Penny Saver Published by arens cor p • P O Box 69, 395 S High St , Covington, OH 45318 • 937-473-2028 E MAIL: • FAX: 937 473 2500 • WEBSITE: OCTOBER 17, 2022 Where Your Ad IS The News GROCERY ~ Buschur ’s Page 2 INSERTS ~ Full: Kroger SECTION B ~ Wagner ’s IGA SPECIAL SECTIONS ~ School Bus Safety: Page 3 PENNY SavEr CLaSSIFIEDS rEaCH OvEr 20 000 HOmES wEEkLY! TO PLACE AN AD, CALL 937 473 2028 2600 W. Michigan, Sidney (Next to the Lowes Store) 937-492-6730 • HOURS: M-F 10am-7pm; Sat 10am-5pm; Sun 12 Noon-5pm Real Estate Agents Builders • Developers REAL ESTATE LTD DEVELOPMENT LTD PAID ADVERTORIAL PRE SORTED STANDARD U S POSTAGE PAID Arens Corporation
Page 2 PENNY SAVER OCTOBER 17, 2022 www arenspub com B U S C H U R ' S M A R K E TB U S C H U R ' S M A R K E T 1 102 E. . M Maaiin Streeeet • 526 5108 • Russ sia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
GettinG Ready fOR SchOOl
• have your children put everything they carry in a backpack or school bag so that they won’t drop things along the way encourage them to wear bright, contrasting colors so they will be more easily seen by drivers
• Make sure children leave home on time so they can arrive at the bus stop before it is due, ideally at least five minutes early Running after or in front of a bus is dangerous WalkinG tO the BuS StOp
• Walk young children to the bus stop or encourage children to walk in groups there is safety in num bers; groups are easier for drivers to see
• practice good pedestrian behavior: walk on the side walk, and if there is no sidewalk stay out of the street if you must walk in the street, walk single file, face traffic and stay as close to the edge of the road as you can
• Stop and look left, right and then left again if you must cross the street do the same thing at drive ways and alleys exaggerate your head turns and nar rate your actions so your child knows you are looking left, right and left at the BuS StOp have children wait in a location where the driver can see them while driving down the street try to avoid waiting in a house or car
• do not let children play in the street playing with balls or other toys that could roll into the street is also dangerous GettinG On and Off the BuS Warn children that if they drop something getting on and off the bus, they should never pick it up instead, they should tell the driver and follow the driver ’s in structions
• Remind children to look to the right before they step off the bus
• if you meet your child at the bus stop after school, wait on the side where the child will be dropped off, not across the street children can be so excited to see you after school that they dash across the street and forget the safety rules MOBile deviceS cell phones and other electronic devices are often permitted on the school bus as long as: they are in backpacks or other holders, keeping hands free to use handrails while boarding and de parting the bus
• Sound is muted or headphones, ear buds or similar devices are used content does not violate the law or school district policy and procedures use does not create a distraction for the driver
www arenspub com paGe 3 penny SaveR OctOBeR 17, 2022 Nati o Na l Sc ho o l Bu S Sa fe ty W e e k the m e i S 1 BuS + 1 dRiveR = a BiG iMpact On
199 N. Ohio St. P.O. Box 109 Minster, Ohio 45865 # # # # # ! # " # For All Veterans (Stock Jewelry & Gift Items) &#*$ " ' "%() ' !"& +++ !"##) ,## &$! # " % $
/ / &!+)*(# % ($ ( "- &'.,#%%" " " " ! " ! " ! "
October 17 - 21, 2022
Hannah Pack Earns Scholarships At Baldwin Wallace
Hannah Pack of Minster was among over 700 students who earned scholarships at Baldwin Wallace University, Berea, Ohio, this fall Pack majoring in Neuro science Biology and Biology earned the Dr Carl Bechberger Scholarship and the Richard and Vyrl Brown Scholarship
Page 4 PENNY SAVER OCTOBER 17, 2022 www arenspub com Irish Electric Motor Service Service All Your Motor Needs • Home • Farm • Industry • New • Used • Repair • Rebuild 419-394-3284 Fax: 419-394-7128 1600 Celina Rd. St. Marys, OH 45885 # ! # ! " Attention Shelby County F ir st Responder s Fire • eMT • law enForceMenT You Are Invited to Enjoy a FREE Meal! With our gratitude SafeHaven Inc and Shelby County United Way would like to invite you and your teams as first responders in Shelby County to enjoy free food to go from our new Black stone Griddle On Tuesday, Oct 25, from 11 a m to 1 p m , call ahead (937 658 6930) or drive through SafeHaven’s parking lot at 1101 N Vande mark Rd (right side of building) in Sidney to get free food to go from the Blackstone As you briefly wait on the griddle, you’re also invited to watch our short 90 second SafeHaven commercial on YouTube as a re fresher on our mission, and you’re welcome to a quick SafeHaven building tour if your time permits We want to say “THANK YOU” to all of you with this grant pur chased griddle and grant funded event and we hope to see you Tues day Oct 25 anytime between 11 a m and 1 p m
CORRECTION In the October 10 edi tion of Penny Saver the Fall Fabric Fling ad for Wertz Variety and Fabric Crafts of West Milton listed incorrect days The ad should have read: Fall Fabric Fling OctOber 19 22 Wed thru Fri 9 5 Sat 9 4 We apologize to Wertz Variety and Fabric Crafts and their customers for our error
Your Ad IS The
www arenspub com Page 5 PENNY SAVER OCTOBER 17, 2022 # $ ! $ """ * ) %&, &+( +)!% )) &+# !" & '&%)&( ( %)'+ $ !# &$
www facebook com/newbremen PIONEER PROFESSIONAL CENTER OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE Call Tim for Details 419-629-2683 amsterdam center Retail Space Available for Lease 25,000 sq. ft. Call Tim For Details 419-629-2683 Tim Hemmelgar n 419 305 3500 Broker, Owner, ABR Realtor Becky Dabbelt 419 733 4243 Agent Realtor Steve Dabbelt 419 733 2723 Agent Realtor 224 226 N. Her man St., New Bremen www timselect com Walnut Street Subdivision New Bremen 12 Lots Available Prices start at $40,000 Cardinal Subdivision New Bremen LOT 10 $44,000 (near the high school) 411 N. Franklin St., New Bremen Make Your Move With A Name You Can Trust! 131 S. Washington St. New Bremen 419-629-2683 1-800-700-0405 8 Deer Dr., New Bremen s s o o l l d d C C o o N N d d o o 16 Circle Dr., New Bremen www timselect com s s o o l l d d 191 W. 6th St., Minster www timselect com 503 E. Front St., New Bremen www timselect com 8507 St Rt 66, New Bremen www timselect com s s o o l l d d 77 S. Frankfort St., Minster 319 S Washington St , New Bremen s s o o l l d d 105 N. Main St., Minster s s o o l l d d s s o o l l d d s s o o l l d d s s o o l l d d N N e e w w p p r r ii C C e e 10 Deer Dr., New Bremen www timselect com C C o o N N d d o o s s o o l l d d Page 6 PENNY SAVER OCTOBER 17, 2022 www arenspub com D D U U P P L L E E X X s s o o l l d d 8 Melrose Place, New Bremen www timselect com $ $ 9 9 9 9 ,, 9 9 0 0 0 0 C C o o N N d d o o s s o o l l d d
www arenspub com Page 7 PENNY SAVER OCTOBER 17, 2022 Need some work done around your home? Find the help you need in our BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY! &,, +$%#&" - %(,-#+ DI SERVICES LP Tank & Equipment Sales )1 - )+ '%# 0 0 0 " % , # + / % ! # , . ! ) ' ! " ! " " " !! ! "% " " ! "! !! % " ! #! !! #"! "! &+ ,+ !&. &+ &+ ! ()'*&-&/ 444 .*+./('5',+-) -(1 SCHMIESING TREE SERVICE 1*#+%#(!#" (,.+#" +## ,# ! ! ! !! ! $ " ! ! $ ! " $ ! ! % " !*+0 20+-(00 (/3+'( +/('1./5 0 %.2/ .,21+.-AUTOMOTIVE CLASSIFIEDS WORK WANTED MOBILE AUTO REPAIRS LLC AsE certified 40+ years experience GM engine, transmission, & differential repair Call Dennis Bowerman at 937 459 8451 ‘99 BUICK PARK AVENUE: 937 232 7380 PENNY SAVER CLASSIFIEDS This Weeks P uzzle Answers REAL ESTATE 25 ACRE DEVELOPMENT: West Milton some engineering is done Up to 52 lots 5 ACRES LIGHT COMMERCIAL: West Milton 1/2 ACRE RESIDENTIAL LOTS 937 232 7380 FOR RENt IN COUNtRY: smoke free 1 bdrm apt with appliances No pets 937 947 1255 DEMOLItION: Also, concrete demolition such as old swimming pools barn foundations porches etc Also general excavation work 937 232 7380 AMISH CREW sam schwartz wants any type of carpenter work Room additions, roofs foundation replacements restoration of buildings etc For FREE estimate, call 260 301 1777 nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn 20’ HYD TILT TRAILER All steel. With power jack & new electric winch New tires $7,500 ST PARIS 937 243 1821 FREEZER BEEF AVAILABLE: 1/4, 1/2, or whole Dates Oct or Nov All natural grain fed Charo lais cross Bradford 937 448 2439 PELLEt stOVE: Enviro Meridi an 1 Call for details Leave name & number 937 947 1127 ÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓ WANTED: Old motorcycles, mini bikes, mopeds, 3 wheelers, or 4-wheelers Running or not Covington 937 473 2705 KJRIND01@hotmail com zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 1st, 2nd & 3rd CUTTINGS MIXED HAY Orchar dgrass, timothy, fescue. Some clover & some alfalfa. $4 to $6 PER BALE Tipp City 937 667 6583 uuuuuuuuuuuuuu WANTED: Broken or non running John Deere, Cub Cadet, & Wheel Horse lawnmowers Will pick up others 937 473 2705 or KJRIND01@hotmail com IH B275: Diesel IH 240 w/sickle bar mower 10’ IH wheel disc MF 255 tractor 937 232 7380 PENNY SAVER CLASSIFIEDS REA CH OVER 20,00 HOMES WEEKLY! To place an ad, c all 4 73 202 8 or 4 73 20 29
Page 8 PENNY SAVER OCTOBER 17, 2022 w w w a r e n s p u b c o m JANE KAYLOR AGENT Now Celebrating 45 Years of Continued Service! SANDY SCHMITMEYER AGENT TODD WEIGANDT BROKER DEAN KEMPER AGENT DICK WEIGANDT BROKER View All Listings At: www.weigandtr ISAAC HOYING AGENT REAL ESTATE LTD (419) 628 3107 (800) 803 8213 Email: weigandt@weigandtrealestate com www weigandtdevelopment com 90 North Main St Minster, Oh 45865 “there is no suBstitute for experience” ID4060 LAKE LORAMIE WATERFRONT Minster 12216 Lee Dr Three bedroom home located on Lake Loramie Two full baths, galley style kitchen, covered porch, (2) storage sheds, and more Fort Loramie 25 Sawmill Rd Two bedroom, 1 full bath condominium with eat in kitchen, living room with vaulted ceiling, appliances & one car garage PARK PLACE SUBDIVISION ~ Minster ~ 7 LOTS AVAILABLE WOODLAND SUBDIVISION ~ Botkins ~ 8 YEAR TAX ABATEMENT 3 LOTS AVAILABLE LOT PRICES START $42,000 WEBSTER STREET LOTS ~ Minster ~ 2 LOTS AVAILABLE Minster 12 Crestwood Dr. Ranch style 3 bedroom, 2 full bath home, with living room, eat in kitchen, & basement Also features a full list of recent updates & two car garage Great location! ID4045 Minster 83 N. Hanover St. Two bedroom and 1 full bath condominium Living room with eat in kitchen, newer flooring and appliances Sunny Side Inn Longtime, very well established restaurant/bar“waterfront” business located on Grand Lake St Marys Complete turnkey purchase is now available Great Opportunity! ID4000 ID3975 Russia 102 E Main St Buschur ’s Market is a well established grocery store located in the heart of Russia Complete turn key purchase is now available Call Todd Weigandt for more details Opportunity knocks! ID4085 Minster 284 S Frankfort St Two story, 3 bedroom, 2 5 bath home Living room with vaulted ceiling, finished basement, full set of new appliances, several additional updates Two car attached garage and nice, deep backyard for your family ID4005 New Bremen 5700 St Rt 274 26 acre fully wooded home site Large pond Historic barn Large custom built home Two stone fireplaces Three car garage AND MUCH, MUCH MORE! Call Todd for all The deTails! ID4070 Minster 12215 Short Dr Walk to your boat dock at Lake Loramie! Features 2 bedrooms, 1 full bath & too many updates to list Also Includes storage shed, patio & more Priced to sell! ID4075 Minster 11 Parkview Drive ~ Parkview Acres ~ Nicely updated 3 bedroom, 2 5 bath 2 story home with finished basement, living room, family room, & full set of new appliances Also has many other nice updates & 3 car garage ID4030 Minster 665 E Fourth St Nice & neat 3 bedroom, 1 full bath ranch style home, full finished basement, newer A/C, 1555 sq ft of living space with 2 car attached garage A R E YO U L O O K I N GA R E YO U L O O K I N G T O S E L L , B U I L D O R B U Y ?T O S E L L , B U I L D O R B U Y ? Call The area’s real esTaTe speCialisTs ID4065 New LISTING! New LISTING! New LISTING! New LISTING! SALE PENDING! SALE PENDING! SALE PENDING! NEw PRICE ID4080 STONEGATE SUBDIVISION ~ Minster ~ PhASE I: 3 Lots Available PhASE II: 7 Lots Available P re m i e r B u i l d i n g S i t e s LOT PRICES START $56,500 LOT PRICES START $38,500 LOT PRICES START $41,000 New LISTING! FOR SALE Stillwater Beach Campground 8408 Versailles Southeaster n Rd. Bradford, Ohio Long time established local campground for sale, consisting of 44 acres & stocked pond Has many seasonal, monthly & weekend campsites, & (11) year-round rental homes. Offers full hook ups includ ing electric, water & sewer RARE INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY SOLD! New LISTING!