PCHD Holiday Home Tour Announced
The holidays are coming and the Piqua Caldwell Historic District (PCHD) will host a Historic Holiday Tour for 325 lucky ticket hold ers The tour will take place Saturday Dec 10 5 8 p m and includes five remarkable historic homes in downtown Piqua Tourists will be awestruck by the beautiful architecture of these homes while learning the history behind each They will receive a treat from tour hosts while visiting each property The self guided walking tour will take place in the north end of the historic district, where featured homes will be in close proximity providing an easy walk
J W BroWn House (1902) owned by rosemary and Paul Gutmann, 714 n Wayne st
DaviD Keyt House (1850) owned by Connie strehle, 718 n Wayne st
BenJamin LeaveLL House (1845) owned by steve Koon, 615 n. Wayne st.
WiLLiam Cron House (1887) owned by nikki and Jason townsend, 711 n Wayne st
JoHn ButLer House (1839) owned by Krystal and Craig stephenson, 325 riverside Dr
Tickets are $25 per person and are available online at piquacald wellhistoricdistrict org They are also available at Readmore’s Hallmark on Main St in downtown Piqua Interested tourists are encouraged to get their tickets early as this is a very popular holiday event
Taking place that same night will be Illuminate the Night an additional holiday event hosted by PCHD Residents within the dis trict are encouraged to place luminaries along their sidewalks to enhance their holiday decor Whether tourists walk the neighborhood or drive through that evening, they won’t be able to escape the holi day spirit these luminaries bring to light Weather permitting, lumi naries will be glowing from 5 8 p m on Saturday Dec 10
The Piqua Caldwell Historic District Association founded in 2017 and acquiring its 501(c)3 non profit designation in 2019 is focused on “Preserving our Past, For the Future ” After this year ’s tour, the association will have placed 32 aluminum cast historic mark ers on homes within the district PCHD is also currently negotiating with the City of Piqua to add nine historic district signs around the perimeter of the district and to replace the existing intersection street signs to include the PCHD logo as well Piqua s historic district encompasses an extraordinary amount of Piqua s history and these homes have stories to tell The abundance of diverse architecture found here is comparable to cities of a much larger size and PCHD is working diligently to highlight the area, tell those stories, and make Piqua’s historic district a destination,” shared Mary Frances Rodriguez, PCHDA President
Please watch for upcoming press releases to learn more about each individual property
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Covington Eagles Blood Drive Scheduled Monday, Dec. 12
www arenspub com Page 3 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - DECEMBER 7, 2022 Join Us As We Dig Into God’s Word & Worship “For where two or three are gathered in My name, there am I among them.”&&& #$ # % $ " ! ! 6370 S. Kessler-Frederick Rd. " ! " C h u r C h S e r v i C e S & e v e n t S ' ( ! % $& "! & # STILLWATER VALLEY CLASSIFIEDS SPLIT FIREWOOD: Approx 1/2 cord $50 Firelog poles also available New Knoxville area 419 204 4926 CHRISTMAS PUPPIES! Golden Retriever & Labrador Retriever 1st come 1st served! Maria Stein 567 279 5723 Blood Drive Slated Dec. 15 At BHS Give your support to the holiday season blood supply during Community Blood Center ’s “12 Days of Giving” by donating at the Bradford High School community blood drive Thursday, Dec 15, 3 7 p m , at 750 Railroad Ave Everyone who registers to donate December 5 17 at any CBC blood drive or the Dayton CBC Donation Center is automatically entered in the daily drawings to win one of 12 Amazon Fire widescreen TV’s All donors also receive a knit Blood Donor Beanie Make an appointment online at www DonorTime com, call 937 461 3220, or use the new Donor Time app Your donation will help CBC maintain the regional blood supply as winter weather and the holiday season arrives Save time when you donate by downloading the new Donor Time app You can also use DonorXPress to complete the donor questionnaire before arriving at a blood drive Find DonorXPress on the Donor Time App or at www givingblood org/donorxpress
Bradford Public Library will be hosting a COVID Vaccine Clinic Thursday, Dec 8, from 2 4 p m No appointment required Darke County Health Dept will be offering the newest booster shot from Moderna and Pfizer They will also have a limited supply of
for those starting out $100 gift cards are available for those receiving their first shot while supplies last
first shots
your support to the holiday season blood supply during Community Blood Center s 12 Days of Giving by donating at the Covington Eagles community blood drive Monday, Dec 12, 1 7 p m , at 715 E Broadway St
registers to donate December 5 17 at any CBC blood
or the Dayton CBC Donation Center, is automatically entered
the daily drawings to win one of 12 Amazon Fire
TV s All donors also receive a knit Blood Donor Beanie Make an appointment online at www DonorTime com call 937 461 3220, or use the new Donor Time app Your donation will help CBC maintain the regional blood supply as winter weather and the holiday season arrives Save time when you donate by downloading the new Donor Time app You can also use “DonorXPress” to complete the donor ques tionnaire before arriving at a blood drive Find DonorXPress on the Donor Time App or at www givingblood org/donorxpress FOR SALE: New large Hobart l e a t h e r w e l d i n g j a c k e t ; H o b a r t weld ng backpack; (2) trash cans on wheels, like new; Bosch Rotozip t o o l , N E W ; H o o v e r E l i t e 2 0 0 upright sweeper; propane heater 30 60 BTU; 8 ft stock racks for older Chevy truck (good wood); (2) 1 9 2 C r a f t s m a n b a t t e r i e s a n d charger; 1,000 piece Coca Co a p u z z l e s 937 778 3808 or 937 214 4408 Woul d Y our House of WorsHi p li ke To Be incl uded on our cHurcH page? The Stillwater Valley Advertiser is pleased to publish a church page for our readers This is a great way to publicize revivals guest speakers musical programs and other special events as well as wel coming newcomers to the area who are seeking a house of worship Contact our office at 937 473 2028 or 937 473 2029 and our office personnel will be happy to assist you You can also email our sales representative Yvonne Welbaum at ywelbaum@gmail com
Everyone who
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