Stillwater Valley Advertiser 2-15-23

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ECrWss Postal Customer STILLWATER VALLEY A DVERTISER PrE-sOrtED stANDArD u s POstAGE PAID Arens Corporation ! ! 1 - ,"#%*,# *) "- "( +( .) "( +( 1 *-$ , */')&-*) *) ,' "( +( 000 ! 000 Vol 72 - No 7 Circulation: 10,508 • 937-473-2028 • FEBRUARY 15, 2023 FAX: 937-473-2500 • E-Mail: arenspub@gmail com • Check Us Out On The Web: arenspub com ZONED INsErts: PAttY’s IGA sPECIAL PAGEs: hIGh sChOOL BAskEtBALL tOurNAmENts 2023: PAGEs 4-5 • PAID ADVERTORIAL •

What’s happening at...

J.R. ClaRke PubliC libRaRy

102 E Spring St , Covington & 937-473-2226

EvEry TuEsday: Story Time with Miss Laurie & Miss Mary Kate

Class time options are 9 a m or 10:30 a m Registration required

EvEry WEdnEsday & Friday, 9:30-10:30 a m : Keep Moving exercise class with Vicki Hand Registration required

Thursday, FEbruary 16: Adult Card & Game Club – 1-3 p m

Monday, FEbruary 27: Lego Landing – 3:15-4:15 p m

For more infor mation, call 937-473-2226 or e-mail: info@jrclarkelibrar y org

uvMC February 24 blood drive

everyone who registers to donate with CBC will receive a special edition long-sleeved hoodie T-shirt Make an appointment online at; call 937461-3220; or use the new Donor Time app

Save time when you donate by downloading the Donor Time app You can also use “DonorXPress” to complete the donor questionnaire before arriving at a blood drive Find DonorXPress on the Donor Time App or at www givingblood org/donorxpress

West Milton Lions Blood Drive

Scheduled Wednesday, Feb. 22

Support the winter blood supply and get a Community Blood Center Give Blood” hoodie T-shirt by donating at the West Milton Lions Club community blood drive Wednesday, Feb 22, 1-7 p m , at West Milton United Church of Christ, 108 S Main St

Now thru February 25 everyone who registers to donate with

CBC will receive a special edition long-sleeved hoodie T-shirt

Make an appointment online at; call 937461-3220; or use the new Donor Time app

Save time when you donate by downloading the Donor Time app You can also use “DonorXPress” to complete the donor questionnaire before arriving at a blood drive Find DonorXPress on the Donor Time App or at www givingblood org/donorxpress

Th e G a r i e t y fa m i l y o f Covington enjoyed a twoweek road trip to Phoenix, Arizona. They left January 21 and returned February 3 On

Looking for an honest deal? You can find it in our classifieds. Combine the power of print with the power of the internet All of our advertising is also available on line . V isit Page 2 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - FEBRUARY 15, 2023 www arenspub com HAVE A SERVICE TO OFFER? Advertise it in our classifieds Buf falo ~BREAKFAST SPECIALS~ ! 3 1%.$ $ -$ ,*1)- *, $*(" #,%"! 3 3 3 1%.$ .* -. ! 3 1%.$ -%!" *# ," &# -. (" . ! 1%.$ -%!" *# ," &# -. (" . ! 1%.$ -%!" *# ," &# -. (" . ! 3 1%.$ $ -$ ,*1)- *, $*(" #,%"*,.$ (",% ) %'! (" ! $ & #%!" $#" & ~LUNCH SPECIALS ~ ! */).,2 ,%"! ." & 1%.$ -%!"! $% &") *. %" ! %" " ''"2" %))", 1%.$ -%!"#.", +( '' */ ) . ''"2" ! , %' %!", )!1% $ #,") $ #,%"#.", +( ,%(" % 1%.$ -%!"! ( ." & 1%.$ -%!"! ,%"! ""# , 02 """ " """ ' ' ' ! ! DAlwayselicious! TAX, ACCOUNTING & FINANCIAL SERVICES # ( - % " ) %% #) ' ' ) %% )- ) ' #( ' #+ ) )$ # $- ## ' # '$*(!- %'$+ - # ' ' " $*#)- ' .( , !! (% $# *# ( )- # $ '$# "$#()' ) $# ! " ) #*" ' $ # *# ( ( , !! + # , - $# ) - ) $ %) ' $ ) " ' # "- $ )' ( $ ' ( '+ ) $# ' &* ' " ! ( , ! $"
Support the winter blood supply and get a Community Blood Center “Give Blood” hoodie T-shirt by donating at the Upper Valley Medical Center community blood drive Friday, Feb 24, 10 a m to 1 p m , in the conference rooms, 3130 N Co Rd 25-A, Troy Now thru February 25
the way home they stopped at White Sands N at i o n a l Pa rk i n Alamogordo, New Mexico They rented a sled and went sledding down the s a n d d u n e s “ I t wa s s o mu ch f u n , ” s a i d Ka r t e r Gariety (11). He remembered to pack a copy of the Advertiser so his family could submit a photo for our “Take Us Along” cont e s t Ka r t e r i s p i c t u re d h o l d i n g t h e A dve r t i s e r, a l o n g s i d e h i s b ro t h e rs, Krosby (9), Krawford (7), and Katcher (5) Gariety Family Invites Advertiser Along As They Head Out West Valley Farewells BASHORE, JANET K., 80 - A resident of Arcanum Died Sunday, Feb 5, at Hospice of Miami County dEETER, JANET l., 89 - A resident of Troy Died Tuesday, Feb 7, at her home ENgliSH, RicHARd d., 79 - A resident of West Milton Died Monday, Feb 6

Two Area Residents Named to Dean’s List At University of Findlay

The Dean’s List for the fall 2022 semester at the University of Findlay has been announced To earn this distinction a student must attain a GPA of at least 3 5 on a 4 0 scale

Among those so honored were Sydney Hogue of Bradford and Chloe Howell of West Milton

Winter Solstice Celebration Runs Thru March 19 at BNC

All are invited to enjoy the Winter Art Exhibit at Brukner Nature Center, featuring the awe-inspiring artwork of Maria Burke

Maria is a Hocking Hills-based artist who pulls her inspiration from Ohio s native wildlife Her unique gouache paintings on black paper and lifelike museum-quality sculptures recreate Ohio s plants animals, and environments that are often underappreciated

Maria’s goal is to foster a curiosity and appreciation for the nature we find in our own backyards and beyond Her art will be on exhibit through March 19

The nature center is located at 5995 Horseshoe Bend Rd Troy

Young Birders’ Club to Meet February 25 at Nature Center

The Young Birders’ Club is geared for students in Grades 5-12 who are members of Brukner Nature Center and have an interest in birding The group will meet Saturday Feb 25 from 9-11 a m

Most of the birds currently seen are those winter residents that have been here already for a few months Through the Great Backyard Bird Count and FeederWatch Projects it’s possible to keep track of these populations and join in a global effort to count as many birds as possible Data from all over the world can then be combined to give a snapshot of local and international bird populations

The Young Birders’ Club will do a mock count of the birds found at BNC as they strive to help increase the understanding of bird populations around the world

E-mail brian@bruknernaturecenter com for more information The nature center is located at 5995 Horseshoe Bend Rd , Troy

Three Area Residents Named To President’s List at Miami Univ.

Miami University - Oxford students who are ranked in the top three percent of undergraduate students within each division for the fall semester 2022/23 have been named to the President s List recognizing academic excellence Among those so honored were:

Makenzie Knore, Bradford, earning a Bachelor of Arts in English: Creative Writing, Media and Culture; Holly Beasley, Covington, earning a Bachelor of Music in Music Education; and Kyli Parsons, West Milton, earning a B S in Education in Primary Education PK-5



FRIDAY, JAN 27 - Boys Varsity Basketball falls to Dixie HS/MS 67-52

SATURDAY, JAN 28 - Boys’ Varsity Basketball falls to Lehman Catholic 53-34

FRIDAY, FEB 3 - Boys’ Varsity Basketba l beats Twin Valley South 6257

SATURDAY, FEB 4 - Boys Varsity Basketba l beats Northeastern HS/MS 56-54

TUESDAY, FEB 7 - Boys’ Varsity Basketball beats Houston 59-35 – COVINGTON –

SATURDAY, FEB 4 - The Wrestling Team competed in the Ohio High School Wrestling Coaches Assn District Dua s held at Versailles dropping their dual to Brookville 54-24 but rebounding with a 57-18 victory over Wayne Trace, to make the r current dual meet record 9-4

TUESDAY, FEB 7 - Covington hosted Coldwater and Milton-Union and came away with victories against both teams to improve their dual meet record to 11-4 overall The Buccs defeated Co dwater 39-26, and M ltonUnion 42-27 Coldwater defeated Milton-Union 42-24 in the other dual

THURSDAY, FEB 9 - Covington trave ed to Dayton Christ an for their pools event, where each wrestler competes twice during the evening, but no team scores are kept 2-0 for Covington – NEWTON –

FRIDAY, FEB 3 - Boys’ Varsity Basketball beats Arcanum 49-40

SATURDAY, FEB 4 - Girls’ Varsity Basketball falls to Milton-Union

HS/MS 46-37

TUESDAY, FEB 7 - Girls’ Vars ty Bow ing falls to Butler 2083-1388

TUESDAY, FEB 7 - Boys’ Varsity Bowling beats But er 2121-1964

TUESDAY, FEB 7 - Girls’ Vars ty Bow ing falls to Butler 2121-1964

TUESDAY, FEB 7 - Girls’ Vars ty Bow ing beats Butler 2083-1388

www arenspub com Page 3 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - FEBRUARY 15, 2023
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Bradford Photos by Don Selanders $ !% " & %&# ! # #' # ! &$% ! ! ! ! ! People who care...protecting your future Hometown Proud! Best Meats in Town! !! '% #$ (#' '( %& " &&(% '$ # We’re Always On Your Team " ! " # # COVINGTON BODY SHOP & SERVICE DEPT. “Impeccable Service, Driven by Integrity” Steve E. omas as sole proprietor BRADFORD RAILROADERS 2022-23 MILTON-UNION BULLDOGS 2022-23 COVINGTON BUCCANEERS 2022-23 NEWTON INDIANS 2022-23 Congratulations on a Great Season . . . and Best of Luck in the End-of-Season Tournaments -BUCCS • ‘DOGS • ‘ROADERS • INDIANS Covington These Pages Are Brought To You By These Local Community-Minded Businesses


HERD: Excellent pedigree, intelligence, & disposition Price negotiable Disabled U S Veteran 937-875-8402 ttttttttttttttttttt

WANTED: Broken or nonrunning John Deere, Cub Cadet, & Wheel Horse lawnmowers Will pick up others 937-473-2705 or KJRIND01@hotmail com




H E L P W A N T E D www arenspub com Page 7 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - FEBRUARY 15, 2023 AMISH CREW Sam Schwartz wants any type of carpenter work Room additions roofs foundation replacements restoration of buildings etc For FREE estimate, call 260-301-1777 D E M O L I T I O N : A l s o c o n c r e t e demolition such as old swimming pools barn foundations porches etc Also general excavation w o r k a n d l i g h t d e m o l i t i o n 937-232-7380 C L E A N I N G & O R G A N I Z I N G YOUR HOME: Call for rates & information 937-710-0044 W O R K W A N T E D *9>6/8C= ,#(% 995 ;0-= 8 '34< &:9= # ' & ! !" " !% # ' $# # " ' $" "" " !% ! # !' # ' # ! " !% ' $! " % ! # # $"# !" & " ' $! # ' $! BRADFORD STOR & LOCK $0;<98-6 ><480<< 9770;.4-6 ! # # # # < > < > < > < '% & %) # TRIMMING STUMP REMOVAL TREE REMOVAL ! % !$ ! $ " % " % " " ! $ ! 777 6(*4(&+3(26,&(3 &0. '% % 2 # " $ # % ' % ' #"& C& C& '% & %) " " $ %-- ()02( $05 (&,'( "8,:, ? 7,2 '% % &'#% ', ! .')1(*#*(%$ &+ (* "-+ 111 ! .')1(*#*(%$ "-+ * &# (' #"& WOOD CHUCKIN, LLC "#$ !$" ! % " "# ! !#' " !% " &'(!$ %(& % !#) '% & %) ,.2(3 !+ 6,,3:/11, ./4 " &(( $ &' #"'%# ! ! $.+(0$ $/0 -,0.-* +% &)&+$-'*) 0)&+, 7,2 & $' ' " & COOPER'S ! ! = 7,2 & $' ' " & % $ % B ' #"& & $' ' " $(!$ " # & + ) ' " $ (! " " " $ $$ " & %) " !% " 1+5-+2*< "+59.*+ 9(.0()0+ (( +$)%, (( *%&(, $ &' % " " * % $ % 27+5.35 > +: !+4(.5 ;7+5.35 "78**3 5<9.7 "<67+16 8(0.7< &35/ = ! "# # " ( ' #" % # " 9*8/43,,6 * &74=3 %/ 9?482=98 777 %5&4,0/8,1 &0. =476-8/4<->.=49800; A-399 .97 7,2 (59.2 "7 = +77<6)85'>0< ;4 &-= =18 " , &($$ & + ) ' " !# ' #" 60-8 *-=0;@-A< 4=.30< $98/< %##! ' #"& B !# ' #" % ) '#$ " " " % " # ;;; (6,3759) *42 ! " # 6/:,;(=7 (62 (3,7 (60/3- 487 (91/3! $(( , *+ (( #*.+ +'/&0$1 &&%, ::: *334+56)0(*/734 *31 (3,'(/4,%- 0..(2&,%- (26,&( Your High Standards Plumber ? (26,/* ,%. 0 ,/&( + 0 ,&(/3( ! # " !% % " !% # ! % #./7 97/3,77 ",6:/*, /6,*846= 7 '496 "4198/43 %3 $052 53,/(33 2011(' )) '6(24,3( 0 442%&4 (7 5340.(23 -66 '# ,
WANTED: Old motorcycles, minibikes, mopeds, 3-wheelers, or 4-wheelers Running or not Covington 937-473-2705 VINTAGE 1974 Rotel Turntable: Exc cond LP record collection, ‘60s, ‘70s & ‘80s Make offer 937-313-9159 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––U S E D T I R E S : ( 2 ) G o o d y e a r Wr a n g l e r M + S 2 3 5 - 7 5 - R 1 5 10/32” tread min Good cond Single owner $150 Text only! 937-469-4584
P U R E B R E D G E R M A N S H E P -
TOPPER For ‘96 or similar Chevy S10 shor tbed truck $50 Jeff - 937-473-2144
BOAT COVERS & BOAT UPHOLSTERY! Pontoon flooring Now is the time to get your boat ready! Call 937-464-5494 or Google: Magi Canvas Ohio
Automotive MOBILE AUTO REPAIRS LLC A S E c e r t i f i e d 4 1 + y e a r s e x p e r i e n c e G M e n g i n e , t r a n s m i s s i o n , & d i ff e r e n t i a l repair Call Dennis Bowerman at 937-459-8451 nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn 2019 CHEVY 2500 Double cab. 4x4. 8’ bed. V inyl seats/floor Gas 18,300 mi Bright Red EC!
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'+ 0 +',+ 7 Plain & Simple $$ # !& 03 +*/!(*$-. +&0-/ -$/4$). $/ '+#+)!/$ )0$"$--3 /-!1"$--3 +-$ $)(#(+0. !-($/($. #&# 0 + 2#+ ,. '!.,3 2# %" &$%"-. / (&.2 +# ,+!/ .- . .%" "-. ,& "/, '"! ++!- ," !" &(2 1&.% ,"-",0 .&0"- "! ++!- , /, ' " ! , ,+!/ .- ,+!/ "-.&0 0 ,"-",0 ,"-", !-($/($ & $ $ $ ' *! % ' *! %#$!) '" '& * '( %#$!) '" !)* #$*'& * + # ! Page 8 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - FEBRUARY 15, 2023 www arenspub com

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