrD rAILrOADerS 2023 BOYS’ TrAck BrADFOrD rAILrOADerS 2023 GIrLS’ TrAck Page 4 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - APRIL 12, 2023 www arenspub com www arenspub com Page 5 - ST LLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - APRIL 12, 2023 GOOD LUck

Autumn Petitjean Named To Fall Honor Roll At Emporia State Univ.

Autumn Petitjean of Bradford was one of nearly 750 Emporia State undergraduate students named to the honor roll after the fall 2022 semester

To qualify for the honor roll, students must earn a minimum 3 80 semester GPA in at least 12 graded hours

Emporia State University is located in Emporia, Kansas

BNC’s Young Birders’ Club

To Meet April 15

The Young Birders’ Club, geared just for students in 5th –12th grades who are members of Brukner Nature Center and have an interest in birding, may join us Saturday, April 15, from 9-11 a m

Warmer temperatures often begin bringing in the smaller migrators Many songbirds arriving early this month wintered in the southern parts of the country (tree swallows and yellowrumped warblers) Later in the month we see the arrival of the first neotropical species (various vireos and warblers)

Please contact Brian for more detailed information at brian@bruknernaturecenter com

The center is located at 5995 Horseshoe Bend Rd , Troy

Covington Outreach Announces Summertime Stock-Up Program

Page 6 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - APRIL 12, 2023 You’ ll invite 20,000+ to your auction or g ar a ge sale w hen you ad v er tise it in our classified pa ges. A U C T I O N " 9 # . , $ ! #2,'4 4 208 AUCTIONEER ))) ' & #"+ $ #!% " $ ( * 9 9 9 9 9 ! 9 " 9 9 " ! '34200.3 6#+-#$-' 999 -#/ 40 1'/& 4*' #8 -- +4'.3 #2' 30-& #3 +3 7*'2' +3 #3* %*'%, 02 %2'&+4 %#2& 7+4* 1201'2 %*#2)' (02 %*'%,3 ! 2534'' In-Person Grief Support Group Offered by EverHeart Hospice EverHeart Hospice is pleased to offer The Healing Circle a six-week general support group for adults who have experienced the death of a loved one and may be struggling with understanding their reactions to grief and are seeking support from individuals with similar experiences in a safe and welcoming environment This group will be held every Tuesday from April 11 thru May 16 from 3-4:30 p m at EverHeart Hospice’s Greenville office at 1350 N Broadway St Alongside open dialogue and discussions the book Understanding Your Grief by Dr Alan Wolfelt and the companion journal, The Understanding Your Grief Journal will be used throughout the support group This book series has received many great reviews, as Dr Wolfelt is one of the top educational contributors to the grieving community You may reserve your spot in The Healing Circle by e-mailing bereavementservices@ehhospice org or by calling 1-800-417-7535 - Option 6
The Covington Outreach Association is currently registering families for their 2023 Summertime Stock-Up program now thru April 28 This program provides families with a generous supply of household paper products, cleaning supplies, and personal care items Included are suntan lotion, bug spray, and Miami County Parks information so families can get outside and enjoy a summer of fun Drive-thru pick-up at Covington Christian Church 115 N Pearl St is scheduled for Thursday May 25 from 2 to 4 p m Covington residents may register now thru April 28 to take part in this program Must be registered to participate For more information on how to register your family or how to volunteer for the COA, please contact them at neighbor@covingtonoutreach org or 937-541-5581



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WA N T E D : B r o k e n o r n o nr u n n i n g J o h n D e e r e , C u b

C a d e t , & W h e e l H o r s e l a w n m o w e r s Wi l l p i c k u p o t h e r s 9 3 7 - 4 7 3 - 2 7 0 5 o r KJRIND01@hotmail com

r s e x p e r i e n c e G M e n g i n e , t r a n s m i s s i o n , & d i ff e r e n t i a l repair Call Dennis Bowerman at 937-459-8451

You’ll invite 20,000+ to your auction or garage sale when you advertise it in our classified pages. www arenspub com Page 7 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - APRIL 12, 2023 B U S I N E S S S E R V I C E D I R E C T O R Y B U S I N E S S S E R V I C E D I R E C T O R Y BRADFORD STOR & LOCK Personal - Business - Commercial RENTING MONTH TO MONTH 5x10 | 10x10 | 10x15 | 10x20 937-448-6550 5/31/23 Tree serViCe 937-570-0448 ••• fREE ESTIMATE ••• FULLY INSURED 35 YEARS EXPERIENCE TRIMMING • TREE REMOVAL 9/27/23 VEgETATIOn TECh ‹ R E M O V A L & P R U N I N G ‹ B R U S H & I N V A S I V E S P E C I E S C L E A R I N G FREE EST FuLLY INSuRED BRADEN - 937-570-9691 www vegtechservices com 5/17/23 Tree Care JEANNE’S CREATIONS Specializing in Alterations, Mending, Zippers & MORE! EldErly or HandicappEd??? We can come to yoUr home! 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE Appts Only • 937-473-5405 DUE TO COVID-19 Customers must wear a mask No more than two persons at a time No children in business unless alterations are being done for them 5/3/23 alTeraTions e a G l e ’ s e a G l e ’ s Tree serViCe WE WILL GO OuT ON A LIMB FOR YOu! Call uS Before You Decide FREE ESTIMATES Steve • 937-773-5565 tfn Tree Care sToraGe FaCiliTY WOOD CHUCKIN, LLC STUMP & BRUSH REMOVAL SPECIALIST / PROPERTY SERVICES FREE ESTIMATES - INSURED 937-538-8469 12/27/23 sTUmP & BrUsh remoVal Tree serViCe 7374 Lehman Rd Gr eenville, Ohio 45331 TREE TRIMMING & REMOVALS FREE EST • FULLy INSUREd RICk GUNCkLE 937-547-0922 937-423-2190 Cell 4/26/23 GUNCKLE’S TREE SERVICE PesT ConTrol P R I C E P R I C E Termite & Pest Control FULL -SERVICE PEST CONTROL 3rd Generation Owners 937-573-6137 937-573-6185 tfn sePTiC TanKs COOPER'S Septic Tanks & Leach Beds Cleaned, Installed & Repaired S E P T I C T A N K P U M P I N G “ We ’ r e # 1 i n t h e # 2 B u s i n e s s ! ” 937-760-8396 937-698-6200 • 1-888-698-6200 3:1-tfn sePTiC TanKs leaCh BeD rePair • aDDiTions sePTiC TanK PUmPinG BoB's eXCaVaTinG 698-4694 5 24/23 PlUmBinG H & S H & S PLUMBING , INC . Quality is our Goal! aPPlianCe serViCe DAVID DeHART SERVICE ON ALL APPLIANCES Emergency Service Available APPLIANCE INSTALLATION All Brands - All Models 937-698-5428 5/31/23 PlasTerinG neW & rePair J E f f f O x p L A S T E R I n g Interior - New & Repair Exterior - Stucco & Dryvit Systems Quality Work • FREE ESTIMATES 9 3 7 - 8 8 4 - 7 5 9 8 9/27/23 aUCTioneer TIM LANDIS, Auctioneer, LLC Estates - Farm Equipment Antiques - Furn - Consignments 6905 W. smith rd., Covington 937-418-8941 www auctionzip com #20717 tfn JULIA’S CONFECTION CONNECTION 111 Marvin St Gettysburg 937-447-9207 Tues , 3-7; Fri , 11-5:30; sat , 9-12 tfn CanDY & CaKe sUPPlies eXCaVaTinG & DemoliTion CRESS EXCAVATING Clean Waterw ays - Ditches - Ponds room aDDiTions • DemoliTion 937-232-7380 12/27/23 ALL CLEAN PRESSURE WASHING Specializing in SOFT WASH Technique Does Your Home Have Algae? “WE KILL THE GREEN!” 1-Story Home Starting at $450 1-1/2 – 2-Story Homes Starting at $550 SERVING DARKE & MIAMI COuNTIES Ask About Our Senior & Veterans Discount! 937-710-3606 4/26/23 eXTerior CleaninG Residential/Commercial/Service Your High Standards Plumber 937-836-8725 • 937-667-1030 Serving Miam Co Since 1972 Oh o License #19777 3/14/24 OVER 10,000 POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS WILL SEE YOUR AD ON THIS PAGE! LUMBERJACK’S TREE SERVICE Your Guide To ServiceS & GoodS in The STillwaTer valleY CALL 937-473-2028 TO PLACE YOUR AD! GraVel/ BlaCKToP BLACKTOP & GRAVEL NEW OR PRE-EXISTING Driveways - Far m Lanes Par king Lots - Hauling RE-GRAVEL• RE-GRADING COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL Call Us For All Your Driveway Needs! 937-698-1107 www coopersblacktop com This Spot Could Be Yours Call arens 937-473-2028 937-473-2020 or email arenspub@gmail com AMISH CREW Sam Schwartz wants any type of carpenter work Room additions, roofs, foundation replacements, restoration of buildings, etc For F R E E e s t i m a t e , c a l l 260-301-1777 D E M O L I T I O N : A l s o , c o n c r e t e demolition such as old swimming pools barn foundations porches, etc Also, general excavation w o r k a n d l i g h t d e m o l i t i o n 937-232-7380 SAND & GRAVEL HAULING BRUSH CLEARING BOBCAT WORK Quality work! Reasonably priced For FREE estimates call Reed, 937-613-0511 or 937-581-0045 W O R K W A N T E D QUALITY BOAT COVERS & BOAT UPHOLSTERY! Pontoon flooring.
CABIN KIT: 36 x 24 1 728 sq ft Call for more information! 937-541-2432
WANTED: Old motorcycles, minib ik e s , m o p e d s , 3 -wh e e le r s , o r 4- wh e e le r s R u n n in g o r n o t C o v in gto n 9 3 7 -4 7 3 -2 7 0 5 KJRIND01@hotmail com !! OLD GUITARS WANTED !! Gibson, Fender, Martin, Etc 1930’s to 1980’s TOP DOLLAR PAID Call Toll-Fr ee 1-866-433-8277
Automotive Automotive MOBILE AUTO REPAIRS LLC A S E c e r t i f i e d 4 1 + y e a
CHILDREN S CONSIGNMENT S A L E ! “ N E W L O C AT I O N ” 3424 N St Rt 48 Covington April 19, 2-8; April 20, 9-7 Gent l y u s e d n e w b o r n t e e n & maternity clothing, as well as baby items Over 50 sellers! S T H E N RY C O M M U N I T Y G A R A G E S A L E S : A p r i l 13-14-15 60+ addresses in the listing! Limited copies of flyers available at St Henry area businesses or on the village website M U LT I - FA M I LY B A R N S A L E : 1 000+ of items! 8078 Lauver Rd , Pleasant Hill April 13-14, 9-5; April 15 9-12 HAVING A GARAGE SALE? Just a r eminder that the deadline for submitting classified ads is THURSDAY AT 4:30 P.M. pr eceding publication M I N S T E R C O M M U N I T Y G A R A G E S A L E S ! A p r i l 20-21-22 Sponsored by Minster Garden Club GARAGE SALE: April 13-14, 8-? 1 5 C i r c l e D r N e w B r e m e n White day bed w/bedding; costume jewelry; collectible bottles; v i n t a g e d e c o r a t i v e p l a t e s ; 54”x70” wool blanket (Alpaca?); 27 x36 piece of the gate from Miami Erie Canal, Lock 1; misc household items
Page 8 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - APRIL 12, 2023 www arenspub com

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