Stillwater Valley Advertiser 1-11-23

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ECrWss Postal Customer STILLWATER VALLEY A DVERTISER PrE-sOrtED stANDArD u s POstAGE PAID Arens Corporation Vol 72 - No 2 Circulation: 10,508 • 937-473-2028 • JANUARY 11, 2023 FAX: 937-473-2500 • E-Mail: arenspub@gmail com • Check Us Out On The Web: arenspub com ZONED INsErts: PAttY s IGA WhEN YOu suPPOrt A smAll busINEss YOu suPPOrt A DrEAm – ANONYmOus Serving Miami Co. for ree Generations ! " $ ! " $ # ! " ! Wedding & Event Planner $ ! ) " " " #%& #% " & #% ( "'& & # $"% !

Paige Boehringer Earns BS Degree

From Ohio Dominican Paige Boehringer of Covington has graduated from Ohio Dominican University, Columbus, with a BS in Exercise Science

Valley Farewells

BOLNER, MIKE D , 63 - A resident of West Milton Died Tuesday, Dec 27 BOOhER, LINDa K., 78 - A resident of West Milton Died Wednesday, Dec 28, at Upper Valley Medical Center, Troy gOEN, EMILy (Cammer), 33 - A resident of Pleasant Hill Died Monday, Jan 2, at Ohio State University’s Wexner Center guINthER, DEBORah s , 72 - A resident of Springboro Died Wednesday, Jan 4, at Hospice of Butler and Warren Counties OsWaLt, DaWN E., 63 - A resident of Laura Died Sunday, Jan 1 sChWaLLIE, JOsEPh D , 95 - A resident of Union Died Tuesday, Dec 27 thOMPsON, gLENDa M., 88 - A resident of Union Died Saturday, Dec 31, at her home

all are welcome to join the fun!

Our wINter reaDINg ChalleNge will be held January 16 - March 17 We will have three divisions – Preschoolers thru Grade 5, Grades 6 -12, and Adults Simply come in to select your books, read, and when you return the item, fill out a slip Our top reader in each division will take home a prize All other entries will go into a second chance drawing for each division Drawing will take place March 17 at noon You do not need to be present to win

BINgO will be held January 19 from 1:30-3:30 Open to adults and FREE, this is a great way to get out and make new friends, see old friends, and go home with great prizes Participants may bring along a prize to share valued at under $5 if you wish Please note that our BINGO will be moving to Thursdays until further notice No sign-up is necessary

We are bringing back our SOUP SwaP on Tuesday, Jan 24, from 1-3 p m Come in to sign up and pick up your containers and a recipe card Participants will take home the amount of soup theys bring in We recommend bringing at least four quarts Bring in the soup and recipe the day of the swap and take home a nice variety of ready to heat and eat meals along with a recipe booklet of all the soups offered We will enjoy a sampling of a couple of soups that day prepared by our staff Door prizes will be awarded

The lIBrary leNDINg teleSCOPe is available to check out Crisp air and early sunsets make winter a perfect time to take the telescope home You may reserve the scope for a special event such as a birthday party or family gathering or a major event happening in the night sky The scope may be taken home from Monday after noon until Thursday before noon OR Thursday after noon to Monday before noon

The INNOvatION StatION is ready to help you with your Valentine Cards! Come in to use our Cricut, Ellison Machine, or stamp collection to create one-of-a-kind cards for your loved ones!

The library continues to distribute Free COvID teSt kItS Please call to request your tests Our staff will deliver them to your vehicle when you arrive please call 937-448-2612 tO sign up fOr librarY events Or have YOur questiOns

V isit Page 2 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - JANUARY 11, 2023 www arenspub com Need some work done around your home? Find the help you need in our BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY! 01." 4 + 0 0 &# .##+2'))# ,/0 &', 0 .##+2'))# ,,./ ,-#+ 0 - * 3'0& " +!'+% $.,* ,2#. !& .%# -#./,+ 6 .'-)# '!(#)7 3')) -.,2'"# *1/'! $,. 4,1. )'/0#+'+% +" " +!'+% -)# /1.# ,," 2 ') )# $$)# ",,. -.'5#/ +" '+/0 +0 0'!(#0/ 1/0 # 4# ./ ,$ %# #"+#/" 4 + 0, - * 0 &# '-- #+0#. &'." 0 '-- '04 &# $'./0 1/0#. '+%)# #2#+0 ,$ 0&# +#3 4# . 3')) '+!)1"#
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and will run for six weeks
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Combine the power of print with the power of the internet. All of
advertising is also available on line
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B r a d f o r d P u
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r a r y 138 e. Main St., Bradford & 937-448-2612 Our current session of PreSChOOl StOry
Children need to be registered to attend Please call the library for more
sign up your preschooler Home-schooled students in Grades 1-8 are welcome to join our SteaM ClaSS on January 12 from 10:15-11:30 These casual, hands-on classes are developed to help your student grow in the areas of science, technology, engineering, art, and math Registrations are not required to attend SeNIOr CItIzeNS wIll Be PlayINg CarDS Thursdays Jan 12 and 26 from 12:30-3 p m This lively group is looking for more players so
early DeaDlINe aNNOUNCeD STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER j a n u a r y 1 8 E D I T I O n (Due to Mar tin Luther King Day) classified ad deadline OnlY: Wednesday, Jan 11, 4:30 p m
www arenspub com Page 3 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - JANUARY 11, 2023 TAX, ACCOUNTING & FINANCIAL SERVICES HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS SCORES – COVINGTON –SUNDAY, DEC 11 - The Youth Wrest ing Team competed at Tipp C ty before the ho iday break at a Miam Valley Kids Wrestling Association meet The event included Lima Shawnee Troy M lton-Union Miami East Eaton Dixie Nationa Trail and host Tipp C ty Each of the kids gained va uable experience and represented Covington well tUESDAY & wEDNESDAY, DEC 28-29 - The Wrestling Team put in a great performance at the Greater Miami Va ley Wrestling Association Holiday Wrestl ng Tournament, finishing n 11th place out of 65 teams overall, and in 8th place out of 38 teams n the small school div sion (Division 2 and smaller) The Buccs finished just below Wapakoneta and just above M am sburg and had four ndividual wrestlers place in the top six at the prest gious tournament, one short of the school record – NEWTON –wEDNESDAY, DEC 28 - Boys’ Vars ty Basketba l falls to P qua 63-26 tHURSDAY, DEC 29 - Boys’ Varsity Basketbal fa ls to Troy Chr st an 68-29 tUESDAY, JAN 3 - Boys’ Varsity Basketbal falls to Brookville HS/MS 60-52 wEDNESDAY, JAN 4 - Girls Varsity Basketbal fa ls to Dixie HS/MS 34-28 NEED WHEELS? WANTTO TRADE? Stillwater Valley Classifieds bring together cars, SUVs and trucks with drivers every day. THE STILLWATER VALLEY CLASSIFIEDS Featuring new listings every week! 937-473-2028 or 937-473-2020 NEEDA JOB? NEED EMPLOYEES? Stillwater Valley Classifieds bring together job seekers and potential employers every day. THE STILLWATER VALLEY CLASSIFIEDS Featuring new listings every week! 937-473-2028 or 937-473-2020
Page 4 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - JANUARY 11, 2023 www arenspub com & # $"% ! Wedding & Event Planner $ ! ) " " " #%& #% " & #% ( "'&

‘Take Us Along’ Contest Pictures Sought

For the past several years the Stillwater Valley Advertiser has published “Take Us Along” pictures, randomly drawn from submitted entries Our readers tell us how much they enjoy seeing where their friends and neighbors spent their vacations

Contest submissions must include a COLOR photograph with someone holding a copy of the Advertiser, with a scenic background showcasing your vacation destination, such as the Golden Gate Bridge, Statue of Liberty, Grand Canyon, etc Space is occasionally available on our front page (the reason a color photo is required); however, winning photos may sometimes be placed inside the Advertiser and may be published in black and white Photos taken in private homes and yards, restaurants, airports, etc , are not acceptable contest entries Photos must be in focus and not too dark or too light

Include the names of the persons pictured and background information about your trip (dates, points of interest, amusing anecdotes, whatever you wish to include in your picture caption) We’ve drawn many contest entries that would have been perfect, but they lacked sufficient information and had to be rejected

Most importantly, many entries don’t include a return mailing address so the winner can have their picture returned to them along with their contest prize If e-mailing your entry, it should be in a jPeG or TIFF format and e-mailed to: arenspub@gmail com

Mailed contest entries should be addressed to: Arens CorporationStillwater Valley Advertiser “Take Us Along” Contest, 395 S. High St. - P.O. Box 69, Covington, OH 45318.

With vacation season just around the corner, we look forward to receiving many “Take Us Along” contest pictures. Don’t forget to invite the Advertiser along on your next vacation!!!

HAPPy TrAvelS To All oUr reAderS And AdverTiSerS!

www arenspub com Page 5 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - JANUARY 11, 2023
T H I S W E E K S P U Z Z L E A N S W E R S Stillwater Valley Classifieds Get Results! To Place An Ad, Call 937-473-2028 or 937-473-2020 or e-mail NEEDAN APARTMENT? NEEDA NEWTENANT? Stillwater Valley Classifieds bring together rentals and great tenants every day. THE STILLWATER VALLEY CLASSIFIEDS Featuring new listings every week! 937-473-2028 or 937-473-2020
LEGAL NOTICE www arenspub com Page 7 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - JANUARY 11, 2023 REAL ESTATE Combine the power of print with the power of the internet All of our advertising is also available on line Visit www arenspub com CLASSIFIEDS Automotive Automotive H E L P W A N T E D MOBILE AUTO REPAIRS LLC A S E c e r t i f i e d 4 1 + y e a r s e x p e r i e n c e G M e n g i n e , t r a n s m i s s i o n , & d i ff e r e n t i a l repair Call Dennis Bowerman at 937-459-8451 ‘10 INTERNATIONAL Semi Day Cab: 251,000 mi New tires 10 s p d 4 5 0 h p $ 2 0 , 0 0 0 937-726-9580 AMISH CREW Sam Schwartz wants any type o f c a r p e n t e r w o r k R o o m a d d i t i o n s , r o o f s , f o u n d a t i o n r e p l a c e m e n t s r e s t o r a t i o n o f b u i l d i n g s , e t c For FREE estimate, call 260-301-1777 DEMOLITION: Also, concrete demolition such as old swimming pools, barn foundations, p o r c h e s , e t c A l s o , g e n e r a l e x c a v a t i o n w o r k a n d l i g h t demolition 937-232-7380 W O R K W A N T E D VALLEY CLASSIFIEDS ttttttttttttttttttt WANTED: Old motorcycles, minibikes, mopeds, 3-wheelers, or 4-wheelers Running or not Covington 937-473-2705 KJRIND01@hotmail com zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz WANTED: Broken or nonrunning John Deere, Cub Cadet, & Wheel Horse lawnmowers Will pick up others 937-473-2705 or KJRIND01@hotmail com *9>6/8C= ,#(% 995 ;0-= 8 '34< &:9= # ' & ! !" " !% # ' $# # " ' $" "" " !% ! # !' # ' # ! " !% ' $! " % ! # # $"# !" & " ' $! ' & # ( ,#(% & $ # ' # ' $! BRADFORD STOR & LOCK $0;<98-6 ><480<< 9770;.4-6 ! # # # # < > < > < > < '% & %) # TRIMMING STUMP REMOVAL TREE REMOVAL ! % !$ ! $ " % " % " " ! $ ! 777 6(*4(&+3(26,&(3 &0. '% % 2 # " $ # % ' % ' #"& C& C& '% & %) " " $ %-- ()02( $05 (&,'( "8,:, ? 7,2 '% % &'#% ', WOOD CHUCKIN, LLC "#$ !$" ! % " "# ! !#' " !% " &'(!$ %(& % !#) '% & %) ,.2(3 !+ 6,,3:/11, ./4 " &(( $ &' #"'%# ! ! $! & %& #"&$# +% &)&+$-'*) 0)&+, 7,2 & $' ' " & COOPER'S ! ! = 7,2 & $' ' " & % $ % B ' #"& & $' ' " $(!$ " # & + ) ' " $ (! " " " $ $$ " & %) " !% " 1+5-+2*< "+59.*+ 9(.0()0+ (( +$)%, (( *%&(, $ &' % " " * % $ % 27+5.35 > +: !+4(.5 ;7+5.35 "78**3 5<9.7 "<67+16 8(0.7< &35/ = ! "# # " ( ' #" % # " 9*8/43,,6 * &74=3 %/ 9?482=98 777 %5&4,0/8,1 &0. =476-8/4<->.=49800; A-399 .97 7,2 (59.2 "7 = +77<6)85'>0< ;4 &-= =18 " , &($$ & + ) ' " !# ' #" 60-8 *-=0;@-A< 4=.30< $98/< %##! ' #"& B !# ' #" % ) '#$ " " " % " # ;;; (6,3759) *42 ! " # 6/:,;(=7 (62 (3,7 (60/3- 487 (91/3! $(( , *+ (( #*.+ +'/&0$1 &&%, ::: *334+56)0(*/734 *31 (3,'(/4,%- 0..(2&,%- (26,&( Your High Standards Plumber ? (26,/* ,%. 0 ,/&( + 0 ,&(/3( ! # " !% % " !% # ! % #./7 97/3,77 ",6:/*, /6,*846= 7 '496 "4198/43 %3 $052 53,/(33 2011(' )) '6(24,3( 0 442%&4 (7 5340.(23 -66 '# , FREE KITTENS! Inside kittens Potty trained (4) black with white & ( 2 ) w h i t e w i t h b l a c k Call 937-542-9817 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––!! OLD GUITARS WANTED !! Gibson, Fender, Martin, Etc 1930’s to 1980’s TOP DOLLAR PAID Call Toll-Free 1-866-433-8277 (2) CEMETERY LOTS: Miami Memorial Park, Covington “Vete r a n s G a r d e n ” S e c t i o n 2 , Spaces 291-292 Please call for details 937-238-0553 L O O K I N G F O R A f t e r - S c h o o l B a b y s i t t e r i n N e w K n o x v i l l e : Mon -Thurs , 2:50-4:50 E-mail: majiemao@aol com o r V M 419-345-6785
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