Country Living 10-22

Page 1


ELECTRIC FENCE POSTS (approx 70), T posts, all types of insulators & connectors Echo Easy Start string trim mer, LN! Piqua 937 214 4408

YOUNG FARMER seeking farm ground to rent Darke & surrounding counties Versailles 937 417 2969

VAN DALE Silo Unloader: 20 ft Used 4 times $2,500 Trenton 513 649 5826

BELLY MOWER for Ford 1600 Series utility tractor $150 Light duty engine lift Low profile $75 Convoy 419 203 3993

(2) PRIME LOTS in “Freedom Garden” (Veterans) at Miami Memorial Park, Covington, Ohio Both improved with custom vaults $2,125 Piqua 937 418 2610

J&M 12 TON Running Gear: Yorkshire 937 726 6447


In West Milton & surrounding areas

Please contact Steve McGuffey, West Milton 937 673 5730


motors. Stop by

convenient location at 301 W. Wenger Rd. in Englewood,

Their knowledgeable staff look forward to helping

Want to impress your family or overnight guests with a mouth water ing breakfast that will have them begging for seconds? Wow them with Blueberry Crepes, a recipe shared with us by an Arcanum reader You’ll find it on Page 39, along with recipes for Orange Cream Fruit Salad and a super easy way to make Baked Steak


Share Your Favor ite Recipe Wi th O ur Readers


WANTED TO BUY: Horses, ponies, & saddles. Ansonia 937 337 2622

1 PAIR of Scaffold Jacks: $125 New Paris 937 564 2114

Page 2 - COUNTRY LIVING - OCTOBER 2022 ; ,*+4 0) #$9 ; 04 -($2,/* ; /6$3,6( !1(&,(3 ; $2(*205/' 253+ #((' (2%,&,'( 11-,&$4,0/ 2((/-(( ' "209 +,0 2$'(/ ,3+(2 : +0/( : $8 .$,- %2$'(/ 6(*4(&+3(26,&(3 &0. ; "2(( 25/,/* ; "2(( "+,//,/* ; "2(( (.06$; $%-,/* ; 02(3429 07,/* ; (/&( 073 (( #+- )+-" &*#+-) /&+* -& " */ . -""' ! /+* 3 BUYING BLACK WALNUTS -&*$ /%") &* %0.' " , 1 2 ,"- ( #+- &* .%"(( *0/. * )! & % ' ! $ '" ' # ' *! !! # & " " * ' #) " # "' % ' # ' % * & % ' (" "" % ' " ' ! # ! " ! # ! " ! Next Month’s Deadline Thursday, Oct. 27 No Later Than 4:00 pm COUNTRY LIVING Contents Cover Picture Countr y Kitchen COUNTRY LIVING Is Published Monthly By: ARENS CORPORATION P.O. Box 69, 395 S. High St., Covington, OH 45318 937 473 2028 • 937 473 2029 • FAX: 937 473 2500 E MAIL: arenspub@gmail com CHECK US OUT ON THE NET: IMPORTANT!!! When submitting advertisements or news releases, always include your full name, address, & phone number (including area code) Swigart electric motorS Your “go to” place for all types of agricultural, indus-
and residential
Page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

FIREWOOD: Hardwood Seasoned $120/cord Yorkshire 419 582 2273 Call at noon or after 6 p m Or leave mes sage

WANTED: Someone to take care of a 50 tree apple orchard on shares Near Arcanum 937 692 8215

JD 6600 & MF 510 Combine Parts: Rossburg 937 564 0719

FARMALL M (4) rear wheel weights & front weights $450 Pull type yard sprayer/spot $125 Commercial 5’ 100 gal pull type roller $250 West Milton 937 901 7212

WESTON STEP BARS for ‘97 F150 Ext Cab: Brand new, in box $50 Anna 937 658 1884

TREADMILL: Nordic Track 1750 22’x60’ 15% incline Color display Wi Fi Folds $950 OBO Everlast HD Body Punch Bag GC! $90 OBO Cash Tipp City 937 902 6928

NI #217 MANURE SPREADER: 200 bu Slop gate Single beater Good tires Stored inside VGC! Delivery available $4,000 Holland 419 277 0668

WHEAT STRAW: $3/bale Approx 800 bales Russia 937 526 4091 Leave msg

COMMERCIAL GRADE Floor Tile: 12”x12” Numerous colors & sq ft Quantities $25/box Brookville 937 287 0685

SEVERAL FORD, MF Tractors for Parts: Franklin 937 474 9899

!#$ "$ !#$ " $ ! " $ $ % % ! $ & $ # $ ! "! " ! !! & # " & $ !# ! ! ( % & % $ " ( #% # " $ % $"( & 2(. + %" " % -( ,. &"- " !! ! % ! !! 0"-! -! .' +,- ' "' -! - -! 2 0"%% ). %",! + ( ! + " -! 2 *. %" 2 " !" ! & . %",! + + , +/ , -! +" !- -( + # - +- "' , ! 2 ,!(.% %0 2, "' (( - ,- ' $ $ ' " # ! # !" $ ( ' ,.+ -( "' %. 2(.+ + ( ' )!(' '.& + % ,," " , ,!(.% (& +(& +& + (+ (-! + (.'-+2 + ," '- 0!( ", '(- .,"' -! & (+ (&& + " % ).+)(, "' 0!" ! ! ", + .% +%2 ' ! 2 &.,- + -! ' & ' + ,, ( -! 0+"- + %(' 0"-! !", (+ ! + .,-(& + '.& + 0!" ! - %%, ., 2(. + &(' -! ,. , +" +, ( (.+ (.'-+2 "/"' ('(+ (%% ( +" ' , & "$ # "# ' # $ "% # " $ $ %#$ " #% $ # $ ( %" # 0"%% , ' "' &(+ -! ' (.'-+2 !(& , ' ' ,. &"-- "' (.+ 0 2, )12 90-3 95 5:497> 1;14/ 7-48 576 !:*2180-78 ! 5= 5;14/954 $-2-6054- 5:7 5..1+- )9 57 )4> 913- 54,)> 907: 71,)> ) 3 95 6 3 "-3-3*-7 >5: 3:89 /1;- 5:7 7-+-69154 189 >5:7 +:8953-7 4:3*-7 57 >5: <122 *- *122-, .57 90- ), 8 8:*3199-, " ! " " ! " !# ! )= >5:7 ), 8 95 3)12 >5:7 ), 8 95 )7-486:* /3)12 +53 % $"( & ", ). %",! &('-!%2 + '(' (&& + " % % ,," " , 0"%% )- (+ ). %" -"(' "' -! (%%(0"' &('-! , ",,. , % - , )(,," % ! +%" + 0 + "/ 2(.+ -! -- + ! ' "- ! , -( - "' -! ' 1- ",,. ! ' , ++"/ -(( % - -( & - -! %"' (+ "/ ' ",,. -! 2 + ! % (/ + ' "/ ' )+"(+"-2 "' -! (%%(0"' ",,. " # ! & " 5 1 . ! ! " ! ! % " !! ! " " % "! & ! ! " # ! ! # " ! ! !% " ! % " !! ! " % "! ! " ! % ! $ ! " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! # ! # % ! ! # " ! $ # " ! % ! "! ! % ! ! # $ % ! ! ! !% ! ! ! ! ! $
Page 5 COUNTRY LIVING OCTOBER 2022 $!.'+% .+$. # .$$+2'))$ &', / )$/ 0.'-)$" %.'/1--)4 ",* 6 ,3$. . +/*'//',+ .0/ 6 $ .'+%/ 6 $)0/ 6 ,))$. & '+/ 6 -.,"($0/ 6 1 )'04 ,)0/ 6 -$"' )04 /0$+$./ $$ / ,. ,1. -. 4$. $.0')'5$. .0/$$ / ,. ,1. -. 4$. $.0')'5$. .0/ KITTENS FREE TO GOOD HOME! 10 weeks old All colors White, blonde, grey, or grey striped Litter box trained Love being cuddled! West Alex 937 839 1009 or 937 603 6604 LARGE CHARCOAL GRILL: 3’x4’ cook ing surface SS construction With removable legs $300 Brookville 937 287 0685 WOOD & STEEL Cattle Racks: 8’ long 6-1/2’ wide 7’ high Will fit full size truck 8’ bed or same size trailer. $50. Ver sailles 937 621 1309 )' )' ) & # !" #! ! ! !$"" ( #! ! # )' )' ) ( & ( # ! #! ! ! !$"" ( #! ! # )' )' ) ( & ( # ! ( & ( ( # ! #! ! ! !$"" ( #! ! # )' )' ) ( & ( # ! ( & ( # ! #! ! ! !$"" ( #! ! # ' # % " ( &&& ! !%" $ #" ! ! HOLIDAY EXTRAVAGANZAHOLIDAY EXTRAVAGANZA WANTED TO BUY: Outfitters tent Sid ney 937 570 3282 IH 480 DISK: Manual fold wings 18’ wide Needs bearing replaced $2,000 Wapakoneta 419 941 1196 TRACTOR MOUNTED PTO driven Ace pump Fits 1 3/4” 1,000 rpm PTO shaft LN! $500 Urbana 937 238 6504 ‘76 454: Short deck Crank shaft GC! Stock cast iron spread bore intake Oval port for ‘76 454 Also, misc parts Phillipsburg 937 832 7124

HARDWOOD LUMBER: 130 bd ft Mostly oak (2) maple boards Dry, planed Assorted prices & sizes Ger mantown 513 594 7855

CASE IH 8330 9’ Haybine: Mows good Good paint GC! $2,500 Ansonia 937 459 9577

16’ HAY WAGON on JD running gear $1,000 Rushsylvania 937 468 2439

WIN RICH PERFECTA 4 season vent less propane free standing fireplace Make offer Celina 419 733 5449 Leave msg

JD 447 ROUND BALER: Yorkshire 937 726 6447

FIRESTONE 28L 26 brand new com bine tire; 800R32 (30 5x32), almost new; also, other combine & tractor tires Franklin 937 474 9899

62’x10” GSI Swing Away Auger: New cylinder $1,500 Eaton 937 232 6540


WANTED: Broken or non running John Deere, Cub Cadet, & Wheel Horse lawnmowers. Will pick up others. 937 473 2705 or

SEA HAWK 5 pass paddle boat HD polyethylene 825# capacity $150 Cov ington 937 623 9903

HEAVY DUTY RACK Crane lifting straps & steel cable straps Office desks & etc New Paris 937 533 7456

BIG BALE WAGON: Needs floor, from truck frame $800 Sheep feeders 12 ft , $200 15 ft , $300 Rossburg 937 564 0719

YARD/GARDEN WAGON: 53x35x12 Rubber tired Pull or tow GC! Cost $200 plus Asking $85 Call or text Pre ble Co 937 266 6210

SEVERAL FORD, MF Tractors for Parts: Franklin 937 474 9899

CHINESE Ringneck Pheasants: Call Mike for pricing New Weston 419 305 9616

JD 1010 12’ Field Cult : Heavy beam front end $600 St Paris 937 788 2734

MF 1155 w/less than 2,800 hrs Fast hitch Cold air Cab heat LED lights EC! Arcanum 937 692 8215

HAND HEWN Pin Frame Barn: 44x36 Beams, braces, rafters & wooden pins. Dismantled & stored inside $6,000 Portland, Indiana 260 251 2413

JD 8’ PULL TYPE DISK: Spiketooth har row. Piqua 937 773 3758

GRASS HAY: 3x3x7 square bales Some clover 750 lb avg No rain $45 Urbana 937 206 6260

PARSONS SEWING CENTER: 2 pc , w/elec lift 42”Wx69”Hx24”D Includes Viking 990 computer machine w/acces sories, thread, needles, patterns, but tons, misc. $900 OBO (cash). Tipp City 937 902 6928

Page 6 - COUNTRY LIVING - OCTOBER 2022 $ "!* %0-*(.' !*3 ,-+#0"/ 3+0 *$$# +- !,,)3 3+0-. $ "+1$- ! 5 .2!/' !*# "!* &$/ /'-+0&' 5 /!)) "+-* "'$#0)$ !'$!# 4(*/$-$./ (. '(&'
Page 7 COUNTRY LIVING OCTOBER 2022 %## & & ) %(! $' % *** &( " + & " & %# $ $ $ $ ! " # ! ! ! % @ 49 :/9 /;+ / 49+ 7, ')+ ' '225< 8 , ,5 7 9 9.+ 8 8+2+ )9/5 4 5 , 3 3'4 :'2 5 7 ' ': 95 3' 9/) 5 6+ 7'9 /54 < </9 . 9 .+ , 2/6 5 5, ' 8 8</9 ). @ /-. , 25< 6 :36 < </9. : :6 9 95 , ,25 < 7 7' 9+ @ 69 /3/?+* , ,57 7 +6+ '9'( 2+ ( '9 )./4 - 7 7+ 9:7 48 9 95 9 9. + 2 2'8 9 ;5 2:3+ ' 35 :4 9 * /86+ 48+ * @ 4) 2 :7 ' +9 +7A < /36') 9 7 +8/8 9'4 9 +=' 4A , ,' )+6 2'9+ @ ;' /2'( 2+ / /4 ; ;529 5 57 ; ;52 9 5 57 $ $/954 A 5 69/5 48 @ + '9: 7+8 ' >+' 7 < <' 77 '4 9> @ 5 57 5< # #4/ 9 @ 5 57 " "'418 @ " "54 ! 67+'*+7 @ " "'4*+3 =2 + % %'21/4- +'3 ! :86+48/54 @ C /3+ C +7 9/ 2/?+7 @ 25 '9'9/54 " "/ 7+8 @ +29 ;+7 '7 .'/4 5 57 ! ! +8. ">6+ .'/ 4 @ " "54 ! !67 +'*+7 @ " "/7+8 @ B +8. = .'/4 @ C / 99+7 ! !67+ '*+7 @ 5 57 ! !/ *+ 8 @ 5 57 2 2( =2 + @ " "54 ! !67+'*+7 @ 5< 756 " "/7+8 @ C 9 95 C 9 " "552('7 @ = 7'3 + @ : 9 '6 @ ! 6* 7 /;+ 54;+>57 @ " "7'/2+7 @ * 0 / 9). 2 +;/8 @ ! ',+9> .'/48 @ = B " "/7+8 @ B & &+99+7 5:29+7 @ ! !! 5 57 /2* @ " 5 57 >* ! !6/ 44+7 8 @ C /3+ C +7 9/ 2/?+7 @ B % %+( . '/4 @ 5 57 " "/7+8 @ " 5 57 >* ! !6 /4 4+78 @ B ! ! +8. .'/ 4 57 +2 9 ;+7 '7 @ B 5:29+7 @ ! " "/ 4+8 @ " 5 57 >*7 ':2 /) 7/ ;+ @ :'2 +'7( 5= 7/ ;+4 !6/ 44 +7 @ B= B 5 57 B= B % %.++2 8 @ 2 ( =2+8 @ = 2> " "/ 7+8 @ ';+4 5497 522+7 @ 5'* " "/7+8 ;'/2 '(2 + @ C / 3+ C +79/2/ ?+7 @ ! !! :3 6 5 57 ';+4 # #4/9 * % ( %$ * % ( %$

CASE 530 BACKHOE: Works good Springfield 937 925 6047

ALL STEEL Commercial Outdoor Smok er: 5 shelves, 2 drawers (one for water & one for wood) $1,500 St Paris 937 243 1821

HAVILAND Limoges China: 12 place settings (some pieces missing) “Bird of Paradise” pattern Appraised at $2,150 Asking $500 Wapakoneta 419 657 6770

POLARIS Trailerable ATV Cover: Bought for Sportsman 550XP I’m sure it fits other models Brand new West Mil ton 937 684 6159

3 PT. HITCH 2 row corn cult. w/row rotary 3 pt boom pole Straw Small, twine tied Clean Jackson Center 937 538 8102

WANTED: Yanmar dsl for 6x4 JD Gator Call or text Preble Co 937 266 6210

JD 8’ WHEEL DISK: Blades all good & not worn down With hyd cyl Good tires $875 Greenville 937 621 4580

NEW EAR TAG Tattoo Kit: $35 250’ 212 w/ground, $110 NI ground driven manure spreader, $700 Lewisburg 937 554 2237

TUPPERWARE: Overstocked! Huge savings on in stock items Dealer for 23 years Call for catalog & brochures Russia 937 238 6661

ALLIS CHALMERS 6080: 2WD Open station With bush hog loader Good tires & paint Nice cond Ansonia 937 459 9577

130’ USED farm fence; 130’ barbed wire $25/all Lynn, Indiana 765 874 1103

PUPPIES: 3/4 English Shepherd 1/4 Blue Heeler. All tri color. Excellent pets or farm dogs Family farm raised 8 weeks old Oct 22 First shots & wormed $200 OBO Lewisburg 937 336 8344

WHEAT STRAW: Nice, twine tied, small, square bales Run thru conven tional combine $3 50/bale Wapakone ta 419 738 7523 Leave msg

Page 8 - COUNTRY LIVING - OCTOBER 2022 • Control your grain marketing and maximize your profitability. • Market your grain on your terms. Contact us today to learn more. Don’t trust your grain to anything less. Storage | Handling | Conditioning | Structures
Adver tising Dead line for Next Month’s Paper Thursday, Oct. 27, No Later Than 4:00 p.m. 200 S. Main St. Piqua, Ohio 937-773-3657 Batteries For Everything! Cordless Telephone • Cell Phone • Camcorder AA - AAA - C - D - 9 Volt • 2 Way Radio • Coin Cell Cars • Trucks • Farm Equipment • Golf Cart Motorcycle • Marine Deep Cycle &Starting • ATV Wheel Chair • Emergency Power • Lawn &Garden Snow Mobile • Jet Ski • Toy Cars • Battery Chargers Cables • Jump Start Units
9164 County Road 101, Belle Center Handcrafted ! !

I 25170 /@7? H B50?4 =1-= 45?/4

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'531=8-?1 H B50?4 0:@.71 2:70 .-= >;561

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385 Gravity Wagons: Truck

Lights $14,500 for the pair Anna

MF 35: Gas. Power steering. Live PTO. Collector Make offer or trade Franklin

TWIN ADJ BED Base Unit: Dual mas sage $75 Coldwater 419 678 3289

AVIATION AERO SHELL 5w 50; SKS w/scope; (2) sets Franciscan “Apple & Desert Rose” dishware Lima 419 234 4785

´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´ WANTED: Broken or non running John Deere, Cub Cadet, & Wheel Horse lawnmowers 937 473 2705 or

HAY, Alfalfa Orchardgrass Mix: Small squares 1st cutting, $5/bale 2nd cut ting, $6/bale. West Chester 513 520 2046

16’ HAY WAGON on JD running gear $1,000 Rushsylvania 937 468 2439

WANTED TO BUY: Farm machinery Will buy one piece or complete lines Arcanum 937 670 0323

250) BALES alfalfa grass mixed, indi vidually wet wrapped $65/bale (70) bales alfalfa, wet wrapped $65/bale Russia 937 638 4212 Leave text msg if no answer

KITCHEN CABINET: New Oak Great for kitchen or garage $45 36 1/2”L x 18”H x 12”D. Clayton 937 999 8699. Leave msg

KILLBROS Model 350 bed 10 ton gear $850 Gear only, $750 Rossburg 937 564 0719

180 GAL FUEL TANK: On stand GC! Brookville 937 248 7107

STRAW: Clean, bright wheat straw Twine tied, small, square bales Easy loading or delivery available West Mil ton 937 875 1220

JD 2 ROW PLANTER: Pull type, w/hyd cylinder Sandblasted New paint No fertilizer $1,275 Greenville 937 621 4580

BELGIAN/PAINT Cross Gelding: Retir ing from an Amish farm Riding horse deluxe for the physically compromised $2,800 OBO Belle Center 937 464 5494

Page 10 - COUNTRY LIVING - OCTOBER 2022 .+& #"0-1 4*2) +",*-"2&% .0 /&0," $.+3,- /.121 .-$0&2& '..2&0 /.30&% 4"++1 .-$0&2& 1+"# ./2*.- )&"2*-( 1512&, *- '+..0 *-& *-13+"2& 4"++1 &*+*-(1 4*2) +*-&0 /"-&+1 6 6 6 " " ! " ! 6 6 6 " " " " ! " 6 6 6 " " " " ! " 6 6 6 " " ! " 6 6 6 " " " " ! " !
937 538 6605
937 474 9899
Page 11 COUNTRY LIVING OCTOBER 2022 We O er No Hidden Or Credit Card Fees Since 1945 % #$ "! & !# $ " $ ! $ # % ! ! # ! # Please call 937.548.2003 or 937.564.1590 for additional details or if you would like to make an o er. IASH FIREWOOD: $125/cord Large pick up, $100 Small pick up, $75 Lewisburg 937 554 2237 LATE FORD 6610: Only 2,300 orig hours With 7’ Bush Hog Franklin 937 474 9899 WANTED TO BUY: Horses, ponies, & saddles Ansonia 937 337 2622 IHC SERIES 86 Factory Cab Steps: RH & LH $50 ea Exhaust manifold for non turbo Series 66 & 86 IHC engines $100 Piqua 937 418 2610 WELL DRILLER MOBILE ‘60 restored Ford truck Comes with augers Works good Show or use $17,522 Lewisburg 937 839 4540 FOR RENT: Fall of 2022. 100,000 bushel grain storage. 3,000 bushel per hour grain leg & dr yer available. Located in Rosewood, Ohio. 937-441-1143 JD 755 Compact Diesel 4x4 with #70 front loader Only 900 hrs One owner $11,000 or trade Franklin 937 474 9899 OLIVER DISC: Pull type Excellent blades Heavy duty $400 West Alexan dria 937 238 6230 BUSH HOG ATF900 7 5’ wide 3 pt PTO finish mower Side discharge Extra set of blades VGC Always inside Ready to go $2,900 New Bremen 419 305 1994 PORCELAIN Doll Collection: LN! Some in boxes Brookville 937 239 7663
Page 12 - COUNTRY LIVING - OCTOBER 2022 , #" % ' ' #& * & % ) * +& , % " $ % % ) * + %#&&#) %& , % ) ! "' % ) % " % ) % ) * +& , ( " !# ' #" %(& % " " " " % ' " #* " #" ' " " %#" ' " " % " %" % FORESTRY MULCHING Jared Gaier (937) 538-8527 - !"' ) %,"! !"*& * ' ,"( ) '" " % # ! ' ' ! ! "(' #%" "' ! ,"(% (& ! && #' ' ' , !"' ) %,"! !"*& * ' ,"( ) '" & - (&'" %& * !"' ('" ' , " '" ,"( (&' (& ,"( ) ! ! (& ! && "! ' !"* ' ' ,"( ) " # ' ' "! '%, ! '" ''% ' ,"(% (&'" %& * , %" ,"( ,"(%& ' # ,& '" ) %' & ! ' ' ,"( ' '% ! "(& ) ( %" ,"(% & # ! ! ) %' & ! & ! !) &' !' ! & ! ! +# !& &(% '" #%") ! $( ' ( ' "% ,"(% (& ! &&. ) %' & ! # % ! ! ,"(% &' & (&'" %& ' ' ,"(% ##% ' ' % (& ! && • STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER • PENNY SAVER • COUNTRY LIVING $ !%#& "
Page 13 COUNTRY LIVING OCTOBER 2022 Auctions Estates Real Estate Far m Equipment / %!1! (&#(! +/#*'!(. / .#)($.& 1(01. ( -1&,)"*0 6 +*/0.1 0&+* -1&,)"*0 6 .1 '/ . &("./ !"" !(.2 / .#)(!!, 0(!, $ !"" / %!!1! # )' +00 "* " &-1 6 &) "*05 ** . ! "*05 .""*2&((" 6 0%4 ( 0#++0 &!*"4 .' +!"*)&((". //0+3* .) +*/0.1 0&+* -1&,)"*0 /0 0"/ &2+. " &//+(10&+* +((+3 1/ +* " ++' 1 '"4" *(&*" -1&,)"*0 1 0&+*/ ","*+ ! *)/ $%) $ $ &"## - '"/" %! )( 0 ... - '"/" %! )( )* ! ! " !" " ! ! " !" # " # " !" " ! ,%# (+&!' - !'", (+&!' *)$)'#)) " ! " " 205 S. Koke St. DeGra , OH 43318 * )!%$ + ', %$ , *$ , '%& %$(! $# $) " + ', () )*' , #%$) '! , '%& $% $!# "( %$ '! ,

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COLEMAN Gas Lantern: $30 Small heater Great for garage $15 Bryant, Indiana 260 997 6720

255 BALES 3rd cutting alfalfa mix hay, $6 25/bale; antique 3 bar basket side delivery rake, steel wheels, $295 Bradford 937 448 2439

40’ SNOWCO bale conveyor on wheels. New 1hp motor Good tires GC! Can deliver $2,000 Holland 419 277 0668

JD 7720 COMBINE w/643 corn head & 216 grain table Greenville 937 547 0446

JD #45 LOADER: ‘58, w/wide attachment, spare bucket, & mounting brackets for 2 cyl. tractors. $1,250. Wapakoneta 419 204 7229

12’ ALUM V BtM BOAt w/trailer 6hp Johnson motor w/remote fuel tank 3hp Minn Kota battery powered trolling motor No battery included $750 Covington 937 623 9903

PRESSURE CANNER / COOKER: Presto 23 qt. canner w/all needed tools, canning jars, lids, etc. $275 firm. Cash. tipp City 937 902 6928

RED CLOVER HAY: 3x3x8 large, square bales Made w/o rain in ‘22 Stored inside Ft Loramie 937 489 1382

FREEZER BEEF AVAILABLE: 1/4, 1/2 or whole Dates Oct or Nov All natural grain fed Charolais cross Bradford 937 448 2439

250 BU J&M hopper wagon on JD gear Newer paint No rust Good tires & lights $1,000 Anna 937 658 1884

MIXED ALFALFA HAY: $5/bale Never rained on Houston 937 295 3901

CUStOM Harvesting & trucking: Greenville 937 547 0446

‘54 JD FRONt MOUNt 2 row cults with mounts Weathered $350 Wapakoneta 419 204 7229

INt 184 w/5’ Woods belly mower GC! $1,150 Call or text Preble Co 937 266 6210

(2) KILLBROS 385 WAGONS: 12 ton gears Lights $10,000 Anna 937 538 6605

NI #17 MANURE SPREADER: Ground drive New floor Good tires VGC! Delivery available $1,800 Holland 419 277 0668

‘58 FORD 861: 64hp PS Rear remotes Live PtO Electronic ignition New tire Looks good Runs good Asking $5,800 OBO Russia 937 726 5460

SKS RIFLE; cell phone, full function Galaxy S8, good screen, cosmetic flaw on back; 16’ dual axle steel trailer Lima 419 234 4785

6x12 HOMEMADE Livestock trailer: On rubber torsion axles Heavy built Good tires Lights $2,500 OBO Anna 937 658 1884

RUBBERMAID Stock tanks: 150, 100 & 75 gal (28 30) 10’ & 12’ panels Walk in gates Round pen (8) gates, 10, 12 & 14’; (2) walk in panel gates Reasonable offers accepted tipp City 937 902 6928

ELECtRIC FENCE POStS (approx 70), t posts, all types of insulators & connectors Echo Easy Start string trim mer, LN! Piqua 937 214 4408

YOUNG FARMER seeking farm ground to rent Darke & surrounding counties Versailles 937 417 2969

VAN DALE Silo Unloader: 20 ft Used 4 times $2,500 trenton 513 649 5826

BELLY MOWER for Ford 1600 Series utility tractor. $150. Light duty engine lift. Low profile. $75. Convoy 419 203 3993

(2) PRIME LOtS in “Freedom Garden” (Veterans) at Miami Memorial Park, Covington, Ohio Both improved with custom vaults $2,125 Piqua 937 418 2610

J&M 12 tON Running Gear: Yorkshire 937 726 6447


In West Milton & surrounding areas Please contact Steve McGuffey, West Milton 937 673 5730

WANtED tO BUY: Horses, ponies, & saddles Ansonia 937 337 2622

1 PAIR of Scaffold Jacks: $125 New Paris 937 564 2114

FIREWOOD: Hardwood Seasoned $120/cord Yorkshire 419 582 2273 Call at noon or after 6 p m Or leave message

WANtED: Someone to take care of a 50 tree apple orchard on shares Near Arcanum 937 692 8215

JD 6600 & MF 510 Combine Parts: Rossburg 937 564 0719

FARMALL M (4) rear wheel weights & front weights $450 Pull type yard sprayer/spot $125 Commercial 5’ 100 gal pull type roller $250 West Milton 937 901 7212

WEStON StEP BARS for ‘97 F150 Ext. Cab: Brand new, in box. $50. Anna 937 658 1884

tREADMILL: Nordic track 1750 22’x60’ 15% incline Color display Wi Fi Folds $950 OBO Everlast HD Body Punch Bag GC! $90 OBO Cash tipp City 937 902 6928

NI #217 MANURE SPREADER: 200 bu Slop gate. Single beater. Good tires. Stored inside. VGC! Delivery available. $4,000. Holland 419 277 0668

WHEAt StRAW: $3/bale Approx 800 bales Russia 937 526 4091 Leave msg

COMMERCIAL GRADE Floor tile: 12”x12” Numerous colors & sq ft Quantities $25/box Brookville 937 287 0685

KIttENS FREE tO GOOD HOME! 10 weeks old All colors White, blonde, grey, or grey striped Litter box trained Love being cuddled! West Alex 937 839 1009 or 937 603 6604

LARGE CHARCOAL GRILL: 3’x4’ cook ing surface SS construction With removable legs $300 Brookville 937 287 0685

WOOD & StEEL Cattle Racks: 8’ long 6-1/2’ wide 7’ high Will fit full size truck 8’ bed or same size trailer $50 Ver sailles 937 621 1309

WANtED tO BUY: Outfitters tent Sid ney 937 570 3282

IH 480 DISK: Manual fold wings 18’ wide Needs bearing replaced $2,000 Wapakoneta 419 941 1196

tRACtOR MOUNtED PtO driven Ace pump Fits 1 3/4” 1,000 rpm PtO shaft LN! $500 Urbana 937 238 6504

‘76 454: Short deck Crank shaft GC! Stock cast iron spread bore intake Oval port for ‘76 454 Also, misc parts Phillipsburg 937 832 7124

HARDWOOD LUMBER: 130 bd. ft. Mostly oak (2) maple boards Dry, planed Assorted prices & sizes Ger mantown 513 594 7855

CASE IH 8330 9’ Haybine: Mows good Good paint GC! $2,500 Ansonia 937 459 9577

16’ HAY WAGON on JD running gear. $1,000. Rushsylvania 937 468 2439

WIN RICH PERFECtA 4 season vent less propane free standing fireplace Make offer Celina 419 733 5449 Leave msg

JD 447 ROUND BALER: Yorkshire 937 726 6447

FIREStONE 28L 26 brand new com bine tire; 800R32 (30 5x32), almost new; also, other combine & tractor tires Franklin 937 474 9899

62’x10” GSI Swing Away Auger: New cylinder $1,500 Eaton 937 232 6540


WANTED: Broken or non running John Deere, Cub Cadet, & Wheel Horse lawnmowers Will pick up others 937 473 2705 or

SEA HAWK 5 pass paddle boat HD polyethylene 825# capacity $150 Cov ington 937 623 9903

HEAVY DUtY RACK Crane lifting straps & steel cable straps Office desks & etc New Paris 937 533 7456

BIG BALE WAGON: Needs floor, from truck frame $800 Sheep feeders 12 ft , $200 15 ft , $300 Rossburg 937 564 0719

YARD/GARDEN WAGON: 53x35x12 Rubber tired Pull or tow GC! Cost $200 plus Asking $85 Call or text Pre ble Co 937 266 6210

SEVERAL FORD, MF tractors for Parts: Franklin 937 474 9899

Page 15 - COUNTRY LIVING - OCTOBER 2022 . &( %+,,". 3 $+*/ %+,,". 3 $+* +* $" . 6 +4 .1* *&*$ $" . 0 *!") 4(" .1**&*$ $" . 0+* .1**&*$ $" . 0+* .1**&*$ $" ./ 6 .1**&*$ $" ./ &(( .+/ $. 2 &05 3 $+*/ +* 0+* .1**&*$ $" ./ *& " ) 0 %"! , &. $.&*!". )&4". ) *1." /,." !". *& " +.&$ ,&*' ,"! ( 0. 0+. (&2". ,"! ( 0. 0+. ,"! ( 0. 0+. &* +4 )&/ / (" 0. 0+./ 6"-1&,)"*0 &$ # .) 0+5/ *"3 &* +4 ",/& /&$*

ANTIQUE BATH TUBS: Great for deco rating for Halloween or Christmas. Brookville 937 837 1070

FREE FIREWOOD! Already cut Brookville 937 837 1070

CANADIAN Cereal Rye: Cleaned & bagged 50# or 2,000# Bradford 937 423 1650

FOR SALE: Lorenz snowblower, 72 in , 3 pt , dual auger Kept inside $2,200 32 in snowblower to fit Simplicity mower Serial #1642 $110 Versailles 419 582 3142

nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn CURT 65500 over-the-bed flat plate. 2-5/16 gooseneck hitch, with D rings. Newer. $85 OBO. Brookville 937-287-0685

NI 900 Double Frame Planter: 6 row $3,800 OBO Coldwater 419 852 2969

250 BU HOPPER WAGON: Make offer Yorkshire 419 210 4607

NH #66 HAY BALER: Nicest one around! Works like new Make offer or trade Franklin 937 474 9899

FACTORY SKID PLATE for RZR 1000 or turbo LN! $200 OBO Laura 937 684 6159

NEW IDEA 214 Spreader with top beat er & slop gate St Henry 419 852 6953

150 GAL OVERHEAD Fuel Tank: Includes stand, hose, nozzle & filter $300 Lynn, Indiana 765 874 1103

SEVERAL HAY TEDDERS Several 2, 3 & 4 btm. plows. Make offer or trade. Franklin 937 474 9899

GREAT PLAINS 1,000 gal sprayer 60’ X fold booms 540 PTO Ace pump Raven 440 controller. $7,500 OBO. Urbana 937 238 6504

WANTED: Elec bed frame, full/queen Brookville 937 837 1070

150,000 BTU Used Gas Furnace: Sid ney 937 570 3282

WANTED: 18 4x38 tractor tires or duals in good cond Russia 937 638 8088


WANTED: Old motorcycles, mini bikes, mopeds, 3 wheelers, or 4-wheelers. Running or not. Covington 937 473 2705

SEVERAL 4610 Ford tractors; several 5000 Fords (restored); 7000 Ford (showroom condition); 7600 Ford (came from OSU), w/15’ batwing Land Pride mower Make offer or trade Franklin 937 474 9899

OFFICE FURNITURE: (2) laminated 3’x6’ sturdy office tables $125 ea Con ference table, 3’x9’ with 6 chairs $350 (2) wire chrome computer work stations $75 ea All in GC! Wapakoneta 419 738 7523 Leave msg

PUREBRED Yorkshire boar & crossbred boar Ready to go to work $300 ea Wapakoneta 419 236 8516

Page 16 COUNTRY LIVING OCTOBER 2022 )** 3 4 "#%( 3 $('&*(#0. 2#(-- %-+ / / 4 &1 &./-, ()! ! ! ' # $ & % " ! ' 3 "0 )(,-+. -%)( 3 "')!"&%(# 3 )'", 3 +(!)'%(%.', 3 ),- + '" +(, 3 +"$).," -)+ #" (%-, 3 + #", 3 ( /", $" $"!, 3 & ( ",%#( 3 %-" 1 / -%)( 3 )(,-+. -%)( 3 )( +"-" ,*$ &3 -"+ "0"+ 3 &" -+% & &.' %(# 3 (,.& -%)( +20 && 3 ""!%(# (!, *" % "(,"! )(!"! (,.+"! +"" ,-%' -", Call today...we are dedicated AND driven to complete your project! " ! " % " !& #! $ " !

PUREBRED Yorkshire boar & crossbred boar Ready to go to work $300 ea Wapakoneta 419 236 8516

(53) VERY STRONG Free Stalls: Made from 2 3/8” OD tube & hot dipped. Had dispersal sale Barn is empty St Marys 419 305 8076

DRY MOUNT Vacuum Press: 42x46 For picture framing. $600. Clayton 937 522 5182

‘13 WHITE 5 Row No Till Splitter: Kee ton seed firmers Cruiser closing wheels Soybean & wheat seed plates. GC! $4,500 Wapakoneta 419 231 4155

(2) 250 J&M WAGONS: One w/Kory gear & one w/Easy Trail gear Both have extendable tongues. 11Lx15 tires. Greenville 937 621 2969

(2) 8 75x16 5 8 PLY truck tires, LN, 100% tread; (2) 31x10 50 15 truck tires, LN, $200 for each pair. Greenville 937 621 4580

JD 7700 COMBINE: Field ready $3,800 West Jefferson 614 205 9194

72” DIGGING FORKS for skidloader bucket; 15x19 5 tile handler tire, skid loader tread, $200 Brand new Maria Stein 567 644 3226

GARAGE DOORS: (3) 10x8 steel insu lated Nice All hdwe $300 ea 9x7 steel non insulated Used $125 9x7 wood Insulated Nice All hdwe $100 St Marys 937 441 6891

TRIPOD TV TOWER: 30’ tall Make offer Ludlow Falls 937 698 6611

15’ BRADY Stalk Chopper: 1,000 rpm PTO $400 Text or call West Jefferson 614 205 9194

SET OF 23x850 14 & 14 75 R4 tires On JD rims LN! Brookville 937 833 3590

DMI 300 BU Hopper Wagon: New tires $1,550 Yorkshire 419 210 4607

PULLEY FOR 8N FORD Brackets for next size up 800’s & up $75 Duals, 18 4x34 9 bolt rims (one bad rim) $125. Rossburg 937 564 0719

NH 28 Silage Blower: $1,500. 600 Case silage blower $4,000 Maria Stein 567 644 3226

WHEEL PLANTER with 6 Plates: Sidney 937 295 3553

WANTED TO BUY: Horses, ponies, & saddles Ansonia 937 337 2622

WANTED TO BUY: 10 or more acres of land in Miami Co or surrounding coun ties Prefer west of I 75 Ludlow Falls 937 698 6611

212 JD Riding Mower: $200 Laura 937 623 9208

12” 18” & 2’ SMOOTH WALL Field Tile: Sidney 937 570 3282

STEED SPEED Performance Manifold: For ‘96 Dodge Cummins 5 9 engine LN! $280 Arcanum 937 417 2537

WILL HELP CLEAN UP trees or treetops for the firewood Wapakoneta, Botkins, or Minster area 419 941 1196


H 5288 TRACTOR: 6,300 hrs 3 remotes Small 1,000 PTO 20 8x38 tires. Very nice! Russia 937 638 8088

MODEL A Ford Frame: $275. West Mil ton 937 980 5308

FREE: Clay tile, 4, 6 & 8 in Cement blocks Glazed bricks Piqua 937 773 3758

HAY FOR SALE: Clover, alfalfa, orchardgrass Camden 937 733 8968

WANTED TO BUY: Massey Ferguson #2648 tool kit to service 4000 Series tractors Paying cash Arcanum 937 692 8215

CASE HAY BALER: #230 EC! Corn drag GC, w/elec motor 16’ flatbed wagon w/JD 953 gears Jackson Center 937 538 8102

OLDER J&M hopper wagon w/auger Good 8 ton gears $900 Lewisburg 937 603 9036

I BEAM: 12”H x 5”W x 16’L $400 (8) bikes $75 for all Body shop Pulldozer $100 Convoy 419 203 3993

HEAVY DUTY Wood Privacy Fence: 25 sections Over 100 ft Lynn, Indiana 765 874 1103

WET WRAPPED 2nd cutting alfalfa grass 90% alfalfa $65/bale Individually wrapped Covington 937 214 5747

SET OF 4 DODGE truck chrome wheels w/center caps, tires 31” tall, 10” wide $450 West Milton 937 980

FREE! Fill dirt Covington

No Sunday calls, please

FIREWOOD: Split $40 per shortbed P/U truck. $50 per reg. size P/U truck Botkins

937 473 3293
937 693 3771 (2) 16 9x28 TIRES: 1/4 tread $25 ea (1) 20 8x38, 1/4 tread $25 New Madi son 937 423 7014 " (04 "9 48540( /05 54 70 95 = "(9 95 4554 ;;; (48540(2:3),7 *53It’s a tradition! $ % # >"# " ? #@# @ "# ! ?#@" ## @ !@ "" ?# ' & !! #' # #?" ! #@ ' " "#@ = ' !@ #@ & !! #' = ' !@"# & !! #' ' $! @ ! $ #$! " "#" "04*, # " $ ! ' " ! ! ! ! :7 145;2,+.,()2, 89(-- *(4 /,26 <5: +,80.4 <5:7 ):02+04. 7(-983(4 54 89(-Smith’s
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Page 22 - COUNTRY LIVING - OCTOBER 2022 # ( & ( " ( " !" " ( % ( ( " ( "' ( # % ( & ( " ( ( % ( ( " ( " ' ( # ( ( $ # ( ( ! ( # " ' " # # "('"(($#((#(! ( ( ( $ # ( ( ! ( # ( & ( " ( # % ( % ( ( ( ! ( # FULLENKAMP’S FRENCHTOWN MIXED ALFALFA HAY: $5/bale. Never rained on Houston 937 295 3901 WANTED: Front IH suitcase weights 100 lbs or 70 lbs Needs front suitcase bracket Russia 937 638 8088 HOLLAND TRANSPLANTER: 2 units for toolbar w/trays, fingers & potato pockets $1,200 Tipp City 937 239 1393 (31) 2nd CUTTING square bales mixed orchardgrass, clover, etc $6 ea All for $170 Germantown 513 594 7855 EXHAUST TIP for diesel truck Inlet diameter is 3 3/4 in $30 OBO West Mil ton 937 684 6159 YOUNG FARMER seeking farm ground to rent Darke & surrounding counties Versailles 937 417 2969 WANTED: Old metal toys or other col lectible toys Also will consider other toys Elam Wickey, 4373E 100S, Mon roe, IN 46772 CLUTCH ASSIST for tractor w/o live power Great for bushhogging JD hay spear for front loader on tractor LN! Brookville 937 239 7663

Irish Electric Motor Service Service








Fax: 419-394-7128

1600 Celina Rd. St. Marys, OH 45885

WOOD SPOKED high wheeled wagon & bed w/seat Very, very nice wagon! Springfield 937 925 6047

ANHYDROUS GEAR: 11L 15 tires Adj width $400 Rossburg 937 564 0719

WANTED: Used exterior steel doors (1) 18 in & (1) 36 in. Russia 937 638 5379 or 937 658 8766

STRAW: Clean, bright wheat straw Twine tied, small, square bales Easy loading or delivery available West Mil ton 937 875 1220

FEEDER PIGS FOR SALE: 40 80 lbs Wapakoneta 419 236 8516

MF 1163: 6R corn head, works good Canning jars, qt size, green tinted 80 available. Kalida 419 532 3637 Leave msg

VARIOUS HORSE TACK: Bits, reins, blankets, etc St Marys 419 733 8792

WANTED: 7’ freestalls Maria Stein 567 644 3226

AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD PUPS: Red & White Also, Blue Merles Huntsville 937 464 2148

MAKITA 355mm portable cut off saw. $175 Celina 419 733 5449 Leave msg

SMALL BALES STRAW: $3/bale. Arcanum 937 548 0533

NH 680 tandem axle/beater manure spreader Spreads good, but has weak sidewall $1,925 ‘05 Chrysler Pacifica, 221K mi , $1,545 Bradford 937 448 2439

OLD 5HP ELGIN Boat Motor: Ran good when last used Make offer. New Bre men 419 629 3537

JD 14’ AW DISC: $2,500. Germantown 937 855 3069 or 937 371 3065 No texts

TUPPERWARE: Overstocked! Huge savings on in stock items Dealer for 23 years Call for catalog & brochures Rus sia 937 238 6661

TV WALL MOUNT: For flat screen 23” to 37” (supports 80 lbs.). $35 Clayton 937 999 8699 Leave msg

SQUARE Orchardgrass & Alfalfa Hay: $6/bale No rain West Milton 937 903 4197

TRIPOD TV TOWER: 30’ tall Make offer Ludlow Falls 937 698 6611

)! " % $ % " #% " % %% ! & %( # " ' ! "
All Your
Needs • Home •

LECTRIC WHEEL Running Gear: 4 bolt hubs Needs tires Steering is stuck Needs some TLC $100 West Chester 513 520 2046

KNOEDLER Auger Wagon: Tandem axle Good tires Overhead auger PTO Hyd lift Mechanical swing $1,800 Tipp City 937 239 1393

AKC SHELTIE PUPS: Up to date on shots Huntsville 937 464 2148

KITCHEN CABINET: New Oak Great for kitchen or garage $45 36 1/2”L x 18”H x 12”D Clayton 937 999 8699 Leave msg

FORD TRACTOR front sheet metal Nice ‘53 Jubilee $300 NI manure spreader chain & parts $30 West Mil ton 937 901 7212

TIMOTHY/OAT Small Squares: Wire tied ‘20 crop No rain Approx 80 Easy loading $3 ea Union City, Indiana 765 964 3475

(6) REFINISHED antique ladderback chairs, $300; Beretta 12 ga shotgun; 57” fiberglass snow board Lima 419 234 4785

(2) SILAGE WAGONS: 3 beaters, roofs, $3,000 both NH blower w/gooseneck to make pile, $350 Green chop feed wagon, $800 J&M 40’ grain hay eleva tor, elec motor, $1,200 Greenville 937 423 4967

IH 240 w/sickle bar mower Greenville 937 232 7380

CAST IRON SKILLETS: Sidney 937 295 3553

(2) LARGE STACKS of old & new oak, ash, & poplar hardwood 2x4, 2x6, 2x8, 2x10 8’ to 18’ long Old stack, $75 New stack, $125 Versailles 937 621 1309

WANTED: (6) seed boxes & JD 7000 planter Seed meters not required West Milton 937 684 6159

MANUAL TRIP LOADER off ‘48 Farmall H Lift cyl needs new seals Make offer Lewisburg 937 336 8344

‘99 BUICK Park Avenue: Greenville 937 232 7380

9’ M C (Mathews Company) rotary scythe Always stored inside $1,250 Covington 937 623 9903

IH 1250 feed grinder w/scales $4,500 Tipp City 937 239 1393

ALLIS CHALMERS 6080: 2WD Open station With bush hog loader Good tires & paint Nice cond Ansonia 937 459 9577

ARCTIC Ice Cream Freezer: 8 qt $50 New Paris 937 564 2114

FREEZER BEEF: No hormones Grain fed Arcanum 937 533 0930

WHEAT STRAW: $3/bale. Approx. 800 bales. Russia 937 526 4091. Leave msg.

CATEGORY 2 Quick Hitch: $150; 14x28 dual rims, $60; wheelbarrow, $20; galv tub, $10; (3) hyd cyls , $10 ea New Bremen 419 234 5646

Page 24 - COUNTRY LIVING - OCTOBER 2022 S tanding S eam M Metal R Roo ng New I Instal lation ~ ~ S er vice R Repairs ~ ~ M Metal S ales %+(*! * "$)* ( !"% "*! & (*) , !%% %# ('+ )* %# 1050 Diamond Mill Rd I Brookville/New Lebanon 937-854-2396 1-800-MOWER44 M-F: 8am - 5pm I SAT: 8am - 2pm

18.4x26 JD 4400 COMBINE TIRE on rim. $100. St. Paris 937 788 2734

WANTED: Late model 1770 NT or 1775 NT 16 row corn planter Delphos 419 303 0686

STRAW: Clean, bright wheat straw Twine tied, small, square bales Easy loading or delivery available West Milton 937 875 1220

POLY SKID SHOES for IH 820 grain head New Traded heads, won’t fit $2,500 OBO Tipp City 937 239 1393

WANTED TO BUY: Horses, ponies, & saddles Ansonia 937 337 2622

(2) LOWRY ORGANS: One small size & one concert size With wheel kit GC! Sell or trade Can send pictures Urbana 937 869 8781

20’ HYD TILT TRAILER: All steel With power jack & new electric winch New tires $7,500 St Paris 937 243 1821

ACETYLENE TORCH w/bottles On 2-wheel cart $275 OBO Other small tools St Henry 419 852 6419

NEW 20’ HAY WAGON: With Kory gear Make offer or trade Franklin 937 474 9899

ANTIQUE Coleman Lantern: $25 Hillary 2-burner table top camp stove, $25 Laura 937 623 9208

NEW SPOOL of barbed wire Several elec fence chargers Several elec steel fence posts Split fence rails & posts Versailles 937 621 1309

2nd CUTTING Grass Hay: 55 lb bales $5/bale Covington 937 214 5747

FOR SALE: Old church banquet tables 96 in x 30 in 3 for $40 West of Tipp City 937 750 3377

LOCAL RAW HONEY: ‘22 harvest $20/ qt $7 50/lb Arcanum 937 417 2537

18.4x2 ON JD 8 Hole Wheels: Franklin 937 474 9899

HAY: 4x5 bales 1st cutting, $30 2nd cutting, $35. Stored inside. Eaton 937 533 9610

WOODBURNING STOVES: $250 $490 Woodburning fire pit, $85. Storage box for wood/tools, etc , $45 Tractor/dozer push blade 8’ attachment for dirt. $450. Large fuel tanks, $290 Lewisburg 937 839 4540

WANTED: Illinois Bunn Special 60 hour pocket watches, 17 jewel, 21 jewel, etc Elam E Wickey, 4373E 100S, Monroe, IN 46772

BALE KING Hay Wagon: Yorkshire 937 726 6447

CAST IRON SKILLETS: Sidney 937 295 3553

(2) BELGIAN HORSES: One 2 year old reg. Belgian mare, broke, pulling bred. One yearling Belgian stud colt, pulling bred, stud prospect. Rushsylvania 937 468 2439

MF 275: Diesel With nice front loader Starts & runs good. Franklin 937 474 9899

‘02 GMC 1500 SLE: Ext cab 4 dr 65K mi V8 Cap Full power RWD Orig , as new No rust ever Must see! $17,500 Wapakoneta 419 204 7229

(4) ANTIQUE cast iron hay trolleys All 4 for $200 Phillipsburg 937 832 7124

YOUNG FARMER seeking farm ground to rent Darke & surrounding counties Versailles 937 417 2969

FREEZER BEEF: No hormones Grain fed Arcanum 937 533 0930

Page 25 - COUNTRY LIVING - OCTOBER 2022 & '( ""' " $ ! $ % ! ( %$ " ( #' " " ! # ! ! ! ! " ! ! ! " " ! " ! ! ! ! & , + - & '( %$ & ( &* & )$!' # & ' "% # & ' "% # & '( "% "%(( "%%& $ " ! "! !" "" "! " " !" # " )$! & ""' - -

FARMALL B TRACTOR: Like new tires Good sheet metal Runs well Painted & looks good PTO not working $1,900 West Alexandria 937 238 6230

IH 5088 & 5288: Both great tractors! With new tires 540 & 1,000 PTO Sev eral hydraulics Make offer or trade Franklin 937 474 9899

ALFALFA/TIMOTHY: ‘20 crop Wire tied small squares $3 ea Easy loading Approx 150 had 2/10th in of rain 2nd day Approx 150 had no rain Union City, Indiana 765 964 3475

JD 2510: Diesel Factory wide front Low hrs Needs engine overhauled Franklin 937 474 9899

WANTED: Wheat or rye for cover crop Rossburg 937 564 0719 ‘78 18’ HOLIDAY Rambler Camper: $1,800 OBO Laura 937 623 9208

SILAGE BLOWER: NH #27 Great cond New band & 540 PTO $1,200 OBO Urbana 937 206 6260

‘43 McCORMICK DEERING W 6: Good tin Good tires Live hyd system M&W hand clutch for live PTO & belt pulley Must see to appreciate! $5,000 Piqua 937 418 2610

WILTON 5 TIER 10” 15” cake pans w/dividers, $25 15” square pan, $10 Box cake decorating books, $25 Hous ton 937 773 9308 Leave msg

FOR SALE: 56’ TV tower Painted Troy 937 875 1524

WANTED: Winchester Model 1887 lever action w/pistol grip stock Elam Wickey, 4373E 100S, Monroe, IN 46772

WANTED: Junk autos & scrap metal of all kinds Certified scale Top dollar paid Roll off container services Call for pric ing or pick up Celina 419 363 2277

40’ ALUM LADDER; roll of new barbed wire; old hand scythe Piqua 937 773 3758

TEFF HAY: Small, square bales No weeds $8/bale Middletown 317 432 0179

464 IH UTILITY: Diesel One owner Roll cage PS Front weights 7’ mower Works like new! Make offer or trade Franklin 937 474 9899

GRAIN BIN BOLTS, nuts, & misc dryer parts New Paris 937 533 7456

IH 966: Nicest one around! Dual hydraulics & PTO Roll bar & canopy Looks like new! Make offer or trade Franklin 937 474 9899

GARAGE DOORS: (3) 9x7 steel non insulated sections LN! $225 ea (1) 16x7 steel non insulated $300 Other sizes available St Marys 937 441 6891

FORKS FOR FORKLIFT: Hyd cyls New & used Wood splitter cylinder $125 Rossburg 937 564 0719

1st CUTTING alfalfa / orchard / timothy / clover mix 3x3x7 $230/ton Covington 937 214 5747

Page 26 COUNTRY LIVING OCTOBER 2022 -,'/!12*!1)-,0 / !,)%* *%!0% #-,1!#1 -2/ -&&)#% !1 -,% -& 1(% .(-,% ,2+"%/0 *)01%$ "%*-4 !,$ 4% 4)** 0%,$ 5-2 1()0 +-,1(60 ()0 )0 -2/ 4!5 -& 0!5),' &-/ 3-*2,1!/)*5 02"0#/)"),' 1- -2,1/5 )3),' & -1 -*2,1!/5 2"0#/)"%/ !** 0 1 -/

NI #217 MANURE SPREADER: 200 bu Single beater Good tires GC! Delivery available $3,500 Holland 419 277 0668

RIFLE: Arma Lite, 7 62mm, 308 cal AR 10A4 New, in box 2 mags $1,800 Covington 937 875 6611

YOUNG FARMER seeking farm ground to rent Darke & surrounding counties Versailles 937 417 2969

500 GAL NURSE Tank & Pump: 10 ton running gear $3,000 Anna 937 538 6605

ACETYLENE/OXYGEN Cutting Torch Unit: Acetylene cylinder 32” diam x 30” high Oxygen cylinder 36” diam x 36” high Call/text Anna 937 726 4160

JD 643 CORN HEAD w/header cart $3,000 Text or call West Jefferson 614 205 9194

26’ FUERST Chain Harrow: On wheels, w/hyd lift $2,200 OBO Covington 937 473 3293 No Sunday calls, please

SEEKING FARM GROUND TO RENT: Darke & surrounding counties Excellent fertility package Versailles 937 467 1133

‘50 JD TRACK LOADER: 2/53 GM Diesel Bucket Dozer blade needs seat GC! Tipp City 937 559 7686

WIRE CORN CRIB w/roof. Heavy gauge wire $250 New Paris 937 564 2114

JD 9550 COMBINE with 2,682 engine hrs & 2,123 sep hrs JD 925F grain head on cart, & JD 643 corn head Ready to go $69,000 (total unit) GC! Wapakoneta 419 236 8516

FREEZER BEEF: No hormones Grain fed Arcanum 937 533 0930

STRAW: Clean, bright wheat straw Twine tied, small, square bales Easy loading or delivery available West Mil ton 937 875 1220

SQUARE Orchardgrass & Alfalfa Hay: $6/bale No rain West Milton 937 903 4197

WINCO 110 V Generator: Multiple out lets. Older model. Works good. $200. Brookville 937 287 0685

MITER SAW: 10” compound. 15 amp. 10” cut off Hardly used $85 Clayton 937 999 8699 Leave msg

WANTED: 3 pt hitch 540 PTO tiller Russia 937 638 0316

800 GAL SURGE bulk tank $1,500 Trenton 513 649 5826

DEMOLITION: Also, concrete demoli tion such as old swimming pools, barn foundations, porches, etc Also, general excavating work 937 232 7380

JD 21’ Wing Fold Disc: Model 235, w/3 bar harrow 21’ wing fold 230 disc Both in good shape Springfield 937 925 6047

WIRE CORN CRIB w/roof Heavy gauge wire $250 New Paris 937 564 2114

MASSEY HARRIS 60 Combine: Pull type Stored inside $900 JD 5 btm A2600 plow Auto reset $1,100 Russia If interested, please e mail

(40) 4’x5’ NET WRAPPED 1st cutting mixed hay Greenville 740 225 0698

77 OLIVER Tires & Rims: $300 Wapakoneta 419 302 2091 or 419 302 2188

WHITE (brand name) LT165 riding lawn mower 46” deck Runs & works well $400 Lynn, Indiana 765 874 1103

HAY: 4x5 bales. 1st cutting, $30. 2nd cutting, $35 Stored inside Eaton 937 533 9610

HANDICAP TRUCK SEAT: New Rea sonably priced, or trade for trailer. Brookville 937 837 1070

´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´ ‘93 GLEANER R62 w/25’ 500 Series grain head & car t. 630 Hugger cor n head. EC! Field ready. $40,000. Wapakoneta 419-236-3139

28” BIN FAN & HEATER: 10 15hp New motor $1,200 Eaton 937 533 9610

MASSEY HARRIS 60 Combine: Pull type Stored inside $900 JD 5 btm A2600 plow Auto reset $1,100 Russia If interested, please e mail

10’ IH WHEEL DISC; MF 255 tractor Greenville 937 232 7380

(3) PICNIC TABLES: 6’ treated lumber EC! $75 ea Eric, Arcanum 937 423 3645

BRAND NEW Bonfire Ring: With cook ing rack Can provide pictures Wapakoneta 937 538 8960 Leave msg

SPEED QUEEN wringer type washing machine $300 Bryant, Indiana 260 997 6720

(4) 2,500 BU GRAIN BINS w/floors & augers $500 ea You take down (1) power corner $750 Rosewood 937 441 1143

TS 100 FORD NH: Low hours Roll bar & canopy Make offer or trade Franklin 937 474 9899

FLATBED WAGON: With sideboards

(2) 16x9 38 tires (2) 15 5 38 duals 2-wheel trailer Ansonia 937 337 2525

SQUARE Orchardgrass & Alfalfa Hay: $6/bale No rain West Milton 937 903 4197

SHELBYVILLE Antique Desk: Solid wal nut Made in Shelbyville, Indiana 30” high, 34” wide, 66” l Can text pictures Very nice! $550 OBO New Knoxville 937 423 4440

5th WHEEL: ‘12 Palomino Sabre

32BHOK 6 Very clean Extra long L shaped bunk beds Outdoor kitchen New tires $24,000 Sidney 937 658 2781


KILLBROS Model 350 bed 10 ton gear $850 Gear only, $750 Rossburg 937 564 0719

180 GAL FUEL TANK: On stand GC! Brookville 937 248 7107

STRAW: Clean, bright wheat straw Twine tied, small, square bales Easy loading or delivery available West Mil ton 937 875 1220

JD 2 ROW PLANTER: Pull type, w/hyd cylinder Sandblasted New paint No fertilizer $1,275 Greenville 937 621 4580

BELGIAN/PAINT Cross Gelding: Retir ing from an Amish farm Riding horse deluxe for the physically compromised $2,800 OBO. Belle Center 937 464 5494

48” M C (Mathews Company) Model LG48AE “Lawn Genie” flail pick up mower 8hp B&S engine Can be pulled with small lawn tractor $350 Covington 937 623 9903

TUPPERWARE: Overstocked! Huge savings on in stock items Dealer for 23 years Call for catalog & brochures Rus sia 937 238 6661

NEW & USED Sheep Trimming Stands: Side rails also available Greenville 740 225 0698

CUSTOM Harvesting & Trucking: Greenville 937 547 0446

NICE, SMALL, square bales alfalfa hay 2nd & 3rd cuttings ‘21 $4/bale Wapakoneta 419 941 1196

TOW DOLLY: Demco Extra wide $800 ‘02 Ford Escape 127K mi New tires 4x4 Red $3,000 Lewisburg 937 962 2176

CATTLE EQUIPMENT: Back rubber New, never used $75 Large fan on stand $75 Ft Loramie 937 295 3942

3 PT 7’ DRAG, $125; JD lawn tractor MNT sprayer, $50; WD/WD45 parts tank; grill; lawn swing, $20 New Bremen 419 234 5646W

Page 28 COUNTRY LIVING OCTOBER 2022 “America’s Best Place To Buy Stoves & Fireplaces”
+* $ !()* " )) & %#&" * +*% !( %$ !*!%$!$ (*! ! !'+ ! *%( $ & ! "!)*

KILLBROS Model 350 bed 10 ton gear $850 Gear only, $750 Rossburg 937 564 0719

180 GAL FUEL TANK: On stand GC! Brookville 937 248 7107

STRAW: Clean, bright wheat straw Twine tied, small, square bales Easy loading or delivery available West Mil ton 937 875 1220

JD 2 ROW PLANTER: Pull type, w/hyd cylinder Sandblasted New paint No fertilizer $1,275 Greenville 937 621 4580

BELGIAN/PAINT Cross Gelding: Retir ing from an Amish farm Riding horse deluxe for the physically compromised $2,800 OBO. Belle Center 937 464 5494

48” M C (Mathews Company) Model LG48AE “Lawn Genie” flail pick up mower 8hp B&S engine Can be pulled with small lawn tractor. $350. Covington 937 623 9903

TUPPERWARE: Overstocked! Huge savings on in stock items. Dealer for 23 years Call for catalog & brochures Rus sia 937 238 6661

NEW & USED Sheep Trimming Stands: Side rails also available Greenville 740 225 0698

CUSTOM Harvesting & Trucking: Greenville 937 547 0446

NICE, SMALL, square bales alfalfa hay 2nd & 3rd cuttings ‘21 $4/bale Wapakoneta 419 941 1196

TOW DOLLY: Demco Extra wide $800 ‘02 Ford Escape 127K mi New tires 4x4 Red $3,000 Lewisburg 937 962 2176

CATTLE EQUIPMENT: Back rubber New, never used $75 Large fan on stand $75 Ft Loramie 937 295 3942

3 PT 7’ DRAG, $125; JD lawn tractor MNT sprayer, $50; WD/WD45 parts tank; grill; lawn swing, $20 New Bremen 419 234 5646

WANTED: Used exterior steel doors (1) 18 in & (1) 36 in Russia 937 638 5379 or 937 658 8766

IH #133 4 Row Cult : $500 Bryant, Indi ana 260 997 6720

SMALL Heavy Duty Trailer: 5’x10’ long For small skidloader or small tractor Tilt bed All Diamond Plate $750 Greenville 937 621 4580

FREEZER BEEF: No hormones Grain fed Arcanum 937 533 0930


MASSEY FERGUSON front & rear wheel weights 38” pull type lawn sweeper Piqua 937 773 3758

SHP 4550 Color Laser Printer: EC! $150 Wapakoneta 419 738 7523 Leave msg

WANTED: Upright freezer in working cond Botkins 937 726 3533

NOW THROWER: $300; snow blade, $150 Buy both together, $400 Fit Cub Cadet 2000 Series OBO Wapakoneta 937 726 8155

RAT TERRIER PUPPIES: (3) males, (3) females Call or text Maria Stein 937 638 3116

JD #93 Backhoe Attachment: 3 pt or dozer 3 buckets No cracks or welds Old, powerful, & heavy! $2,500 Wapakoneta 419 204 7229

MAYTAG ELECTRIC RANGE: White Smooth top GC! Electric treadmill VGC! Used very little Wapakoneta 419 738 7523 Leave msg

JD 216 GRAIN HEAD; cement mixer, $50; ‘01 Freightliner tractor w/wet kit; 9,000 gal manure tanker w/Balzer hyd drive Greenville 937 423 4967

8-YEAR OLD Sorrel Mare: Quarter Horse grade Great trail horse Used extensively on trails Load baths Very gentle Well broke $2,500 St Marys 419 733 8792

4’x5’ ROUND BALES mixed grasses & forb hay Fertilized Net wrapped Avg 750 lbs $60/bale inside $45/bale out side Germantown 513 594 7855

SMIDLEY CATCH GATE for Hogs & Sows: Make offer Eaton 937 232 6540

(500) 3x3x8

BALES alfalfa & grass hay Some straight alfalfa Russia 937 638 4212 Leave text msg if no answer

WALNUT BOARDS: 3/4 to 1 in thick Various lengths, 8 to 12 ft 7 to 8 ft wide $4/board ft West Alexandria 937 238 6230

IH B275 DIESEL: Greenville 937 232 7380

‘92 FORD 250 TRUCK: 194,444 mi Runs excellent Very little rust Has racks , $2,000 West Alexandria 937 238 6230

FORD 3600: Diesel Restored New injection pump PS Live PTO Make offer or trade Franklin 937 474 9899

MIXED ALFALFA HAY: $5/bale Never rained on Houston 937 295 3901

EZ TRAIL 672 Head Cart: Green in color Noblesville, Indiana 317 753 9812

SHOULE rock bucket w/hyd grapple, HB7 7’ wide, 1 5” teeth, 3” spacing JD quick attach Flow valve For tractors up to 200hp Pioneer couplers $4,900 New Bremen 419 305 1994

USED TIRES: Stored inside (13) 265 R16 (5) 245 R16 (2) 235 R16 (4) 225 R16 $70/choice Bradford 937 448 2439

CASE 580 CK Tractor Loader Backhoe: Very nice Diesel Two buck ets Make offer or trade Franklin 937 474 9899

‘55 INT 400 TRACTOR: $3,000 or trade for old car or Harley motorcycle Ft Jen nings 419 453 3763

STAINED GLASS: Assorted sizes & col ors $450 Clayton 937 522 5182



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Guidelines for Event Ad ver tising

Occasionally, questions arise as to whether or not an organization must pay for classified advertising for an upcoming event.

If your organization is hosting an event to raise funds for a wor thy cause, with 100 percent of the proceeds donated, for example, to assist with medical expenses for a family facing a health crisis, Country Living would, of course, like to help that cause by not charging for advertising

However, if your organization is hosting an event for which it charges admission, or there is a cost for food or entertainment, with all proceeds benefitting your organization, that event would not qualify for free advertising

Thank You

300 BU HOPPER WAGON: 10 ton gear $800 JD gears 8 ton $700 ea Rossburg 937 564 0719

(4) 2,500 BU. GRAIN BINS w/floors & augers $500 ea You take down (1) power corner $750 Rosewood 937 441 1143

2nd CUTTING Alfalfa Hay: $6/bale 1st cutting alfalfa hay, $5/bale Straw, $5/ bale New Lebanon 937 835 3311

(2) 5’ SPIKETOOTH HARROWS: Can be pulled behind small tractor or 4-wheeler Good for deer food plots $100 ea Greenville 937 621 4580

WANTED TO BUY: 10 or more acres of land in Miami Co or surrounding coun ties Prefer west of I 75 Ludlow Falls 937 698 6611

!" # ! ! ! ! ! " ! # ! # $" "

BEN FRANKLIN Wood Stove: Sears & Roebuck model Great for workshop GC! Can help load $100 New Lebanon 937 671 7573

14’ METAL FISHING BOAT: Newly paint ed With trailer, or will separate Best offer. New Bremen 419 629 3537

RUBBERMAID Stock Watering Tanks: 50 gal & 100 gal 10’ bunker feeders Brookville 937 239 7663

(2) 280 GAL Fuel Oil Tanks: $150 ea 24’x16” silage conveyor Maria Stein 567 644 3226

FREE! Broken concrete You haul Gratis 513 649 5826

BARSKA Metal Detector: New Polaris 250, $875 WANTED: Push lawn roller Lima 419 234 4785

CANADIAN Cereal Rye: Cleaned & bagged 50# or 2,000# Bradford 937 423 1650

100 GAL GAS TANK on Skids: $125 New Paris 937 564 2114

TUPPERWARE: Overstocked! Huge savings on in stock items Dealer for 23 years Call for catalog & brochures Rus sia 937 238 6661

(20) CLOSET DOORS: $5 ea. Coldwa ter 419 678 3289

MANURE TANKER: 9,000 gal , w/Balzer hyd drive unload pump ‘01 Freightliner tractor w/wet kit JD 444C Payloader w/pallet forks Wide front off JD 4020 Greenville 937 423 4967

FERGUSON 14 / 2 btm plow GC! $175

Large Kennedy 8 drawer machinists’ toolbox GC! $75 Call or text Preble Co 937 266 6210

LOOKING FOR FARMGROUND to cash rent or share crop Paying competitive rates Russ Brown, West Milton 937 689 0765

8’ SPRING SHANK HARROW: Great for new yards, deer food plots, or gardens $495 Greenville 937 621 4580

WEATHER GUARD L Shaped Fuel Tank: 90 gal Black $500 Urbana 937 238 6504

JD 8 ROW Conservation Planter: Newer seed disc, fert. tanks, precision meters. Main cyl rebuilt w/JD transport trailer Greenville 937 423 4967

WANTED TO BUY: Farm machinery Will buy one piece or complete lines Arcanum 937 670 0323

273 NH BALER: EC! Bales great $3,000 New Paris 317 557 5099

JD CAST IRON Pedal Tractor: GC! $500 St Paris 937 243 1821

WANTED: Seasoned firewood Split & delivered Troy, Ohio 937 524 6656

BOAT: ‘15 Sun Dolphin Sportsman Deluxe bass boat Trolling motor & bat tery $475 Ft Loramie 937 295 3942 or 937 726 0415

4-1/2’ x 10’ WOOD 2 wheel trailer w/removable stock racks $475 OBO St Henry 419 852 6419

phone: (937) 663-5891 • fax: (937)-663-4745

Page 32 COUNTRY LIVING OCTOBER 2022 ADVE RTIS ING DEADlINE FoR NoVEmbER IS SuE THURSDAY, OCT. 27 – 4 p.m. POST FRAME BUILDINGS 701 S. Main, New Knoxville, OH 419-753-2263 Trust the Farm Insurance Experts! Ask about the Farm Protection Program from Mennonite Mutual Insurance Company’s authorized agent: Mennonite Mutual Insurance Company Tri-County Insurance Services 272 W. Main Saint Paris, Ohio 43072
The Rodeo Shop Trailer Sales

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1979 JOHN DEERE 8820 TURBO COMBINE 5,214 hr s. Ser. #364453H. Rebuilt engine 6 years ago, with approx. 1,200 hrs on rebuild. Ag Leader monitor. New cleaning screens in rear. 925 grain head & car t. Rebuilt 6 years ago. 643 cor n head. Package deal. Always shedded. Sidney 937-538-8443. Leave message, will call you back.

4-1/2’ x 10’ WOOD 2 wheel trailer w/removable stock racks $475 OBO St Henry 419 852 6419

BOAT: ‘15 Sun Dolphin Sportsman

Deluxe bass boat Trolling motor & bat tery $475 Ft Loramie 937 295 3942 or 937 726 0415

HAY CONVEYOR: 16 ft With elec motor $150 Tipp City 937 239 1393

6’x16’ FLATBED Bumper Pull Type Trailer: $600. Lewisburg 937 554 2237

SEVERAL JD 2 cyl tractors All very nice! Springfield 937 925 6047

WANTED: Farm ground to rent in Darke & surrounding counties Paying top dol lar! Greenville 937 547 0446

BALE SPEAR: Fits JD 640 loader Make offer Yorkshire 419 210 4607

8’ PULL TYPE rotary hoe Great for working in new grass seed or deer food plots (2) 3’ footers also available $500 Greenville 937 621 4580

9-SHANK 3 pt chisel plow 12” plow 3 pt quick hitch St Paris 937 788 2734

WANTED: 4 or 5 person alum pon toon paddle boat Elam Wickey, 4373E 100S, Monroe, IN 46772

HAY: Alfalfa grass mix, 1st cutting, $4 50/bale 2nd, 3rd & 4th cuttings, $6/ bale. Russia 937 638 0316

WANTED TO BUY: Farm machinery Will buy one piece or complete lines Arcanum 937 670 0323

‘55 INT 400 TRACTOR: $3,000 or trade for old car or Harley motorcycle Ft Jen nings 419 453 3763

STEEL RIMS for wooden wagon wheel 44” diameter $10 ea Arcanum 937 417 2537

(2) BELGIAN HORSES: One 2 year old reg Belgian mare, broke, pulling bred One yearling Belgian stud colt, pulling bred, stud prospect Rushsylvania 937 468 2439

GOATS: French Alpine doelings & buck Born May ‘22 from reg stock Good milking background Ft Loramie 937 295 3942 or 937 726 0415

HUSQVARNA 46” cut riding lawnmow er Kohler 20hp engine GC! Runs great Call/tent Bluffton 937 658 0751

STEEL CULVERTS: 30” x 20’ 3/8” thick $500 Hog trailer, 16’x6’ (needs floor) $150 Rossburg 937 564 0719

MIXED ALFALFA HAY: $5/bale Never rained on Houston 937 295 3901 JD 443 CORN HEAD: $1,800 Arcanum 937 417 2537

SQUARE Orchardgrass & Alfalfa Hay: $6/bale No rain West Milton 937 903 4197

(4) CONCRETE J or fenceline feed bunks 8’ long LN! With mangers built on them out of hardwood $250 ea Anna 937 658 1884

WANTED TO BUY: 10 or more acres of land in Miami Co or surrounding coun ties Prefer west of I 75 Ludlow Falls 937 698 6611

15 TON RUNNING GEAR Concrete truck tires, lights, brakes Unverferth $5,000 Anna 937 538 6605

‘77 F700 FARM Grain or Gravel Truck: V8 Big block gas engine 5/2 trans Sin gle rear axle 16’ bed Twin cyl lift Runs good $3,550 Lewisburg 937 839 4540

COLLECTIONS of Harley Davidson dealer T shirts Sizes men’s 2X & ladies’ small medium Brookville 937 239 7663

FREEZER BEEF: No hormones Grain fed Arcanum 937 533 0930

3-ROW I&J Horse Drawn Cult Huntsville 937 464 2148

BRADY 1440 Stalk Chopper: 1,000 RPM’s New knives GC! Ft Loramie 937 726 2093


Dsl engine Shuttle shift trans Very good undercarriage Starts right up! Hand steer Runs & operates great Lewisburg 937 839 4540

WHEEL PLANTER with 6 Plates: Sid ney 937 295 3553

GRASS HAY: Made in ‘21. 3x3x8 large, square bales Made without rain & stored inside Ft Loramie 937 489 1382

FREE: Wild barn cat. Russia 937 638 5379 or 937 658 8766

Page 35 COUNTRY LIVING OCTOBER 2022 8* # !" " " # !" # " ! " # " ! 707 S. Barron St., Eaton, Ohio # " !? " !:+/41+ "8'):58 !'2+9 .'9 *+)/*+* :5 5,,+8 '4 7;/63+4: 549/-43+4: !'2+ .+2* ': :.+/8 ,')/2/:> /4 ':54 ./5 /4 )540;4):/54 =/:. 2/7;/*':/4- 953+ 5, :.+/8 /4<+4:58> (+,58+ :.+ += &+'8 %+ '8+ );8 8+4:2> '))+6:/4- -55* 7;'2/:> )549/-43+4:9 54:'): ;9 :5*'> :5 )549/-4 >5;8 /:+39 "./9 /9 ' 2/<+ ';):/54 +<+4: =/:. =+()'9:/4- 95 /, >5; )'4?: '::+4* /4 6+8954 (+ 9;8+ :5 '::+4* '4* (/* </' =+()'9:/4- 9:8+'3 $/9/: === .'83+>+8';):/54 4+: ,58 5362+:+ +:'/29 4<+4:58> .5:59 –AUCTIONEERS –#!"& & ./5 !" # STEINKE TRACTOR SALES ! '8854 !: ':54 ./5 === 9:+/41+:8'):58 )53 FREE: Wild barn cat Russia 937 638 5379 or 937 658 8766 WANTED TO BUY: Small disks & culti packers, up to 8 ft Any old farm equip ment JD or Ford planter plates Greenville 937 621 4580 ‘13 KINZE 12R30 Corn Planter: HD No till fert openers 2x2 Totally tubular in furrow fert V sets & V drive 20/20 monitor Martin row cleaners EC! $75,000 Urbana 937 238 6504 FORD 555 B Tractor Loader Backhoe: Make offer or trade Franklin 937 474 9899 1st CUTTING 80% alfalfa, 20% grass 3x3x8. $230/ton. Covington 937 214 5747 480 80R42 NEW FIRESTONES. Sev eral other new tires for tractors, trucks, & automobiles At great prices! Franklin 937 474 9899 100 GAL NEW Rubbermaid Stock Tank: Germantown 513 594 7855 ‘40 JD MODEL L Tractor: Looks & runs good New Weston 419 852 7938 WANTED TO BUY: Farm machinery Will buy one piece or complete lines Arcanum 937 670 0323 STRAW: Clean, tight bales Easy load ing $3 50/bale St Henry 419 305 9854 BONFIRE RING: With cooking rack Brand new Wapakoneta 937 538 8960 Leave msg
. 2"( 0 0 ,,.+4 )&("/ *+.0% +# 0 0 6 +. 6 )&("/ /+10% +# " . ## 0+ 1 0&+* &0" 0 0 0 1&* 5 %&+ ## .+ ! , .'&*$ 0 % #+. /&$* $" SATURDAY, O CT. 8 • • 1 10: 00 a am + $ & %% & #' % + ! & % + " & $ %& + %% * $$ % $ &!$ + ( !' & ! !" !! % #' " & + & #' " & + $ !' & ! $! & & , * !( $( ) ! $ ' & ! , CARL & S SANDY D DAMME YER- O OWNERS . - ( .$" -1 (&05 1 0&+* (( 0%.+1$% +//& (" 1 0&+* .&*$/ 6 .&*$ #.&"*! + !". 2 &( (" 0 .0 &*$ +* )&/ &* )&4"! +.!". 0. 0+. %&0 )&// *! ( .$". &0")/ 0 ,,.+4&) 0"(5 &"3 ,%+0+/ +* +1. 3" /&0" ++! ."/0.++) “I sell the earth and everything on it!” " & ( # %$ " ' !!" $ % $ " $# # $ ! # '"# " $# # $ ! # '"# " $ # ! # "# ! # # ! ! "" ! & ! " !% ! "" ! !#" # ! # !" #$ " % ( ! $ ( ' ( " # ( $" ( ( & & ')!(" ',% & ',% &) '+*$''# '% ( ( $" * ( & !$ $)( !(" + # ! # )+ &' $ $ ' % $ (' # ((" Page 36 COUNTRY LIVING OCTOBER 2022

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ADVERTISING DEADlINE FoR NoVEMBER ISSuE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27 4 p.m. !"#$%&'"(')*+&' "('*,-$%.+#.-*+'-&*+'&)#*#&' /0')&*+&1'"((&-' !"#$%&'()"*+,-+.(/'(0100( !"#$!%&'$()!*+!,-.!/,(&0!1+!2(3',4$(!5&6-)!%$7&8,'0$!"(39)!:;"#$! "(39)<=!69!,88$>)6-?!,-.!6-76)$9!)#$!>3'068!)&!93'@6)!9$,0$.!&AA$(9!A&(! )#$!>3(8#,9$!&A!)#$!A&00&B6-?!($,0!>(&>$()C!:)#$!;D(&>$()C<=!'$6-?! !"#$!%&'()*+!&A!@&9)0C!)600,'0$!A,(@0,-.E!,00!'$6-?!F!>,(8$0E!0&8,)$.!6-! G$8)6&-!G6H)$$-E!I&-(&$!"&B-9#6>E!D($'0$!/&3-)CE!J#6&E!B6)#!
Hill-T Farm Inc. Used - New - Rebuilt Tractor Parts Sales & Service WANTED: FIRE or WRECK-DAMAGED TRACTORS TRACTORS NOT FEASIBLE for REPAIR! REBUILTREBUILTUSED TRANSMISSIONS ENGINESENGINES Find us at... 4295 Richmond Palestine Road,New Madison,Ohio 937-548-0718 1/2 mile south of Palestine Page 37 COUNTRY LIVING OCTOBER 2022 Monday, November 7, 2022


SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8 AT 10 A.M. Large Dammeyer Auction lo cated at 8903 St Rt 235, Quincy, Ohio Hit & Miss Engine; Antiques & Collectibles; Special Interest Items; Tractor; Shop Tools & Equipment; Proj ect Steel Carl & Sandy Dammeyer, Owners Jon W Carr, Auctioneer See Page 36

MOnDAY, OCTOBER 10 (Start of Bidding) - Online Auction of 58 Acres at 18211 Hardin Wapak Rd , Botkins, Ohio Three Parcels Offered Individually and in Combination Justin Vondenhuevel, Auctioneer See Page 36

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15 AT 9 A.M. Consignment Equipment Auction located at 4938 S. St. Rt. 49, Greenville, Ohio. Combine; Sprayers; Tractors; Trucks; Semi’s & Dump Trucks; Semi Trailers; Construction Equipment; UTV’s & Golf Carts; Mowers; Misc Ag Equipment; Trailers; Skid Steer Attachments; Snow Equipment; Misc Shop Support Equipment Bussey Bros Auctioneers See Page 30

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15 AT 9 A.M. Personal Property Auction lo cated at 09084 National Rd , Wapakoneta, Ohio Trailers; Automotive Equipment; Tools; Mowers; Golf Carts; Machinery; Skid Steer; Precision Tools. Cisco Auction Services. See Page 37

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18 AT 11 A.M. Land Auction located at Amer ican Legion Post 539, American Legion Dr , North Baltimore, Ohio 198 +/ Acres located north of Findlay, Ohio Offered in Three Tracts Schrader Real Estate & Auction Company, Inc See Page 35

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29 AT 10 A.M. Public Auction located at Champaign County Fairgrounds, 384 Park Ave., Urbana, Ohio. High End Gun Collection Harley & Hal Jackson, Auctioneers See Page 33

MOnDAY, nOVEMBER 7 - Sale of Agricultural Real Estate by Sealed Offer 87 182 Acres of Mostly Tillable Farmland located along Shurley Rd , south of Eldorado, Ohio The Robert D & Carol L Brubaker Joint Revoca ble Trust See Page 37

fRiDAY, nOVEMBER 25 AT 10 A.M. Steinke Tractor & Guest Equipment Consignment Auction located at 707 S. Barron St., Eaton, Ohio. Tractors; Implements; Hay Equipment; Manure Spreaders; Grain Carts; Ro tary Mowers; Lawnmowers; Backhoes; Buckets & Attachments; Trucks; Misc Equipment & Parts Rusty Harmeyer & Gene Steiner, Auctioneers Harmeyer Auction & Appraisal Co , Steiner Auctions, Steinke Tractor Sales See Page 35

SATURDAY, nOVEMBER 26 AT 8:30 A.M. Triple H Farm Equip ment Annual Fall Consignment Auction located at 5054 St. Rt. 49 South, Greenville, Ohio Tractors; UTV Vehicles; Lawn & Garden; Combine & Head; Hay Tools & Forage Equipment; Tillage Equipment; Planting Equip ment; Trailers; 3 Pt Equipment Skid Steer Attachments; Sprayers; Misc Equipment; Grain Handling Equipment; Grinder Mixer; Spreader; Toys See Pages 14 & 15

• schrader real estate & auction co. • Real Estate & Farm Equipment Offered in October and November See Page 34

"( +$8( 37%/,&/: $11271&(' $1' $'236(' $ 57%5&4,36,21 342*4$0 62 *7$4$16(( 6+$6 :274 &23: 2) # ! .((35 &20,1* ;0216+ $)6(4 0216+ ;9,6+276 ,16(44736,21 $1: 2) :27 +$8( $/4($': 57%5&4,%(' $1' 9( 5$: < ?# = 2 6+25( 9+2 +$8(1>6 9( ,18,6( :27 62 -2,1 6+,5 ),1( *4273 2) # ! )4,(1'5 $1' 6+(4(%: $5574( :2745(/) 6+$6 6+,5 21( 2) $ .,1' 0216+/: 37%/,&$6,21 &216,17(5 $1' 6+$6 :27 9,// %( $%/( 62 471 )274 /$55,),(' '5 ($&+ 0216+ 9,6+276 &+$4*( : 57%5&4,%,1* 9( &$1 0$,16$,1 6+( &,4&7/$6,21 ),*74(5 6+427*+276 6+( &2716: $4($ 6+$6 ,5 52 %$'/: 1(('(' %: 6+( )$,6+)7/ $*4, %75,1(55(5 9+2 $'8(46,5( 9,6+ 75 ($&+ 0216+ 24 $// 121 57%5&4,%(45 6+(4( 9,// %( $ &+$4*( 2) )24 ($&+ /$55,),(' ' 924'5 24 /(55 6+(: 57%0,6 ,1 6+( )7674( 21 &200(4&,$/ 21/: ,) %,//(' 74 )7674( '(3(1'5 7321 4($'(4 $&&(36$1&( "( 9,5+ 62 6+$1. :27 ;274 4($'(45 $1' $'8(4 6,5(45 ;)24 :274 3$56 5733246 $1' 21/: +23( 6+$6 :274 5733246 9,// &216,17( ,1 6+( 0216+5 $1' :($45 62 &20( 1 4(6741 9( ,16(1' 62 924. +$4'(4 6+$1 (8(4 62 4(9$4' :27 )24 :274 /2:$/6: $1' &21),'(1&( 9,6+ $ 37%/,&$6,21 6+$6 :27 921>6 9$16 62 %( 9,6+276 #? ! ? ? $ , $ ,- $ ,*1 *0')%.*) & ,%$ (2 -.$, ,# '-"*0$, 1+', .'*) .$ '%'. $"/,'.2 *#$ ,# /(!$, *).& $ , $-. /2 "(%& * ' ! #!& * $) "(%& * !
Page 39 COUNTRY LIVING OCTOBER 2022 COUNTRY KITCHEN You are invited to share your favorite recipe – for a main dish, casserole, salad, vegetable, dessert, or snack. If it’s chosen a 1st Place Blue Ribbon Winner, we'll mail you $10! Recipes should be clearly printed or typed, with full instructions, and mailed to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
( ( ) '!"#&'" $%& * * presorted standard us postage paId greenFIeLd, In perMIt no 220 ARENS CORP. P O BOX 69 395 S HIGH ST COVINGTON, OHIO 45318 0069 POSTMASTER: DELIVER OCTOBER 3, 4, 5, 2022 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED

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