Country Living 7-2022

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Country Living vol. 79 • no. 7






July 2022

Jr. fair activities

Great darKe COUntY FaIr Celebrating 166 Years Of Greatness!

aUGUst 19 - 27, 2022 • GreenvILLe, OhIO

rileY greeN with guest laiNe harDY

suNDaY, aug. 21, 7Pm

harNess raciNg:

friDaY, aug. 19 • saturDaY, aug. 20 moNDaY, aug. 22 • thursDaY, aug 25

Primetime amusements Pre-sale Tickets On sale NOw $18.00 per day Pre-sale Only

38 sPecial

salE ENDs aUG. 6

weDNesDaY, aug. 24, 8Pm

NatioNal tractor Pullers associatioN:

motorcYcle races: friDaY, aug. 26 • 7Pm

tuesDaY, aug. 23 • 7Pm

2022 Grandstand events

2022 Fair Ticket Pricing

tICKets On saLe nOW!

Daily: $7.00 per person for ages 12 and older ages 11 and under admitted free with paying adult Telephone 937.548.5044 or 800.736.3671 (Discover, MasterCard, Visa Debit/Credit Cards) & at the Fair Box Office M-F: 8am-4:30pm & Sat: 9am-Noon

smash it DemolitioN DerbY: saturDaY, aug. 27 • 7Pm

9-Day Pass: $25.00 per person for ages 12 and older ages 11 and under admitted free with paying adult



Country Kitchen

Who doesn’t enjoy a bowl of delicious homemade ice cream? A Coldwater reader shares her recipe for “Best Ever Ice Cream.” Give it a try and see if it lives up to its Greenville, Ohio name! You’ll find it and two Highlights of this year’s Fair will have you other recipes on Page 24.


running to your calendar to mark off the dates so you don’t miss out on all the fun. KeeP THOSe reCIPeS COmING!T Share Your Favorite Recipe But even mOre information will be With Our Readers provided in our August issue, so don’t AND HAVE A CHANCE TO WIN $10! forget to check it out next month!


Is Published Monthly By: ARENS CORPORATION P.O. Box 69, 395 S. High St., Covington, OH 45318 937-473-2028 • 937-473-2029 • FAX: 937-473-2500

E-MAIL: CHECK US OUT ON THE NET: IMPORTANT!!! When submitting advertisements or news releases, always include your full name, address, & phone number (including area code)

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LOEGERING, 12x16.5 tracks, $1,350; post driver, Shaver 10” 3 pt., $2,500; Gravely rotary mower attachment, $100. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486 NH 258 dolly wheel rake. Late model. GC! $4,250. Greenville 937-547-0446 GROUSER 14x17.5 tracks, $2,000; tedder, NH157, 2B, $2,250; hay wagon/ NH gear, $900; Barge Wagon body w/hoist, w/o running gear, $500. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486 YOUNG FARMER seeking farm ground to rent. Darke & surrounding counties. Versailles 937-417-2969 6’ 3 PT. HITCH Grader Blade: $100. Minster 419-629-2030 FREEZER BEEF: No hormones. Grainfed. Arcanum 937-533-0930

WANTED TO BU Y: Farm machinery. Will buy one piece or complete lines. Arcanum 937-670-0323 5’ KING KUTTER Rotary Kutter: Fair shape. Always shedded. $250. Sidney 937-492-0688 PUREBRED POLLED Hereford Bulls: Yearlings. 2 yrs. old. Quiet. West Liberty 937-465-7520 APPROX. 100 BALES 2nd cutting alfalfa hay. $4/bale. Russia 937-526-4091. Leave msg. NH DUAL hay rake hitch, fully hyd., $2,600; Skid Steer Carry All, $400. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486 CHICKEN MANURE FOR SALE: Trucking & spreading available. Versailles 937-564-3399


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Pond Chemicals / Management Certified Aquatic Applicators Custom / Pond Aeration Water Features / Fountains




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FOR SALE: John Deere hay baler. Model 24T. Tipp City 937-751-4956





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FREE NON-COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIED AD POLICY FOR ALL COuNtRY LIvINg SuBSCRIBERS IF YOU VOLUNTARILY SUBSCRIBE TO COUNTRY LIVINg, you are eligible to submit a LIMIt OF 4 NON-COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIED ADS (20 WORDS OR LESS) with the understanding that they will be published free of charge if they qualify. tHE COSt IS $22.95 PER YEAR. Publisher reserves the right to reject certain ads. They should always be in good taste, and LIMITED TO 20 WORDS. PLEASE PRINT LEgIBLY, and be sure to include your area code and phone number. Classified ads should come from a farmer or other country resident who is not using them for a commercial purpose in which he is regularly engaged. They must bear the name and address of the writer, along with his or her customer number, which tells us you are among the subscribers of our Country Living Honor Roll of Friends. ADVERTISERS WIShINg TO RUN ADS MORE ThAN ONE MONTh MUST RE-SUBMIT ADS EACh MONTh. YOUR ADS will be seen in more than 13,000 country homes, and can be submitted in four ways: 1) Mail them to Country Living, Arens Corp., Publishers, P.O. Box 69, Covington, Oh 45318. 2) Telephone our office at 937-473-2028 or 937-473-2029 any time Monday thru Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Remember, you must give our receptionist your customer number or you will be billed for the ad(s) submitted. LIMIt OF 2 ADS PER tELEPHONE CALL. LIMIt OF 4 ADS PER MONtH PER SuBSCRIBER. 3) Fax your ad(s) to: 937-473-2500 4) Email your ad(s) to: COUNTRY LIVINg is published monthly. Free non-commercial classified ads will be accepted for publication in the following month's issue as late as possible. The earlier we receive your ad, the better chance it has to get in the next issue. When ads arrive too late to meet the deadline for a given issue, they are held over and given priority in the following issue.

DeaDline For aUGUST iSSUe:

tHuRSDAY, JuLY 21 - 4:00 p.m. COMMERCIAL ADVERTISING is not acceptable for publication and the free classified ad copy submitted to us is carefully scrutinized to reject commercial ads. Our commercial advertising rates are available on request. Among the types of ads frequently submitted to us as free copy but rejected because they are commercial, are the following: 1) Ads calling for the purchase, sale or rental of real estate; 2) Ads calling for the sale or rental of mobile homes; 3) Ads calling for the sale of motor vehicles less than seven years old. To control the volume of the free ads, we also have found it necessary to automatically reject offers to give away, sell, trade or breed pets. All of these types of ads are acceptable at commercial rates at 50 cents per word.

BUSH HOGS: Woods heavy-duty. RM90. One owner. Franklin 937-474-9899 FORD 7700: With cab & air. 85hp. Runs like new! Make offer or will trade. Franklin 937-474-9899 300 BU. HOPPER WAGON: 10-ton gear. $800. JD gears. 8-ton. $700 ea. Rossburg 937-564-0719 FREEZER BEEF: No hormones. Grainfed. Arcanum 937-533-0930 YOUNG FARMER seeking farm ground to rent. Darke & surrounding counties. Versailles 937-417-2969 TUPPERWARE: Overstocked! Huge savings on in-stock items. Dealer for 23 years. Call for catalog & brochures. Russia 937-238-6661



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WANTED TO BUY: Farm machinery. Will buy one piece or complete lines. Arcanum 937-670-0323 ‘58 FORD 861: 64hp. PS. Rear remotes. Live PTO. Electronic ignition. New tire. Looks good, runs good. $5,800 OBO. Russia 937-726-5460 GRAVELY L, $450; running gear for Snowco hay elev. w/winch, $650; winch, portable, 110V, $200; JD Top Link, $350. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486 POSSIBLE ANTIQUES: 2-person hand saw; 1-person hand saw; hand-crank corn sheller; various small items. Botkins 937-693-3771 ‘83 FEATHERLITE Alum. Livestock Trailer: 7’W x 18’L. Fair cond. Tires 90%. Celina 419-852-8232 CAST IRON 937-295-3553



Page 5 - COUNTRY LIVING - JULY 2022 NORCOLD 16 cu. ft. freezer w/slide top, $150; 20’x2’ alum. work plank, $475; 60” hyd. forks for skid steer, $3,900; (3) used 245/70R 19.5 truck tires, $60/all. Covington 937-603-752


TRACKS: Grouser style, 12x16.5, for larger skid steer, $1,650; hood, ‘70-’72 Chevy P/U, w/hinges, $500; Chevy 350 engine/trans., $500. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486

‘20 KEYSTONE CAMPER: 36 ft., 2 slides. Bunkhouse. Spread axle. Sleeps 14. $42,000. Child’s banjo from ‘40s, rare, $275. ‘60’s Bentley banjo, $150. Covington 937-603-7529

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SEEKING LAND TO FARM In West Milton & surrounding areas. Please contact Steve McGuffey, West Milton — 937-673-5730





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2-ROW ROTARY HOE: 8’ weeder. 3 pt. hitch. Greenville 937-548-8669 WANTED: Honey bees. Will take out of trees, walls, etc. Eaton 937-5458737 WOOD PLANK: Poled & stacked. GC. Brookville 937-837-1070 DIXON MOWER: For parts. Good motor, tires, seat, & deck. New Paris 937-564-2114

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ARMSTRONG IMPERIAL Texture Vinyl Composition Tile: 23 boxes. 45 cu. ft. per box. $25/box. Brookville 937-902-6727 CURT 65500 2-5/16 Ball Plate: Over the bed. Flat, with D-rings. $150. Brookville 937-902-6727 (35) 4x5 ROUND BALES Grass Hay: 700 lb. bales. $45 ea. Fountain City, Indiana 937-621-0430

ANTIQUE WEBCOR Royal Reel-toReel Recorder: With some tapes. Covington 937-232-0661

53” PALOMINO GAITED PONY: 10 yr. old mare. Very cute! Can haul large adult all day. Very smooth. $1,000. Houston 937-726-9965

BRUNO SEAT for truck or Victoria car. Helps you get in & out. Remote control. Brookville 937-837-1070

HIGH TENSILE ELEC. WIRE: New roll, w/custom-made reel. New Paris 937-564-2114

DAVID BROWN TRACTOR: 40hp. 3 pt. hook-up. Very dependable. Two owners. Good tires. $2,500 OBO. Houston 937-726-9965

8-TON HYD. MOBILE SHOP HOIST: Telescopic. Large steel wheels. $250 OBO. Brookville 937-902-6727


Keen • Oboz • Spenco Born • SAS • Trotters • Alegria La’ Artiste • Dansko


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NTERNATIONAL 10-shank disc chisel. Good blades. $3,850. Greenville 937-547-0446 SET OF 23x850-14 & 14-75 R4 tires. On JD rims. LN! Brookville 937-833-3590

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(4) 225/70R 19.5” TIRES: 95% tread. $800. May have 1,000 mi. Call/text. St. Marys 419-305-9547 FOR SALE: Case 1370 tractor. Franklin 937-474-9899 FORD 5’ 3 PT. Bush Hog: EC! New paint. $575. King Kutter 5’ 3 pt. scraper blade. LN! $295. Greenville 937-621-4580 JD 444-C PAYLOADER: VGC! J&M hay/grain elevator w/elec. motor. $1,200. Greenville 937-423-4967 ‘20 KEYSTONE CAMPER: 36 ft., 2 slides. Bunkhouse. Spread axle. Sleeps 14. $42,000. Child’s banjo from ‘40s, rare, $275. ‘60’s Bentley banjo, $150. Covington 937-603-7529 KILLBROS Model 350: Bed, 10-ton gear. $850. Killbros 10-ton gear. Killbros 10-ton gear, $700. JD gears. Rossburg 937-564-0719

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WANTED TO BUY: Farm machinery. Will buy one piece or complete lines. Arcanum 937-670-0323

5HP TWIN CYL. Air Compressor: $75. Cement mixer, $125. Antique wardrobe, $300. Antique kitchen cabinet, $25. Ansonia 937-417-3025 ‘53 CHEVY 1-Ton Flatbed Truck: Runs. $5,000. Greenville 937-313-6502




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FREEZER BEEF: No hormones. Grainfed. Arcanum 937-533-0930

‘56 FORD T-BIRD: Peacock Blue. Complete, off-frame restoration. Three tops. Power steering. Auto. 312-V8. EC! Call for details. New Knoxville 937-423-4440

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It’s a tradition!



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Page 8 - COUNTRY LIVING - JULY 2022 JD 911 Front Mower: $1,500. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486 9610 JD COMBINE: ‘99. 3,325 sep. hrs. 4,670 eng. hrs. Chopper & straw spreader. Feeder house reverse. ‘02 930F bean head. ‘96 893 corn head. $58,000/all. New Madison 937-459-6309. Text/call. (2) SPIKETOOTH HARROWS: 3’ & 5’— great for working in grass seed or deer food plots. 3’—$150. 5’—$250. Greenville 937-621-4580 CHEVY S-10 or GMC Sonoma shortbed liner. GC! $150. And tailgate. Almost new. $300. Covington 937-623-5725 ‘99 FORD DUALLY truck fender for left side. Good shape but needs a good cleaning. Tipp City 937-478-2314 24’x8.5’ PLUS 5’ V-NOSE w/ramp door in front. Camper door & rear is ramp door. ‘13. Stealth 5,200# axles & mags. Rockford 419-363-2435


40’ NH BALE CONVEYOR: On wheels. 1hp motor. New 3-gear winch. Good tires. VGC! Can deliver. $2,500. Holland 419-277-0668

THURSDAY, JULY 21 – 4 p.m.

WHITE 4-150 TRACTOR: Needs injection pump. Make offer. Sell cheap. Franklin 937-474-9899

‘76 454: Short deck. Crank shaft. GC! Stock cast iron spread bore intake. Oval port for ‘76 454. Also, misc. parts. Phillipsburg 937-832-7124 (2) UTILITY TRAILERS: 4’x7’ w/ramps; 51”x6’ tilt bed w/lights. Great for mowers, quads, etc. $550 ea. Piqua 937-570-2419 KILLBROS 385 Wagons: 13-ton gears. Tall truck tires. Both for $7,500. Anna 937-538-6605 ANTIQUE WOOD CAROUSEL HORSES: PRICE REDUCED! Phillipsburg 937-832-7124 FREEZER BEEF: No hormones. Grainfed. Arcanum 937-533-0930 IH 5-BAR Hay Rake: $375. Greenville 937-313-6502 TUPPERWARE: Overstocked! Huge savings on in-stock items. Dealer for 23 years. Call for catalog & brochures. Russia 937-238-6661 PROWLER CAMPER: ‘20. Model 250 BH. $25,000. Wapakoneta 419-568-6295 or 419-233-4256 IH 966: Diesel. Roll bar & canopy. Very nice. Looks like new! Franklin 937-474-9899

9164 County Road 101, Belle Center


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THURSDAY, JULY 21 – 4 p.m.

Upcoming Upc pcoming i gAUC AUCTIONS A AUCT UCT TION NS REAL ESTATE JULY 6 102± ACR ES IN 2 TR ACTS. Mia m i Cou nt y, IN (Mac y, IN). Wooded Recreat ion La nd • Product ive Fa r m la nd • Qua l it y Soi ls. Contact A rden Schrader 260-229-2442. 21 90± A AC CRES IN 1 TR ACT. New ton Count y, IN (Morocco, IN). Productive Fa r m la nd • Nea rly A l l Ti l lable (One La rge Field) • E xcel lent Road Frontage. Contact M att W isema n 219-689-4373 or Jim Hay wor t h 765-427-1913.

AUGUST 8 175± ACRES IN 6 TR ACTS. Defiance Count y, OH (Farmer, O OH). Contact Jer r y E h le 260-410-1996 or 866-340-0445. 11 155± A AC CRES IN 2 TR ACTS. Delawa re Count y, IN (Selma, IN). Contact Ma rk Sm it hson 765-744-1846. 15 117± A AC CRES IN 1 TR ACT. W hite Count y, IN. Contact Dea n Ret her ford 765-427-1244. 16 1,112± ACR ES IN 13 TR ACTS. Way ne Cou nt y & Un ion Cou nt y, IN. 1,097± FSA acres cropla nd • 250,000 bu. good storage & g ra in center, a nd 2 Toop la rge machiner y storage ba r ns • E x tensive t i ling • Hig h soi l indexes • T y ield histor y • Ta x Exchange Potentia l. Contact Steve Slona ker 765-969-1697 or A ndy Wa lt her 765-969-0401. 18 280.25± AC ACRES. Rush Count y, IN. Contact A ndy Wa lt her 765-969-0401 or Matt Wisema n 219-689-4373. 2233 75± A AC CRES IN 3 TR ACTS. Henr y Count y, IN. Contact A ndy Wa lt her 765-969-0401.

FARM EQUIPMENT JULY 7 FA R M E QUI P M EN T. H a v i l a n d , OH . C o n t a c t R i t t e r C o x 260-609-3306. 11 FA R M E QU I PM EN T. Un ion C it y, M I . C on t a c t E d B o y e r 574-215-7653. 12 FA R M EQUIPMENT A ND PERSONA L PROPERT Y – TIMED ONLINE ONLLY. Luckey, OH. Contact Chr is Su l zener 330-636-1710.

AUGUST 4 FA R M E Q U I P M E N T (C O N S I G N M E N T ) – V I R T U A L A N D T I M E D ONL I NE ONLYY. Va r iou s L o c a t ion s . C ont a c t E r ic O t t 260-413-0787 o r R ober t M ish ler 2 60-336-9750. 13 FA R M EQUIPMENT A ND PERSONA L PROPERT Y. But ler, IN. Contact Jer r y E h le 260-410-1996 or 866-340-0445. 3300 FA RM EQUIPMENT. Berne,, IN. Contact Ritter Cox 260-609-3306.

800 - 451-2709 Follow us on:

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Page 11 - COUNTRY LIVING - JULY 2022


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Page 12 - COUNTRY LIVING - JULY 2022




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Hill-T Farm Inc. Used - New - Rebuilt Tractor Parts



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937-548-0718 1/2 mile south of Palestine

Display & Classified Advertising Deadline for the August Issue of Country Living



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Page 13 - COUNTRY LIVING - JULY 2022


205 S. Koke St. DeGraff, OH 43318 * )!%$ *$ %$(! $# $) '! , '%&

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Jared Gaier (937) 538-8527

Auctions - Estates Real Estate - Farm Equipment

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Page 14 - COUNTRY LIVING - JULY 2022

(2) JD LUC Combine Motors: With clutch assemblies. Asking $125 ea. Hamilton 513-726-4736 CAT 416 II Tractor—Loader—Backhoe: 4-wheel drive. Operates very well. $20,000 OBO or trade. Franklin 937-474-9899 WANTED: Used 3-phase motors, 5hp & up. Good used 14.5-15-16 tires. Rossburg 937-417-2219 OFFICE FURNITURE: (2) laminated 3’x6’ sturdy office tables. $125 ea. Conference table, 3’x9’—with 6 chairs. $350. (2) wire chrome computer work stations. $75 ea. All in GC! Wapakoneta 419-738-7523. Leave msg. (2) JOHN DEERE Starfire 3000 GPS receivers with SF1 Autotrack activations. Greenville 937-417-4675 (2) 8” VERTICAL AUGERS: $100 ea. Maplewood 937-726-5365 WANTED TO BUY: Horses, ponies, & saddles. Ansonia 937-337-2622 KENTILE Asphalt Tile: 4 boxes. 80 pcs. per box. 9x9x1/8 in. Make offer. Clarksville 937-263-6432 WANTED: Farmall Super MTA. Any cond. Running or not. Bradford 937-313-6502 TRACKS: Grouser style, 12x16.5, for larger skid steer, $1,650; hood, ‘70-’72 Chevy P/U, w/hinges, $500; Chevy 350 engine/trans., $500. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486

KING SHEET SET: New, still in package. IH 5088 & 5288: Both run excellent. $30. Clayton 937-999-8699. Leave msg. Franklin 937-474-9899 ÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓ WANTED: Old motorcycles, mini-bikes, mopeds, 3-wheelers, or 4-wheelers. Running or not. Covington 9 3 7 - 4 7 3 - 2 7 0 5 NORCOLD 16 cu. ft. freezer w/slide top, $150; 20’x2’ alum. work plank, $475; 60” hyd. forks for skid steer, $3,900; (3) used 245/70R 19.5 truck tires, $60/all. Covington 937-603-7529 ROTARY PHASE CONVERTER: 3hp to 20hp. $250—$1,500. 1/2 ton C&M 3-phase power trolley. $700. Rossburg 937-417-2219

‘41 H FARMALL TRACTOR: Runs good! Piqua 937-773-3758 14 BOXES—22.5 sq. ft. per box, 10 pcs. per box, 18x18 Stelk Arctic White Lux Vinyl Tile: Make offer. Clarksville 937-263-6432 STRAW: Clean, bright wheat straw. Twine-tied, small, square bales. Easy loading or delivery available. West Milton 937-875-1220 DEMOLITION: Also, concrete demolition such as old swimming pools, barn foundations, porches, etc. Also, general excavating work. 937-232-7380

TRUCK BED: 8x20 ft. $500. 8x16 ft. channel iron frame. Needs floor for wagon. 6’ HEAVY-DUTY Dearborn snow blade. $350. 8N Ford tractor. Good paint & rub$200. Rossburg 937-564-0719 ber. Runs great! $2,500. Englewood FERGUSON 2 btm. plow, $300; 8N fend- 937-789-8996 ers, $150; JD 80 lawn cart, $300. Yellow PULLEY FOR 8N FORD. Brackets for Springs 937-572-5486 next size up. 800’s & up. $75. Duals, WANTED: Old metal toys or other col- 18.4x34. 9-bolt rims (one bad rim). $125. lectible toys. Also will consider other toys. Rossburg 937-564-0719 Elam Wickey, 4373E—100S, Monroe, IN WANTED TO BUY: Horses, ponies, & 46772 saddles. Ansonia 937-337-2622 JD 213: Black reel. Flex head. SS seals. Bolt-on sections. Exc. skid plates. Asking 3 PT. FORD BACKHOE: Works good. Could use some hoses. $1,200. $2,500. Hamilton 513-726-4736 Greenville 937-313-6502 LARGE, INDUSTRIAL 4-ton floor jack. Great for large vehicles & large equip- 40’ SNOWCO bale conveyor on wheels. ment. Make offer. Ludlow Falls Nearly new 2hp motor. Good tires. GC! Can deliver. $2,000. Holland 937-698-6611 419-277-066

SHOULE ROCK BUCKET w/hyd. grapple. HB7. 7’W, 1.5” teeth, 3” spacing. JD quick attach. Flow valve. For tractors up to 200hp. Pioneer couplers. $4,900. New Bremen 937-423-4967 INTERNATIONAL 2-14 pull-type plow. Piqua 937-773-3758 JD 40T Row Crop Tractor: Fully restored. Runs & drives super nice! Asking $6,500. Hamilton 513-726-4736 WHEAT STRAW: Nice, twine-tied, small, square bales. Run thru conventional combine. $3.50/bale. Wapakoneta 419-738-7523. Leave msg. (2) PRIME LOTS in “Freedom Garden” (veterans) at Miami Memorial Park, Covington, Ohio. Both improved with custom vaults. $2,125. Piqua 937-418-2610 BRENT 544 WAGON: Green. EC! Lights. Fenders. $14,000. Anna 937-538-6605 BIG BALE WAGON: Needs floor, from truck frame. $800. Sheep feeders. 12 ft., $200. 15 ft., $300. Rossburg 937-564-0719 CHICKEN MANURE FOR SALE: Trucking & spreading available. Versailles 937-564-3399 WANTED TO BUY: Horses, ponies, & saddles. Ansonia 937-337-2622 32’ JD #200 Bale Conveyor: On wheels. 1hp motor. Good tires. Bale chute. GC! Can deliver. $1,700. Holland 419-277-0668

Page 15 - COUNTRY LIVING - JULY 2022 HEAVY-DUTY RACK. Crane lifting straps & steel cable straps. Office desks & etc. New Paris 937-533-7456

FOR SALE: (2) Massey-Ferguson 35 tractors. (1) diesel. Franklin 937-474-9899

IH & OLIVER Sickle Bar Mowers: $150 ea. Greenville 937-313-6502

18’ NH #131 Bale Conveyor: 1hp motor. GC! $900. Holland 419-277-0668

WANTED: Junk autos & scrap metal of all kinds. Certified scale. Top dollar paid. Roll-off container services. Call for pricing or pick-up. Celina 419-363-2277

WANTED TO BUY: 10 or more acres of land in Miami Co. or surrounding counties. Prefer west of I-75. Ludlow Falls 937-698-6611

FORD 4000 Gas Tractor: New engine overhaul. Franklin 937-474-9899

KILLBROS 450 bu. center dump wagon. Tarp. 12-ton, 8-lug, concrete tires. $6,500. Anna 937-538-6605

WANTED TO BUY: Horses, ponies, & saddles. Ansonia 937-337-2622 ‘05 CHRYSLER PACIFICA: 222K mi. $1,575. Bradford 937-448-2439 HP 4550 Color Laser Printer: EC! $150. Wapakoneta 419-738-7523. Leave msg. FOR SALE: NH 273 baler; NH 474 haybine; several hay tedders (2 new—1 used); (2) 20’ hay wagons, heavy-duty, on Kory running gears. Almost new. Franklin 937-474-9899 STRAW FOR SALE: Clean, bright wheat straw. Twine-tied. Small, square bales. Easy to load. Minster 419-953-3296 ‘56 FORD T-BIRD: Peacock Blue. Complete, off-frame restoration. Three tops. Power steering. Auto. 312-V8. EC! Call for details. New Knoxville 937-423-4440 FREE: (7) standing trees (firewood). You cut/stack brush. 5 mi. south of Sidney. 937-570-2419 TRIPOD TV TOWER: 30’ tall. Make offer. Ludlow Falls 937-698-6611

JD 2-ROW Corn Planter: Pull-type. New paint. Hyd. cyl. lift. No fertilizer. Extra plates. $1,000. Greenville 937-621-4580 MASSEY-FERGUSON 35 Deluxe: PS. New Firestone tires. Hyd. remotes out rear. Nice unit. Collector. $4,600. Franklin 937-474-9899 WOODS 4’ 3 PT. Finish Mower: $595. Rebuilt engine for 9N-2N-8N Ford tractor. $1,500. Greenville 937-621-4580 55,000 BTU Reddy Heater. Torpedo kerosene heater. Make offer. Ludlow Falls 937-698-6611 ISO: Mercer County, Ohio history books by Joyce Alig. Ft. Recovery 419-305-2658 WIDE FRONT END off JD 4020, $250. Tires & rims off JD 4640. 16.5L-16.1. 4-rib. $200. Greenville 937-423-4968 UNVERFERTH 530 Wagon: Fenders & lights. $12,500. Anna 937-538-6605

Page 16 - COUNTRY LIVING - JULY 2022 FREE: (7) standing trees (firewood). You cut/stack brush. 5 mi. south of Sidney. 937-570-2419

FOR SALE: 39+ acres on Dodson Rd., Brookville, Ohio. 32 tillable, 7 wooded. 937-701-8010 or 937-884-5788

TRIPOD TV TOWER: 30’ tall. Make offer. Ludlow Falls 937-698-6611

PARTING OUT: John Deere 4400, 6600 combines; 444 corn head; 200 Series grain table; JD FB grain drill; & 3020 gas tractor. Hamilton 513-726-4736

FOR SALE: (2) Massey-Ferguson 35 tractors. (1) diesel. Franklin 937-474-9899 18’ NH #131 Bale Conveyor: 1hp motor. GC! $900. Holland 419-277-0668 WANTED TO BUY: 10 or more acres of land in Miami Co. or surrounding counties. Prefer west of I-75. Ludlow Falls 937-698-6611


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‘17 HOULE Manure Pump: 3” diam. 12’ long. Elec. 10hp drive. Celina 419-852-8232 WANTED TO BUY: Rear bumper for ‘04 Dakota 4x4. Piqua 937-570-2419

KILLBROS 450 bu. center dump wagon. Tarp. 12-ton, 8-lug, concrete tires. $6,500. Anna 937-538-6605

LIVESTOCK CARRIER: 3 pt. 9x5, w/sliding door. Asking $450. Good condition. Hamilton 513-571-5980

JD 2-ROW Corn Planter: Pull-type. New paint. Hyd. cyl. lift. No fertilizer. Extra plates. $1,000. Greenville 937-621-4580

CUSTOM Gas-Powered Sprayer, $1,200; double rake hitch, Steiner Mfg., $2,500; remote Ford valve, $200; buzz saw, 3 pt., w/PTO gear box, $100. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486

WANTED: Bee Hive Hardware. Germantown 937-855-7589

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FOR SALE: 35 Massey-Ferguson parts tractor. Franklin 937-474-9899

Page 17 - COUNTRY LIVING - JULY 2022



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Page 18 - COUNTRY LIVING - JULY 2022

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TS 100 NH: Very nice! Roll bar & canopy. Looks like new! Franklin 937-474-9899 ‘99 CHEVY S-30 Cut-Away Van: Fire damage. Good metal, motor, & trans. 125K mi. Box has side door. $1,500 firm. West Liberty 937-465-7520 CONCAVE FOR 6620: LN! $250 OBO. Wapakoneta 419-738-4951 or 419-733-2188 ALFALFA/TIMOTHY: 52 lb. wire-tied, 400 +/- small squares. ‘20 1st cutting. $4.25 & $5. 80 +/- timothy/oat small squares, $4.25. Union City, Indiana 765-964-3475 DIRT SCOOP: 30 King Kutter. 3 pt. Pull or push. $100. Rossburg 937-338-3501 WINDOW AIR COND.: Kenmore. 5,000 BTU. Used one summer. LN! Cools 300 sq. ft. $159 new. Asking $80 OBO. New Knoxville 937-423-4440 GARAGE SALE: July 7-10. Power of the Past—Darke County Fairgrounds Coliseum. WANTED: Winchester Model 1887 lever-action w/pistol grip stock. Elam Wickey, 4373E—100S, Monroe, IN 46772 ‘56 FORD T-BIRD: Peacock Blue. Complete, off-frame restoration. Three tops. Power steering. Auto. 312-V8. EC! Call for details. New Knoxville 937-423-4440 FORKS FOR FORKLIFT: Hyd. cyls. New & used. Wood splitter cylinder. $125. Rossburg 937-564-0719 JD 8’ DISK: Pull type. 10’ spiketooth harrow. Pull type. Piqua 937-773-3758

OPEN HAY ELEVATOR: $500. Paddle hay-corn elevator. $300. Greenville 937-313-6502 JD 8-ROW 7000 Conservation Planter: Newer seed disc, fert. tanks. Precision meters. Main cyl. completely rebuilt. With JD trailer. Greenville 937-423-4967 FOR SALE: 39+ acres on Dodson Rd., Brookville, Ohio. 32 tillable, 7 wooded. 937-701-8010 or 937-884-5788 PARTING OUT: John Deere 4400, 6600 combines; 444 corn head; 200 Series grain table; JD FB grain drill; & 3020 gas tractor. Hamilton 513-726-4736 FOR SALE: 35 Massey-Ferguson parts tractor. Franklin 937-474-9899 ‘17 HOULE Manure Pump: 3” diam. 12’ long. Elec. 10hp drive. Celina 419-852-8232 WANTED TO BUY: Rear bumper for ‘04 Dakota 4x4. Piqua 937-570-2419 LIVESTOCK CARRIER: 3 pt. 9x5, w/sliding door. Asking $450. Good condition. Hamilton 513-571-5980 WANTED: Bee Hive Hardware. Germantown 937-855-7589 TEDDER: Sitrex 2B, $2,750; Shaver 8” hyd. post driver, front mount, $1,600; JD wide front, Schwartz, for 2510-4320. $1,000. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486 FORD 800 Tractor: For parts. Complete motor, 5 spd. trans., & complete rear end. No tires & wheels. Rebuilt hyd. pump. Greenville 937-621-4580

Page 19 - COUNTRY LIVING - JULY 2022 ANTIQUE 3-bar basket side delivery rake. Steel wheels. $300. Bradford 937-448-2439 FERRIS Zero-Turn IS2000: 61” deck. 915 hrs. $4,500. Ansonia 937-337-7901 or 937-238-7901 ANTIQUE Mahogany Kneehole Desk: Nice! Orig. finish. $150 firm. West Liberty 937-465-7520 IH 133 4-Row S-Tine Cultivator: VGC! Celina 419-305-7420 SEEKING FARM GROUND TO RENT: Darke & surrounding counties. Excellent fertility package. Versailles 937-467-1133 ELECTRIC BLOWERS: 6 thru 24 in. Great for barn or workshop. Reasonable prices. Tipp City 937-478-2314 WHEAT STRAW: $3/bale. Approx. 800 bales. Russia 937-526-4091. Leave msg. 59” WHEEL for Ditch Witch: R65 carbide teeth. Hitch for 10” auger. Also, undercarriage. $50 ea. Rossburg 937-564-0719 TRUNKS: Fiberglass over wood. High dollar when new. 23”Dx25”Hx21-1/4”W. Will hold saddle w/lots of other equipment. Most have trays & stands to sit on. Really good! Tipp City 937-478-2314 INTERNATIONAL 5-Bar Hay Rake: Asking $675. Works great! Hamilton 513-571-5980 WANTED: Mid to late ‘80s Honda TRX250 Quad. Must be in running cond. NO JUNK! Piqua 937-570-2419 JD 8’ WHEEL DISK w/hyd. cyl. Blades all good, w/scrapers. Tires good. $750. Greenville 937-621-4580 BUSH HOG 6’ Finish Mower: Very nice condition. New blades. Asking $2,300. Hamilton 513-571-5980 DEALER PLASTIC AVCO New Idea Banner: 117x34 in. NOS. Maria Stein 419-305-2658 ‘43 McCORMICK-DEERING W-6: Good tin. Good tires. Live hyd. system. M&W hand clutch for live PTO & belt pulley. Must see to appreciate. $5,000. Piqua 937-418-2610 ‘78 TOYOTA Corolla Sport Coupe: 5 spd. 98K mi. CA car. Runs good. Very little body work needed. Needs paint. $3,900. Pitchin 937-831-0920 ‘43 McCORMICK—DEERING W-6: All good tin. Good tires. Live hyd. system. M&W live PTO system & belt pulley. Must see to appreciate! $5,000. Piqua 937-418-2610 (2) SKIDLOADER bucket edges, 66 in., $50 for one, $125 for the other. Straw, $4 /bale. Grass hay, $5/bale. Rossburg 937-564-0719 385/65R22.5 TIRES, $110. Wide steel Budd rims, $90. 11R22.5 tires, $75. Steel Budd rims, $55. Virgin rubber, off semi. 2/32-4/32 tread. New Bremen 419-305-1994 TRIP BUCKET LOADER: $800. (1) chain hoist, $75. Englewood 937-789-8996 BRILLION 8’ Cultipacker: 4” axle. New paint. Great for grass seed, hay fields, deer food plots. $1,000. Greenville 937-621-4580





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Page 20 - COUNTRY LIVING - JULY 2022

The Rodeo Shop Trailer Sales

FORD 8000 w/dual power. New updated hyd. system. New Firestone radials. Open station. Starts & runs. Needs painted. Franklin 937-474-9899 WANTED: 4- or 5-person alum. pontoon paddle boat. Elam Wickey, 4373E —100S, Monroe, IN 46772 STRAW: Clean, bright wheat straw. Twine-tied, small, square bales. Easy loading or delivery available. West Milton 937-875-1220 POSSIBLE ANTIQUES: 2-person hand saw; 1-person hand saw; hand-crank corn sheller; various small items. Botkins 937-693-3771 3 PT. HITCH buzz saw. Belt-driven. $300. 2’x3’ dump yard trailer, $75. Englewood 937-789-8996

Starting at

‘56 FORD T-BIRD: Peacock Blue. Complete, off-frame restoration. Three tops. Power steering. Auto. 312-V8. EC! Call for details. New Knoxville 937-423-4440 FOR SALE: Several 5000 Ford diesel tractors. Franklin 937-474-9899

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RUBBER MATS: 6’ x 8’ x 1/4” thick. 6 pcs. (10) 3’ x 3-1/2’ x 1/4” mats. Lightly used, in GC. Tipp City 937-478-2314 ‘83 FEATHERLITE Alum. Livestock Trailer: 7’W x 18’L. Fair cond. Tires 90%. Celina 419-852-8232 JD 640 LOADER attachment brackets, $200; JD 953 Gear 500; Ford 800 hyd. lift cover, $650. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486 FREEZER BEEF: 1/4, 1/2, or whole. Dates Aug. thru Nov. Bradford 937-448-2439 JD 709 7’ MOWER: GC! Convoy 419-495-2224. Leave msg. ALFALFA/TIMOTHY: (50) wire-tied 52 lb. small squares. 1st cutting ‘22. Made well. $5/bale. Easy loading. Union City, Indiana. 765-964-3475 PUREBRED POLLED Hereford Cows & Heifers: Bred or with calf at side. Quiet. West Liberty 937-465-7520 WANTED: 80-100 hp farm tractor. Can need work. Bradford 937-313-6502

MANNINGTON Commercial Vinyl Composition Tile: 12x12x30.48 cm. (4) boxes. 45 pcs. per box. Make offer. Clarksville 937-263-6432

(2) VINTAGE BICYCLES: Murray & 10 spd. Concord. Both for $200. Phillipsburg 937-832-7124

YOUNG FARMER seeking farm ground to rent. Darke & surrounding counties. Versailles 937-417-2969

MF 175: Gas. New radial tires. New starter. Starts & runs like new. $4,200. Franklin 937-474-9899

9700 FORD: For parts. 9600 Ford & 9000 Ford, also for parts. Franklin 937-474-9899

PARTING OUT: ‘01 Dodge Ram 1500 Laramie SLT 5.9 engine pick-up truck. Covington 937-214-5798

WHEEL PLANTER with 6 Plates: Sidney 937-295-3553

UNVERFERTH 530 Wagon: Fenders & lights. $12,500. Anna 937-538-6605

Page 21 - COUNTRY LIVING - JULY 2022 SEVERAL 4630 Ford Tractors: One w/Ford quick attach & with Bobcat bucket & shuttle shift. Franklin 937-474-9899 AR15 by Ohio Ordnance Works: 5.56mm. Model RM 15A2. Ammo included. Holds 10. $1,800 OBO. Stainless steel boat prop, $125. Covington 937-603-7529 JD 7720 TURBO: 220 head. 643 low tin corn head & header wagon. New drive tires. 2,817 engine hrs. $15,000 EC! Always shedded. Spencerville 419-234-4025 WANTED: Older Dodge diesel pick-up. Any cond. Bradford 937-313-6502 (4) ANTIQUE cast iron hay trolleys. All 4 for $200. Phillipsburg 937-832-7124 SWEET CORN: Bi-color. July & August. Taking orders. Greenville 937-423-4968 JD D140: 48” deck. 193 hrs. $1,295. Ansonia 937-337-7901 or 937-238-7901 STRAW: Clean, bright wheat straw. Twine-tied, small, square bales. Easy loading or delivery available. West Milton 937-875-1220 GROUSER TRACKS: Fit 12x16.5 tires, like new, 1750; Woods 9000 3 pt. backhoe, $4,500; Bobcat backhoe attachment brackets, $500. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486 WANTED: Knight 8014 or Kuhn 8114 manure spreader. Belle Center 937-464-4483. Ask for David. Or send pictures to 937-539-0295. NEW IDEA Hay Mower / Conditioner: Model #299. Tipp City 937-751-4956 OLDER CASE Tractor—Loader—Backhoe: Parts only. Make offer. Franklin 937-474-9899 ANTIQUE COOK STOVE: Favorite. Made in Piqua, Ohio. Gas. EC! Piqua 937-773-3758 STRAW: Clean, bright wheat straw. Twine-tied, small, square bales. Easy loading or delivery available. West Milton 937-875-1220 JD 750 15’ no-till drill w/monitor. $14,200. Greenville 937-547-0446 WANTED: Two-seater go-cart w/roll bars & electric ignition. West Alexandria 937-689-6334 JOHN DEERE MX7 Rotary Mower: LN! $4,250. Eaton 937-533-1245 TUPPERWARE: Overstocked! Huge savings on in-stock items. Dealer for 23 years. Call for catalog & brochures. Russia 937-238-6661 GRAVELY, reel mower attachment, $250; hay wagon, D. Bradley running gear, 7x14, $500; JD running gear, $850. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486 LATE MODEL FORD 5610: Very little hours. Also, Ford 6610 with low hours. Both one-owners. Franklin 937-474-9899 TRAVELONG Steel Gooseneck Livestock Trailer: 24 ft. With 2 divider gates. $1,500. West Liberty 937-465-3232 or 937-597-3232

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Page 22 - COUNTRY LIVING - JULY 2022 TRAVELONG Steel Gooseneck Livestock Trailer: 24 ft. With 2 divider gates. $1,500. West Liberty 937-465-3232 or 937-597-3232 CUSTOM Gas-Powered Sprayer, $1,200; double rake hitch, Steiner Mfg., $2,500; remote Ford valve, $200; buzz saw, 3 pt., w/PTO gear box, $100. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486 HILLER Disc Attachment: 2 discs. 15” diam., crossbar, & attachment clamps. Great cond. $100. Covington 937-604-4925

110' reach AERIAL TOWER

PAINTING We paint metal siding!

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TUPPERWARE: Overstocked! Huge savings on in-stock items. Dealer for 23 years. Call for catalog & brochures. Russia 937-238-6661

WANTED: Big Ford tractors. Any condition, including burned or wrecked. Franklin 937-474-9899 CUSTOM FARMING Combining, planting, & tillage work. Please contact Steve McGuffey, West Milton — 937-673-5730 GRAIN BIN BOLTS, nuts, & misc. dryer parts. New Paris 937-533-7456 PARTING OUT #469 NH haybine. Has good rolls. Covington 937-214-5798 NEW TRAILER HITCH for Honda Odyssey. Never put on. $100. Bradford 937-564-1687

WANTED TO BUY: Farm machinery. Will buy one piece or complete lines. Arcanum 937-670-0323

TEDDER: Sitrex, 2-basket, perfect cond., $2,250; Shaver 10” post driver, fully hyd. tilt. & angle, $4,500. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486

WOOD CHIPS: Located on St. Rt. 48, south of Pleasant Hill. $5/scoop. Pick up only. Ludlow Falls 910-367-3650

JD 997: Dsl. 72” deck. 1,130 hrs. $12,500. Ansonia 937-337-7901 or 937-238-7901

SEVERAL FORD Diesel Engines: All sizes. Franklin 937-474-9899

CHICKEN MANURE FOR SALE: Trucking & spreading available. Versailles 937-564-3399

BUSH HOG ATF900 7.5’ wide 3 pt. PTO finish mower. Side discharge. Extra set of blades. VGC. Always inside. $2,900. New Bremen 419-305-1994

MITER SAW: 10” compound, 15 amp. $85. Clayton 937-999-8699. Leave msg.

HAND HEWN Pin Frame Barn: 44x36. Beams, braces, rafters & wooden pins. Dismantled & stored inside. $6,000. Portland, Indiana 260-251-2413

JD 210 12’ Wheel Disc: Good blades. $2,650. Greenville 937-547-0446 FOR SALE: Ferris 1500Z—52” deck. 355 hrs. $4,950. Ansonia 937-337-7901 or 937-238-7901

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5900 FORD: Only 1,800 original hours. One owner. Franklin 937-474-9899


QUARRY TILE: 6x6x1/2” & 8x8x1/2”— Daltile American Olean Summitville. 2,000 sq. ft. Make offer. Clarksville 937-263-6432



290 JD 2-ROW Corn Planter: No fertilizer boxes. No markers. Arcanum 937-423-0034


2,700 BOARD FEET Rough-Sawn White Oak & Walnut: Weathered, but solid. All for $10,750. 19.5 chrome wheel covers. Set of 4. $100. Covington 937-603-7529


464 DIESEL: One owner. Starts & runs like new. Franklin 937-474-9899

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CHICKEN MANURE FOR SALE: Trucking & spreading available. Versailles 937-564-3399


HYD. DUAL RAKE HITCH: Custom, $1,200; pulverizer, 3 pt., 6 ft., $950; 7’ grader blade, $275; planter dolly, 3 pt. hyd., $650. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486



WANTED: Illinois Bunn Special 60-hour pocket watches, 17 jewel, 21 jewel, etc. Elam E. Wickey, 4373E— 100S, Monroe, IN 46772

Page 24 - COUNTRY LIVING - JULY 2022

COUNTRY KITCHEN You are invited to share your favorite recipe – for a main dish, casserole, salad, vegetable, dessert or snack. If it’s chosen a 1st Place Blue Ribbon Winner, we'll mail you $10! Recipes should be clearly printed or typed, with full instructions, and mailed to:

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Page 25 - COUNTRY LIVING - JULY 2022 PTO GEN.—WINCO, 25K, on nice trailer, w/owner’s manual, $2,250; JD 953 gear w/hoist, $750; 8N Ford sickle bar, belly mount, $250. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486

IHC SERIES 86 Factory Cab Steps: RH & LH. $50 ea. Good exhaust manifold for 66 & 86 Series tractors. $100. Piqua 937-418-2610


‘17 HOULE Manure Pump: 3” diam. 12’ long. Elec. 10hp drive. Celina 419-852-8232

WANTED: Bale spear attachment with standard skidloader mount. 3-4 spears in-line for lifting 3’x3’x6’ bales. Covington 937-604-4925

DOUBLE D double throw manual elec. gen. safety switch box. Up to 600 amp, 240V. Use on single & 3-phase. 45”Wx54”Hx17”D. VGC. $300 ($2,000 new). New Bremen 419-305-1994

4000 & 4610 937-474-9899


NH DUAL hay rake hitch for left & right hand rake, $750; tracks, Grouser, like new, fit Bobcat S185, 10x16.5 tires, $1,650. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486 OLD TYPE METAL double sink on legs & metal top. $30. Clayton 937-999-8699. Leave msg.

SEEKING LAND TO FARM In West Milton & surrounding areas. Please contact Steve McGuffey, West Milton — 937-673-5730

555 TRACTOR—LOADER—BACKHOE: Runs & works very well. Franklin 937-474-9899

SHOULE rock bucket w/hyd. grapple, HB7. 7’ wide, 1.5” teeth, 3” spacing. JD quick attach. Flow valve. For tractors up to 200hp. Pioneer couplers. $4,900. New Bremen 419-305-1994

(2) 225/70R-19.5” TIRES: 75% tread. $150. St. Marys 419-305-9547. Call or text.

(4) 225/70R 19.5” TIRES: 95% tread. $800. May have 1,000 mi. Call/text. St. Marys 419-305-9547

FIREWOOD: Make 937-295-3553

ELEC. MOTORS: 1/4hp & 1/3hp. 8” swivel heavy-duty wheels. Make offer. Ashton Drake Princess Diana dolls & plates, $300. Englewood 937-789-8996



(2) 225/70R-19.5” TIRES: 75% tread. $150. St. Marys 419-305-9547. Call or text. KING KUTTER 6’ 3 pt. disc, $475; Ford Dearborn 2-14 plow, $350; 6’ grader blade, 3 pt., $250. Hamilton 513-571-5980 CRAFTSMAN 22” Push Mower: Mulching blade. EC! Sidney 937-295-3553

CUB CADETS FOR PARTS: Model 110 & 100. 300 gal. overhead fuel tank. McCormick-Deering PRI 1-row corn picker. GC! Pleasant Hill 937-676-5884. Leave msg. (4) 300 GAL. galv. stock tanks, $200 ea.; (4) 700 gal. galv. stock tanks, $300 ea. Call or text. Troy 937-570-9691

Standing Seam Metal Roofi fin ng New Installation ~ Ser vice Repairs ~ Metal Sales

Page 26 - COUNTRY LIVING - JULY 2022

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Call today...we are dedicated AND driven to complete your project!

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Page 27 - COUNTRY LIVING - JULY 2022 2-WHEEL TRAILER: $750. 4x7 ft. Sides. 150 mi. Tailgate ramps. Plywood floor added. Maria Stein 567-204-3309 SEVERAL Industrial & Farm Tires: All sizes. Some new, some used. Some mounted on wheels. Franklin 937-474-9899 MITER SAW: 10” compound, 15 amp. $85. Clayton 937-999-8699. Leave msg. YOUNG FARMER seeking farm ground to rent. Darke & surrounding counties. Versailles 937-417-2969 ANTIQUE WEBCOR Royal Reel-toReel Recorder: With some tapes. Covington 937-232-0661 BRUNO SEAT for truck or Victoria car. Helps you get in & out. Remote control. Brookville 937-837-1070 DAVID BROWN TRACTOR: 40hp. 3 pt. hook-up. Very dependable. Two owners. Good tires. $2,500 OBO. Houston 937-726-9965 GLEANER L-M 15’ green stripe grain table w/new SCH roller guide cutter bar. EC! $3,500 OBO. Versailles 937417-9850 CURT 65500 2-5/16 Ball Plate: Over the bed. Flat, with D-rings. $150. Brookville 937-902-6727 (35) 4x5 ROUND BALES Grass Hay: 700 lb. bales. $45 ea. Fountain City, Indiana 937-621-0430 WOOD BARN SIDING: Celina 419733-1048

53” PALOMINO GAITED PONY: 10 yr. old mare. Very cute! Can haul large adult all day. Very smooth. $1,000. Houston 937-726-9965 ‘19 COACHMEN 23’ Leprechaun Motorhome: Gas. Rear queen bed. With slide-out. Sleeps 5. On Chevy 4500 chassis. St. Paris 937-663-4654 (5) ROUND BALES HAY: Clean bales. Timothy & grass. $50 ea. New Carlisle 937-308-0194 NICE, SMALL, SQUARE BALES Alfalfa Hay: 1st, 2nd & 3rd cuttings. $5/bale. Wapakoneta 419-941-1196 MAYRATH 8”x32’ Transport Auger: 71/2hp elec. motor. Bought new. Only used to unload a 12K bin. $4,500. Winchester, Indiana 765-749-8762 FORD RANGER: 4x4. Has sat for several years. Make offer. Greenville 937-548-8669 4x4 ROUND BALES Alfalfa Grass Mixed Hay: Twine tied. Easy loading. Delivery available. $30/bale. Bradford 937-564-6948 METAL SIDEBOARD for Hopper Wagon: 12’L x 7’W x 16”H. Arcanum 937-947-1495 CASE IH C80 TRACTOR: 2,500 hrs. 2WD. R4 tires. Painted Industrial Yellow. Front end weights. $13,500 OBO. Huntsville 937-464-2148


LARGE EQUIPMENT BARN FOR LEASE: West Milton 937-698-5529




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Fungicide • Fertilizing • Weed Control Cover Crop • Insect Control ROGER TRUMP Certified Aerial Applicator G.P.S. Guidance

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HIGH TENSILE ELEC. WIRE: New roll, w/custom-made reel. New Paris 937-564-2114

BARN - FREE FoR REMoVAL: Versailles 937-526-4350

8-ToN HYD. MoBILE SHoP HoIST: Telescopic. Large steel wheels. $250 oBo. Brookville 937-902-6727

(135) ELECTRIC fence post insulators. 3” - 4” wooden posts. New Paris 937-564-2114



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GoATS: Nigerian Dwarf Buck Kids. Born 4/10/22. Can be ADGA reg. & used this fall for breeding. $200. Wethers can be purchased for pets. $75. Ansonia 937-564-3726 ‘17 HoULE MANURE PUMP: 3” diam. 12’ long. With 10hp motor. Celina 419852-8232

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WANTED To BUY: English & Western horse tack. Saddles, stall fronts, saddle racks, bits, bridles, etc. West Milton 937-698-5529 BoX oF oLD Hot Rod Magazines: Some from the late ‘50s. $15. Arcanum 937-417-2537 WANTED: Good 18.4-34 & 18.4-38 tractor tires. Versailles 937-526-4350 100 GAL. Pull-Behind Field Sprayer: Greenville 937-548-8669

SMALL, SQUARE BALES Alfalfa Grass Mixed Hay: $5/bale. Bradford 937-564-6948

WANTED: Saw logs. Any species. Eaton 937-545-8737

STEEL RIMS for Wooden Wagon Wheel: 44” diam. $15 ea. Arcanum 937-417-2537


30 GAL. ELEC. Hot Water Heater: Used one year. Removed for remodeling. $300. Casstown 937-308-0194

DRILL PRESS: Bench top. $150. Casstown 937-308-0194

HoRSE BARN FoR LEASE: West Milton 937-698-5529


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200 GAL. FIBERGLASS Sprayer Tank: $10. Box of misc. fan belts. $25. Arcanum 937-417-2537

WANTED: Wire corn crib. Prefer with roof. Eaton 937-545-8737


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WANTED: Stationary exercise bicycle & 3-wheel bicycle. Versailles 937-5264350 24’ ALUMINUM Extension Ladder: Greenville 937-548-8669 17 - 360 Y-DRoPS off of tool bar applicator. Used 2 years. GC! $250 ea. Winchester, Indiana 765-7498762 WANTED: Peacocks. Any color. Eaton 937-545-8737

ANTIQUE FARM EQUIPMENT for yard decorations. New Paris 937-564-2114 FULL-SIZE older barrel w/antique pump. Some contents in it. Make offer. Brookville 937-837-1070 JD 45 LoADER: GC! $400. Bradford 937-564-6948 ‘98 FoUR WINDS Class C Motorhome: Sleeps 6. 34K mi. Great cond. Very clean. New Michelin tires. $14,500. Houston 937-726-9965 4x2x2 SToCK TANK. old hand water pump. Ansonia 937-548-4628 after 5pm GEHL MoDEL #1540 Silage Blower: EC! All straight sheet metal. Call or text. Maria Stein 419-305-7765

Page 29 - COUNTRY LIVING - JULY 2022 +* $ !()*

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Our name says it all!

937-456-4672 • 456-4673 • Fax 456-1523 723 Yost Rd. • West Alexandria, Ohio

7:30 AM TO 5 PM M-F, 8-12 SAT. Distributors of... • Ads Pipe • Hancor Pipe • Snyder Tanks Septic - Cistern 300-1500 gal. • Infiltrator Leaching Systems • PVC, SDR & Metal Culvert

POST FRAME BUILDINGS 701 S. Main, New Knoxville, OH 419-753-2263

7/8” x 70’ CABLE: GC! $125. 7’ long pieces of railroad rail. $150 for all. Brookville 937-902-6727

JD AERATOR: Can provide picture. Wapakoneta 937-538-8960. Leave msg. if no answer.

100’ ROLL of BLACK FIELD TILE: Non-perforated. $25. West Alexandria 937-689-6334

WANTED: Pair of 18.4x34 bar tires w/decent tread. No Severe Weather Check. Versailles 937-417-9850

55” POA BUCKSKIN MARE: With snowflake blanket. 11 years old. Very good looking pony! Great on trails. $2,000. Houston 937-726-9965

WANTED: Inline big bale wrapper. Sidney 937-726-4143

JD 338 BALER w/#42 kicker. One owner. LN! Sidney 937-726-4143 TRACTOR TILT BUMPER: Fits Ferguson TO or Ford N’s. GC! $30. Tipp City 937-356-8171 WANTED TO BUY: IH disc, 18 or 20 ft. Portland, Indiana 260-251-0101 (300) SMALL, SQUARE BALES Grass Hay: $3.75/bale. Fountain City, Indiana 937-621-0430

AKC SHELTIE PUPS: Two litters available. Sable & White, Blue Merles, and Tri’s. De-wormed & vaccinated. Health checked & healthy. Great bloodlines. Parents also available for sale. Call for flexible pricing. Huntsville 937-464-2148 ‘13 MASTER TOW DOLLY: GVWR 3,500 lbs. St. Paris 937-663-4654

GOLDEN COMET Brown Egg-Laying Pullets: 16 weeks old in August. New Weston 937-423-3202 WANTED: Set of 16.9x38 tractor tires. 50% or more tread. Botkins 937-7267334 SEA-DOO GTX Jet Ski: $1,700. Celina 419-733-1048 IH 480 DISK: Manual fold wings. 18’ wide. Needs bearing replaced. $2,000. Wapakoneta 419-941-1196

FAIRBANKS MORSE 3 Pt. PTO Generator: Model #FM5-TO-3-5. 4,500 watts. 19.50 amp. Single-phase. 1,800 rpm. 115 volt. $450. Millersport 740-504-6821 (6) TROY-BILT TILLERS: Horse models. For parts or fix up to run. (1) TroyBilt Pony tiller. $900 for all. Greenville 937-621-4580 BULLDOZER: Cat, D2. Serial #5U4563. ‘60s era. Pony start (has issues). 4 cyl. dsl. Good undercarriage. With manuals. $6,000 invested. Sell for $2,500. Cincinnati 513-8314513. Leave msg. POULAN PRO 30” Cut Lawnmower: EC! Used very little. No longer need. Arcanum 937-947-1495

Page 30 - COUNTRY LIVING - JULY 2022

UPCOMING AUCTIONS sAturdAy, July 9 At 10 A.M. - Auction located at 8903 St. Rt. 235, Quincy, Ohio. Primitives; Antiques; Special Interest Items; Shop Tools; Related Items; Horse-Drawn Equipment & Other. Carl & Sandy Dammeyer, Owners. Jon W. Carr, Auctioneer. see Page 10 tHursdAy, July 14 At 4 P.M. - Auction located at 4555 Northern Circle, Dayton, Ohio. Tractors; Small Farm Equipment & Other; Shop Tools; Equipment & Other; Old Equipment Manuals; Antiques; Special Interest Items. Geiger Brothers, Owners. Jon W. Carr, Auctioneer. see Page 10 sAturdAy, July 23 At 10 A.M. - Total Liquidation Auction located at 3075 U.S. Rt. 50, Hillsboro, Ohio. Forklifts; Trucks; Equipment; Shop Equipment; Pneumatic Tools; Hand Tools; Parts. Corky’s Truck & Equipment, Inc., Owner. Wilson National LLC - Real Estate & Auction Group. see Page 14

• SCHRADER REAL ESTATE & AUCTION CO. • Real Estate & Farm Equipment Offered in July and August. see Page 10

Attention ClAssified Advertisers It has come to our attention that some classified advertisers occasionally increase their asking price over the amount advertised in their ad, especially relating to hay, straw, etc. If you wish to adjust your asking price, please feel free to contact our office prior to our monthly Country Living deadline date and we will be happy to make changes to your classified ad. However, please be considerate of potential buyers and honor the price advertised in your ad.


THURSDAY, JULY 21 – 4 p.m.

Thank You! Country Living

20 WoRDS oR LeSS IS WoRD LImIT FoR FRee CLASSIFIeD ADS Due to space limitations, we ask our readers to please limit their FREE classified ads to 20 words or less. ADS THAT ARE LONGER THAN 20 WORDS MUST BE EDITED to allow sufficient space for the volume of ads we receive each month. We thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Country living

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Page 31 - COUNTRY LIVING - JULY 2022

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(2) RITCHIE Automatic Cattle Waterers: 100-head capacity each. Great cond. $700 ea. Russia 937-638-0273 12’ JON BOAT: With oars, trolling motor, & cushions. $300. Tipp City 937-698-1062 72” WOLVERINE Skid Steer Brush Mower: Only 1 year old. Lightly used. $2,400 OBO. Huntsville 937-4642148 ‘83 FEATHERLIGHT Aluminum Livestock Trailer: Gooseneck. 7x20 ft. Fair shape. Tires 90%. Celina 419-8528232

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(3) ANTIQUE TOBACCO wood pressers. (3) antique porcelain clawfoot bathtubs. Antique Queen washing machine. Can be used for yard decor. Make offer. Brookville 937-837-1070


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‘83 FEATHERLIGHT Aluminum Livestock Trailer: Gooseneck. 7x20 ft. Fair shape. Tires 90%. Celina 419-8528232

(60) 5x4 ROUND BALES net-wrapped ‘21 hay. $40/bale. New Madison 937459-7450

OLDER STYLE Troy-Bilt Horse tiller w/new Briggs engine. Not “big box” store model. Asking $1,200. Arcanum 937-459-0285

WANTED: 1,000 bu. shelled corn. Needs to be delivered to Maria Stein. Russia 937-638-9380

JD 2755 TRACTOR w/loader. 4,500 hrs. VGC! $12,000. Anna 937-7269580

MAYTAG ELEC. RANGE: White. Smooth top. GC! Wapakoneta 419738-7523. Leave msg.

FERGUSON TO20 TRACTOR: 12 volt system. $1,500 OBO. Bradford 937564-6948

SMUCKER 30’ pull-type weed wiper. Recent new sponges. $1,000. Winchester, Indiana 765-749-8762 BISSELL CARPET CLEANER: Pro Heat 2X Healthy Home Pet. Used a couple of times. With shampoo. $150. Casstown 937-308-0194 PAIR OF REAR TIRES on rims. Off 4020 JD tractor. 18.4x34” - $50. Arcanum 937-417-2537 11L15 WAGON RIMS & TIRES: 6hole. Versailles 937-526-4350

ARENS CORP. P.O. BOX 69 - 395 S. HIGH ST. COVINGTON, OHIO 45318-0069

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