ECrWss Postal Customer STILLWATER VALLEY A DVERTISER PrE-sOrtED stANDArD u s POstAGE PAID Arens Corporation Vol 71 - No 51 Circulation: 10,508 • 937-473-2028 • DECEMBER 21, 2022 FAX: 937-473-2500 • E-Mail: arenspub@gmail com • Check Us Out On The Web: arenspub com ZONED INsErts: PAttY’s IGA sPECIAL PAGEs: ChrIstmAs GrEEtINGs - PAGEs 1-7; ChurCh LIstINGs - PAGE 5 Celebrating Our 100 th Anniversary # $ $ ! $ $ """
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TEEN ADVISORY BOARD MEETING - Starting January 3 every first Tuesday of the month
for the link to this Zoom meeting
TEEN MIDWEEK MOVIE - Starting January 4, teens can watch a movie of their collective choosing each Wednesday teens will be able to pick the movie for the next meeting Snacks provided
PINTEREST CRAFT OF THE MONTH - Tuesday, Jan 10, 6 p m Join Katie in creating wine glass snowmen, adorable additions to any winter decoration Adults, please sign up to be able to attend EVENING BOOK DISCUSSION - Thursday, Jan 12, 6:30 p m Adults can join Staci for discussion of The Midnight Library by Matt Haig Books are available in the library, through the Ohio Digital Library, and HOOPLA
FAMILY MOVIE - Saturday, Jan 14, 2 p m Join us as we present a 2021 movie starring Dwayne “The rock” Johnson and emily Blunt follow these two as they search for the Tree of Life in this movie based on a famous theme park attraction refreshments will be provided
BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING - Tuesday, Jan 17, 7 p m Contact the library for information
HIGH NOONERS BOOK DISCUSSION - Thursday, Jan 19, 12 p m Join Katie for discussion of The Great Alone by Kristin Hannah Books are available in the library, through the Ohio Digital Library, and HOOPLA
BINGO FOR BOOKS - Thursday, Jan 19, 6:30 p m Adults can join Staci for an evening of fun and BINGO Prizes will be awarded for each round Please register to attend
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS - Teens can join Lainie for an afternoon of fun and magic! This monthly event starts January 21 from 12-3 p m for teens only Come check it out experience not necessary!
“CHILL-LAX DUDE” - every 4th Monday
www arenspub com Page 3 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - DECEMBER 21, 2022 You’ ll invite 20,000+ to your auction w hen you ad v er tise it in our classified pa ges. And Extend Our anks For Your Business rough e Years Buf falo 0 0 0 ! ! 0 0 0 0 ' ' ' $ " $ ! -.0' +%.(#!, (*$ !+% ./ % & #%**(/( )++(, (- +' ~BREAKFAST SPECIALS~ ~daily SPECIALS~ # $ 5 5 5 3(0' '!/' ".-3,/ -. '-+% &.(%/ ! $ 5 5 ,- /1"/0(010(-,/ ! $ ! $ 3(0' /($% -& ".%!)&!/0 +%!0 $ ! $ 3(0' /($% -& ".%!)&!/0 +%!0 ! $ & #%!" $#" & # $ .(%$ %%& .!24 ! $ '(#)%, -0 (% ($%/ $ (%#% !**%4% (,,%. ($%/ ! $ ($%/ ! $ ! $ %!0*-!& ($%/ Come See What God haS done! first Brethren Church in Pleasant Hill invites you to join them in celebrating the Birth of Jesus through scripture and song The greatest gift that has ever been given to humanity is God s gift of Christ Jesus Join them for this special celebration A Christmas eve Candlelight Service will be held Saturday, Dec 24, at 7:30 p m Then, on Christmas morning at 10:30, return for a Christmas Celebration Service The church is located at 210 N Church St Those having questions may call 937-676-2802 West Milton Lions Blood Drive Scheduled Wednesday, Dec. 28 Community Blood Center is in critical need of type O and B negative blood Help avert a shortage during the challenging Christmas and New Year ’s holiday week by making a blood donation at the West Milton Lions Club community blood drive Wednesday Dec 28 1-7 p m at West Milton United Church of Christ 108 S Main St everyone who registers to donate December 19-31 at any CBC blood drive or the Dayton CBC Donation Center is automatically entered in the drawing to win two tickets to the January 27 performance of “Les Misérables” at Dayton’s Schuster Center All donors also receive a knit Blood Donor Beanie Make an appointment online at www DonorTime com call 937461-3220, or use the new Donor Time app Your donation will help CBC maintain the regional blood supply during the
Christmas and New Year ’s holiday period
who registers to donate December 26 thru 31 at the Dayton
Center will receive a Kroger $10 gift card and the
Beanie ! # " ! # ! # What’s happening at Milton-Union PUblic library 560 S Main St , West Milton & 937-698-5515 BRING YOUR OWN DEVICE - Mondays 1-5 p m The Guiding Ohio Online program provides free tech training Have questions about Overdrive, Hoopla, or your device? Appointments encouraged; however, drop-ins are welcome!
at 11 a m Toddlers can enjoy listening to a book,
music, and fun movements Newborns to
a m Kids can enjoy
a fun craft
CBC Donation
Blood Donor
TINY TOTS - Tuesdays
finger plays,
Pre-K STORY HOUR - every Wednesday at 10:30
a story, puppet play, music, games, and
Grades Pre-K-5
Teen Advisory Board will meet at 3:15 p m over Zoom This allows teens to give their input on the library follow us on facebook
of the month at 4 p m , starting January 23 Teens can come de-stress and unwind at the library There will be activities and crafts Snacks available WRITE A RESUME’ CLASS - Monday, Jan 23, 6 p m This FREE class every 4th Monday of the month will teach you how to write an effective resumé There will be no computer usage during this class; they will just teach and help to write a resumé Please sign up ahead of time Please bring any information with you that would help to write your resumé ADULT TRIVIA NIGHT - Tuesday, Jan 24, 6 p m Gift cards awarded to the winners Snacks and refreshments provided Please sign up in teams or individuals MEDICARE INFO WITH VALERIE BAKER - Thursday, Jan 26, 10:30 a m Join us in welcoming Valerie to the library She will be discussing the “secrets” to optimizing your Medicare Part D plan For Information About the Above Events, Contact the Librar y 937-698-5515 www.mupubliclibrar ### CLIP & SAVE ###
SATURDAY, NOV 26 - Boys’ Varsity Basketba l beats Legacy
FRIDAY, DEC 2 - Boys’ Varsity Basketball beats Nationa Trail 86-48
SATURDAY, DEC 3 - Boys’ Varsity Basketball beats Fairlawn 72-39
FRIDAY, DEC 9 - Boys Varsity Basketbal beats Ansonia 58-47
SATURDAY, DEC 10 - Boys’ Varsity Basketball falls to Fort Recovery 55-54 –
SATURDAY, DEC 3 - Boys’ Wrestling finishes 5th Place out of 17 teams at the Dayton Christian Invitational
SATURDAY, DEC 10 - Boys’ Wrestling finishes n 12th Place out of 15 teams at the Mechan csburg Invitational
SATURDAY, NOV 26 - Girls’ Varsity Basketball beats Franklin Monroe 47-43
MONDAY, NOV 28 - Girls’ Varsity Basketball beats Riverside 48-28
TUESDAY, NOV 29 - Girls’ Varsity Bowling falls to Piqua 1328-1244
TUESDAY, NOV 29 - Boys’ Varsity Bowling falls to Piqua 1676-1369
THURSDAY, DEC 1 - Girls’ Varsity Bowling falls to Tippecanoe 1468-1379
THURSDAY, DEC 1 - Boys’ Varsity Bowl ng falls to Tippecanoe 1824-1746
THURSDAY, DEC 1 - Girls’ Varsity Basketball beats Twin Valley South 39-38
FRIDAY, DEC 2 - Boys’ Varsity Basketball beats Twin Valley South 50-37
SATURDAY, DEC 3 - Boys’ Varsity Basketball fal s to Lehman Catho ic 48-41
TUESDAY, DEC 6 - Boys’ Varsity Basketball beats The Miami Va ley School 57-38
TUESDAY, DEC 6 - Girls Varsity Basketbal beats Ansonia 50-28
THURSDAY, DEC 8 - Girls’ Varsity Basketball falls to Tri-Village 72-30
MONDAY, DEC 12 - G rls’ Varsity Bowling beats Ansonia 1454-1262
MONDAY, DEC 12 - Boys’ Varsity Bowling falls to Ansonia 1748-1657
TUESDAY, DEC 13 - Girls’ Vars ty Basketball falls to Tri-County North 45-32
wEDNESDAY, DEC 14 - Girls’ Varsity Bowling beats Greenview 1682-1473
wEDNESDAY, DEC 14 - Boys’ Varsity Bow ing beats Greenview 2215-1915
THURSDAY, DEC 15 - Girls’ Varsity Bowling falls to Emmanue Christian Academy 1724-1359
THURSDAY, DEC 15 - Boys’ Vars ty Bowling beats Emmanuel Christian Academy 2030-1850
THURSDAY, DEC 15 - Girls’ Varsity Basketball fa s to Mississinawa Valley Junior/Senior High School 58-33
Hometown Heroes Military Banner Retirement Program Held at
Heroes military banner retirement program Saturday, Nov
are displayed on utility poles from Memorial Day through Veterans Day each year Banners are retired after five years Hoffman had 23 of the 28 retired banners on display Family and friends who were present took the banners with them following the program
District of Ohio Dennis Albaugh of American Legion Post 487 and Dalton Albaugh of Sons of the American Legion both sang very moving patriotic songs Air Force Veteran Scott Fogle shared the history of the Hometown Heroes program and read the names on the banners being retired Navy Veteran Norman Hiester presented a very moving power point program of pictures and lists of military personnel from WWI to the war in the Middle East Dennis and Dalton Albaugh folded an American flag as Retired Lt Colonel – Air National Guard read the meaning of each of the thirteen folds A sack lunch was served and a time of fellowship was enjoyed by all
Officers Complete CIT Academy
Page 4 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - DECEMBER 21, 2022 www arenspub com 937-473-3011 (Fax)937-473-3310 P.O. Box 99 1300 Mote Drive, Covington, OH 45318 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! E x t e n d e d t h a n k s f o r s u p p o r t i n g u s f o r 1 y e r s Our family serving your family! & # ! & !" ! $ ' ! !" ! & & % (! $ ' ! & % (! & ' $ ! * $ ( " # ' $ ! * , , $ %&! % ( + #% #" * ) $-% ( + #% #" * "
Chr stian Academy 89-53
H o ff m a n U n i t e d M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h i n We s t M i l t o n h o s t e d a Hometown
F e a t u r e d s p e a k e r s w e r e R e c k
r o m t h e
m e r i c a n
e g i o n
Hoffman UMC
Carpenter and Mike Blackwell, both f
PICTURED (L -R): Mike Blackwell and Reck & Krista Carpenter
Miami, Darke, and Shelby Counties, including
security teams and courts, completed the Tri-County Crisis Intervention Team Academy for Law Enforcement
training, officers hear from a variety of professionals who work with persons with mental illness, substance use disorders, and other special populations Officers learn techniques for safely engaging with special populations and learn about resources available in the community with the goal of getting people the help they need and prevent unnecessary incarceration or other legal matters The December Academy is the 21st class in 17 years of the Tri-County Board s program and the first to be held at the Tri-County Administration & Training Center at 1280 N Co Rd 25A, Troy More than 375 officers have completed the Tri-County CIT Academy, with more than 250 still active on local law enforcement rosters
William Daugherty with the Greenville
from 1
in law enforcement For more information about the CIT Academy, see www tcbmds org/cit-academy
Professionals December 5-8 During the four-day
Officers completing the training are
Police Dept ;
Sheffer Jonathan Kanet
Cole Skelton Probation Officers with Miami Co Common Pleas and Municipal Courts; Miami Co Sheriff ’s Deputies Dakota Brisset, Dustin Elsass, and Derek Stephenson; Hunter Clayton and Devin Olinger with Premier Health Dept of Public Safety; Shelby Co Jail Corrections Officers
Beam, Stephanie Blosser, Caitie
Kurtis Kester, Dylan Owen, and Andrew Vondrell;
Shelby Co Sheriff ’s Deputies Matt Luthman, John Pence, Nick Topp, and Chris VanMeter Officers in this year
Academy class ranged in experience
www arenspub com Page 5 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - DECEMBER 21, 2022 C h u r C h S e r v i C e S & e v e n t S $ & ) $' Featuring Harpist Cinnamon Peppo &! ( "$% # Candlelight Service Covingt on 937-473-3331 Bradford 9 37-448-2111 Candlelight Service With Communion Slated Christmas Eve At Covington Church C o v i n g t o n C h u r c h o f t h e B r e t h r e n w i l l c o n d u c t t h e i r C a n d l e l i g h t S e r v i c e w i t h C o m m u n i o n o n C h r i s t m a s E v e , Saturday Dec 24 beginning at 7 p m On Christmas Day church service will begin at 9:30 a m The public is invited to attend both services The church is located a 101 N Wall St
Page 6 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - DECEMBER 21, 2022 www arenspub com $ !!! # " AUTO • HOME • FARM H rs: MON - WED & FRI 9-5 • THURS 9-NOON Greenville 515 EAST MAIN ST. 937-548-2131 Bradf d 110 EAST MAIN ST. 937-448-2590 Tr 15 SOUTH CHERRY ST. 937-339-1525 “Since 1860” M y Christmas Protecting Y r Most Imp tant of Gifts Happy New Ye ! & t Chriist e pp w Y ew Since UTO F T f T S AS 10 E 1 raddfB Brad T S AS 15 E 5 vi Greenvi nv A rs: ARM T Y S CHERR CHER Tr r T T lle ille s:r
www arenspub com Page 7 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - DECEMBER 21, 2022 ' ! % " & $ " ! " # $ FREE ESTIMATES 937- 698-6161 900 S. Miami St., West Milton It's the most wonderful time of the year, and we hope it brings you much joy! Season's Greetings Yankee Electric, Inc. Quality Electrical Service Since 1976 Residential & Commercial !
Ohio’s Hospice of Miami County Awarded Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval®
Ohio’s Hospice of Miami County has earned The Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval® for Home Care Accreditation by demonstrating continuous compliance with its performance standards The Gold Seal is a symbol of quality that reflects a health care organization s commitment to providing safe and quality patient care This is a reaccreditation for Ohio s Hospice of Miami County
Ohio’s Hospice of Miami County underwent a rigorous, unannounced, onsite review July 19-22 During the visit, a team of Joint Commission reviewers evaluated compliance with Home Care standards spanning several areas, including emergency management, environment of care, infection prevention and control, leadership, medication management, and patient safety
The Joint Commission’s standards are developed in consultation with healthcare experts and providers measurement experts and patients They are informed by scientific literature and expert consensus to help healthcare organizations measure assess and improve performance The surveyors also conducted onsite observations and interviews
“As a private accreditor, The Joint Commission surveys health care organizations to protect the public by identifying deficiencies in care and working with those organizations to correct them as quickly and sustainably as possible,” said Mark Pelletier, RN, MS, chief operating officer, Accreditation and Certification Operations, and chief nursing executive, The Joint Commission “We commend Ohio’s Hospice of Miami County for its continuous quality improvement efforts in patient safety and quality of care
Carey Short, executive director of Ohio’s Hospice of Miami County, recognized the staff members of Ohio’s Hospice of Miami County for their dedication to excellence and patient safety “Accreditation from The Joint Commission honors the hard work and dedication of our staff members who provide superior care and superior services to the patients and families we are honored and privileged to serve,” Short said “The Joint Commission surveyor was very complimentary about the professionalism and the care our team provided to patients during their visits We re grateful to our staff for their support of our mission as we went through this process
To prepare for the accreditation process the leadership team at Ohio s Hospice of Miami County reviewed The Joint Commission standards to better understand what the survey would entail The team ensured that the not-for-profit organization had appropriate policies in place to address the standards of The Joint Commission The team reviewed records to ensure the organization was meeting the expectations for compliance and reporting They also reviewed patient safety policies For more information, please visit The Joint Commission website
UVMC Inpatient Rehabilitation Awarded 3-Year CARF Accreditation
CARF International announced that Upper Valley Medical Center has been accredited for a period of three years for its UVMC Inpatient Rehabilitation Program
This accreditation designation represents the highest level of accreditation that can be given to an organization and shows the o rg a n i z a t i o n ’s s u b s t a n t i a l c o n f o r m a n c e t o t h e C A R F (Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities) standards An organization receiving a 3-Year Accreditation has put itself through a rigorous peer review process and demonstrated to a team of surveyors during an on-site visit its commitment to offering programs and services that are measurable, accountable, and of the highest quality
The inpatient rehab unit at UVMC focuses on rehabilitation for numerous diagnoses and conditions, including stroke, orthopedic conditions such as joint replacements and lower extremity fractures, cardiac and pulmonary conditions, neurological conditions, amputations, multiple trauma, and others
The program offers a full range of inpatient rehab services including physical therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, and recreational therapy, among others
The rehab team includes specially trained, board-certified physicians and other health care professionals experienced in rehabilitation Together they develop a treatment program to assist with each individual’s needs
“Our primary goal is to help patients regain strength and learn or re-learn skills for daily living The interdisciplinary team helps individuals move past the challenges of their injury or illness to reach their greatest personal level of recovery and return to a productive, fulfilling life,” said Teri Gulker, director of nursing “Our CARF accreditation is an indication of our team’s commitment to providing quality care ”
Dominican University’s 2022 Fall Semester Dean’s List In order to be so honored, fulltime undergraduate students must have achieved a 3 5 GPA or better after taking a minimum of 12 credit hours O h i o D o m i n i c a n U n i v e r s i t y i s l o c a t e d
Page 8 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - DECEMBER 21, 2022 www arenspub com
Named To
e B o e h r
n g e r o f
Fall Dean’s
At Ohio Dominican P a i g
Covington is among 285 stud e n t s n a m e d t o O h i o
Looking for an honest deal? You can find it in our classifieds ! 53? :/, (+ :,>: 05 ,(*/ )6> =033 ), 7;)309/,+ .($3( 44$&+ 3+((4 )02 702'3 06(2 : ($ 65 *644 653? .($3( ),.. 054 )02 052 2(&02'3 (4,''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' /65,''''''''''' ++8,99''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 0:?''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ":(:,'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' &07''''''''''''' (5+ :6 ( % ) + #! *!&%) @ 6> @ 6<05.:65 #)& % #+ ) 4,..7$4(2 "$..(9 '6 (//9 $6(2 5+ =,,2 780*, 05/429 ,6,/* 0.' 2,/4 5+ =,,2 .. $13 ,/*%$4 (::,5:065 .,::,8 ! ! ########### # " A :6 ;9, (5? 4(168 *8,+0: *(8+ $8 4(03 (8,597;) .4(03 *64 $!" 65+(? :/8; 80+(? 74 "(: ";5 369,+ # !% *!##- * ( ## . , (*!) ( &( %%. , ( .&+( -!## +*&$ *! ##. '' ( !% &* '+ #! *!&%) # % &( &%#. '( ' ! -&( ) &( # )) %&% &$$ ( ! # '' () !% &* '+ #! *!&%) &( / &( !*!&% # -&( &( )* - " /' 7((- 12,&( ":033=(:,8 %(33,? +< ,55? "(<,8 #/;89+(? 6;5:8? 0<05. :/08+ #/;89+(? 78,*,+05. 465:/ +9 8,*,0<,+ (-:,8 :/, +,(+305, =033 (;:64(:0*(33? 8;5 05 :/, 5,>: 099;,
i n Columbus
Valley Farewells
acton, jerry h , 93 - A resident of West Milton Died Saturday Dec 10 at Hospice of Miami County boyd, beverly (Wright), 82 - A resident of Lima and ‘58 graduate of Milton-Union High School Died Saturday, Nov 26, at Ohio’s Hospice of Butler and Warren Counties bridenbaugh, dWaine h., 90 - A resident of West Milton Died Saturday, Dec 10, at StoryPoint Troy clark, neil r , 84 - A resident of Covington Died Tuesday, Dec 13, at Ohio’s Hospice Care Center, Troy deeter, nicholaS a., 51 - A resident of Pleasant Hill Died Wednesday, Dec 7, at Hospice of Miami County dohner, William d., 89 - A resident of West Milton Died Sunday Dec 11 at Ohio s Hospice of Miami County harmon, tommy, 78 - A resident of Laura Died Sunday, Nov 27 marcum, jameS t. jr. 81 - A resident of Pleasant Hill Died Saturday Dec 3, at Upper Valley Medical Center, Troy martin, barbara a., 92 - Formerly of Covington most recently of Greenville Died Sunday, Nov 27, at the Versailles Health Care Center Shiverdecker, gary n , 80 - A resident of Greenville Died Wednesday, Dec 14, at Union City Care Center Smith, billy n., 92 - A resident of Clayton Died Saturday, Dec 10 Stoner, tod P., 63 - A resident of Pleasant Hill Died Tuesday, Dec 13, at his home taylor, anna m , 73 - A resident of Union Died Monday, Nov 28 turner, joe m , 85 - Formerly of Bradford, most recently of Piqua Died Saturday, Nov 26, at Stillwater Nursing and Rehabilitation, Covington
www arenspub com Page 9 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - DECEMBER 21, 2022
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Page 10 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - DECEMBER 21, 2022 www arenspub com *9>6/8C= ,#(% 995 ;0-= 8 '34< &:9= # ' & ! !" " !% # ' $# # " ' $" "" " !% ! # !' # ' # ! " !% ' $! " % ! # # $"# !" & " ' $! ' & # ( ,#(% & $ # ' # ' $! BRADFORD STOR & LOCK $0;<98-6 ><480<< 9770;.4-6 ! # # # # < > < > < > < '% & %) # TRIMMING STUMP REMOVAL TREE REMOVAL ! % !$ ! $ " % " % " " ! $ ! 777 6(*4(&+3(26,&(3 &0. '% % 2 # " $ # % ' % ' #"& C& C& '% & %) " " $ %-- ()02( $05 (&,'( "8,:, ? 6+1 '% % &'#% ', WOOD CHUCKIN, LLC "#$ !$" ! % " "# ! !#' " !% " &'(!$ %(& % !#) '% & %) ,.2(3 !+ 6,,3:/11, ./4 " &(( $ &' #"'%# ! ! $! & %& #"&$# +% &)&+$-'*) 0)&+, 6+1 & $' ' " & COOPER'S ! ! < 6+1 & $' ' " & % $ % B ' #"& & $' ' " $(!$ " # & + ) ' " $ (! " " " $ $$ " & %) " !$ " 0*4,*1); "*48-)* 8'-/'(/* (( +$)%, (( *%&(, $ &' % " " * % $ % 16*4-24 = *9 !*3'-4 :6*4-24 "67))2 4;8-6 ";56*05 7'/-6; %24. < ! "# # " ( ' #" % # " 9*8/43,,6 * &74=3 %/ 9?482=98 777 %5&4,0/8,1 &0. =476-8/4<->.=49800; A-399 .97 6+1 '48-1 "6 < *66;5(74, '>0< ;4 &-= =18 " , &($$ & + ) ' " !# ' #" 60-8 *-=0;@-A< 4=.30< $98/< %##! ' #"& B !# ' #" % ) '#$ " " " % " # ;;; (6,3759) *42 ! " # 6/:,;(=7 (62 (3,7 (60/3- 487 (91/3! $(( , *+ (( #*.+ +'/&0$1 &&%, 999 )223*45(/').623 )20 (3,'(/4,%- 0..(2&,%- (26,&( Your High Standards Plumber ? (26,/* ,%. 0 ,/&( +,0 &(/3( ! # " !% % " !% # ! % #./7 97/3,77 ",6:/*, /6,*846= 7 '496 "4198/43 %3 $052 53,/(33 2011(' )) '6(24,3( 0 442%&4 (7 5340.(23 -66 '# , AUTOMOTIVE CLASSIFIEDS MOBILE AUTO REPAIRS LLC ASE certified 40+ years experience GM engine, transmission, & differential repair Call Dennis Bowerman at 937-459-8451 DEMOLITION: Also, concrete demolition such as old swimming pools, barn foundations, porches, etc Also, general excavation work and light demolition 937-232-7380 HANDYMAN SERVICES BOBCAT WORK LIGHT DEMOLITION LIGHT DIRT & GRAVEL HAULING Quality work! Reasonably priced For free estimates call 937-613-0511 or 937-581-0045 AMISH CREW Sam Schwartz wants any type of carpenter work Room additions roofs, foundation replacements, restoration of buildings, etc For FREE estimate, call 260-301-1777 tttttttttttttttttt WANTED: Broken or nonrunning John Deere, Cub Cadet, & Wheel Horse lawnmowers Will pick up others 937-473-2705 or PUPPIES FOR SALE! Chihuahua & Toy Poodle Ready for Christmas 419-925-4712 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn INDUSTRIAL ROTATING PARTS BIN Ft Recover y - 419-305-2658 CHRISTMAS PUPPIES! Golden Retriever & Labrador Retriever “1st come, 1st served ” Maria Stein 567-279-5723 ÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓ WANTED: Old motorcycles, minibikes, mopeds, 3-wheelers, or 4-wheelers Running or not Covington 937-473-2705 KJRIND01@hotmail com H E L P W A N T E D STILLWATER VALLEY CLASSIFIEDS LOOKING FOR After-School Babysitter in New Knoxville: Mon -Thurs , 2:50-4:50 E-mail: majiemao@aol com or VM 419-345-6785 WORK WANTED S t i l l w a t e r V a l l e y C l a s s i f i e d s G e t R e s u l t s ! To Place An Ad, Call 937-473-2028 or 937-473-2020 or e-mail arenspub@gmail com Answers to this weeks puzzle ! # " ! # ! #
www arenspub com Page 11 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - DECEMBER 21, 2022 & # $"% ! Wedding & Event Planner & ! #!+!$ !$ $ %'( %' !$ ( "%' * $)(