ECrWss Postal Customer STILLWATER VALLEY A DVERTISER PrE-sOrtED stANDArD U.s. POstAGE PAID Arens Corporation / , +!"$)+" )( !, !' *' -( !' *' / ),# + ).&(%,)( )( +& !' *' Vol. 71 - No.46 Circulation: 10,508 • 937-473-2028 • NOVEMBER 16,2022 FAX: 937-473-2500 • E-Mail:• Check Us Out On The Web: ZONED INsErt: PAttY’s IGA sPECIAL EVENts: HOLIDAY OPEN HOUsE At tHE sPECIALtY sHOPs Of WEst MILtON - PAGE 3, HOMEtOWN HOLIDAY HOrsE PArADE IN GrEENVILLE - PAGE 4 Celebrating Our 100 th Anniversary
Covington BOE Meeting Slated
The Covington Exempted Village School District Board of Education will meet in Regular Session on Wednesday Nov 16 5:30
p m , in the Elementary Media Center, 807 Chestnut St , Covington
This is an open meeting and the public is welcome to attend
BNC Young Birders’ Club To Meet November 19
The Young Birders’ Club is geared for students in Grades 5 12 who are members of Brukner Nature Center and have an interest in birding High quality binoculars and field guides are provided for meetings and field trips
As our winter bird residents continue to find their way into Ohio and settle in for the long cold weather ahead, we can take advantage of the open sight lines brought about by the trees’ loss of leaves to observe some of these species Join us as we discuss white throated sparrows, dark eyed juncos, American tree sparrows, and other common winter species Please contact Brian for more detailed information on when and where at b r i a n @ b r u k n e r n a t u r e c e n ter com!
Dinner Offered In Covington
Covington Eagles and Fields of Grace Worship Center will provide a free all communities Thanksgiving dinner on Saturday, Nov 19, beginning at 4 p m This year 1,000 meals will be provided
The meal will consist of turkey, homemade mashed pota toes, gravy, homemade dressing, homemade noodles, green beans, dinner roll, and Mrs Wick’s sugar cream pie
There will be up to four free dinners per vehicle Any addi tional meals can be purchased for $10/meal All proceeds will go towards next year ’s Thanksgiving meal
Meals will be distributed at Covington Elementary School Use Chestnut St to enter the line
Looking for an honest deal? You can find it in our classifieds Page 2 STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER NOVEMBER 16, 2022 www arenspub com 12/! 5 ,3 * 1, - * 1 ,##* + 1&3&15 "+1"/ &+ 1 "01 &)1,+ ,/" 1% + ,,1%0 4&)) ,##"/ 4&!" 3 /&"15 ,# &1"*0 &+ )2!&+$ '"4")/5 4,,! / #1"! +! % +! / #1"! &1"*0 ("! $,,!0 +! *,/" %" "1%,!&01 ,*"+ 4&)) % 3" 1%"&/ %,*" * !" /" !5 1, ,,( -,1 -&" 5 1%" $ %" ,##* + #6 4&)) ,##"/ ,##"" +! !,2$%+210 -,- 0 +!4& %"0 %,*"* !" %& ("+ ,/+ 0,2- 3"$"1 )" 0,2- +! 3 /&"15 ,# -&"0 ,/ #2/1%"/ &+#,/ * 1&,+ )) &+ 1 &)) " 1 1%" 12/! 5 ,3 * - * 1 1%" /,5 5+"/ 2)12/ ) "+1"/ &+ 1 /,5 &+! ,+" ,# (&+! $
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& Janet Swigart Celebrate 65th Wedding Anniversary
to be
and their
extend much
to them on this
,**1+(04 (++$. 5 - * - * Dinner is provided, free of charge, by the following: ,2 +&0,+ '.(/0 + '1."' , 2(+&0,+ '1."' , ,% 0 0'$ .$0'.$+ $)#/ , ,% . "$ ,2(+& 0,+ .$/!40$.( + .($#$+/ 10'$. + .($+ #/' - . "$ .$0'.$+ 0 ,'+6/ 10'$. + )# $.* + -0(/0 $3 ,+%$.$+"$ 0 $.$/ 6/ 0',)(" '1."' 0( 3 0$. ,**1+(04 '1."' 0#,.%6/ $# .+ 0$.(+& ,2(+&0,+ 10.$ "' //,"( 0 ,+ MUST HAVE A TICKET TO ATTEND Tickets available at Covington Christian Church from 9 am - 1 pm
Roger and Janet Swigart of West Milton
November 23, 1957,
are blessed
65th Wedding Anniversary this year
children Mark, Christy, Monte, Shelley,
extraordinary occasion!
FREE Community Thanksgiving
Most importantly Makerspaces allow us to explore and create new things Come in and look for yourself!
Wednesday, November 23 libRaRy Closes at 5 p m
www arenspub com Page 3 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - NOVEMBER 16, 2022 Ma r mee ’ s P Pantry ! # " # " " # # ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " ! ! " "#! $ The shoppes of West Milton Invite you to the 32nd annual Christmas November 17, 18, 19 & 20 Thursday & Friday 10 5 Saturday 10 4, Sunday 12 4 Open HOuse door prizes & treats What’s happening at J.R. ClARkE PubliC libRARy 102 E. Spring St., Covington & 937 473 2226 ••• Thursday, November 17, 1:00 3:00, will be the JRC CaRd and Game Club held in the lower level Community Room A variety of games will be available, along with fellowship and lively dis cussion! Bring along your favorite games This is also part of the Mature Adults Library Programming Remember we have an elevator! ••• Tuesday November 22 at 10:30 Mrs Roeth will be going through resources and educational materials for HomesCHoolinG and Family eduCation Family members of preschool thru ele mentary children can check out these materials The activities can be used as supplemental materi als to assist a child’s learning and cover a wide range of topics Workshop will be held in the Alcove Please sign up in advance so that materials can be prepared ••• Tuesday November 22 at 6:30 Mrs Roeth will be leading an overview of the new “ClaRke’s Quest” makeRspaCe in the Community Room Materials and equipment located in the Makerspace can be used by anyone ages 14 thru adult S T E A M activities, arts and crafts, games, Cricut©, Ellison Machine©, laminator, binding machine, Escape Room materials, and a wide variety of others What is a Makerspace? It is a room containing different types of tools, allowing people to enter with an idea and leave with a completed project The goal is to work together to learn col laborate and share and the library provides the equipment
the Circulation desk or Call 937 473 2226 ### CLIP & SAVE ### FREE Thanksgiving Meal Drive-Thru Available November 23 in Covington The Covington Ministerial Association will be offering a free Thanksgiving Meal Drive Thru on Wednesday, Nov 23, from 5 6:30 p m There will be no Thanksgiving worship service Tickets for the dinner are available at Covington Christian Church 115 N Pearl St anytime Monday thru Thursday from 9 a m 1 p m There is a limit of two tickets to each person Each ticket will be good for one meal that will be delivered to your vehicle There is no charge for this meal, which will consist of turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, dinner roll, and a slice of pie All meals will be pre packaged and special orders will not be accepted This event is sponsored by the Covington Ministerial Association, Covington Christian Church, Covington Church of the Brethren, Covington Presbyterian Church, Fields of Grace Worship Center, Frieden’s Lutheran Church, St John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, St Teresa Catholic Church, Stillwater Community Church, Friendship Grace Brethren, Old German Baptist New Conference Cornerstone Dunkard Brethren Church and the Covington Outreach Association S t i l l w a t e r V a l l e y C l a s s i f i e d s G e t R e s u l t s ! To Place An Ad, Call 937 473 2028 0r 937 473 2020 or e mail
Thursday, November 24, Thanksgiving Day libRaRy Closed
up in advance for instructional programs at
Downtown Greenville
It's the most wonder ful time of the year! The 19th annual Hometown Holiday Horse Parade takes place Saturday, November 19th at 7 pm in downtown G reenville
This annual t radition has kicked off the holiday season for the downtown G reenville dist rict the past decade and a half ! More than 90 lighted horse drawn car riages, hitches and riders illuminate down town, bringing an estimated 8,000 plus spectators for the g rand event!
Main St reet G reenville, the non prof it organiz ation that coordinates the event, provides multiple enter tainment options leading up to the parade, including shopping and dining at the independent and unique shops located in downtown G reenville!
The event route t ravels down S. Broadway, goes around the circle and t ravels back up S. Broadway.
For more information about Main St reet G reenville and the 19th Hometown Holiday Horse Parade, please visit MSG's Facebook page or the Hometown Holiday Horse Parade's Facebook page Contact event chair person Diana Stebbins at 937 606 4776 or email
Live Nativity Walk Offered December 2 & 3 at SCC
The annual Live Nativity Walk presented by Stillwater Community Church is scheduled to take place Friday and Saturday, December 2 and 3 There will be six guided walks each night The first walk starts at 6 p m , with other walks con ducted every half hour The last walk will begin at 8:30 Admission is FREE and all ages are invited The walks take place on the grounds of Stillwater Community Church 7900 W Sugar Grove Rd (1/2 mile west of St Rt 48), between Pleasant Hill and Covington
Each walk takes you back in time more than 2,000 years and tells the story of the Birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ You will walk to the home of Mary follow Mary to Elizabeth’s home and visit Joseph’s carpenter shop in Nazareth You will then travel to the inn in Bethlehem, visit outdoors with the shepherds, and lis ten as the angels announce the Birth of Jesus Finally, you will travel with the shepherds to the stable to see the newborn Savior!
After each walk you are invited to warm up by a crackling fire to enjoy hot chocolate, delicious homemade cookies, and friendly fellowship!
Page 4 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - NOVEMBER 16, 2022 www arenspub com OUR CLASSIFIEDS GET RESULTS! TO PLACE AN AD, CALL 473-2028 Enjoy the Hometown Holiday Horse Event! We’re local and we are proud to support local events.
Since 1860
a t u r
, N o v e m
e r 1 9 • 7 : 0 0
2022 Hometown
Thanksgiving season, bring your family and join us at First Brethren Church Discover the contentment one can find through a grateful heart We’re celebrating Thanksgiving on Sunday, Nov 20, at 7 p m
special message will be given by Pastor Fred Bernhard of the
An offering (non perishables or cash)
Pleasant Hill Community Thanksgiving Service
Church of
will be taken for the Newton Food Pantry
helps those in need in the Newton Township area Refreshments
be provided after the service Come with a grateful heart!
The following Pleasant Hill churches invite you to this Community Thanksgiving Service: Brethren in Christ Church, Church of the Brethren, First Brethren Church, and United Church of Christ
Brethren Church is located at 210 N Church St , Pleasant Hill (one block west of Indian’s Pizza) For more information call 937 676 2802
Roger and Kathy Clark will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary on December 22, 2022 The couple’s children know Mom and Dad would be thrilled to receive greetings from fami ly, friends and neighbors on this special occasion Cards and notes of congratulations can be sent to: Roger & Kathy Clark, 739
Pearl St , Covington, Ohio 45318 Please be sure to include any special memories you’d like to share Help Covington Couple Celebrate 60th Wedding Anniversary with Cards
Call 937 473 5270, e mail office@stillwatercc org, or visit the SCC Facebook page for more information
www arenspub com Page 5 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - NOVEMBER 16, 2022 &" ( #' ! % ) $! &" ( #' ! % ) $! # $ ! " ! " ! " ! & ! & % ! # % ! " ! % # # " ! " " ! % % ! # # ! " % ! $ ! ! % ! ! # # % % % # ! % % ! " % # $ $ ! $ """
BALMERT, SHIRLEY J., 76 - A resident of Bradford
Passed away Friday, Nov 4, at her home
BLAIR, GARY L Sr , 75 Formerly of Troy, most recent ly of Barron, Wisconsin Died Thursday, Oct 20, at Barron Memorial Hospital
CAILLOUET, GERARD P , 67 A resident of West Milton Died Wednesday, Nov 2, at Hospice of Miami County
fULLER, ETHAn E., 12 A resident of Laura Died Friday, Oct 21, at Dayton Children’s Hospital
HAMBLIn, CARLOS E., 83 - A resident of Laura Died Monday, Oct 17, at Upper Valley Medical Center, Troy HILL, JOHn SAMUEL SR., AGE 89 A resident of Bradford Died Friday, Nov 4, at his home
HYPES, MABLE R , 89 Died Wednesday, Oct 26
MUnDY, ROBERT W , 64 A resident of Ludlow Falls Died Thursday, Nov 3, at his home
PLUMMER, GARY A., 68 A resident of Uniontown, Ohio Died Wednesday, Oct 19
REC k, RIC k, 62 - A resident of Covington Died Thursday, Oct 27, at his home
ROBBInS, TAMMY R., 62 - A resident of Houston Died Thursday, Nov 3, at her home
WALLS, nORMA JEAn, 71 A resident of West Milton
Passed away Tuesday, Nov 8, in her home
WATSOn, BAILEY M , 21 A resident of Englewood Died Saturday, Oct 15
WEER, ROBERT W., 74 A resident of Covington Died Wednesday, Oct 26, at his home
YOUnG, PAUL, 87 - A former resident of Ludlow Fall Passed away November 9 at the Upper Valley Medical Center
Community Invited to Ohio's Hospice of Miami County Hope for the Holidays Program
Ohio’s Hospice of Miami County invites the community to remember and celebrate their loved ones at Hope for the Holidays, a holiday grief support program, on Saturday, Dec 17, at 2 pm, at First Presbyterian Church of Troy (20 S Walnut St Troy OH 45373)
The emotions of the holiday season can be overwhelming when grieving the loss of a loved one Hope for the Holidays provides the opportunity for those who are grieving to honor and remember their loved ones The program is open to any member of the community who is experiencing grief
Following the loss of a loved one, the holiday stress and grief can be particularly challenging and trigger memories and longings for the past,” said Angela Timpson, bereavement counseling professional at Ohio’s Hospice of Miami County “We are honored and privileged to host the Hope for the Holidays program for all members of our community to remember and honor their loved ones this holiday season ”
Hope for the Holidays is available from Pathways of HopeSM Grief Counseling Centers, a grief and bereavement service of Ohio’s Hospice The event is free of charge thanks to the generosity of the community
Because of limited seating, reservations are required and will be accepted until Dec 9 or until capacity is reached, whichever comes first To make reservations call 937 573 2114 When making reservations, please indicate the number of attendees To register online, visit: https://www hospiceofmiamicounty org/event/2022 hope for the holidays
Page 6 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - NOVEMBER 16, 2022 www arenspub com
$ # $ # AUCTION # $%" ) & @ * 5 #< "< .> *-2;76 127 % $ "B# $ $12; 2; * 4*:0. *=,<276 >2<1 * 47< 7/ <774; *6=629=. 2<.5; =,<276 >244 +. 1.4- 7=<-77:; '. 5*? +. :=66260 <>7 :260; A,75. 8:.8*:.- =:62<=:. *6- 4*:0. 2<.5; <7 ;.44 *< 6776 , , $ " # 44 2<.5; *:. ;74- *; 2; >1.:. 2; *;1 ,1.,3 7: ,:.-2< ,*:- >2<1 8:78.: ,1*:0. /7: # ,1.,3; )" % AUCTIONEER ))) ' & #"+ $ #! , % " $ ( * # $ # @ # $ #$ !% $ $ !% # @ " ) & # $ # ## $ # @ %" $%" @ %# " ' ' " @ ' !% $ $ ( # @ " # @ %$ " $ # ' " $ # @ ' ' " !% $ # % " @ % " AUCTION You’ ll invite 20,000+ to your auction or sale w hen you ad v er tise it in our classified pa ges.
Combine the power of print with the power of the internet All of our advertising is also available on line Visit www arenspub com W O R K W A N T E D STILLWATER VALLEY CLASSIFIEDS www arenspub com Page 7 STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER NOVEMBER 16, 2022 REAL ESTATE *9>6/8C= ,#(% 995 ;0-= 8 '34< &:9= " & % ! ! $ " & #" " ! & #! !! ! $ " & " & " ! $ & # ! $ " " #!" ! % ! & # ' & # ( ,#(% & $ # ' " & # BRADFORD STOR & LOCK $0;<98-6 ><480<< 9770;.4-6 ! # # # # ; = ; ; = ; '% & %) ))) ))) # TRIMMING STUMP REMOVAL TREE REMOVAL $ # # ! $ ! $ ! ! ! "# $ ( "$! <<< ;,.9,*/8,7;0*,8 *42 '% % 2 # " # " $ ' % ' #"& C& C& '% & %) & & $# ! ( $ )11 $" ,-47, (4: ,*0+, !7+9+ > 6+1 '% % &'#% ', WOOD CHUCKIN, LLC !"# #! $ ! !" "& ! $ ! &'(!$ %(& % !#) '% & %) +-1'2 * 5++29.00+ -.3 " &(( $ &' #"'%# %" ' &' $#'%$! +% &)&+$-'*) 0)&+, 6+1 & $' ' " & COOPER'S ! ! < 6+1 & $' ' " & % $ % B ' #"& & $' ' " $(!$ " # & + ) ' " $ (! " ! ! # '% & %) TAYLOR’S TREE SERVICE #! #! ! % " " ! & # " !% $ $ "#$ ! $"! % $ & ( !$&# ( $$ " & %) " !$ " 0*4,*1); "*48-)* 8'-/'(/* (( +$)%, (( *%&(, $ &' % " " * % $ % 16*4-24 = *9 !*3'-4 :6*4-24 "67))2 4;8-6 ";56*05 7'/-6; %24. < ! "# # " ( ' #" % " ! 8)7.32++5 * &74=3 %/ 9?482=98 <<< ):*9043>05 *42 =476-8/4<->.=49800; A-399 .97 6+1 '48-1 "6 < *66;5(74, '>0< ;4 &-= =18 " , &($$ & + ) ' " !# ' #" 60-8 *-=0;@-A< 4=.30< $98/< %##! ' #"& B !# ' #" % ) '#$ # & ! ! # & # # & ! # # ! # $ ! " ::: '5+2648( )31 # ! % & ! ! ' "# 5.9+:'<6 '51 '2+6 '5/.2, 376 '80.2, ! ! % ! ! ! ! " # $(( , *+ (( #*.+ +'/&0$1 &&%, 999 )223*45(/').623 )20 !!# % ! "5,*0)10>03. 03 " # & " #,*/306:, 4,8(4:7 42, );, 1.), ?% " @ "947= 42, "9)7903. )9 "947= 42,8 "9)7903. )9 #' ! # "&!% $ ! " &# ' * & !,80+,390)1 422,7*0)1 ",7;0*, Your High Standards Plumber > ",7; 3. )20 4 " 3*, /04 *,38, ! # * MOBILE AUTO REPAIRS LLC A S E c e r t i f i e d 4 0 + y e a r s e x p e r i e n c e G M e n g i n e , transmission, & differential repair C a l l D e n n i s B o w e r m a n a t 937 459 8451 ‘07 CHEVY 1500: 5 spd manual trans 76,500 mi 4 3 liter engine 2-wheel drive Exc cond $8 999 419 584 6457 For Sale: 1992 Chevy Silverado pickup, needs tlc 2000 model W i d e G l i d e H a r l e y D a v i d s o n motorcycle 937 448 3043 A U T O M O T I V E WA N T E D : B r o k e n o r n o n r u n n i n g J o h n D e e r e , C u b C a d e t , & W h e e l H o r s e l a w n m o w e r s Wi l l p i c k u p o t h e r s 9 3 7 4 7 3 2 7 0 5 o r KJRIND01@hotmail com ‘93 GLEANER R62 w/25’ 500 Series grain head & cart 630 Hugger corn head EC! Field r e a d y $ 4 0 , 0 0 0 O B O 419 236 3139 WA N T E D : O l d m o t o r c y c l e s , m i n i b i k e s , m o p e d s , 3- w h e e l e r s , o r 4 w h e e l e r s R u n n i n g o r n o t C o v i n g t o n 9 3 7 4 7 3 2 7 0 5 KJRIND01@hotmail com DEMOLITION: Also, concrete demolition such as old swim ming pools, barn foundations, p o r c h e s e t c A l s o g e n e r a l excavation work and light demo lition 937 232 7380 HANDYMAN SERVICES BOBCAT WORK LIGHT DEMOLITION LIGHT DIRT & GRAVEL HAULING Q u a l i t y w o r k ! R e a s o n a b l y priced For free estimates, call 937 613 0511 or 937 581 0045 AMISH CREW Sam Schwartz wants any type o f c a r p e n t e r w o r k R o o m a d d i t i o n s , r o o f s , f o u n d a t i o n r e p l a c e m e n t s , r e s t o r a t i o n o f b u i l d i n g s e t c F o r F R E E estimate, call 260 301 1777 BALLED & BURLAPPED Col orado Blue Spruce, Black Hills Spruce Norway Spruce & White Spruce: 3 ft $70 4 ft $90 Red Oak, $75 937 622 1603 BARBER CHAIR: 1930’S OR 4 0 S E x c e l l e n t c o n d i t i o n R e u p h o l s t e r e d $ 1 2 0 0 ( 9 3 7 ) 778 9864 or (937) 214 1208 FOR RENT: 120 acres tillable far mground Southern Miami Co & n o r t h e r n M o n t g o m e r y C o 937 470 7173 C o m m e r c i a l / R e t a i l / O f f i c e Space in downtown Covington close to all the new action! Call today for information and a per sonal tour 937 448 6405 + ! .+4 & )& + &.$.+1*!/ 6 1'" 1&(!&*$ *0&-1"/ 5 +((" 0& ("/ 5 1.*&01." 1* 5 1&(0/ 5 +00".4 5 !2".0&/&*$ & 01."/ 5 +)& ++'/ 5 "3"(.4 %.&/0) / 5 (! *0 / *4 )+." &0")/ *+0 (&/0"! +. ,& 01."! /% +. %" ' 3&0% ,.+,". ."!&0 .! 3&0% #"" & "*/"! +*!"! 4 ",0 +# $.& 1(01." AUCTION
607 N. Main St., Union • 937-832-0807 Deli Specials Plain & Simple Our Baked Goods are Made Daily with NO Preservatives! Sweet Lebanon Bologna $6.29 /lb Colby Swiss Swirl $5.29 /lb Italian Sandwich $6.99 Covered Wagon Pint Jams BUY 2 SAVE $1.00 Apple Cider Available In: 1/2 Gallon & Gallon Sizes Wesler APPLE VARIETIES Gala, Macintosh, Jonathan, Fuji, Jonagold, Red Delicious, Golden Delicious & Cortland 3 lB. BAG $5.99 or 2 for $10 - 1/2 Bushel $18 Honeycrisp 3 lB. BAG $6.99 or 2 for $12 - 1/2 Bushel $25 It's Popcorn Time! Amish Country Microwave Popcorn Sweet Kettle- Lite Natural - Butter $1.19 per pack $9.99 per box of 10 Too Tired to Fix a Thanksgiving Meal? Cranberry Salad • Fruitcakes • Mincemeat Pie 1/2 peck bag of mix and match apple varieties $2.99 Homemade Holiday Favorites Russian Tea Cakes - BuckeyesButterscotch Crunch - Puppy Chow - Turtles TIME TO ORDER YOUR THANKSGIVING TURKEY! Deadline to order ursday Nov. 17 • Kings & Bowman Landes Turkeys • PIES Apple • Apricot • Banana Creme • Black Raspberry Blackberry • Blurberry • Burst O’Berry • Butterscotch Caramel Apple • Cherry • Chocolate Chocolate Peanut Butter • Coconut Creme Custard Dutch Apple • Lemon Meringue • Peach Peanut Butter • Pecan • Pumpkin • Red Paspberry Rhubarb • Strawberry • Strawberry Rhubarb • Sugar Cream Sugar Free Pies Available Pre-Order Pies When you order 2 or More Large Pies Get 1 Small Pie Free Only 1 Free Small Pie Per Customer Great Dessert Ideas • Cheesecake • Pumpkin Pie & Pumpkin Rolls HOMEMADE SOUP IS BACK Ham & Bean • Chicken Noodle Cheesy Potato & Broccoli • Taco NOW AVAILABLE WE HAVE YOU COVERED Feeds 5 People. Only $7.99 per person Croissants Rolls And Hot Dog Buns NEW Locally Made Fresh Wreaths 4 Varieties Available New Raspberry Cream Pie Just in time for the Holidays CLOSING At 4pm WednesdayNovember 23rd The Highest Quality of Products, At the Best Prices! No O Wednesd e m SING Bo o dline t to or Dea SGIVIHANK T IME T T T wman Landes • N rde orrde UR NG T Y RDEOR O 4 w R s • y urke Turke 17 v. o y No Y! KE UR YO Ne Fr F L aila eam Pie Jus y Cr rpberas w arieties Av Available V Av resh Wrea Loc y M Wallly ailable t in time f aths ve e ys he Holidaay or t t d mber 23r aysd ber 23 ies h Cr Butterscotc ussian R de H Homema ee P r ugar F S S y Cho upp h - P unc ke ea Cakes - Buc T Tea Cakes - Buc liday F o Ho E PIIE tles Tur w - y Cho yesites tes vorFa To Too T E H W Tha sgivingkThan o ed t ir oo OU CO E Y AV VERED v h A D eanut Co colate P Cho amel A Car y Blur rerkbcBla icot • B pr pple A A emon Mer pple L conut Cr y Cho r pple Cher y O’Ber rber y • Blur eme • Bla anana Cr h ingue • P d eme Custar colate y • Cho y Butterscotc r y • Burst O’Ber y reraspb k R c eeds 5 P V h y • Butterscotc F .99 per per ARI LE . $7 eople son ARIETIES re-Order awb P hen y tr b • S Rhubar eanut Butter • P P utc W F y Rhubar rertrawb y • S rer kin • Red P ump an • P ec der 2 or Mor ou or en y you or ee ugar Cr b • S y Rhubar y reraspb chea r ree l Fr ies e P e Larg eam ies P kin P ump • P ee Small Pie P rF Fr ump ie & P ak eat Dessert I Cheesec k Ch omer r Custtome e Pe ls kin Rol ke Ideas apple v esler ma B W arieties le Cider Available In: pAp pple A arieties tch K C AC It's Po CARAMEL GLAZE - BUTTER -RANCH-CHIPOTLE AND MORE GARLIC HERB - JALAPENO CHEDDAR DON'T FORGET POPCORN TOPPINGS! h Pop Amis opcorn PLUS n Time corn h e! ot Cheesy P oisCr N And Ho T occoli • o & Br tat oodle en N Chick Rolls sants ABLE VAIL VAI W A AV O OW t aco Taco ood POPCORN POPPERS AND MICROWAVE POPPERS APPLE BUTTER-PUMPKIN BUTTER er p $1.19 p ack p of 10 er box x Swi Sp ry S r rry Sal e eranbbe anb r Cra Cr ecials l i S i es es • Mi k keitcaak ad • Fruuitca Sallad Fru e t Piie a at Pi e ea m ceme em n nce s Miin Located 3.5 miles N. of 70 (on Rt. 48) or 4 miles S. of West Milton (Rt. 48) • HOURS: TUES. - THURS. 10 - 6 / FRI. & SAT. 10607 EETENED APPLE BUTTER FRUIT SW SWEET POTATO BUTTER N. Main We reserve the right to change any specials at any time n Un , nion • 9337-832-0 rl wiss Swiirl 7 0807 Page 8 STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER NOVEMBER 16, 2022