ECrWss Postal Customer STILLWATER VALLEYA DVERTISER PrE sOrtED stANDArD u s POstAGE PAID Arens Corporation ) % #& ( "! '!$#& Vol 71 - No 35 Circulation: 10,508 • 937-473-2028 • AUGUST 31, 2022 FAX: 937 473 2500 • E Mail: arenspub@gmail com • Check Us Out On The Web: arenspub com ZONED INsErt: PAttY s IGA; FOrt rOWDY sPECIALtY PAGE: LABOr DAY: PAGE 3 WhEN YOu suPPOrt A smALL BusINEss, YOu suPPOrt A DrEAm ANONYmOus • PAID ADVERTORIAL •

Tickets are $1 each or six for $5 Drawing will be November 8 Please consider helping with this wor thy cause The Burkettsville Neurological Center does amazing work at no cost to families
barbee, wilma c , 93 A resident of Covington Died Monday Aug 22 at Ohio s Hospice
ByLaws Committee Proposes Changes
Jim O’Donnell Covington Valley Farewells
Covington Newberry Historical Museum To Be Open During The Gathering
The Covington Newberry Historical Society ByLaws Committee has proposed some changes and amendments to the cur rent ByLaws The proposed changes/amendments will be the subject of three readings at the regular member meetings The second read ing will be held during the meeting on Monday, Sept 12 The ByLaws, with proposed changes noted, are available at the museum on the first and third Sunday of each month from 2 5 p m or the second and fourth Wednesday from 5 7 p m Stop by and pick up your copy and then join us September 12 at 106 S Pearl St at 7 p m for any questions and/or thoughts to share in our mission of protecting and preserving the history and artifacts of Covington and Newberry Township
Covington BOE Meeting Slated
HAVE A SERVICE TO OFFER? Advertise it in our classifieds Page 2 STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER AUGUST 31, 2022 www arenspub com %*)2*6)&; 8, +531 73 4 1 &7 7-* #.44 *27*5 *22; "&82)*56 +531 7-* &85& .5* *4&57 1*27 :.00 '* .2 &77*2)&2(* .22*5 :.00 '* 4539.)*) '; 0.9* &5)*2 00 9*7*5&26 &5* .29.7*) 73 &77*2)"&785)&; "*47 +531 73 4 1 3.2 4*5&7.32 $*7*5&2 &5*,.9*5 "844357 &7 8(/;<6 *: 50*&26 "23: '&006 (* 5*&1 % &5/*7 "7 #53; +35 :-&7 .6 '*.2, (&00*) 7-* ,5384<6 6:**7*67 +82)5&.6*5 ;*7 8(/;<6 :.00 '* )32&7.2, 3+ 6&0*6 73 7-* 4*5&7.32 $*7*5&2 &5*,.9*5 "844357 ,5384 ! 0&5/* 8'0.( .'5&5; "45.2, "7 39.2,732 5.)&; "*47 &2) "&785 )&; "*47 &5,* 9&5.*7; 3+ '33/6 +351*5 0.'5&5; '0.2)6 &2) & 45.27*5 &9&.0&'0* 32&7*) '33/6 1867 '* 453(*66*) '; 5.)&; "*47 27*5*67*) .2 930827**5.2, &00 -*5.* &7 " # ! # " " # ! $+$!0 2(.- .% (%$ 5(++ !$ '$+# %.0 .#-$6 0+ .++(-1 .230# 6 $/2 / , 2 .4(-&2.- $2261!30& # .4(-&2.- .#-$6 .-#.- '(. %.0,$0+6 .% .4(-&2./ 11$# 5 6 -3 06 (- 0$$-4(++$ %.++.5(-& !0($% (++-$11 .#-$6 5 1 &0 #3 2$ .% //$0 ++$6 0$$0 $-2$0 -# 0$"$(4$# #(.+.&6 #$&0$$ %0., (-"+ (0 .++$&$ ($ 0$2(0$# %2$0 6$ 01 .% 1$04("$ %.0 2'$ 2 2$ .% '(. %.0 .-#..00$"2(.- + -# #(1.- .3-26 .00$"2(.- + -12(232$1 .#-$6 , 00($# ("'$++$ $-$$ (+!$02 .++(-1 .- "2.!$0 '$ /0$"$#$# '(, (- #$ 2' $/2$,!$0 %2$0 6$ 01 .% , 00( &$ $ $-).6$# "..*(-& 1/$-#(-& 2(,$ 5(2' '(1 % ,(+6 2(-*$0(-& 5(2' " 01 -# 5..#5.0*(-& .12 (,/.02 -2 '$ 5 1 #$4.2$# '31! -# 1.- !0.2'$0 3-"+$ -# %0($-# $ (1 1304(4$# !6 '(1 / 0$-21 .#&$0 -# + (-$ .++(-1 .% .4(-&2.- 1(12$01 , .'- '$0, - .4(-&2.- $!$"" ,$1 0(%%(- ,!0(#&$ '(. -# 0( 0* '$$21 .4 (-&2.- 1 5$++ 1 -($"$1 -$/'$51 3-21 3-"+$1 -# ".31(-1 .#-$6 5 1 /0$"$#$# (- #$ 2' !6 / 2$0- + &0 -#/ 0$-21 .!$02 -# $+$- .++(-1 -# , 2$0- + &0 -#/ 0$-21 (-#1 6 -# $+$- ..# ("$ "! & $ # % "$ &! ' " & % # " # " " " " ! ! " " " "
“Christmas Surprise” is the name chosen for this beau tiful quilt to be raffled All proceeds will be donated to Burkettsville Neurological Center, which doesn’t receive any government funding and relies on donations and the generosity of others This year ’s quilt, as in the past, was a wonderful group project by ladies from Russia and Versailles They decided on a Christmas theme, since they’ve already done a patriot and a fall themed quilt
The Covington Exempted Village School District Board of Education will meet for a Work Session on Tuesday Sept 6 at 8:30 a m This meeting will be held in the Covington Fire House 801 E Broadway St , Covington This is an open meeting and the public is welcome to attend No action will be taken at the meeting
Tickets are available in Versailles from Rosie Pierron and Carolyn Francis (937 526 5915) In Russia, you can contact Betty York, Cindy Goubeaux, Diane Grillot, Ellen Heffner, Janice Armstrong, Wanda Monnin, Marilyn Sherman Mary Ann Bohman Trudy York and Marilyn Monnin (937 205 6524) Leave your name and phone number and they ll get back to you
To the Editor
The Covington Newberry Historical Society Museum will be open for the Fort Rowdy Gathering on Saturday and Sunday, Sept 3 and 4 from noon until 4 p m each day Stop by and look at the many displays and artifacts from years ago It’s always fun to share memories of “Remember When” with the hosts and other guests!
Inpatient Care Center Troy landis, wealtha l., 94 A resident of Pleasant Hill Died Monday Aug 22
– BRADFORD –monday, aug 22 Girls’ Vars ty Volleyball falls to Cedarville 3 0 Thursday, aug 25 Gir s’ Varsity Volleyball falls to Botkins 3 0 NEWTON saTurday, aug 20 Girls’ Varsity Volleyball beats Troy Christian 3 1 TuEsday, aug 23 Girls Varsity Soccer beats National Trail 4 0 TuEsday, aug 23 Gir s’ Varsity Volleyball beats Legacy Christian Academy 3 0
Christmas Quilt Raffle to Benefit
Covington Newberry Historical Society
KUDOS to Annie Harrison and the COA organization! Annie is the ramrod that gets things done through great planning and organization and much time involved Of course, terrific volun teers are necessary to carry out the planning and projects and they get things done Well done to all Thanks for being there and for your time and effort
Burkettsville Neurological Center
Combine the power of print with the power of the internet All of our advertising is also available on line V isit $"# *'+$&"*'&!'(This Week’s Daily Specials! &*$% ' $) " $& )/, -#+ ')3 * 0, /#.2# !,$$## ,+)3 ! ! ! &'--#"1%##$5.23 &'!(#+#-0,0'#5'"#/ 1/#-0*#%#'"#/ &,'!##-0!(4/ #-0# 0 , $ 5 '"#/ #-0'#!#))#3# 5 '"#/

On Labor Day, we salute the men and women whose hard work keeps our nation moving in the right direction Their expertise, dedication, innovation and industry are the lifeblood of America’s economy, and it’s the combined effort of so many hands, hearts and minds working together as a team that keeps our country strong and vibrant. As we celebrate Labor Day, we recognize with gratitude all of our many workers who uphold and embody the robust work ethic that makes us so proud to be Americans.
" ! " # # ! This message is brought to you by these proud local businesses . . . www arenspub com Page 3 STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER AUGUST 31, 2022 $$$ ## # " ! ! % % H A P P Y L A B O R DAY, A M E R I C A ! HONORING OUR WORKFORCE

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Page 6 STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER AUGUST 31, 2022 www arenspub com LEGAL NOTICES HELP WANTED A U C T I O N !($/(' ,'6 !,1*/( 5,0( 2175$&7 )25 7+( )851,6+,1* 2) $// 1(&(66$5< 0$7(5,$/6 $1' &216758&7,21 2) 7+( 7+5(( %,' 3$&. $*(6 = (: $9,/,21 $1' !3/$6+ $' ,' 2175$&7 $1' 0 3+,7+($7(5 ,' 2175$&7 8'< 523(57< (02/,7,21 $1' $// $662&,$7(' 6,7( :25. $5( 5(48(67(' %< #,//$*( 2) 29,1*721 5$17 !7 29,1*721 +,2 ,'6 :,// %( 5(&(,9(' %< 7+( #,//$*( 2) 29,1*721 $7 7+(,5 2)),&(6 /2&$7(' $7 7+( 29(510(17 (17(5 ! ,*+ !7 29,1*721 +,2 817,/ $ 0 21 )25 ,' 2175$&7 $1' $ 0 21 )25 ,' 2175$&7 3 0 21 )25 8'< 523(57< (02 $1' $7 7+$7 7,0( :,// %( 38%/,&/< 23(1(' $1' 5($' $/28' 35( %,' 0((7,1* ,6 6&+('8/(' )25 $// 7+5(( %,' 3$&.$*(6 21 $7 $ 0 $7 7+( 29(510(17 (17(5 "+( %$6( (67,0$7( 2) 352%$%/( &2676 )25 7+(6( 352-(&76 $5( ,' 2175$&7 ,' 2175$&7 $1' 8'< (02 $6 ,'(17,),(' ,1 %,' '2&80(176 ,''(56 6+$// 127 %( 5(63216,%/( )25 3$<,1* 6$/(6 7$;(6 21 0$7(5,$/6 ,1 &25325$7(' ,172 7+( 6758&785( !,; 0217+6 )25 &20 3/(7( ,167$//$7,21 2) ($&+ %,' 3$&.$*( $7 7+( 6$0( 7,0( ,1$/ &203/(7,21 '$7( $1' 67$57 83 2) !3/$6+3$' 72 %( &225',1$7(' :,7+ :1(5 "+,6 352-(&7 0867 )2//2: $// $1' 7+( /$7(67 $9,6 $&21 :$*( 58/(6 5(*8/$7,216 $1' 5$7(6 "+,6 352-(&7 0867 )2//2: 8< 0(5,&$ 58/(6 $1' 5(*8/$7,216 $6 127(' $7 7+( (1' 2) 7+,6 6(&7,21 "+,6 ,6 $ !,1*/( 5,0( 2175$&7 )25 ($&+ %,' 3$&.$*( 2175$& 7256 &$1 %,' 21 $// 3$&.$*(6 6(3$5$7(/< 0867 %( .(37 6(3$5$7( '8( 72 )81',1* 6285&(6 "+( &2175$&7 '2&80(176 ,1&/8',1* 3/$16 $1' 63(&,),&$7,216 $5( 21 ),/( $7 7+( #,//$*( 29(510(17 (17(5 $1' 7+( 5&+,7(&7 1*,1((5 = 2**(0(<(5 (6,*1 5283 1& 2&80(176 0$< %( 9,(:(' $1' 25'(5(' 21/,1( 25 2%7$,1(' )520 (&.(5 035(66,216 1*2/$ ' "2/('2 +,2 7(/(3+21( )25 7+( &267 2) 35,17,1* 72 %( 3$,' 72 7+( 35,17,1* &203$1< $7 7+( 7,0( 7+( '5$:,1*6 $5( 3,&.(' 83 !+,33,1* $1' 7$; &+$5*(6 $5( 7+( %,''(5>6 5(63216,%,/,7< $1' 3$<$%/( ',5(&7/< 72 (&.(5 0 35(66,216 (,7+(5 7+( :1(5 125 7+( '(6,*1 7($0 $5( 5(6321 6,%/( )25 $1< 0,66(' 6(&7,216 25 &20081,&$7,21 ,) '2&80(176 $5( 127 2%7$,1(' ',5(&7/< )520 7+( 35,17,1* &203$1< // (48(676 )25 1)250$7,21 $1' 48(67,216 0867 %( ( 0$,/(' 72 " 2 7(/(3+21( &$//6 &23< 2) 285 )250 ,6 ,1&/8'(' ,1 7+( 63(&,),&$7,21 0$18$/ $1' &$1 $/62 %( )281' $7 ! < 5'(5 2) "+( #,//$*( 2) 29,1*721 29,1*721 +,2 $<76-AB; --: ,>-:<1;-:; !-<-:; $0-44; ,>-:<1;-:; #-41)*414 )6 1;016/ );3-< :)+3-: %16; ; 1/0<-, !1+<=:4=5 6,1)6 !18- 74,-: 4=5 :7/ )27: -)/=- );-*)44 773; $->-:)4 4, );-*)44 47>-; #7A)4 :-;< #)16 )=/- 4)A<76 017 6<-:6)<176)4 )+307- %7A %:)+<7: 4, ):5 9=185-6< 1>-;<7+3 )6=)4; 4, 014 ,:-6B; 773; !:151<1>- :)?-: ')44 )*16-< $5=+3-:B; 4* ):, %16 !:151<1>- )6,4- 74, 788-: =+3-<; -01 '77,-6 7@ 4, !7;<+):,; 4, :7+3; =/; ):; ):6 )6<-:6; 4, );3-<; )8 #7;- $7)8 7@ !:151<1>- %774 )::1-:; $->-:)4 7>- %)14-, $0-44 7@-; -6,)44 /)4 14 )6 $14>-: $0-44 /)4 14 )6 4, #-)4 !07<7; 884- =<<-: :7+3 %:1)6/4- ):5 :),.7:, )44; 7. 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As we ve said many times, the Stillwater Valley Advertiser is not a newspaper in the sense most think of a newspaper The key is in our name AdVertiSer This publication relies on paid advertising to generate income for printing/postage costs, staff salaries, and building/equipment maintenance However, the Advertiser is pleased to be of service to the community by offering open space when available to help our readers share news they feel is of interest to the community, such as engagements, weddings, milestone birthdays and anniversaries, birth announcements, five generation pictures, Vacation Bible Schools, library programs, school and club events etc If an organization, even non profits like Veterans organiza tions, charge for a steak, chicken, or fish fry, we can’t offer free advertising to them, as their event competes with area restau rants who do pay for display advertising Churches also com pete with restaurant advertisers when they host Chili and Spaghetti Dinners etc The key is in what is done with the funds generated For example, a church hosting a dinner to raise money for a new organ would be charged to advertise that event However, if the church is hosting a dinner to benefit a family experiencing a health crisis or who have lost their home in a fire, the Advertiser waives the cost of advertising as our contribu tion to the effort Those wishing to advertise an event that does charge an admittance fee can do so by including that information in our Calendar of Events for just $15 per week
If you question whether or not your event qualifies for free advertising, feel free to call our office at 937 473 2028, Monday thru Friday, 8:30 a m until 4:30 p m Our helpful staff will be happy to assist you, or will direct your call to Gary Godfrey, president of Arens Corporation

HAVE A SERVICE TO OFFER? Advertise it in our classifieds.Call 937 473 2028 GARAGE SALES www arenspub com Page 7 STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER AUGUST 31, 2022 " & !" $ & # ! $ " " #!" ! % ! & # !! " & # & # " ! # " % #! !! " & STORBRADFORD&LOCK ".7865+3 :825.88 644.7,2+3 5'*,35*= %# $ #' *** *** # STUMPTRIMMINGREMOVALTREEREMOVAL $ # # ! $ ! $ ! ! ! "# $ ( "$! <<< ;,.9,*/8,7;0*,8 *42 %# # 3 # " # " $ % # % ! $ ?$?$ %# $ #' & & $# ! ( $ )11 $" ,-47, (4: ,*0+, !7+9+ < 7,2 %# # $%!# %* WOOD CHUCKIN, LLC !"# #! $ ! !" "& ! $ ! $%& " #&$ # !' %# $ #' +-1'2 * 5++29.00+ -.3 " &(( " $% ! %#! "(%#*" ")* '&*('$ +% &)&+$-'*) 0)&+, 7,2 $ "% % $ COOPER'S ! ! = 7,2 $ "% % $ # " # > % ! $ $ "% % "& " ! $ ) ' % " & !! # %# $ #' TAYLOR’S TREE SERVICE #! #! ! % " " ! & # " !% $ $ %#" & % ' ) "%'$ + ""$#' ! $ ! 1+5-+2)< !+59.)+ 9'.0'(0+ (( +$)%, (( *%&(, " $% # ( # " # 27+5.35 > +: +4'.5 ;7+5.35 !78))3 5<9.7 !<67+16 8'0.7< %35/ = !" " ! & % ! # " ! 8)7.32++5 ( $4291 #- 6;250965 <<< ):*9043>05 *42 9243+5-28+:,9265..7 =+166 ,64 7,2 '59.2 !7 = +77<6(85%:.8 72 $+9 9/5 $&""* $ ) ' % ! % ! 3.+5 (+9.7<+=8 29,1.8 "65-8 #!! % ! $ > ! % ! # ' %!" # & ! ! # & # # & ! # # ! # $ ! " ::: '5+2648( )31 # ! % & ! ! ' "# 5.9+:';6 '51 '2+6 '5/.2, 376 '80.2, ! ! % ! ! ! ! " # $(( , *+ (( #*.+ +'/&0$1 &&%, ::: )334+56(0')/734 )31 !!# % ! "5,*0)10>03. 03 " # & " #,*/306:, 4,8(4:7 42, );, 1.), =% " > "947= 42, "9)7903. )9 "947= 42,8 "9)7903. )9 $( " $ ! #'"& % ! " $! % ( $ ( # ! ! " # * * 2 2 , !,80+,390)1 422,7*0)1 ",7;0*, Your High Standards Plumber < ",7;03. 0)20 4 "03*, / 4 0*,38, !# +W O R K W A N T E D D E M O L I T I O N : A l s o , c o n c r e t e demolition such as old swimming pools, barn foundations, porches, e t c A l s o g e n e r a l e x c a v a t i o n work 937 232 7380 HANDYMAN SERVICES BOBCAT WORK LIGHT DIRT & GRAVEL HAULING Quality work! Reasonably priced F o r f r e e e s t i m a t e s c a l l 937 613 0511 or 937 581 0045 AMISH CREW Sam Schwartz wants any type of carpenter work Room additions roofs foundation replacements restoration of buildings, etc For FREE estimate, call 260 301 1777 T H I S W E E K S P U Z Z L E A N S W E R S MOBILE AUTO REPAIRS LLC A S E c e r t i f i e d 4 0 + y e a r s e x p e r i e n c e G M e n g i n e transmission, & differential repair Call Dennis Bowerman at 937 459 8451 CLASSIFIEDS Automotive Automotive M O V I N G S A L E ! O r n a m e n t a l rugs; colored glassware; Hopa long Cassidy items; jewelry; old lumber pile; Hot Wheel cars; c a b i n e t h a r d w a r e ; c h i m e s ; dresser & chest; benches; bot tles; pictures; horse books; sad dles, tack, etc ; Pfaltzgraff pot tery Aug 30 Sept 2, 4:30 7 5 3 8 5 W K e s s l e r C o w l e s v i l l e , West Milton HOUSEHOLD SALE: Featuring Longaberger baskets & pottery Also, many other new & used items Mon Sat , Sept 5 Oct 8 18 Meadow Court Minster G A R A G E S A L E : 6 1 0 1 F t Loramie Swanders, Minster (1 mi east of State Park) Sept 1 & 2 9 6 Wagner Ware roaster c h i c k e n f r y e r & D u t c h o v e n ; antique clocks; seasonal decor; Vera Bradley purses; metal lawn chairs; & housewares ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ WANTED: Old motorcycles, mini bikes, mopeds, 3 wheelers, or 4-wheelers Running or not Covington 937 473 2705 12x20 SUNSETTER Motorized R e t r a c t a b l e Aw n i n g : B r o w n & beige 2 1/2 years old Price new: $ 5 , 0 0 0 S e l l f o r $ 2 , 5 0 0 937 875 0435 VALLEY CLASSIFIEDS F O R S A L E : M i a m i M e m o r i a l Park Covington (2) lots in The G a r d e n o f F r e e d o m ” $ 1 , 5 0 0 each 937 570 0447 ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ WANTED: Broken or non running John Deere, Cub Cadet, & Wheel Horse lawnmowers Will pick up others 937 473 2705 or KJRIND01@hotmail com