eCrWss Postal Customer STILLWATER VALLEYA DVERTISER Pre sOrteD stAnDArD U s POstAGe PAID Arens Corporation / ),# + ).&(%,)( )( +& !' *' ! " " !!! / , +!"$)+" )( !, !' *' -( !' *' Vol 71 - No 34 Circulation: 10,508 • 937-473-2028 • AUGUST 24, 2022 FAX: 937 473 2500 • E Mail: arenspub@gmail com • Check Us Out On The Web: arenspub com FULL Insert: BrOOKDALe senIOr LIVInG ZOneD Insert: PAttY’s IGA; BrADFOrD sCHOOL CALenDAr ! % " ! ! " ! " ! $ ! % # ! !

HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS SCORES – NEWTON –THURSDAY, AUG 18 G i r l s ’ Va r s i t y S o c c e r b e a t s D i x i e H i g h School/Middle School 7 1
EverHeart Hospice is pleased to wel come Jennifer Sutter as an After Hours LPN to their care team She is a graduate of Miami Jacobs Career College Sutter was inspired to work with EverHeart Hospice to have the opportunity to give more one on one time to her patients “I chose to work in the hospice field to help families and patients at the end stage of their life and to give them my com passion and knowledge,” shared Sutter
Recently, Kelly participated in the Phil’s Hobby Shop Memorial Car Show Plastic Model Show Division in Fort Wayne, Indiana He entered a black and white historical car for the event Mast was awarded the Best Interior prize and received a large green and gold trophy He also received three plaques, a T shirt, key chain and stickers Mast shared with his hospice nurse, Jessica Sheets, that this is the first prize he has ever received When she was at his home making a visit, Sheets could tell just how excited he was about this accomplishment
$"# * '+$&"*'&!'(This Week’s Daily Specials! &*$% ' $) " $& ,2/ 0&. "*,6 "- 3/ 2&15& $/''&& /.,6 ! ! ! ! )*00&%4(&&'81"56 ! )*$+&.4(/3*&8*%&2 ! 4(1*-&8*..&1*#*%&2 ! "$+724()/*$& ! 4(&"3/"' 8 *%&2 ! 4(*5&1 8 .*/.2 8 *%&2 "'3&1 0-
You are invited to enjoy Brukner Nature Center ’s Summer Art Exhibit, “The Magic of Spring,” featuring the works of Nora SteeleLiving in the Hocking Hills region of Ohio, Nora is a Naturalist for Wahkeena Nature Preserve and uses her illustra tion and photography to educate about the natural world From the emergence of early spring flowers and amphibians to the return of warblers and other migrants, Ohio’s spring season is always a whirlwind of activity BNC is located at 5995 Horseshoe Bend Rd , Troy EverHeart Hospice Patient Wins Model Car Show
Valley Farewells dohm, hazel e., 84 - A resident of Troy Died Thursday, Aug 18, at Upper Valley Medical Center, Troy fisher, linda e., 74 - A resident of Englewood Died Monday, Aug 15, at Rest Haven, Greenville house, audrey f., 91 - A resident of Laura Died Friday, Aug 12, at her home Jaques, Janie s , 76 A resident of Piqua Died Wednesday, Aug 10, at her home leonard, wayne e., 87 A resident of Pleasant Hill Died Tuesday, Aug 16, at his home patterson, david k., 79 A resident of West Milton Died Monday, Aug 15, at the Hospice of Miami County Inpatient Unit young, duane c., 58 A resident of Piqua Died Thursday Aug 11 at his home
Bnc summer art exhibit features work of nora steele
Kelly Mast r e m e m b e r s building model cars as a child About three years ago, he received the news that he had a serious med ical condition and his outlook was poor Because of his cancer, he wasn t able to get around as much and didn t have any thing to do That’s when he was inspired to rekindle his childhood pastime and resume painting and building model cars The cars he builds are 125th scale models Supplies are pur chased in a kit and then assembled and painted He always cus tomizes them to make them his own creation, rather than follow ing all of the details on the kit
Clean out your basement and maybe even the attic. Sell your unwanted items in our classifieds. Page 2 STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER AUGUST 24, 2022 www arenspub com #"+#/" 4 1% $.,* 0, - * 0 0&# '-- #+0#. #++4 1+"#./ $.,* 0&# 1. '.# #- .0 *#+0 3')) # '+ 00#+" +!# '++#. 3')) # -.,2'"#" 4 )'2# ."#+ )) 2#0#. +/ .# '+2'0#" 0, 00#+"01." 4 #-0 $.,* 0, - * ,'+ -#. 0',+ #0#. + .#%'2#. 1--,.0 0 1!(45/ #3 .)# +/ +,3 ))/ !# .# * .(#0 0 .,4 $,. 3& 0 '/ #'+% ! ))#" 0&# %.,1-5/ /3##0#/0 $1+". '/#. 4#0 1!(45/ 3')) # ",+ 0'+% ,$ / )#/ 0, 0&# -#. 0',+ #0#. + .#%'2#. 1--,.0 %.,1Sutter Joins Everheart Hospice Team

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TINY TOTS Every Tuesday at 11:00 Toddlers can join Miss Wendy in listening to a book finger plays music and fun movements Ages newborn to Pre K STORY HOUR Every Wednesday at 10:30 Kids come on in for a story, puppet play, music, games, and fun craft Grades Pre K 5 PUPPET PLAY Thursday, Sept 1, 1:00 Join Miss Wendy on Facebook for a posted video of a pre recorded puppet play NEW FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY MEETING Thursday Sept 1 6:00 Appreciation dinner at 6:30 EVENING BOOK DISCUSSION Thursday Sept 8, 6:30 Adults can join Staci for a book discussion on The Lincoln Highway by Amor Towles Books are available in the library, through the Ohio Digital Library, and HOOPLA PINTEREST CRAFT OF THE MONTH
& SAVE %%% What’s happening at... Milton-Union PUblic library 560 S. Main St., West Milton & 937-698-5515 BRING YOUR OWN DEVICE Mondays 11 a m 3 p m The Guiding Ohio Online program provides free tech training Have questions about Overdrive, Hoopla, or your device? Stop by the library to have your questions answered Appointments are encouraged; however, drop ins are welcome BUDDY READING Every Monday (except Sept 5),
www.mupubliclibrar %%% CLIP & SAVE %%% AUCTION Looking for an honest deal? You can find it in our classifieds.
Starting Wednesday, Sept 28, 6:30 Stop in to check out a copy of this month’s cookbook Ree Drummond s Pioneer Woman Cooks: Food from My Frontier Stop in or call the library to register and tell us what dish re bringing to share Thursday, Sept 29, 6:30 If you have ever been tasked with the responsibility of sorting through a loved one s personal this program will teach you what to keep and what can dispose of Contact the Librar 937-698-5515
Thursday Sept 15 6:30 Adults can join Staci for an evening of BINGO and fun! Prizes will be awarded for each round Registration required TEEN FUSION Monday, Sept 19, 6:30 Teens & Tweens are invited to have fun with learning at our new STEAM programs (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) every third Monda BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING Tuesday, Sept 20, 7:00 BOOK SALE
Additional sessions will be set on this day for additional training
The Annual Friends of the Library Book Sale runs Thursday thru Saturday Sept 22 24 Thursday 10 8; Friday 9 5; Saturday 9 5 with a bag sale running from 3 until 5 JUST A LITTLE INSPIRATION BOOK DISCUSSION
Friday Sept 16 9 5 and Saturday Sept 17 9 2 Not only will there be a large variety of categories and genre of books but also former library blinds and a printer that can be used by a small business or organization, among other items Anyone interested in volunteering for the book sale can call Cherie at 937 473 2226 PLEASE NOTE: Books donated by the public need to arrive and be processed by Friday, Sept 9 Wednesday, Sept 21 & Friday, Sept 23 will begin the very popular Keep Moving Exercise Class for mature adults taught by talented Vicki Hand 9:30 10:30 each day These weekly classes can be adapted for all indi viduals and the music is relaxing and exuberant at the same time Come and take part!
The goal is to help students reach AR reading goals and prac tice their
reading Sign ups required!
Wednesday Sept 28 1:00 Adults can join Staci for dis cussion of Her New Story by Laura Bradford Books are available in the library, through the Ohio Digital Library, and HOOPLA FOOD FOR THOUGHT COOK
Anyone interested in the “Epic Wonders Women’s Book Club” should meet at 10:30 in the Alcove Discussion will take place among all participants as to the type of books to be read and the format to be followed This is part of the Mature Adults Library Programming Remember we have an elevator Saturday, Sept 10 The library will be CLOSED due to Staff Professional Development
Wednesday, Sept 14 We will welcome Brian Kendall as instructor for our genealogical and historical SCANPro3500 machine, which can digitize 16mm, 35mm, slides, and negative and positive prints This amaz ing machine was donated by the John and Anne Sandfort family of California, formerly of Covington, and is available for use by everyone Brian will teach how to use the machine This will begin at 10:30 and last about an hour
Thursday, Sept 15, 1:00 Visit our Facebook page for a pre record ed video of Miss Wendy showing new books in the children s section BINGO FOR BOOKS
Beginning Sept 7, Every Wednesday at 6:30 “New Class” of VeraFlow! This is a dance based stretch format with mindfulness Dance Stretch Relax! Instructor will be professional exercise and VeraFlow trainer Lynn Blakeley Bring your Yoga mat or a large towel The class is limited to eight individuals, so sign up early!
with other students in our Buddy
Thursday, Sept 22, 1:00 3:00 JRC Card and Game Club will meet in the lower level Community Room A vari ety of games will be available, along with a great deal of fellowship and lively discussion This is also part of the Mature Adults Library Programming Remember we have an elevator PUT THIS DATE ON YOUR CALENDAR! Sunday Oct 2 2 4 p m The JRC Board of Trustees and Staff will be holding a “Rededication of J R Clarke Public Library and the 160th Anniversary Year of the Birth of J R Clarke ” More details For more infor mation, call 937 473 2226 or e mail: info@jrclarkelibrar y org %%% CLIP from 6:30 7:30, and volunteers read Reading program
Thursday, Sept 8
www arenspub com Page 5 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - AUGUST 24, 2022 " " " ! What’s happening at J.R. ClaRke PubliC libRaRy 102 E Spring St , Covington & 937 473 2226 Every Tuesday at 9:00 & 10:30 Developmental StoryTime with Miss Laurie and Miss Mary Kate Many preschool activities, skills, and books will be presented to children ages 3, 4 and 5 who have not attended Kindergarten Please sign up in advance at the Circulation Desk 2nd Monday of Every Month J R Clarke Trustee Board Meeting Everyone is welcome to attend 2nd Tuesday of Every Month FREE Health Screenings for Blood Pressure and Blood Glucose Premier Wellness staff will be available from 9 10:45 in the second floor Historical Alcove Last Monday of Every Month “Lego Landing & More” for Grades 1 thru 4 In addition to Lego Building and Design, there will be a variety of other activities in the coming months Session lasts from 3:15 4:15 Wednesday, Aug 31, 6 8 pm Lifewise Academy Open House in the community room Covington Elementary and Homeschooled children will have a wonderful opportunity to participate This program is coordinated with the school and interested parents who give their permission Come to the Open House to gain a fuller under standing Character Education along with Bible Truths all in one program! The LifeWise Academy curricu lum is designed to take students through the entire Bible beginning in Genesis and ending in Revelation over the course of five years Each lesson reviews a Bible passage as well as a "Living LifeWise" character trait The Historical Fort Rowdy Gathering is Saturday thru Monday, Sept 3 5 Don’t forget the Pioneer Spelling Bee for all ages on Saturday afternoon and the Elementary Children s Art Contest! Spelling lists and materials for the K 5 Children s Fort Rowdy Mountain Man Art Contest will be available from the Elementary art teacher for Covington Elementary students and JRC Library beginning Monday Aug 22 All art pictures are due no later than 5 p m Monday Aug 29 Monday, Sept 5 Library is CLOSED due to Labor Day Wednesday, Sept 7 Junior High “Hodge Podge” Activities for students in Grades 5 thru 8 is held the first Wednesday of every month from 3:15 4:45 A variety of STEAM activities will be presented from the library s CLARKE S QUEST Makerspace
Designed for older teens and adults For Infor mation About the Above Events,
Tuesday, Sept 13, 6:00 Join Katie in making mason jar leaf lanterns For adults Registration required HIGH NOONER’S BOOK DISCUSSION Thursday Sept 15 12:00 Adults are invited to join Katie for a casu al book discussion on Local Woman Missing by Mary Kubica Books are available in the library, through the Ohio Digital Library, and HOOPLA WHAT’S NEW IN THE CHILDRENS ROOM?

There was little or no military action that involved the fort directly and later Buchanan and his troops were summoned to Troy, then marched on up to Piqua to the signing of yet another peace treaty There is no record of any military presence at the fort after that but once peace had been restored the settlers used the stockade because of its central location The settlers came there dur ing times of emergency; they also used it as a stock pen, a market place, for social events, and held meetings there and, for the most part, it became known simply as “the gathering place ”
The His tory of For t Rowdy
The government, under the leadership of George Washington, realized that bold and swift action must be taken to quell the tribes or all hopes for settlement on the frontier would vanish The task of pacification fell to an officer who had distinguished himself in the Revolution his name was General “Mad” Anthony Wayne General Wayne gathered and trained his army at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and in 1792 he brought them to Fort Washington (Cincinnati) The plan was to establish additional forts and depots in the very heart of hostile territory To prove the seriousness of their intent these fortifications were to be erected on the trade routes portages and war trails of the Indians In 1793 Wayne took his army out of Fort Washington and started north with the usual assortment of camp followers in tow Camp followers have existed since the Roman legions and their reasons for adopting this lifestyle were as diverse as the people themselves waggoneers, stockmen, peddlers, wives, sweethearts, children, and tarts they all cast their lot with the fate of the army Wayne s army moved north and along the Miami River then on up the Stillwater River along the east bank until they came to what they considered to be a strategic location Here they constructed a base camp which consisted of an earth and log breastwork on the limestone bluffs overlooking the river After the fortification was completed, it was christened Fort Rowdy Local legend states that the ceremony concluded with the baptism of whiskey poured on the breastworks from the soldiers’ canteens and a lively celebration followed It is said the name Rowdy was derived from the behavior of the troops and camp fol lowers; another less colorful explanation is that the site was named after an officer friend of General Wayne’s named Rowdy Wayne and his troops soon moved west until they reached the spot General St Clair had men tioned in his dispatches Here they would build the largest stockaded fort in the Northwest Territory Upon completion, the fort was named after an officer of the Revolution whom Wayne had greatly admired Nathaniel Greene This fort was named Greene Ville and the little creek Wayne had fol lowed west from Fort Rowdy would become Greene Ville Creek In 1794 Wayne clashed with the tribes in a couple of small but sharp fights, but these were only preliminaries compared to the Battle of Fallen Timbers In this major engagement the Americans came away with a clear and decisive victory which eventually forced the tribes to sue for peace and ultimately led to the signing of the Treaty of Greene Ville in 1795 Things were fairly quiet for the next few years In the early 1800’s several settlers came to this area and soon small clearings and cabins began to dot the forest In the spring of 1812, with the out break of war, most of the settlers left their remote dwellings for the safety of the more populated areas in the east and the south The call went out for men to form a volunteer militia to serve for a period of four months Since this was a civilian group, they were required to outfit themselves There were no uniforms to speak of and no Government Issue arms The men from the nearby settlements gathered at Staunton (near Troy) An election was held and George Buchanan was named Captain He would be in charge of these frontier guards They were mustered into service as the First Company, Second Regiment, Fifth Brigade, of the First Division of the Ohio Militia a hefty title for only 50 men to live up to Buchanan was directed to occupy the same area that Wayne had used in 1793, there to build a stockade and blockhouse to be used as a transfer point and depot and to monitor the river traffic
Page 6 STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER AUGUST 24, 2022 www arenspub com You’ ll invite 20,000+toyour g ar age sale or auctin g ar age sale w hen you ad ver tise it in our classifiedpages. HELP WANTED EMPLOYEES?JNEEDAOB?NEED Stillwater Valley Classifieds bring together job seekers and potential employers every day. THE STILLWATER VALLEY CLASSIFIEDS Featuring new listings every week! or937-473-2028937-473-2020
R L Harmon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
When Captain Buchanan arrived and toured the area he decided that a spot farther north was more suitable than the site of Wayne’s old camp so he put his troops to work building a blockhouse, watch tower, and the log curtains that would enclose the stockade The stockade was located on a rise on the east bank of the river directly across from where the Greene Ville Creek entered the Stillwater River The fort was named Fort Buchanan but old habits die hard and people soon started calling it Fort Rowdy again which did not sit well with Captain Buchanan He was a religious man with high standards, and proud of the service he and his men were performing and he didn’t want them to be remembered in history as “rowdies ” He took exception with army dispatches directed to Fort Rowdy and finally the army relented and the mail was sent to “Buchanan’s Blockhouse ”
In 1791 the Indians of the Northwest Territory achieved a tremendous victory over the army of General Arthur St Clair on the upper branch of the Wabash (the site of Fort Recovery Ohio) So elated were the Indians that the number and ferocity of their raids on the isolated settlers and out posts were greatly increased The tribes felt that at last their dream of pushing the whites back across the Ohio River was within their grasp, but the dream was an illusion, for they had no con cept of the size of the white population in the eastern and southern settlements

www arenspub com Page 7 STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER AUGUST 24, 2022 ÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓ WANTED: Broken or non running John Deere, Cub Cadet, & Wheel Horse lawnmowers Will pick up others 937 473 2705 or KJRIND01@hotmail com !! OLD GUITARS WANTED !! Gibson, Fender, Martin, Etc 1930’s to 1980’s TOP DOLLAR PAID Call Toll Free 1-866 433 8277 VALLEY CLASSIFIEDS " & !" $ & # ! $ " " #!" ! % ! & # !! " & # & # " ! # " % #! !! " & STORBRADFORD&LOCK ".7865+3 :825.88 644.7,2+3 5'*,35*= %# $ #' *** *** # STUMPTRIMMINGREMOVALTREEREMOVAL $ # # ! $ ! $ ! ! ! "# $ ( "$! <<< ;,.9,*/8,7;0*,8 *42 %# # 3 # " # " $ % # % ! $ ?$?$ %# $ #' & & $# ! ( $ )11 $" ,-47, (4: ,*0+, !7+9+ < 7,2 %# # $%!# %* WOOD CHUCKIN, LLC !"# #! $ ! !" "& ! $ ! $%& " #&$ # !' %# $ #' +-1'2 * 5++29.00+ -.3 " &(( " $% ! %#! "(%#*" ")* '&*('$ +% &)&+$-'*) 0)&+, 7,2 $ "% % $ COOPER'S ! ! = 7,2 $ "% % $ # " # > % ! $ $ "% % "& " ! $ ) ' % " & !! # %# $ #' TAYLOR’S TREE SERVICE #! #! ! % " " ! & # " !% $ $ %#" & % ' ) "%'$ + ""$#' ! $ ! 1+5-+2)< !+59.)+ 9'.0'(0+ (( +$)%, (( *%&(, " $% # ( # " # 27+5.35 > +: +4'.5 ;7+5.35 !78))3 5<9.7 !<67+16 8'0.7< %35/ = !" " ! & % ! # " ! 8)7.32++5 ( $4291 #- 6;250965 <<< ):*9043>05 *42 9243+5-28+:,9265..7 =+166 ,64 7,2 '59.2 !7 = +77<6(85%:.8 72 $+9 9/5 $&""* $ ) ' % ! % ! 3.+5 (+9.7<+=8 29,1.8 "65-8 #!! % ! $ > ! % ! # ' %!" # & ! ! # & # # & ! # # ! # $ ! " ::: '5+2648( )31 # ! % & ! ! ' "# 5.9+:';6 '51 '2+6 '5/.2, 376 '80.2, ! ! % ! ! ! ! " # $(( , *+ (( #*.+ +'/&0$1 &&%, ::: )334+56(0')/734 )31 !!# % ! "5,*0)10>03. 03 " # & " #,*/306:, 4,8(4:7 42, );, 1.), =% " > "947= 42, "9)7903. )9 "947= 42,8 "9)7903. )9 $( " $ ! #'"& % ! " $! % ( $ ( # ! ! " # * * 2 2 , !,80+,390)1 422,7*0)1 ",7;0*, Your High Standards Plumber < ",7;03. 0)20 4 "03*, / 4 0*,38, !# +W O R K W A N T E D D E M O L I T I O N : A l s o , c o n c r e t e demolition such as old swimming pools, barn foundations, porches, e t c A l s o g e n e r a l e x c a v a t i o n work 937 232 7380 HANDYMAN SERVICES BOBCaT WORK LIGHT DIRT & GRAVEL HAULING Quality work! Reasonably priced F o r f r e e e s t i m a t e s , c a l l 937 613 0511 or 937 581 0045 aMIsh CReW Sam Schwartz wants any type of carpenter work Room additions roofs foundation replacements restoration of buildings, etc For FREE estimate, call 260 301 1777 T H I S W E E K S P U Z Z L E A N S W E R S MOBILE AUTO REPAIRS LLC A S E c e r t i f i e d 4 0 + y e a r s e x p e r i e n c e G M e n g i n e , transmission, & differential repair Call Dennis Bowerman at 937 459 8451 CLASSIFIEDS Automotive Automotive G A R A G E S A L E S ESTATE SALE: Three genera tions! 8655 Klinger Rd , Coving ton Aug 25 27, 9 5 Household; tools (hand tools to power tools); NASCAR; antiques; & lots more! havINg a gaRage sale? Just a reminder that the deadline for submitting clas sified ads is ThURsDaY aT 5 P.M. preceding publication. F O R S A L E : M i a m i M e m o r i a l Park Covington (2) lots in The G a r d e n o f F r e e d o m $ 1 5 0 0 each 937 570 0447 vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv WANTED: Old motorcycles, mini bikes, mopeds, 3 wheelers, or 4-wheelers Running or not Covington 937 473 2705 KJRIND01@hotmail com REAL ESTATE