eCrWss Postal Customer STILLWATER VALLEYA DVERTISER Pre sOrteD stAnDArD U s POstAGe PAID Arens Corporation ! % " ! ! " ! " ! $ ! % # ! ! Celebrating Our 100 th Anniversary / ),# + ).&(%,)( )( +& !' *' ! " " !!! / , +!"$)+" )( !, !' *' -( !' *' Vol 71 - No 33 Circulation: 10,508 • 937-473-2028 • AUGUST 17, 2022 FAX: 937 473 2500 • E Mail: arenspub@gmail com • Check Us Out On The Web: arenspub com FULL Insert: BrOOKDALe senIOr LIVInG ZOneD Insert: PAttY’s IGA sPeCIALtY PAGes: DArKe COUntY FAIr PAGes 3 & 4, rOCK the hILL PAGe 5

As we’ve said many times the Stillwater Valley Advertiser is not a newspaper in the sense most think of a newspaper The key is in our name ADVerTiSer This publication relies on paid advertising to generate income for printing/postage costs staff salaries and building/equipment maintenance However the Advertiser is pleased to be of service to the community by offering open space when available to help our readers share news they feel is of interest to the community such as engagements weddings milestone birthdays and anniversaries birth announcements five generation pictures Vacation Bible Schools library programs school and club events, etc If an organization, even non profits like Veterans organiza tions, charge for a steak, chicken, or fish fry, we can’t offer free advertising to them, as their event competes with area restau rants who do pay for display advertising Churches also compete with restaurant advertisers when they host Chili and Spaghetti Dinners, etc The key is in what is done with the funds generat ed For example, a church hosting a dinner to raise money for a new organ would be charged to advertise that event However, if the church is hosting a dinner to benefit a family experiencing a health crisis or who have lost their home in a fire, the Advertiser waives the cost of advertising as our contribution to the effort Those wishing to advertise an event that does charge an admittance fee can do so by including that information in our Calendar of Events for just $15 per week If you question whether or not your event qualifies for free advertising, feel free to call our office at 937 473 2028, Monday thru Friday, 8:30 a m until 4:30 p m Our helpful staff will be happy to assist you, or will direct your call to Gary Godfrey, president of Arens Corporation ;2-*A >0 * 9 6 2< 087. 8?270=87 1;2< %= 8= <*5*- *7- @*=.; *7* <*5*-< a l w a y s intrigued Brinley She has worked a l o n g s i d e h o s p i c e t h r o u g h o u t h e r nursing career and it always stood out as a special job Her cousin worked in the hospice field and hearing her sto ries and learning how much she loved the field inspired Brinley to pursue a hospice career herself “I just can’t think of any greater honor than caring for anoth er human on their last days on earth,” Brinley shared Brinley graduated from MVCTC as an LPN and is currently working toward her RN credential She has four years of Geriatric and Adult Psych Nursing and about five years of long term care experience as an STNA prior to nursing school
The Old Ludlow Annual Church Meeting will be held Sunday, Aug 28 As in years past, there will be NO horse and buggies there There will be NO water in the unusually large bar rel in the church There will be NO hauling of necessary drink ing water from the Ludlow Creek for the congregation There will be NO electricity and NO plumbing There WILL be a picnic! Bring a dish to share, lawn chairs, or blankets There WILL be an annual gathering of souls of many denominations There WILL be wonderful congregational singing There WILL be fellowship for ALL There WILL be a short business meeting There WILL be a service conducted by Rev Curt Duncan, former pastor of Laura Christian Church Join us for a simple day as before the automobile in Laura Go south on Main St , go across the bridge, and it s the first street on the right at the top of the hill Picnic foods will be shared at 12:30, the business meeting will begin at 1:15, and the church service will start at 1:30 Questions? Leave a message or text for Becky Grant at 937 272 8437
Old Ludlow Annual Church Meeting Slated August 28
Looking for an honest deal? You can find it in classifieds out basement and maybe even the attic You Have to
The community is invited to learn more about our shared his tory by visiting the museum or attending a monthly meeting held on the second Monday at 7 p m The museum is open to the pub lic the first and third Sundays of the month from 2 to 5 p m and the second and fourth Wednesdays from 5 to 7 p m
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Sell, MarSha r., 75 - Formerly of Dayton and Charlevoix, Michigan Passed away at her home in Key Largo, Florida
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Valley Farewells
Sell your unwanted items in our classifieds. Page 2 STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER AUGUST 17, 2022 www arenspub com $"# * '+$&"*'&!'(Still Offering Our Daily Specials! &*$% ' $) " $& ! ! ! Do
Covington-Newberry Historical Society Announces Purchase of Property
The Covington Newberry Historical Society is a non profit organization dedicated to the collection and preservation of local historical artifacts, and since 1982 has operated a museum in the brick building located at 101 E Spring St Built as the first vil lage schoolhouse in 1849, at various times it also served as Board of Education, township, and village offices and the armory of our local national guard The building was expanded in 1880 to make room for the town s first fire wagon and was the Fire House until 1953 It is the only site in Covington listed on the National Register of Historic Places CNHS is pleased to announce the purchase of the property at 106 S Pearl St , nextdoor to the museum The cottage style house will be used for member meetings, fundraisers, and CNHS offices The purchase of this lot creates an opportunity for future expansion of the museum with the long term vision of building an energy efficient climate controlled facility to expand the space for displays

www arenspub com Page 3 STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER AUGUST 17 2022 Clean out your basement and maybe even the attic Sell your unwanted items in our classifieds. % " # " % $$$ $" !" ! August 19 - 27, 2022 • gREENVILLE, OHIO Celebrating 166 Years Of Greatness! Hoffman UMC Fine Art Show Winners Announced The 15th Hoffman United Methodist Church Fine Art Show took place in West Milton August 5, 6, and 7 All those attending had the opportuni ty to vote on their three favorite pieces among the 65 on display When the People's Choice ballots from all three days were tallied the winners were: 1st Place Tom Kinarney for PAntHerinA $400; 2nd Place George Stum for CHriStMAS CArolS $300; and 3rd Place James E Gentry, Jr for MAin Street $200 Those receiving $100 awards were: Donna Brooks for PASSing StorM; Olivia Bush for BtS JUngkook; Shirley DeLaet for lilieS on tHe FenCe roW; Debby Gregory for PeACe in tHe VAlley; Linda Lock for Milo; Juliann Lyons for Morning MeditAtion; Carole Schafer for Front PorCH roCker; Marie E Trittschuh for FroM tHe Vine to tHe Wine; Regina Whipp for loVe oF AViAtion; Edward Wilson for WHo; and Xiera Younce for Colored SelF PortrAit The show is sponsored by the Hoffman United Methodist Women Donations toward expenses are appreciated Money left over after expenses will go toward various mission projects 1st PLACE “Pantherina” by Tom Kinarney 2nd PLACE “Christmas Carols” by George Stum 3rd PLACE “Main Street” by James E Gentry, Jr Thank You To Jim & Tracy Sarver For Providing Funds For Monetary awards

Page 4 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - AUGUST 17, 2022 www arenspub com Celebrating 166 Years Of Greatness! August 19 - 27, 2022 gREENVILLE, OHIO " " " ! # $+ *$&! # * ( # '%$#'$& # "" $)( &$)%' ( &$) $)( ( & &! & ' , () #$$ ) +++ ( & "*'+&*( #$ ( '% , '( ,

www arenspub com Page 5 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - AUGUST 17, 2022 WHEELS?NEEDWANTTOTRADE? Stillwater Valley Classifieds bring together cars, SUVs and trucks with drivers every day. THE STILLWATER VALLEY CLASSIFIEDS Featuring new listings every week! or937-473-2028937-473-2020 )-%($+)( -# ! %$ -# . ,#** *%-# . ("#' *& "

Page 6 STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER AUGUST 17, 2022 www arenspub com You’ ll invite 20,000+ to your auction or g ar a ge sale w hen you ad v er tise it in our classified pa ges. HELP WANTED G A R A G E S A L E S EMPLOYEES?JOB?NEEDANEED Stillwater Valley Classifieds bring together job seekers and potential employers every day. THE STILLWATER VALLEY CLASSIFIEDS Featuring new listings every week! o937-473-2028r937-473-2020

www arenspub com Page 7 sTillWATer vAlleY ADverTiser AUgUsT 17, 2022 ´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´ WAnTeD: Broken or non running John Deere, Cub Cadet, & Wheel horse lawnmowers Will pick up others 937 473 2705 or ÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓ WAnTeD: Old motorcycles, mini bikes, mopeds, 3 wheelers, or 4-wheelers running or not Covington 937 473 2705 KJRIND01@hotmail com 8- W E E K O L D F e m a l e B l a c k Lab: $150 567 279 5723 VALLEY CLASSIFIEDS " & !" $ & # ! $ " " #!" ! % ! & # && % " %+"'$'#"& !! " & # & # " ! # " % #! !! " & STORBRADFORD&LOCK #/8976,4 ;936/99 755/8-3,4 3%(*13(; &$ % $( *** *** " STUMPTRIMMINGREMOVALTREEREMOVAL $ # # ! $ ! $ ! ! ! "# $ ( "$! <<< ;,.9,*/8,7;0*,8 *42 &$ $ 2 " ! # " $ & $ & "!% @%@% &$ % $( & & $# ! ( $ )11 $" ,-47, (4: ,*0+, !7+9+ < 5*0 &$ $ %&"$ &+ WOOD CHUCKIN, LLC !"# #! $ ! !" "& ! $ ! %&' # $'% $ "( &$ % $( +-1'2 * 5++29.00+ -.3 " %'' # %& "!&$" "(%#*" ")* '&*('$ *$ %(%*#,&)( /(%*+ 5*0 % #& & ! % COOPER'S ! ! ; 5*0 % #& & ! % $ # $ ? & "!% % #& & ! #' # ! " % * ( & ! # ' ! !! # &$ % $( TAYLOR’S TREE SERVICE #! #! ! % " " ! & # " !% $ $ %#" & % ' ) "%'$ + # %& $ ! ! ) $ # $ 05)3,13 < )8 )2%,3 95)3,13 56''1 3:7,5 :45)/4 6%.,5: #13- ; ' & "! $ " ! 8)7.32++5 ) %53:2 $. 7<361:76 <<< ):*9043>05 *42 :354,6.39,;-:376//8 >,277 -75 5*0 %37,0 5 ; )55:4&63+ &;/9 83 %,: :06 ! %'##+ % * ( & ! " & "! 4/,6 ),:/8=,>9 3:-2/9 #76.9 $"" & "!% ? " & "! $ ( &"# # & ! ! # & # # & ! # # ! # $ ! " ::: '5+2648( )31 # ! % & ! ! ' "# 5.9+:';6 '51 '2+6 '5/.2, 376 '80.2, ! ! % ! ! ! ! " # #'' + )* '' ")-* *&.%/#0 %%$+ 888 '112)34&.%'-512 '1/ !!# % ! "5,*0)10>03. 03 " # & " #,*/306:, 4,8(4:7 42, );, 1.), =% " > "947= 42, "9)7903. )9 "947= 42,8 "9)7903. )9 $( " $ ! #'"& % ! " %" & ) % )! $ ! ! " # * * 1 1 , !,80+,390)1 422,7*0)1 ",7;0*, Your High Standards Plumber < ",7;03. 0)20 4 "03*, / 4 0*,38, " + W O R K W A N T E D D E M O L I T I O N : A l s o c o n c r e t e demolition such as old swimming pools, barn foundations, porches, e t c A l s o , g e n e r a l e x c a v a t i o n work 937 232 7380 hAnDYMAn serviCes BOBCAT WORK LIGHT DIRT & GRAVEL HAULING Quality work! Reasonably priced F o r f r e e e s t i m a t e s , c a l l 937 613 0511 or 937 581 0045 AMISH CREW Sam Schwartz wants any type of carpenter work Room additions, roofs, foundation replacements, restoration of buildings etc For Free estimate, call 260 301 1777 T H I S W E E K S P U Z Z L E A N S W E R S MOBile AUTO rePAirs llC A S E c e r t i f i e d 4 0 + y e a r s e x p e r i e n c e G M e n g i n e , transmission & differential repair Call Dennis Bowerman at 937 459 8451 CLASSIFIEDS Automotive Automotive G A R A G E S A L E S MOVING SALE! Everything must go! Aug 18 21, 8 4 13032 Luth man Rd , Minster GARAGE SALE: 407 Mark Dr C o v i n g t o n A u g 1 8 2 0 , 8 5 Something for everyone! H U G E 4 FA M I LY G A R A G E SALE! Girls clothes newborn to 7; boys’ clothes, newborn to size 2T; kids’ toys & baby gear; adult clothes; tools; books; household goods; holiday items Everything is priced to sell! Thurs & Fri , 8 5; Sat , 8 noon 7151 Perry Rd , Covington hAving A gArAge sAle? Just a reminder that the dead line for submitting classified ads is ThUrsDAY AT 5 P M preceding publication S t i l l w a t e r V a l l e y C l a s s i f i e d s G e t R e s u l t s ! To Place An Ad, Call 937 473 2028 0r 937 473 2020 or e mail arenspub@gmail com Need some work done around your home? Find the help you need in our BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY!