Penny Saver 4-11-22

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Real Estate Agents Builders • Developers

Penny Saver APRIL 11, 2022

Where Your Ad IS The News

Published by arens corp • P.O. Box 69, 395 S. High St., Covington, OH 45318 • 937-473-2028 E-MAIL:

FAX: 937-473-2500


GROCERY ~ Buschur’s Page 2 INSERTS ~ Full: Kroger SECTION B ~ Wagner’s IGA SPECIAL SECTIONS ~ Shop & Dine, Easter: Page 5 PENNY SavEr CLaSSIFIEDS rEaCH OvEr 20,000 HOmES wEEkLY!

TO PLACE AN AD, CALL 937-473-2028



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#)% # 1 # . % * # 0 ", 2600 W. Michigan, Sidney (Next to Lowe’s)

937-492-6730 • HOURS: M-F 10am-7pm; Sat 10am-5pm; Sun 12 Noon-5pm

Page 2 - PENNY SAVER - APRIL 11, 2022

Arens Employee to Retire


‘It’s a Family Thing’ Many of our Penny Saver, Stillwater Valley Advertiser, and Country Living customers are familiar with the cheerful voice of Marty Speer, who works alongside Kim Rindler in our office, handling the day-to-day busiJoe & Marty ness at Arens Corp. Sadly Speer for this family-run publication, Marty has decided to hang up her Arens phone for good. On a happier note, Joe, Marty’s husband, is looking forward to the many vacations and adventures they can begin checking off their “bucket list.” Marty first started working for Arens in 1979, when her motherin-law, the late Boots Speer, who worked in our newsroom, suggested she help out just one day a week, which suited this young mother of one little boy just fine. Gradually, Marty’s responsibilities increased, and she found herself helping out in the Circulation Dept. for 10 years, working full-time by 1980. Around 1990, a position became available in our office and, as they say, “the rest is history.” Country Living advertisers will remember the late John Speer, Marty’s father-in-law, who worked as a sales representative for a number of years for Arens’ monthly farm publication. John never met a stranger and was well-liked and respected by both customers and co-workers. Keeping the tradition in the Speer family, Marty’s husband, Joe, a retired police officer, also did a stint for Arens, taking care of grounds maintenance and driving weekly routes to pick-up advertising copy. “Arens is truly a family-oriented business, and I want to thank – from the bottom of my heart – Gary and Ginger Godfrey and all the remarkable people I have worked with and have gotten to know over the phone,” said Marty. “You have blessed me on this journey. It saddens me to see my years at Arens coming to a close, but I look forward to spending more time with Joe, our three sons, their wives, and our two wonderful grandsons.” Marty’s retirement not only will bring a big change in her life, but her co-workers will certainly miss having her as part of our work day. She made even the most hectic of days more bearable. We wish Marty and Joe many years of happy travels and memorable adventures!

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Road to the Final FouR


nCaa tournament advertiser Winners Congratulations to the following advertisers who are winners in our Road to the Final Four NCAA Tournament Contest: FRee QuaRteR PaGe oF adVeRtiSinG: Village Pizza, Bradford – Duke; ABloom Flowers & Gifts, New Bremen – North Carolina; and Forever Fit, Minster – Villanova. FRee Full PaGe oF adVeRtiSinG: Casa Lupita, New Bremen – Kansas.

Sports Collectibles Show Scheduled April 23 & 24 At Miami Valley Centre Mall Don’t miss the annual Sports Card and Collectibles Show at the Miami Valley Centre Mall on Saturday and Sunday, April 23 and 24. This popular event will feature almost 50 tables blanketing the Mall with dealers showcasing sports cards, collectibles, memorabilia, comic books, and additional sports themed items for the NFL, MLB, Ohio State, and many more. This is one of the best shows in the area, so bring your friends and family! Take I-75 to St. Rt. 36 exit #82 to the Miami Valley Centre Mall. Admission is FRee! event hours are Saturday, 11 a.m. to 8 p.m., and Sunday, noon to 6 p.m. Sponsors are SC Collectibles and The Miami Valley Centre Mall. For any questions regarding this show, or to reserve a table, please call 937-773-0950.


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PENNY SAVER Where Your Ad IS The News

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BUSCHUR'S MARKET 102 E. Main Street • 526-5108 • Russia

Page 3 - PENNY SAVER - APRIL 11, 2022

Roger Bender Harvests 400th Lifetime Donation Fort Loramie donor Roger Bender made his milestone 400th lifetime donation March 28 at Greenville Grace Brethren Church. “I’m glad that I’ve been healthy enough to do it,” said Roger. “I feel very fortunate that I can. I spent time in Ukraine, primarily in Kyiv and Lviv. Both got pounded pretty hard today.” Roger worked 32 years as an Ohio State University agricultural extension agent and has continued as a Lands Stewart consultant, a loyal OSU Buckeye fan, and a private farmer. Roger has been donating for decades and says his first 200 donations were whole blood. He has been donating platelets and plasma exclusively since 2013 and keeps a full eligibility schedule of 24 donations per year. He has been a passionate advocate for blood donations and supporter of Community Blood Center. He helped organize the Shelby County OSU Alumni Association Blood Drive and co-coordinates St. Michael’s Hall blood drives in Fort Loramie which are now held six times a year. But on the day of his milestone donation, his thoughts were with the farmers he met more than 20 years ago during an agricultural exchange visit to Ukraine. “In 1999, I was working with farmers on livestock and grain practices,” he said. “They had just exited Soviet rule. The government had dictated how to do it and it was all years behind. They’re much better now – mechanized and modernized.”


His concerns have grown as Russia’s war on Ukraine has intensified. “The farmers don’t know if they’ll get their plants in,” he said. “It’s the breadbasket of Europe. It’s the richest soil in the world, as far as I’ve ever seen. Even the grain they produced last year they can’t export because of the war. “I’m fortunate. I can lay here and donate blood. The farm people there don’t know if they’ll be able to feed themselves.” Roger made his milestone 300th lifetime blood donation in 2017 at the Shelby County OSU Alumni Association Buckeye Blood Drive. “My goal was originally to get it this year, by the time I’m 65, and I was 65 in May, so I reached that,” he said at the time. “Now I’ll set my goal for 400 by age 70!” He’ll turn 70 in May, so he has reached his goal again. “I had been donating about 10 years when my dad had heart surgery and needed five units,” he said after his 300th donation. “I look at this way, if I’m healthy enough to give, then I’m a lucky man.”

Help Wanted

Page 4 - PENNY SAVER - APRIL 11, 2022

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Page 5 - PENNY SAVER - APRIL 11, 2022

Eastelre Sa 20% of off fff In S Stock tock Jewelry welry and Gif Gift ftt Items 104 East Mason Road, Sidney, Ohio


Store Hours Mon–Wed 9am–6pP ũ Thurs 9am–1pm 9am–3pP ũ Closed Fri 9am–6pP ũ Sat Sun

Closed Saturday Saturrday April 16

HAVING A GARAGE SALE? Just a reminder that the deadline for submitting classified ads is


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Shop & Dine

Add Som Somee


Green Plants Plan nttss

Quality Products & Experiences From Hometown Merchants Who Appreciate Your Business

Freshen Up You ur Home Your

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Order Your Custom Easter Basket

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Page 6 - PENNY SAVER - APRIL 11, 2022

131 S. Washington St. new Bremen

419-629-2683 Tim Hemmelgarn 419-305-3500

Broker, Owner, aBR Realtor

Becky dabbelt 419-733-4243 agent Realtor

Steve dabbelt 419-733-2723 agent Realtor


Make Your Move With A Name You Can Trust! New ListiNg

8507 St Rt 66, New Bremen

New ListiNg

191 W. 6th St., Minster

Walnut Street Subdivision New Bremen

14 Lots Available

Prices start at $40,000

Sale ing d n e P 313 N. Main St., New Bremen

d L o s

319 S. Washington St., New Bremen

Sale ing d n e P

o CoNd

8 Deer Dr., New Bremen

Sale g n i d n Pe



New Bremen e l a S g n i d n 10 P eLOT $44,000

o CoNd

10 Deer Dr., New Bremen

d L o s

(near the high school)

d L o s

d L o s dUPleX

3511 Delaine Ave., Kettering

101 Laura St., New Knoxville

444 N. Herman St., New Bremen

d L o s

amsterdam center Retail Space Available for Lease


$55,000 89 W. Main St., Chickasaw

426 W. 1st St., Spencerville

77 S. Frankfort St., Minster

25,000 sq. ft. Call Tim For Details 419-629-2683

Call Tim for Details 419-629-2683

Page 7 - PENNY SAVER - APRIL 11, 2022

Help Wanted


pennY SaVeR gaRage ClaSSIFIedS SaleS vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv WANTED: Broken or nonrunning John Deere, Cub Cadet, & Wheel Horse lawnmowers. Will pick up others. 937-473-2705 or

nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn WANTED: Old motorcycles, minibikes, mopeds, 3-wheelers, or 4-wheelers. Running or not. Covington 937-473-2705

‘07 32 FT. 5th Wheel Camper: Two slides. Good cond. 937-239-0065

Gibson, Fender, Martin, Etc. 1930’s to 1980’s TOP DOLLAR PAID Call Toll-Free 1-866-433-8277


GENTLE PONY: Trail ridden. Shown in 4-H. Black & white. 10 years old. $2,000 OBO. 937-470-7173

RED ROAN WALKING HORSE: 12 years old. Shown in 4-H. Trail ridden. Good for women & kids. $3,500 OBO. 937-470-7173

CHEMICALS: Glyphosate. 53.8% or 41% Totes, Generic Liberty, Enlist One Totes, Generic Dual, Pkg. AMS, Atrazine 4L Totes & Pkg., Metribuzin $11.50/#. Call 419-236-2571

–––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1999-9510 COMBINE: 4,200 engine hrs. 2,900 separator hrs. GC! New belts & tank liner. Yorkshire 937-441-7420 or 937-844-1968

Looking for an honest deal? You can find it in our classifieds.

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HUGE BARNYARD SALE! Power tools; kitchenware; patio furniture; toolboxes; & much more! 8701 W. Penny Rd., Pleasant Hill. POSTPONED TO APRIL 28, 29, & 30. HAVING A GARAGE SALE? Just a reminder that the deadline for submitting classified ads is THURSDAY AT 5 P.M preceding publication. APRIL 15 & 16, 11 to 4: Vintage jewelry; dresser; chest; Hot Wheels cars; USA Pottery; Amish quilts; wooden toolbox wheels; old chairs; bottles; lamps; iron stools; hooks; horse saddles; tack. 5385 W. Kessler-Cowlesville Rd., West Milton.


MONROE ESTATE / GARAGE SALE: 704 Leonard St., Piqua. April 21-23, 9-6. Antiques; Grandfather clock; furniture; household goods; tools. Rain or shine!


Real eState

WORK Wanted

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ‘08 SILVER G35 INFINITY 4 dr. sedan with sunroof. Less than 50,000 mi. Always garaged. Clean. Very good condition! $11,000 FIRM 937-473-5255

FOR RENT—LUDLOW FALLS: Two bdrm. apt. No pets. Deposit & references. $850/month. 937-470-7173

DEMOLITION: Also, concrete demolition such as old swimming pools, barn foundations, porches, etc. Also, general excavation work. 937-232-7380




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FOR SALE: Half-acre residential lot in West Milton. 5-acre commercial lot located in West Milton. 937-232-7380

MOBILE AUTO REPAIRS LLC ASE certified. 40+ years experience. GM engine, transmission, & differential repair. Call Dennis Bowerman at 937-459-8451

31 ACRES: In the Village of West Milton. Residential / Commercial. 937-232-7380

HANDYMAN SERVICES BOBCAT WORK LIGHT DIRT & GRAVEL HAULING Quality work! Reasonably priced. For free estimates, call 937-985-5290 or 937-581-0045


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Help Wanted



TODAY! FARM HELP Experienced, mechanically inclined, operate farm machinery, planting, tilling. Weekends or fulltime. Salary based on experience. 419-236-2571

HAVE A SERVICE TO OFFER? Advertise it in our classifieds. Call 937-473-2028



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LP Tank & Equipment Sales +3 / +-")'%


AMISH CREW Sam Schwartz wants any type of carpenter work. Room additions, roofs, foundation replacements, restoration of buildings, etc. For FREE estimate, call 260-301-1777.





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Just a reminder that the deadline for submitting classified ads is THURSDAY AT 5 P.M. PRECEDING PUBLICATION

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Page 8 - PENNY SAVER - APRIL 11, 2022

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