Country Living 4-22

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Country Living Vol. 79 • No. 4

April 2022



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Country Kitchen

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With today’s busy lifestyles, any recipe that’s “Quick & Easy” shortens your time in the kitchen. If it’s ALSO delicious, that’s an added bonus, and Jackie Rice’s recipe for Chili Con Carne is just that. You’ll find it, along with two other delicious recipes, on Page 39.

Your one-stop choice for agricultural, industrial, and residential motors. conveniently located at 301 w. wenger rd. in Englewood, ohio. Stop by between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. KEEP THOSE RECIPES COMING! Monday thru Friday.


Share Your Favorite Recipe With Our Readers AND HAVE A CHANCE TO WIN $10!


Is Published Monthly By: ARENS CORPORATION P.O. Box 69, 395 S. High St., Covington, OH 45318 937-473-2028 • 937-473-2029 • FAX: 937-473-2500


Jared Gaier (937) 538-8527 LAWN ROLLER: 4’ wide, $25. Wine bottle tree lawn ornament. $10. Coldwater 419-678-3289 (35) 4x5 ROUND BALES 1st cutting, wet-wrapped hay. Alfalfa orchardgrass. $50/bale. Rushsylvania 937-468-2439 JD 4430: Quad Range. Four new tires. $20,000. Greenville 937-547-0446 OFFICE FURNITURE: (2) laminated 3’x6’ sturdy office tables. $125 ea. Conference table, 3’x9’—with 6 chairs. $350. (2) wire chrome computer work stations. $75 ea. All in GC! Wapakoneta 419-738-7523 SILAGE WAGONS: Both 18 ft. 14-ton gears. Badger 1050. $3,000. Miller Pro 5100, front & rear unload. $5,000. Covington 937-623-5725


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DOUBLE D Double-Throw Manual Elec. Safety Switch Box: 600 amp, 240V, #92456. Use on single & 3-phase. 45”Wx54”Hx17”D. VGC! $2,000 new. Asking $300. New Bremen 419-305-1994 WHEAT STRAW: Clean, bright, tight bales. Easy loading. $3.50/bale. St. Henry 419-305-9854 KELLY Model 500 Loader: Hyd. dump. Some welds. Bushings worn. $450. Celina 419-586-7599 NEW HAY TEDDERS: 937-474-9899


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When submitting advertisements or news releases, always include your full name, address, & phone number (including area code)

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nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn WANTED: LELY ROTERRA In working condition. Maria Stein 419-305-7765. Leave message or text.

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FREE NON-COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIED AD POLICY FOR ALL COuNtRY LIvINg SuBSCRIBERS IF YOU VOLUNTARILY SUBSCRIBE TO COUNTRY LIVINg, you are eligible to submit a LIMIt OF 4 NON-COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIED ADS (20 WORDS OR LESS) with the understanding that they will be published free of charge if they qualify. tHE COSt IS $22.95 PER YEAR. Publisher reserves the right to reject certain ads. They should always be in good taste, and LIMITED TO 20 WORDS. PLEASE PRINT LEgIBLY, and be sure to include your area code and phone number. Classified ads should come from a farmer or other country resident who is not using them for a commercial purpose in which he is regularly engaged. They must bear the name and address of the writer, along with his or her customer number, which tells us you are among the subscribers of our Country Living Honor Roll of Friends. ADVERTISERS WIShINg TO RUN ADS MORE ThAN ONE MONTh MUST RE-SUBMIT ADS EACh MONTh. YOUR ADS will be seen in more than 13,000 country homes, and can be submitted in four ways: 1) Mail them to Country Living, Arens Corp., Publishers, P.O. Box 69, Covington, Oh 45318. 2) Telephone our office at 937-473-2028 or 937-473-2029 any time Monday thru Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Remember, you must give our receptionist your customer number or you will be billed for the ad(s) submitted. LIMIt OF 2 ADS PER tELEPHONE CALL. LIMIt OF 4 ADS PER MONtH PER SuBSCRIBER. 3) Fax your ad(s) to: 937-473-2500 4) Email your ad(s) to: COUNTRY LIVINg is published monthly. Free non-commercial classified ads will be accepted for publication in the following month's issue as late as possible. The earlier we receive your ad, the better chance it has to get in the next issue. When ads arrive too late to meet the deadline for a given issue, they are held over and given priority in the following issue.

DeaDline For MaY issue:

tHuRSDAY, APRIL 21 - 4:00 p.m. COMMERCIAL ADVERTISING is not acceptable for publication and the free classified ad copy submitted to us is carefully scrutinized to reject commercial ads. Our commercial advertising rates are available on request. Among the types of ads frequently submitted to us as free copy but rejected because they are commercial, are the following: 1) Ads calling for the purchase, sale or rental of real estate; 2) Ads calling for the sale or rental of mobile homes; 3) Ads calling for the sale of motor vehicles less than seven years old. To control the volume of the free ads, we also have found it necessary to automatically reject offers to give away, sell, trade or breed pets. All of these types of ads are acceptable at commercial rates at 50 cents per word.

AILGATE LADDER for pick-up. New. All makes & models. Beech Lane. Lifetime warranty. $75 OBO. Coldwater 419-942-1213 GREAT PLAINS 15’ no-till drill w/grass seeder. Model 3PD15. EC! $8,000. St. Paris 937-726-6632 (2) CULT. SHANK assemblies for IH 45; 4500 cult.; Farm X MT3 moisture tester, $60. Greenville 937-547-9863 QUEEN/KING BED: Adj. frame. $250. Solid oak. Clayton 937-999-8699. Leave msg. YOUNG FARMER seeking farm ground to rent. Darke & surrounding counties. Versailles 937-417-2969 ‘05 CHRYSLER Town & Country Van: 101K mi. Brookville 937-673-8545

WANTED: 4- or 5-person alum. pontoon paddle boat. Elam Wickey, 4373E—100S, Monroe, IN 46772 WHEAT STRAW: Nice, twine-tied, square bales. $3.50/bale. Wapakoneta 419-738-7523 JD 2001 1770 12-30 Planter: Liquid. 2x2 plus pop-up. Red balls. Air clutches. Pneumatic down pressure row clutches. Keetons. Precision E-set vacuum. EC! Wapakoneta 419-230-5279 AC 1200 FIELD CULTS.: 18’—$400. 24’—$650. Also, parts. Rossburg 937-564-0719 JD BACKHOE Attachment: #0093. 3 pt. or dozer. 3 buckets. Heavy & powerful. $2,400. Wapakoneta 419-204-7229

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1999-9510 COMBINE: 4,200 engine hrs. 2,900 separator hrs. GC! New belts & tank liner. Yorkshire 937-441-7420 or 937-844-1968 ‘93 JD 750: 15’ dolly drill, loup monitor, Yetter markers, Kasco auger, tarp. Good blades & boots. West Milton 937-875-1220 LOOKING FOR 2-4 beef steers, 600 lbs. or greater. Bradford 937-3136502


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NH #258 ROLL BAR RAKE: VGC! Yorkshire 937-726-6447

LAWNMOWER: Hand push. LIKE NEW! No cost or gas to operate. $65. Lewisburg 937-962-2364

WANTED: Int. tractor suitcase weights. Russia 937-638-8088

STRAW: Clean, bright wheat straw. Twine-tied, small, square bales. Easy loading or delivery available. West Milton 937-875-1220

BRAND NEW Brush Cutter: 72” skidloader mount. Hyd. driven. $3,950. Minster 419-230-6697 or 419-7335465

WANTED TO BUY: Farm machinery. Will buy one piece or complete lines. Arcanum 937-670-0323

HOUSE TO BE TORN DOWN AVAILABLE: Windows, doors. Couch, chair. Solar panels, $50 ea. Greenville 937621-2969

PAIR OF REAR WHEELS off 4020 JD tractor. 18.4-34 tires. $65. Arcanum 937-417-2537

(6) 10’ TELEPHONE POLES: 10” diameter. $50 for all. Brookville 937833-1165


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50’ HARRIS FEED CONVEYOR: 11” wide. VGC! With motor. Ft. Jennings 419-302-3148

STRAW FOR SALE: Small squares. Russia 937-638-0316


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NI HAND CORN SHELLER: GC! Celina 419-953-2960

22’ OF 18” FIELD TILE; 24’ of 12” field tile. Sidney 937-570-3282 after 5 pm



SHOOK SHOCK HITCH: Bolt to bumper style. Wapakoneta 937-5965841

FERRIS IS 5100Z: 33.5hp. Cat. dsl. 72” hyd. deck with hitch kit. 256 hrs. 12 mph. Brookville 937-837-3955



TEDDER: Sitrex, 2-basket, perfect cond., $2,250; Shaver 10” post driver, fully hyd. tilt & angle, $4,750. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486




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Page 7 - COUNTRY LIVING - APRIL 2022 ALUM.—ALUM. Sulfate Hydrate: Standard ground, but clumpy. Treats phosphorus in ponds to slow algae. 50# bags, $25 ea. ($20/2 or more). New Bremen 419-305-1994 NERF BARS for ‘11 GMC pick-up truck, $300. Treadmill—NordicTrack, $500. Wapakoneta 937-726-8155 WHEAT STRAW: $2/bale. 100-plus. Hay, $3/bale. 25-plus. Arcanum 937-548-0533 3rd & 4th CUTTINGS clover hay. Round bales. 1st & 2nd cuttings grass hay. Small, square bales. Russia 937-622-2246 2nd CUTTING 4x4, round bales, high protein, short-stem, cool season grass hay. No rain. $65/bale. St. Henry 419-678-3659

(100) 3x3x8 BALES STRAW: $120/ ton; 130 bales 3x3x8 clover hay (cattle $150/ton. Russia grade), 937-638-4212 or send msg. LARGE, SQUARE BALES: 3x4x8. Weigh approx. 1,100 lbs. 1st cutting grass & alfalfa. No rain. Asking $120/ bale. Have 200+. Wapakoneta 567-356-7291. Leave voice mail. 300 GAL. 3 PT. Mounted Tank: $750 OBO. Urbana 937-238-6504 TRACKS: Grouser style, 12x16.5, for larger skid steer, $1,650; hood, ‘70-’72 Chevy P/U, w/hinges, $500; Chevy 350 engine/trans., $500. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486 PULL-TYPE rotary hoe; JD 2-row cult.; 2 & 3 btm. plows; several other 3 pt. equipment; 2-row planters. Greenville 937-313-6502

WHITE 6100 Seed Disks: (12) 120 seed soybean, (12) 30 seed small corn, (6) 30 seed medium corn. EC! $10 ea. Piqua 937-214-1961

‘97 FORD RANGER: Needs transmission. Asking $700. Will take offers. Piqua 937-216-8157

1,800’ BARBED WIRE: Used 5 years. (70) T-posts. Used 5 years. Practically new. Tipp City 937-667-3778

WHITE 5100 6-row no-till planter w/5-row splitter. Dry fertilizer. V closing wheel. SM 4000 monitor, w/extra parts & bearings. Greenville 937-547-9863

‘02 CAMARO CONVERTIBLE: Red w/black top. Low mi. VGC! Make good Florida car. (6) Kinze insect./herb. boxes. Make offers! Germantown 937-689-7337

(20) CLOSET DOORS: $5 ea. Coldwater 419-678-3289 FREE FILL DIRT! No Sunday calls, please. Covington 937-473-3293

GRADER BLADE: Dearborn, 6 ft., 3 pt., $300; JD 640 loader attachment brackets, $200; JD 953 gear 500, Ford 300 hyd. lift cover, $650. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486 WANTED TO BUY: 10 or more acres of land in Miami Co. or surrounding counties. Prefer west of I-75. Ludlow Falls 937-698-6611

Deadline for Next Month’s Country Living Thursday, April 21, No Later Than 4:00 p.m.

Page 8 - COUNTRY LIVING - APRIL 2022 KONGSKILDE 2900: 30 ft. S-tine. Double basket. Rear hitch. With hyd. EC! J&M 33 ft. rolling basket. TF 212 double basket, w/wing wheels. Wapakoneta 419-230-5279 A2-A2 HEIFER CALVES: (2) Dutch Belted, (2) A1-A2 Jersey. Approx. 500 lbs. $1/lb. or trade on hay. Bluffton, Indiana. 260-223-3597 GRASS HAY: Round bales—horse, $25/bale. Cattle hay, $20/bale. Franklin 513-490-0240 3 PT. 2-14’s PLOWS: GC! $275. Franklin 937-231-2397. Leave msg. ELEC. MOTORS: 1/4hp & 1/3hp. 8” swivel heavy-duty wheels. Make offer. Ashton Drake Princess Diana dolls & plates, $300. Englewood 937-789-8996 JD 7200 6-Row Conservation Planter: No-till. Row cleaners. Monitor. $10,500. Greenville 937-547-0446 WANTED: Illinois Bunn Special 60-hour pocket watches, 17 jewel, 21 jewel, etc. Elam E. Wickey, 4373E—100S, Monroe, IN 46772

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SMALL, SQUARE bales clean, bright straw. Nice bales. Easy load. Greenville 937-417-2315 ◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊ WANTED: Broken or non-running John Deere, Cub Cadet, & Wheel Horse lawnmowers. 937-473-2705 or



SEEKING FARM GROUND TO RENT: Darke & surrounding counties. Excellent fertility package. Versailles 937-467-1133






Deadline for May Country Living - Thursday, April 21, No Later Than 4:00 p.m.

NI 218 Manure Spreader: Tandem axle. VGC! Asking $4,600. Ft. Loramie 937-489-1473 IH CUB 4’ DISK: Sandblasted. New paint. Blades all good. Great for any small tractor or ATV. $795. Greenville 937-621-4580 SEVERAL COMBINE, Tractor, & Truck Tires: New & used. Old stock Firestone. 18.4xR42. All sizes. Used 20.8xR42, 18.4xR46, Firestone 34” front wheel assist tire. 18.4x26 radial front wheel assist tires. 16.9x28 front wheel assist, Firestone. Franklin 937-474-9899 TRAILER: 4x8, w/sides, $450. Tri-Cart utility 3-wheeler, 10hp, $200; Gravely L model mower, plow & cult., $150. West Milton 937-901-7212 8000 FORD: Late model. Updated— dual power, new Firestone radial tires, front weights. Make offer or trade. Franklin 937-474-9899 CAT 4-WHEEL DRIVE Tractor— Loader—Backhoe: Runs very well. $20,000 OBO or trade. Franklin 937-474-9899 25’ 1976 DODGE Motorhome: Kept inside. $2,250 OBO. Brookville 937-673-8545 6’ HEAVY-DUTY Dearborn snow blade. $350. 8N Ford tractor. Good paint & rubber. Runs great! $2,500. Englewood 937-789-8996




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NEW HAY TEDDERS: 937-474-9899


TRIP BUCKET LOADER: $800. (1) chain hoist, $75. Englewood 937-789-8996

NH GRINDER/MIXER: Model #354. Extra long unloading auger. No drag. Kept inside. $4,500. Dale, New Carlisle 937-308-1382. No texts, please.

‘05 CHRYSLER PACIFICA: 220K mi. New battery. Good tires. $900. Bradford 937-448-2439

TUPPERWARE: Overstocked! Huge savings on in-stock items. Dealer for 23 years. Call for catalog & brochures. Russia 937-238-6661

HAY: Big, square bales, 3x4x6. 700 lbs. ea. Mixed grass (timothy / orchardgrass / bluegrass). Can deliver. $50/bale. Sidney 937-638-6488

WANTED: Farmground to rent in Darke & surrounding counties. Any size acreage. Paying top dollar. Greenville 937-467-3651

(6) REFINISHED antique ladderback chairs, $300; Beretta 12 ga. shotgun. Lima 419-234-4785

JD 930A: Zero-turn. 710 hrs. 60” deck. Electric lift. $5,250. Ansonia 937-337-7901 or 937-238-7901

JD BACKHOE Attachment: #0093. 3 pt. or dozer. 3 buckets. Heavy & powerful. $2,400. Wapakoneta 419-204-7229

NEW HOLLAND 489 Haybine: GC! Stored inside. $2,500. Covington 937-473-5304

KLINE SAFETY BELT: Model 5228 N 20. Size 35 to 42. LN! Celina 419-586-4388

SMALL, SQUARE bales clover hay, with some straw stubble mixed in. $4/ bale. Arcanum 937-216-7096. Leave msg.

‘13 WHITE 5-ROW No-Till Splitter: Keeton seed firmers. Cruiser closing wheels. EC! $5,500. Wapakoneta 937-596-5262

GRAIN WAGON: 150 bu. With floatation tires. Pulls good! $550 OBO. Greenville 937-423-2281 or 937-968-6836

DEMOLITION: Also, concrete demolition such as old swimming pools, barn foundations, porches, etc. Also, general excavating work. 937-232-7380

FINISHING MOWER: Barn kept. LN! Flower/garden tubs. Porcelain. Make offer. Brookville 937-837-1070



93 GLEANER R62 w/25’ 500 Series grain head & cart. 630 Hugger corn head. EC! Field ready. $42,000. Wapakoneta 419-236-3139

CASE IH 7130: 2WD. 18.4x42 w/duals. Large PTO. 2,400 hrs. $47,500. Anna 937-538-6605

Page 11 - COUNTRY LIVING - APRIL 2022 PAYING CASH for vintage catalogs... Spiegel, JC Penney, Aldens, etc. Also, certain vintage magazines. Text 937-726-1360 or e-mail Sidney 937-492-1065 SET OF 4 CHROME Dodge / Ford truck wheels & tires. 5-1/2” lug pattern. Good tires. P265/75R16 (31” tall x 10” wide). $450. West Milton 937-980-5308 ‘35 S-10 CHEVY PROJECT CAR: Sitting on chassis (no drive train). $2,195. Lewisburg 937-839-4540 HYPER THERM. Power Max 600. VGC! $600. Arcanum 937-603-0610 PULLEY FOR 8N FORD. Brackets for next size up. 800’s & up. $75. Duals, 18.4x34. 9-bolt rims (one bad rim). $125. Rossburg 937-564-0719 IHC 4500 Vibra Shank Field Cult.: 22 ft. Hyd. fold. LN shanks / single bar Hiniker harrow. Rear hitch. Gauge wheels on wings. $2,500. Piqua 937-418-2610 PAYING CASH for vintage J.C. Penney catalogs. Also, unusual vintage magazines. Sidney 937-492-1065. Text: 937-726-1360. E-mail: LOEGERING, 12x16.5 tracks, $1,350; post driver, Shaver, 10 in., 3 pt., $2,500; Danuser post driver, $1,200; Gravely rotary mower attachment, $100. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486

CART TO PULL behind bicycle. 20” wheels. Hooks under seat. Celina 419-586-4388 WANTED: Rouser tracks set. 16.5 wheels. West Alexandria 937-533-6201 MITER SAW: 10” compound. 15 amp. $85. Clayton 937-999-8699. Leave msg. KINZE 150 gal. fertilizer tank w/mounting brackets. EC! $150. Piqua 937-214-1961 WANTED TO BUY: Farm machinery. Will buy one piece or complete lines. Arcanum 937-670-0323 FERRIS IS 5100Z: 33.5hp. Cat diesel. 72” hyd. deck with hitch kit. 256 hrs. 12 mph. Brookville 937-837-3955 MORE PROFIT, LESS STRESS Grain Marketing Education and Market News in language farmers understand. Customized market plan for your operation or just the facts for you to make informed marketing decisions. Website dedicated to grain market education and all free, with no advertisements. 30-day trial subscription, no cost, no obligation, no phone calls. Go to: ‘13 KINZE 12R30 Corn Planter: HD. No-till fert. openers. 2x2. Totally tubular in furrow fert. V sets & V drive. 20/20 monitor. Martin row cleaners. EC! $75,000. Urbana 937-238-6504

Deadline for Next Month’s Country Living Thursday, April 21, No Later Than 4:00 p.m.

B&B Ag-Vantages Proudly Supports The Xtend Cropping System

Page 12 - COUNTRY LIVING - APRIL 2022 6 QUART White Mountain Freezer: Still in orig. box. LN! Hand-crank. $200 OBO. Brookville 937-673-8545

CAST IRON SKILLETS: Sidney 937-295-3553 CRAFTSMAN 10” Table Saw: Table has 2 extensions, on moveable stand. With 1 hp motor. Arcanum 937-548-2608 or cell: 937-564-8660

FORD 6640 w/roll bar. Looks, runs, & starts like new. 6610 & 5610 w/roll bar & canopy. Late models. One owners. Franklin 937-474-9899

TRI-FOLD Tonneau Truck Bed Cover: 60x100 in. VGC! Almost new. Black. Greenville 937-417-2315

5000 FORD DIESEL with new rebuilt motor, pistons, etc. Franklin 937-474-9899

TREADMILL: Variable spd. VGC! Used very little. Wapakoneta 419-738-7523

OLIVER 525 & 535 combines for parts. Best offer. Oliver 531 3-row 30” corn head. GC! Stored under roof. $660 OBO. Wapakoneta 419-302-2091

1999-9510 COMBINE: 4,200 engine hrs. 2,900 separator hrs. GC! New belts & tank liner. Yorkshire 937-441-7420 or 937-844-1968

SEVERAL 4610—4600—4630 tractors for sale. Franklin 937-474-9899

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SEEKING LAND TO FARM In West Milton & surrounding areas. Please contact Steve McGuffey, West Milton— 937-673-5730

WANTED: Junk autos & scrap metal of all kinds. Certified scale. Top dollar paid. Roll-off container services. Call for pricing or pick-up. Celina 419-363-2277

‘58 JD #45 LOADER w/wide attachments & all mounting brackets for 2 cyl. JD’s. $1,500. Wapakoneta 419-204-7229

PARKER Hopper Wagon: 365 bu. Lights, tarp, semi tires & spare. EC! $4,250. Maria Stein 419-790-8702

1st, 2nd & 3rd CUTTINGS HAY: Grass / alfalfa grass. $3/bale. Also, straw, $3/bale. Conover 937-538-0067 WOOD OVAL Picnic Table: 46”W x 29”H x 7’L. $20. Huber Heights 937-233-5791

1,000 GAL. Poly Nurse Tank: 2 in. Tandem. GC! $4,200. Anna 937-538-6605 ÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓ 7000 JOHN DEERE No-Till Corn Planter: Liquid fert. In row & 2x2. Vari-Rate. EC! Sidney 937-492-1930. Leave message

Page 13 - COUNTRY LIVING - APRIL 2022 NICE, SQUARE BALES Wheat Straw: $4/bale. Wapakoneta 419-941-1196 WINDOW AIR COND.: Kenmore. 5,000 BTU. Used one summer. LN! Cools 300 sq. ft. $159 new. Asking $80 OBO. New Knoxville 937-423-4440 DUALS: 18.4x38. Clamp on. $380. Wapakoneta 419-305-2355 IH 1460 COMBINE: Specialty rotor, 1020, 20’ grain platform, 863 corn head. All in GC! $8,500. Piqua 937-214-1961

(400) BALES wet-wrapped 4x5 individually wrapped alfalfa / alfalfa grass mix / clover bales. $65 ea. Russia 937-638-4212. Send msg. FERRIS IS 5100Z: 33.5hp. Cat diesel. 72” hyd. deck with hitch kit. 256 hrs. 12 mph. Brookville 937-837-395 USC 3016 Seed Conveyor: Series 2000. With 5hp single-phase motor. $6,500. Cridersville 419-236-6954 JD 2 CYL. power unit off JD 12-A combine. Engines are stuck. Covington 937-214-5798

Complete Auction Ser vice Antiques • Estates Real Estate • Farm Equipment • Appraisals

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Deadline for Next Month’s Country Living Thursday, April 21, No Later Than 4:00 p.m.

JD 4-ROW corn planter seed boxes, sandblasted & new paint. Great for sweet corn. No fertilizer. Hyd. lift. $850. Greenville 937-621-4580

NUBIAN Breeding Buck Goat: 1 year old. Colorful. From great milking line. Purebred. $275. Call or text. Somerville 937-205-1483

(6) YETTER NO-TILL Dry Fertilizer Openers: Mounting brackets for CIH Series planters. Will consider trade for double disk openers. Laura 937-689-5770

AMMUNITION FOR SALE: 7.62x51-.308, .223-5.56. Primers for 5.56. Will trade for firewood. Covington 937-875-6611


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3HP 15” BROCK BIN FAN: LN! Mahindra 6500 2WD tractor, 1,237 hrs. J&M Model 300 hopper wagon. ‘08 30’ Case IH 1020 grain table w/header cart. Russia 937-638-4799

&4,* #&4.*6: 3+ 6*15 *00.2, .2 37'0* 7(6.32 .2,5 356 3+ 6-* &: &46.&0 .56.2, 999 9&0276-&48*56&7(6.325 (31


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IH 315 MULTIMULCHER: 20 ft. GC! $12,500. Cridersville 419-236-6954 FREEZER BEEF: No hormones. Grain-fed. Arcanum 937-533-0930



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WHEAT STRAW: $3/bale. Approx. 900 bales. Russia 937-526-4091. Leave msg.

JD 709 7’ MOWER: GC! Convoy 419-495-2224. Leave msg.


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PERKINS DSL. AD4-203: Out of MF 165. Runs great! No smoke. Good oil pressure. Can hear run. $1,800. Greenville 937-621-4580

DRY SINK; SKS rifle; well baler; 16’ dual-axle steel trailer. Lima 419-234-4785


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Upcoming Upco U Up pcoom pco om miing i ngg

AUCTIONS A UCTIONS REAL ESTATE APRIL 11 90± ACRES IN 1 TR ACT. Defia nce Cou nt y, OH (Hick sv i l le, IIN). Nea rly 100% Ti l lable • 2022 Fa r m ing R ig hts • E xcel lent Soi l T Tyy pes & Product iv it y. Cont ract Jer r y Eh le 260-410-1996 or Lu ke Sch rader 260-229-7089. 12 466± AC ACRES IN 10 TR ACTS. Grant Count y, IN (U ( pland, IN). 273± FSA Ti l lable Acres • Mat u re Woods w it h Great Wi ld life Presence • Potent ia l Bu i ld ing Sites • Eastbrook Schools. Contact R ick Wi l lia ms 765-639-2394 or Drew L a m le 260-609-4926. 18 77± A AC CRES IN 8 TR ACTS. A l len Cou nt y, IN. Product ive Ti l lable La nd • Ver y Good Soi ls • Great Potent ia l Bu i ld ing Sites • Lots of Road Frontage. Cont ract Jer r y Eh le 260-410-1996.


MAY 5 FARM EQUIPMENT – V IRTUAL A ND TIMED ONLINE ONLY. Contact Eric Ott 260-413-0787 or Robert Mishler 260-336-9750. Follow us on:

Deadline for Next Month’s Country Living Thursday, April 21, No Later Than 4:00 p.m.

Get our iOS App

800-451-2709 800800 -451-2709 451 2709 S Schrade hr d erAuction rAu ti n co om m Check our website daily for auction updates and real estate ver 60,000,000 hits annually listings - Over


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HARDWOOD LUMBER: 137 bf. Mostly oak. Some maple & cherry. Dry. Planed. Assorted prices & sizes. Middletown / Germantown 513-594-7855


GRASS HAY: 1st cutting, $/bale. 2nd & 3rd cuttings, $5/bale. Franklin 513-490-0240 WHEAT STRAW: $3/bale. Approx. 900 bales. Russia 937-526-4091. Leave msg.

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AIR COMPRESSOR: 3hp, $200; air compressor, small, $50; parts—washer tank, 24”x38”x10”—$100; air agitator parts washer, $100. West Milton 937-901-7212 FOR SALE: Several tractors. 30-150 hp. Franklin 937-474-9899

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PARTS FOR JD 1000, 1010 & 1100 field cults. Misc. shovels, parts, springs, shanks, etc. West Manchester 937-678-6848

TS 100 FORD NH: 100hp. Roll bar & canopy. One owner. Runs & starts like new! $18,000 OBO or trade. Franklin 937-474-9899 BULLS! BULLS! BULLS! Angus yearlings. Stout. Ready to breed. Fertility tested. Low birth weight to 1,360 lbs. 30+ years A.I. $2,000. Windrift Angus, Rosewood 937-362-9740 POWER BOAT Motor & Trailer: Will trade for small dump trailer. Brookville 937-837-1070 SADDLE TANKS: 250 gals. each. GC! $200. Dale, New Carlisle 937-308-1382. No texts, please. ‘65 CASE 830 Comfort King Tractor: Model 841C. Wide front. Gas engine. Restored. New paint. Runs great. New Paris 937-997-2384

Page 19 - COUNTRY LIVING - APRIL 2022 67 CAB for JD 4020. Came off tractor. Arcanum 937-621-7212 BOBCAT 853 skidloader w/2 buckets. Complete rebuild & new paint. $13,950. Tim, Celina 419-305-4307

(6) DAWN row cleaners off 7000 JD planter. GC! $75 ea. Piqua 937-214-1961

WOOD Yard Swing & Chain: 42”W x 17”D. $20 OBO. Huber Heights 937-233-5791

WOOD FOR 937-295-3553

DUALS: 18.4x38. Clamp on. $380. Wapakoneta 419-305-2355

JD 13’ DISK: $500 OBO. Miamisburg 937-329-0371


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TRUCK BED: 8x20 ft. $500. 8x16 ft. channel iron frame. Needs floor for wagon. $200. Rossburg 937-564-0719

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WOOD OVAL Picnic Table: 46”W x 29”H x 7’L. $20. Huber Heights 937-233-5791

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(50) 4x5 ROUND BALES Grass Hay: Net wrapped. $35/roll. (300) square bales mixed hay. 65 lbs. $4 each. Xenia 937-603-1220 4’x5’ ROUND BALES Mixed Grass & Forb Hay: Net-wrapped. Fertilized. 700-800 lbs. each. For cattle, sheep, horses, goats. $45/bale outside. $60/ bale inside. Middletown / Germantown 513-594-7855


SEVERAL 4610—4600—4630 tractors for sale. Franklin 937-474-9899


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come see our new location



Page 20 - COUNTRY LIVING - APRIL 2022 ALFALFA GRASS HAy mIX: Small squares. $4.50/bale. Russia 937-6380316

(20) BALES high moisture spelt hay. Great cow hay! $35/bale. Rushsylvania 937-468-2439

JD 1219 mowER ConDITIonER: 9’ cut. Good rubber on rolls. new guards. Field ready. $2,900. St. marys 419-953-3487

7-1/2’ mEyER Snow pLow: Complete. Fits early 2000 Dodge 2500 pick-up. $450 oBo. Brookville 937833-1165

nH DUAL hay rake hitch for left & right hand rake, $750; tracks, Grouser, for Bobcat 753, w/10x16.5 tires, $750. yellow Springs 937-5725486

1895 AnTIQUE Rosenthal corn shredder w/several long belts. $1,595. Franklin 937-231-2397. Leave msg.

wAnTED: Commercial zero-turn lawnmower. 60” mower deck. Russia 937-638-8088 CEnTRAL mACHInERy milling & drilling machine, w/stand & vise. $800 oBo. Arcanum 937-603-0610 pEREnnIAL pLAnTS: 20 for $35. many varieties available. new Carlisle 937-925-0177 To30 FERGUSon Tractor & plow: Both restored. $3,500 oBo. Clayton 937-572-4325

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J&m 33’ RoLLInG BASkET: TF212 double basket w/wing wheels. wapakoneta 419-230-5279 SET oF 3 pT. moUnTED pLowS: (2) 14 in. GC! $275. Leave msg. Franklin 937-231-2397 SmALL, SQUARE Bales wheat Straw: Bright. Run thru conventional combine. $4/bale. new Bremen 419305-5634 USED SpIkETooTH HARRow: 25 ft. Came off 25 ft. disk. Looks Ln! minster 419-628-2506


Page 22 - COUNTRY LIVING - APRIL 2022 72” FINISH MOWER: 3 pt., $700; rotary seed cleaner, $50; corn sheller, $50. Celina 419-733-2064

SET OF 4 JD Wheel Weights: R56920. Trotwood 937-657-4334 or 937-837-2408

966 IH with roll bar & canopy. Runs & operates like new! Starts like new in cold weather. Franklin 937-474-9899

BOBCAT 853 skidloader w/2 buckets. Complete rebuild & new paint. $13,950. Tim, Celina 419-305-4307

SNOW THROWER: $500. Snow blade, $300. Cub Cadet 2000 Series. Or best offer. Wapakoneta 937-726-8155

EASTER BUNNIES & Butchering Rabbits: Alive or dressed. Maria Stein 419-925-4712

GRAIN BIN BOLTS, nuts, & misc. dryer parts. New Paris 937-533-7456 SMALL, SQUARE BALES Grass Hay: ‘21. 1st & 2nd cuttings. $4/bale. Ansonia 937-459-9577 ‘76 454: Short deck. Crank shaft. GC! Stock cast iron spread bore intake. Oval port for ‘76 454. Also, misc. parts. Phillipsburg 937-832-7124 3 PT. HITCH buzz saw. Belt-driven. $300. 2’x3’ dump yard trailer, $75. Englewood 937-789-8996 NICE, SMALL, square bales alfalfa hay. Some grass, but mostly alfalfa. 1st cutting, $5/bale. 2nd & 3rd cuttings, $6/bale. Wapakoneta 419-941-1196

HAY: Grass hay. 1st cutting. $4/bale. Covington 937-473-5121. Leave msg. UNVERFERTH 5-shank spring loaded Sub-Soiler; 15’ M&W disk chisel; disk mower (needs repair). Germantown 937-689-7337 FORD 260C: 50hp. 4x4. One owner. $13,000 or trade. Franklin 937-474-9899 FREEZER BEEF: No hormones. Grain-fed. Arcanum 937-533-0930 (3) REG. SHORTHORN Heifers: February, June, & August born. Sired by MFK Joe Kidd, a Hot Commodity son. Ready for new home! New Paris 937-997-2384

WOODBURNING STOVES: $250-$490. Woodburning fire pit, $85. Storage box for wood/tools, etc., $45. Tractor/dozer push blade 8’ attachment for dirt. $450. Large fuel tank s, $290. Lewisburg 937-839-4540 1st & 2nd CUTTINGS alfalfa grass hay. Round bales. Bradford 937-564-6309. Please leave msg. 4’x5’ ROUND BALES Mixed Grass & Forb Hay: Net-wrapped. Fertilized. 700-800 lbs. each. $45/bale outside. $60/bale inside. Middletown / Germantown 513-594-7855 (2) TONNEAU COVERS & portable basketball hoop. $50 ea. OBO. Sidney 937-622-0202 (8) HEAD Feeder Calves: 325-450 lbs., Charolais / Hereford / Gelbvieh crosses. $1.75/lb. Bradford 937-448-2439 ‘99 FORD F-250 PICK-UP: Very little rust. Needs TLC. V8 engine. Make offer or trade. Franklin 937-474-9899 APPROX. 100 BALES 2nd cutting alfalfa hay. $4.50/bale. Russia 937-526-4091. Leave msg.

MASSEY 880 PLOW: 3 pt. hitch. 5-16’s. Trip back & harrow. Used 3 yrs. ago. Still works. 500 bales longstemmed straw. Tipp City 937-667-3778 PUREBRED POLLED Hereford Cows & Heifers: Bred or with calf at side. Quiet. West Liberty 937-465-7520 ØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØ J.C.B. BACKHOE new dig bucket. Farm-owned, w/manual. GC! New Paris 937-533-7456 LOOKING FOR ‘88-’98 Chevy or GMC Trucks: Prefer Z-71 or 4x4, but all will be considered. Quick cash transaction. Calls only. Tipp City 937-856-4262 33’ GRAIN BIN: Drying floor, spreader with 10hp fan, 13,000 bu. $4,000. West Milton 937-581-8028 J&M 250-7 Hopper Wagon: $960. Bradford 937-448-2439 VINTAGE Sampson / Shwayder large trunk, suitcase, footlocker w/removable inner tray. Key included. $65. West Milton 937-980-5308

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WRAPPED HAY: 1st—5th cuttings. Different types. $55-$65/bale. Individually wrapped rounds. Covington 937-214-5747



‘95 FORD F350 Dump Truck: 8’ bed. 5.8. Auto. Runs good. 90K mi. Bed & frame very rusty. Bed liner good. New front fenders. Needs brake work. $2,600. Celina 419-586-7599



MF TRACTOR: Model 231. Dsl. Wide front end & bucket loader. 938 hrs. With BH6—6 ft. bush hog. One year old. GC! $10,500. Huber Heights 937-233-5791

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WANTED TO BUY: Silver King tractor. Prefer 1942 or later Model 42 3-wheeler. Must be able to restore. Harrod 419-303-8682



LIKE NEW 2015 NH TS.115 Model Tractor: With CHA, mechanical front end, & loader. 351 actual hrs. Asking $70,000. St. Marys 419-305-8076



MF 2745 TRACTOR: Long axles, with MF cast duals, front & rear weights, quick hitch. Botkins 937-693-3320



POLE BARN heavy-gauge metal sheets. Reclaimed. Heavy-gauge metal siding/roofing cover sheets. About $1.50/ft. Various sizes/lengths, 10-30 ft. Overhead garage doors. Solar thermal panels. Metal-covered insulated panels. Lewisburg 937-839-4540



(2) KILLBROS. 350 WAGONS: Full sides & newer tires. EC! Laura 937-689-5770


USED PICK-UP TEETH for Ford 532 hay baler. Covington 937-214-5798

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LOOKING FOR A JD PTO Drive Hay Rake: New Madison 937-423-7014




WANTED: Winchester Model 1887 lever-action w/pistol grip stock. Elam Wickey, 4373E—100S, Monroe, IN 46772


RECONDITIONED Manure Spreaders: NI #17, 95 bu., new floor, stored inside, good tires. GC! $1,800. 16’ bale conveyor w/motor, $800. Holland 419-277-0668


4’x5’ ROUND BALES Mixed Grasses & Forb Hay: Fertilized. Nice, netwrapped. 700-800 lbs. each. Buy in quantity & save! $45/bale outside. Middletown / Germantown 513-594-7855

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TUPPERWARE: Overstocked! Huge savings on in-stock items. Dealer for 23 years. Call for catalog & brochures. Russia 937-238-6661


MEN’S SEARS J.C. Higgins Space Liner 26” bike. GC! Make offer. New Knoxville 937-423-4440


BEAUTIFUL, Purebred German Shepherd Puppies: 9 weeks old. No papers. $500 OBO. Ludlow Falls 937-416-9152 or 937-698-6611


STRAW: Clean, bright wheat straw. Twine-tied, small, square bales. Easy loading or delivery available. West Milton 937-875-1220

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SEVERAL DOZEN Canning Jars: Brookville 937-673-8545

Page 24 - COUNTRY LIVING - APRIL 2022 2-ROW NI Corn Picker. VGC! Always kept inside. Ready to pick corn. Greenville 937-417-2315

(400) PATIO or Sidewalk Bricks: Half- 5 FT. 3 PT. BUSH HOG: For parts. price. Never used. Celina Gearbox good. And other parts. $150. 419-586-4388 Somerville 937-205-1149

HEAVY-DUTY RACK. Crane lifting straps & steel cable straps. Office desks & etc. New Paris 937-533-7456

WANTED: Used 3-phase motors, 5hp & up. Good used 14.5-15-16 tires. Rossburg 937-417-2219

(10) 36” BYPASS CLOSET DOORS: ‘93 JD 750: 15’ dolly drill, loup monitor, $5 ea. Coldwater 419-678-3289 Yetter markers, Kasco auger, tarp. Good blades & boots. West Milton ANTIQUE WOOD CAROUSEL 937-875-1220 HORSES: PRICE REDUCED! Phillipsburg 937-832-7124 TYE SERIES 5 No-Till Grain Drill: 15 ft. With grass seeder. $9,000. 1st, 2nd & 3rd CUTTINGS Grass Hay: Greenville 937-547-0446 Round bales. 1st cutting grass alfalfa, round bales. Russia 937-622-2246 MITER SAW: 10” compound. 15 amp. $85. Clayton 937-999-8699. Leave CHEVY S-10 or GMC Sonoma short- msg. bed liner. GC! $150. And tailgate. Almost new. $300. Covington JD 930R: Zero-turn. 54” deck. 1,003 937-623-5725 hrs. Electric lift tweels. $5,450. Ansonia 937-337-7901 or 937-238-7901 CHICKEN MANURE FOR SALE: Trucking & spreading available. Ver- WANTED: Diesel tractors in any cond. sailles 937-564-3399 Even broken or burned. Franklin 937-474-9899 WANTED TO BUY: Farm machinery. Will buy one piece or complete lines. FERRIS 700: 204 hrs. 52” deck. ZeroArcanum 937-670-0323 turn. Nice! $5,250. Ansonia 937-337-7901 or 937-238-7901 NEW TIRE & 8” RIM: 4-hole. Carlisle tire. All new. Celina 419-586-4388 TRIPOD TV TOWER: 30’ tall. Make offer. Ludlow Falls 937-698-6611 PTO GENERATOR: Winco, 25K, on nice trailer, w/owner’s manual, FORD NH TC29: Diesel. 4-wheel $2,250; JD 953 gear w/hoist, $750; drive. One owner. Looks like new. 8N Ford sickle bar, belly mount, $250. Belly mower, 6’ bush hog, & other Yellow Springs 937-572-5486 attachments. Will take trade. Franklin 937-474-9899 FREEZER BEEF: No hormones. Grain-fed. Arcanum 937-533-0930 FIRESTONE 320/85R28 tires. Rims & hubs off 6430 JD. 70%. Paint is very FORD 550 Tractor—Loader—Back- good. $450. New Bremen hoe: Good quality machine. $12,500 419-305-1994 OBO or trade. Franklin 937-474-9899

FORD NH 4630 with 65hp Ford quick attach loader & bucket. Starts & runs like new! Will consider trade. Franklin 937-474-9899

SLIGHTLY USED Weather Tech front & rear floor mats for Dodge 1500 Crew Cab (2014-2019). $100 OBO. Coldwater 419-942-1213 WANTED: Older Dodge dsl. pick-up in any cond. For parts or complete. Bradford 937-313-6502 BRILLION 8’ cultipacker w/4” axles. Packer wheels all good. New paint. Great for deer plots or new hay fields. $1,200. Greenville 937-621-4580 TRACTOR MOUNTED PTO driven Ace pump. Fits 1-3/4”—1,000 rpm. PTO shaft LN! $500. Urbana 937-238-6504 SEED CORN: Non-GMO. SureFlex hybrids. $97/bag. Mullins Chemicals, 937-336-3328 FERRIS 1500: 52” deck. 510 hrs. $4,950. Ansonia 937-337-7901 or 937-238-7901 NEW GEORGE Work Boots: Size 10 Wide. Style G106. $75 OBO. Coldwater 419-942-1213 J.C. HIGGENS Sears Roebuck 12 ga. pump shotgun. 2-3/4” chamber, w/3 chokes. Arcanum 937-548-2608 or 937-564-8660

FIRESTONE 28Lx26: Almost new. For combine or tractor. Franklin 937-474-9899 BARSKA Metal Detector: New. Polaris 250, $1,000. WANTED: Push lawn roller. Lima 419-234-4785 BRUNO SEAT Remote Control. For car or truck. LN! Brookville 937-837-1070 MF 12’ DISK: HD. With 18” blades. $400 OBO. Greenville 937-423-2281 or 937-968-6836 CUSTOM FARMING Combining, planting, & tillage work. Please contact Steve McGuffey, West Milton— 937-673-5730 APPROX. 100 BALES 2nd cutting alfalfa hay. $4.50/bale. Russia 937-526-4091. Leave msg. JD GARDEN Tractor Parts: Fit 210, 212, 316, 318 & others. New Bremen 419-305-8040 WHEEL PLANTER with 6 plates. Sidney 937-295-3553

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Page 25 - COUNTRY LIVING - APRIL 2022 SHAVER post driver, 12” fully hyd. tilt & angle, $5,250; Ferguson 2 btm. plow, $300; 8N fenders, $150. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486 ‘21 1st CUTTING Grass Hay: 3x3x8 large, square bales. Ft. Loramie 937-489-1382 1st & 2nd CUTTINGS Grass Hay: Around 600 bales. $5.50/bale. Covington 937-214-5747. Call or text. WANTED: Farmground to rent in Darke & surrounding counties. Any size acreage. Paying top dollar. Greenville 937-467-3651 WANTED: Matched set of 2 rear tractor tires. 23.1x34. Preble County. 937-683-5002 JD 1010—30’ field cult. w/3-bar spike harrow. GC! Greenville 937-417-2315

WANTED TO BUY: Horses, ponies, & saddles. Ansonia 937-337-2622 WHEAT STRAW: Nice, twine-tied, square bales. $3.50/bale. Wapakoneta 419-738-7523 BRADY 13-1/2’ field cult. w/harrow & hitch. Hardee 3 pt. extended boom rotary mower, honeysuckle remover. Germantown 937-689-7337 IHC SERIES 86 Factory Cab Steps: RH & LH. $50 ea. Piqua 937-418-2610 NH #27 Silage Blower: Wapakoneta 419-305-2355


‘54 JD FRONT MOUNT 2-row cults. w/brackets. For JD tractors. Rusty. $500. Wapakoneta 419-204-7229

BRILLION 12’ Cultimulcher: $750 OBO. Miamisburg 937-329-0371

4th CUTTING HAY: ‘21 alfalfa/grass mix. $4.50/bale. Maria Stein 419-925-4712

WANTED TO BUY: JD clutch lift scrap plows & plow parts—wheels, coulters, jointers, etc. Paying above scrap prices. Harrod 419-303-8682

NEED DEMOLITION for bottom half of hay barn. FREE WOOD: Debris wood & fenceline. Brookville 937-837-1070

110' reach AERIAL TOWER

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Morgan Doppler 765-964-4303

10881 Stateline Rd., Union City, OH 45390

Deadline for Next Month’s Country Living Thursday, April 21, No Later Than 4:00 p.m.

Page 26 - COUNTRY LIVING - APRIL 2022 ALFALFA-TIMOTHY HAY: 1st cutting. Some at $4.25 & some at $5 per bale. +/- 500 bales. Union City, Indiana 765-964-3475 PUREBRED POLLED Hereford Bulls: Yearlings & 4-year-old. Quiet. West Liberty 937-465-7520 TEDDER: NH157, 2B, $2,250; tedder, NH 169, 6-basket, $5,250; hay wagon / NH gear, $900; Barge Wagon body w/hoist, w/o running gear, $500. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486 PARTING OUT: 469 NH haybine. Good rolls. Covington 937-214-5798

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BUSH HOG ATF900 7.5’ wide, 3 pt. PTO finish mower. Side discharge. Extra set of blades. VGC! Always inside. Little use. $3,100. New Bremen 419-305-1994 JD 750 15’ no-till drill w/population monitor. $14,200. Greenville 937-547-0446 FUEL TANK BARRELS, LP, drums. Tanks—liquid fuels, propane LP, bulk gas/dsl., 200-1,500 gals. 20-55 gal. drums, $5. Rain or burn barrels, etc. Prices on request. Lewisburg 937-839-4540

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Deadline for Next Month’s Country Living Thursday, April 21, No Later Than 4:00 p.m.


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CHICKEN MANURE FOR SALE: Trucking & spreading available. Versailles 937-564-3399 DIRT SCOOP: 30 King Kutter. 3 pt. Pull or push. $100. Rossburg 937-338-3501 CB EQUIPMENT: Base & mobile. New antenna. $100. (3) 4x8-5/8 drywall, $10. West Milton 937-901-7212 FLATBED WAGON: 14x8, w/Diamond Plate steel bed. On 4-ton gear. Good tires. Pulls good down the road! $950. Greenville 937-621-4580 1999-9510 COMBINE: 4,200 engine hrs. 2,900 separator hrs. GC! New belts & tank liner. Yorkshire 937-441-7420 or 937-844-1968 WANTED TO BUY: S-10 square body Blazer. Running cond. not important. 2WD. Must be solid. Trenton 513-464-2641 (3) BARN DOORS: (1) 11’x83” (covered w/metal). (1) 83”x12’6” & (1) 75”x12’6” (both wooden). Tracks & all. Make offer. Tipp City 937-667-3778

VINTAGE HEDDON Spin Cast Reel: Model 185. High spd. ball bearing parts. Made in Japan. Assembled in USA. 1970. Arcanum 937-548-2608 or cell: 937-564-8660

WANTED TO BUY: Horses, ponies, & saddles. Ansonia 937-337-2622

WANTED TO BUY: Meat processing equipment. Grinder, saws, etc. Wapakoneta 419-941-1196

INT. 480 DISK: 20’ wide. Manual fold wings. Has one bearing out. $2,500. Wapakoneta 419-941-1196



KOYKER K-5 loader, mounting bracket for IH 756. $2,000 OBO. No cracks or welds. Conover 937-538-0067

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Deadline for Next Month’s Country Living is Thursday, April 21, No Later Than 4:00 p.m.













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Page 28 - COUNTRY LIVING - APRIL 2022 2016 JOHN DEERE X394 Lawn Tractor: 90 hrs. 48” deck. $4,500. Greenville 937-547-0041 JD 1000 FIELD CULT.: 28 ft. $1,500. West Manchester 937-678-6848 ‘43 McCORMICK-DEERING W-6: All good tin. Good tires. Live hyd. system. M&W live PTO system, & belt pulley. Must see to appreciate. $5,000. Piqua 937-418-2610 ‘89 GMC 2500: 2-wheel drive. High mi. Greenville 937-547-9863

RBW 5th Wheel Hitch: Complete. 4400 combine tech & parts manuals. Weight distribution hitch for camper. Greenville 937-547-9863

ROTARY PHASE CONVERTER: 3hp to 20hp. $250—$1,500. 1/2 ton C&M 3-phase power trolley. $700. Rossburg 937-417-2219

JOHN DEERE 737 Zero-Turn Mower: 60” deck. 24hp Kawasaki. Serviced & ready to mow. Extra new set of blades. Only 937 hrs. Homeowner owned. Like new! $4,000. Piqua 937-214-9859

NEW JD drive over finish mower. 62D. Fits 2032 & other size tractors. New Paris 937-533-7456

4’x5’ NET-WRAPPED Mixed Hay: Priced to sell. Greenville 740-225-0698

MF 135 TRACTOR: Ser. #9A160815. Perkins gas, PS, 3 pt., rebuilt starter, good sheet metal. No multi-power. Back tires cracked. Clutch is stuck. $1,.800. Celina 419-586-7599 WANTED TO BUY: S-10 Blazer. 2WD. Stick shift. Running or not. Must be solid. Trenton 513-464-2641 RED HEELER: Male. Well behaved. Neutered. Really nice dog. Loves people. Housebroken or outside dog. Three years old. Farm dog / family pet. Good-sized. $250. Calls only. Tipp City 937-856-4262

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WANTED: Nice 8’-8.5’ x 28’-30’—7’ tall, at least 5,000# axles, drop door, enclosed trailer. No junk or beat-up. Not over $9,500. Rockford 419-363-2435

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zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz WANTED: Broken or non-running John Deere, Cub Cadet, & Wheel Horse lawnmowers. Will pick up others. 937-473-2705 or (2) VINTAGE BICYCLES: Murray & 10 spd. Concord. Both for $200. Phillipsburg 937-832-7124

7-SHANK CHISEL PLOW: Pull-type. $400 OBO. Greenville 937-423-2281 or 937-968-6836 WANTED: Farmground to rent in Darke & surrounding counties. Any size acreage. Paying top dollar. Greenville 937-467-3651 IHC 56 PLANTER: 4-row, set on 36 in. Dry fert. / Gandy boxes on rear. $750. Piqua 937-418-2610 (2) MICHELIN Truck Tires: Mounted on Dayton rims. Little larger than 11Rx22.5. Franklin 937-474-9899 8’-10’ CARDINAL INCLINE, unloading auger. 5hp elec. motor. $1,000. West Milton 937-581-8028 FORKS FOR FORKLIFT: Hyd. cyls. New & used. Wood splitter cylinder. $125. Rossburg 937-564-0719 FORD OR FERGUSON 90 degree belt pulleys, paper & steel pulleys, large & small shafts. $75 to $125. Venedocia, Ohio 419-203-9014 KILLBROS 350 Hopper Wagon: JD 1065A gear. 10.00-20 truck tires. VGC! Asking $2,000. Ft. Loramie 937-489-1473 ‘21 CLOVER HAY: 3x3x8 large, square bales. Ft. Loramie 937-489-1382 CRAFTSMAN—SEARS bandsaw & sander w/table extension. Model 113,243311 w/stand—belt drive. LN! Arcanum 937-548-2608 or cell, 937-564-8660

Page 29 - COUNTRY LIVING - APRIL 2022 6.5 HP TROY-BILT Tiller: New motor. $650. Jogging stroller, $25. (3) living room glass-top tables, $60. West Milton 937-901-7212 KRAUSE 928 DISC: 28 ft. With rear hitch. $4,500. Covington 937-623-5725 59” WHEEL for Ditch Witch: R65 carbide teeth. Hitch for 10” auger. Also, undercarriage. $50 ea. Rossburg 937-564-0719 NICE REPLACEMENT WINDOWS: (5) 35x35 in.; (1) 35x23 in. Make offer. Ludlow Falls 937-698-6611 WANTED TO BUY: Silver King tractor. Prefer 1942 or later Model 42 3-wheeler. Must be able to restore. Harrod 419-303-8682 FORD 5600 with dual power, roll bar & canopy. Runs like new! Franklin 937-474-9899 ACE PUMP: 1,000 RPM PTO driven. BAC-14 w/extra pump. Good shape. $450. Dale, New Carlisle. 937-308-1382. No texts, please. TWIN ADJ. BED Base Unit: Dual massage. $75. Coldwater 419-678-3289 BOBCAT 853 skidloader w/2 buckets. Complete rebuild & new paint. $13,950. Tim, Celina 419-305-4307 ‘93 CHEVY TRUCK: 4WD. Make offer. Cridersville 419-236-6954 IH 5288 & 5088: Make offer or trade. Franklin 937-474-9899 ANTIQUE BASKET Side Delivery Rake: Steel wheels. $300. Bradford 937-448-2439 (4) ANTIQUE cast iron hay trolleys. All 4 for $200. Phillipsburg 937-832-7124

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DEMCO FIELD SPRAYER: 45’ booms. Hyd. centrifugal pump. With monitor. Field ready! Krause 24’ field cult. w/harrow & hitch. Germantown 937-689-7337


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GREAT PLAINS 1,000 gal. sprayer. 60’ X-fold booms. 540 PTO Ace pump. Raven 440 controller. $7,500 OBO. Urbana 937-238-6504


uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu WANTED: Old motorcycles, minibikes, mopeds, 3-wheelers, or 4-wheelers. Running or not. Covington 937-473-2705. WHEEL PLANTER with 6 plates. Sidney 937-295-3553 NI #10 Horse-Drawn Manure Spreader: With good air tires, tractor hitch. LN! Orig. wood. Stored inside. Delivery available. $4,000. Holland 419-277-0668 LARGE FRAMED MIRROR: 29-1/2” x 41-1/2”—$20. Clayton 937-999-8699. Leave msg. WANTED: Old metal toys or other collectible toys. Also will consider other toys. Elam Wickey, 4373E—100S, Monroe, IN 46772 AVIATION Aero Shell 5W-50; SKS w/scope; Franciscan Apple & Desert Rose (2 sets). Lima 419-234-4785 STRAW FOR SALE: Clean, bright wheat straw. Twine-tied. Small, square bales. Easy to load. Minster 419-953-3296


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Call today...we are dedicated AND driven to complete your project!

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APT. SIZE REFRIGERATOR: Black & Decker. Kenmore microwave. GC! Make offer. New Knoxville 937-423-4440

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Deadline for Next Month’s Country Living Thursday, April 21, No Later Than 4:00 p.m.

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Page 30 - COUNTRY LIVING - APRIL 2022 40’ ALUM. EXT. LADDER: Sidney 937-570-3282 after 5pm 4th CUTTING Alfalfa / Orchardgrass: 2x3x8 bales. $50/bale. Piqua 937875-0745 4x5 INDIVIDUALLY WRAPPED round bales alfalfa hay. 5th & 6th cuttings. New Bremen 419-305-5634 USED METAL ROOFING: 2x8 ft. $10/sheet OBO. New Carlisle 937925-0177 WHEAT STRAW: Small, square bales. $3/bale. Xenia 937-238-5446 FLATBED WAGON: $200. Ansonia 937-337-2525 WANTED: Good backhoe for farm use. New Paris 937-533-2923 GRASS MIXED HAY: 4x5 round bales. $30/bale. Tipp City 937-7509966

VAN DALE 20’ ring drive silo unloader. Used only 2 years. (2) belt conveyors. 50 ft. & 80 ft. VGC! Versailles 937423-5404 JD 447 ROUND BALER: VGC! Yorkshire 937-726-6447 ‘14 IMPALA: Bright red. White seats. Sunroof. New tires & battery. 52K mi. Won’t find a nicer car anywhere! Union City, Ohio. 937-968-3568. Leave msg. ‘14 IMPALA: Bright red. White seats. Sunroof. New tires & battery. 52K mi. Won’t find a nicer car anywhere! Union City, Ohio. 937-968-3568. Leave msg. JD 930A: Zero-turn. 710 hrs. 60” deck. Electric lift. $5,250. Ansonia 937-337-7901 or 937-238-7901 NEW HOLLAND 489 Haybine: GC! Stored inside. $2,500. Covington 937-473-5304

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3226 Wabash Rd. Ft. Recovery, OH 45846

Greg Fortkamp 419-852-1390

Many of our Country Living, Stillwater Valley Advertiser, and Penny Saver customers are familiar with the cheerful voice of Marty Speer, who works alongside Kim Rindler in our office, handling the dayto-day business at Arens Joe & Marty Corp. Sadly for this famSpeer ily-run publication, Marty has decided to hang up her Arens phone for good. On a happier note, Joe, Marty’s husband, is looking forward to the many vacations and adventures they can begin checking off their “bucket list.” Marty first started working for Arens in 1979, when her mother-inlaw, the late Boots Speer, who worked in our newsroom, suggested she help out just one day a week, which suited this young mother of one little boy just fine. Gradually, Marty’s responsibilities increased, and she found herself helping out in the Circulation Dept. for 10 years, working full-time by 1980. Around 1990, a position became available in our office and, as they say, “the rest is history.” Country Living advertisers will remember the late John Speer, Marty’s father-in-law, who worked as a sales representative for a number of years for Arens’ monthly farm publication. John never met a stranger and was well-liked and respected by both customers and co-workers. Keeping the tradition in the Speer family, Marty’s husband, Joe, a retired police officer, also did a stint for Arens, taking care of grounds maintenance and driving weekly routes to pick-up advertising copy. “Arens is truly a family-oriented business, and I want to thank – from the bottom of my heart – Gary and Ginger Godfrey and all the remarkable people I have worked with and have gotten to know over the phone,” said Marty. “You have blessed me on this journey. It saddens me to see my years at Arens coming to a close, but I look forward to spending more time with Joe, our three sons, their wives, and our two wonderful grandsons.” Marty’s retirement not only will bring a big change in her life, but her co-workers will certainly miss having her as part of our work day. She made even the most hectic of days more bearable. We wish Marty and Joe many years of happy travels and memorable adventures!

Page 31 - COUNTRY LIVING - APRIL 2022 WANTED TO BUy: JD clutch lift scrap plows & plow parts—wheels, coulters, jointers, etc. Paying above scrap prices. Harrod 419-303-8682

TUPPERWARE: Overstocked! Huge savings on in-stock items. Dealer for many years. Call for catalog & brochures. Russia 937-238-6661

ALFALFA Orchardgrass Mix Hay: No rain. Stored inside. $55/bale. Greenville 937-423-2281 or 937-968-6836

WANTED: Horses & ponies. Broke preferred, but all considered. Cash paid. Calls only. Tipp City 937-8564262

80 BALES 3x3x8 alfalfa orchardgrass mix. 90 bales alfalfa. 3x3x8. $180/ ton. 1,000 small bales 2nd cutting alfalfa with a little grass & clover, $6/ bale. Russia 937-638-4212. Leave text message.

NEW JD 1/2” female hyd. couplers. Have 5 pairs. $20/pair. May have some male ends. Greenville 937621-4580

yOUNG FARMER seeking farm ground to rent. Darke & surrounding counties. Versailles 937-417-2969 FERRiS iS 5100Z: 33.5hp. Cat diesel. 72” hyd. deck with hitch kit. 256 hrs. 12 mph. Brookville 937-8373955 GRAVELy L, $450; running gear for Snowco hay elev., with winch, $650; winch, port., 110V, $200; JD Top Link, $350. yellow Springs 937-572-5486 GARDEN TRACTOR snowblowers, $80 & up; tires & rims; old Sears tractors. Greenville 937-313-6502 FREEZER BEEF: No hormones. Grain-fed. Arcanum 937-533-0930 yOUNG FARMER seeking farm ground for rent in Darke & surrounding counties. Versailles 937-417-2969 CHiCkEN MANURE FOR SALE: Trucking & spreading available. Versailles 937-564-3399 WANTED TO BUy: Horses, ponies, saddles. Ansonia 937-337-2622 5130 - 2WD CASE iH TRACTOR: ROPS. 2,670 hrs. VGC! $32,000. Anna 937-538-6605

NH DUAL HAy hyd., $2,600; tilt/angle/offset, Carry All, $400. 572-5486


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RAkE HiTCH, fully Woods blade, 8’ $950; Skid Steer yellow Springs 937-

BALE ELEVATORS ON WHEELS: Snowco, 40 ft., 1hp motor, GC, $2,000; NH, 40 ft., 1hp motor, VGC, $2,500; 16’ bale conveyor. Holland 419-277-0668 WANTED TO BUy: Farm machinery. Will buy one piece or complete lines. Arcanum 937-670-0323

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1999-9510 COMBINE: 4,200 engine hrs. 2,900 separator hrs. GC! New belts & tank liner. Yorkshire 937-441-7420 or 937-844-1968 ANTiQUE MAHOGANy kneehole Desk: Nice! Orig. finish. $150 firm. West Liberty 937-465-7520 DEARBORN 3 pt. hitch single-shank chisel ripper, $150; scraper blade, 3 pt., 5’ king kutter. LN! $250. Greenville 937-621-4580 SMALL, SQUARE BALES: 2nd & 3rd cuttings alfalfa w/no rain. Asking $6/bale. Have 2,000+. Wapakoneta 567-356-7291. Leave voicemail.

The Rodeo Shop Trailer Sales


Starting at 701 S. Main, New Knoxville, OH 419-753-2263


Page 32 - COUNTRY LIVING - APRIL 2022 ONE SET CAT TRACKS for 977H or D6. Danny Troyer, 2968 Eaton-Gettysburg Rd., Eaton, OH 45320

JD 213 GRAIN PLATFORM: Black reel, SS seals, poly skid plates. GC! $1,500. Eaton 937-533-7292

TRACTOR WHEEL WEIGHTS: Oliver, Cockshutt, Case IH, JD, MM, MF, Ford, F&H. $1/lb. Bradford 937-5646948

BALE CONVEYORS: 16 ft., w/motor, $800; 40’ Snowco, 1hp motor, on wheels, $2,000; NH, 40 ft., 1hp motor, on wheels, $2,500. Holland 419-2770668

HAY FOR SALE: Big, square bales. 3x4x6. 700 lbs. each. Mixed grass (timothy / orchardgrass / bluegrass). Can deliver. $50/bale. Sidney 937638-6488 ERTL FARM TOYS: ‘53 - ‘54. Ford Jubilee NAA tractor. Diecast metal replica. Special Edition. New, still in box. $25. West Milton 937-980-5308 WANTED: 16’ or bigger livestock trailer that’s useable. Can be gooseneck or trailer hitch style. Greenville 937313-6502 PUPPIES! English Shepherd cross. Some tri-color. 8 weeks old April 11. First shots. $200 OBO. Lewisburg 937-336-8344 NEW SHEEP FITTING STANDS: Also, new & used clippers, blades, livestock blow dryers. Greenville 740225-0698 CHILD’S METAL DESK & CHAIR: Great for projects or school. Top is 17x35 in. With built-in light & shelves. $25. West Milton 937-980-5308

9’ & 10’ WHEEL DISKS; several field cults.; hay rakes; 35’ hay & corn elevator; (2) tractor cabs. Greenville 937313-6502 TEDDER: Sitrex 2B, $2,750; Shaver 8” hyd. post driver, front mount, $1,600; JD wide front, Schwartz, for 2510-4320, $1,000. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486

CUSTOM gas-powered sprayer, $1,200; double rake hitch, Steiner Mfg., $2,500; remote Ford valve, $200; buzz saw, 3 pt., w/PTO gear box, $100. Yellow Springs 937-5725486 PARK-KAN GW200A Weigh Wagon / Seed Tender: Scales, tarp, poly auger, etc. LN! Laura 937-689-5770 HAND-HEWN PIN FRAME BARN: 32x44. Dismantled & stored inside. Braces, wood pins, & rafters. $6,000. Portland, Indiana 260-251-2413

20’ GOOSENECK TRAILER: With beavertail, $4,500 firm; ‘93 Bayliner 2655, 5.7, sleeps 6, w/bath & shower. GC! $8,500. Russia 937-638-4212. Leave text msg. J&M 350 HOPPER WAGON: GC! $900. Ft. Loramie 937-489-1473 SMALL SQUARES HAY: 600 bales alfalfa/grass. 1,000 bales red clover. 1,500 bales grass. 1st, 2nd & 3rd cuttings. $3-$6/bale. Cloverdale 419615-7147

WANTED: Hog feeder for raising 4-H hog project. New Bremen 419-629-3443 FORD 3 PT. 5’ Rotary Mower: Model 930. Has new blades. Orig. books. VGC! $650. Can send pictures. Venedocia, Ohio. 419-203-9014 30’ GRAIN BIN: Drying floor, spreader, 10,000 bu. $3,000. West Milton 937581-8028 NI 7’ CRIMPER: Stored inside. Not used for a while. $300. Posthole digger, 3 pt. $300. Russia 937-726-5460

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5’ 3 PT. BUSH HOG: For parts. Gearbox good. And other parts. $150. Somerville 937-205-1149 NUBIAN BUCKLING GOATS: Just weaned. Purebred. From great milking line. $175 ea. Call or text. Somerville 937-205-1483 NI 30” 2-ROW CORN PICKER: Model 326. 540 PTO. Great cond. Kept inside. Able to hook up & use. Hyd. cyl. not included. $1,850. Nate, Lima 419-230-8417 4th CUTTING 4x4 round bales, highprotein, short stem, cool season grass hay. $65/bale. St. Henry 419-6783659



200 S. Main St. Piqua, Ohio 937-773-3657

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Page 33 - COUNTRY LIVING - APRIL 2022 pARTInG OuT: Gehl HK108 mower conditioner. Covington 937-214-5798 ‘02 GMC 1500 SLE: Ext. cab. 65,000 mi. V8. Cap, full power, RwD. Orig. As new. no rust ever. Must see! $16,500. wapakoneta 419-204-7229 GROuSER TRACKS: Fit 12x16.5 tires, Ln, 1850; woods 9000 3 pt. backhoe, $4,500; Bobcat backhoe attachment brackets, $500. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486 LOOKInG FOR DISCBInE or disc mower. prefer field ready unless needs minor repair. Also looking for grappler & accumulator. Calls only. Tipp City 937-856-4262 (2) KILLBROS 385 Gravity wagons: Tall semi truck tires. $6,500 for both. Anna 937-538-6605 ‘99 CHEVY S-30 CuTAwAY VAn: Fire damage. Good metal, motor, & trans. 125K mi. Box has side door. $1,500 firm. west Liberty 937-465-7520 SpIKETOOTH HARROw: Great for putting in grass seed, deer plots, gardens. 3-footer, $150. 5-footer, $250. Greenville 937-621-4580 1st & 2nd CuTTInGS alfalfa grass hay. Round bales. Bradford 937-5646309. please leave msg. BuCKET SEATS: Black vinyl. Great for skidloader or forklift. Celina 419953-2960

‘15 FLAGSTAFF MICRO Mini-Lite 25BH Camper: EC! Interior white. Mexican tile decor. Tons of storage. $18,000 OBO. Richmond, Indiana 765-994-6248 300 Bu. HOppER wAGOn: 10-ton gear, $800. J&M & JD gears. 8-ton. $700 ea. Rossburg 937-564-0719 FERRIS EVOLuTIOn MOwER: 27hp Kawasaki engine. 48” deck. 425 hrs. new wheel motors. $3,500. Brookville 937-626-4011 CuLTIVATOR: 3 pt., stiff shank, $600; loader bucket spear, chain on, $175; flail mower, 3 pt., $850; JD 911 front mower, $1,500. Yellow Springs 937572-5486 wAnTED: Farm ground to rent in Darke & surrounding counties. Any size acreage. paying top dollar. Greenville 937-467-3651


SET OF 18.4-38 T-RAILS w/hardware. $300. Trenton 513-649-5826



wAnTED: Farmall Super MTA in work clothes. Running or not. Bradford 937-313-6502 ‘73 FORD 750 16’ GRAIn TRuCK: $1,600. Lewisburg 937-603-9036 (2) KICK BALE wAGOnS on nH gear. Telescoping tongue & rear hitch. Sidney 937-726-4143 G6000 AG BAGGER: 9’ tunnel. Dry chemical applicator. GC! $12,500. St. Marys 419-953-3487

“ America’s Best Place To Buy Stoves & Fireplaces” '% +)

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Deadline for Next Month’s Country Living Thursday, April 21, No Later Than 4:00 p.m.

Page 34 - COUNTRY LIVING - APRIL 2022 BER-VAC 600 22’ finish cultivator w/rolling baskets. $3,500. Piqua 937875-1588

uSED HOuSE FuRNACE: 165,000 Btu’s. Sidney 937-570-3282 after 5 pm

COMING 2-YEAR-OLD Reg. Angus Bull: Delivery available. St. Marys 419-560-2028

3rd CuttING Alfalfa / Orchardgrass: $4.50/bale. Approx. 200 bales. Piqua 937-875-0745

400 GAL. SS BuLk tANk; 300 gal. fuel tank. Sidney 937-570-3282 after 5 pm

SMALL, SQuARE BALES alfalfa grass mixed hay. Horse quality. 1st thru 4th cuttings. $4-$6/bale. New Bremen 419-305-5634

WANtED: 9x36 used Firestone tire. Wapakoneta 937-596-5841 tEFF GRASS HAY: 3x4x7-1/2. Good for starting cattle. Versailles 937423-5404 JD 16’ HAY WAGON: $1,000. Rushsylvania 937-468-2439 JD 494A CORN PLANtER: EC! With cyl. $850. Franklin 937-231-2397. Leave msg.

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CASE IH 900 CYCLO PLANtER: 8row. Liquid fert. Row cleaner. $3,500. Piqua 937-875-1588 WANtED: Brock grain bin. 30-36 ft. Any cond. Russia 937-638-8088

BARN SIDING: Old red paint. Approx. 350 sq. ft. $300. New Carlisle 937-925-0177

PuPPIES! 3/4 Boxer, 1/4 ???. $100 ea. Born 2/3/22. Mostly white. No Sunday sales. Bradford 937-6702080 MAtuRE GRASS HAY: 600 small, square bales. Good for mulching or grass seeding. No weeds. $3/bale. Middletown 317-432-0179 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •NEW PNEUMATIC CRAFTSMAN 18 gauge straight brad nailer. Still in box. $25. Covington 937-473-5255

FOR SALE: (2) 16.9x38 tires; (2) 15.5x38 tires; (1) 18.4x38 tire. Ansonia 937-337-2525

(2) RAPtOR FuEL PuMPS: Model #FRRP-150. 24 valves. 5.9 liter Cummins engine. ‘98-1/2 thru ‘02. $100 for both. Brookville 937-626-4011

(25) 6”x6” tREAtED WOOD POStS: 5’-8’ in length. Lynn, Indiana 765-874-1103

ROuGH-SAWN LuMBER: Ash, Poplar, Pine, & Walnut. trenton 513649-5826

WANtED: 330 Ford truck engine to go in N600 truck. New Paris 937533-2923

(6) AuSHERMAN Row Cleaners: Short & long tines. LN! Lewisburg 937-603-9036

3x4x8 ALFALFA HAY: $100$225/ton. Grass, $125/ton. Straw, $100/ton. Ayars Dairy, Mechanicsburg 937-609-3541

20’ HOG LOADING CHutE: Sidney 937-726-4143

tROY-BILt Horse tiller, $750; pulverizer, 3 pt., 6 ft., $950; grader blade, 7 ft., $275; planter dolly, 3 pt. hyd., $650. Yellow Springs 937-5725486

tEFF GRASS BALAGE: 160 individually wrapped bales. Versailles 937423-5404

SEt OF 2 JD 5-BAR RAkES: Can be pulled in tandem. GC! $3,400. St. Marys 419-953-3487

BIG BALE WAGON: Needs floor, from truck frame. $800. Sheep feeders, 12 ft., $200, 15 ft., $300. Rossburg 937-564-0719

FuEL tANk: On metal sled. Approx. 225 gals. $200. Box of misc. V belts. $25. Arcanum 937-417-2537 NH 195 SPREADER: St. Marys 419953-4267 SQuARE BALES 1st cutting alfalfa / orchardgrass hay. $5/bale. Free local delivery. No rain. Bradford 937-564-6948

Page 35 - COUNTRY LIVING - APRIL 2022 4x4 ROUND BALES GRASS HAY: Twine-tied. Easy loading. Delivery available. $25 to $30 per bale. Bradford 937-564-6948 BRAND NEW 72” SWEEPER: Fits on a skidloader mount w/ bucket. $3,750. Minster 419-733-5465 or 419-2306697 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2008 SILVER G35 INFINITY 4dooR SEdaN: Sunroof. Less than 50,000 mi. always garaged. Clean. Very good condition. $11,000. Covington 937-473-5255 SOLAR PANELS: $50 ea. Greenville 937-621-2969 CATTLE CROWD TUB: Asking $1,100 OBO. Delphos 419-234-7654 BOBCAT 853 SKIDLOADER w/2 buckets. Complete rebuild & new paint. $13,950. Tim, Celina 419-3054307 REG. AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES: Portland, Indiana 260-2510101 FREEZER BEEF: No hormones. Grain-fed. Arcanum 937-533-0930 STRAW FOR SALE: Small squares. Russia 937-638-0316 USED DISK BLADES: 18 to 17 in. diameter. 1-1/8 in. ID axle diameter. 30-plus pieces. Wapakoneta 937-5965841 (2) OLDS ROCKET 350 engines & trans. Both running when removed. $400 for both OBO. Brookville 937833-1165 IH 504 REVERSED Tractor Forklift: Has side shift & 2-stage. Propane model. Industrial loader tractor. Detroit dsl. engine. New tires. Greenville 937313-6502 2-WHEEL TRAILER: 4x7 ft. 2 ft. wood sides. Grain-tight floor. Celina 419953-2960 NEW TRACTOR TIRE: 3-rib. 400x15 Firestone, on rim. $45. Lewisburg 937-962-2364 WANTED: Set of seed plates for Earthway hand seeder. Arcanum 937417-2537 YOUNG FARMER seeking farm ground to rent in Darke & surrounding counties. Versailles 937-417-2969 CHICKEN MANURE FOR SALE: Trucking & spreading available. Versailles 937-564-3399 WANTED TO BUY: Horses, ponies, saddles. Ansonia 937-337-2622 PASTURE RENOVATOR, $400; Gravely, reel mower attachment, $250; hay wagon, D. Bradley running gear, 7x14, $500; JD running gear, $850. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486 TUPPERWARE: Overstocked! Huge savings on in-stock items. Dealer for many years. Call for catalog & brochures. Russia 937-238-6661 (5) 1,100 GALLON FERT. TANKS: Bradford 937-423-1650

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Page 36 - COUNTRY LIVING - APRIL 2022 NH 195 SPREADER: St. Marys 419953-4267

WANTED TO BUY: 9-shank disk chisel. Portland, Indiana 260-251-0101

JD 145: Hydrostat. 48” cut. $500 OBO. Versailles 937-622-1603

CASE 430: Dsl. Narrow front (very rare). PS. 3 pt. hitch. New Firestone Field & Road tires. Extra nice original tractor! $8,500. Waynesville 937-6026993

RUNNING JD 425-1994 MOWER: 60” deck. Hydrostatic blade, w/4-way hyd. snow blade, wheel weights, chains, seed broadcaster. Operator’s manual. Good looking. Garaged. $4,800. Xenia 937-508-6649

PONTOON: 16’ long. 50hp Evinrude motor. $1,000. Minster 937-726-6000

SQUARE BAlES 1st cutting alfalfa / orchardgrass hay. $5/bale. Free local delivery. No rain. Bradford 937-5646948

GARAGE DOOR: 10x7. Steel. Insulated. White. All hardware. Some dents. $125. St. Marys 937-441-6891

JD MODEl 88 4-row corn or bean planter. 3 pt. hitch. Ohio City 567-6743851

72” 3 PT. HOOk-UP BUSH HOG: 540 PTO driven. Minster 419-733-5465 or 419-230-6697

(5) 1,100 GAllON FERT. TANkS: Bradford 937-423-1650

(4) TIRES: On GMC alum. rims. 245R17, 85% rubber, 6-lug. $250 OBO. Russia 937-638-0316

‘14 IMPAlA: Bright red. White seats. Sunroof. New tires & battery. 52k mi. Won’t find a nicer car anywhere! Union City, Ohio. 937-968-3568. leave msg. 200 GAl. FIBERGlASS sprayer tank, $10; box of sanding disks, various sizes, $15. Arcanum 937-4172537

PAlPATION CAGE: Asking $500 OBO. Delphos 419-234-7654 VINYl REPlACEMENT WINDOWS: (3) 29”x53-3/4” – (1) 39-3/4” x 66” - $40 ea. Ft. Recovery 419-852-0063 SET OF JD Semi-Mounted Plows: 4x16 in. Trotwood 937-657-4334 or 937-837-2408

IH TRUCk & SCOUT SERVICE MANUAl: CTS - 2302, 4x4, & 800 Manual. Original. 1-1/2” thick. Very clean. $95. St. Marys 419-300-8308

GARAGE DOOR: 10x9. Steel. Insulated. White. With all hardware. $200. St. Marys 937-441-6891

135’ USED WIRE FARM FENCE: Also, barbed wire. $25/all. lynn, Indiana 765-874-1103

HAY & STRAW: Alfalfa / orchardgrass mix. $7. Wheat straw, $3. Over 2,000 bales each available. Anna 937-7260883

JD 447 ROUND BAlER: VGC! Yorkshire 937-726-6447

DRAW BAR for Case 850-D dozer. $150. Arcanum 937-603-0610

WESTERN SAlT SPREADER: Receiver mounted control & wiring. GC! $900 OBO. Brookville 937-8331165 (3) WEEDEATER ElECTRIC Trimmer/Edgers (string trimmer). lynn, Indiana 765-874-1103 DAVID BRADlEY HAY RAkE: Works good. $350 OBO. Clayton 937-5724325 USED METAl ROOFING: Many different lengths. Ft. Jennings 419-3023148 JD 8-ROW 30” 893 CORN HEAD: Pixall rolls. Wedge kit. Wapakoneta 419-230-5279 ClARk 28% SIDE DRESSER: 1,000 gal. tank. John Blue piston pump. 12row, 13 cult. $7,000. Camden 937623-3308 JD 494A CORN PlANTER: EC! Hyd. cyl. $895. Franklin 937-231-2397. leave msg. (35) USED STEEl POSTS: $2 ea. Minster 419-628-2506 ‘05 CASE XT 85 SkIDlOADER: Dsl. 85hp. 1,140 hrs. 48” fork bucket, 82” dirt bucket. Concrete bucket. VGC! Ft. Jennings 419-302-314

1,700 GAl. NORWESCO TANk w/2” valve. Firestone 420/90R30 tire. Arcanum 937-417-2455 4x5 ROUND BAlES STRAW: Sitting outside. St. Marys 419-560-2028 (6) RADIAl BEAN METERS FOR JD 7000 planter. $150 ea. West liberty 937-726-0396 BElGIAN HORSES: 14-year-old gelding. Well broke. 2-year-old registered Belgian filly. Rushsylvania 937468-2439 WOODEN STORM SHUTTERS: Off old farm house built in 1880. 12 different sizes. $55/all. Franklin 937-2312397. leave msg. NH 573 BAlER: $3,500. Auto. feed grinder w/blower jack shaft, $3,500. Piqua 937-875-1588 WANTED: Day cab semi & hopper bottom alum. trailer. Russia 937-6388088 25-SECTION Treated Wood Privacy Fence: Shadow box design. lynn, Indiana 765-874-1103 BRADY 13’ Field Cult.: With Remlinger harrow. $300. St. Marys 419953-3487 40’ AlUM. EXT. lADDER: Sidney 937-570-3282 after 5pm 4th CUTTING Alfalfa / Orchardgrass: 2x3x8 bales. $50/bale. Piqua 937875-0745

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tuesDay, april 12 - 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Online Auction at 139.62+/- Total Acres Offered in Two Tracts. Property located southwest of Castine, Ohio. Halderman Real Estate & Farm Management. see page 15 tHursDay, april 14 at 7 p.m. Public Auction of Farmland, Woodland, Potential Development Sites. 159 Acres - Auglaize County, Noble Township. Auction to take place at St. Marys High School - Commons Area. Offered in Five Parcels. City of St. Marys, Owner. Eiting Real Estate, LLC. Merritt Real Estate Professionals. see page 14 saturDay, april 16 at 9 a.m. Equipment Consignment Auction located at 4938 S. St. Rt. 49, Greenville, Ohio. Combines & Heads; Tractors; Planters, Applicators & Sprayers; Tillage Equipment; Hay Equipment; Misc. Ag.; Trucks; Trailers; UTV’s & ATV’s; Construction Equipment; Cars & SUV’s; Semi’s & Semi Trailers; Mowers; Ag Parts; Construction Attachments; Snow Equipment; New Tools; Trees; Misc. Bussey Bros. Auctioneers. see page 17 friDay, april 22 at 10 a.m. Live On-Site Auction located at 722 S. Franklin St. - St. Rt. 122 South, Eaton, Ohio. Antiques; Primitives; Crocks; Furniture; Collectibles; Glassware. The Late Norman Flory Auction. Walnut Harvest Auctions, LLC. see page 14 saturDay, april 23 at 10 a.m. Hartzell Public Auction located at 6471 E. Loy Rd., Fletcher, Ohio. Tractors; Truck; Tillage Equipment; Combine; & More! Gary Hartzell, Owner. Joe Sampson, Auctioneer. Kyle Bowman, Guest Auctioneer. see page 12

• SCHRADER REAL ESTATE & AUCTION CO. • Real Estate & Farm Equipment Offered in April. see page 15

Attention ClAssified Advertisers It has come to our attention that some classified advertisers occasionally increase their asking price over the amount advertised in their ad, especially relating to hay, straw, etc. If you wish to adjust your asking price, please feel free to contact our office prior to our monthly Country Living deadline date and we will be happy to make changes to your classified ad. However, please be considerate of potential buyers and honor the price advertised in your ad. Thank You! Country Living

20 Words or Less Is Word LImIt For Free CLassIFIed ads Due to space limitations, we ask our readers to please limit their FREE classified ads to 20 worDs or less. ADS THAT ARE LONGER THAN 20 WORDS MUST BE EDITED to allow sufficient space for the volume of ads we receive each month. We thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Country living

–DEADLINE– FOR OUR MAY ISSUE Display aDvertising & ClassifieD aDvertising

tHUrsdAY, APril 21, 4 P.M.


COUNTRY KITCHEN You are invited to share your favorite recipe – for a main dish, casserole, salad, vegetable, dessert or snack. If it’s chosen a 1st Place Blue Ribbon Winner, we'll mail you $10! Recipes should be clearly printed or typed, with full instructions, and mailed to:

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