Penny Saver 3-6-23

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Penny Saver Published by arens cor p • P o Box 69, 395 S High St , covington, oH 45318 • 937-473-2028 E-MAIL: • FAX: 937-473-2500 • WEBSITE: MARcH 6, 2023 Where Your Ad IS The News ! 1)' $ 2600 W. Michigan, Sidney (Next to Lowe’s) 937-492-6730 • HOURS: M-F 10am-7pm; Sat 10am-5pm; Sun 12 Noon-5pm ! ! *-%-&*-( # $ ! $ ! ./ !%+' % *0&.2-1 " ! ! $.2/ %,'0 !%3 ! Real Estate Agents Builders • Developers REAL ESTATE LTD DEVELOPMENT LTD PRE-SORTED STANDARD U S POSTAGE PAID Arens Corporation INSERTS ~ Full: Kroger SEcTIoN B Wagner ’s IGA SPEcIAL SEcTIoN BUSINESS cARDS: Page 2, cLIP & SAVE: Page 4 PENNY SavEr CLaSSIFIEDS rEaCH OvEr 20,000 HOmES wEEkLY! TO PLACE AN AD, CALL 937-473-2028

Osgood Community Do Good Ministry Blood Drive Scheduled March 9

Get the Community Blood Center “Lucky Donor” shamrock T-shirt just in time for St Patrick’s Day when you donate at the Do Good Restaurant and Ministry and Osgood community blood drive Thursday, March 9, 12-6 p m , at 25 W Main St , Osgood

The T-shirt is free to all registered CBC donors February 27 thru March 18 Make an appointment online at www DonorTime com; call 937-461-3220; or use the new Donor Time app

Save time when you donate by downloading the Donor Time app You can also use “DonorXPress” to complete the donor questionnaire before arriving at a blood drive Find DonorXPress on the Donor Time App or at www givingblood org/donorxpress

Blood donation requirements: Donors are required to provide a photo ID that includes their full name Past CBC donors are also asked to bring their CBC donor ID card Donors must be at least 17 years of age (16 years old with parental consent – form available at www givingblood org or at the Dayton CBC and mobile blood drive locations), weigh a minimum of 110 pounds (you may have to weigh more depending on your height), and be in good physical health The Food and Drug Administration changes blood donor eligibility guidelines periodically Individuals with eligibility questions can email or call 937-461-3220 Make an appointment at www DonorTime com

Community Blood Center/Community Tissue Services® is an independent, not-for-profit organization Community Blood Center provides blood products to partner hospitals and health centers within its 18-county service area of western Ohio and eastern Indiana and to select hospitals and blood centers outside the region For more information visit www givingblood org

Page 2 - PENNY SAVER - MARCH 6, 2023 www arenspub com # "! ! ! ! ! $ 7-3 0# 230,',% 1--, 7-3 & 4# 1-+# '% "#!'1'-,1 2- + )# #!-+',% #*'%' *# $-0 #"'! 0# 1##+1 *')# '2 1&-3*" # 120 '%&2$-05 0" -5#4#0 2& 2 '1 ,-2 *5 71 2&# ! 1# -3 &# 0 $0-+ !- 5-0)#01 ,#'%& -01 $0'#,"1 ," $ +'*7 5& 2 2&#7 "'" ," 113+# 7-3 1&-3*" $-**-5 2&#'0 *# " -3 + 7 & 4# #4#, 0# " #"'! 0# --)*#2 -0 1# 0!&#" $-0 ',$-0+ 2'-, -,*',# #"'! 0# '1 1.#!'$'! 2- 7-30 ',"'4'"3 * 1'23 2'-, 1- 5& 2 '1 %--" $-0 1-+# + 7 ,-2 # %--" $-0 ! #, *27 '1 4#07 1! 07 5-0" ," ,- -,# 5 ,21 2- & 4# -,# 32 1-+#2'+#1 '2 ! , # !-,$31',% 1 2- 5& 2 2- "- 24-'" 2&#+ 5'2& 1- + ,7 #"'! 0# 03*#1 ,7 .#-.*# 2&',) 2&#7 +312 1'%, 3. $-0 #"'! 0# 2 -0 2&#7 5'** 0#!#'4# .#, *27 &'1 ! , 1-*32#*7 # 203# $-0 1-+# 32 $-0 -2&#01 '2 + 7 ,-2 # - + ,7 "'$$#0#,2 03*#1 2- , 4'% 2# -, 7-30 -5, # & 4# #,!-3,2#0#" !*'#,21 5&- & 4# !-+# 2- 31 7# 01 $2#0 230,',% ," "'1!-4#0#" 2& 2 2&#7 & 4# ,##"*#11*7 ##, . 7',% #"'! 0# .0# +'3+1 *-,% 5'2& & 4',% !0#"'2 *# .0'+ 07 5-0) !-4#0 %# & 2 ! , "" 3. 2- /3'2# '2 -$ #620 .0#+'3+1 -4#0 2&# 7# 01 ,# !*'#,2 "'1!-4#0#" 2#, 7# 01 ," * 2#0 2& 2 1&# "'" ,-2 ,##" -2& ,-2&#0 !*'#,2 . '" 7# 01 -$ .0#+'3+1 5'2& , ""'2'-, * !-12 $-0 & 4',% , ',!-+# 0#* 2#" +-,2&*7 "(312+#,2 +-3,2 2& 2 !-12 &'+ 0-3," $ 2&#7 & " !-,13*2#" 5'2& .0-$#11'-, * *')# 2&#7 !-3*" & 4# "'1 !311#" 2&#'0 1'23 2'-, ," 4-'"#" 2&# #620 !-121 # & 4# *1- & " !*'#,21 !-+# ', 2& 2 "'" ,-2 .'!) 3. #"'! 0# 5&#, 2&#7 1&-3*" & 4# ," ,-5 +312 . 7 , -,%-',% * 2# #,0-**+#,2 .#, *27 ,# +'12 )# ! , !-12 7-3 #620 $-0 *'$# ,# ',"'4'"3 * ,-2'!#" , ""'2'-, * +-3,2 #',% "#"3!2#" $0-+ &'1 1-!' * 1#!30'27 12 2#+#,2 7# 01 * 2#0 $2#0 ',4#12'% 2',% &# $-3," -32 2& 2 &# & " ##, . 7',% #620 $-0 ,-2 1'%,',% 3. $-0 #"'! 0# 5&#, &# 5 1 $'012 #*'%' *# ," & 4',% ,- -2&#0 !0#"'2 *# !-4#0 %# , 1-+# ! 1#1 ',"'4'"3 *1 + 7 ,##" 2- 1'%, 3. $-0 #"'! 0# "30',% 2&#'0 ,'2' * ,0-**+#,2 #0'-" 2- 4-'" & 4',% 2- . 7 2& 2 "0# "#" * 2# #,0-**+#,2 .#, *27 .0-$#11'-, * ! , &#*. 7-3 "#2#0+',# 5&'!& . 2& 7-3 ,##" 2- # -, !!-0"',% 2- 2&# #4#0 !& ,%',% 03*#1 -$ #"'! 0# 1- 7-3 ! , 4-'" 2&#1# 130.0'1',% !-121 &#0# 0# 1- + ,7 "'$$#0#,2 1!#, 0'-1 ," '2 ! , # & 0" 2- , 4'% 2# -, 7-30 -5, #2 2&# .0-$#11'-, *1 2 &#*. + )# 130# 7-3 0# "-',% 5& 2 '1 #12 $-0 '4# 31 ! ** 2 -0 (-', 31 $-0 -, 3#1" 7 2 . + ', -30 '",#7 -$$'!# '!&'% , 20##2 -0 -,*',# 4' *# 1# + )# 130# 2- '$ 7-38" *')# 2- 22#," -30 5-0)1&-.
HERE’S MY CARD Find the right person for the job right here! ! $ ! # """ ADVERTISING SERVICE PET GROOMING SERVICE AUTO COLLISION SERVICE RESTAURANT Keep the numbers of these locally owned businesses on hand for all of your ser vice & shopping needs


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You’ ll invite 20,000+ to your auction or g ar a ge sale

w hen you ad v er tise it in our classified pa ges. Page 3 - PENNY SAVER - MARCH 6, 2023
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PENNY SAVER CLASSIFIEDS REACH OVER 20,00 HOMES WEEKLY! To p lace an ad , call 473-2028 or 473-2029 Page 4 - PENNY SAVER - MARCH 6, 2023 www arenspub com )! )! +, '*"&# $) %$(" $# $) * )"%$ )! )! +, '*"&# $) %$(" $# $) * )"%$ )! +, '*"&# $) %$(" $# $) * )"%$ )! +, '*"&# $) %$(" $# $) * )"%$ )! )! +, '*"&# $) %$(" $# $) * )"%$ AUCTIONS C LI P & S AV E D E A L S Week begins 3/19/23 $! " ' ! # " ! " ! ! # ! " ! ! # $ " !" ' % ! # & # ! ' % !# " ! $ #!' % % # % $ ! " ! # % $ !" $ ! # % $

Volunteers Sought By EverHeart Hospice

EverHeart Hospice is recruiting volunteers to help with patients in West Central Ohio There are many ways people can volunteer with Hospice, but they are especially in need of hairdressers and barbers, notaries, and Veterans to honor our Veteran patients

Other volunteer opportunities may be available depending on your area EverHeart Hospice cares for patients in Darke Mercer Van Wert Allen, Auglaize, Paulding, and Shelby counties

To learn more about how you can help EverHeart Hospice patients and their families, please call 800-417-7535 – Option 5 and ask for Volunteer Coordinator Beverly Baltes

EverHeart Hospice has a full-time staff that works tirelessly throughout the year, but EverHeart volunteers provide our organization with extra hands, love, and commitment in order to make sure that needs are met That’s how volunteers make a difference,” shared Baltes

EverHeart Hospice formerly State of the Heart Care is a nonprofit organization offering Hospice and Palliative Care provided wherever a patient calls home EverHeart Hospice has served patients and their families since 1981 They strive to honor each patient with trusted care, and volunteers are an important part of exceeding that goal

To learn more visit everhearthospice org and follow them on social media

www arenspub com Page 5 - PENNY SAVER - MARCH 6, 2023
Irish Electric Motor Service Service All Your Motor Needs
Home • Farm • Industry • New • Used • Repair • Rebuild 419-394-3284
419-394-7128 1600 Celina Rd. St. Marys, OH 45885
PENNY SAVER Where Your Ad IS The News
Fax: PIONEER PROFESSIONAL CENTER OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE Call Tim for Details 419-629-2683 amsterdam center Retail Space Available for Lease 25,000 sq. ft. Call Tim For Details 419-629-2683 Tim Hemmelgar n 419-305-3500 Broker, Owner, ABR Realtor Becky Dabbelt 419-733-4243 Agent Realtor Steve Dabbelt 419-733-2723 Agent Realtor Ryan Will 937-726-8011 Agent Realtor 224-226 N Her man St , New Bremen Walnut Street Subdivision New Bremen 10 Lots Available Prices start at $40,000 Cardinal Subdivision New Bremen LOT 10 $44,000 (near the high school) 131 S. Washington St. New Bremen 419-629-2683 1-800-700-0405 318 S. Washington St., New Bremen www timselect com 503 E. Front St., New Bremen www timselect com 77 S. Frankfort St., Minster 105 N Main St , Minster s s o o l l d d s s o o l l d d 0 S.R. 29, St. Marys 116 N Main St , New Bremen 563 S. Second St., Coldwater Page 6 - PENNY SAVER - MARCH 6, 2023 www arenspub com D D U U P P L L E E X X 120 Meyer Rd., Celina www timselect com 321 N. Main St., St. Marys www timselect com s s o o l l d d 06541 New Knoxville Ave., New Bremen 29 S. Her man St., New Bremen s s o o l l d d s s o o l l d d Make Your Move W ith A Name You Can Tr ust! 11.82 Acres W ith Pond s s o o l l d d N N e e w w p p r r ii c c e e s s o o l l d d s s o o l l d d s s o o l l d d

WANTED: Someone to clean my home once a month 937-295-3122

PeNNY saVeR ClassIFIeDs


Heavy-duty router with accessories, $150; large workbench, $200; 3 yr old riding mower $900; Craftsman table saw $300; Delta dril l press $200; Craftsman bandsaw, $250; large tool cabinet, $125; grinder on stand $50; 9 pc patio set $300; large BBQ grill $80; new folding treadmill, $300; 118 pc vi ntage fine china set, $250; white leather couch, $400 937-698-5556 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

WANTED: Broken or nonrunning John Deere, Cub Cadet, & Wheel Horse lawnmowers Will pick up others 937-473-2705 or

‘21 BULLFROG A6L HOT TUB: (4) interchangeable jetpacks, (2) industrial pumps, landscape lighting stereo system cover & lift 937-239-3134


years 937-698-6079 ttttttttttttttttttt

WANTED: Old motorcycles, minibikes, mopeds, 3-wheelers, or 4-wheelers Running or not Covington 937-473-2705

!! OLD GUITARS WANTED !! Gibson, Fender, Martin, Etc 1930’s to 1980’s TOP DOLLAR PAID Call Toll-Free 1-866-433-8277

POTBELLY PIG: 20 years old Looking for a good family Comes with house & pen 937-467-5317

aUtOMOtIVe ClassIFIeDs


Sam Schwartz wants any type of carpenter work Room additions roofs, foundation replacements, restoration of buildings, etc For FREE estimate, call 260-301-1777

D EMOLITION : Also, concrete demolition such as old swimming pools, barn foundations, porches, etc Al so general excavation w ork and l igh t demol itio n 937-232-7380

C LEAN ING & OR GANIZIN G YOUR HOME: Call for rates & information 937-710-0044

WANTED: Country 1+ acre land OR ranch house 3+ bedrooms with basement Botkins Anna or New Knoxville School District 419-230-0957

HelP WaNteD &,, +$%#&" - %(,-#+ DI SERVICES LP Tank & Equipment Sales )1 - )+ '%# 0 0 0 " % , # + / % ! # , . ! ) ' # $ " # ! $ ! " ! $ ! ! ! " !! ! ! ! "% " " ! "! !! % " ! #! !! #"! "! &+ ,+ !&. &+ &+ ! ()'*&-&/ 444 .*+./('5',+-) -(1 SCHMIESING TREE SERVICE 1*#+%#(!#" (,.+#" +## ,! # ! ! ! !! ! $ " ! ! $ ! " $ ! ! % " !*+0 20+-(00 (/3+'( +/('1./5 0 %.2/ .,21+.www arenspub com Page 7 - PENNY SAVER - MARCH 6, 2023 Real estate WORK WaNteD
OF BOOKS that may help you supplement your homeschool curriculum Call me to talk! I am a retired homeschool
Mom of
MOBILE AUTO REPAIRS LLC ASE certi fi e d 4 1 + years e xpe ri en ce GM engi ne tran smi ssi on , & di fferenti al repair Call Dennis Bowerman at 937-459-8451 05 CHEVY 3/4 TON: Single cab 4 WD , 5th Wh e el a ttachment 93,000 mi Great cond inside & o ut! N o ru st $11 ,5 00 OBO 419-230-9996 HelP WaNteD
! !
* ( * $##! & !# #! & & "%& $ ) ! & %! & '# $$ #!
Real estate
Page 8 - PENNY SAVER - MARCH 6, 2023 w w w a r e n s p u b c o m JANE KAYLOR AGENT Now Celebrating 46 Years of Continued Service! SANDY SCHMITMEYER AGENT TODD WEIGANDT BROKER DEAN KEMPER AGENT DICK WEIGANDT BROKER View All Listings At: www.weigandtr ISAAC HOYING AGENT REAL ESTATE LTD (419) 628-3107 (800) 803-8213 Email: weigandt@weigandtrealestate com www weigandtrealestate com www weigandtdevelopment com 90 North Main St Minster, Oh 45865 “there is no suBstitute for experience” ID4090 Minster - 86 N Hanover St Halls of Hanover Inc. Commercial building with multiple tenant spaces Great investment opportunity with many updates Central location CALL FOR DETAILS! Minster - 12521 Maple Grove Rd. Two bedroom plus loft area, 2 5 bath, 2472 sq ft country home located in Minster School District Waterfront lot ownership on Lake Loramie with dock 2-car attached garage with recent updates A RARE OPPORTUNITY! WooDLAND SUBDiviSioN ~ Botkins ~ 8 YeAr TAX ABATeMeNT 3 LoTS AvAiLABLe LOT PRICES START $42,000 Minster - 12 Crestwood Dr Ranch style 3 bedroom, 2 full bath home, with living room, eat-in kitchen, & basement Also features a full list of recent updates & two-car garage Great location! ID4095 Minster - 180 N Lincoln St Three bedroom, 2 5 bath family home Living room, den, full finished basement with 4-car attached garage Great location! Sunny Side Inn Longtime, very well established restaurant/bar“waterfront” business located on Grand Lake St Marys Complete turnkey purchase is now available Great Opportunity! ID4000 ID3975 Russia - 102 E. Main St. Buschur ’s Market is a well established grocery store located in the heart of Russia Complete turn-key purchase is now available Call Todd Weigandt for more details Opportunity knocks! ID4050 New Bremen - 14 Kuenning St Brand New “Custom Built” condominium now under construction Two bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms, open floor plan with vaulted family room, custom cabinetry, four seasons sunroom, full basement and 2-car garage Still time to customize your finishes Give us a call ID5010 CRUIZER’S BAR & GRILL Russia - 115 North St Well established bar and grill Recent updates Dine inside or outside on the enclosed patio Sale includes D 1 liquor license Priced to sell! Complete turnkey purchase Call for details!!! ID4070 Minster - 12215 Short Dr Walk to your boat dock at Lake Loramie! Features 2 bedrooms, 1 full bath & too many updates to list Also Includes storage shed, patio & more Priced to sell! ID4075 Minster - 11 Parkview Drive ~ Parkview Acres ~ Nicely updated 3 bedroom, 2 5 bath 2-story home with finished basement, living room, family room, & full set of new appliances Also has many other nice updates & 3-car garage ID4030 Minster - 665 E Fourth St Nice & neat 3 bedroom, 1 full bath ranch-style home, full finished basement, newer A/C, 1555 sq ft of living space with 2-car attached garage A r e Yo U L o o K i N G A r e Yo U L o o K i N G T o S e L L , B U i L D o r B U Y ? T o S e L L , B U i L D o r B U Y ? Call The area’s real esTaTe speCialisTs ID5005 New LISTING! NEw PRICE ID4080 SToNeGATe SUBDiviSioN ~ Minster ~ PhASe i: 3 Lots Available PhASe ii: 7 Lots Available P r e m i e r B u i l d i n g S i t e s LOT PRICES START $56,500 For SALe Stillwater Beach Campground 8408 versailles Southeaster n rd. Bradford, ohio Long-time established local campground for sale, consisting of 44 acres & stocked pond Has many seasonal, monthly & weekend campsites, & (11) year-round rental homes Offers full hook-ups including electric, water & sewer RARE INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY A LoCAL FAvoriTe! SOLD! SOLD! Real Estate Public Auction January 11, 2023 - 7:00 pm ••• 80 Acres 3 Parcels ••• FARMLAND - WOODLAND - POTENTIAL DEVELOPMENT LAND Farm Location 14500 St Marys River Rd , St Marys, Ohio 45885 (Corner of Markley Rd & St Marys River Rd ) Auction Location St Marys High School - Common Area JANUARY 11, 2023 7:00 P M - 2250 ST RT 66, St Marys, Ohio 45885 New Survey in process Watch our websites for more updated info We will advertise new acreages as soon as survey is complete 80 ACRES Tract 1 - Approximately 10 Acres Wooded Land - Markley Rd Tract 2 - Approximately 60 Acres Bare Farmland - St Marys River Rd Tract 3 - Approximately 10 Acres Bare Land Possibility of potential building site corner of St Marys River Rd & Markley Rd Call Todd Weigandt for Specific Details SOLD! SOLD! SOLD! SOLD

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