Stillwater Valley Advertiser 2-8-23

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ECrwss Postal Customer STILLWATER VALLEY A DVERTISER PrE-sOrtED stANDArD u s POstAGE PAID Arens Corporation Vol 72 - No 6 Circulation: 10,508 • 937-473-2028 • FEBRUARY 8, 2023 FAX: 937-473-2500 • E-Mail: arenspub@gmail com • Check Us Out On The Web: arenspub com # $ $ ! $ $ """ Serving Miami Co. for ree Generations ! " $ ! " $ # ! " ! ZONED INsErts: PAttY’s IGA; MENArDs sPECIAL PAGEs: VALENtINE’s DAY: PAGE 4; suPEr BOwL 2023: PAGE 5




friday & SaTUrday, jan 27-28 - The Wrestling Team traveled to Lima Central Catholic to participate in the Thunderbird Invitat onal, taking 12th place out of 42 teams The Buccs entered eight wrestlers and finished w th five top-8 place-winners

SaTUrday, jan 28 - T h e Wr e s t l i n g Te a m c o m p e t e d n t h e Beavercreek Coach Bulugaris Junior High Inv tational and finished n 11th place out of 15 teams The Buccs finished with four individual place-winners at the competitive tournament, including two champions

WEdnESday, fEB 1 - Covington Wrestlers traveled to Sidney to wrestle the host Yellow Jackets and Greenville and won both dua s to f nish 2-0 on the evening The Buccs opened with a 45-36 victory over Greenville before defeating Sidney 46-33 – NEWTON –

friday, jan 27 - Boys’ Varsity Basketball beats National Trai 62-40

SaTUrday, jan 28 - Gir s’ Varsity Basketbal beats Lehman Cathol c 45-20

SaTUrday, jan 28 - Girls’ Vars ty Bowling fa s to Parkway 2200-1857

SaTUrday, jan 28 - Boys Varsity Bowling beats Parkway 2269-1996

TUESday, jan 31 - Boys Varsity Basketball fa ls to Botkins 61-46

WEdnESday, fEB 1 - Girls’ Varsity Bowling beats Val ey View 2017-1300

WEdnESday, fEB 1 - Boys’ Varsity Bow ing falls to Val ey View 2863-2698

THUrSday, fEB 2 - Girls’ Varsity Basketball falls to Arcanum 55-26

THUrSday, fEB 2 - G rls Vars ty Bowl ng beats Dayton Christ an 1513-1512

THUrSday, fEB 2 - Boys Vars ty Bowling fal s to Dayton Christian 2103-1888

Two Bradford Residents Make Dean’s List At Miami University

Miami University - Oxford students who are ranked in the top 20 percent of undergraduate students within each division for the fall semester 2022/23 have been named to the Dean’s List recognizing academic excellence Among those honored were:

Caleb Coppess, Bradford, earning a Bachelor of Science in Geology

Josiah Brewer, Bradford earning a Bachelor of Arts in Public Health

Letter to the Editor

I am writing to thank Covington area residents for sharing the true meaning of Christmas with children in need this past holiday season Generosity throughout contributed to a successful shoebox gift collection season at drop-off locations for the Samaritan’s Purse project Operation Christmas Child Across the United States, the project collected over 9 3 million shoebox gifts in 2022 Combined with those collected from partnering countries the ministry is now sending nearly 10 6 million shoebox gifts to children worldwide

Through shoeboxes packed with fun toys, school supplies, and hygiene items Covington area volunteers brought joy to children in need around the world Each gift-filled shoebox is a tangible expression of God’s love, and it’s often the first gift these children have ever received

Through the continued generosity of donors since 1993, Operation Christmas Child has collected and delivered more than 209 million gift-filled shoeboxes to children in more than 170 countries and territories This year, Samaritan’s Purse delivered its milestone 200 millionth shoebox, which was packed on a country-wide tour and then hand-delivered to a young girl in Ukraine

Across Ohio, shoebox packers often shop for deals on shoebox items throughout the year, and many serve at a deeper level by becoming a year-round volunteer Information about ways area participants can get involved year-round can also be found at samaritanspurse org/occ or by calling 937-374-0761

Although local drop-off locations for gifts are closed until November 13-20, anyone can still be a part of this life-changing project by conveniently packing a shoebox gift online in just a few simple clicks at samaritanspurse org/buildonline

These simple gifts packed with love send a message to children worldwide that they are loved and not forgotten

Sincerely, Casey Goodwin Samaritan’s Purse

West Milton Folks Invite Advertiser Along on Their Egyptian Adventure

In January, Barbara and Bob Cecil and Donna Plunkett of West Milton, and Cindy Jay of Kentucky (formerly of West Milton) were very fortunate to travel to the Gift of the Nile, Egypt, to see 3,000-4,000-year-old pyramids, temples, mosques, and carvings They, along with the Cecils’ daughter, Deanna, are pictured with the Advertiser at Abu Simbel, Egypt, to see the majestic temples of Ramses II and Queen Nefatari, constructed in mid-13th Century BC The temples were moved piece by piece to where they are today to avoid being lost again – this time, not from the sand, but for the creation of modern Lake Nasser They also visited the Great Pyramids of Giza, rode camels and in a hot air balloon, and sailed down the Nile “It was another awesome trip of a lifetime!” report the Cecils, winners in our Take Us Along Contest

Combine the power of print with the power of the internet All of our advertising is also available on line V isit Looking for an honest deal? You can find it in our classifieds Page 2 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - FEBRUARY 8, 2023 www arenspub com
falo ~BREAKFAST SPECIALS~ ! " 6 4(1' ' 0' !/-4,0 -/ '-+$ %/($0 " 6 6 6 4(1' 1- 01 " 6 4(1' 0(#$ -% !/$ )% 01 +$ 1 " 4(1' 0(#$ -% !/$ )% 01 +$ 1 " 4(1' 0(#$ -% !/$ )% 01 +$ 1 " 6 4(1' ' 0' !/-4,0 -/ '-+$ %/($0 -/1' +$/(" , (*# +$ ! $ & #%!" $#" & ~LUNCH SPECIALS ~ ! " -2,1/5 /($# 1$ ) 4(1' 0(#$0 " '(")$, -1 ($ " ($"$ **$5$ (,,$/ 4(1' 0(#$0 %1$/ .+ ** -2 , 1 **$5$ " / (* (#$/ ,#4("' %/$,"' %/($0 %1$/ .+ /(+$ (! 4(1' 0(#$0 " ($"$ /- 01$# '(")$, $& '(&' 4(1' 0(#$0 " /($# $$% / 35 ### # ### ' ' ' " " DAlwayselicious! /0-! 3 " / /%" -""*1&((" %&+ / -""*1&((" ++-. +,"* / , ) 2&/% ! * &*$ #-+) , ) +1"- % -$" ,"-.+* 5 +0/%"-* ")+-&".6 2&(( ,-+1&!" )0.& #+- 3+0- ! * &*$ *! (&./"*&*$ ,(" .0-" &) ), "(( -'" +0*/37. +2* ++! 1 &( (" ##(" ++- -&4". *./ */ & '"/. 0./ " 3" -. +# $"
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Page 4 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - FEBRUARY 8, 2023 www arenspub com
www arenspub com Page 5 - stillWatEr VallEY adVErtisEr - FEBruarY 8, 2023 20 Whether You’ re Going Out With Friends Or Staying Home For Your Ver y Own Super Bowl Par ty. . . These Local Businesses Have Specials Just For You! Super Bowl in for Breakfast " # # !# # Dr. Paige L. Theuring, D.V.M. Caring For Your Companion Animal 23 Emerick Rd. • West Milton, Ohio 45383 ! ! ! " $ $ ( # ( ( ( ( "! & ' !% $! # ) &%" #' ! $ " ! 23 Fill Out & Bring in Your EntrY Blank Found On Page 6 tOdaY! PrizEs includE: 1st Place: $100 gift certificate 2nd Place: $50 gift certificate 3rd Place: $25 gift certificate to a participating advertiser on this page!

Letter to the Editor

The Milton-Union Senior Center & Community Club would like to thank the Miami County Foundation for the wonderful Grant that enabled us to replace the furnace and A/C unit in our lounge They were 32 years old and were in need of replacement The old unit was only 80% efficient and the new one is 95% efficient

The Miami County Foundation is truly a great blessing to nonprofit groups here in Miami County

We thank you all for this wonderful Grant

Members of the Milton-Union Senior Center & Community Club

boram, james C., 69 - A resident of Covington Died Monday, Jan 30, at Upper Valley Medical Center, Troy Charles, kevin s , 66 - A resident of Vandalia Died Friday, Jan 27 maggart, gary e., 80 - A resident of Pleasant Hill Died Tuesday, Jan 24, at his home Peters, PatriCia a , 73 - Died Sunday, Jan 22 searles, lawrenCe sr., 72 - A resident of Piqua Died Thursday, Jan 5, at Upper Valley Medical Center, Troy sowers, shayne P., 20 - A resident of West Milton Died Monday, Jan 30 stiCkley, nova e , 96 - A resident of Laura Died Tuesday, Jan 31 stilley, lawrenCe h., 89 - A resident of Dayton Died Thursday, Jan 19

HAVE A SERVICE TO OFFER? Advertise it in our classifieds Page 6 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - FEBRUARY 8, 2023 ! 9 ""2+&4 4 2/8 AUCTIONEER &&& $ # ( ! ) " ! % ' 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 ; )*3 *3 " 6&28 ,"2(& "5$4*/. 7*4) " 6"2*&48 /' 5.*15& *4&-3 5$4*/. 7*,, #& )&,% *.3*%& & -"8 #& 25..*.( 47/ 2*.(3 :$/-& 02&0"2&% 52.*452& ".% ,"2(&2 *4&-3 4/ 3&,, "4 .//. ) ) ,, *4&-3 "2& 3/,% "3 *3 7)&2& *3 "3) $)&$+ /2 $2&%*4 $"2% 7*4) 02/0&2 )&2& *3 " $)"2(& '/2 $)&$+3 !
Valley Farewells


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For ‘96 or similar Chevy

S10 shor tbed truck $50 Jeff 937-473-2144


WANTED: Old motorcycles, minibikes, mopeds, 3-wheelers, or 4-wheelers Running or not

Covington 937-473-2705

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VINTAGE 1974 Rotel Turntable: Exc cond LP record collection, 60s 70s & 80s Make offer 937-313-9159

OLD GUITARS WANTED !! Gibson, Fender, Martin, Etc 1930’s to 1980’s TOP DOLLAR PAID Call Toll-Free 1-866-433-8277


Automotive Automotive MOBILE AUTO REPAIRS LLC ASE certified 41+ years experience GM engine, transmission, & differential repair Call Dennis Bowerman at 937-459-8451

attached garage

$1 100 + security & propane deposit 614-325-1249

www arenspub com Page 7 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - FEBRUARY 8, 2023 REAL ESTATE AMISH CREW Sam Schwartz wants any type of carpenter work Room additions, roofs, foundation replacements, restoration of buildings, etc For FREE estimate, call 260-301-1777 DEMOLITION: Also, concrete demolition such as old swimming pools, barn foundations, porches, etc Also, general excavation work and light demolition 937-232-7380 W O R K W A N T E D *9>6/8C= ,#(% 995 ;0-= 8 '34< &:9= # ' & ! !" " !% # ' $# # " ' $" "" " !% ! # !' # ' # ! " !% ' $! " % ! # # $"# !" & " ' $! # ' $! BRADFORD STOR & LOCK $0;<98-6 ><480<< 9770;.4-6 ! # # # # < > < > < > < '% & %) # TRIMMING STUMP REMOVAL TREE REMOVAL ! % !$ ! $ " % " % " " ! $ ! 777 6(*4(&+3(26,&(3 &0. '% % 2 # " $ # % ' % ' #"& C& C& '% & %) " " $ %-- ()02( $05 (&,'( "8,:, ? 7,2 '% % &'#% ', ! .')1(*#*(%$ &+ (* "-+ 111 ! .')1(*#*(%$ "-+ * &# (' #"& WOOD CHUCKIN, LLC "#$ !$" ! % " "# ! !#' " !% " &'(!$ %(& % !#) '% & %) ,.2(3 !+ 6,,3:/11, ./4 " &(( $ &' #"'%# ! ! $.+(0$ $/0 -,0.-* +% &)&+$-'*) 0)&+, 7,2 & $' ' " & COOPER'S ! ! = 7,2 & $' ' " & % $ % B ' #"& & $' ' " $(!$ " # & + ) ' " $ (! " " " $ $$ " & %) " !% " 1+5-+2*< "+59.*+ 9(.0()0+ (( +$)%, (( *%&(, $ &' % " " * % $ % 27+5.35 > +: !+4(.5 ;7+5.35 "78**3 5<9.7 "<67+16 8(0.7< &35/ = ! "# # " ( ' #" % # " 9*8/43,,6 * &74=3 %/ 9?482=98 777 %5&4,0/8,1 &0. =476-8/4<->.=49800; A-399 .97 7,2 (59.2 "7 = +77<6)85'>0< ;4 &-= =18 " , &($$ & + ) ' " !# ' #" 60-8 *-=0;@-A< 4=.30< $98/< %##! ' #"& B !# ' #" % ) '#$ " " " % " # ;;; (6,3759) *42 ! " # 6/:,;(=7 (62 (3,7 (60/3- 487 (91/3! $(( , *+ (( #*.+ +'/&0$1 &&%, ::: *334+56)0(*/734 *31 (3,'(/4,%- 0..(2&,%- (26,&( Your High Standards Plumber ? (26,/* ,%. 0 ,/&( + 0 ,&(/3( ! # " !% % " !% # ! % #./7 97/3,77 ",6:/*, /6,*846= 7 '496 "4198/43 %3 $052 53,/(33 2011(' )) '6(24,3( 0 442%&4 (7 5340.(23 -66 '# ,
ARCANUM: 3-4 bdrm
Broken or nonrunning John Deere, Cub Cadet, & Wheel Horse lawnmowers Will pick up others 937-473-2705 or
country farmhouse
Schools New
carpet, blinds, furnace
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