fort roWdy ‘18
Gathering • Saturday, Sept. 1 • Sunday, Sept. 2 • monday, Sept. 3 at the
coVington community parK Located Just West of Covington on U.S. Rt. 36
Buffalo Jack’s Walleye Special
Bring in thiS coupon & get our famouS
fried Walleye with french fries and cole slaw
$ 95
137 S. High St Covington 937-473-2524
Applies to walleye only. Dine-in only. No substitutions on side items. All specials not valid with any other discounts or coupons. Expires 9-8-2018
Covington, Ohio
AUGUST 29, 2018
FT. ROWDY Celebration SEPT. 1 • SEPT. 2 • SEPT. 3
There Is Always LOTS To Do At The Gathering! FORT ROWDY ENCAMPMENT
®®® Tradin’ PosT Stop by for a chat, get information, or do some shopping. The Fort Rowdy Tradin’ Post will be selling this year’s edition of limited edition medallions, featuring a turtle shape, commemorating the 26th Gathering. The medallions will sell for $5 each. In addition, the Tradin’ Post will be selling T-shirts, sweatshirts, cookbooks, and CDs. You may pick up activity schedules, concession lists, and rules for upcoming contests here. ®®® GoinG... GoinG... GonE!!! The annual Fort Rowdy Gathering Auction will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 1, on the Encampment Stage. Come get caught up in the excitement of an outdoor auction. There will be a variety of interesting pieces, from handmade items from camp and our vendors, items for young and old, serious and funny. There’s always lots of unique items. Join us as auctioneer Rick Bair presents an interesting and lively event. ®®® LoTs To do in THE EnCaMPMEnT There are many things to do and see in the Camp. Come watch our frontier games and canoe race, make a purchase from one of our period vendors, or make a swap with one of our blanket traders. Listen to great entertainers on our Encampment Stage. Questions about frontier life are welcome! Our campers are always willing to share their knowledge of the frontier and explain their camp set-ups. ®®® PHoTo ConTEsT Stop by the Tradin’ Post to enter our photo contest, or vote for your favorite photo. Entries should be of the 2017 Gathering, be 5”x7” (unframed) and have the photographer’s name & phone number on the back of the photo. Entries need to be turned in no later than noon Saturday at the Fort booth by the Friendship Bridge. Public voting will
Dr. Zach Stueve
begin at 1 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 1, and will end Monday at noon. Winner will be announced Monday at closing of the festival. All entries become the property of Fort Rowdy Gathering and may be used in future marketing of the Gathering. ®®® UniQUE sHoPPinG! The Gathering will have a wide variety of crafters, vendors, trade demonstrators, and camp traders on both sides of the river. Some of the Merchants, Demonstrators and Traders in the Encampment area are: Rebecca Baker – Baker’s Primitive Candles Dustin Baker – Mountain Man Blacksmith Donnie Vance – Beads, Rendezvous Supplies, Knives, Toys Dawn Lowman – Sally’s Primitives Frank Rouse – Brooms by Frank Bruce Ronner – Crooked Finger Weaving James Moody – Uncle Jimmy’s Denver Wilson – Blanket Trader Pathfinder Music – Blanket Trader Rhonda Burgess – Blanket Trader Bob Cruikshank – Iron Wares Some of the vendors on the Park side are: Stitcher’s Cabin – Period-Style Clothing, Jewelry, Hats, and Hand-Stitched Leather The Box Maker – Handmade Wooden Boxes, Furniture, Toys, Boxes Grandma's Soap & Stuff – Soap & Tea Pat Sampson – Crocheted Towels, Dish Cloths, Scrubbies Dawn Shimp – LuLaRoe
Young & Old Alike Will Find Something Fun to Do At the 2018 Gathering!!!
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Covington, Ohio
AUGUST 29, 2018
FT. ROWDY Celebration SEPT. 1 • SEPT. 2 • SEPT. 3
The 26 Annual th
Fort Rowdy Gathering
SEPT. 1 • SEPT. 2 • SEPT. 3 OPENING CEREMONIES SET FOR SEPT. 1 Opening ceremonies for the 2018 Fort Rowdy Gathering will begin at 10 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 1, on the main stage in Covington Community Park. The invocation will be given by Graham Furrow. Following the Flag Raising, the Covington Marching Band will play the National Anthem. Johanna McGrath will then lead everyone in the singing of God Bless America. The Festival Committee would like to welcome all state and local dignitaries, the 2018 Grand Marshals – John Reck and Carl Reck, and the public to the 26th Gathering.
Welcome to the 2018 Fort Rowdy Gathering! Wow, summer is almost over and once again it's time for the Fort Rowdy Gathering. The Gathering will be held September 1 thru 3 at the Covington Community Park. The Gathering is FREE and offers FREE SHUTTLE BUS SERVICE from Covington High School to the park every 1/2 hour. Shuttle is handicapped accessible. Arriving at the park you will enter the present-day side where you can enjoy arts and crafts, entertainment, lots of good food, and things for the children to enjoy. This year we have the privilege of having John Godwin from Duck Dynasty on our stage Sunday morning, sponsored by Fields of Grace Worship Center. Cross the 208 ft. portable bridge that spans the Stillwater River, entering into the bygone years of the late 1700's. In this encampment visitors will find campers living as they did in that era and enjoy the aroma of campfires and food being prepared over open fires. Visitors can watch campers participate in games of the same era. I would like to thank all of the Board members, campers, family, and volunteers for all their hard work in making this event a success. Come and enjoy making new friends and memories! Annette Miller, Chairman
DOG ORDINANCE Due to City Ordinance, dogs are not permitted in the Covington Park during the Gathering. Service dogs, of course, are allowed.
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Jewelry & Collectibles 109 N. High St., Covington
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Welcome To Covington. Enjoy Fort Rowdy!
Covington, Ohio
AUGUST 29, 2018
FT. ROWDY CelebRaTiOn SePT. 1 • SePT. 2 • SePT. 3
EntErtainmEnt SCHEDULE Saturday, September 1
10:00-11:00 11:00-11:30 11:30-12:30 12:45-1:45 2:00-3:00 3:15-4:15 4:30-5:15 6:00-8:00
Opening Ceremony Covington High School Band Sweet Betsy Acoustic Super Friends Rum River Blend Steve Madewell Ramblin’ Rovers Dulahan
Sunday, September 2
10:00-11:00 11:30-12:45 1:00-2:15 2:30-3:45 4:00-5:15 6:00-7:30
Joy River Band Fields of Grace Mule Skinner John Koggie Rock Island Plow Company Garcia and Scott
monday, September 3
10:00-11:00 11:15-12:30 12:45-2:00 2:15-3:30
Barnhart Road Thick and Thin Titus Bowman Cory Breth
26th Annual Fort Rowdy Gathering BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chairman Co-Chairman treasurer seCretary Board memBer Board memBer Board memBer Board memBer/Camp liaison Board memBer
annette miller Jenny miller steve Wright Johanna mcgrath larry Burns mike CaldWell anita haWk donnie Clark andy Whiteman
BooshWay segundo sCriBe aide de sCriBe
City of Covington entertainment mother’s day ChiCken BBQ straWBerry festival Booth food ConCessions arts / Crafts / demonstrations park / parking / Bridge set-up art Contest auCtion pie & Cookie Contest land manager fort manager merChandising / WeBsite
Board liaison gate Captain head dog soldier 1st lieutenant dog soldier head mediC 1st lieutenant mediC Work party Coordinator arChery haWk & knife flint & steel spear throW Canoe raCe lizard pull atlatl highland games Camp Children’s games Camp teen games skillet & pin toss Camp Cook-off Camp entertainment sunday Worship trash engineer land manager iCe man
mike Busse mike CaldWell larry Burns steve Wright steve Wright annette miller larry Burns Johanna mcgrath dixie harnish Jenny miller luke BoWman Judy Wright tyler Wright
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donnie Clark anne dutze Beau martin randy ritter rhonda Burgess alex leveCk Chris deCker matt taylor Jake mohr, Ben CampBell thomas norton-smith shannon leveCk Charlie hollis keith lear andy huey kim trytten theresa sWoB Christina Baskerville theresa sWoB melinda WenriCk steve keefer Carl Ward Jason BroWn luke BoWman donnie Clark
Free Parking & Shuttle
Parking for the Gathering will be at a Covington High School parking lot. Please follow the signs to the correct lot. Shuttles will run every 15 minutes between the school and the Gathering. Parking assistance will again be provided by Miami Valley Mounted Search & Rescue. Shuttle schedule is:
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Hours: Mon.-Fri. 10am-5pm; Sat. 10am-4pm; Closed Sunday
SATuRDAy, 9:30 a.m. - 8:30 p.m. SunDAy, 9:30 a.m. - 8 p.m. MOnDAy, 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
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Covington, Ohio
AUGUST 29, 2018
FT. ROWDY CelebRaTiOn SePT. 1 • SePT. 2 • SePT. 3
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Covington, Ohio
FT. ROWDY CelebRaTiOn SePT. 1 • SePT. 2 • SePT. 3
Welcome to the 26th annual
Ft. rowdy GAtherinG Saturday & Sunday & Monday, Sept. 1, 2 & 3 COVINGTON COMMUNITY PARK
Schedule of Encampment Activities
enCaMpMent events FRIDAy, AUGUST 31 Noon - 2:30 7:00 p.m.
Covington Elementary School Students Visit Camp Opening Camp Meeting at Camp Stage
SATURDAy, SEPTEMBER 1 9 a.m. Archery 10 a.m. Children's Games 10 a.m. Flint & Steel 11 a.m. Teen Games 1 p.m. Hawk & Knife 2 p.m. Fort Rowdy Auction 4:15 p.m. Spear Throw 8 p.m. Camp Meeting CAMp ClOSES TO THE publiC
SUNDAy, SEPTEMBER 2 9 a.m. Encampment Worship Service 10 a.m. Canoe Races 12:30 p.m. Highland Games 3 p.m. Women's & Children's Skillet and pin Toss 5 p.m. Cooking Contest 8 p.m. Camp Meeting CAMp ClOSES TO publiC
encaMpMenT STaGe ScheduLe Saturday, September 1 11 a.m. 12 p.m. 1 p.m. 2 p.m. 8 p.m.
Buffalo Woman - Original Rendezvous Songs Bettina Solas - Traditional Folk Music Pathfinder - Bluegrass & Old Timey Music Ft. Rowdy Auction Camp Meeting
Sunday, September 2 9 a.m. 11 a.m. 12 p.m. 1 p.m. 5 p.m. 8 p.m.
ENCAMPMENT NEWS In order for our campers to enjoy quiet time with their families, access to the Encampment area will be closed promptly at 8 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Only guests escorted by registered campers will be allowed into camp after that time. The Encampment will open again on Sunday and Monday at 10 a.m.
2018 Medallion art Contest Winner is
Sunday WorShip ServiceS V
JoHanna MCGratH
CookbookS AvAilAble
Encampment Worship Service Begins Solas - Traditional Folk Music Drab Irish Band - American & Celtic Music Ramblin’ Rovers American & Celtic Music Encampment Cooking Contest Camp Meeting
The first and second editions of the Fort Rowdy Gathering cookbooks will be for sale at the Tradin’ Post for $12 each. The Friends of the Fort Rowdy Gathering Cookbooks contains recipes, stories, and photos from great cooks and storytellers.
Camp Music Round hosted by Hawk & Ramblin’ Rovers. Following camp meeting until midnight. All campers invited to join the circle for an evening of music and fun. Musicians, bring your instruments! Everyone bring a chair and a lantern. LET'S MAKE FT. ROWDy SHINE!!!
MONDAy, SEPTEMBER 3 9 a.m. Atlatl 10 a.m. Encampment Children’s Games 11 a.m. Encampment Teen Games 12:30 p.m. lizard pull 3 p.m. Final Camp Meeting NO VEHiClES iN CAMp uNTil 4 p.M.
At 9 a.m. September 2 there will be a Sunday morning worship service, led by Carl Ward, at the Mountain Man Encampment stage. Public is invited to attend. We are pleased to announce that John Godwin, star of A&E’s Duck Dynasty, will be the featured speaker at the Sunday morning Community Church Service to be held September 2. The service will begin at 11:30 a.m. on the main stage. After the service, Mr. Godwin will be visiting the encampment area. Come join us to hear this fascinating speaker. It is advisable to bring lawn chairs.
~ Safety equipment ~
The Fort Rowdy Gathering Encampment Officers would like to thank the Valley Safety Equipment Co. for the use of fire extinguishers in the camping area.
Due to City Ordinance, dogs are not permitted in the Covington Park during the Gathering. Service dogs, of course, are allowed.
monday, September 3 11 a.m. 12 p.m. 1 p.m. 2 p.m. 3 p.m.
Buffalo Woman - Original Rendezvous Songs Pathfinders - Bluegrass & Old Timey Music Ramblin’ Rovers - American & Celtic Music Drab Irish Band - American & Celtic Music Final Camp Meeting
Local churches and civic organizations have been working hard to bring you the finest sampling of foods. The aroma of homemade goodies will lure visitors to the Gathering, where they can taste a wide variety of foods. Come down to the Gathering for breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, or a snack
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Lucky the Clown will be twisting balloons again this year! Visit him Saturday and Sunday from 1-4 p.m. and on Monday from 1-3 p.m.
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The Covington Kiwanis Club will again sponsor a Children's Craft Tent with the following activities for children: Tin Punching, Beading, Coloring, and Indian Headbands. Hours of operation will be Noon-6 Saturday and Sunday, and Noon-3 Monday.
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Covington, Ohio
AUGUST 29, 2018
FT. ROWDY CelebRaTiOn SePT. 1 • SePT. 2 • SePT. 3
Reck Brothers Named Grand Marshals of 2018 Gathering The Fort Rowdy Gathering is pleased to announce the Grand Marshals for 2018 are brothers Carl and John Reck. They were born and raised in Covington and have been active in the community since childhood. Both Carl and John started their road to community service in scouting, and continue to work with the Scouts. They have both held may positions in the Scouts as adults. They belong to the Kiwanis International, holding many different offices through the years, and enjoy working with children. Carl and his wife of 63 years, Lois, raised three children in Covington. They currently have seven grandchildren. Carl received his Professional Civil Engineering license and worked for Hartzell Propeller & Fan as
an engineer until retirement, then worked as an engineering consultant. He is also a member of the Free Masons, holding several offices throughout his 65 years as a member. He has always been active in his church, and started the hand bell choir at a local church as
well as singing in his church choir. When his son Daryl started The Band, Carl has helped by directing when necessary. Carl “likes that Covington is a small, friendly town.” He advises others to “get involved in the community,” stating there are many different ways to do so. John followed in his father’s
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A BIG ROUND OF APPLAUSE! The Gathering’s Board of Directors would like to give a big “THANK YOU” to all who make the Gathering possible, whether it’s volunteering, donations of materials, or financial support. Your help allows the Fort Rowdy Gathering to continue!
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and grandfather’s footsteps. After getting his Bachelor’s in Business Administration degree, he worked at the Covington Savings & Loan until retirement. He is now known in the S&L as “Mr. Trouble.” John has held numerous positions within the company, from teller to managing officer, even as a security officer for a while. He was in the Ohio Army National Guard in the early 1960’s. He has been a Free Mason for 60 years and has held many different offices with the Masons. John is active in his church and is also a member of The Band, “making a lot of noise” as a percussionist. He is a member of the Covington Community Chest, Chamber of Commerce, and on the Board of Zoning Appeals. He states “I’m CRAZY about football, and am looking forward to the NFL season.” His advice to future generations is try not to worry, “go day by day, whatever happens, happens.” Both Carl and John are avid model train hobbyists and enjoy setting up displays as well as attending different model train events. The Board of the Fort Rowdy Gathering would like to thank Carl and John for their continuing work in the community.
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Covington, Ohio
AUGUST 29, 2018
FT. ROWDY CelebRaTiOn SePT. 1 • SePT. 2 • SePT. 3
Fort Rowdy Gathering FOOd CONCEssiONs BOy SCOUt trOOp 76 • Brats • Metts • Chili & Cheese Brats • Hotdogs • Mashed Potatoes
• • • •
Sauerkraut Nachos & Cheese Loaded Nachos Soda & Water
NeWtON MUSIC BOOSterS • Hot Shredded Chicken Sandwiches • Potato Chips • Soda & Water • French Fries
FIeLDS OF GraCe WOrShIp CeNter • Walking Tacos • Water MIaMI COUNty rIGht tO LIFe • Old Fashioned Kettle Corn – Various Flavors!!! FOrt rOWDy ICe CreaM • Hand-Dipped Ice Cream • Apple Dumplings
COvINGtON ChrIStIaN ChUrCh • Sugar Waffles • Soda & Water • IBC Root Beer • Chicken & • Cider Noodles St. JOhN’S LUtheraN ChUrCh • Cabbage Rolls • Rye Bread • Mashed Potatoes
• • •
Snow Cones Water Coffee
••• Save the Date ••• ‹‹‹ The Fort Rowdy Gathering will be having their annual Mother’s Day Chicken BBQ Drive-Thru on Sunday, May 12, 2019, in the Covington Park. ‹‹‹ The Gathering will have a booth at the 2019 Strawberry Festival, serving pulled pork sandwiches. ‹‹‹ The 27th Fort Rowdy Gathering will be celebrated Labor Day Weekend in 2019.
••• tIMeS aND aCtIvItIeS SUBJeCt tO ChaNGe •••
The GaTherinG is handicap accessible Bridge Will Accommodate Wheelchairs Limited Handicap Parking In the Park
Covington, Ohio
AUGUST 29, 2018
FT. ROWDY CelebRaTiOn SePT. 1 • SePT. 2 • SePT. 3
Pie & Cookie Baking Contests saturday, sePt. 1 PULL OUT YOUR RECIPE CARDS AND START BAKING!
• Pie Baking Contest • 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Pie categories are: Apple, Peach, Cherry, Berry, Pecan, Other, and Men’s Entries. All pies must be double-crusted, lattice, or crumb, with the exception of Pecan. No meringues. Pies must be in disposable pie pans (no pans will be returned - refer to rule #6). There is a $1 entry fee per pie (you may enter as many times as you like). Pies may be signed in between 10:30 and 11 a.m. on Saturday, Sept. 1, in the large shelter. Judging will be held at Noon. All pies entered will be auctioned off on Saturday, Sept. 1. Winners will be announced and prizes awarded during the Auction. First place in each category will receive a Fort Rowdy medallion and a ribbon. Second and third place winners will receive a ribbon. Best Overall Pie (picked from the first place pies) will receive a cash prize and a Best of Show ribbon.
• Cookie Baking Contest • 1. Categories are: Chocolate Chip, Peanut Butter, Sugar, and No-Bake. 2. Nine (9) cookies from same recipe on a disposable plate per entry (no plates will be returned). 3. There is a $1 entry fee per entry (you may enter as many times as you like). 4. Cookies may be signed in between 10:30 and 11 a.m. on Saturday, Sept. 1, in the large shelter. Judging will be held at Noon. 5. Winners will be announced and prizes awarded during the Auction. 6. First place in each category will receive a Fort Rowdy medallion and a ribbon. Second and third place winners will receive a ribbon. 7. Best Overall Cookies (picked from the first place cookies) will receive a cash prize and a Best of Show ribbon. 8. All cookies entered will be auctioned off at the Fort Rowdy Auction on Saturday, Sept. 1.
1100 Wayne St., Suite 1112, Troy "
488 E. Broadway, Suite C Covington
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Covington, Ohio
AUGUST 29, 2018
FT. ROWDY CelebRaTiOn SePT. 1 • SePT. 2 • SePT. 3
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Covington, Ohio
FT. ROWDY CelebRaTiOn SePT. 1 • SePT. 2 • SePT. 3
An Invitation to Attend the Gathering
1793 - 2018 • 225 YEARS COVINGTON SAVINGS & LOAN 1886 - 2018 • 132 YEARS
JUST ONE. COVINGTON SAVINGS AND LOAN COVINGTON 117 High St., 700 E. Broadway 937-473-2021
BRADFORD 223 N. Miami Ave. 937-448-9160
AUGUST 29, 2018