Stillwater Valley Advertiser 10-5-22

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ECrWss Postal Customer STILLWATER VALLEYA DVERTISER PrE sOrtED stANDArD U s POstAGE PAID Arens Corporation ; " 05' 3 07+/)50/ 0/ 3+ $. 1. # ! ! ! ! ! " ! # ; ! 5 3$&(03& 0/ $5 $. 1. 6/ $. 1. 307+&+/) #'$34 0( 0% 5$%+-+59 : " # : : " # : # # : ! : ! *' '8'45 6/5'3 -+)/.'/5 26+1.'/5 $-- 4, (03 0*/ 03 $+- 50 ! 5 3$&(03& Vol 71 - No 40 Circulation: 10,508 • 937-473-2028 • OCTOBER 5, 2022 FAX: 937 473 2500 • E Mail: arenspub@gmail com • Check Us Out On The Web: arenspub com ZONED INsErt: PAttY’s IGA, NEWtON BOArD OF EDUCAtION • sPECIAL PAGEs: IN sUPPOrt OF BrEAst CANCEr WEEK PAGEs 5, 6, & 7 • PAID ADVERTORIAL •
Page 2 STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER OCTOBER 5, 2022 www arenspub com % "' ! %"! "# This Week’s Daily Specials! $ "&#$ .41 2(0 $,.8 $/ 51 4(37( &1))(( 10.8 " # &5 +,22(' (() 3$78 9 ,'(4 ! # &5 +,&-(0 15 ,( 9 ,'(4 ! # &5 3,/( ,% ,00(3 9 ,'(4 4- )13 3,&( $0&$-( **4 $&10 ! # &5 $/ ,00(3 9 ,'(4 ! # &5 ($5 1$) 9 ,'(4 # &5 .. #16 $0 $5 "$..(8( 9 ,'(4 ! "# ! ! ! " " " ! Sports Collectibles Show Coming Up October 15 & 16 at Piqua Mall Don t miss the annual Sports Card and Collectibles Show at the Miami Valley Centre Mall Saturday and Sunday Oct 15 and 16 Nearly 50 tables will blanket the Mall with dealers showcasing sports cards, collectibles, memorabilia, comic books, and additional sports themed items for the NFL, MLB, Ohio State, and many more This is one of the best shows in the area, so bring your friends and family! Take I 75 to St Rt 36 Exit 82, to the Miami Valley Centre Mall 987 E Ash St Piqua Admission is FREE! Event hours are 11 a m to 8 p m on Saturday and noon to 6 p m Sunday This event is sponsored by SC Collectibles and the Miami Valley Centre Mall Those having questions or wishing to reserve a table should call 937 773 0950
www arenspub com Page 3 STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER OCTOBER 5, 2022 You’ ll invite 20,000+ to your auction or g ar age sale w hen you ad v er tise it in our classified pages. ! & !!% " $ % # ! " !% 01." 4 !0 * +" 1+" 4 !0 +,,+ ' *' 0 #/0 ')0,+ 01." 4 !0 0 0&# .##+2'))# &', 0 .##+2'))# ,,./ ,-#+ 0 - * 3'0& " +!'+% $.,* - * -#./,+ '(# '))'/ +" ,," 3')) # 2 ') )# $$)# ",,. -.'5#/ '+/0 +0 0'!(#0/ 1/0 # 4# ./ ,$ %# 1#/0',+/ )) ,+ '#0.'!& ,. ,.' #++'/0,+

Laura, Ohio Reunion

October 22

What’s happening at...

B r a d f o r d P u B l i c l i B r a Br r a d f o r d P u B l i c l i B r a r y y


The Laura,

Village Manager to be Guest Speaker At Milton-Union Public Library October 6

The New Friends of the Milton Union Public Library announce that Jeff Sheridan, West Milton Village Manager, will be guest speaker on Thursday, Oct 6, at 6:30 p m

Mr Sheridan will be updating guests on the Stillwater Crossing development and ideas for renovating our downtown area Light refreshments will be provided

The library is located at 560 S Main St , West Milton 2

Blood Drive Set October 10

At Covington Eagles

Support the fall blood supply and special needs of cancer patients by donating at the Covington Eagles community blood drive Monday, Oct 10, 1 7 p m , at 715 E Broadway Ave

Everyone who registers to donate with Community Blood Center October 3 29 will receive a Ignite the Fight October Breast Cancer Awareness Month T shirt Make an appointment online at www DonorTime com, call 937 461 3220, or download the new Donor Time app

October is dedicated to raising awareness about breast cancer and the need for blood donations to help all cancer patients survive One fourth of all blood donations goes to the treatment of cancer patients

The blood products of platelets and plasma are vital because chemotherapy can damage bone marrow which lowers the produc tion of platelets

Save time when you donate by downloading the new Donor Time app You can also use “DonorXPress” to complete the donor ques tionnaire before arriving at a blood drive Find DonorXPress on the Donor Time App or at www givingblood org/donorxpress

Bradford High School Community Blood Drive Scheduled October 10

Support the fall blood supply and special needs of cancer patients by donating at the Bradford High School community blood drive Monday Oct 10 3 7 p m at 750 Railroad Ave

Everyone who registers to donate with Community Blood Center October 3 29 will receive a “Ignite the Fight” October Breast Cancer Awareness Month T shirt Make an appointment online at www DonorTime com, call 937 461 3220, or download the new Donor Time app

October is dedicated to raising awareness about breast cancer and the need for blood donations to help all cancer patients survive One fourth of all blood donations goes to the treatment of cancer patients The blood products of platelets and plasma are vital because chemotherapy can damage bone marrow, which lowers the produc tion of platelets

Save time when you donate by downloading the new Donor Time app You can also use “DonorXPress” to complete the donor ques tionnaire before arriving at a blood drive Find DonorXPress on the Donor Time App or at www givingblood org/donorxpress

138 e main st , Bradford & 937-448-2612

Darke County Health Dept will be in the community room Thursday, Oct 6, 3:30 5:30 p m , for a flu shOt clinic Shots are suitable for those six months and up and are FREE for those with insurance Please bring your insurance card so Health Dept staff can bill for you Those paying out of pocket can receive a flu shot for just $30 No registrations needed

Our popular steAm WOrkshOp for homeschoolers returns Thursday Oct 13 from 10:15 11:30 These FREE workshops are offered the second Thursday of every month from October to April Classes are open to any student in grades 1 8 No registrations are required

BingO will be held October 18 from 1:30 3:30 Join the fun and see if you’re a lucky winner BINGO is FREE for any adult You may bring along a prize of $5 or less to share if you wish

Our new craft group “Just glue it” will meet Thursday, Oct 20, to craft a folded book turkey, Workshops are FREE and limited to 20 participants Registration is required so we may prepare Stop by the library to see the beautiful sample on display

Senior Citizens meet to plAy cArds the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month from 1 until 3 Join this lively group and enjoy some friendly competition food and conversation

Bob Daugherty will be leading a hAunted ghOst WAlk on two evenings Oct 21 and 25 Bob will lead you from BJ s Tower to School St , with several stops along the way to tell some chilling tales sprinkled with some great local history Space is limited to 15 people per night and registration is required Walk is slightly over one mile round trip Please meet at the library at 6:45, wear comfortable walking shoes and dress for the weather!

The library will have speciAl hOurs the week of the Bradford Pumpkin Show October 10 15 Hours are as follows: Monday 9 7; Tuesday 10 5; Wednesday Closed; Thursday 10 5; Closed Friday and Saturday We hope you enjoy the Show!

pleAse cAll the liBrAry At 937 448 2612 if yOu hAve questiOns cOncerning Any

Covington-Newberry Historical Society Meeting Slated

The Covington Newberry Historical Society will meet Monday Oct 10 7 p m in the house at 106 S Pearl St

Members are urged to attend as this will be the third reading of the proposed changes in the bylaws and the appointment of a nominating committee in preparation for the election of officers and directors at the November meeting 11

Western OhiO Athletic cOnference


& Church

Ohio Reunion will take place Saturday, Oct 22, 3 p m until ???, at the Country Diner in downtown Laura Bring your own drinks Snacks will be provided Spend time with old friends! All ages are welcome Those having questions may call 937 698 3246 937 238 0553 (cell), or 937 698 5239
Of Our events Or WOuld like tO register!
Events ! ) ! * " ! ' $( &$% ( # ! 6370 S. Kessler-Frederick Rd. " ! "
All ConferenCe Boys’ Golf 2022 First Team: Brady Downing, Newton; Hudson Montgomery, Newton; Quinn Peters Newton Special Mention Team: Landon Monnin Bradford; Aaron Colvin, Newton finAl teAm stAndings Arcanum 19 1 Newton 19 1 National Trail 16 4 Ansonia 12 8 Tri Village 11 9 Dixie 10 10 Franklin Monroe 9 11 Bradford 6 14 Mississinawa Valley 6 14 Preble Shawnee 2 18 Tri County North 0 20
Advertise it in our classifieds Looking for an honest deal? You can find it in our classifieds




Seven Steps to Take to Reduce the Risk

What to Know About Prophylactic Mastectomy

Breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in American women, and is the leading cause of cancer death in less developed countries, says the Breast Cancer Research Foundation According to Susan G Komen, more than 680,000 breast cancer deaths occurred worldwide in 2020

Breast cancer affects the anatomy of the breasts and can often spread to the lymph nodes While breast can cer can affect just about any woman (as well as men) certain women are at higher risk for developing breast can cer than others Such women include those with a family history of breast cancer and/or the presence of genetic markers called BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene mutations, according to the Bedford Breast Institute Those women have a lifetime risk of up to 87 percent for getting breast cancer and 53 percent for developing ovarian cancer Other risk factors include the presence of dense breast tissue, exposure to radiation at an early age and having already had cancer in one breast

However, research suggests that a diet high in vegetables and fruit, and calcium rich dairy products, but low in red and processed meats may lower breast cancer risk

3 Avoid or limit alcohol consumptions Alcohol increases risk of breast cancer even in small amounts For those who drink no more than one alcoholic drink a day should be the limit The more a woman drinks the greater her risk of developing breast cancer states the Mayo Clinic

4 Undergo genetic counseling and testing Women concerned about a genetic connection or family his tory of breast cancer can speak to their doctor about testing and counseling that could help them reduce their risk Preventive medicines and surgeries might help those at elevated risk for breast cancer

5 Limit hormone therapy Combination hormone replacement therapy for post menopausal women may increase risk of breast cancer indicates the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Similarly taking oral contraceptives during reproductive years may increase risk Women can speak with their physi cians to weigh the pros and cons of taking such hormones

6 Breastfeed children, if possible Breastfeeding has been linked to reducing a woman s risk of devel oping breast cancer

7 Learn to detect breast cancer Women should get to know their bodies so they can determine if some thing is awry as early as possible Early detection of breast cancer increases the chances that treatment will prove successful

What is prophylactic mastectomy? In instances when breast cancer risk is particularly high women may opt to undergo prophylactic mastectomy also called preventative mastectomy This is the surgical removal of one or both breasts with the intent to dramatically reduce the risk of developing breast cancer

What is rate of risk reduction? The Mayo Clinic says prophylactic mastectomy reduces the risk of devel oping breast cancer by 90 to 95 percent among women with BRCA gene mutations It is roughly the same risk reduction for women who already have had breast cancer or have a strong family history of the disease and then have a breast removed Studies indicate that preventative mastectomy of the unaffected breast (called contralat eral prophylactic mastectomy) in cases when breast cancer occurred in the other breast when no genetic muta tions or hereditary risk factors are present, has little to no effect on overall survival rate This is a surgery only for those with very high risk

Why isn’t risk reduced completely? Not all breast tissue can be removed during a prophylactic mastecto my That is because breast tissue can sometimes be found in the chest, armpit, skin, above the collarbone, or on the upper part of the abdominal wall states the Mayo Clinic It is impossible to remove all breast tissue cells dur ing surgery Although risk reduction is significant after mastectomy that risk cannot be eliminated entirely Risks associated with prophylactic mastectomy

There are some risks associated with prophylactic mastectomy, both during the procedure and afterwards Women are definitely urged to seek medical advice and carefully consider the pros and cons before opting for the surgery

T R E A T M E N T O P T I O N S & T H E S T A G E S O F B R E A S T C A N C E R

Treatment Options for Breast Cancer Patients

Millions of women worldwide are diagnosed with breast cancer each year Such a diagnosis is never welcome but women should know that survival rates have improved dramatically in recent decades In fact the World Health Organization reports that by the end of 2020 nearly eight million women were living despite having been diagnosed with breast cancer at some point in the previous half decade

Breaking Down the Stages of Breast Cancer

Once a person is diagnosed with cancer his or her physician will try to determine how far the illness has progressed including whether or not it has spread to other areas of the body This effort is known as staging Each cancer has its unique staging characteristics and breast cancer is no different

One of the reasons for the improved survival rates is the efficacy of various treatments

The National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc ® notes that doctors have various options to treat breast cancer, and they often devise treatment plans that include some combination of treatments Though no one wants to imagine receiving a breast cancer diagnosis understanding the potential treatments for the disease can help women and their families be more prepared should that day ever arrive The following are three treatment options physicians may discuss with women as they begin devising ways to overcome the disease

1 Chemotherapy Chemotherapy is used to treat various cancers, including breast cancer Chemotherapy employs various drugs to destroy cancer cells or slow their growth The drugs administered during chemothera py are known as cytotoxic drugs and may be administered orally or intravenously The NBCF notes that chemotherapy is offered to most patients though doctors will consider a host of variables before deciding if chemotherapy is right for a given patient Those variables include the type of tumor its grade and its size

2 Radiation Therapy During radiation treatments high energy rays are used to kill cancer cells Only cells in the part of the body that is being treated with radiation are affected, so patients needn t worry that other parts of their body will be hit with radiation The NBCF reports that patients diagnosed with Stage 0 (DCIS) and most diagnosed with Stage 1 invasive cancer or higher can expect doctors to prescribe radiation therapy Women who have had a lumpectomy also are likely to be prescribed radiation Two main kinds of radiation are generally con sidered for breast cancer patients External beam breast cancer radiation treatment delivers cancer killing rays through a large machine Internal breast cancer radiation is a newer treatment that injects radioactive cancer killing treatments into the affected area

3 Targeted therapy The NBCF reports that targeted therapy is commonly used in combination with tradi tional chemotherapy Targeted therapy attacks specific breast cancer cells without harming normal cells, which is why it tends to produce less severe side effects than chemotherapy treatments Targeted therapy employs drugs to block the growth of cancer cells in very specific ways


Can Be a

The stage of the cancer ultimately refers to how much cancer is present in the body, indicates the American Cancer Society Doctors treating breast cancer adhere to the TNM staging system, which is over seen by the American Joint Committee on Cancer This staging uses both clinical and pathological (surgi cal) systems for breast cancer staging Pathological staging may be more accurate because it examines tis sues taken during surgery or a biopsy

T categories T in the staging system refers to the tumor s size and whether it has spread to the skin or chest wall under the breast Higher numbers refer to larger tumors and greater spread

N categories N in the staging system identifies if the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes near the breast, and if so, how many

M categories M indicates if the cancer has spread to distant organs

The ACS says there are so many possibilities that can go into staging that two women at the same breast cancer stage may have different experiences

Any sign of an abnormality in the breast or body merits a consultation with a doctor who can determine if breast cancer is present Lower numbers on TNM staging are desired, and can be achieved by catching breast cancer early


There are Varied Ways to Show You Care

cleaning up around the house, can be practical and much appreciated Approach the indi vidual and ask questions in pointed ways Rather than, “What can I do to help?”, which may result in an answer of “Nothing

figure out a way to pitch in and then ask if that would be acceptable This may be “Would you like me to

the supermarket for you today?”


cancer may just need a person who can be there and lis ten

emotional support


of understanding or even a companion who can chat and take the person s mind off the cancer can be immensely helpful Keep in mind that emotions may change on a dime, and some emotions may be directed at support systems While it can feel hurtful, remember the real reason for any outburst is the disease Patience is needed at all times

• Learn what you can about breast cancer Research the type of cancer your loved one has which may make it easier to understand what to expect If the person is amenable you may consider accompanying her to appointments to hear firsthand about the next steps in her treatment and recovery

• Maintain a positive attitude It s never easy knowing someone you love is sick They are going through their own emotional roller coaster, and support systems can lift their spirits by maintaining positive atti tudes Avoid wearing rose colored glasses, but try to remain as upbeat as possible

• Find a support group Professional support groups are great resources for coping with a cancer journey

www arenspub com Page 5 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - OCTOBER 5, 2022 THINK
Many women are concerned about the potential for developing breast cancer in their lifetimes Breast cancer is the second most common cancer among women in the United States and Canada Despite that prevalence there are ways for women to reduce their risk for breast cancer While it is impossible to change family history or genetic markers like gene mutations that increase breast cancer risk, the following are seven ways women can lower their risk 1 Exercise regularly and maintain a healthy weight Physical activity and monitoring calories can keep weight in check The Mayo Clinic recommends at least 150 minutes per week of moderate aerobic activ ity or 75 minutes per week of vigorous aerobic activity Strength training at least twice a week also is rec ommended Being overweight or obese increases a woman s risk for breast cancer 2 Consume a healthy diet The link between diet and breast cancer risk is still being studied
Challenge Navigating cancer treatment is a challenge unlike any other Medical professionals often advise cancer patients to lean on their support systems during treatment, and heeding that advice can make it easier to manage the ups and downs that can arise when being treated for cancer In addition to building a strong and trustworthy support system individuals diagnosed with breast cancer can study up on what to expect during treatment Side effects of treatment may differ depending on the treatment plan devised by women s cancer care teams Such plans are not uniform and the National Breast Cancer Foundation Inc ® notes that treatments often include a combination of therapies, including chemotherapy and radiation In addition, no two women are the same, so they may respond differently to similar treatment plans than others have in the past Despite the differences between treatment plans and patients, Johns Hopkins Medicine notes that women may experience an assortment of side effects including: • Fatigue • Headaches • Pain and Numbness: • Dental Issues • Lymphedema • Musculoskeletal Issues • Bone Loss and Osteoporosis • Heart Problems or Heart Attack, Stroke and Heart Failure • New Cancers • Cataracts • Blood Clots • Absence of Menstrual Periods • Menopausal Symptoms • Sexual Difficulties • Infertility • Concerns About Memory Loss and Cognitive Function
Efforts to educate women about breast cancer have helped raise awareness of the disease and just how treatable it is when detected early When someone close to you is affected by breast cancer priorities sud denly change and you may be wondering what you can do to provide the support needed A breast cancer diagnosis does not produce a uniform response While one loved one may embrace others wanting to help, another may feel she is a burden and exhibit an unwillingness to accept help In the latter instance, being a supportive bystander may require walking on eggshells Even still, there are some universal ways to lend support when a friend or a loved one has been diagnosed with cancer • Offer practical support Cancer affects the body in a number of ways Energy levels may wane and cer tain symptoms may arise Side effects from treatments also can make it difficult to continue with daily tasks So an offer to help with tasks associated with daily living, such as cooking meals, gardening, wash ing clothes, or
run to
• Offer
A hug,
is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

In the battle ag ainst breast c ancer, ear l y detection is a woman ’ s most power ful weapon. In fact, according to the National Cancer Institute, when breast c ancer is detected in an ear l y, loc aliz ed stage, the five-year sur vival rate is 98 percent. That ’ s why it is so impor tant for all women to make breast health awareness a regular par t of their healthc are routine.

This message is brought to you by these local businesses All contribute significantly to their local community



G rowing Awareness To Save Lives

A mammogram can detect breast cancer in its earliest, most treatable stages, and many major health organizations recommend annual mammogram screenings for women beginning at age 40. Experts also recommend clinical breast exams and breast self-exams to check for breast abnormalities on a regular basis. Any woman noticing unusual changes in her breasts should contact her healthcare provider immediately Women of all ages should speak to their doctor about their personalized recommendations for breast cancer screening.

In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we remember the women who have lost their lives to the disease, and we voice our support for those in the fight of their lives.

Owner & Groomer 11 N. Miami St. West Milton 937-698-WING (9464) We Support the Battle Against Breast Cancer! $ ! $ $ " !" # ! ! ! # ! " !

Breast Cancer AWARENESS

Breast Cancer Signs and Symptoms

Breast cancer is a formidable foe According to the World Health Organization an estimated 627 000 women lost their lives to breast cancer in 2018 But women are not helpless in the fight against breast cancer, as the WHO notes early detection is critical and could potentially save thousands of lives each year

A proactive approach is a key component of protecting oneself against breast cancer While the National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc ® notes that many breast cancer symptoms are invisible and not noticeable without a professional cancer screening, women can keep an eye out for certain signs of breast cancer they might be able to detect on their own Monthly self exams can help women more easily identify changes in their breasts During such self exams, women can look for the following signs and symptoms and are advised to report any abnormalities they discover to their physicians immediately

• Changes in how the breast or nipple feels: The NBCF says nipple tenderness or a lump or thickening in or near the breast or underarm could indicate the presence of breast cancer Some women may notice changes in the skin texture or an enlargement of the pores in the skin of their breast In many instances, skin texture has been described as being similar to the texture of an orange peel Lumps in the breast also may indicate breast cancer, though not all lumps are cancerous

• Change in appearance of the breast or nipple: Unexplained changes in the size or shape of the breast; dimpling any where on the breast; unexplained swelling or shrinking of the breast, particularly when the shrinking or swelling is exclusive to one side only; and a nipple that is turned slightly inward or inverted are some signs and symptoms of cancer that can affect the appearance of the breast or nipple It’s common for women’s breasts to be asymmetrical but sudden asymmetry should be brought to the attention of a physician

Discharge from the nipple: The NBCF notes that any discharge from the nipple, but particularly a clear or bloody discharge, could be a sign of breast cancer The NBCF advises women that a milky discharge when they are not breastfeeding is not linked to breast cancer but should be discussed with a physician Learning to recognize the signs and symptoms of breast cancer can increase the likelihood of early diagnosis, which can greatly improve chances of surviving this disease

Smith & Assoc. Insurance Agency

In recognition of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, these sponsors are voicing their support in this fight for a cure Arens Corp , publisher of this paper, is also making a donation to help fund breast cancer research

! ! " # ! " Best Meats in Town!
This message is brought to you by these local businesses. All contribute significantly to their local community. WE ASK THAT YOU PLEASE GIVE THEM YOUR SUPPORT! www arenspub com Page 7 STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER OCTOBER 5, 2022


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A U T O M O T I V E www arenspub com Page 11 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - OCTOBER 5, 2022 Let Stillwater Classifieds Ads Work for You! *9>6/8C= ,#(% 995 ;0-= 8 '34< &:9= # ( ' & # ( ,#(% & $ # ' ! ! # ( $! BRADFORD STOR & LOCK $0;<98-6 ><480<< 9770;.4-6 ! # # # # > @ > @ > @ > '% & %) ))) ))) # TRIMMING STUMP REMOVAL TREE REMOVAL ! % !$ ! $ " % " % " " ! # $% & * $&# ! ??? >.0<.,1;.:>2,.; ,75 '% % 8 # " $ # % ' % ' #"& C& C& '% & %) ( ( ! !&% ! !# *!& +44 &$ ./7:. *7= .,2-. ":-<- A 6+1 '% % &'#% ', WOOD CHUCKIN, LLC "#$ !$" ! % " "# ! !#( " !% " &'(!$ %(& % !#) '% & %) -04)5 !, 8--5<133- 016 " '++ $ &' #"'%# ! ! "(%#*" ")* '&*('$ /& ','/$1)-, 4,'/0 6+1 & $' ' " & COOPER'S ! ! < 6+1 & $' ' " & % $ % B ' #"& & $' ' " $(!$ " # & + ) ' " $ (! " " " $ '% & %) TAYLOR’S TREE SERVICE %# %# # !' $ $! # (!! ! % $ #' & & $"! % $ & ( !$&# + $$ " & %) " !$ " 0*4,*1); "*48-)* 8'-/'(/* ++ /$,&0 ++ -&'+0 $ &' % " " * % $ % 16*4-24 = *9 !*3'-4 :6*4-24 "67))2 4;8-6 ";56*05 7'/-6; %24. < ! 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Your High Standards Plumber A $.:> 60 +52 7 $ 6,. !1 7 2,.6;. ! # * VALLEY CLASSIFIEDS GARAGE SALES WORK WANTED ($/(' ,'6 ,1*/( 5,0( 2175$&7 )25 7+( )85 1,6+,1* 2) $// 1(&(66$5< 0$7(5,$/6 $1' &216758&7,21 2) 7+( %,' 3$&.$*(6 (: $9,/,21 $1' 3/$6+ $' ,' 2175$&7 $1' 03+,7+($7(5 ,' 2175$&7 $1' $// $662&,$7(' 6,7( :25. $5( 5(48(67(' %< 7+( ",//$*( 2) 29,1*721 +,2 ,'6 :,// %( 5(&(,9(' $7 7+( 29,1*721 29(510(17 (17(5 ,*+ 7 29,1*721 +,2 817,/ $ 0 21 )25 ,' 2175$&7 $1' $ 0 21 )25 ,' 2175$&7 $1' $7 7+$7 7,0( :,// %( 38%/,&/< 23(1(' $1' 5($' $/28' !+( 5(9,6(' %$6( (67,0$7( 2) 352%$%/( &2676 )25 7+(6( 352(&76 $5( ,' 2175$&7 ,' 21 75$&7 $6 ,'(17,),(' ,1 5( %,' '2&80(176 ,''(56 6+$// 127 %( 5(63216,%/( )25 3$<,1* 6$/(6 7$;(6 21 0$7(5,$/6 ,1&2532 5$7(' ,172 7+( 6758&785( 2175$&7256 &$1 %,' 21 %27+ 3$&.$*(6 6(3$5$7(/< 0867 %( .(37 6(3$5$7( '8( 72 )81',1* 6285&(6 (9,6(' 216758&7,21 203/(7,21 $7( (37(0%(5 !+,6 352-(&7 0867 )2//2: $// $1' 7+( /$7(67 7$7( 2) +,2 5( 9$,/,1* #$*( 58/(6 5(*8/$7,216 $1' 5$7(6 $1' )2//2: 8< 0(5,&$1 58/(6 $1' 5(*8/$7,216 $6 127(' !+( &203/(7( 5( %,' $'9(57,6(0(17 &$1 $/62 %( 5(9,(:(' 21 ",//$*(>6 #(%6,7( = !+( 5(9,6(' 83'$7(' &2175$&7 '2&80(176 ,1&/8',1* 3/$16 $1' 63(&,),&$7,216 $5( 21 ),/( $7 7+( ",//$*( 29(510(17 (17(5 $1' 7+( 5&+,7(&7 1*,1((5 = 2**(0(<(5 (6,*1 5283 1& 2&80(176 0$< %( 9,(:(' $1' 25'(5(' 21/,1( 25 2%7$,1(' )520 (&.(5 035(66,216 1*2/$ ' !2/('2 +,2 7(/(3+21( )25 7+( &267 2) 35,17,1* 72 %( 3$,' 72 7+( 35,17,1* &203$1< $7 7+( 7,0( 7+( '5$:,1*6 $5( 3,&.(' 83 +,33,1* $1' 7$; &+$5*(6 $5( 7+( %,''(5>6 5(63216,%,/,7< $1' 3$<$%/( ',5(&7/< 72 (&.(5 035(66,216 (,7+(5 7+( :1(5 125 7+( '(6,*1 7($0 $5( 5(63216,%/( )25 $1< 0,66(' 6(&7,216 25 &20081,&$7,21 ,) '2&80(176 $5( 127 2%7$,1(' ', 5(&7/< )520 7+( 35,17,1* &203$1< // (48(676 )25 1)250$7,21 $1' 48(67,216 0867 %( ( 0$,/(' 72 2 7(/(3+21( &$//6 &23< 2) 285 )250 ,6 ,1&/8'(' ,1 7+( 63(&,),&$7,21 0$18$/ $1' &$1 $/62 %( )281' $7 ÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓ WANTED: Broken or non running John Deere, Cub Cadet, & Wheel Horse lawnmowers Will pick up others 937 473 2705 or F R E E Z E R B E E F AVA I L A B L E : 1/4, 1/2, or whole Dates Oct or Nov All natural grain fed Charo l a i s c r o s s Bradford 937 448 2439 IH B275: Diesel IH 240 w/sickle bar mower 10’ IH wheel disc MF 255 tractor 937 232 7380 FIREWOOD FOR SALE: Hard w o o d S e a s o n e d $ 1 2 0 / c o r d 419 582 2273 at noon or after 6 p m Or leave message MOBILE AUTO REPAIRS LLC A S E c e r t i f i e d 4 0 + y e a r s e x p e r i e n c e G M e n g i n e t r a n s m i s s i o n , & d i ff e r e n t i a l repair Call Dennis Bowerman at 937 459 8451 9 9 B U I C K PA R K AV E N U E : 937 232 7380 SALE 101 N High St , Covington (old hardware) Oct 7 & 8 Tools; ladies size 6 clothes; shoes; purses; small fur coat; recent n o v e l s ; f l o w e r p o t s ; p i c t u r e s ; c a m p i n g ; l o t s o f m i s c A L L CHEAP! G A R A G E S A L E : 3 3 3 3 N Rangeline, Covington Oct 6 & 7, 9 5: Oct 8, 9 noon No early birds! Household items; home decor; night stands; misc STORAGE UNIT SALE: Oct 6 & 7, 10 ? 488 E Broadway, Cov ington Unit 37 (behind Brew house) REAL ESTATE 25 ACRE DEVELOPMENT: West M i l t o n S o m e e n g i n e e r i n g i s done Up to 52 lots 5 ACRES LIGHT COMMERCIAL: West Milton 1/2 ACRE RESIDENTIAL LOTS 937 232 7380 D E M O L I T I O N : A l s o , c o n c r e t e demolition such as old swimming pools barn foundations porch es, etc Also, general excavation work 937 232 7380 HANDYMAN SERVICES BOBCAT WORK LIGHT DIRT & GRAVEL HAULING Quality work! Reasonably priced F o r f r e e e s t i m a t e s c a l l 937 613 0511 or 937 581 0045 AMISH CREW Sam Schwartz wants any type of carpenter work Room additions roofs, foundation replacements, restoration of buildings, etc For FREE estimate, call 260 301 1777
Page 12 STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER OCTOBER 5, 2022 Pump Patchkin Our Baked Goods are Made Daily with NO Preservatives! Plain & Simple The Highest Quality of Products, At the Best Prices! Sept 30 - Oct 15 11$ ums orM Mums or Buy 3 Get 1 Free99 ums Winner Ann GIANT P nounced WEIGHT! • PIE PUMPKINS - $2 LARGE PUMPKINS• SPECIALTY & COLORED PUMPKINS • MINI PUMPKINS & GOURDS - $1 MEDIUM PUMPKINS• • 2/$5 BUY 3 GET 1 FREE OR99 49 2/$7 OR$599 OR$399 2/$7OR$3995/$5OR October 19 Announced FARM FR LARGE VARIETY Watermelon & FRESH PRODUCE OF OUR Sensation Melons ERENNIAL S Deli Specials Smoked Muens t BeRoasst Beef P Ch ALE $5.99 OR 2 F td M lb/19.7$t OR $10 /494$ lb By The Bushel FOther Tomatoes rchaPuur ! Vegetable Vegetables &resh Frresh Green Beans• l roducese P 937-832-0807 Too Too!uits,Fregetables Pepp• O ORDER, TCALL... oo! ers Chicken Salad Sandwich r Cheeteer CheeseMuensste 49.6$ . EETENED APPLE BUTTERFRUIT SW SWEET POTATO BUTTER APPLE BUTTER-PUMPKIN BUTTER Covered Wagon Pint Jams $1.00 SAVE BUY 2 A Macintosh,Zesta Golden Supreme, Gala, PPLE V VARIETIES ARIETIES Pump Caramel Candy Corn • Mello Cremé Autumn Mix kin Pie AVAILABLE Pump ice Malt Balls •kin Sp NOW Plus More Gummy Candy Corn Gummy Pump•ix x APPLE DUMPLING BREAD pkins 3 lB. BAG $6.99 or 2 for $12 - 1/2 Bushel $25 Octobe PUMPKIN PIE OR $r Specialobeer Honeycrisp B. BAG $5.99 or 2 for $10 - 1/2 Bushel $18 00 OFF Each.1 3 lB. esler Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Pump W 1/2 Gallon & Gallon Sizes kin Bread Apple Cider Available In: Pump ie Piekin Whoop Cookies Located 3.5 miles N. of 70 (on Rt. 48) or 4 miles S. of West Milton (Rt. 48) • HOURS: TUES. - THURS. 10 - 6 / FRI. & SAT. 106007 N. Ma We reserve the right to change any specials at any time ain St., U, Union • 937-8322-0807 7

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