Country Living April 2020

Page 1

Country Living Vol. 77 • No. 4

April 2020



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CoUntRY LIVInG Contents Cover Picture Country Kitchen Call...


Electric Motors For All Your Agricultural, Industrial, & Residential Needs! Englewood, Ohio


We’re pleased to offer our readers three scrumptious recipes this month. Boredom seems to be an issue for many families these days as we spend so much time at home. This is the perfect opportunity to teach your children how to cook! Turn to Page 31.

KEEP THOSE RECIPES COMING! Share Your Favorite Recipe With Our Readers AND HAVE A CHANCE TO WIN $10!


Is Published Monthly By: ARENS CORPORATION P.O. Box 69, 395 S. High St., Covington, OH 45318 937-473-2028 • 937-473-2029 • FAX: 937-473-2500

E-MAIL: CHECK US OUT ON THE NET: IMPORTANT!!! When submitting advertisements or news releases, always include your full name, address, & phone number (including area code)

WANTED TO BUY: 10 or more acres of land in Miami Co. or Darke Co. Prefer west of I-75. Ludlow Falls 937698-6611

ANTIQUE HORSE hitching post; large artists’ easel; large sleigh bells; brass horse hames; (2) school auditorium seats. Phillipsburg 937-832-7124

500 GAL. HARDI SPRAYER: Manual fold 42’ booms. Single-axle & PTO pump. Nice working sprayer. New pressure gauge. $2,800 OBO. Versailles 937-570-7023


JD 7000 11-row Bean Planter: Keetons, Kinze brush meters, cast closing wheels, seed senors, & monitor. No-till capable. $8,000. Versailles 937-570-7023 CHAINSAW SCULPTURES Stumps in your yard or items on display. or 765-977-4563. Photos on facebook. See Dayle Keith Lewis.

(2) VINTAGE cast iron hay trolleys. Phillipsburg 937-832-7124 FREEZER BEEF: No hormones. Grainfed. Arcanum 937-678-5435 HOWEMA Liquid Feed System: With trough. Sidney 937-726-4143 8N FORD TRACTOR: Good paint. Good rubber. Runs great! $2,500. Farm wagon. 3’ sides. With grain bin. $400. Englewood 937-789-8996


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BOAT FOR SALE: Tracker. Alum. 15’ long, 6’ wide. 10hp Evinrude motor. Fish finder. Custom-made seats & oars. LN! West Alexandria 937-696-1411 J&M MODEL 250-7 hopper wagon, $975; Killbros Model 375 hopper wagon, 250+ bu., $950. Union City, Ohio 937-417-1071 (2) REAR UNLOAD 18’ Silage Wagons: Meyer & Miller’s Pro. $5,500 ea. Nice! Stored inside. Covington 937-308-1350 or 937-623-5725 TURN YOUR LOGS INTO LUMBER! I do custom sawing with a Woodmizer sawmill. Your place or mine. Hardwood lumber for sale. Pleasant Hill 937-216-7292 HAY FOR SALE: Alfalfa & orchardgrass. Large & small round bales. Camden 937-533-0081 JD 4240 TRACTOR: 7,600 hrs. Dual wheels. $12,500. St. Marys 419-953-3487


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(4) FEEDER PIGS: 120 lbs. $100 ea. Fountain City, Indiana 937-621-0430 ‘60’s RIDE KING Older Zero-Turn Lawnmower: 28” cut. Tecumseh motor. Ran last year. $150. Piqua 937-418-7530

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1st & 2nd CUTTINGS Mixed Hay: 60 small bales. $3.25/bale. Covington 937-564-6309 WHITE 2-180 w/cab; 3,000 bu. grain bin. Pleasant Hill 937-477-9389 GUITAR: Fender. 12-string. Acoustic/electric. Hard shell case. EC! Make offer. Ludlow Falls 937698-6611 JD 24-HOLE GRAIN DRILL with seeder. Wapakoneta 419-236-8132 HYD. CYLS., $35 ea.; rabbit hutch, $20; 18’ wood ladder, $20; Huffy bike, $20; porch swing, $20. New Bremen 419-629-3510 FREEZER BEEF:  Custom processed by the half or quarter. Call for prices. Eaton 937-456-4803 (3) CATTLE CEMENT Feed Bunks: 10’ x 2’ x 18” - $25 ea. Covington 937564-6309

RAMBOUILLET Ram Lamb: Born 8/11/19. Show quality. Stylish! St. Paris 937-478-6986

(2) PAX 40 Bu. Hog Feeders: Wapakoneta 419-236-8132

SURGE 10HP on-demand vacuum pump; Galion truck hoist. Covington 937-418-2014

MISC. GRAIN BIN bolts & nuts, ladders, etc. New Paris 937-533-7456 500 GAL. HARDI SPRAYER: Manual fold 42’ booms. Single-axle & PTO pump. Nice working sprayer. New pressure gauge. $2,800 OBO. Versailles 937-570-7023 INT. FLEETSTAR 2110 PARTS: Including cab, doghouse, 6 cyl. gas engine, & trans. Make offer. Eaton 937-456-4803

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OLD WOOD DOORS w/glass, 10.5’ tall x 5’ wide, $100 OBO. 15 gal. JD rear mount lawn sprayer, $150. Old vise, $50. AC WD 45 parts. New Bremen 419-629-3510

10’ IH ROTARY HOE: 3 pt. lift. $350. St. Henry 419-852-0730

NH 28 SILAGE BLOWER: St. Henry 419-852-9460


WANTED: Guitars, banjos, & mandolins. Any cond. Ludlow Falls 937698-6611

1st CUTTING Mixed Grass Hay: Wapakoneta 419-236-8132 JD 7000 11-row Bean Planter: Keetons, Kinze brush meters, cast closing wheels, seed senors, & monitor. Notill capable. $8,000. Versailles 937570-7023

OLIVER 77 Gas Tractor: Narrow front end. Fimco 20 gal. sprayer on wheels. Pleasant Hill 937-477-9389 18.4x46 FIRESTONE: Used. $100 OBO. 16.9x30 Firestones, $75. 18.4x42, $75 OBO. New Bremen 419-234-5646 or 419-230-1495 CASE IH 496 DISK: 24 ft. Hyd. fold. Very nice! Always shedded. $10,000. Haviland 419-230-3023 or 419-5130250 NEW IDEA #49 5-Bar 9’ Hay Rake: PTO-driven. 3 pt. mount, w/rear crazy wheels. $900. Eaton 937-456-4803 WHITE 549 6 btm. plow, auto. reset; 16’ Oliver disc; 42’ grain auger w/elec. motor. Pleasant Hill 937-477-9389 WANTED TO BUY: 10 or more acres of land in Miami Co. or Darke Co. Prefer west of I-75. Ludlow Falls 937698-6611 3HP GO-CART; alum. baseball backstop. Wapakoneta 419-236-8132



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Deadline for May Country Living Friday, April 24, No Later than 4:30 pm


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AUCTIONS UCTION NS Upcoming U Up pcoom pco omi ming i ngg A REAL ESTATE APRIL 7 – 30.7± ACR ES I N 1 T R ACT. Gibson C ou nt y (Princeton, IN). 18.5 Cropla nd acres (FSA) • Product ive A l ford Soi ls • 8 Mi les Nor t heast of Pr i nceton • Wood la nd • E xcel lent Deer Hu nt i ng • Food Plot A rea. C ontact Br ad Hor ra l l 812-890-8255. 14 – 82 .59± ACR ES IN 1 TR ACT. Mad ison Cou nt y (London, OH). 79± FSA Ti l lable Acres • 2020 Croppi ng R ig hts to t he Buyer • Nice Field for Ease of Fa r m i ng Operat ion • Qua l it y Soi ls i n To Top Ag r icu lt u ra l A rea. Contact A ndy Wa lt her 765-969-0401 or Trav is Kel ley 740-572-1525. 21 – 250± ACRES IN 10 TR ACTS. Fra n k lin Count y ( Brook v i l le, I N ). P ic t u resque Sout her n I nd ia na Fa r m • Abu nda nt W HITETA IL & TUR K EY • Rol l i ng Pa st u res w it h Beaut i f u l Elevated V iews • GR E AT LOC ATION w it h i n 30 m i nutes to Ci nci n nat i • Impressive Cou nt r y Home w it h P ic t u resque Ba r n s • 2020 Crop R ig hts to BU Y ER, 68± FSA Crop Acres • Potent ia l Bu i ld i ng Sites. Contact A ndy Wa lt her 765-969-0401. 30 – 516 ACR ES IN 13 TR ACTS. Fayet te Cou nt y ( Wa sh i ng ton C ou r t Hou s e, OH ). C ont ac t A nd y Wa lt her 765-969-0401 or Trav is Kelley 740-572-1525.

MAY 7 – 4 2 AC R E S I N 1 T R AC T. M a r s h a l l C ou nt y (Bourbon, IN). Contact Ga r y Ba iley 260-417-4838. 9 – 13.07± ACR ES IN 2 TR ACTS. A l len C ou nt y ( New Haven, IN ). 2955 sq. f t. custom home w it h a n 18’ x 36’ shop • Wild life is preva lent • Soils a re most ly Nappa nee silt y clay loa m, eel silt loa m, a lso w ith some St. Clair clay loam and Hoy t v ille silt y clay. Contact Dennis Bennett 260-433-2159.

FARM EQUIPMENT APRIL 9 –F FA A RM EQUIPMENT. Richmond, IN. Contact A ndy W Waa lt her 765-969-0401. Follow us on:

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‘79 WHITE 2-135: Cab heat & air. Nearly new tires. 2 spd. PTO. New hyd. pump. $16,500. Quincy 937-539-3979 15 BU. PAX Hog Feeder: Stainless steel. Jake E.S. Schwartz, 5350S—525E, Berne, IN 46711 LIME BED: On ‘79 GMC. Tandem axle. $2,700. Rossburg 937-564-0719 PAYING CASH for working & non-working pinball & arcade machines. Will pick up. Any condition. Beavercreek 9 3 7 - 9 5 6 - 4 6 1 6 . 8HP (KOHLER) TROY-BILT tiller w/accessories. EC. Mantis tiller for small beds. LN. Apple crates. $5 ea. Richmond, Indiana 765-962-8965 HOBART WELDING WIRE: 5-33# ExelArc 71. .045. 1-33# .052. Always dry. $50 /roll OBO. Arcanum 937-692-8215 PUPPIES!!! Small breed. Chihua x Terrier. (1) female & (3) males. Pick yours out now for Easter! Maria Stein 419-925-4712 SMALL, SQUARE BALES 2nd & 3rd cuttings grass hay. Russia 937-622-2246 vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv TABLE SAW & TABLE Older Model - $25 Minster • 419-628-2638 Leave Message


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FARM TIRE REPAIR & SALES KURTIOUS TIRE SERVICE, INC. 25 Years Experience on the Road and Farm Tire Service GREENVILLE, OHIO

937-547-0104 Passenger Tire Mobile Service



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DEADLINE for May Country Living

FRIDAY, APRIL 24 No Later Than 4:30 pm

$ !

GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS: Ready to go early June. $250. St. Marys 419-733-8792 7’ WERNER Aluma-Plank Scaffolding (one plank). Ft. Recovery 419-305-2658 ‘78 MF TRACTOR w/cab & air. Model 1085. Show & field ready! 15’ M&W disk chisel & disk mower. Needs repair. Germantown 937-689-7337 YOUNG FARMER seeking farm ground to rent. Darke & surrounding counties. Versailles 937-417-2969 ‘99 CHEVY S-30 Cut-Away Van: Fire damage. Good metal, motor, & trans. 125K mi. Box has side door. $1,500 firm. West Liberty 937-465-7520 5,500-WATT North Star generator w/9hp Honda engine. Less than 100 hrs. Versailles 937-548-8391 FARMALL 460: Dsl., w/wide front end. Runs good. Tires 80%. Good paint. Good TA. $3,800. St. Henry 419-852-8903 30’ WINDMILL DERRICK: Jake E.S. Schwartz, 5350S—525E, Berne, IN 46711 ‘11 SUZUKI BOULEVARD 540 Motorcycle: 4,500 mi. New battery & rear tire. Very clean. Asking $2,200. New Carlisle 937-605-1324 FORD NH 8670: Cab heat & air. Front wheel assist. 175hp. Dual PTO. 3 pt. hitch. Four sets of hyds. Nicest around! New engine. Make offer or trade. Franklin 937-474-9899 CAR HAULER TRAILER: Double axle. Brookville 937-837-1070 3450 REEL Auggie TMR Wagon: $2,500; G-690 AG Bagger, 9 ft., $8,000. Versailles 937-564-0145 OLDER PONTOON: No trailer. $700. Russia 937-507-5119 or 937-622-1746 ‘02 CHEVY 2500 HD: CCSB, Duramax, 116K mi. Not driven in winter. Nice! $25,000. Call/text St. Marys 419-305-9547 OLD YALE FORKLIFT: 3-stage mast. 6 cyl. Reg. gas. Runs good. No brakes. $1,000. Pictures available. Conover 937-441-8083


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$ # ( ! STANDARDBRED GELDING: Doublegaited. 15H. Bay. TSS. Quiet. Easy keeper. Hardy. Big motor. Good brakes. Broke to drive. $3,400. Anna 567-356-0306






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CLAAS LINER 470T 12’ Roto Rake. $7,700. Claas Volta 52T Tedder. $5,600. Retiring. Ft. Recovery 419-375-4755. Leave msg.

"' ( #

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STRAW: Approx. 300 bales. $4/bale. Easy loading. Lewisburg 937-603-3637

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TUPPERWARE: Overstocked! Huge savings on in-stock items. Dealer for 22 years. Call for catalog & brochures. Russia 937-238-6661 ‘96 FORD 6640: Approx. 2,000 hrs. With Tiger side mower. Always stored inside. Open station w/canopy. $15,000. Yorkshire 419-210-4607



SHEEP & GOAT FEEDERS: 12 ft., $200. 15 ft., $300. Rossburg 937-564-0719



FREE: Tractor tires. 18.4x54. (2) tractor tires, 20.8x38. 2,000 gal. poly water tank (has crack in bottom). Germantown 937-974-6690

% (


13’ BUSH HOG Mower: $1,500. Eldorado 937-417-2222. No texts or Sunday calls.

PARTING OUT: 2,300 gal. Better Bilt vacuum spreader. 19L-16.1. LN tires! Pump works good. Some new parts. Ft. Recovery 419-375-4755 WANTED: Junk autos & scrap metal of all kinds. Certified scale. Top dollar paid. Roll-off container services. Call for pricing or pick-up. Celina 419-363-2277 JD 7720 Titan 2: 5,200 hrs. Runs good. Avg. cond. Great tires. 643 head. 220 head. Will separate. $15,000. Box, $12,000. Celina 419-733-1751 WANTED: Used 3-phase motors, 5hp & up. Good used 14-15-16 tires. Rossburg 937-417-2219



"' (


$ # (





Page 11 - COUNTRY LIVING - APRIL 2020 JD 220 COMBINE sickle bar w/all new sections. $150 OBO. Greenville 937-423-2281 or 937-968-6836 WANTED: Block & tackles. Russia 937-622-1746 or 937-507-5119 FREE FIREWOOD TO CUT: Tree tops. Easy access. Camden 937-533-0081 ‘02 INT. 8100 Dump Truck: S.A. 370hp Cat engine. 10 spd. trans. GC! $21,500 OBO. Waynesfield 419-234-4586 WANTED: 10 used shanks & shovels for AC 1200 field cult. With 5/8 mounting hole. North Star 937-417-9850 SMIDLEY Steer Stuffer: In good cond. Ft. Loramie 937-726-2165. Text or call. IH SUITCASE WEIGHTS: 62 lbs. Rossburg 937-338-3055 HAY MOWS REMOVED We can remove your unwanted hay mows /lofts or other sections of your barn at no cost to you. We do all the work so we can recycle the wood from your barn. We may even pay some $$$ to do so! Give us a call to discuss. Thanks! We’re located in Arcanum, Ohio. 970-596-3151

50’ 15” SMOOTH WALL Field Tile: $225. Sidney 937-570-3282 after 5pm QUANTUM Gold Brand Power Washer: 5hp Briggs engine. $50. Jamestown 937-609-5504 HOME-MADE Regulation Size 24’x8’ Soccer Goal: Materials cost $490. Sell for $275 firm. Includes net. Can be seen from road. Troy 937-295-2807 HONDA REFLEX w/full windshield. St. Paris 937-663-4654 HONDA SILVER WING: ‘08. With rear storage. St. Paris 937-663-4654 FOR SALE: ‘20 straw. Out of field. Large round, big square, small square. Kenton Grim, 8730 St. Rt. 571, Arcanum, OH 45304 NH 28 SILAGE BLOWER: St. Henry 419-852-9460

REMINGTON 1100: 12 ga. 25” imp. cyl., vent rib. EC! $500. Call/text Grover Hill 567-344-1092. May travel some.

FOR SALE—PARTING OUT: ‘63 Impala. 4 dr. hardtop. 6 cyl. stick. Trenton 513-464-2641

28% APPLICATOR w/5 knives. Set up for 6 rows. 500 gal. plastic tank. Hyd. pump. Set up for Raven controller. $1,500 OBO. Bradford 937-448-8071. Leave msg.

BUGGY WHEELS: LN cond. Woodspoked wheels w/rubber tread. Front wheels 30 in. Rear wheels 34 in. $450. Anna 567-356-0306

‘52 JD A: PS. A-1 cond. 3 pt. hitch. Ready to go! Call for price. Mendon 419-795-7051

NEW TRACTOR RIMS: 28 in. 6-loop. 9, 10, 11 & 12 in. wide. Fits Ford, Ferguson, IH & other tractors. $135 & up. Greenville 937-621-4580

‘98 FORD AERO-MAX tandem tractor w/400 Cummins Jac brake. All good. $8,500. Arcanum 937-417-2535 ‘63 FARMALL CUB w/59” Woods belly mower, 48” blade, & extra wheel weights. Ser. #223624. $1,500. Jamestown 937-609-5504 KUBOTA B7610: 24hp. Hydrostatic. 4WD. 60” belly mower. 668 hrs. EC! Wapakoneta 419-236-3573



479 NH HAYBINE: Runs good. Piqua 937-773-3758 300 GAL. 3 PT. Mounted Tank: LN! $850 OBO. Urbana 937-238-6504 CHICKEN HOUSE SHUT DOWN: All equipment for sale. Pit fans, motors, augers, feed bins, belts, etc. Make offer. Ft. Recovery 419-852-3590


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Page 12 - COUNTRY LIVING - APRIL 2020 8’ CULTIPACKER: EC! New paint. Bearings good. $750. 8’ single-gang wheel disk w/8” spiketooth, $475. Greenville 937-621-4580

Discover for yourself what others already know ...


COUNTRY CLIPPER Lawnmower: ‘04. 48” cut. 17hp Kohler engine. Single joystick. Zero-turn. Some welds on deck. Newer blades. Can text pictures. $1,000 OBO. New Madison 937-459-6309 BIL JAX SCAFFOLDING: Four sets. Three boards each. Braces, feet, two sides. Always shedded. $400/set. $1,500 /all four. Covington 865-202-7979 WANTED TO BUY: GM Saginaw 4 spd. transmission. Trenton 513-464-2641

200 S. Main St. Piqua, Ohio 937-773-3657

Batteries For Everything! Cordless Telephone • Cell Phone • Camcorder AA - AAA - C - D - 9 Volt • 2 Way Radio • Coin Cell Cars • Trucks • Farm Equipment • Golf Cart Motorcycle • Marine Deep Cycle & Starting • ATV Wheel Chair • Emergency Power • Lawn & Garden Snow Mobile • Jet Ski • Toy Cars • Battery Chargers Cables • Jump Start Units

(7) HEAD Black Cross Calves: Approx. 300 lbs. Dehorned, castrated, vaccinated. Market price. Piqua 937-773-7371 3x3x7 ALFALFA, clover, grass hay. 3x3x6 red clover hay. Ft. Loramie 937-489-1382 FARMALL cult. wrench, $15; MasseyHarris 30 oil filter, operator’s manual, & belt pulley, $100. Anna 567-356-0306 PUREBRED POLLED Hereford Bulls: Big, dark, quiet. West Liberty 937-465-7520 IH 5088: Cab heat & air. New engine. 540 & 1,000 PTO. Two sets of hyd. weights. Starts & runs like new. 3 pt. hitch. One owner. $15,500 OBO or trade. Franklin 937-474-9899 SHOW LAMBS: Hampshire. Wethers, ewe lambs, ram lambs. Celina 419-953-0238




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NCR ELECTRONIC Model 2118 Cash Register: GC! $65 OBO. Eldorado 937-336-6593 CLOVER SEED: Cleaned & bagged. $90 /bu. Versailles 937-423-5379 IH 990 HAYBINE; NI hay rake w/dolly wheel in front. Ansonia 937-337-8061 SHOW LAMBS: Hampshire. Wethers, ewe lambs, ram lambs. Celina 419-953-0238 BOLENS Riding Lawnmower. Hyd. B&S 2 cyl. engine. $200. Bryant, Indiana 260-997-6393 USED 4x10 937-726-4143

! #


VG YETTER Corn Planter Row Cleaners: $150 ea. ($375 new). Celina 419-678-2590 WANTED TO BUY: NI 215 manure spreader. Belle Center 567-712-8165 18.4x34 T-RAIL DUALS; IH 370 disc w/fluted coulters. Versailles 937-423-5379 SNAPPER Z-RIDER: 22hp, w/joystick & 60” deck. 1,000 hrs. Very good value at $400! Eaton 937-456-5340 KILLBROS 250 bu. hopper wagon on JD running gears. $1,000 OBO. Sidney 937-570-3282 after 5pm

! ! !$""


CONCRETE BUNKS: (25) J-type. 2’ high, 30” wide, 8’ long. 23” wide inside. Smooth concrete. Arcanum 937-947-1495

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Page 13 - COUNTRY LIVING - APRIL 2020 WANTED: Pinball & arcade machines. Pay working cash for working & nonworking machines. Will pick up. Any cond. Call/text 937-956-4616. (2) TRUCK TIRES: 8R/19.5, 12-ply. (4) car tires. TP 215/70/R15. (4) P215/70/ R15. Antique flat-bed wagon w/sideboards. Ottawa 419-532-3637 TANKS-DRUMS: 30-1,500 gals. Plastic & steel. Lewisburg 937-839-4540 VARIOUS SIZES heavy-duty roll-around work stations. Used in woodworking shop. Arcanum 937-313-6520 BUSH HOGGING or Finish Mowing: 7’ widths. Turf tires. Easy on lawn. Free estimates. Troy/West Milton 937-216-4664

HAY: Alfalfa / clover / timothy. ‘19 1st cutting. No rain. (180) 52 lb. small squares. $7 ea. Union City, Indiana 765-964-3475 (4) TIRES: Goodyear P215/60R15. 90% tread. Used very little. Arcanum 937-947-1495 KRAUSE 24’ field cult. w/harrow & hitch. Unverferth 5-shank, spring-loaded reset Subsoiler w/gauge wheels. Germantown 937-689-7337

AIR COMPRESSOR: 5hp. Singlephase. Kellog American. 200 PSI. Works great! $850. Lewisburg 937-839-4540

UNITED FARM TOOLS Model 5000 notill grain drill. 20-7. GC! $4,250. Arcanum 937-670-0323

$ "



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SNYDER 200 GAL. saddle tanks w/plumbing & valves. Nice set up! $400 OBO. Tipp City 937-901-0198 OLD BARN Beams & Wood: Beech, pine, & other types of wood. Already down due to tornado. Brookville 937-837-1070 WANTED: 15’ or 30’ JD rotary hoes. Spencerville 419-516-2953


Pond Chemicals / Management Certified Aquatic Applicators Custom / Pond Aeration Water Features / Fountains

JD 230 Wheel Disk: 20 ft. With rear hitch & hyd. outlets. $3,300. Greenville 937-547-0446

JD #220 center-fold disc w/harrow. GC! $3,000 OBO. Lewisburg 937-248-1837

JD 643 CORN HEAD, $2,500; Landoll 2205 4-shank ripper, $3,700. Greenville 937-726-4025


18’x7’ FIBERGLASS Garage Door: Celina 419-586-4388

TOPSOIL FOR SALE: Will deliver. Union City, Ohio 937-308-0560

FREEZER BEEF: No hormones. Grainfed. Arcanum 937-678-5435


KILLBROS RFF 15 Double Rolling Basket. 30 ft. $4,700. Greenville 937-459-9465

45 HEAD Holstein Calves: Approx. 300 lbs. Dehorned, castrated, vaccinated. Market price. Piqua 937-773-7371

TECH MANUAL for JD 310A or 310B backhoe. New Bremen 419-230-4925



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B&B Ag-Vantages Proudly Supports The Xtend Cropping System

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14HP COMM. SNOWBLOWER; (6) refinished antique ladderback chairs, $300. Lima 419-647-6327

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FORD 8000: New engine. Completely restored. New tires. Make offer or trade. Franklin 937-474-9899



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OLD hand-made cradle; dry sink; 10hp— 14hp like new snowblowers; Singer Featherweight. Lima 419-647-6327

#&' % !


‘52 AC MODEL G Tractor: Ser. #26010. With 2-way plow, belt pulley. Front & rear hyd. New tires. Showroom cond. Swanton 419-825-3333 eves. WHEAT STUBBLE, Clover Hay: 60-4/5 round bales. Stored inside. Good feed or bedding. $80/ton. North Star 937-417-9850

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Irish Electric Motor Service Service All Your Motor Needs

Jackson Tractors Construction Equipment Repair

• Home • Farm • Industry • New • Used • Repair • Rebuild

419-394-3284 Fax: 419-394-7128 1600 Celina Rd. St. Marys, OH 45885

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Deadline for Next Month’s Country Living Friday, April 24, No Later Than 4:30 p.m.

Page 16 - COUNTRY LIVING - APRIL 2020 MODEL 760 Roto Grind Bale Grinder: LN! Used one year. Two unloading chutes. $15,000. West Alexandria 937-533-6201 WANTED TO BUY: Horses, ponies, & saddles. Ansonia 937-337-2622 CHAINSAW SCULPTURES Stumps in your yard or items on display. or 765-977-4563. Photos on facebook. See Dayle Keith Lewis. WANTED TO BUY: Factory working AM/ FM stereo for ‘85 Dodge P/U truck. Also, auto. tilt steering column. Trenton 513-464-2641 USED OPERATOR w/new remote. Make offer. Sidney 937-295-3553 NEW Beekeeping Equipment: Hive bodies, Supers, frames. Knocked down or assembled. Eaton 937-545-8737

02& 02& '/'3+3 :


0#&'2 ! '.04'3 23 ! 00& +%*'-+/ 5$$'2 23 #$ '#4 '6 +2'3 004 0/420-3 23 2#/3.+33+0/ '.04'3 : 23 7 06'2 *544-' ! : 23 2#/3 20/4 7-' 531'/3+0/ 5$%0.1#%4 23 0#&'2 " ,+&-0#&'2 004 0/420-3 23 : 23 004 0/420-3 1''& #$ ,+&-0#&'2 004 0/420-3 #$ ,+&-0#&'2 23 004 0/420-3 #$ 0$%#4 2#%, 0#&'2 23 #$ : 0/420-3 2#%, 0#&'2 23 #$ 004 0/420-3 #4 !*''- 0#&'2 23 #3' +'-& 5-4 9 ! 11207 %2'3 0/)3,+-&' +'-& 5-4 +/)-' #2 05$-' 0--+/) #3,'4 (4 -##3 0--#/4 05/& #-'2 '4 !2#1 0*/ ''2' 05/& #-'2 +-#)' 1'%+##-'3 +3% 06'2 9 8 54 0+/4 05/4

‘97 GMC 1-ton 4x4 Dually: Ext. cab. With utility bed & racks. Michelin tires. 6.5 dsl. $3,500 OBO. Arcanum 937-692-8215 PULLEY FOR 8N FORD. Brackets for next size up. 800’s & up. $75. Duals, 18.4x34. 9-bolt rims (one bad rim). $125. Rossburg 937-564-0719 CUSTOM LOG SAWING: Using Wood Mizer mill. Keith Marshall, Greenville 937-548-0463 HOLSTEIN Feeder Steers: 120 head. From 300-600 lbs. Bradford 937-417-9861 RADAR GUN: Older, larger model. Works good. $400 OBO. Tipp City 937-901-0198 800 & 1,000 GAL. stainless storage tanks. $1,200 ea. Anna 937-507-2457 ANGUS YEARLING BULL: Exc. bloodlines. Piqua 937-541-1277

BUZZ SAW Arbor & Spindle, Flywheel. Celina 419-586-4388

IH 574: Gas, w/2050 loader & 6’ bucket. Minster 419-309-1424

LARGE COI FISH: Approx. 10. $250 ea. Casstown 937-469-3279

IH 66 Series Cab: $400. Arcanum 937-313-6520















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Interior & Exterior House Barn • Church • Roof Coating Brush & Spray Free Estimates Paint Aluminum Siding FULLY INSURED FOR YOUR PROTECTION

For All Your Painting Needs…

VERSAILLES PAINTING LLC Rodney D. Saintignon 937-968-3828

SINCE 1969

Morgan Doppler 765-964-4303

10881 Stateline Rd., Union City, OH 45390

Deadline for Next Month’s Country Living Friday, April 24, No Later Than 4:30 PM

CHICKEN MANURE FOR SALE: Trucking & spreading available. Versailles 937-564-3399

DELL CHROME BOOK: 3120. With charger. Works good. $74 OBO. Sidney 937-726-7409. Leave msg.

HOLSTEIN Bottle Calves, Bulls: 3-7 days old. Straight from local dairy. Selling in groups of 20-100 head. Delivery available. Competitive prices. West Alexandria 937-733-7104

STARCRAFT BOAT: 14 ft. Three padded swivel seats, trailer, new spare tire, trolling motor, vests, battery, & new Honda 2.3 gas motor. $1,900. West Milton 937-216-0699

STRAW: Clean, standard square bales. $4.75/bale. 20 bales or more, $4.50/bale. Wapakoneta 419-738-6420

NH TC 30: 4-wheel drive. With loader. Very nice! Franklin 937-474-9899

HOME-MADE Regulation Size 24’x8’ Soccer Goal: Materials cost $490. Sell for $275 firm. Includes net. Can be seen from road. Troy 937-295-2807 273 NH Square Baler: GC! Galv. bale elevator. 36’ long. Also in GC. Piqua 937-773-3758 JD 712 Pull-Type 9-Shank Disc Chisel: 4” points. GC! $3,650. Greenville 937-547-0446 ANGUS Grain-Fed Freezer Arcanum 937-459-0285


SHOW READY 16’ Cargo Trailer: With 115 different box-type corn shellers & 11 small hand-crank mills. Versailles 937-548-8391



MUELLER Plate Cooler: 51 plates. Model #AT4DWD-51. Mueller 2,000 gal. bulk tank. Covington 937-418-2014 COUNTRY HOME FOR SALE: Two-car garage. Five acres. With barn. Anna School District. 937-726-9580 22 HEAD Holstein Calves: Approx. 500 lbs. Dehorned, castrated, vaccinated. Market price. Piqua 937-773-7371 ROUND BALES Clover Baleage. Russia 937-622-2246 ‘88 CHEVY Dually R30 Truck: 7’6” x 12’ flatbed. 1-ton. 2WD. 4 spd. engine. Runs. Needs clutch work. Very little rust. On square body style. $600. Eaton 937-533-1245



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Page 19 - COUNTRY LIVING - APRIL 2020 LIVESTOCK PENS: Three styles from which to choose. 36”—38”—48” tall. Perfect for sheep, goats, calves, pigs, etc. West Alexandria 937-733-7104

BLACK Western saddle, blanket, & 2 bridles. GC! $200/all. Lewisburg 937-248-1837

GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS: Ready to go early June. $250. St. Marys 419-733-8792

TUPPERWARE: Overstocked! Huge savings on in-stock items. Dealer for 22 years. Call for catalog & brochures. Russia 937-238-6661

CLUTCH ASSIST for tractor without live power. Great for bushhogging! $75. ‘61 Harmony acoustic guitar. Great cond. $200. Brookville 937-239-7663

SNYDER 200 GAL. saddle tanks w/plumbing & valves. Nice set up! $400 OBO. Tipp City 937-901-0198

4’x5’ CLEAN, Net-wrapped Wheat Straw: St. Henry 567-279-8152 ANTIQUE POWER Magazines: Approx. 80 past issues. $15. Antique silage blower. Runs off tractor flat belt. $50. Anna 567-356-0306 10 ROUND BALES Grass Hay: 4x5. New Paris 937-533-2923 18’ HINIKER field cult. w/1-bar harrow. 14’ 470 IH disk. Minster 419-309-1424 TOGGENBERG Doe & Buck Kids: Out of Lesnian-HK Reka-Ka. Show quality. West Manchester 937-286-2257 ROOTS OIB75 Roots Blower & Silencers: Parts to make large grain vac/blower system. Need engine/supporting parts. 10” air outlet/12” air inlet. $3,500. New Bremen 419-305-1994 WHITE 5100 PLANTERS: 8-30” front folding & 8-15” rigid. Many new parts. Field ready. Each has PTO hyd. pump. $1,000 ea. Farmersville 937-371-0664

385/65R22.5 TIRES, $95. Steel Budd rims, $90. 11R22.5 tires, $50. Steel Budd rims, $55. Virgin rubber. Approx. 4/32 tread. Can be retreaded. New Bremen 419-305-1994 JD 6-ROW corn cult.; 13’ Kewanee disk; 12’ AC chisel plow. Minster 937-726-5845 WORKING AMETEK IND. Battery Charger: 250H3-12G. 3-phase. $70. Ft. Recovery 419-305-2658 MALE & FEMALE non-registered Pomeranian mix. Sell as pair. Elam Wickey, 4373E—100S, Monroe, IN 46772 JD 720A Zero-Turn: 750 hrs. 60” deck. $3,100. Ansonia 937-337-7901 or 937-238-7901 OUTDOOR BASKETBALL Backboard / Hoop Assembly: Was $450 new. Needs to be re-assembled. $125. Hand golf cart. Folding. $40. New Carlisle 937-845-1941. Cell: 776-9192 DELL CHROME BOOK: 3120. With charger. Works good. $74 OBO. Sidney 937-726-7409. Leave msg.

Page 20 - COUNTRY LIVING - APRIL 2020 ‘18 JD 630 FLEX DRAPER Flip Reel: Dual drive. 1,500 acres. $69,500. With cart, $72,000. New Bremen 419-234-5646 or 419-2301495

CHAIR SEATS & Backs Caned: Call for prices. Eaton 937-456-4803 HAY ELEVATOR: On wheels. With new gas motor. Pleasant Hill 937477-9389

Hill-T Farm Inc. Used - New - Rebuilt Tractor Parts

SHOW LAMBS: Hampshire. Wethers, ewe lambs, ram lambs. Celina 419-953-0238

GEHL 1475 Round Baler: With acid attachment. $4,000. St. Marys 419-953-3487

LARGE INDUSTRIAL FAN: 46� blade. Best offer. Vandalia 937-898-1830

‘65 CASE 830 Comfort King Tractor: Model 841C. Wide front. Gas engine. Restored. New paint. Many new parts & decals. Runs great. New Paris 937-997-2384

WILL DO GRAVEL DRIVES, dirt leveling, & garden tilling. Pleasant Hill & surrounding areas. 937-541-9027 or 937-397-7724 SKS LIKE NEW RIFLE: With scope. 303 British Infield. Franciscan Apple & Desert Rose Dinnerware. Two sets. Lima 419-647-6327

Sales & Service

‘57 MH 50 TRACTOR: VGC! 90% rear tires. New paint & decals. Local tractor. $3,850. Ansonia 937-459-7018


WANTED: Field cult. Double points. 2� wide. Cultipacker wheels. Good used 14, 15, & 16� tires. Rossburg 937-564-0719


(4) COOPER TIRES: CS5 Grand Touring 235/65R18. Used only 300 mi. Paid $800. Tipp City 937-667-3778 or 937-287-2724


Find us at... 4295 Richmond Palestine Road, New Madison, Ohio

937-548-0718 1/2 mile south of Palestine

HOME-MADE Regulation Size 24’x8’ Soccer Goal: Materials cost $490. Sell for $275 firm. Includes net. Can be seen from road. Troy 937-295-2807

18’ TRIPLE AXLE Flat-Deck Trailer: Versailles 419-305-2174 790 NH CHOPPER w/hay head & 2-row corn head. St. Henry 419-852-9460 38’ UNIVERSAL bale elevator w/elec. motor. $350. Ft. Loramie 937-726-5386 WANTED: Older Dodge dsl. P/U. Any cond. Bradford 937-313-6502 HOME-MADE Hog Roaster: Made out of 275 gal. fuel oil tank. On wheels. Charcoal fired. $300. Piqua 937-418-7530 JD 507 7’ pull-type rotary mower. EC! $1,000. JD 48’ 6� transport auger. EC! $900. Sidney 937-726-9575 ‘17 CAM Superline Trailer: 8x25. Elec. brakes. 10-ton. Oak wood. Spring ramp. LN! Covington 865-202-7979

9164 County Road 101, Belle Center

Outdoor Tables & Chairs

Don’t trust your grain to anything less. • Control your grain marketing and maximize your profitability. • Market your grain on your terms. Contact us today to learn more.


IRVWHUHTXLSPHQWVDOHV FRP Storage | Handling | Conditioning | Structures

Page 21 - COUNTRY LIVING - APRIL 2020 WOODBURNING STOVE: Has been covered up in barn. GC! Rebel. 3 ft. x 19 in. Asking $300. St. Paris 937-478-6986 GOATS FOR SALE: Male & female. Born end of Jan. Medway 937-849-1143. Leave a complete number & I’ll return call. 15’ NO-TILL Great Plains drill w/folding markers. $8,000. Quincy 937-539-3979 ‘98 FORD Super Duty Truck: 14’ flatbed. Dsl. engine. 5 spd. Low mi. for the year. GC! $4,000. Arcanum 937-417-2535 FREE FILL DIRT! Good clay mix w/some rocks. Easy access along driveway. You load, you haul. Approx. 20 large dump trucks. Pleasant Hill 937-216-9567 STRAW: Clean, bright wheat straw. Twinetied, small, square bales. Easy loading or delivery available. West Milton 937-875-1220 or 937-698-3541 ‘94 MUSTANG GT Convertible: Auto. 4 spd. Laser Red/Saddle leather int. A/C. Power seat. Tilt. Speed power windows. 5.0 V8. Power locks. $12,500 OBO. New Knoxville 937-423-4440 (28) CLOSET DOORS: $5 ea. Coldwater 419-678-3289 ‘74 CASE 580B: Well taken care of. New engine overhaul. New clutch assembly. All new hyd. hoses. 4-post canopy. Ready to go! $10,000 OBO or trade. Franklin 937-474-9899 (2) TIRES: 1100-16” & rims, for Int. tractor; 7.50-16” & rim, for Ford tractor; 16.9-38 radial tire, LN!: 245-75R-16” & rim, for Chevy truck. Ft. Recovery 419-375-4755

nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn 6-1/2’ BLACK PENDALINER BEDLINER Was on a 2500 GMC HD - 937-473-5255

STRAW: Clean, bright wheat straw. Twinetied, small, square bales. Easy loading or delivery available. West Milton 937-875-1220 or 937-698-3541

MEDIUM Red Clover Seed: Professionally cleaned & bagged in 60 lb. bu. bags. $95/ bag. Versailles 937-621-0229

FARMALL IH 966: New restoration. Roll bar & canopy. Franklin 937-474-9899

‘95 TORO AERO-SEEDER: Model 84. 18hp Briggs. Self-propelled seeding with 18 in. EC! $750 OBO. Swanton 419-825-3333 DEUTZ ALLIS 1300 Field Cult.: 24 ft. With single-bar harrow & rear hitch. $1,650. Greenville 937-547-0446 JD 7000: 6-row. No-till. Liquid. Parting out. Ansonia 937-423-1701 ‘99 HOMEMADE Mini. Ferguson Tractor: Must see to appreciate! Casstown 937-564-5882. Leave msg.

COMPLETE SET of cattle racks w/all hardware. For 16’ Omaha Standard grain truck bed. $325. Dayton 937-470-8961 PAIR OF DUALS: 18.4x34 T-rail, with J bolts & nuts. Bradford 937-447-2983 CASE 1800 Chisel Plow: Pull-type. 12-shank. $600. Eldorado 937-417-2222. No texts or Sunday calls.

IH 550 PLOW: 5 or 4 btm. Semi trip. 3 pt. 5th plow can be taken off. GC! $500. Farmersville 937-475-0369

‘11 JD 2305 TRACTOR: 835 hrs. 62” deck. 54” front-mounted snowblower. $10,000. St. Henry 419-852-0730

(4) USED Front Wheel Assist Tractor Tires: 380/85/R34 (14.9x34). $400/all. Arcanum 937-459-7788

(12) YETTER 2968 single disk fert. units. Laura 937-621-4497

SEVERAL FORD TRACTORS: Between 40 & 165 hp. Make offer or trade. Franklin 937-474-9899

STRAW FOR SALE: Small, square bales. $200/ton. Versailles 937-423-4711

‘41 SC CASE TRACTOR: Good rubber. Runs OK. $900 OBO. Maplewood 937-492-8246

(2) 200 GAL. Chem-Farm SS saddle tanks w/mounting hardware & 51’ 3 pt. booms, hyd. pump. $1,200. Bradford 937-417-9861

WHEELCHAIR: With cushion. 16” seat. $175 OBO. Walker. $40 OBO. New Carlisle 937-845-1941 or cell: 776-9192 GOOD HYD. PUMP for 800-900 Series, 2000-4000 Series Ford tractor. $300. Rebuilt carb off 961 Ford Power Master. Greenville 937-621-4580 (12) MARTIN 15” spike closing wheels & rubber wheels. Laura 937-621-4497

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LANDSCAPE PAVERS: Crescent shaped. 250+ available. $.45 ea. Pavers, 8Wx4Dx3H. 150 available. $.65 ea. New Carlisle 937-845-1941 or cell: 776-9192

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SS TUBE FEEDERS: With waterers. 50” wide. Make offer. Minster 937-726-5845

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‘36 F-20 FARMALL: Older repaint. Good old rubber. Engine overhauled. Belt pulley & PTO ext. Holds anti-freeze. $850. Jackson Center 937-596-5414 FREEZER BEEF: No hormones. Grainfed. Arcanum 937-678-5435 FARMALL H: With fenders. Runs like new. Make offer or trade. Franklin 937-474-9899


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CHICKEN MANURE FOR SALE: Trucking & spreading available. Versailles 937-564-3399 YOUNG CANARIES: Singles, pairs, wholesale lots. Used cages of all sizes. West Liberty 937-465-7520



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JD 7000: 6RW/7R. Splitter. Dry fert. With cross auger. Finger pick-up. Kinze bean meters. Portland, Indiana 260-766-9494 WANTED TO BUY: 8’ or less cultipackers, disks, & old Ford tractors. Looking for 3000 or 3600 Ford dsl. tractor. Greenville 937-621-4580 GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS: Ready to go early June. $250. St. Marys 419-733-8792 IH REAR WHEEL WEIGHT: Fits H or M. MM rear wheel weight. $100 ea. New Paris 937-997-2384


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NURSERY PLANTS: Red, White, & Pin Oak trees. Boxwoods, Burning Bushes, & Red Maples. Dwarf Alberta & Norway Spruces. Ft. Loramie 937-489-9949 ZERO-TURN Lawnmower: VGC! Bush Hog—60”—M2560. $2,200. Anna 937-507-2457


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Page 22 - COUNTRY LIVING - APRIL 2020 PORCELAIN Doll Collection: All LN! Some in boxes. Brookville 937-239-7663



AKC GERMAN Shepherd Pups! Ready for Easter. Black/tan & sable, $600. Liver, $750. Beautiful pets. Pictures at New Bremen 419-629-3830


4x4 ROUND BALES Mixed Hay: Ludlow Falls 937-668-4875. Leave msg.

“ America’s Best Place To Buy Stoves & Fireplaces” '% +)

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(5) GRAIN BINS: 5000 (complete), 4000 (complete), 4000 (drying floor), & two beans /small grain. Mendon 419-795-7051 DOUBLE-STRENGTH Glass Sheets: Various lengths & widths. $10/all. Casstown 937-469-3279


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METAL RED BARN Siding Pieces: Tornado barn. 5’ 8N Ford tractor w/bush hog & 5’ bush hog. Brookville 937-837-1070 ROCKWELL-DELTA Wood Lathe: With stand & tools. $225. Dayton 937-470-8961

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KILLBROS 350 hopper wagon w/JD running gear w/extendable tongue. $1,000. Van Wert 419-233-0520 or 419-303-1716 NUBIAN DOE & Buck Kids: Out of WoestHoeve BF Blue Chip Chic. Show quality. West Manchester 937-286-2257 MALE PEACOCK: 3 yrs. old. Blueneck. $45. West Alexandria 937-533-1248

ELEC. Clipper Seed Cleaner: B#2. Reconditioned. Many screens. $550. Bryant, Indiana 260-997-6393 WHEAT STRAW: Nice, twine-tied, square bales. $5/bale. Wapakoneta 419-738-8523 HAY: 1st cutting grass. 300 small, square bales. Heavy wire-tied. Arcanum 937-947-1495 WANTED TO BUY: Horses, ponies, & saddles. Ansonia 937-337-2622 SEEKING FARM GROUND to rent for 2020. Darke & surrounding counties. Versailles 937-467-1133 29’ STEEL LIGHT POLE w/anchor bolts. Wapakoneta 419-236-3573 MR. TEETER Inversion Table: New. $300. Casstown 937-308-0194 AC 3 PT. sickle bar mower, $275; AC 3 pt. 4 btm. plow, $350. Bradford 937-313-6502 18.4x34 CLAMP-ON DUALS: New Bremen 419-230-4925 3 PT. HYD. LIFT BOOM: Vandalia 937-898-1830 WINDOW A/C’s: 5,000 BTU. GE & Frigidaire. LN! $55 ea. Coldwater 419-678-3661

26” GIRLS’ BIKE: 10 spd. Huffy Dura Sport. Make offer. New Knoxville 937-423-4440

(48) JD 750 thru 1590 opener blades. 16-3/4 in. $5 ea. Gauge wheel tires. $5 ea. Sidney 937-726-9575

8’ ENCLOSED WORKBENCH, $75. 3 pt. hitch buzz saw. Belt-driven. $300. Antique desk, $50. Englewood 937-789-8996

32” ENTRY DOOR with jamb/ window. $40. Ft. Recovery 419-852-0063







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Vermeer Parts New & Used Equipment

32’ J&M Grain & Hay Elevator: Rossburg 937-338-3055 600 GAL. Concrete Water Tank: 4-1/2 ft. wide, 13-1/2 ft. long, 29 in. tall. Versailles 937-564-0145 100 MOBA PACKER & many parts. Make offer. Ft. Recovery 419-852-3590 WANTED: Used ‘10 or older Kubota SubCompact w/belly mower & loader. Casstown 937-308-0194 NI HORN LOADER w/trip bucket. Very nice! #H5. Ser. #62968. Mounted on H Farmall. Bradford 937-417-9861 NEW, PORTABLE Hog Weighing Scale: 400 lb. capacity. Greenville 740-225-0698 YARD MACHINE 21hp Lawn Tractor: 46” deck. Runs & mows well. With like new front snowblower. $395/all. Eaton 937-456-5340

DMI 300 Hopper Wagon: Exc. tires. $1,800. 16’ flatbed wagon w/sideboards, $500. Bale spear for JD 640 loader, $400. Yorkshire 419-210-4607 WANTED: Used low-cost rototiller. Covington 937-473-2112 DODGE RAM Truck Mirrors: 1500, 2500, 3500. ‘98-’02. Sport style, not tow. $199.99 for pair. Call/text: St. Marys 419-305-9547 300 GAL. Elliptical Sprayer Tank: $300. Bradford 937-447-2983 WALKER LAWNMOWER: Model MBK. 56” cut. 480 hrs. EC! Maplewood 937-596-6861 YOUNG FARMER seeking farm ground to rent. Darke & surrounding counties. Versailles 937-417-2969 NH LX 665 Turbo Skidloader: Needs work. $6,000. Bradford 937-313-6502

WANTED: Used set of rear tires for Farmall H tractor. Size 13.6-38—12-38. Piqua 937-638-9625 WALKER LAWNMOWER: Model MBK. 56” cut. 480 hrs. EC! Maplewood 937-596-6861

WANTED: Graham—Hoehme & Seaman tiller. Hamilton 513-738-2978. Leave msg. 14’ BRADY field cult. w/harrow & cylinder. New shovels. $1,000. 15’ Brillion cultimulcher. New points on tine. Ft. Loramie 937-726-5386

Wo Work ork ethic standard. comes omes standar standard. Where there’s work ork to be done, there’s Kubot Kubota ubota equipment ready to o get it done right. With reliable diesel engines and an array of attachments, it’s time to conquer c every task. Visit us today.

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SSV Series

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841 St. Rt. 29, Celina, Ohio • 419-942-1456 ! #

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• Parts Department • Body Shop • Frame & Alignment TRUCK REPAIR SPECIALIST

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SUNFLOWER 9-shank disc chisel plow. New Carlisle 937-308-1382. No texts. 311 NH HAY BALER; 8x18 bale wagon w/new floor & new tires. All off a small farm. Russia 937-726-1649 NI 215 MANURE SPREADER: 3-beater. Single-axle. T-bar chain. 200 bu. 540 PTO. GC! $2,600. Union City, Indiana 260-251-9660

MIRAFOUNT single ball, wireless, auto. water fountain. LN! Meyer 3245R Series manure spreader. VGC! Versailles 937-423-5379 OVAL FUEL OIL TANK: 275 gal. Kept inside since new. $250. Piqua 937-418-7530 GLOBE Meat & Cheese Deli Slicer: VGC! Table-top model. Ready to use. Greenville 937-417-2315

‘13 CHEVY 4x4 Ext. Cab LT: 49K mi. EC! One owner. Running boards & more! Asking $31,500. Lewistown 937-441-2108

‘90 GREAT DANE 48’ Refrig. Trailer: Unit ran when parked 10 years ago. $2,500. Arcanum 937-417-2535

(4) TIRES & WHEELS: Size 245-70-17 in. Very good tread. Off ‘06 Chevy 1500 P/U truck. 6-lug. 2-3/4” bolt pattern. $200. New Carlisle 937-765-0774

ROTARY PHASE CONVERTER: 3hp to 20hp. $250—$1,500. 1/2 ton C&M 3-phase power trolley, $700. Rossburg 937-417-2219

WOVEN WIRE Fence Stretchers: GC! $125. New Paris 937-437-0479

FORD NH 6640: With side-mounted high reach tree bush hog. Franklin 937-474-9899

BARN WOOD WANTED: Looking for old barn wood in large quantities. Beams, sleepers, dimensional material. Let us know what you have! We’ll be happy to come out & take a look. Thanks! Located in Arcanum, Ohio. Call 970-596-3151.

MF 165: Dsl. Ser. #9A77014. Multi-power. 5,050 hrs. $3,600 Somerville 513-523-3500 20’ HAY or Silage Wagon: New Bremen 419-230-4925 DMI 24’ Field Cult.: Hitch, tine harrow, tandem wheels, wings. $12,500. Anna 937-538-6605

Page 25 - COUNTRY LIVING - APRIL 2020 RECONDITIONED Manure Spreaders: NI 215, 190 bu., $4,500; NI 12A, 90 bu., $1,300; NI 14, 45 bu., $1,500; IH 200, 60 bu., $1,500. Holland 419-277-0668 ANTIQUE WHITE OAK wood 7-drawer desk. Greenville 937-548-0463 BOAT FOR SALE: Tracker. Alum. 15’ long, 6’ wide. 10hp Evinrude motor. Fish finder. Custom-made seats & oars. LN! West Alexandria 937-696-1411 4x4 ROUND BALES Mixed Hay: Ludlow Falls 937-668-4875. Leave msg. IH 470 DISC: 14 ft. Rossburg 937-338-3055 ‘90 IH TANDEM GRAIN TRUCK: 20’ alum. grain bed. Roll tarp. With cargo doors. $13,000. Quincy 937-539-3979

FOR SALE: Silver dollars & nice quality coins. Call Buck at 937-273-3165

HORSE BARN FOR RENT: West Milton 937-698-5529

WALKER LAWNMOWER: Model MBK. 56” cut. 480 hrs. EC! Maplewood 937-596-6861

WANTED TO BUY: American Fostoria Coin Pattern Glassware. West Milton 937-698-5529

BADGER Silage Wagon: GC! Tandem axle. Sold cows, so not needed. Versailles 937-417-5876

PUPPIES! Family farm-raised. 3/4 English Shepherd / 1/4 Blue Heeler. Ready April 20. 1st shots. Great pets! Parents on site. $150 OBO. Lewisburg 937-336-8344 or fax: 937-839-0336

ENCLOSED CARGO TRAILER: 16’ & 2’ Vnose. Ramp door. LED. ‘20. As new. $4,200. Pictures available. Conover 937-441-8083

JD 2500 4-18” PLOW: Newer moldboards, shins, shares, & landsides. $800. 3 pt. PTO sprayer w/120 gal. tank & 20’ folding boom. $400. Farmersville 937-371-0664

WANTED TO BUY: Elec. transfer pump for use of chemical & 28% nitrogen. Versailles 937-564-8530 KEWANEE Model 1000 Series hyd. fold wing disk w/3-bar Noble harrow. About 18 ft. Very nice! $4,800 OBO. Jackson Center 937-596-5414

WANTED: Pinball & arcade machines. Pay working cash for working & nonworking machines. Will pick up. Any cond. Call/text Call/test 937-956-4616.

WANTED: JD or NH forage chopper w/1-row corn head. Arcanum 937-417-2535

AC CULT. PARTS; J&M 250 bed, $200; 2-wheel trailer with 40’s Buick axle, $75. Rossburg 937-564-0719

HOME-MADE Regulation Size 24’x8’ Soccer Goal: Materials cost $490. Sell for $275 firm. Includes net. Can be seen from road. Troy 937-295-2807

LOOKING TO BUY: Farmall Super MTA or Super MDTA in work clothes. Running or not. Bradford 937-313-6502

WANTED: 13’ or 15’ combine head for F2 Gleaner. Parts for 484 NI round baler. Ohio City, Ohio. 567-674-3851

DELL CHROME BOOK: 3120. With charger. Works good. $74 OBO. Sidney 937-726-7409. Leave msg. 12’ TRAILER w/power tailgate & side rails. Used one time. Channel frame. 15” wheels & tires. $1,200 OBO. Greenville 937-423-2281 or 937-968-6836 LEON DOZER BLADE: Little use. VGC! $5,000. Anna 937-507-2457 CASE IH 1020 grain head 25 ft. 3” knife Field Tracker. $5,000. Urbana 937-238-6504 INT. 540 4-16 Semi-Mounted Plow: $400. Versailles 937-564-3638 FIRESTONE SUSPENSION Air Bags: Model #2430. Fits ‘12—’18 GMC & Chevy 1/2 ton P/U trucks. $125 for bags & hardware. Ansonia 937-459-7018

STRAW: Clean, bright wheat straw. Twinetied, small, square bales. Easy loading or delivery available. West Milton 937-875-1220 or 937-698-3541 40 JD ROW Crop Tractor: Restored. New tires & engine overhauled. Single front wheel. Show tractor. $4,800 OBO. Arcanum 937-417-4266 LAND SURVEYING SERVICE OFFERED Neal Teaford, P.S. FREE ESTIMATES - 937-339-4732 CASE 1816-B Skidloader: Small compact. Very nice! Make offer or trade. Franklin 937-474-9899 HAY: Orchardgrass. Small, square bales. Twine-tied. $4/bale. Covington 937-473-2152 USED VINYL Replacement Windows: $40 ea. Call for sizes. Ft. Recovery 419-852-0063 GLEN HAVEN Memorial Gardens Cemetery Lots: Current price: $1,995. Selling for $800. 614-477-8841 WANTED: 4- or 5-person alum. pontoon paddle boat. Elam Wickey, 4373E—100S, Monroe, IN 46772 5610 FORD NH: ‘02. Low hrs. One owner. 62hp. 540 PTO. Roll bar & canopy. Aux. hyd. Very nice cond. Make offer or trade. Franklin 937-474-9899 JD #80 3 pt. hitch 2-row corn planter w/finger pick-up boxes. $1,200 OBO. Greenville 937-423-2281 or 937-968-6836 RESTORED ‘50 Ferguson TO-20 tractor w/scraper blade. Great cond. Piqua 937-564-5882. Leave msg. 518 880 MF Trip Back Plow: With harrow. Tipp City 937-667-3778 GREAT PLAINS 1006 No-Till 15-Hole Drill: 547 acres on it. 1,000# weights. $21,000. Retiring. Ft. Recovery 419-375-4755. Leave msg. CASE MODEL 10 Sickle Mower: $375. New Paris 937-437-0479 FORD 3 PT. Flex Disc: 8 ft. $700. Somerville 513-523-3500

Standing Seam Metal Roofi fin ng New Installation ~ Ser vice Repairs ~ Metal Sales

OLD CAST IRON bathtub; 3-phase 5 hp elec. motor. Spencerville 419-204-7179 WANTED: Block & tackles. 937-622-1746 or 937-507-5119


NH 40’ BALE CONVEYOR on wheels. 1hp motor. LN! Can deliver. Call for pictures. $3,500. Holland 419-277-0668 (2) BADGER Silage Wagons: (1) 1050, 18’— $4,500. (1) 950, 16’—$4,000. Both tandems. GC. Stored inside. Covington 937-308-1350 or 937-623-5725 WHEAT STRAW: Nice, twine-tied, square bales. $5/bale. Wapakoneta 419-738-8523. Leave msg. ‘69 IH 1600 TRUCK: New Paris 937-533-2923




FRIGIDAIRE 5 cu. ft. Chest Deep Freeze: EC! $65 OBO. Eldorado 937-336-6593

NH 688 round baler. VGC! $7,800. ‘41 unstyled JD G. Completely restored. $6,500. Eaton 937-533-8398

(11) DIFFERENT, small, hand-crank grinding mills. Versailles 937-548-8391

BOAT FOR SALE: Tracker. Alum. 15’ long, 6’ wide. 10hp Evinrude motor. Fish finder. Custom-made seats & oars. LN! West Alexandria 937-696-1411

WANTED TO BUY: Steers, 500-800 lbs. On grass. No dairy. West Milton 937-216-0699 JD 661R: Stand-up. 61” deck. 1,240 hrs. $3,100. Ansonia 937-337-7901 or 937-238-7901 WANTED: Graham—Hoehme & Seaman tiller. Hamilton 513-738-2978. Leave msg. JD CORN PLANTER: 494. 6-row. (2) 4 btm. plows. 12’ IH disc. West Manchester 937-286-2257 (30) LARGE BALES HAY: Winchester, Indiana. 765-584-3846 WANTED: Junk autos & scrap metal of all kinds. Certified scale. Top dollar paid. Roll-off container services. Call for pricing or pick-up. Celina 419-363-2277 LIVE EDGE WOOD: Assorted varieties & thicknesses. Also, walnut, cherry, ash, hickory, cedar, basswood, red & white oak lumber. Ft. Loramie 937-489-9949 DIXON 40” MOWER: Zero-turn. GC! $500. New Paris 937-437-0479 ‘90 FORD P/U: F250. 7.3 dsl. 138K mi. Eaton 937-533-0270 WANTED: Pole barns in good shape to take down and re-use. Monroe, Indiana 567-279-2244 (driver’s phone) ‘02 CHEVY 2500 HD: CCSB, Duramax, 116K mi. Not driven in winter. Nice! $25,000. Call/text St. Marys 419-305-9547 BUILDING POLE BARN? Four poles for sale. You haul. $300. Casstown 937-308-0194 HAY: Orchardgrass. Small, square bales. Twine-tied. $4/bale. Covington 937-473-2152 FREEZER BEEF: No hormones. Grainfed. Arcanum 937-678-5435 (2) CLOTHESLINE POSTS; large doghouse (poly). Make offer. Sidney 937-295-3553 NEW & USED Livestock Show Equipment: Greenville 740-225-0698

(2) ANTIQUE racing jockeys from around 1910. VGC! $250 ea. or $400/both. Greenville 937-621-4580 21’ BRILLION X-FOLD crows foot seed bed finisher. $3,600. Sidney 937-726-9801 WHITE 6100 No-Till Planter: 4-30. Dry fert., w/fill auger, row cleaners, spike closing wheels, & monitor. $5,750. Arcanum 937-670-0323 (2) SETS of 6-Row Cults.: JD & Bush Hog. With rolling fenders. Choice, $400. New Carlisle 937-308-1382. No texts, please. JD 4630: Quad range. Cab heat. 134 air duals. $12,700. Arcanum 937-670-0323

RESTORED ‘55 Oliver Super 88 Gas Tractor: Narrow front end. Great cond. (2) Oliver wheel weights. Casstown 937-564-5882. Leave msg.

GARDEN TRACTOR: Homemade. Orig. 4 cyl. Wisconsin engine. 3 spd. Good tires. Possible puller. $1,500 OBO. Lewisburg 937-839-4540

JD B TRACTOR: EC! New rubber. Runs good, looks good. Paint in GC. Greenville 937-417-2315

TUPPERWARE: Overstocked! Huge savings on in-stock items. Dealer for 22 years. Call for catalog & brochures. Russia 937-238-6661

nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn WANTED: Broken or non-running John Deere, Cub Cadet, & Wheel Horse lawnmowers. 937-473-2705 or

30’ JD 1010 Field Cult.: Like new 7” shovels knock on. Has a few welds. Newer tires. 1-bar harrow. Flat-fold. Always barnkept. Can text pictures. $3,000 OBO. New Madison 937-459-6309

CHOICE OF NEVER FAIL, Black Hawk, or Fulton hand-crank, box-type corn shellers. Versailles 937-548-8391

DISK: IH 470. 18 ft. Bush Hog 5 ft. mower. Bradford 937-423-1650

HAY: Alfalfa grass hay mix. 4x5 round bales. Approx. 38 bales. Covington 937-570-1053

DELL CHROME BOOK: 3120. With charger. Works good. $74 OBO. Sidney 937-726-7409. Leave msg.

(2) 18.4x46 Firestone radials, 30%, $100 ea.; 18.4x46 Goodyear radial, 30%, $100; (2) 20.8x42 Firestone radial, 10%, $50. Sidney 937-726-9575

OLD TOYS, bottles, hand tools, & dishes. Second hand & antiques. 5350S— 525E, Berne, IN 46711

VINYL PORCH RAILING: Two sections & 3 posts. $50. Ft. Recovery 419-852-0063

195 NH Manure Spreader: Double beater. Newer web. Good tires. Clean & ready to use. $3,500 OBO. West Alexandria 937-336-0353

COUNTRYLINE 35-ton Log Splitter: Used one time. With Kohler engine. $1,195. Greenville 937-423-2281 or 937-968-6836

‘16 CRUSHING TECH roto-crusher mulching machine. Can grind pavement, 12” rocks, & stumps. Up to 400hp. $80,000. New Bremen 419-305-1994

WANTED: Graham—Hoehme & Seaman tiller. Hamilton 513-738-2978. Leave msg.

4-ROW IH CULTS.: 3 pt. hitch. Tipp City 937-667-3778

FORKS for Forklift: Hyd. cyls. New & used. Wood splitter cylinder. $125. Rossburg 937-564-0719

IHC #8 2 Btm. 14” Plow: Plow Chief bottoms. Good points. Good general cond. $250. Versailles 937-658-4855

ITASKA Swamp-Walker Steel-Toe Boots. Rubber. Men’s size 10. $30. Call/ text St. Marys 419-305-9547

CLEAN, BRIGHT Wheat Straw: 8’ bales. $175/ton. Versailles 937-417-5876

GREAT PLAINS 1205NT no-till grain drill. New blades. $12,200. Arcanum 937-670-0323

‘61 MACK B-61: Tandem, w/grain bed & hoist. Runs good. Orig. $5,500. Arcanum 937-417-2535

AC FIELD CULT.: 1300. 32 ft., w/harrow. $700; forklift mask, 3-stage, 2-ton, $450. Rossburg 937-564-0719

WANTED: Farm ground to rent in Darke & surrounding counties. Any size acreage. Greenville 937-547-0446

SHOW LAMBS: Hampshire. Wethers, ewe lambs, ram lambs. Celina 419-953-0238

JD 643: High tin. GC! $2,600. JD 220 head. S/S DAM w/cart. $900. Celina 419-733-1751

10 CU. FT. Yard Garden Cart: EC! $105. West Alexandria 937-839-5673

BUTLER 7-ton Bulk Bin: With 10’ auger, 6” diam. Rossburg 937-338-3055

WANTED: Farm ground to rent in Darke & surrounding counties. Any size acreage. Paying top dollar. Greenville 937-459-9465

HAY: Orchardgrass. Small, square bales. Twine-tied. $4/bale. Covington 937-473-2152

(4) KINZE Fert. Single Disc Openers Assembly. Versailles 419-305-2174 GREAT PLAINS 30’ Turbo-Till: EC! Covington 937-418-2014 WHITE 5100 6-Row Planter: No-till. Total rebuild. Field ready. $4,000. Vandalia 937-898-1830

‘51 FARMALL CUB tractor w/centermounted grader blade. New tires. Rear wheel weights restored. Swanton 419-825-3333 eves. MIXED HAY: $7/bale. Approx. 100 bales. West Milton 937-470-7173 ‘65 B-61 MACK TANDEM: 100K mi. on new long block. All good & 99% orig. New brakes. $11,500. Arcanum 937-417-2535 ‘64 C30 CHEVY: Project truck. V8. Steel flatbed. $3,000. ‘55-’66 GMC stepside truck bed w/tailgate (no fenders), $200. Greenville 937-417-9342 ‘06 893 CORN HEAD: Hyd. deck plates. Yetter Devastator. Unverferth HT30 header cart. Eldorado 937-417-2222. No texts or Sunday calls.

NH MODEL 276 Baler: GC! Versailles 937-526-3012 ‘88 FORD F250 4x4: New Paris 937-533-2923

72” LOADER BUCKET for Farm Hand loader. Wapakoneta 419-236-3573 310-B JD BACKHOE: For salvage. New Paris 937-533-2923

Page 27 - COUNTRY LIVING - APRIL 2020 CUB CADET Comm. Walk-Behind Lawnmower: 10.5hp, w/33” cut. 4 spd. LN! Gettysburg 937-447-2845

BRENT 150 Weigh Wagon: With scales & roll tarp. Hyd. fold auger. $3,650. Greenville 937-459-9465

WHITE 5100 6-Row Corn Planter: No-till coulters. Squeeze pump. Set up for pop-up fert. $3,000. Ft. Loramie 937-726-5386

JD 4-SECTION Rotary Hoe: 3 pt. GC! Versailles 937-526-3012

JD 7000 Corn Planter: Liquid fert. 6-row—30. No-till pop-up spike closing wheels. Precision attachment. Versailles 937-417-5876 RADAR GUN: Older, larger model. Works good. $400 OBO. Tipp City 937-901-0198 2-SEAT TRANSPLANTER: 3 pt. hitch type. Has seedling racks. $600. Overhead fuel tank. $75. Single-shank 3 pt. ripper. $150. Farmersville 937-371-0664 PUREBRED Polled Hereford Cows: With calves at side. Big, dark, quiet. West Liberty 937-465-7520 350 BALES STRAW: $4.50/bale. Russia 937-638-7367

‘78 HARLEY DAVIDSON Sportster: $2,000 OBO. Bradford 937-447-2983 BENCH VISES: $50 & up. Chain hoist, 1/4 ton to 10 ton. Rollers are heavy-duty. 10 in. 10 ft. long. $90. Rossburg 937-564-0719 6100 WHITE Insect. Boxes: EC! $65 ea. Celina 419-678-2590 JD 950 12’ Roller Harrow: VGC! $1,500. 1,000 gal. fert. fiberglass nurse tank on tandem trailer, w/new pump. $1,500. Anna 937-492-2133 HITACHI 4 GAL. Double Tank Air Compressor: 13 amp motor. $50. Somerville 937-205-1149

STRAW: Clean, bright wheat straw. Twinetied, small, square bales. Easy loading or delivery available. West Milton 937-875-1220 or 937-698-3541

‘02 CAMARO CONV.: Red w/black top. Low mi. VGC! Make good Florida car. Germantown 937-689-7337

AC DISK & field cult. Glencoe field cult. w/harrow. Kewanee rotary hoe. LN! 6’ wide snow blade w/3 pt. hitch. Russia 937-526-4091. Leave msg. 16’ ENCLOSED TRAILER: Ramp door. LED lights. 2’ V-nose. ‘20. Warranty. Pictures available. $4,200. Conover 937-441-8083

ANTIQUE oak commode, $200; 54” Simplicity zero-turn mower; ‘16 loaded Jeep Renegade. 46.5K mi. Lima 419-647-6327

CHAINSAW SCULPTURES Stumps in your yard or items on display. or 765-977-4563. Photos on facebook. See Dayle Keith Lewis.

NEW CARPET: Quality. 10x17, w/pad. Light tan. $50. Can send pictures. Casstown 937-469-3279

‘79 YANMAR 135-D Tractor: $2,000. Pleasant Hill 937-541-9027

WESTERN Red Cedar Lumber: Excellent for barn siding or fence. Approx. 300 bd. ft. New Knoxville 419-204-9956

JD #2700 5 btm. high clearance plow. $1,000 OBO. Lewisburg 937-248-1837

WANTED: Round bale grabber for skidloader. In good cond. Russia 937-538-1026 after 4pm 3’x3’x7’ BALES ‘19 Wheat Straw: Nice, clean, bright straw. $150/ton or will sell by the bale. Versailles 937-621-0229

Fungicide • Fertilizing • Weed Control Cover Crop • Insect Control ROGER TRUMP

FULL SET Walking Liberty half-dollars in Good-4 cond. $1,362. Eldon, West Alexandria 937-839-5673

Certified Aerial Applicator G.P.S. Guidance

FERRIS 15-1500: 61” deck. 285 hrs. Big block. $4,950. Ansonia 937-337-7901 or 937-238-7901







Jared Gaier (937) 538-8527 ROUND BALES 1st Cutting Grass Hay: Russia 937-622-2246 WANTED: Farmground to rent in Darke & surrounding counties. Any size acreage. Paying top dollar! Greenville 937-459-9465 195 NH Manure Spreader: Double beater. Newer web. Good tires. Clean & ready to use. $3,500 OBO. West Alexandria 937-336-0353 WANTED: Illinois Bunn Special 60-hour pocket watches, 17 jewel, 21 jewel, etc. Elam E. Wickey, 4373E—100S, Monroe, IN 46772

BROWN EGG-LAYER PULLETS: Available June, August, & October. Call King & Sons to reserve! 937-448-2448

SKIDLOADER TRAILER, $200; Gehl silage wagon, $700. Rossburg 937-564-0719

YOUNG FARMER seeking farm ground to rent. Darke & surrounding counties. Versailles 937-417-2969

‘14 DODGE RAM 5500: 4 dr. Flatbed. 4WD. Gooseneck hitch. 182K mi. $25,000. Fountain City, Indiana. 937-621-0430

1020 McCORMICK-Deering: Steel rear wheels. Frozen engine. Rough. Bryant, Indiana 260-997-6393 WANTED: JD 6-row cult. Danish tine. Spencerville 419-516-2953 ‘76 IH 1466: $6,500. Fountain City, Indiana 937-621-0430

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SET OF Draft Horse Harness: Leather. Set of single harness & set of double harness. Union City, Indiana. 765-964-5883 after 5pm

SCHWARTZ WIDE FRONT: Low usage. Tight. Fits 3010, 4020. $350. JD part #R34272 new seat support. $40. Hamilton 513-519-4433

YOUNG FARMER seeking farm ground to rent. Darke & surrounding counties. Versailles 937-417-2969

TROY-BILT Pony Rotor Tiller: Older model, before sold to MTD. Bradford 937-447-2845

WANTED TO BUY: Horses, ponies, & saddles. Ansonia 937-337-2622

14’ AC FIELD CULT. w/Remlinger harrow. 5 btm. AC plow. Minster 937-726-5845

+/ (( % (

SEVERAL TRACTOR TIRES for antique & all different equipment. Semi tires for all sizes. New & used. Franklin 937-474-9899

PUNCHING BAG with speed bag & stand. $85. Covington 865-202-7979

CUB CADET 54” Zero-Turn RTZ: GC! $1,500. New Paris 937-437-0479

WANTED: Metal or wood toy boats, or boat model. Also, toy outboard battery-operated boat motors. Eldorado 937-336-6593

(2) 11.2x28 REAR TIRES on good 8N Ford hat-style orig. rims. $600/pair. Greenville 937-621-4580

(4) WHITE PILLARS: 18’ long, 1’ square. 100’ of steel cable, different sizes. Tipp City 937-667-3778

Page 29 - COUNTRY LIVING - APRIL 2020 WANTED TO BUY: Old school speed equipment. Alum. valve covers. Carburators. Air cleaners & motors. From ‘30’s to ‘70’s. Trenton 513-464-2641

BRADY 13-1/2’ field cult. w/harrow & hitch. Gregson field sprayer. 60’ hyd. booms. Big wheel. Hyd. cent. pump. With monitor. Germantown 937-689-7337

DOUBLE THROW switch for generator, $25. Sev. rolls plastic, clear & black. Two styles barn door track w/rollers. $50 ea. Gettysburg 937-447-2845

DAIRY CALVES for 4-H projects or freezer beef. Bottle babies & weaned calves available year-round. West Alexandria 937-733-7104

489 NH HAYBINE: GC! Extra sickle bar. $3,500. Eaton 937-456-6974

WANTED TO BUY: Horses, ponies, & saddles. Ansonia 937-337-2622

NURSERY PLANTS: Red, White, & Pin Oak trees. Boxwoods, Burning Bushes, & Red Maples. Dwarf Alberta & Norway Spruces. Ft. Loramie 937-489-9949

‘84 GMC TANDEM-AXLE Grain Truck: 18’ bed. New roll tarp. $10,000. Quincy 937-539-3979

FOR SALE: 3 pt. forklift. Van Wert 419-303-1716 FREE BARN CATS! Celina 419-925-4177. Leave msg. CORN FODDER BALES: 4x5. $32/bale. Greenville 937-459-0971 4x4 ROUND BALES Mixed Hay: Ludlow Falls 937-668-4875. Leave msg. TRUCK TIRE: 275-65-R18. New, never on rim. $50. New Knoxville 419-753-2590 HAY ELEVATOR: 25 ft. New drive belt elec. motor. Chains need put back together. $200. Piqua 937-418-7530 FORD 9600: 135hp. Completely restored. Open station. Nicest one around! Franklin 937-474-9899

CAST IRON 937-295-3553



GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS: Ready to go early June. $250. St. Marys 419-733-8792 JD 652B: Stand-up. 52” deck. 1,400 hrs. $2,900. Ansonia 937-337-7901 or 937-238-7901 1,000 GAL. in-between dolly for field cult. 30.5x32 tires. Ground-driven pump. Hyd. pump also. $3,500 OBO. Arcanum 937-692-8215 JD 7000 Conservation Corn Planter: 6-row. 30 in. With liquid fert. GC! $4,000. Maplewood 937-492-8246 1,000 GAL. Poly Fert. Tank: Band type, with 2” bung. Tank only. GC! $375. Bradford 937-448-8071. Leave msg.

MILKING GOATS: (2) Nubian does, being hand-milked. 1st year milkers. $300 ea. Somerville 937-205-1483 (call/text)

(2) 10-TON Brock bulk bins; (3) 4.5-ton Pax bulk bins; 4.5-ton Pax steer stuffer; 3-ton wood steer stuffer; 5-ton wood steer stuffer. All in GC! St. Henry 567-279-8152

FULL SET of Double Gun Journal. In dust covers. All new, except one. West Alexandria 937-839-5673

NICE 4x8 trailer w/sideboards. Tilt bed. LN! $495. 3 pt. single-shank chisel ripper. $150. Greenville 937-621-4580

36” SONY CONSOLE TV & Sony DVD Play- 848 NH ROUND BALER: GC! Piqua er: Both work fine. Replaced w/flat-screen TV. 937-773-3758 $25 for the pair. Gettysburg 937-447-2845 1st CUTTING Alfalfa Orchardgrass: Round (20) 4x5 ROUND BALES 2nd cutting teff bales. Russia 937-622-2246 grass. Made w/o rain. Russia 937-638-5697 ‘53 McCORMICK DEERING Super WD-9 DEMOLITION: Also, concrete demolition Tractor: Dsl. Hand clutch. Belt pulley. Hyds. such as old swimming pools, barn founda- restored. Swanton 419-825-3333 eves. tions, porches, etc. Also, general excavating WHEAT STRAW: 4x5 round bales. Stored work. inside. $50/bale. Greenville 937-459-0971 937-232-7380 REMINGTON 572 Fieldmaster Pump .22: NUBIAN Breeding Buckling: Very nice conforScuff marks on receiver blueing. Very nice mation. From good milking lineage. $200. Call wood. $425. Call/text Grover Hill /text Somerville 937-205-1483 567-344-1092. May travel some. J&M 250 hopper wagon w/metal sideboards. FREE: Firewood to cut. From trees already Nice, heavy running gear. Exc. tires. Trails sawed down. All hardwood. Easy to cut. Min- straight at 50mph. $1,100. Versailles 937-621-0229 ster 419-628-2101 PAX 6-TON Feed Bin: GC! Versailles (24) HARDI Sprayer Nozzles: New. Yellow. #4110-12. No longer have sprayer. $10. Jack937-417-5876 son Center 937-596-5414 HARDI 800 GAL. Field Sprayer: 42’ booms, w/foam markers. Tandem axle. GC! $2,000 FREE: Neutered 2-1/2—3 year old black & white male goat. 2-1/2—3 year old brown OBO. Lewisburg 937-248-1837 female fainting goat. Covington BLADE for Lawnmower: New Bremen 937-448-0190 419-230-4925 GOOD 8N FORD trans. & complete rear end. BRAUN WHEELCHAIR Lift for Van: $100. Includes hyd. pump, lift cover, & PTO. $400. Coldwater 419-678-3289 Greenville 937-621-4580 JD 7000 8-row 30” corn planter. Hardi Navi- 20,000 GAL. Vertical Storage Tank: $2,000. gator 550 sprayer. 50’ hyd. booms. Decatur, Arcanum 937-313-6520 Indiana 260-592-6718 BUZZ SAW BLADES: 26 in. & 19 in. Russia SPRING’S COMING, Bikes Out! HD motorcy- 937-622-1746 or 937-507-5119 cle cover. Fits Sportster 1200 or others. Hardly used. LN! Priced to sell. Greenville WANTED: Free scrap metal. Chicken eggs, $1.50. Bradford 937-470-3170 937-417-2315 SPECTRA BUILDERS Laser: LL300S. LOOKING FOR FARMLAND to rent or buy in Bought new Aug. ‘18. Never used wrong northern Darke Co. & surrounding areas. model. $700 OBO. New Paris 937-996-0882. Osgood 937-726-9810 No Sunday calls.

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SATURDAY, APRIL 11 AT 10 A.M. Inventory Reduction Auction located at 8793 Twp. Rd. 239, Lakeview, Ohio. Compact Utility Tractors; Commercial Front-Mount; Zero Turns; Lawn & Garden Tractors; Attachments. Lakeview Home Center Hardware, Owners. Midwest Auctioneers & Realty, Inc. See Page 5 ThURSDAY, APRIL 30 AT 11 A.M. Land Auction located at Fayette Co. Fairgrounds, Washington Court House, Ohio. 516 Acres (+/–) - Offered in 9 Tracts. Duff Farm Company, LTD, Owner. Schrader Real Estate & Auction Co., Inc. See Page 5

buckeye online equipment auctions, llc Agricultural & Construction Equipment; Trucks; Trailers. One piece or complete dispersals. See Page 8

• scHRaDeR Real estate & auction co. • Real Estate & Farm Equipment Offered in April. See Page 6

OLD BARNS WANTED: Recycle your old barn or building. We often pay for old barns and clean your barn site. Located in Arcanum, Ohio. Call 970-596-3151. ‘08 JD 9770 COMBINE: 3,225 / 2,030 hrs. Duals. 2WD. ‘10 JD 635F platform. Eldorado 937-417-2222 18.4x34 BIAS T-Rail Duals: Tires sound. Lugs 30%. $390. Portland, Indiana 260-726-2228 10-TON KILLBROS: J&M gears. $800 ea. 8x16 hay wagons. $650 ea. Rossburg 937-564-0719 MF 620 DISC: 15.5’—22” blades. Dual wheels. MF 750 combine. 15’ table. #1163. Corn head-chopper. Honda 600VLX bike, 5,520 mi. Ottawa 419-532-3637 CUSTOM LEATHER WORK: New & repair. D.J. Leather Shop, 5350S—525E, Berne, IN 46711 IH 574 w/3 pt. hitch & 3-14” plows. Dunham quick attach loader. All in VGC! $7,895. Will separate. Dayton 937-572-1499 (2) 18’ KICKER bale wagons on 8-ton gears, w/extendable tongues. Versailles 937-423-5379 TROY-BILT Pony Rototiller: $200. Middletown 513-594-4903

1,500 GAL. Fiberglass Tank: $250. Ft. Loramie 937-726-5386 40’ CHEM FARM Spray Boom & Foamer: Will split up. $800 OBO for both. Arcanum 937-692-8215 WANTED: Winchester Model 1887 leveraction w/pistol grip stock. Elam Wickey, 4373E—100S, Monroe, IN 46772 FULL SET of brand new 18” Ford wheels & tires. Complete. $1,500. Arcanum 937-459-0285

WANTED: 4 used or new tires. Size 23x11:00-10, 4-ply, for a Kawasaki Mule ATV. New Knoxville 937-423-4440 CHAINSAW SCULPTURES Stumps in your yard or items on display. or 765-977-4563. Photos on facebook. See Dayle Keith Lewis. WANTED: Attach-O-Matic quick hitches. St. Henry 419-852-9460 55 GAL. Steel Barrels: $4 ea. Ft. Recovery 567-644-5927

KINZE 6-ROW 30” Planter: Precision corn meters. Martin floating row cleaner. Martin spike closing wheels. Drag chains. HD fert. openers. Keeton seed firmers. Laura 937-621-4497 WORK WANTED Specializing in interior/exterior barn/house repair, remodeling/ replacing, oak beams, foundations, wood/metal roofing & siding, hardwood flooring. SCHWARTZ RENOVATIONS 419-584-6408

UNVERFERTH 30’ header cart. GC! $2,000. Urbana 937-238-6504

JD 466: Custom built. 200hp JD self-contained power unit. Hyds. 1,000 rpm PTO. 4850 JD engine. Murphy protected. $8,900. New Bremen 419-305-1994

14’ GLENCOE Field Cult.: VGC! $650 OBO. Rockford 419-363-3786. Leave msg.

BIG EQUIPMENT BARN FOR LEASE: West Milton 937-698-5529

(70) SORGHUM SUDAN: Wrapped in 3 x 4 x 7-1/2 bales. Versailles 937-423-5404

H&S 9-wheel rake; Fella hay tedder w/4 baskets; NH ‘05 1411 discbine. All off small farm. Russia 937-726-1649

1916-1921 MERCER CO. Ohio Directory: $90. Ft. Recovery 419-305-2658

SEVERAL Flatbed Wagons: New & used. 14’ & up. Several JD 16’ treated. Will build wagon on your running gear. Covington 937-308-1350 or 937-623-5725

(2) CEMETERY PLOTS: Side by side. Sarasota, Florida. Make offer. Brookville 937-837-1070

CHICKEN MANURE FOR SALE: Trucking & spreading available. Versailles 937-564-3399 TRIP BUCKET LOADER: $800. (2) chain hoists, $150 & $100. Portable air compressor, 220-volt, $75. 3 pt. hitch seed caster, $75. Englewood 937-789-8996 (70) 8 QT. Calf Buckets: $2 ea. Fountain City, Indiana 937-621-0430

JD 8300 end wheel drill w/cultipacker. $3,500. Ft. Loramie 937-726-5386

GOATS: (2) Nubian bucklings from good milking lineage. Born mid-Jan. $150 ea. Call/text Somerville 937-205-1483

ELEC. MOTORS: 1/4hp, 1/3hp, & 3/4hp. Roll-A-Round feed scales. $75 OBO. 10” table saw, $50. Englewood 937-789-8996

CULTIPACKER: 10 ft. Good shape. Parked 8 years. Heavy unit. $450. Donnelsville 937-882-9652

BOOM EXTENSION for Forklift: Adjustable. Approx. 12 ft. EC. Heavy-duty. $600. Pictures available. Conover 937-441-8083

HAY: Small, square bales. 3rd cutting. No rain. $9/bale. Approx. 175 bales. 99% weedfree. Arcanum 937-417-1445

BULLS-BULLS-BULLS! Angus yearlings. Stout. Ready to breed. Fertility tested. Low birth weight. Yearling weight to 1,360 lbs. 30+ years A.I. $1,900. Windrift Angus, Rosewood 937-362-9740 20’ HARRIS CONVEYOR: GC! Minster 419-309-1424 IH 15’ WHEEL DISK, $837; IH 19’ field cult. w/harrow, $827.50; 9’ cultipacker, $477. West Milton 937-470-7173 EXHAUST FAN w/shutters, $30; (2) J&M wagons, 250-7, w/J&M gears & good paint. Bryant, Indiana 260-997-6393 ANTIQUE STEEL WHEEL spoke wheel wagon w/wood bed. 4x10 ft. 5’ Bush Hog rotary mower, 3 pt. hitch, $450. Greenville 937-548-0463 FIREWOOD: 937-295-3553




12 ACRES BARE GROUND: Great for building lot or sub-divide for a few lots. Great for horse barn. Very nice area. Great potential. Greenville 937-417-2315 ‘73 F750 GRAIN TRUCK: 16’ bed. $2,000. Lewisburg 937-603-9036 CASE IH Model 4200 22’ field finisher w/5-bar harrow & new spikes. New discs & scrapers. New Carlisle 937-308-1382. No texts. NI MANURE SPREADER: Model #14A. Ground-driven. Steel wheels. $700. Jackson Center 937-489-6151 after 6pm CATERPILLAR T-50 Forklift: $1,450. VGC! LP. 4 cyl. eng. Rebuilt steering/brakes. New starter/vaporizer. Hard tires. High/low ranges. ROPS. Lewisburg 937-839-4540


Here's what's cooking in our . . .

COUNTRY KITCHEN You are invited to share your favorite recipe – for a main dish, casserole, salad, vegetable, dessert or snack. If it’s chosen a 1st Place Blue Ribbon Winner, we'll mail you $10! Recipes should be clearly printed or typed, with full instructions, and mailed to:

Country Kitchen, c/o Country Living, P.O. Box 69, Covington, OH 45318

CAN’T LEAVE ALONE BARS Very Rich... but GOOD ! 1 box white cake mix 2 eggs 1/3 cup oil

1/4 cup margarine 1 cup chocolate chips 1 cup condensed milk

Mix first three ingredients with fork. Keep out 1/2 cup of crumbs. Put the remainder in a 9x13 in. pan. Melt together margarine, chocolate chips, and milk. Pour over crumbs. Put the rest of cake mixture crumbs on top in blobs. Bake 20-30 minutes at 350 degrees until brown on top. Serve & enjoy! SUBMITTED BY: Jacob & Elma Schwartz 2781E - 650S, Berne, Indiana 46711

Weather folklore "If It thunders on AprIl fool’s dAy, It brIngs good crops of corn And hAy"

PEPPER POPPERS Hot peppers (not TOO hot, or you can substitute green peppers) Cream Cheese Bacon Use however many peppers you wish. Clean out the seeds and put cream cheese in them. Wrap bacon around them and hold in place with toothpicks. Place on a grill or deep fry. These are very good! SUBMITTED BY: Timothy Eicher 6866 E - 900 S, Geneva, Indiana 46740

HOMESPUN MEAT PIE 1 lb. hamburger 4 oz. can mushrooms 1 egg 1/3 cup chopped onion 1/4 cup bread crumbs 1 teas. salt Dash pepper 4 cups potatoes, cooked 3 Tbsps. or more milk 1/2 lb. Velveeta 1 Tbsp. parsley 1/4 teas. salt

Combine first seven ingredients. Press into an 8x8 in. dish. Bake at 400 degrees for 15 minutes. Drain fat. Mash potatoes with milk. Stir in cheese, parsley, and salt. Spread on top. Bake 10 more minutes at 350 degrees.

SUBMITTED BY: Evah Miller 9084 Childrens Home Rd., Bradford Ohio 45308

PLEASE SEND US YOUR RECIPES! $ 10 PRIzE If Your Recipe Is Chosen Our Blue Ribbon Winner! Even if your recipe is not the first place $10 winner, you’d have an easy-to-read copy of your recipe to include in your collection. Share your favorite recipes with our readers. Send your recipe(s) to us at the address above. We would especially like recipes for main dishes or casseroles, but we also welcome salad, vegetable, dessert, and snack recipes. Be sure to include detailed instructions for mixing ingredients, as well as oven temperature, baking time, etc. Cookbook and published recipes not accepted.


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FLORA’S Small Engine Repair 8524 W. St. Rt. 185 • Bradford, Ohio 45308

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