SATURDAY, SEPT. 3 SUNDAY, SEPT. 4 MONDAY, SEPT. 5 COVINGTON COMMUNITY PARK West of Town on U.S. Rt. 36 FORT ROWDY The Friendship Bridge over the Stillwater River connects the Covington park to the Fort Rowdy encampment Why & How Local Residents Celebrate Fort Rowdy Days Please r ead the wor ds on the sign to the left & you will know that For t Row dy days is a celebr ation of our heritage Vis t the Covington Par k and w alk acr oss the Friendship Bridge to the encampment T her e you w ll see locals living for thr ee days a l festyle s mi ar to that of the late 1700’s & ear ly 1800’s Activities on the par k side of the river ar e mor e festiv al l ke, w th lots of fr ee music, demonstr at ons & games Food & cr afts ar e also of fer ed for sa e by local or ganizations This Fort Rowdy Historical marker is located on St Rt 48, south of U S Rt 36 at the Covington VFW Post 4235 It was erected in 2021 by the Covington Newberry Historical Society

The Gathering will have a wide variety of crafters vendors trade demonstrators and camp traders on both sides of the river Some of our vendors are: Box Maker Stitcher ’s Cabin and Baker ’s Primitives More are being added daily
©©© WOOdEn niCkELS
SEPTEMBER 3 ~ 4 ~ 5 Opening Ceremonies Are Saturday, Sept. 3 Fort Rowdy Gathering will begin at 10 a.m. Saturday, S e p t e m b e r 3 , o n t h e m a i n s t a g e i n C ov i n g t o n
Members Cheri Roeth Luke Bowman Jake Utz Ron Brock

Community Liaison Kari Hollis; Festival Set up Luke Bowman; Bridge Set up Lance LeVeck; Camp Liaison Dave Wenrick; Mother ’s Day BBQ Donnie Clark; Raffles Kari Hollis; Pie & Cookie Baking Contest Christine Baskerville; Photo Contest Christine Baskerville; Fort Manager Libby Wenrick; Medall on Art Contest Johanna McGrath; School Art Contest Cheri Roeth; Spelling/History Bee Cheri Roeth; Concessions Annette Mil er; Fund Raisers/Industrial Donat ons Kari Hollis & Annette Miller; Entertainment Annette Miller & Jordan Knepper; Port O Johns Donn e Clark; Ice Alex LeVeck & Annette Miller (camp), Ice Libby Wenrick (Fort & concessions); Stage Rentals Annette Miller (contracts), Stage Rentals Shannon LeVeck (set up); Auction Donnie C ark (auctioneer) Johanna McGrath (donations); Publicity & History Box Anita Hawk
and the public to
Join us for three days of free concerts There will be music on the main stage in Covington Park, and at the Gypsy Rover Stage in the Encampment Schedules to be determined
Sincerely, David Wenrick ~ 2022 Chairman of the Board
The Old Fashioned Spelling Bee divisions will be children going into grades 3 6, grades 7 12, and adult (anyone 18 or over) This is a not to be missed event! Kids love the Spelling Bees, which encourage fortitude, grit, and confidence in those who participate The Spelling Bee will include chalkboards, chalk, wash cloth erasers, and a variety of words especially chosen for those specific age groups A local school marm will lead and encourage all participants to spell out loud, so others can hear you! We will also be using those new fangled micro phones to help everyone in the crowd hearken to our superb spellers Winners in all categories will receive the new Fort Rowdy medallion especially crafted for this Labor Day weekend Word sheets used for each age division may be picked up at the J R Clarke Public Library Alternative Site, 101 N High St in Covington beginning Monday Aug 15
30th AnnuAl Fort rowdy GAtherinG

Covington, Ohio FT ROWDY Celebration SEPT 3 • SEPT 4 • SEPT 5
https://www funtrivia com/en/H story/Ohio 5525 htm http://covington oh gov// https://www triviap ay ng com/443 Ohio Triv a Quiz Questions answers htm http://www softschoo s com/quizzes/history/ohio history/quiz5187 html https://www 50states com/facts/ohio htm http://www ohiowebl brary org/ FORT ROWDY GATHERING
©©© TRAdin’ POST
coMMunity chAirs
Come enjoy the splendid wooded banks of the Stillwater River and our 209 foot long portable footbridge that connects the festival to the pre 1840’s encampment As always encampment entertainment will abound and music will be playing throughout the weekend
Welcome To Covington.Enjoy Fort Rowdy! The 30t h Ann ual
Stop by the Tradin’ Post to enter our photo contest or vote for your favorite photo Entries should be of the 2021 Gathering and must be 5”x7” (unframed) Entries need to be turned in no later than noon Saturday at the Fort by the Friendship Bridge Entries must have the photographer s name and phone number on the back of the photo Public voting will begin at 1 p m Saturday, Sept 3, and will end Monday at noon Winner will be announced Monday at closing of the festival All entries become the property of Fort Rowdy Gathering and may be used in future marketing of the Gathering
Stop by for a chat, get information, or do some shopping The Fort Rowdy Tradin’ Post will be selling this year ’s limited edition medallions featuring artwork by Kevin Scott of Covington, commemorating the 30th Gathering In addition, the Tradin Post will be selling T shirts, sweatshirts, cookbooks, souvenirs, and CDs You may pick up activity schedules, concession lists, and rules for upcoming con tests here
©©© GOinG GOinG GOnE!!!
The annual Fort Rowdy Gathering Auction will be held at 2 p m on Saturday Sept 3 on the Gypsy Rover Stage in the encampment Get caught up in the excite ment as Joe Sampson hosts a lively outdoor auction There will be a variety of interesting things, from handmade items from camp and our vendors, items for young and old, serious and funny There’s always lots of unique items!
2 stillwAter VAlley AdVertiser AuGust 31, 2022
Fort Rowdy will also be holding an Ohio Pioneer History Bee! Questions for the History Bee will be from histories of Miami/Darke Counties and the Village of Covington and the surrounding area There will be two divisions of this bee: Children going into grades 7 12 and adults (ages 18 and over) If you are interest ed please see the local history books in the J R Clarke Alcove or refer to these websites In order to narrow down the time period most questions are from 1800’s through the Great Depression Winners will also receive a 2022 Fort Rowdy medallion
Park The
Encampment activities for public viewing include Hawk & Knife, Spear Throw, Bow Shoot, Lizard Pull, Flint & Steel, Cooking Contest, and Rolling Pin & Skillet Toss along with many games and contests for the children

There Is Always Lots To Do At The Gathering!
Community festival committee would dignitaries, 2022 Grand Marshals, “Smitty” Smith and Alvah “Bud” Jividen, the 30th Gathering.
©©© in ThE EnCAMPMEnT
There are many things to do and see in the Camp Come watch our frontier games and canoe race, make a purchase from one of our period vendors, or make a swap with one of our blanket traders Listen to great entertainers at the Gypsy Rover Stage Questions about frontier life are always welcome Our campers are always willing to share their knowledge of the frontier and explain their camp set ups
The Covington Savings and Loan will again be handing out Fort Rowdy Wooden Nickels with the 2022 medallion artwork
Welcome to the 2022 Fort Rowdy Gathering!
Check out the auction, which will be held during the weekend Please check schedule for time All items are donated and the funds raised from the auc tion go directly to the support of the Gathering
BoArd oF directors
©©© UniqUE ShOPPinG
Chairman Dave Wenrick, Co Chair Kari Hollis, Secretary Johanna McGrath, Treasurer Annette Miller, Advisor Donnie Clark Board
FREE live entertainment will be provided on the festival side as well as food vendors and craft vendors Don t forget the Kids’ Coloring Contest, the Baking Contest, and the Photo Contest!
We are very excited to inv te you to join us at our 30th Annual Fort Rowdy Gather ng held Labor Day Weekend!
So come and have some fun with us Labor Day Weekend!
Local churches and civic organizations have been work ing hard to bring you the finest sampling of foods. The aroma of homemade goodies will lure visitors to the Gathering, where they can taste a wide variety of foods. Come down to the Gathering for breakfast, lunch, din ner, dessert, or a snack
like to welcome all state and local
Smitty graduated from Bradford High School, where he was active in foot ball basketball and track He served in the Army during the Korean War achiev ing the rank of Private First Class while in the infantry He commonly worked above his official rank, and served overseas in 1951 and 1952 After returning to
Bud quit high school to go to work, holding many jobs, including a stint as a Howard Johnson soda jerk sporting a white uniform and paper hat He also worked in specialty wood at a stationary forest sawmill, and in a coal mine When he quit the mine he moved to Springfield to work at the O S Kelly Foundry where he worked 30 years He returned to school, attending the Police Academy, Metrology courses, and blueprint reading He then worked for the Clark County Park District as a Ranger for 12 years
Smitty likes living in Covington because it’s a small town He lives by the personal motto Take one day at a time do what I have to do and move on
AUGUST 31, 2022 3 STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISERCovington, Ohio FT ROWDY Celebration SEPT 3 • SEPT 4 • SEPT 5 $ " "' " $"# "" # " " ! ! "$ " ! # ! # ! ! *" ' $ " " '"# " ! " ## $ "" " ' $ ! $" " "# !! !! ! !!# ' # #& # %" $ # '! $ $ ! ! ! ! ) ! # "$! " ' !" # ! ! ! #' # $# & # $ # & # ( ! #$! "# ! % ' $ ! $" & ! # # ' # 0 0 0 0 )*%'# -&&"* (-*+ (' $-*+ & )& *% & )& / , & )& ' **%'#,(' ! (.%'#,(' $%( ' The Fort Rowdy Gathering is pleased to announce the Grand Marshals for the 2022 Gathering Lowell Smitty Smith and Alvah Bud Jividen two friends who can always be found together at the Gathering They met while Smitty was mowing the park in preparation for the 2nd Gathering and Bud was setting up his camp They have been great friends ever since They both enjoy fishing and outdoor activities

Smitty was married to Thelma for 42 years before her passing After their marriage in 1953 they moved to Covington They have three children Cathy, Richard and Dale (deceased) They have five grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren
He has been involved in the Gathering since the first celebration in 1993 He helps ready the park grounds, often loaning the Gathering personal items such as his 4 wheeler antique cart and canoes for the canoe races

for all the overtime you can get Always try to be debt free ” !

He enjoys volunteering for the G R Clark Park where he holds weekly walks He has volunteered for the Gathering since the second year and enjoyed the many years he camped as a “mountain man ” A true outdoorsman, he enjoys fishing archery and hunting But his true passion is gardening growing both food and flowers Bud lives by the personal motto, Work every day they will let you, and beg

Bud has been married to Cynthia since 1996 They live near Springfield and are the parents of five children Steven Edward Rebecca Eva and Amanda They have 14 grandchildren and seven great grandchildren

Lowell “Smitty” Smith & lvah “Bud” Jividen Named 2022 Fort Rowdy Gathering Grand Marshals

We O er No CreditHiddenOrCardFees Since 1945 % #$ "! & !# B U D ( l e f t ) a n d S M I T T Y

civilian life, he worked 33 years at GM/Delco, followed by 15 years of employ ment with the Covington Park District Smitty is a member of Post 80 of the American Legion and participates in flag raisings for the Covington football games and Fort Rowdy opening ceremonies

Covington, Ohio FT. ROWDY CelebRaTiOn SePT 4 • SePT. 5 • SePT. 6 Welcome to the 30th annual F t . R o w d Fy t . R o w d y G a t h e R i Gn a t h e R i n G G Saturday, Sunday & Monday, Sept. 3, 4, 5 • Covington Community Park 4 STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER, AUGUST 31, 2022 ST LLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER AUGUST 31 2022 5 Driveways • Farm Lanes • Parking Lots Re-Gravel • Re-Grading • Hauling Complete Gravel, Excavation & Hauling Commercial • Residential &&& !!" #$ %!" ! The Little Mader Farm The FarmOnStartMemoriesBestA 937-473-5215 937-473-5215 937-448-2212 937-448-2212 " % '% " # *$ (( ! & # "# ) Smile Confidently General Dentistry • Pediatric Invisalign EncampmEnt SchEdulE saTurday sepTeMber 3 9:00 10:30 Archery (on he Pen nsula) 10 00 11 00 Encampmen Young Ch dren s Games Gypsy Rove S age 10 00 11 00 F nt & S ee Gypsy Rover Stage 1:00 Hawk & Kn fe (on he Pen nsula) 2:00 Fo t Rowdy Gather ng Auct on Gypsy Rover Stage 2:00 Encampmen You h / Teen Games Huey Compound) 4:15 Spear Throw on the Peninsu a) 8:00 Encampmen C oses o the Pub c sunday sepTeMber 4 9:00 Encampmen Wo sh p Serv ce Pub c We come Gypsy Rover S age 11 00 Canoe Race 12 00 3:00 High and Games (nor h f e d beh nd Peninsu a) 3:30 Sk e & Rol ng P n Toss on the Peninsu a) 5:00 Camp Cook Of Contes Gypsy Rover Stage) 8:00 Camp C oses to he Pub ic Monday, sepTeMber 5 9:00 At a on the Peninsu a) 10 00 Young Ch ldren’s Games Gypsy Rover Stage) 11 00 L zard Pul (cen e of camp 1:00 Encampmen You h / Teen Games Huey Compound) 3:00 F nal Camp Mee ng Booshway Nom na ons, 50/50 Draw ng Camp Ra f e (Gypsy Rove S age 4:00 Camp C oses Br dge D sman ed ENCAMPMENT NOT CE: In order for Fort Rowdy campers to en oy qu et time w th their fam ies access to the Encampmen area wi l be c osed prompt y at 8 p m Saturday and Sunday On y gues s escorted by registered campers w l be al owed nto camp after that ime The Encampment wi l open aga n on Sunday and Monday at 10 a m GYPSY ROVER STAGE SCHEDULE saTurday, sepTeMber 3 1:00 Pathf nders B uegrass & O d T mey Mus c 2:00 4 00 Fort Rowdy Auct on 5:00 “Hawk” Fo k Roots Mix 8:00 Camp C oses to the Pub c 8:00 Camp Meet ng 8:30 10:30 Drab Ir sh Ramb in’ Rovers Pro ect (DIRRP “Musica Mercenar es, M screants, and Ma conten s” w l enter a n the camp w th a wo hour concert Come and en oy he mus c! Bring a an ern to l gh up he stage! sunday, sepTeMber 4 9:00 Encampment Worsh p Serv ce 12 00 Pathf nders B uegrass & O d T mey Fo k Mus c 1:00 Laura H ner Cel ic Harp F ddle 3:00 Drab Ir sh Band American & Ce t c Folk Mus c 5:00 Camp Cook O f Contest Feast 8:00 Camp C oses to the Pub c 8:00 Camp Meet ng 8:30 12:00 Hawk’s Rowdy Jam The ent re camp s nv ted to come join he c rc e a Hawk s camp or an even ng o music and fun. Musicians, br ng your ns rumen s Everyone br ng a cha r and a antern Let ’s make Rowdy sh ne !! Monday, sepTeMber 5 12 00 Pathf nders B uegrass & O d T mey Mus c 1:00 Drab Ir sh Band American & Ce t c Folk Mus c 3:00 Camp Meet ng 4:00 Fort Rowdy C oses See You Nex Year! FREE PARKING & SHUTTLE There will be free parking for the Gathering Please follow the signs to the correct lot Shuttles will run every 30 minutes There is limited handicap parking in the park; howev er, the shuttle is handicap accessible. The GaTherinG is handicap accessible THE FriEndsHip Br dgE ovEr THE sT llwaTEr r vEr can accommodaTE wHEElcHa rs

6 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER AUGUST 31, 2022Covington, Ohio FT. ROWDY CelebRaTiOn SePT 3 • SePT 4 • SePT 5 $ ! $ ! $ ! ! " " # ! ! " # ! PULL OUT YOUR RECIPE CARDS AND START BAKING! • Pie Baking Contest • 1 Pie categories are: Apple, Peach, Cherry, Berry, Pecan, Other, and Men’s entries 2 All pies must be double crusted, lattice, or crumb, with the exception of Pecan 3 No meringues 4 Pies must be in disposable pie pans (no pans will be returned refer to rule #6) 5 There is a $1 entry fee per pie (you may enter as many times as you like) 6 Pies may be signed in between 10:30 a m and 11 a m on Saturday Sept 3 in the large shelter 7 Judging will be held at noon Saturday, Sept 3 8 Winners will be announced and prizes awarded during the Auction 9 First Place in each category will receive a Fort Rowdy medallion and a ribbon Second and third place winners will receive a ribbon 10 Best Overall Pie (picked from the First Place pies) will receive a cash prize and a Best of Show ribbon • Cookie Baking Contest • 1 Categories are: Chocolate Chip, Peanut Butter, Sugar, and No Bake 2 Nine (9) cookies from same recipe on a disposable plate per entry (no plates will be returned) 3 There is a $1 entry fee per entry (you may enter as many times as you like) 4 Cookies may be signed in between 10:30 a m and 11 a m on Saturday Sept 3 in the large shelter Judging will be held at noon 5 Winners will be announced and prizes awarded during the Auction 6 First Place in each category will receive a Fort Rowdy medallion and a ribbon Second and Third Place winners will receive a ribbon 7 Best Overall Cookies (picked from the First Place cookies) will receive a cash prize and a Best of Show ribbon 8 All cookies entered will be auctioned off at the Fort Rowdy Auction on Saturday, September 3 Pie & Cookie Baking Contests s et For satu rday, s ePt. 3

AUGUST 31, 2022 STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER 7Covington, Ohio FT. ROWDY CelebRaTiOn SePT 3 • SePT 4 • SePT 5