2022 Western OhiO Athletic cOnference
All ConferenCe Girls’ soCCer
All Conference First Team: Reese Hess Newton; Emma Szakal Newton
All Conference Second Team: Brooke Hines Newton
Special Mention Team: Caylee Hoy Newton
Player of the Year: Emma Szakal Newton
Co Coach of the Year: Danny Diceanu, Newton
FinAl ReCoRdS newTon Conference, 5 2 3 Regular Season, 8 5 3
All ConferenCe boys’ soCCer
All Conference First Team: Noah Brush, Newton; Josh Fisher, Newton
All Conference Second Team: Dan Fisher, Newton; Blake Reish, Newton
Special Mention Team: Aiden Kelley, Newton
FinAl ReCoRdS newTon Conference, 5 1 2 Season, 8 6 2
All ConferenCe boys’ Cross CoUnTry
All Conference First Team: Owen Canan, Bradford; Dylan Bauer, Newton; Seth Coker, Newton
Team Scores: Newton, 77; Bradford, 127
All woAC volleybAll All-ConferenCe
First Team: Ella Rapp, Newton; Bella Hall, Newton
Second Team: Eva Bowser, Newton; Emma Hemphill, Newton
Special Mention: Bella Brewer, Bradford; Kaylee Deeter, Newton
FinAl ReCoRdS newton: Conference, 10 1; Overall, 21 1 Bradford: Conference, 1 10; Overall, 3 19
Page 2 STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER OCTOBER 26, 2022 www arenspub com !,) '72&)5 867)5 -1+/) :-// &) %7 7,) !-33 )17)5 21 #)(1)6(%; '7 *520 3 0 ")7)5%16 %5)+-9)56 %1( '7-9) 87; %5) :)/'20) 72 7,-6 *%0-/; *5-)1(/; )9)17 -11)5 :-// &) 6)59)( 8)67 63)%.)5 *520 (-621 20081-7; 2//)+) /%5.) 8&/-' -&5%5; %1( /'29) -1 29-1+721 :-// ,2/( % *81(5%-6-1+ )9)17 %785(%; '7 % 0 72 3 0 8&/-' -19-7)( 2'%/ +)1)%/2+-67 -',%)/ -'.); :-// ()/9) -172 52276 2* 3%57-'-3%176 %1( 3529-() 7,)0 :-7, % *-9) +)1)5%7-21 3)(-+5)) ',%57 2* 7,)-5 %1')67256 (21%7-21 5)48-5)( :-7, % 3)5')17%+) +2-1+ 72 7,) /-&5%5;=6 /'29) !,26) :%17-1+ 72 7%.) 3%57 6,28/( '%// 72 ',226) % 7-0) 72 0))7 :-7, 5 -'.); $28 :-// &) %6.)( 72 3529-() % /-67 2* *%0-/; ()6')1(%176 &-57,(%;6 %1( 27,)5 -1*250%7-21 5 -'.); :-// 7,)1 '5)%7) % 3)5621%/-<)( *-9) +)1)5%7-21 3)(-+5)) ',%57 :,-', :28/( 0%.) % 3)5*)'7 ,5-670%6 %11-9)56%5; 25 27,)5 2''%6-21 +-*7 '72&)5 3 0 %7 -%0- 7 #)67 -/721 21%7-216 %'')37)( *25 7 8() ,-/(5)1=6 )6)%5', 263-7%/ %785(%; 29 % 0 3 0 %7 7,) 5%(*25( 8&/-' -&5%5; !:)17; /2'%/ 9)1(256 :-// 6)// ,%1( 0%() -7)06 !,)5) :-// &) 620)7,-1+ *25 )9)5;21) -1'/8(-1+ &%.)( +22(6 122(/)6 48-/7)( -7)06 */25%/ %55%1+)0)176 :22(:25.-1+ 025) ~ Southeastern Mills Gravy Mixes ~ Vanilla Beans ~ Gluten-Free Noodles ~ Melting Chocolate ~ Peter’s Caramel ~ Walnut Creek Cider pints • half gallons • gallons while supplies last 1/2 mile west of Gettysburg, on north side of U.S. Rt. 36 = ! $ #& = 03)'8+* /2 ':7 /2-3 '00 !" " ! $ # % !" "#! % " ! " 9< 2 :/8. ' 3928< ./4 3367 4+2 41 :/8. "/*+ '1+7 +,36+ '2* ,8+6 36 36+ 2,361'8/32 #+;8 !/). 63,/87 -3 83 .+04 ).'6/8/+7 +1(+67./4 4+6 <+'6 59'0/,/+7 <39 ,36 '00 83962'1+287 Buf falo ! $ & #%!" $#" & # # # # # # # ' ' ' " " ./1( ,%/)#!- )+$ !,% ! " !""!'% .++0 )$%0 " ()#*%- .1 )% )$%0 " !++%4% )$%0 " )$%0 " )%#% ()#*%- /%!01 ()'( %' )-' )$%0 " !+)0"2/4 1%!* !0(%$ .1!1.%0 /%%- %!-0 ~BREAKFAST SPECIALS~ ~daily SPECIALS~ ! " 3)1( (!0( "/.3-0 ./ (.,% &/)%0 " 3)1( 1.!01 " 3)1( 1.!01 " 3)1( 0)$% .& "/%!*&!01 ,%!1 " 3)1( (!0( "/.3-0 ./ (.,% &/)%0 " 3)1( 0)$% .& "/%!*&!01 ,%!1
–SATURDAY, OCT 15 Girls Varsity Cross Country scores 0 points at WOAC Championships SATURDAY, OCT 15 Boys’ Varsity Cross Country fin shes 5th p ace at WOAC Championships with 127 points TUeSDAY, OCT 18 Girls’ Varsity Volleyball falls to Fort Loramie 3 0 – NEWTON –SATURDAY, OCT 13 Girls’ Varsity Volleyball beats Fairlawn 3 1 TUeSDAY, OCT 18 Girls’ Varsity Volleyball falls to Fairlawn 3 2 Valley Farewells FETTERS, GLORIA A., 85 - A resident Ludlow Falls Died Thursday, Oct 13, at Brookdale of Troy GROw, mAdISOn, 20 A resident of Laura Died Saturday, Oct 15 TAxIS, ThOmAS A., 84 - A resident of Conover Died Thursday, Oct 13, at Ohio Hospice of Miami County
www arenspub com Page 3 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - OCTOBER 26, 2022
B r a d f o r Bd r a d f o r d P u B l i c l i B r a r Py u B l i c l i B r a r y 138 E Main St , Bradford & 937-448-2612
Preschool story hour will begin a new six week session on November 1 from 11 noon Registrations are required for each new six week session Stories songs large muscle activities fine motor skills crafts and loads of fun for children 3 and up and not yet in kindergarten
November 7 we will be playing BINGo at a special evening session from 6 7:30 BINGO is free to play and open to adults Bring along a prize valued at under $5 to add to the selection if you wish Refreshments will be served and everyone will go home a winner! Please come in or call to sign up for this special event so we can plan accordingly
November 10, from 10:15 11:30, will be our steAM WorkshoP for homeschool students in grades 1 8 These fRee programs are open to any homeschooler in the surround ing area and offer hands on learning opportunities in the areas of science, technology, engineering, arts and math Registrations are not required
seNIor cItIzeNs WIll PlAy cArds Thursday, Nov 10, from 1 3 p m New card players are welcome! Come join the fun, food, and fellowship
November 15 will be our reGulArly scheduled BINGo for adults from 1:30 3:30 Registrations are not required
The “Just Glue It” crAft for November will be held November 17 from 6:30 8 p m We will be making holiday gnomes Just Glue It crafts are offered fRee and registrations are required Limit of 20 participants
The library will be closed NoveMBer 24 ANd 25 so staff may enjoy Thanksgiving with family
Call thE liBrary at 937 448 2612 if you havE quEStionS aBout aCtivitiES or to rEgiStEr
Need some work done around your home? Find the help you need in our
Page 4 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - OCTOBER 26, 2022 www arenspub com ! " " " Hometown Proud! Best Meats in Town! 993 S. Miami St. West Milton 1$ ..-,$,1 $02*1 2& 1(-, * / (* 2& **$5 ($4 $.1 )4--# $.1 $'+ , 1'-*(" $.1 /-5 '/(01( , $.1 ( +( 01 $.1 -', -++2,(15 "1 $1'$* "1 -/1'/(#&$ "1 (3$/0(#$ $.1 & +$ & (,01 -', -++2,(15 "'--* 4 0 ,-1 , & +$ '$ 2**#-&0 4$/$ -/(&(, **5 0"'$#2*$# 1- .* 5 , 4 5 & +$ 1 -3(,&1-, 4'("' 4 0 " ,"$**$# !5 1'$ '-+$ 1$ + -', "' /1$/ 0"'--* %/-+ (,"(,, 1( ' # , -.$, # 1$ ,# &/$$# 1- 1/ 3$* 1- (*1-, %-/ 1'$ "-,1$01 Congratulations & Good Luck Bulldogs!&# 1))",%/ $'+'/&#" 0&# .#%1) . /# /,+ 3'0& 3'+ ,2#. '2#./'"# &# 0# * 3')) #%'+ -) 4,$$ !0',+ . +(#" , '+ 0&# ' 2'/',+ #%',+ !,*-10#. . +('+%/ '+'/&'+% $'./0 '/ ))#4 '#3 3&, 0&# ,%/ "#$# 0#" 1%1/0 '+ + 3 4 % *# &# 1))",%/ 3')) -) 4 0&# +'%&0/ ,$ .##/,+ 0 - * 0&'/ .'" 4 '+ $'./0 .,1+" % *# #%1) . # /,+ #/#.2#" # 0 ,)"#./ 3')) & 2# 0, -1.!& /# 0'!(#0 ,+)'+# $,. #+0.4 ,3#2#. .#/#.2#" /# 0/ 3')) # &,+,.#" + 00#+" +0 3')) # 2 ') )# 0, #+/1.# 4,1 ! + 1/# 4,1. /# 0 0&#./ 3')) # )),3#" 0, /'0 '+ 0&# .#/#.2#" /#!0',+ / 3#)) "1.'+% 0&# -) 4,$$/ )) 0'!(#0/ .# "'%'0 ) +" *1/0 # -1.!& /#" ,+)'+# 0 333 ,&/ ,.% 0'!(#0/ - //#/ !!#-0#" ! /& 0 0&# % 0# "1)0 0'!(#0/ 01"#+0 0'!(#0/ /!&,,) %# #)#!0 $,,0 )) '2'/',+ #%',+
Owner & Groomer Covington Eagles 715 E.Broadway (St.Rt.36) Covington,Ohio (937) 473-2100 $ ! $ $ " !" # ! ! ! # ! " ! Unfamiliar animals and pets should be avoided Visit only houses that are lit Always carry a flashlight Know how and where to contact your parents Stay on sidewalks as much as possible Only eat candy after your parents have checked it Remember to walk, not run, between houses Never enter a stranger ’s home Follow all traffic laws and signals ! " www arenspub com Page 5 STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER OCTOBER 26, 2022 ! ! " #
These safety tips are brought to
by these
local businesses
Page 6 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - OCTOBER 26, 2022 www arenspub com You’ ll invite 20,000+ to your g ar a ge sale or auctin g ar a ge sale w hen you ad v er tise it in our classified pa ges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
OUR CLASSIFIEDS GET RESULTS! TO PLACE AN AD, CALL 937 473 2028 W O R K W A N T E D www arenspub com Page 7 STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER OCTOBER 26, 2022 *9>6/8C= ,#(% 995 ;0-= 8 '34< &:9= " & " & " ! $ & # ! $ " " #!" ! % ! & # ' & # ( ,#(% & $ # ' " " " & # BRADFORD STOR & LOCK $0;<98-6 ><480<< 9770;.4-6 ! # # # # ; = ; ; = ; '% & %) ))) ))) # TRIMMING STUMP REMOVAL TREE REMOVAL $ # # ! $ ! $ ! ! ! "# $ ( "$! <<< ;,.9,*/8,7;0*,8 *42 '% % 3 # " # " $ ' % ' #"& C& C& '% & %) & & $# ! ( $ )11 $" ,-47, (4: ,*0+, !7+9+ > 6+1 '% % &'#% ', WOOD CHUCKIN, LLC !"# #! $ ! !" "& ! $ ! &'(!$ %(& % !#) '% & %) +-1'2 * 5++29.00+ -.3 " &(( $ &' #"'%# #)&$+# #*+ ('+)(% +% &)&+$-'*) 0)&+, 6+1 & $' ' " & COOPER'S ! ! < 6+1 & $' ' " & % $ % B ' #"& & $' ' " $(!$ " # & + ) ' " $ (! " ! ! # '% & %) TAYLOR’S TREE SERVICE #! #! ! % " " ! & # " !% $ $ "#$ ! $"! % $ & ( !$&# , $$ " & %) " !$ " 0*4,*1); "*48-)* 8'-/'(/* (( +$)%, (( *%&(, $ &' % " " * % $ % 16*4-24 = *9 !*3'-4 :6*4-24 "67))2 4;8-6 ";56*05 7'/-6; %24. < ! "# # " ( ' #" % " ! 8)7.32++5 * &74=3 %/ 9?482=98 <<< ):*9043>05 *42 =476-8/4<->.=49800; A-399 .97 6+1 '48-1 "6 < *66;5(74, '>0< ;4 &-= =18 " , &($$ & + ) ' " !# ' #" 60-8 *-=0;@-A< 4=.30< $98/< %##! ' #"& B !# ' #" % ) '#$ # & ! ! # & # # & ! # # ! # $ ! " ::: '5+2648( )31 # ! % & ! ! ' "# 5.9+:'<6 '51 '2+6 '5/.2, 376 '80.2, ! ! % ! ! ! ! " # $(( , *+ (( #*.+ +'/&0$1 &&%, 999 )223*45(/').623 )20 !!# % ! "5,*0)10>03. 03 " # & " #,*/306:, 4,8(4:7 42, );, 1.), ?% " @ "947= 42, "9)7903. )9 "947= 42,8 "9)7903. )9 #' ! # "&!% $ ! " &# ' * & *" % ! ! " # ! , , , ! 2 2 - ! !,80+,390)1 422,7*0)1 ",7;0*, Your High Standards Plumber > ",7; 3. )20 4 " 3*, /04 *,38, ! # * T H I S W E E K S P U Z Z L E A N S W E R S REAL ESTATE VALLEY CLASSIFIEDS MOBILE AUTO REPAIRS LLC A S E c e r t i f i e d 4 0 + y e a r s e x p e r i e n c e G M e n g i n e , transmission, & differential repair Call Dennis Bowerman at 937 459 8451 A U T O M O T I V E ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ 20’ hYD TilT Trailer All steel With power jack & new electric winch New tires $7,500 sT Paris 937 243 1821 BALLED & BURLAPPED Col orado Blue Spruce, Black Hills Spruce, Norway Spruce, & White Spruce: 3 ft , $70 4 ft , $90 Red Oak, $75 937 622 1603 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz WANTED: Broken or non running John Deere, Cub Cadet, & Wheel Horse lawnmowers Will pick up others 937 473 2705 or KJrinD01@hotmail com GARAGE SALE ÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓ WANTED: Old motorcycles, mini bikes, mopeds, 3 wheelers, or 4-wheelers Running or not Covington 937 473 2705 KJrinD01@hotmail.com !! OLD GUITARS WANTED !! Gibson, Fender, Martin, Etc 1930 s to 1980 s TOP DOLLAR PAID Call Toll Free 1-866 433 8277 ttttttttttttttttttt 1st, 2nd & 3rd CUTTINGS MIXED HAY Orchardgrass, timothy, fescue Some clover & some alfalfa $4 to $6 Per Bale Tipp City 937 667 6583 LARGE GARAGE SALE: 5995 W Myers Rd Covington Oct 2 7 2 9 8 5 I t e m s f o r m e n w o m e n , & k i d s F u r n i t u r e ; school; toys; exercise; clothes; outdoor; holiday I N D O O R G A R A G E S A L E / ESTATE SALE: 3745 W Ging hamsburg Frederick Rd , Tipp City Oct 27 28 9 5; Oct 29 9-noon; Nov 3 4 9 5; Nov 5 9-noon Household items; furni ture; home decor FREE PIANO in good condition For more infor mation call 937 212 9856 having a garage sale? Just a reminder that the deadline for submitting clas sified ads is ThUrsDaY aT 5 P.M. preceding publication. F O R R E N T I N C O U N T RY: Smoke free 1 bdrm apt with a p p l i a n c e s N o p e t s 937 947 1255 M O B I L E H O M E F O R S A L E : L a k e f r o n t A d u l t c o m m u n i t y Frostproof, Florida On Clinch L a k e G r e a t f i s h i n g ! Mike, 937 554 7756 Donna, 937 554 7764 DEMOLITION: Also concrete demolition such as old swim ming pools, barn foundations, p o r c h e s , e t c A l s o , g e n e r a l excavation work and light demo lition 937 232 7380 AMISH CREW Sam Schwartz wants any type o f c a r p e n t e r w o r k R o o m a d d i t i o n s , r o o f s , f o u n d a t i o n r e p l a c e m e n t s , r e s t o r a t i o n o f b u i l d i n g s , e t c For FREE estimate, call 260 301 1777
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