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Pre-sOrteD stAnDArD U.s. POstAGe PAID Arens Corporation
Vol. 71 - No. 24 Circulation: 10,508 • 937-473-2028 • JUNE 15, 2022
FAX: 937-473-2500 • E-Mail: • Check Us Out On The Web: FULL Insert: BrOOKDALe senIOr LIVInG
sPeCIALtY PAGes: FAtHer’s DAY COLOrInG COntest - PAGe 3; FAtHer’s DAY - PAGe 5
th ting Our 100 Anniversa a r b e ry Ce l
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Covington BOE Meeting Slated The Covington Exempted Village School District Board of Education will meet in Regular Session on Wednesday, June 15, 5:30 p.m., in the Elementary Media Center, 807 Chestnut St., Covington. This is an open meeting and the public is welcome to attend.
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Women’s Fellowship Salad Luncheon Planned June 17
Summer Club for Kids Offered By Covington Christian Church
Just a reminder that the Women’s Fellowship of Covington Christian Church will hold a drive-thru Salad Luncheon on Friday, June 17. Check out complete details in this week’s Calendar of Events!
Covington Christian Church invites kids to enjoy Summer Club every Monday thru August 8, 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m., at Covington Community Park. This frEE event is open to all Covington children ages 2-17 (children 4 and under must be accompanied by a parent or guardian). Children will have lots of fun with games, activities, Bible stories, and lunch. Parents may register their children at by clicking on the Summer Club photo. All children must be registered.
Virginia Wolfe To Celebrate Milestone Birthday june 27
What’s happening at...
J.r. Clarke publiC library 102 E. Spring St., Covington & 937-473-2226
Card Shower planned Please help make Virginia Wolfe’s 80th Birthday extra memorable by showering her with cards and notes on this special occasion. Her address is:
Virginia Wolfe • 1240 Keller Dr. • Troy, Ohio 45373
READ MORE: OCEANS OF POSSIBILITIES! - The library’s Summer Reading Program began Monday, June 6, and runs thru Saturday, July 16. Sign-ups end at 5 p.m. Tuesday, July 5. a) Family Summer Nature Quest - Every Tuesday at 9 a.m. “Connecting Families to Nature through Exploration” at the Covington Community Park. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Miss Laurie will be in charge. b) Movie & BINGO Afternoon - Every Friday from 1-3:30 p.m. c) Summer Reading Program Party - Monday, July 18, at 6 p.m. FREE PREMIER COMMuNITy HEALTH SCREENINgS Tuesday, June 14 (always the 2nd Tuesday of each month), 9-10:45 a.m., in the Alcove. Blood pressure and blood glucose levels can be taken monthly.
Bradford Blood Drive Slated June 20 Help Community Blood Center avoid a summer blood shortage by donating at the Bradford High School community blood drive Monday, June 20, 3-7 p.m., in the auditorium, 750 Railroad Ave. Everyone who registers to donate gets a “Step Up to the Plate” T-shirt. Schedule an appointment online at or call 937-461-3220. The goal of the “Step Up to the Plate” summer blood drive campaign is to encourage more first-time donors, remind donors to give despite summertime distractions, and to challenge those who can to donate at least twice. Donate at any CBC blood drive or the CBC Donor Center thru August 27 and you are automatically entered in a drawing to win four tickets to the September 3 Cincinnati Reds vs. Colorado Rockies game at Great American Ball Park, followed by a Cole Swindell concert, plus $100 in concession stand gift cards.
Pleasant Hill Blood Drive Planned Friday, June 17
Arens Employee Celebrates 80th Birthday !
Carol Wood reached a milestone birthday on Thursday, June 9, but her co-workers started her 80th celebration a bit early by presenting her with a surprise luncheon and cake on Friday, June 3. She started her career with Arens in 1979 and has been helping get our two weekly publications – Penny Saver and the Stillwater Valley Advertiser, and our monthly farm magazine, Country Living, to the printers without fail all these many years. It has been a pleasure working with Carol and we’re keeping our fingers crossed she’ll postpone her retirement for awhile - she is irreplaceable!
Happy Birthday, Carol!!!
Community Blood Center needs donors to avoid a summer shortage. Consider donating blood at the Village of Pleasant Hill Council community blood drive Friday, June 17, 12 to 3 p.m., at the Newton Field House Community Center, 201 Long St. Everyone who registers to donate gets a “Step Up to the Plate” T-shirt. Schedule an appointment online at or call 937-461-3220. The goal of the “Step Up to the Plate” summer blood drive campaign is to encourage more first-time donors, remind donors to give despite summertime distractions, and to challenge those who can to donate at least twice. Donate at any CBC blood drive or the CBC Donor Center thru August 27 and you are automatically entered in a drawing to win four tickets to the September 3 Cincinnati Reds vs. Colorado Rockies game at Great American Ball Park, followed by a Cole Swindell concert, plus $100 in concession stand gift cards.
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Father’s Day CONTEST Decorate the tie in a way that best describes your Dad. Please mail or drop your entry off by Thursday, June 23, 4:00 pm. to Arens Corporation: P.O. Box 69, 395 S. High St., Covington, Ohio 45318
Winner Gets To Take DAD Out To A Dayton Dragons Game!
DesiGn A Tie FOr YOur DAD! and have the chance to
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Win TickeTs TO A DAYTOn DrAGOns GAme! Open to ages 5 - 10 years old!
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NewtoN AlumNi AssN. BANquet Held mAy 21 After a two-year hiatus, the Newton Alumni Association held its 141st Banquet on Saturday, May 21. There were approximately 300 people in attendance. The oldest person was Doris Trost, a member of the Class of 1943. Carlon Kress of the Class of 1946, from California, traveled the longest distance to attend the banquet. Many generous scholarship donations from the alumni allowed us to present five scholarships, awarded to members of the Class of 2022 – $1,500 to Laci Miller, $750 to Clint Shellenberger, and $250 each to Deanna Bucholtz, Camryn Gleason, and Kendra Kern. It was nice to have a large group together again enjoying fellowship. We appreciate all who were able to participate.
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What’s happening at...
Milton-Union PUblic library 560 S. Main St., West Milton & 937-698-5515
YA BOOK REVIEWS - Teens, do you need to earn community service or volunteer hours, or just want something to do? Review award-winning books for young adults selected by the American Library Association. MEMORY GARDEN - The library has created an on-site memory garden for patrons to memorialize individuals they have lost over the years. If you are interested in creating a small art piece to hang on the crabapple tree, please contact the library. BRING YOUR OWN DEVICE - Mondays, 10:30-2:30. Appointments encouraged. Users will be able to participate in online government, search and apply for jobs online, and utilize digital resources for financial, social, historical, and informational needs. Patrons with questions about Overdrive, Hoopla, or their device can stop by the library to have questions answered, or schedule a phone consultation. MY BOOK AND ME - Mondays, 6:30. Each child will create their own book. A writing genre and prompt will be chosen and the child will write a story, then illustrate it. Writing guidelines and techniques will be explained, and each participant will be encouraged to share some of their writing. Stories and adjoining artwork will be laminated and spiral bound into a book that they will keep. For children ages K-Grade 5. TWEEN BOOK CLUB - Mondays, 6:30. Tweens in Grades 6-8 can join Stacy for a book discussion of Rip Tide by Kat Falls. Books are available in the library, through the Ohio Digital Library, and HOOPLA. TINY TOTS - Tuesdays, 11:00. Newborns and toddlers with caregivers. Enjoy listening to a book, finger plays, music, and other fun movements. Special ocean-themed activities and guests! STORY HOUR - Wednesdays, 10:30. Join Miss Wendy for a story, singing, dancing, and fun movements. Special ocean-themed activities and guests! TEEN BOOK CLUB - Thursdays, 6:30. Grades 9-12 can join Stacy for a book discussion of The Savage Blue by Zoraida Córdova. Books are available in the library, through the Ohio Digital Library, and HOOPLA. LEGO COMPETITION - Tuesday, July 1, 3:00. Grades 3-12. Encourages engineering, cooperation, creativity, and enjoyment with the use of Legos. Each participant (or team) will be challenged to build an "ocean" themed structure that will be judged by a member of the New Friends of the Library. Legos will be provided but will not be permitted to be taken home. Creations will be displayed in the Children's Room. TEEN MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE CRAFT - Tuesday, July 5, 1:00. Teens and tweens can join Stacy in making a message in a bottle pendant! All materials provided – just show up and have fun! FISH & CHIPS FAMILY BINGO - Wednesday, July 6, 6:30. Join us for fun, snacks, and prizes! All ages are welcome. CHILDREN’S SPEAKER: MIKE MANNING, “THE ROCK MAN” - Thursday, July 7, 1:30. Mr. Manning has collected rocks from around the world. He has more than 50 years of experience – as a collector, hobbyist, small business owner, and educator. His business, Manning's Rock Shop, features hundreds of types of tumbled stones. He is always happy to help a new hobbyist get started! BINGO FOR BOOKS - Thursdays, July 7 & 21, 6:30. Adults can join Staci for an evening of fun! Prizes will be awarded. Registration required.
Looking for an honest deal? You can find it in our classifieds.
••• EVENTS TO BE CONTINUED IN OUR JUNE 22 ISSUE ••• For Information About the Above Events, Contact the Library 937-698-5515
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SafeHaven Expanding To Saturdays Beginning July 2 SafeHaven will be adding Saturdays to its services at all sites across Darke, Miami, and Shelby Counties. Peer support, meals, groups, classes, transportation, social activities, field trips, family, friends, and hope... is expanding to Saturdays. In addition to regular weekday services, join us for weekend support on Saturdays from 2-6 p.m. All services are FREE. For additional information, visit
BNC Participating in Blue star museums this summer Each summer since 2010, Blue Star Museums have offered free admission to the nation’s active-duty military personnel and their families, including National Guard and Reserve, at museums across the United States. Active-duty military just need to show their card to get free admission for themselves and their family. The 2022 Blue Star Museums program began Saturday, May 21, Armed Forces Day, and will end Monday, Sept. 5, Labor Day. Brukner Nature Center, located at 5995 Horseshoe Bend Rd., Troy, is excited to be part of this awesome program!
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Valley Farewells bowser, shelby l., 21 - A resident of Arcanum. Died Saturday, June 4. browN, Jesse A., 83 - A resident of Union, formerly of Dayton. Died Monday, May 30. DAVIs, JUDITh (Arendall), 87 - Formerly of Covington and Piqua, but had been a resident of Gulf Breeze, Florida, for the past 20 years. Died Tuesday, April 12, at her home. Fellers, roberT w., 100 - A resident of West Milton. Died Thursday, May 26. FolAND, chArles P., 85 - A resident of West Milton. Died Tuesday, June 7, at Kettering Main Hospital. horeN, roberT e., 59 - A resident of Piqua. Died Friday, May 27, at Hospice of Miami County. hoskINs, JAck P., 82 - Formerly of West Milton. Died Tuesday, May 31, at Brookhaven Nursing Center, Brookville. NewhoUse, kImberly s., 65 - A resident of Sidney. Died Sunday, June 5, at Upper Valley Medical Center, Troy. qUeeN, rUTh PhyllIs l. (manson), 95 - A resident of West Milton. Died Wednesday, June 8, at her home. smITh, Tyler b., 50 - A resident of West Milton. Died Tuesday, June 7. sToVer, JANeT r. (hughes), 90 - A resident of St. Marys. Died Monday, June 6, at Otterbein Nursing Home. swANk, melVIN e., 64 - A resident of Troy. Died Sunday, May 29, at StoryPoint, Troy. VUkoVIc, lArry P., 77 - Died Monday, May 30.
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Troop 343 Eagle Scout Seeks Donations For Interactive Kiosk Levi Weldy, a Life Scout of BSA and member of Troop 343 in Covington, is raising funds to purchase a large interactive kiosk that will help recognize military veterans and Eagle Scouts who graduated from Covington High School. The kiosk will be placed in Covington Schools and the general public will have access to it. All information will also be accessible via the Internet. Individuals who donate $50 or more and businesses/organizations who donate $100 or more will have their name listed on a special donor slide that will be displayed on the kiosk. All funds will be collected by BSA Troop 343. In the memo line, please add Levi Weldy eagle Scout Project. Checks may be mailed to 137 Wenrick St., Covington, OH 45318. Those having questions can contact Levi at
HAVE A SERVICE TO OFFER? Advertise it in our classifieds.
NAMI Offers Family-to-Family Classes NAMI Darke Miami Shelby Counties (National Alliance on Mental Illness) will offer free Family-to-Family classes beginning Tuesday, July 12, and meeting for eight consecutive weeks. The July and August sessions are virtual only. Participants will need Internet access and a computer to connect to the virtual meetings. NAMI Family-to-Family is a free, eight-session educational program for family, significant others, and friends of people with mental health conditions. Research-based evidence shows that the program significantly improves the coping and problem-solving abilities of people closest to a person with a mental health condition. NAMI Family-to-Family is taught by NAMI-trained family members with personal experience, and includes presentations, discussions, and interactive exercises. Facilitators for the session beginning in July are Molly Helmlinger and Karen Eberle. The group setting of NAMI Family-to-Family provides mutual support and shared positive impact – experience compassion and reinforcement. Sessions will begin at 6:30 p.m. and last approximately 2-1/2 hours. There is no cost to participate; however, registration is required. More information and a link to the registration form can be found at, or by emailing
Four Guests Discuss Varied Topics with M-U 3rd Graders On May 25, four speakers presented programs to the Milton-Union third grade classes. Ron Berner talked about growing up in West Milton, Bill Lutz discussed area charities and how helpful these programs are to local families and organizations, Dr. Brad Richey shared the history of Milton-Union Schools, and Barbara Cecil brought her packed suitcase of vintage clothing to share with each class. Pictured (L-R) are Bill Lutz, Barbara Cecil, Dr. Brad Richey, and Ron Berner. The classes rotated every 20 minutes so all of the students could hear all of the speakers. On May 26, the four third grade classes ventured to downtown West Milton where they rotated to four locations where volunteers shared the history of the buildings. Those doing presentations were Candy Curry, Wes Wertz, Matt Gingrich, and Dr. Cliff Poling. These programs are to fulfill required curriculum as well as to instill interest and pride in their community.
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Hoffman United Methodist Church is now accepting applicants for their 15th Annual Art Show to be held August 5, 6 and 7 in the church's activity center, 201 S. Main St., West Milton. The purpose of this non-juried show is to share area talent with the public. Participants must be high school age or older. Application deadline is July 12. Some pieces may be available for purchase, with the transactions handled directly between the artist and the interested party. Thanks to the generous gift from Jim and Tracey Sarver, the People's Choice Awards will again total $2,000. Awards to be given are: $400 for 1st place, $300 for 2nd place, and $200 for 3rd place. Eleven additional awards of $100 each will also be presented. Application forms may be picked up at the church office, Wertz Hardware, and the Village Peddler in West Milton. Also at the Hotel Gallery in Tipp City. Forms are also available for downloading from the church's website: For further information call John at 937-478-2078.
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You’ll invite 20,000+ to your auction or garage sale when you advertise it in our classified pages.
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STILLWATER VALLEY CLASSIFIEDS fifififififififififififi WANTED: Broken or nonrunning John Deere, Cub Cadet, & Wheel Horse lawnmowers. Will pick up others. 937-473-2705 or
ÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓ WANTED: Old motorcycles, minibikes, mopeds, 3-wheelers, or 4-wheelers. Running or not. Covington 937-473-2705
FREE KITTENS! 8 weeks old. Litter box trained. Need a good home. Ludlow Falls area. 937-698-6789 or 937-836-0258
Let Stillwater Classifieds Ads Work for You!
33rd ANNUAL COUNTRY NEIGHBOR GARAGE SALE: Painter Creek area. June 23, 9-6. Maps available at each site. Some food stands. GARAGE SALE: 110 Wagner Rd., West Milton. June 17-18, 9-6. Lots of women’s clothes, size 16-20; pictures; tools; knickknacks; kitchen items; toddler girls’ clothes, size 6-8T; toys; Ryobi 20” battery mower; (like new) NASCARS; record albums; lots of misc.
DEMOLITION: Also, concrete demolition such as old swimming pools, barn foundations, porches, etc. Also, general excavation work. 937-232-7380
AMISH CREW Sam Schwartz wants any type of carpenter work. Room additions, roofs, foundation replacements, restoration of buildings, etc. For FREE estimate, call 260-301-1777.
AUTOMOTIVE CLASSIFIEDS MOBILE AUTO REPAIRS LLC ASE certified. 40+ years experience. GM engine, transmission, & differential repair. Call Dennis Bowerman at 937-459-8451
!,80+,390)1 422,7*0)1 ",7;0*, Your High Standards Plumber < /04 0*,38, ",7;03. 0)20 4 "03*,
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ESTATE SALE: June 16-17, 9-5; Sat., June 18, 9-2. 4510 W. St. Rt. 185, Piqua. Household items; decor; couch sets; table; hutch. Fabric—cotton, knit, flannel, & more. Quilt stretcher & quilt racks. Craft supplies & craft books. Outdoor tools; chainsaws; crossbow; hunting items & framed artwork. Older fishing poles & tackle. Large dog kennel. Steel carport. NO EARLY BIRDS!
HANDYMAN SERVICES BOBCAT WORK LIGHT DIRT & GRAVEL HAULING Quality work! Reasonably priced. For free estimates, call 937-985-5290 or 937-581-0045
Combine the power of print with the power of the internet All of our advertising is also available on line. Visit
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Need some work done around your home? Find the help you need in our BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY!
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607 N. Main St., Union • 937-832-0807