Penny Saver 10-24-22

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Penny Saver Published by arens cor p • P O Box 69, 395 S High St , Covington, OH 45318 • 937-473-2028 E MAIL: • FAX: 937 473 2500 • WEBSITE: OCTOBER 24, 2022 Where Your Ad IS The News GROCERY ~ Buschur ’s Page 2 INSERTS ~ Full: Kroger SECTION B ~ Wagner ’s IGA SPECIAL SECTIONS ~ Halloween Safety: Page 3 PENNY SavEr CLaSSIFIEDS rEaCH OvEr 20 000 HOmES wEEkLY! TO PLACE AN AD, CALL 937 473 2028 2600 W. Michigan, Sidney (Next to the Lowes Store) 937-492-6730 • HOURS: M-F 10am-7pm; Sat 10am-5pm; Sun 12 Noon-5pm Real Estate Agents Builders • Developers REAL ESTATE LTD DEVELOPMENT LTD • PAID ADVERTORIAL • PRE SORTED STANDARD U S POSTAGE PAID Arens Corporation

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As we’ve said many times the Penny Saver is not a newspaper in the sense most think of a newspaper This publication relies on paid advertising to generate income for printing/postage costs staff salaries and building/equip ment maintenance

However the Penny Saver is pleased to be of service to the community by offering open space when available to help our readers share news they feel is of interest to the community such as engagements weddings milestone birthdays and anniversaries birth announcements five generation pictures Va cation Bible Schools library programs school and club events etc

If an organization even non profits like Veterans organizations charge for a steak chicken or fish fry we can t offer free advertising to them as their event competes with area restaurants who do pay for display advertising Churches also compete with restaurant advertisers when they host Chili and Spaghetti Dinners etc The key is in what is done with the funds generated For example a church hosting a dinner to raise money for a new organ would be charged to advertise that event However if the church is hosting a dinner to benefit a family experiencing a health crisis or who have lost their home in a fire the Penny Saver waives the cost of advertising as our contribution to the effort

Those wishing to advertise an event that does charge an admittance fee can do so by including that information in our Calendar of Events for just $15 per week

If you question whether or not your event qualifies for free advertising feel free to call our office at 937 473 2028, Monday thru Friday, 8:30 a m until 4:30 p m Our helpful staff will be happy to assist you, or will direct your call to Gary Godfrey, president of Arens Corporation

Where Your Ad IS THE NEWS

Page 2 PENNY SAVER OCTOBER 24, 2022 www arenspub com B U S C H U R ' S M A R K E TB U S C H U R ' S M A R K E T 102 E. Main n Sttrreeet • 526 5108 • Russia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u i d e N e i g h b o r h o o d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age 3 PENNY SAVER OCTOBER 24, 2022 # # # # # ! # " # 199 N. Ohio St. P.O. Box 109 Minster, Ohio 45865 IF IT’S NOT A CHUNKY BOB’S PIZZA, IT’S NOT PIZZA! &#*$ " ' "%() ' !"& +++ !"##) ,## &$ -
Dress Up If You’d Like! Unfamiliar animals and pets should be avoided Visit only houses that are lit Always carry a flashlight Know how and where to contact your parents Stay on sidewalks as much as possible Only eat candy after your parents have checked it For All Veterans (Stock Jewelry & Gift Items) ! " " " " ! " ! " Remember to walk, not run, between houses Never enter a stranger ’s home Follow all traffic laws and signals / / &!+)*(# % ($ ( "- &'.,#%%" These safety tips are brought to you by these local businesses
Page 4 PENNY SAVER OCTOBER 24, 2022 www arenspub com
www arenspub com Page 5 PENNY SAVER OCTOBER 24, 2022 # $ ! $ """ * ) %&, &+( +)!% )) &+# !" & '&%)&( ( %)'+ $ !# &$ Need some work done around your home? Find the help you need in our BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY! % # ! ! ! " $ ! # # % % !" $ ! # % $ PENNY SAV ER CLA SSIFIEDS REA CH OVER 20,00 HOMES WEEKLY! To place an ad, call 937 473 2028 or 937-473-2029
www facebook com/newbremen PIONEER PROFESSIONAL CENTER OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE Call Tim for Details 419-629-2683 amsterdam center Retail Space Available for Lease 25,000 sq. ft. Call Tim For Details 419-629-2683 Tim Hemmelgar n 419 305 3500 Broker, Owner, ABR Realtor Becky Dabbelt 419 733 4243 Agent Realtor Steve Dabbelt 419 733 2723 Agent Realtor 224 226 N. Her man St., New Bremen www timselect com Walnut Street Subdivision New Bremen 12 Lots Available Prices start at $40,000 Cardinal Subdivision New Bremen LOT 10 $44,000 (near the high school) 411 N. Franklin St., New Bremen Make Your Move With A Name You Can Trust! 131 S. Washington St. New Bremen 419-629-2683 1-800-700-0405 16 Circle Dr., New Bremen www timselect com s s o o L L d d 191 W. 6th St., Minster www timselect com 503 E Front St , New Bremen 8507 St Rt 66, New Bremen www timselect com s s o o L L d d 77 S. Frankfort St., Minster 319 S Washington St , New Bremen s s o o L L d d 105 N. Main St., Minster www timselect com s s o o L L d d s s o o L L d d s s o o L L d d s s o o L L d d 10 Deer Dr., New Bremen www timselect com C C o o N N d d o o s s o o L L d d Page 6 PENNY SAVER OCTOBER 24, 2022 www arenspub com D D U U P P L L E E X X s s o o L L d d 8 Melrose Place, New Bremen $ $ 9 9 9 9 ,, 9 9 0 0 0 0 C C o o N N d d o o s s o o L L d d 29 S. Her man St., New Bremen www timselect com N N e e w w L L ii s s t t ii N N g g
FoR AN HoNEST DEAL? You can find it in our classifieds. AUTOMOTIVE CLASSIFIEDS WORK WANTED GARAGE SALES PENNY SAVER CLASSIFIEDS This Weeks P uzzle Answers MOBILE AUTO REPAIRS LLC ASE certi fied 40+ years experi ence GM engi ne transmission, & differential repair Call Dennis Bowerman at 937 459 8451 LARGE GARAGE SALE: 5995 W Myers Rd , Covington Oct 27 29, 8 5 Items for men, women, & kids Furniture; school; toys; exercise; clothes; outdoor; holiday IND OOR GAR AGE SALE / ESTATE SALE: 3745 W Ging hamsburg Frederick Rd Tipp City Oct 27 28, 9 5; Oct 29, 9-noon; Nov 3 4, 9 5; Nov 5, 9-noon Household items; furni ture; home decor FREE PIANO in good condition For more infor mation, call 937 212 9856 HAvINg A gARAgE SALE? Just a reminder that the dead line for submitting classified ads is THURSDAY AT 5 P.M. preceding publication REAL ESTATE FOR RENT IN COUNTRY: Smoke free 1 bdrm apt wi th appliances No pets 937 947 1255 MOBILE HOME FOR SALE: Lakefront Adult community Frost proof, Florida On Clinch Lake Great fishing! Mike, 937 554 7756 Donna, 937 554 7764 DEMOLITION : Also, concrete demolition such as old swimming pools barn foundations porches etc Al so, general excavati on work and l ight demoli ti on 937 232 7380 AMISH CREW Sam Schwartz wants any type of carpenter work Room additions, roofs foundation replacements restoration of buildings etc For FREE estimate, call 260 301 1777 &,, +$%#&" - %(,-#+ DI SERVICES LP Tank & Equipment Sales )1 - )+ '%# 0 0 0 " % , # + / % ! # , . ! ) ' ! " ! " " " !! ! "% " " ! "! !! % " ! #! !! #"! "! &+ ,+ !&. &+ &+ ! ()'*&-&/ 444 .*+./('5',+-) -(1 SCHMIESING TREE SERVICE 1*#+%#(!#" (,.+#" +## ,# ! ! ! !! ! $ " ! ! $ ! " $ ! ! % " !*+0 20+-(00 (/3+'( +/('1./5 0 %.2/ .,21+.www arenspub com Page 7 PENNY SAVER OCTOBER 24, 2022 ÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓ WANTED: Old motorcycles, mini bikes, mopeds, 3 wheelers, or 4-wheelers Running or not Covington 937 473 2705 KJRIND01@hotmail com !! OLD GUITARS WANTED !! Gibson, Fender, Martin, Etc 1930 s to 1980 s TOP DOLLAR PAID Call Toll Free 1-866 433 8277 ttttttttttttttttttt 1st, 2nd & 3rd CUTTINGS MIXED HAY Orchardgrass, timothy, fescue Some clover & some alfalfa $4 to $6 PER BALE Tipp City 937 667 6583 ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ 20’ HYD. TILT TRAILER All steel With power jack & new electric winch New tires $7,500 ST PARIS 937 243 1821 BALLED & BUR LAPPED Col orado Blue Spruce, Black Hills Spruce, Norway Spruce, & White Spruce: 3 ft , $70 4 ft , $90 Red Oak $75 937 622 1603 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz WANTED: Broken or non running John Deere, Cub Cadet, & Wheel Horse lawnmowers Will pick up others 937 473 2705 or KJRIND01@hotmail com
Page 8 PENNY SAVER OCTOBER 24, 2022 w w w a r e n s p u b c o m JANE KAYLOR AGENT Now Celebrating 45 Years of Continued Service! SANDY SCHMITMEYER AGENT TODD WEIGANDT BROKER DEAN KEMPER AGENT DICK WEIGANDT BROKER View All Listings At: www.weigandtr ISAAC HOYING AGENT REAL ESTATE LTD (419) 628 3107 (800) 803 8213 Email: weigandt@weigandtrealestate com www weigandtdevelopment com 90 North Main St Minster, Oh 45865 “there is no suBstitute for experience” ID4090 Minster 86 N. Hanover St. ~ Halls of Hanover Inc ~ Commercial building with multiple tenant spaces Great investment opportunity with many updates Central location CALL FOR DETAILS! Fort Loramie 25 Sawmill Rd Two bedroom, 1 full bath condominium with eat in kitchen, living room with vaulted ceiling, appliances & one car garage PARK PLACE SUBDIVISION ~ Minster ~ 7 LOTS AVAILABLE WOODLAND SUBDIVISION ~ Botkins ~ 8 YEAR TAX ABATEMENT 3 LOTS AVAILABLE LOT PriceS STArT $42,000 WEBSTER STREET LOTS ~ Minster ~ 2 LOTS AVAILABLE Minster 12 Crestwood Dr. Ranch style 3 bedroom, 2 full bath home, with living room, eat in kitchen, & basement Also features a full list of recent updates & two car garage Great location! ID4045 Minster - 83 N Hanover St Two bedroom and 1 full bath condominium Living room with eat in kitchen, newer flooring and appliances Sunny Side Inn Longtime, very well established restaurant/bar“waterfront” business located on Grand Lake St Marys Complete turnkey purchase is now available Great Opportunity! ID4000 ID3975 Russia 102 E Main St Buschur ’s Market is a well established grocery store located in the heart of Russia Complete turn key purchase is now available Call Todd Weigandt for more details Opportunity knocks! ID4085 Minster 284 S Frankfort St Two story, 3 bedroom, 2 5 bath home Living room with vaulted ceiling, finished basement, full set of new appliances, several additional updates Two car attached garage and nice, deep backyard for your family ID4005 New Bremen 5700 St Rt 274 26 acre fully wooded home site Large pond Historic barn Large custom built home Two stone fireplaces Three car garage AND MUCH, MUCH MORE! Call Todd for all The deTails! ID4070 Minster 12215 Short Dr Walk to your boat dock at Lake Loramie! Features 2 bedrooms, 1 full bath & too many updates to list Also Includes storage shed, patio & more Priced to sell! ID4075 Minster 11 Parkview Drive ~ Parkview Acres ~ Nicely updated 3 bedroom, 2 5 bath 2 story home with finished basement, living room, family room, & full set of new appliances Also has many other nice updates & 3 car garage ID4030 Minster 665 E Fourth St Nice & neat 3 bedroom, 1 full bath ranch style home, full finished basement, newer A/C, 1555 sq ft of living space with 2 car attached garage A R E YO U L O O K I N GA R E YO U L O O K I N G T O S E L L , B U I L D O R B U Y ?T O S E L L , B U I L D O R B U Y ? Call The area’s real esTaTe speCialisTs ID4065 New LISTING! New LISTING! New LISTING! SALE PENDING! New Price ID4080 STONEGATE SUBDIVISION ~ Minster ~ PhASE I: 3 Lots Available PhASE II: 7 Lots Available P re m i e r B u i l d i n g S i t e s LOT PriceS STArT $56,500 LOT PriceS STArT $38,500 LOT PriceS STArT $41,000 FOR SALE Stillwater Beach Campground 8408 Versailles Southeaster n Rd. Bradford, Ohio Long time established local campground for sale, consisting of 44 acres & stocked pond Has many seasonal, monthly & week end campsites, & (11) year-round rental homes. Offers full hook ups including electric, water & sewer RARE INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY SOLD! New Price SOLD!

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