Stillwater Valley Advertiser 3-1-23

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ECrWss Postal Customer STILLWATER VALLEY A DVERTISER PrE-sOrtED stANDArD u s POstAGE PAID Arens Corporation 0 *-$ , */')&-*) *) ,' "( +( 0 - ,"#%*,# *) "- "( +( .) "( +( ! ! Vol 72 - No 9 Circulation: 10,508 • 937-473-2028 • MARCH 1, 2023 FAX: 937-473-2500 • E-Mail: arenspub@gmail com • Check Us Out On The Web: arenspub com ZONED INsErts: PAttY’s IGA MENArDs WhEN YOu suPPOrt A sMAll busINEss YOu suPPOrt A DrEAM – ANONYMOus • PAID ADVERTORIAL •

Pr ayer Display Ad v er tising Char ge

Combine the power of print with the power of the internet All of our advertising is also available on line Visit www arenspub com Page 2 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - MARCH 1, 2023 www arenspub com
! 4 2&/% % .% -+2*. +- %+)# $-&#. ! 4 4 4 2&/% /+ ./ ! 4 2&/% .&"# +$ -# '$ ./ )# / ! 2&/% .&"# +$ -# '$ ./ )# / ! 2&/% .&"# +$ -# '$ ./ )# / ! 4 2&/% % .% -+2*. +- %+)# $-&#. +-/% )#-&! * &(" )# ! $ & #%!" $#" & ~LUNCH SPECIALS ~ ! 4 1 &( (# (( " 3 ! %&!'#* +/ &# +- &1#- *&+*. ! &#!# ((#3# &**#- 2&/% .&"#. $/#- ,) (( +0 * / ((#3# ! - &( &"#- *"2&!% $-#*!% $-&#. )#(/ %-&), &**#-. 2&/% .&"#. $/#- ,) -&)# & 2&/% .&"#. ! ) /# ' 2&/% .&"#. ! -&#" ##$ - 13 " " " " " " " ' ' ' ! ! DAlwayselicious! TAX, ACCOUNTING & FINANCIAL SERVICES / ('(-$ * * )- +, -+, * "& $ '* &'*,! *& . , * &+ & ,! "* %"$" + ! + & $ + #'"& -+ - + / * ! ( % , ,! '% '*, && +! , ")- '* % $ & (* + &, ,"'& '& ,! , & /'-* & ",+ '* )- +,"'&+ '* %'* "& '*% ,"'& $$ & $ % & " '$ +% ( !"'%) PROCEEDS TO BENEFIT PARISH ACTIVITIES # ! *& %" "'& ! & !!% " $ % # ! " !% Valley Farewells COSSIN, TINA N , 85 - A resident of West Milton Died Friday, Feb 17, at Kettering Main Hospital DITMER, ELAINE C., 61 - A resident of West Milton Died Saturday, Feb 18 jESTER, MAHLON “Shorty” M., 95 - A resident of Troy Died Wednesday, Feb 15, at Hospice of Miami County McDADE, bEvERLy A., 80 - A resident of Piqua Died Tuesday, Feb 21, at Upper Valley Medical Center, Troy SNyDER, gREgORy A., 71 - A resident of Laura Died Saturday, Feb 18 SpARkE, SANDRA L., 61 - A resident of West Milton Died Wednesday, Feb 15, at Hospice of Miami County Covington Newberry Historical Society Museum to Reopen The Covington Newberry Historical Society Museum will reopen Sunday March 5 from 2-5 p m Normal hours will be the first and third Sunday and the second and fourth Wednesday of each month, from 5-7 p m There are many new exhibits and displays for your enjoyment Stop by and renew your memories of Covington and Newberry Township Covington Alumni Assn. Committee To Meet March 9 The Covington Alumni Assn Committee will meet Thursday March 9 1
Banquet If you
in helping with
banquet, we
To BGSU Dean’s List
the Dean’s
College of Arts and Sciences
the fall 2022
Green State University GOT GOODNEWS? WANTTO READ GOODNEWS? Stillwater Valley Classifieds help share joy with special announcements every week. THE STILLWATER VALLEY CLASSIFIEDS Featuring new listings every week! 937-473-2028 or 937-473-2020
Occasionally, our readers request that prayers be printed in the Stillwater Valley Advertiser The charge for a 1-inch by 2-inch prayer is $20 per prayer The customer has the option to include their name with the prayer, to use just their initials, or to remain anonymous If you would like to have a special prayer printed in the Advertiser, please call our office at 937-473-2028; fax: 937473-2500; email: arenspub@gmail com; or send your request to Arens Corp , P O Box 69, Covington, OH 45318
p m at Buffalo Jack’s The purpose of the meeting is to continue planning for the June 3 Alumni
are interested
look forward to seeing you March
has been named to
List in the
semester at Bowling

Newberry Township Cemetery Spring Clean-Up Announced

Spring cemetery clean-up will run from March 1-15 Please remove all decorations you wish to save by March 15 in all cemeteries maintained by Newberry Township New spring arrangements in vases attached to monuments or spring saddles will not be removed Other new arrangements may be placed March 30

Cemeteries included are:

Highland - High St , Covington Greenville Creek - Buckneck Rd , Bradford

Freidens - Corner of Versailles and Bradford-Bloomer Rd

All artificial arrangements must be in a vase, hanging device, or on a monument saddle Please put the deceased’s name and a contact person on the bottom of a saddle (in a permanent manner) so identification can be made if it s blown off the monument



saturday, feb 18 - Covington Wrestlers traveled to Miami East to compete in the Three Rivers Conference championship and fell a little short of repeating as league champions The Buccs finished with 169 5 points to finish as runner-up to Miami East, who had 175 5 points In all, Covington finished with 10 top-3 individual place-winners

suNday, feb 19 - C o v i n g t o n Wr e s t l e r s c o m p e t e d a t t h e Northmont Regional meet for their final Miami Valley Kids Wrestling Association competition The event included Arcanum, Centerville, Greenville, Miami East, Milton-Union, Northeastern, Northmont, National Trail, Piqua, Sidney, Troy, Union County, and Versailles Each of the wrestlers gained valuable experience and represented Covington well – NEWTON

frIday, feb 17 - Boys Varsity Basketball falls to Lehman Catholic 49-34

www arenspub com Page 3 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - MARCH 1, 2023 –
! " $ ' ! " $ ! ! ! " $ & $ ! ! ! & $ ( ! %# ! " $ ! ! & $ ! "'#$ "( & % # % $% %"! " ) ' ! ( &# " ! ' ) () ")%$ % ,#$ . *' # " %# , ) + '- %$ * () (& ! ' " ! ! ! !" ' # ( $ ' ! !" !% ' $ & " ! # 6370 S. Kessler-Frederick Rd. " " "# " # #!" & " "# " $ !# &! " 744)16/: 9) ,'8) 5)8)4'/ 3)23/) *-//-1+ -1 34)'(,-1+ 716-/ 34-/ 9,)1 ' *'0-/-'4 *'() 4)67415 %) 6,'1. '5624 '8) *24 :)'45 C h u r C h S e r v i C e S & e v e n t S
Page 4 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - MARCH 1, 2023 www arenspub com Just a reminder that the deadline for submitting classified ads is THURSDAY AT 5 P.M. PRECEDING PUBLICATION Need some work done around your home? Find the help you need in our BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY!
www arenspub com Page 5 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - MARCH 1, 2023 HAVE A SERVICE TO OFFER? Advertise it in our classifieds. Call 937-473-2028 Clean out your basement and maybe even the attic Sell your unwanted items in our classifieds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
Page 6 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - MARCH 1, 2023 Looking for an honest deal? You can find it in our classifieds LEGAL NOTICES
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
You’ ll invite 20,000+ to your auction or sale w hen you ad v er tise it in our classified pa ges.


LOTS OF BOOKS that may help you supplement your homeschool curriculum Call me to talk!

I am a retired homeschool Mom of 19 years 937-698-6079

FREE KITTENS! Inside kittens

Potty trained (4) black w/white; 2) white w/black 937-542-9817

21 BULLFROG A6L HOT TUB: (4) interchangeable jetpacks, (2) industrial pumps, landscape lighting, stereo system, cover & lift 937-239-3134


WANTED: Old motorcycles, minibikes, mopeds, 3-wheelers, or 4-wheelers Running or not Covington 937-473-2705

KJRIND01@hotmail com

Automotive Automotive



ASE certified 41+ years experience GM engine, transmission & differential repair Call Dennis Bowerman at 937-459-8451 nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

2019 CHEVY 2500

Double cab 4x4 8’ bed

V inyl seats/floor Gas

18,300 mi. Bright Red. EC!

Celina - 419-852-1142

WANTED: Country 1+ acre land OR ranch house 3+ bedrooms with basement Botkins, Anna, or New Knoxville School District 419-230-0957


HERD: Excellent pedigree intelligence & disposition Price negotiable Disabled U S Veteran 937-875-8402

WANTED: Broken or nonrunning John Deere, Cub Cadet, & Wheel Horse lawnmowers Will pick up others 937-473-2705 or KJRIND01@hotmail com


Pontoon flooring Now is the time to get your boat ready! Call 937-464-5494 or Google: Magi Canvas Ohio

WANTED: Someone to clean my home once a month 937-295-3122

H E L P W A N T E D www arenspub com Page 7 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - MARCH 1, 2023 REAL ESTATE H E L P W A N T E D AMISH CREW Sam Schwartz wants any type of carpenter work Room additions, roofs foundation replacements restoration of buildings, etc For FREE estimate, call 260-301-1777 DEMOLITION: Also concrete demolition such as old swimming pools, barn foundations, porches, etc Also, general excavation work and light demolition 937-232-7380 CLEANING & ORGANIZING YOUR HOME: Call for rates & information 937-710-0044 W O R K W A N T E D )8=5.7B< +"'$ 884 :/,< 7 &23; %98< " & % ! ! $ " & #" " ! & #! !! ! $ " & " & " ! $ & # ! $ " " #!" ! % ! & # " & # BRADFORD STOR & LOCK #/:;87,5 =;37/;; 866/:-3,5 " " " " ; = ; = ; = ; &$ % $( %%% %%% # TRIMMING STUMP REMOVAL TREE REMOVAL $ # # ! $ ! $ ! ! ! "# $ ( "$! <<< ;,.9,*/8,7;0*,8 *42 &$ $ 2 # " # " $ & $ & "!% B% B% &$ % $( & & $# ! ( $ )11 $" ,-47, (4: ,*0+, !7+9+ > 5*0 &$ $ %&"$ &+ WOOD CHUCKIN, LLC !"# #! $ ! !" "& ! $ ! %&' # $'% $ "( &$ % $( +-1'2 * 5++29.00+ -.3 " &(( # %& "!&$" &#!( '( %$(&%" +% &)&+$-'*) 0)&+, 5*0 % #& & ! % COOPER'S ! ! ; 5*0 % #& & ! % $ # $ A & "!% % #& & ! #' # ! " % * ( & ! # ' ! ! ! # ## ! % $( ! # ! /)3+)0(: !)37,() 7&,.&'.) (( +$)%, (( *%&(, # %& $ ! ! ) $ # $ 05)3,13 < )8 )2&,3 95)3,13 !56((1 3:7,5 !:45)/4 6&.,5: $13- ; !" " ! ' & "! $ " ! 8)7.32++5 ) %63<2 $. 8>371<87 <<< ):*9043>05 *42 <365,7.3;,=-<387//: @,288 -86 5*0 &37,0 !5 ; )55:4'63+ &=/; :3 %,< <07 ! + %'## % * ( & ! " & "! 5/,7 ),</:?,@; 3<-2/; #87.; $"" & "!% A " & "! $ ( &"# # & ! ! # & # # & ! # # ! # $ ! " ::: '5+2648( )31 # ! % & ! ! ' "# 5.9+:'<6 '51 '2+6 '5/.2, 376 '80.2, ! ! % ! ! ! ! " # $(( , *+ (( #*.+ +'/&0$1 &&%, 888 (112)34'.&(-512 (1/ !!# % ! "5,*0)10>03. 03 " # & " #,*/306:, 4,8(4:7 42, );, 1.), ?% " @ "947= 42, "9)7903. )9 "947= 42,8 "9)7903. )9 " !% ! $ # " " $# $! ! # ! " " $ # *& $ "$ ! ! !,80+,390)1 422,7*0)1 ",7;0*, Your High Standards Plumber > ",7;03. 0)2 4 "03*, / 4 0*,38, ! # & " &

Large variety of Pansies

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