ECrWss Postal Customer STILLWATER VALLEYA DVERTISER PrE sOrtED stANDArD u s POstAGE PAID Arens Corporation ; " 05' 3 07+/)50/ 0/ 3+ $. 1. ; ! 5 3$&(03& 0/ $5 $. 1. 6/ $. 1. 307+&+/) #'$34 0( 0% 5$%+-+59 : " # : : " # : # # : ! : ! *' '8'45 6/5'3 -+)/.'/5 26+1.'/5 $-- 4, (03 0*/ 03 $+- 50 ! 5 3$&(03& Vol 71 - No 39 Circulation: 10,508 • 937-473-2028 • SEPTEMBER 28, 2022 FAX: 937 473 2500 • E Mail: arenspub@gmail com • Check Us Out On The Web: arenspub com ZONED INsErt: PAttY’s IGA WhEN YOu suPPOrt A smAll busINEss, YOu suPPOrt A DrEAm ANONYmOus • PAID ADVERTORIAL •
Village Manager to be Guest Speaker
At Milton-Union Public Library October 6
The New Friends of the Milton Union Public Library announce that Jeff Sheridan, West Milton Village Manager, will be guest speaker on Thursday, Oct 6, at 6:30 p m
Mr Sheridan will be updating guests on the Stillwater Crossing development, and ideas for renovating our downtown area Light refreshments will be provided
The library is located at 560 S Main St , West Milton
imPact Program Offered At First Brethren Church
A kids night where they can learn about Jesus, play games enjoy snacks and worship together will be offered Wednesday nights starting October 5 at First Brethren Church, 210 N Church St , Pleasant Hill
Kids three years of age who are potty trained thru 8th graders are welcome to come to this fun and informative imPact program from 6:30 ‘til 8 p m
In the market for a new home, you’ll find it in our real estate classifieds
Laura, Ohio Reunion Planned October 22
The Laura, Ohio Reunion will take place Saturday, Oct 22, 3 p m until ???, at the Country Diner in downtown Laura Bring your own drinks Snacks will be provided
Spend time with old friends! All ages are welcome
Those having questions may call 937 698 3246 937 238 0553 (cell), or 937 698 5239
Melissa Tamplin Joins EverHeart Hospice Team
EverHeart Hospice is pleased to wel come Melissa Tamplin as an After Hours RN She has experience as an EMT with credentials ACTS Trauma Certification, and Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) She received her LPN training from Miami Jacobs Career College and received her cre dential as a Certified Hospice and Palliative LPN Later she received her RN from Ivy Tech Community College in Muncie, Indiana
Fire Prevention & Safety for Seniors Program Offered in West Milton
The Milton Union Senior Citizens & Community Club will be the site of a Fire Prevention and Safety Program for Seniors on Wednesday, Oct 5, from 6 8 p m Encourage people with elderly relatives and friends to bring them to this informative session
Some topics to be covered are:
Smoke Alar ms Changing batteries and expiration dates
Fire Prevention Videos, heating in households, and electrical overloads
Fire Extinguisher Demonstration
Carbon Monoxide Alar ms Signs and symptoms
This program is sponsored in cooperation with the Laura Fire Department
The Milton Union Senior Citizens & Community Club is located at 435 W Hamilton St , West Milton
Do You Have News to Share?
As we’ve said many times the Stillwater Valley Advertiser is not a newspaper in the sense most think of a newspaper The key is in our name AdVertiSer This publication relies on paid advertising to generate income for printing/postage costs, staff salaries, and building/equipment maintenance
However, the Advertiser is pleased to be of service to the community by offering open space when available to help our readers share news they feel is of interest to the community, such as engagements, weddings, milestone birthdays and anniversaries, birth announcements, five genera tion pictures, Vacation Bible Schools, library programs, school and club events, etc
If an organization even non profits like Veterans organizations charge for a steak chicken or fish fry, we can’t offer free advertising to them, as their event competes with area restaurants who do pay for display advertising Churches also compete with restaurant advertisers when they host Chili and Spaghetti Dinners, etc The key is in what is done with the funds generated For example, a church hosting a dinner to raise money for a new organ would be charged to advertise that event However if the church is hosting a dinner to benefit a family experiencing a health crisis or who have lost their home in a fire, the Advertiser waives the cost of advertising as our contribution to the effort
Those wishing to advertise an event that does charge an admittance fee can do so by including that information in our Calendar of Events for just $15 per week
If you question whether or not your event qualifies for free advertising feel free to call our office at 937 473 2028, Monday thru Friday, 8:30 a m until 4:30 p m Our helpful staff will be happy to assist you, or will direct your call to Gary Godfrey, president of Arens Corporation
Page 2 STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER SEPTEMBER 28, 2022 www arenspub com ! & " " " " " "& # !" ! % ! " & # "& " $ % $ $'& % !$% "#$ % % % % $ " $ % ! $ % ! ! ! # % ! % ! # ! • HOT TEAS & CAPPUCCINO • HOT CHOCOLATE MIX
F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , c a l l 9 3 7 6 7 6 2 8 0 2 o r v i s i t w w w f a c e b o o k c o m / p l e a s a n t h i l l f b c o r w w w f i r s t brethrenchurch weebly com
You’ ll invite 20,000+ to your auction or g ar
ge sale w hen you ad v er tise it in our classified pa ges.
Valley Farewells
burch, naomi r. (Woods), 91 - A resident of Bradford Died Thursday, Sept 15 ganger, joan, 87 - A resident of Covington Died Saturday, Sept 17, at Miami Valley Hospital meyer, sylvester f. “bud,” 91 - Formerly of Covington, most recently of Houston Died Monday, Sept 19, at Wilson Health, Sidney mullen, anthony c., 49 - A
Attention Junior High & High School Students!
VFW essay Contests announced
The Pleasant Hill Memorial Veterans of Foreign Wars Post #6557 invites you to participate in the VFW s Patriot s Pen Youth Essay Contest and Voice of Democracy Contest The contests provide stu dents with the opportunity to express themselves in regards to a democratic and patriotic themed essay Both contests are open to students enrolled in public, private, or parochial high schools or home study programs
The VFW’s Voice of Democracy and Patriot’s Pen essay competitions are dedicated to promoting patriotism among our nation’s youth Students are asked to submit an essay in response to a question or statement on a subject, which prompts them to consider how democratic ideals and principles apply to their lives
Competition begins at the local Post level Post winners advance to District and then to State Prizes are awarded for the winners at each level State winners compete nationally for U S Savings Bonds and more than $2 5 million in scholarships and incentives
The Voice of Democracy contest is for students in grades 9 12 This year ’s theme is “Why Is the Veteran Important?” Students are required to write and record an original 3 5 minute (+ or 5 seconds max) essay on a CD Entries will be judged on originality content and delivery For rules and entry form go to https://www vfw org/VOD/
The Patriot’s Pen contest is open to students in grades 6 thru 8 This year ’s theme is “My Pledge to Our Veterans ” This contest is a written essay of 300 400 words, in which students will be judged on knowledge of the theme, theme development, and clarity of ideas For rules and entry form go to https://www vfw org/VOD/ (and scroll down)
The essay and completed entry form must be submitted by October 31 to Pleasant Hill VFW Post #6557 by mail: P O Box 133, Pleasant Hill, OH 45359; or in person Contact Scholarship Committee Chairman Kris Byrd at 937 216 1223 or with questions regarding these contests
Cash prizes for both contests to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place entries will be awarded
at J.R. ClaRke PubliC libRaRy
102 E. Spring St., Covington & 937 473 2226
Sign Up In Advance for Instructional Programs at the Circulation Desk
REdEdicatiOn Of J R cLaRkE PuBLic LiBRaRy & 160th annivERSaRy Of thE BiRth Of J R cLaRkE
Open House on Sunday Oct 2 2 4 p m hosted by the Board of Trustees and Staff Bring your fam ily and tour the library Staff will be available to answer questions Learn about James Richard Clarke’s life A table will be set up in the Community Room Check out Monday’s Lifewise Academy for Grades 1 5 teaching “Positive Character Traits through Biblical Truths” in the Community Room Learn about the J R Clarke Alcove It includes Genealogy and History books community and county information and how we can assist you in digitizing your papers scrap books film etc A homeschooling and parent enrichment resource section is also available The Friends of J R Clarke Library will be available if you are interested in volunteering A slide show will present changes in the library during the past 18 months The library will be open from 2 4 p m From 2 5 p m there will be two food trucks available Treat your families to a mid afternoon snack or an early supper Outdoor seating will be available, weather permitting; otherwise, enjoy your food in the Community Room Adam’s Greenhouse & Produce will offer their ABC Bowl (apples, bananas and caramel) and frozen cider and there will be “goodies” by Susi’s Big Dipper cOvingtOn aMERican LEgiOn will meet the first Monday of each month, 6:00, in the Community Room
LifEwiSE acadEMy Every Monday, for Grades 1 5, in the Community Room For Covington Elementary and Homeschooling children Parents can give permission to attend The curriculum is designed to take students through the entire Bible, beginning in Genesis and ending in Revelation, over the course of five years Each lesson reviews a Bible passage as well as a "Living LifeWise" character trait
LEgO Landing & MORE Last Monday of every month Grades 1 4 In addition to Lego Building and Design, there will be a variety of other activities during the coming months From 3:15 4:15
dEvELOPMEntaL StORytiME Every Tuesday at 9:00 and again at 10:30 Miss Laurie and Miss Mary Kate will provide preschool activities and skills Books will be given to the children For ages three, four and five who have not attended Kindergarten Please sign up in advance
“kEEP MOving” ExERciSE cLaSS Every Wednesday and Friday, for mature adults, taught by Vicki Hand 9:30 10:30 These weekly classes can be adapted for all individuals
“hOdgE POdgE” activitiES Every Wednesday, starting October 5, 3:15 4:45, for students in Grades 5 8 A variety of STEAM activities will be presented from JRC’s “CLARKE’S QUEST” Makerspace
vERafLOw ExERciSE cLaSS Every Wednesday at 6:30 This is a dance based stretch format with mindfulness Dance, Stretch, Relax! Instructor will be professional exercise and VeraFlow trainer Lynn Blakeley Bring your Yoga mat or large towel The class is almost filled, so sign up today!
EPic wOndERS wOMEn’S BOOk cLuB Thursday, Oct 6 Meet at 10:30 in the Alcove A discus sion will take place as to the type of books to be read and format to be followed Books for next month’s discussion will be available This is part of the Mature Adults Library Programming an elevator is available
tRuStEE BOaRd MEEting Monday, Oct 10, 6:30 Everyone is welcome!
fREE hEaLth ScREEningS Tuesday, Oct 11, for Blood Pressure and Blood Glucose Premier Wellness staff will be on hand from 9 10:45 in the second floor Historical Alcove
JRc caRd and gaME cLuB Thursday, Oct 20, 1 3 p m , in the lower level Community Room A variety of games will be available, along with fellowship and lively discussion This is a part of the Mature Adults Library Programming elevator available
giRL ScOutS Interested girls will meet Tuesday, Oct 25, 6 p m , in the Community Room
gEnEaLOgiSt MikE hickEy Saturday, Oct 29, 9 a m 1 p m , in the Alcove Do you want to know more about family genealogy, etc ? More information will be coming
Oakes Beitman Memorial Library Storytime Error
Troy Twilight Invitational
Troy Twilight Invitational
### CLIP & SAVE ###
resident of Covington Died Sunday, Sept 18
10 Boys’ Vars ty Cross Country scores 0 points at
Inv tationa
10 Girls’ Varsity Cross Country finishes 4th place at
Inv tationa
10 Girls’ Varsity Volleyball beats Northridge 3 2
13 Girls Vars ty Vo leybal beats Tri County North 3 0
15 G rls’ Varsity Vol eyball fal s to Frankl n Monroe 3 0
17 Boys’ Varsity Cross Country finishes 29th place at
with 820 points
17 Gir s’ Varsity Cross Country finishes 26th place at
with 677 points
19 Girls Varsity Volleyball falls to Mi ton Un on HS/MS 3 0
20 Girls Vars ty Vo leybal fa ls to Preble Shawnee 3 0
22 G rls Varsity Vol eyball fal s to TBD 3 0
10 Girls Varsity Volleyball beats Greenon Jr /Sr HS 3 0
13 Girls Varsity Vo leyba l beats Mississinawa Valley Jr /Sr HS 3 0
14 Gir s Vars ty Vo leyba l beats Dix e HS/MS 3 1
17 Girls Varsity Volleyball beats R vers de 3 0
17 Girls Varsity Soccer beats Troy Christian 3 2
20 Girls Vars ty Vo leybal beats Anson a 3 0
22 G rls Varsity Vol eyball beats Franklin Monroe 3 1
In the September 14 issue the time listed for Fall Storytime was incorrect This program will be offered each Monday at 11:30 a m thru November 14 We apologize for any inconvenience this error caused library patrons
Page 4 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - SEPTEMBER 28, 2022 www arenspub com ()( 4=68=4 7AB B4?0A0C>A 7AB F3 B8=6;4 ?>8=C 7>>:D? A40A 20<4A0 6 "4034A =B867C <>=8C>A =4F 54434A 7>DB4 2708= 3AD< =4F 27055 B?A4034A $ '>60C>A 7>DAB 60;;>= (C08=;4BB BC44; C0=: 5C 1>><B 8= =>II;4 B?028=6 ) 94C =>II;4B D<<8=B 4=68=4 8A4BC>=4 C8A4B 7H3A0D;82 039DBC01;4 F83C7 '0E4= 2>=CA>;;4A 7AB F3 @D03 A0=64 5A>=C F4867CB 7H3A0D;82 A4<>C4B &)% ?>8=C @D82: 78C27 AD=B 3A8E4B 6>>3 0??A>G 7AB =4F C027 01 740C &)% 7H3A0D;82 A4<>C4B ?>8=C 78C27 ><?;4C4 >DC >5 5A0<4 >E4A70D; 7AB =4F >8; ?D<? CDA1> =4F 8=C4A8>A 6>>3 B>;83 CA02C>A #0BB4H 4A6DB>= 7AB ?>8=C &)% 7? #D;C8 ?>F4A 7H3A0D;82 =4F 60D64B AD=B 3A8E4B 6>>3 ;867C;H DB43 CA02C>A %;8E4A CA02C>A F3 =>= AD==8=6 B4;;B 0B 8B &)% 7H3A0D;82 >DC;4C >7= 44A4 AD=B 6>>3 0;F0HB BC>A43 8=B834 >A3 #>34; &>F4A (C0A ( *C8;8CH )A02C>A 7? 384B4; B?443 CA0=B<8BB8>= A>?B F8C7 20=>?H B7>FB 7AB =824 D=8C ! +'%" ) ( "+ ' % A46D;0A 201 F3 <8;4B AD=B 3A8E4B +'%" ) ( "+ ' % <8;4B A46D;0A 201 F3 B4AE824 1>3H >364 (") "0A0<84 <8;4B D<<8=B 384B4; B?443 <0=D0; CA0=B<8BB8>= CA0=B A41D8;C 8= C> 7? B?42B ?>F4A <8AA>AB ?F4A 3A8E4AB B40C ?FA F8=3>FB ;40C74A B40CB 6>>B4=42: 78C27 1A0:4 2>=CA>;;4A F3 4GC4=343 201 ;>=6 143 =4F 10CC4AH =40A;H =4F C8A4B AD=B 3A8E4B #0I30 <8;4B " 60B 4=68=4 B?3 <0=D0; CA0=B B8=6;4 201 5;0C143 =40A;H =4F C8A4B AD=B 3A8E4B 6>>3 ! ! +>;E> +$" <8;4B A08B43 A>>5 B;44?4A D<<8=B (- 4=68=4 ' C8A4B 6>>3 CA403 ) '& "" ' ) ( BC44; 143 BC44A01;4 C0=34<B 4;42CA82 C0A? =C4A=0C8>=0; <8;4B 0;D<8=D< 143 ) 4=68=4 ;85C 0G;4B A40C 0=4 '4454A )A08;4A $% ) )" (4;;B ( ( A4454A 8B =>= 5D=2C8>=8=6 0??A>G 5C ;>=6 ,8;B>= 5C 7>??4A CA08;4A 08A A834 4;42CA82 C0A? . "8E4BC>2: B4<8 CA08;4A 5C F 5C =>B4 5C BC4? 342: CA08;4A ! ! ) 7AB C7D<1 0DG 7H3A0D;82B 4=2;>B43 201 4=84 / $' 10CC4AH ?>F4A43 ;85C =443B 10CC4A84B " ( 5C 384B4; 4=68=4 7AB 7>A8I>=C0; A4027 +>;E> " 4=2;>B43 201 740C 1D2:4C AD=B 3A8E4B 6>>3 0B4 -' 7AB '>2:;0=3 &- 1D2:4C ?>F4AB785C CA0=B ! "' &>;0A8B &A> -& '0I>A F <8;4B &A> A<>A 70A=4BB4B " , 501 CA44 :82:4AB (D?4A ()+ A>>5 '>D67 >D=CAH B2A0C27 A4B8BC0=C F8=3B784;3 0=3 ;1 F8=27 8;><4= 2;DC27 :8C / % =>= AD==8=6 / > $>= AD==8=6 B40CB .0<070 60B 6>;5 20AC AD=B 3A8E4B / % 10CC4AH ?>F4A43 6>;5 20ACB AD= 3A8E4 A40A B40C F 270A64A # / ' 7AB 8= 8A>= 2><<4A280; 342: 60B '%&( 4;42CA82 342: ;85C / ' 7AB 8= 342: 8A>= 2><<4A280; 342: '%&( 4;42CA82 ;85C / ' 7AB 8= 342: A>;; 10A 2><<4A280; 342: 4;42CA82 ;85C ! 4F >;;0=3 #>34; 8B:18=4 (F8E4; 78C27 ;>F 02A4064 A4<08=34A >5 502C>AH F0AA0=CH ($ "$ # ( C0A? ;0A64 C8A4B ;867CB 1A0:4B E4AH 6>>3 2>=38C8>= # , 38B2 A8??4A B70=: 8= 38B2 >??4A F06>= 0??A>G 1DB74; 24=C4A 3D<? !>AH 7>??4A F06>= !>AH AD==8=6 640A 0??A>G 1DB74; DB7=4;; 7>??4A F06>= 0??A>G 1DB74; >??4A F06>= 0??A>G 1DB74; ;;8B 70;<4AB 5>;38=6 2D;C8E0C>A 5C F>A:8=6 F83C7 C >;38=6 70AA>60C>A ACBF0H 5443 <8G4A 3868C0; B20;4B 0AE4BC =C4A=0C8>=0; ) 6A08= 0D64A &)% 3A8E4= <4270=820; ;85C 4G24;;4=C 2>=38C8>= # 7>??4A F06>= AD==8=6 640A # 7>??4A F06>= AD==8=6 640A !8;;1A>B 1DB74; 7>??4A F06>= # 7>??4A F06>= / )A08; AD==8=6 640A !D:4A &D;; CH?4 B?A0H4A 5C 1>><B 60;;>= C0=: =C4A=0C8>=0; 1>CC>< ?;>F =C4A=0C8>=0; H2;> 8A ?;0=C4A A>F 5>;38=6 , <>=8C>A 5>;3 1>G $ ! ' D;C8E0C>A 5C (42C8>= 5>;38=6 10A 3A06 A08= % +0C>A 5C 5443 F06>= F 0D64A )0AC4A 4AC B?A4034A 0HF06>= $4F A>D67 2DC F>>3 342: =4F F744;B 0=3 C8A4B =4F ?08=C =824 >=24BB8>= CA08;4A 5C C0=34< 0G;4 2>D=C4A C>?B B8=: B4C D? A403H C> 6> =4F B:83 BC44A C8A4B =4F B:83 BC44A C8A4B =4F B:83 BC44A C8A4B >= >120C F744;B =4F B:83 BC44A C8A4B >= $ ) F744;B $ , (:83BC44A 1D2:4CB 8= 8= 8= 8= 8= ;867C 3DCH 38AC 1D2:4CB $ , !8E4; &0;;4C 5>A:B 8= ;1 20?028CH $4F !8E4; B8=6;4 ?A>=6 10;4 B?40A 0CC027<4=C $ , !8E4; 3D0; ?A>=6 10;4 B?40A 0CC027<4=C $ , CA08;4A <>E4A 0CC027<4=C $4F ) D64A 0CC027<4=C F8C7 J J 18C &40: A0??;4 1D2:4CB 8= 8= 8= 8= 5C 5>A: 4GC4=B8>=B )A08;4A <>E4A ?;0C4 0CC027<4=CB ;>B43 F4;301;4 ?;0C4 0CC027<4=CB %?4= F4;301;4 ?;0C4 0CC027<4=CB # ! DH4AB (0;C >66 (C08=;4BB (C44; (0;C (0=3 (?A4034A 60B 4=68=4 4GC4=B8>= :8C " ;867CB 8= 201 2>=CA>;B F8C7 4;42CA82 BC0AC $824 D=8C DH4AB (0;C >66 D182 .0A3 (C08=;4BB (C44; + >G (0;C (0=3 (?A4034A 7? 60B 4=68=4 8=E4AC43 E C>?B2A44= B?8;; ?;0C4B " ;867C 10A +81A0C>A 8= 201 4;42CA82 BC0AC 2>=CA>;B A??B #>34; &>8=C B=>F1;>F4A &)% ! ! D4; C0=: #4C0; 3D<? 7>??4A <4C0; BC08AB F0A47>DB4 B74;E8=6 ' C8A4B >= A8<B !% " ' & :+ (:83 #>D=C43 (C0=3 H 4= (4C !F !E0 ,744;7>AB4 C8;;4A 8= C8=4B !>7;4A 4=68=4 ! ! "& " $ ! % " " 31/3+ (/**+7 ,++8 '551= # &! $ # " ! ! % " ! ! 47+ /9+28 '7+ )42/3- /3 1+'8+ ).+)0 (')0 ,47 247+ :5*'9+* ':)9/43 /3,472'9/43 '11 +'71= ,47 9.+ (+89 +<548:7+ ,47 =4:7 +6:/52+39 ! " ! % & 9 9 7++3;/11+ ./4 ! $ ! !
www arenspub com Page 5 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - SEPTEMBER 28, 2022 Looking for an honest deal? You can find it in our classifieds OUR CLASSIFIEDS GET RESULTS! TO PLACE AN AD CALL 937-473-2028 " " " ! # $ ! $ """ * ) %&, &+( +)!% )) &+# !" & '&%)&( ( %)'+ $ !# &$
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www arenspub com Page 7 STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER SEPTEMBER 28, 2022 *9>6/8C= ,#(% 995 ;0-= 8 '34< &:9= # ( ' & # ( ,#(% & $ # ' ! ! # ( $! BRADFORD STOR & LOCK $0;<98-6 ><480<< 9770;.4-6 ! # # # # > @ > @ > @ > '% & %) ))) ))) # TRIMMING STUMP REMOVAL TREE REMOVAL ! % !$ ! $ " % " % " " ! # $% & * $&# ! ??? >.0<.,1;.:>2,.; ,75 '% % 8 # " $ # % ' % ' #"& C& C& '% & %) ( ( ! !&% ! !# *!& +44 &$ ./7:. *7= .,2-. ":-<- A 6+1 '% % &'#% ', WOOD CHUCKIN, LLC "#$ !$" ! % " "# ! !#( " !% " &'(!$ %(& % !#) '% & %) -04)5 !, 8--5<133- 016 " '++ $ &' #"'%# ! ! "(%#*" ")* '&*('$ /& ','/$1)-, 4,'/0 6+1 & $' ' " & COOPER'S ! ! < 6+1 & $' ' " & % $ % B ' #"& & $' ' " $(!$ " # & + ) ' " $ (! " " " $ '% & %) TAYLOR’S TREE SERVICE %# %# # !' $ $! # (!! ! % $ #' & & $"! % $ & ( !$&# + $$ " & %) " !$ " 0*4,*1); "*48-)* 8'-/'(/* ++ /$,&0 ++ -&'+0 $ &' % " " * % $ % 16*4-24 = *9 !*3'-4 :6*4-24 "67))2 4;8-6 ";56*05 7'/-6; %24. < ! "# # " ( ' #" % # " ;+:165--8 * &74=3 %/ 9?482=98 ??? +=,<276A28 ,75 =476-8/4<->.=49800; A-399 .97 6+1 '48-1 "6 < *66;5(74, '>0< ;4 &-= =18 " , &($$ & + ) ' " !# ' #" 60-8 *-=0;@-A< 4=.30< $98/< %##! ' #"& B !# ' #" % ) '#$ ! % "!( # ! "# % ( % % "!( # ! % % # % % " # === )8-597;* +64 %!" # ' ( !# "# ) $% 81<-=)?9 )84 )5-9 )8215/ 6:9 );315/ # # ' # # ! # # $ % $++ 0 -/ ++ #-2/ /)3'4$5 ''&0 999 )223*45(/').623 )20 ! ""$! & " $8.,2+42A260 26 $! % ( $ %.,1629=. 7.;*7=: 75. +>. 40+. B& # ! C $<7:@ 75. $<+:<260 +< $<7:@ 75.; $<+:<260 +< #' ! # "&!% $ ! " # &# ' * & # !$ ' % # ! # ! # % "+<27; $2-.?+43; :2>.?+@; # 2.4- %24. #.8+2: :2>.?+@ :7;;7>.:; # ' "4+,.5.6< :+-260 :2>.?+@; =24-260 .57 :=;1 4.+:260 .6,. 4.+6260 :..3 2<,1 +63 7?260 .'%)$+)6),( ), '0)&',1)$+ !-/* 65):0)5 $5/-8 -.. $5/-8 + ) ' " #" % ' *" % ! # # $ % + + + 7 7 , #.;2-.6<2+4 755.:,2+4 $.:>2,. Your High Standards Plumber A $.:>260 2+5 7 $26,. !1 7 2,.6;. ! # * W O R K W A N T E D DEMOLITION: Also concrete demolition such as old swimming pools, barn foundations, porches, etc Also, general excavation work 937 232 7380 hANDYMAN SERVICES BOBCAT WORK LIGHT DIRT & GRAVEL HAULING Quality work! Reasonably priced For free estimates, call 937 613 0511 or 937 581 0045 AMISH CREW Sam Schwartz wants any type of carpenter work Room additions, roofs, foundation replacements, restoration of buildings etc For FREE estimate, call 260 301 1777 WANTED: Person to clean two homes One in Tipp City and one in West Milton Bi weekly 937 216 7443 S t i l l w a t e r V a l l e y C l a s s i f i e d s G e t R e s u l t s ! To Place An Ad, Call 937-473-2028 or 937-473-2020 arenspub@gmail com REAL ESTATE VALLEY CLASSIFIEDS MOBILE AUTO REPAIRS LLC ASE certified 40+ years experience GM engine, transmission, & differential repair Call Dennis Bowerman at 937 459 8451 ‘55 CHEVY HARDTOP Restora tion Car: Have new body parts Not welded together Quarters, trunk inner quarters & floor new 937 622 8534 ‘99 BUICK PARK AVENUE: 937 232 7380 ‘00 JAVELIN RENEGADE BASS BOAT: 19 ft 12/24 trolling motor 175 hp outboard Nice boat! Runs good Garaged One owner $12,000 OBO 937 273 3812 IH B275: Diesel IH 240 w/sickle bar mower 10 IH wheel disc MF 255 tractor 937 232 7380 vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv WANTED: Broken or non running John Deere, Cub Cadet, & Wheel horse lawnmowers Will pick up others 937 473 2705 or KJRIND01@hotmail com 25 ACRE DEVELOPMENT: West Milton Some engineering is done Up to 52 lots 5 ACRES LIGhT COMMERCIAL: West Milton 1/2 ACRE RESIDENTIAL LOTS 937 232 7380 A U T O M O T I V E GARAGE SALE: 314 N Wall St , Covington (dead end of Lindsay & Wall) Sept 29 30 & Oct 1 9-? Partial Estate of Art Beck A little of everything! FALL GARAGE SALE: 7200 Zer ber Rd Bradford Sept 29 30 9-5; Oct 1, 9 2 Household items; craft supplies; pocket knives; & MORE! 4-FAMILY GARAGE SALE: Sept 29 Oct 1, 9 4 480 S Shiloh Rd , Pleasant Hill Holiday decor; clothes; household items; lots of toys & games HAVING A GARAGE SALE? Just a r eminder that the deadline for submitting clas sified ads is THURSDAY AT 5 P M preceding publication CENTER FRIENDS ANNUAL GARAGE & BAKE SALE: Sept 29 30, 9 5 Oct 1, 9 noon No early birds! Cabbage rolls are discontinued 8550 W St Rt 571, West Milton LARGE BARN SALE: Fri , Sept 30 & Sat Oct 1 9 5 1835 Stichter Rd , Ludlow Falls Vin tage items; antique & Craftsman tools; tractor parts; clevises; fish ing equipment; WD45 antique tractor; saddle; misc FIREWOOD FOR SALE: Hard wood Seasoned $120/cord 419 582 2273 at noon or after 6 p m Or leave message ÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓ WANTED: Old motorcycles, mini bikes, mopeds, 3 wheelers, or 4-wheelers Running or not Covington 937 473 2705 KJRIND01@hotmail com !! OLD GUITARS WANTED !! Gibson, Fender, Martin, Etc 1930’s to 1980’s TOP DOLLAR PAID Call Toll Free 1-866 433 8277 FREEZER BEEF AVAILABLE: 1/4, 1/2, or whole Dates Oct or Nov All natural grain fed Charo lais cross Bradford 937 448 2439 H E L P W A N T E D Looking for an honest deal? You can find it in our classifieds GARAGE SALES
Page 8 STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER SEPTEMBER 28, 2022 Caramel Candy Corn • Gummy Candy Corn Mello Cremé Fall Candy Now Available Autumn Mix • Gummy Pumpkins Available kins Wesler Pumpkin Spice Malt Balls • Plus More er 3 lB. BAG $5.99 or 2 for $10 - 1/2 Bushel $18 Golden Supreme, Gala, Zesta APPLE VAPPLE V VARIETIES ARIETIES DOUBLE SMOKED HA Deli Specials Specials M - $4.99 lb 3 lB. BAG $6.99 or 2 for $12 - 1/2 Bushel $25 Check Out the Farm F Honeycrisp resh Producearm F Fresh M & SWISS SANDWICH - $6.49HA SMOKED MUENSTER - $4.49 lb TT POSWEE APPLE BUT Covered Wagon Pint Jams TERO BUTAT TAAT TER-PUMPKIN BUT $1.00 SAVE BUY 2 TER FRUIT SWEE TENED APPLE BUT TER