Stillwater Valley Advertiser 4-26-23

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ECRWSS Postal Customer STILLWATER VALLEY A DVERTISER PRE-SORTED STANDARD U S POSTAGE PAID Arens Corporation 2 / -!#%+-# +* !/ !) ,) 0* !) ,) 2 +/$ - +1'*&/+* +* -' !) ,) $"!/$ $/!'(. &# $ $ % &# "& ) % # $ %( !# % ) $% # ' & # $ # ! # $ / ' ( "*() %*' ( # ( # ! )' #( ) $# ), # %' ) # - () / *' ( ( " !" ') !" ') $" - " .$# $" "%! ' ' ( (- ' '( %( $' #- $) ' *# *) $' . ! ' $ #$) &* ! - $' ' ) / " ) ' ) ( % ' $*( $! % ' " ! / !!$, , ( $' + '/ $) + , ) #- $) ' $ ' Vol 72 - No 17 Circulation: 10,508 • 937-473-2028 • April 26, 2023 FAX: 937-473-2500 • E-Mail: arenspub@gmail com • Check Us Out On The Web: arenspub com ZONED INsErts: PAttY’s IGA MENArDs sPECIAL PAGEs sPrING HOME IMPrOVEMENt: PAGEs 4-5 PAID ADVERTORIAL !

What’s happening at Milton-Union PUblic library

560 S Main St , West Milton & 937-698-5515

BRING YOUR OWN DEVICE - Every Tuesday from 11 a m -6 p m The Guiding Ohio Online program provides free tech training Have questions about Overdrive Hoopla or your device? Stop by the library to have your questions answered Appointments are encouraged, but drop-ins welcome

TINY TOTS - Every Tuesday at 11 a m Toddlers can enjoy listening to a book, finger plays, music, and fun movements

Ages newborn to Pre-K

STORY HOUR - Every Wednesday at 10:30 a m Kids can enjoy a story, puppet play, music, games, and fun craft Grades


MIDWEEK MOVIE - Every Wednesday at 4 p m Teens are invited to hang out at the library with teen librarian Lainie Every week teens can pick a movie to watch from a small assortment with ratings running from G to PG-13 Snacks and drinks will be provided

TEEN ADVISORY BOARD - Tuesday, May 2, 3:15 p m Teens, do you need a fun way to earn volunteer hours and also want to help out at the library? In this group teens are welcome to share their thoughts on practices, books, and programs provided by the library Join in-person or over ZOOM with the following credentials: Meeting ID 934 8755 1109 & Passcode-mutab

FRIENDS MEETING - Thursday, May 4, 6 p m The Friends will to discuss regular business For more information, contact the library

PAINT YOUR HEART OUT - Saturday May 6 10-11 a m Adults can join Tiana in creating painted Terra Cotta tiles using acrylic paints and stencils Please register ahead of time to attend

KIDS’ CRAFT NIGHT – PAPER MACHE DINOSAUR EGGS - Monday, May 8, 6-7:30 p m Children in Grades 3 to 6 are invited to join Miss Evelyn in creating dinosaur eggs made out of paper mache They will start during this meeting but will finish them Monday, May 15, from 6-7 p m

PINTEREST CRAFT OF THE MONTH - Tuesday, May 9, 6-7 p m Adults can join Katie in creating “Button Flowers ” Please register in order to attend

EVENING BOOK DISCUSSION - Thursday May 11 6:30 p m Adults may join Staci in this casual book discussion of Once There Were Wolves by Charlotte McConaghy Books are available in the library, through the Ohio Digital Library, and HOOPLA

CRAFT CLUB - Friday, May 12, 1-3 p m Adults, gather up your craft projects and head on down to the library! This newest club is a great way for you to work on your projects like knitting, crocheting, or other crafty projects with other people and get ideas from them

MOTHER DAUGHTER SOCIAL - Saturday May 13 1:30-3 p m Mothers and daughters can join Miss Stacy and Miss Evelyn for this afternoon dedicated to you! Dress up in your finest and come enjoy snacks a craft and a tea party

Please sign up ahead of time

BOARD MEETING - Tuesday, May 16, 7 p m The Board will discuss regular business For more information, contact the library

MEDICARE INFO WITH VALERIE BAKER - Thursday, May 18, 10-11 a m Join us in welcoming Valerie Baker to the library She will be answering any questions you or your loved ones may have about Medicare

HIGH NOONER’S BOOK CLUB - Thursday, May 18, 12-1:30 p m Join Katie in discussion of The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek by Kim Michele Richardson Books are available in the library through the Ohio Digital Library and HOOPLA

BINGO FOR BOOKS - Thursday, May 18, 6:30 p m Adults may join Staci for another night of BINGO Prizes will be awarded for each round Please register ahead of time in order to attend

For Information About the Above Events, Contact the Librar y: 937-698-5515 | www mupubliclibrar y org ### CLIP & SAVE ###

Page 2 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - APRIL 26, 2023 www arenspub com HAVE A SERVICE TO OFFER? Advertise it in our classifieds Buf falo ! $ & #%!" $#" & $%& " % # ! " $ $ () ! "& % "' ! & ) '$ $ $ ! $ % $ !! $ * % & $ # !! $ * % & " * % ' ' ' $ " #" +' $ ! )&' +' ! $ ! ( ' ( %) $& "" & &#! $ ! $&#* ( $$ " ( & & ( $$ (+ + "" & &#! $ ! $&#* ( %) "( & ' ( %) 11 N. Miami St., West Milton 937-698-9464 HOURS: Tuesday - Friday 10-5 | Saturday 10-4 # ! " ! # $ " Check Out , , , %$+ # $ ' % '+ !& ' ' &' $" " $ ! % $ $! ' & !"$# & $ #& & *& #('& & #& (% $$ $%# % & '$ * ' %( '$% & )$' $# ! $$ & # ! % #-& $$ & Delicious Deals MAY MUSTER & MINGLE Sat. 11am - 7pm; Sun. noon - 6pm % ! " # ! !& " " $! % " # ! (2 52 2,2),67 431< (2 52 ! " (2 52 # " ! & = '' $ 603. ( +07/ 84 7/(6, 0- <49 ;07/ 11 2,2),67 ;,1*42, ! % ! " 52 5,6 )(. )(.7 ;011 ), 564:0+,+

EverHeart Hospice Holding T-Shirt Design Contest For Camp Encourage

EverHeart Hospice is accepting entries for a T-shirt design for their annual Camp Encourage a bereavement camp for kids ages 6-15 who are grieving the loss of a loved one

The theme for this year s camp is Coping Colors & Connection People of all ages are welcome to submit a design for consideration

Designs can be e-mailed as a JPEG, PDF, or EPS file to joverholser@ehhospice org

Photos of hand-drawn designs will also be accepted Please include the name of the artist and a contact phone number in the e-mail Deadline to submit an entry is May 15 When creating a design please note that the final design will be used as a single-color screen print

Members from the Camp Encourage planning committee will review each design The winner will be voted on by EverHeart s Board of Trustees

Camp Encourage is all about being expressive We felt the T-shirt design contest would be a way to tap into our community s creative side and feel involved in the planning process,” shared Jennifer Overholser, Marketing Manager at EverHeart Hospice

This year ’s Camp Encourage will be held July 7 and 8, 9 a m to 3:15 p m each day, at the Montezuma Spiritual Center Lunch will be provided

This workshop is an opportunity for children to come together in an atmosphere of love and acceptance and connect with other kids who are going through similar emotions The camp will be filled with hands-on activities team building and adventures related to understanding grief and coping skills

If you are interested in signing up a child for camp or helping as a volunteer, please visit everhearthospice org/events/camp-encourage/ to download a registration form or volunteer application The registration deadline for camp is May 15 This camp is provided at no cost to families thanks to the generosity of donations and grants from our community

For questions or help submitting a T-shirt design contact Jennifer Overholser at joverholser@ehhospice org or call 800-417-7535 – Option 6

BPL Summer Reading Kick-Off Block Party Planned April 26

The Bradford Public Library would like to invite everyone to their Summer Reading Kick-Off Block Party, "Together We Can Soar,” on Wednesday, April 26, from 6-7:30 p m

Register the entire family for the summer reading program, All Together Now, and stay to enjoy crafts, games, activities, and food

Children (Grade 12 and under) who register will receive a FREE Kona Ice that night Grab supper at the Backyard BBQ food truck while you are visiting The fun spills out onto Main St (weather permitting) so dress accordingly!

Parents and grandparents, we ask that you come and stay with your child for safety concerns and to fill out the registration forms

National Day of Prayer

To Be Observed in Pleasant Hill

The Pleasant Hill Ministerium invites the public for a time of prayer at 12 p m Thursday May 4 at Pleasant Hill Monument Park located near the center of town

Join other followers of Jesus in gathering as one body to pray for our community, our families, and our country

" " " !


WANTED: Old motorcycles, minibikes, mopeds, 3-wheelers, or 4-wheelers Running or not Covington 937-473-2705

FOR SALE: John Deere 42 deck Hydrostatic transmission & lift Power steering With bagger 106 hrs New battery & serviced

A s k i n g $ 2 , 5 0 0 Call 937-773-6011

!! OLD GUITARS WANTED !! Gibson, Fender, Martin, Etc 1930’s to 1980’s TOP DOLLAR PAID Call Toll-Free 1-866-433-8277





HUGE GARAGE SALE! 2 Ash Knoll Pleasant Hill April 27-29, 9-6

TOOLS! TOOLS! TOOLS! Hand & power too s; grinders; a r compressor; Toro push mower; antiques; Tupperware; home & holiday decor; kitchenware; furniture; men s 2XL c othes; qual ty men s shoes, size 12; lots of misc tems

MOVING SALE: 420 W Frankl n St , Pleasant H ll April 26-29, 8-?

QUALITY BOAT COVERS & BOAT UPHOLSTERY! Pontoon flooring Now is the time to get your boat ready! Call 937-464-5494 or Google: Magi Canvas Ohio



b d r

GARAGE SALE: HUGE!!! 7622 Horatio Harris Creek Rd Bradford April 26-27-28 & May 3-4-5 9-5 Sports colectibles; sports cards; fishing items; tools; m sc stuff

HUGE 7-FAMILY SALE: April 27-29, 9-5 130 S Johnson Rd , P easant Hill Yazoo 76 mower; Schwinn tandem b cycle; vintage items; garden & household decor; flower pots; canning jars; toys; petite cloth ng, 2-6; & TONS more!

GARAGE SALE: May 4-6 Thurs & Fri , 9-5; Sat 9-2 Househo d & lots of misc 685 N Greenlee Rd Troy



G M e n g i n e , t r a n s m i s s i o n , & d i ff e r e n t i a l repair Call

Dennis Bowerman at 937-459-8451



AMISH CREW Sam Schwartz wants any type of carpenter work Room additions roofs, foundation replacements, restoration of buildings, etc For FREE estimate, call 260-301-1777

D E M O L I T I O N : A l s o , c o n c r e t e demolition such as old swimming pools barn foundations porches etc Also general excavation w o r k a n d l i g h t d e m o l i t i o n 937-232-7380

www arenspub com Page 3 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - APRIL 26, 2023 ! !& ) % !! % !) $ && $+ $ !! % !" #' " !! )!$ & $ $ $ % % & #' % $ & ( % '$ &'$ "& $ $ '"" % !! !* % &!$ % # " " " !
SAND & GRAVEL HAULING BRUSH CLEARING BOBCAT WORK Quality work! Reasonably priced For FREE estimates call Reed, 937-613-0511 or 937-581-0045 T E D
A S E c e r t i f i e d 4 1 + y e a r s e x p e r i e n c e
m c o u n t r y
FOR RENT: Ft Loramie School D i s t r i c t F o u r
home 937-726-5386
Kids’ clothes; doors; shed; furniture; home decor; k tchen too s; & other misc househo d items April 27-29 9-4 467 S Stichter Rd Pleasant Hi l
WANTED: Broken or non-running John Deere, Cub Cadet, & Wheel Horse lawnmowers Will pick up others 937-473-2705 or KJRIND01@hotmail com
If you have questions about this event please call the library at 937448-2612 We hope to see you soon!
Page 4 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - APRIL 26, 2023 www arenspub com ( ## ! %"! "' ! %"! "! % #& &#$ # % per square yard In Stock Vinyl Flooring $7.99 Heating & Air Conditioning 937-632-4061 ! Ready to Spruce Up Your Home for Spring?
www arenspub com Page 5 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - APRIL 26, 2023 You’ ll invite 20,000+ to your auction or g ar a ge sale w hen you ad v er tise it in our classified pa ges. ))) % !&% $( % ! !'$ $ " * #' $& $% & % ' ' ' % ! ( $ !$ " $!' !'$ $!" $&* '*
Page 6 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - APRIL 26, 2023 ! ! ! ! ! $ " ! ! " $ " ! ! ! # -++&. *)+ -%,')(&&*+ ! ! ! ! ! $ ! " $ " $ 3#%5034 +33( 5%(-%735 67%576 32 +%6 7,)2 5826 32 (-)6)0 5%2 -2 ! ! %51%00 )+80%5 ! %51%00 6-2+0) *5327 :,))0 ,%( 5)&8-07 )2+-2) %51%00 ! " 2): 58&&)5 2))(6 '%5&85)735 5826 %51%00 43-27 6)0* 13() 5826 %2( (5-9)6 ' 351-'/ ))5-2+ ! :-() *5327 )2( )2+-2) 03'/)( 84 :%7)5 -2.)'7)( '%5& 8&)5 67%57)5 :%6 5)&8-07 +33( 58&&)5 0%67 5%2 387 3* ' 351-'/ ))5-2+ -2 7-44; 73)6 :,))06 0%67 5%2 ' 351-'/ ))5-2+ :-() *5327 53%( 5-2+6 32 :,))06 2( 3:2)5 485',%6)( -2 ' 351-'/ ))5-2+ +33( 58&&)5 :%7)5 -2.)'7)( 485',%6)( -2 ,%2( '5%2/ 7-5)6 ! +33( 58&&)5 ' 351-'/ ))5-2+ 387 3* %2%(% 35-+-2%00; 13735 :%6 39)5,%80)( 3,2 ))5) 2%553: *5327 )2( %6) # ! '361)7-'%00; 5)6735)( )4%-27)( :-7, 1532 4%-27 "-2 -6 675%-+,7 327-2)27%0 )2+-2) +4% 26+1.'/5 ' 351-'/ ))5-2+ ",5%6,)5 0%67 86)( ' 351-'/ ))5-2+ !,5)(()5 ' 351-'/ ))5-2+ 61%00 +5%-2 &-2()5 &37731 403: " ' 351-'/ ))5-2+ 0-0 +)2-86 &37731 403: ' 351-'/ ))5-2+ 356) (5%:2 '352 &-2()5 0%67 86)( 86)( *35 '352 6,8'/6 ' 351-'/ *7 ,356) (5%:2 6-'/0) &%5 13:)5 ' 351-'/ ))5-2+ ,%; 45)66 <6 $)&)5 :%+32 &8-07 *35 27)52%7-32%0 :,))06 &)2', 6)%7 +33( 6,%4) ' 351-'/ ))5-2+ (814 5%/) %8731%7-' 75-4 336) ,%; 03%()5 ' 351-'/ ))5-2+ :-7, :33()2 ',%-5 ,%; ,33/6 4532+ ,%; '0%: ,33/6 ))5-2+ 6-'/0) &%5 13:)5 6%5+0/''34 05' #-- 64 '#3-: 50 %0/4+)/ :063 '26+1.'/5 " (03 5*' $'45 '910463' 03' +5'.4 %0.+/) +/ &#+-:; #35+#- -+45+/) 0/-: " ! /-+/' $+&&'3 (''4 #11-: " 6%5+0/''34 05' 03' +5'.4 #3' %0.+/) +/ 1-'#4' %*'%, $#%, (03 .03' 61&#5'& #6%5+0/ +/(03.#5+0/ #-- '#3-: (03 5*' $'45 '910463' (03 :063 '26+1.'/5 03 # (6-- -+45+/) 1-'#4' 7+4+5 $644':$304 *+$+& %0. '--'3 '3#-& 308/ 5*'34 " 00,+/) (03 "
www arenspub com Page 7 - StILLWatER VaLLEY aDVERtISER - aPRIL 26, 2023 ( ( & ! % ! " # ' $! "#' ! #' # ! #! ( + '( !"(%$ !% ! $' , , %$ $')& %$ * her e’s My Car d! DOUG’S LAWNMOWERS Lawn Equipment Sales & Service 937-773-4292 Keep the numbers of these locally owned businesses on hand for all of your service and shopping needs. Wo u l d n’ t Yo u R A D L o o k G r e a t I n T h i s S p o t ? C A L L TO DAY ! ! ! 9 3 7 - 4 7 3 - 2 5 0 0 BRADFORD STOR & LOCK Personal - Business - Commercial RENtING MONtH tO MONtH 5x10 | 10x10 | 10x15 | 10x20 937-448-6550 5/31/23 TREE SERVICE 937-570-0448 ••• fREE ESTIMATE ••• FullY inSureD 35 YEARS EXPERIENCE TRIMMINg • TREE REMOVaL 9 27/23 VEgETATIOn TECh ‹ R E M O V A L & P R u n I n g ‹ B Ru s h & I n V A s I V E s P E C I E s C L E A R I n g FRee eSt FuLLY inSuRed BRADEn - 937-570-9691 www vegtechservices com 5/17/23 TREE CARE Jeanne’S creationS Specializing in Alterations, Mending, Zippers & MORE! EldErly or HandicappEd??? We can come to yoUr home! 40 YearS eXPerience Appts Only • 937-473-5405 5/1/24 ALTERATIoNS E A G L E ’ S E A G L E ’ S TREE SERVICE We WiLL gO Out On a LiMB FOR YOu! Call uS Before You decide Free eStimateS steve • 937-773-5565 tfn TREE CARE SToRAGE FACILITY WOOD CHUCKIN, LLC sTuMP & BRush REMOVAL sPECIALIsT PROPERTY sERVICEs Free eStimateS - inSureD 937-538-8469 12/27/23 STumP & BRuSh REmoVAL TREE SERVICE 7374 Lehman Rd greenville, Ohio 45331 TREE TRIMMINg & REMOVaLS FREE EST • FULLy INSUREd rick Gunckle 937-547-0922 937-423-2190 cell 4/26/23 GUNCKLE’S TREE SERVICE SEPTIC TANKS COOPER'S Septic Tanks & Leach Beds Cleaned, Installed & Repaired S E P T I C T A N K P U M P I N G “ We ’ r e # 1 i n t h e # 2 B u s i n e s s ! ” 937-760-8396 937-698-6200 • 1-888-698-6200 3:1-tfn SEPTIC TANKS LEACh BED REPAIR • ADDITIoNS SEPTIC TANK PumPING BoB'S EXCAVATING 698-4694 5/24/23 PLumBING h & s h & s PLuMBIng, InC. Quality is our Goal! APPLIANCE SERVICE DAVID DeHART SERVICE ON aLL aPPLIaNCES Emergency Service available aPPliance inStallation all Brands - all models 937-698-5428 5/31/23 PLASTERING NEW & REPAIR J E f f f O x p L A S T E R I n g Interior - New & Repair Exterior - Stucco & Dryvit Systems Quality Work FREE EStIMatES 9 3 7 - 8 8 4 - 7 5 9 8 9/27/23 AuCTIoNEER TIM LAnDIs, Auctioneer, LLC Estates - Farm Equipment Antiques - Furn. - Consignments 6905 W Smith Rd , Covington 937-418-8941 www auctionzip com #20717 timlandisauctioneer@yahoo com tfn JULIA’S CONFECTION CONNECTION 111 Marvin St Gettysburg 937-447-9207 Tues , 3-7; Fri , 11-5:30; Sat , 9-12 tfn CANDY & CAKE SuPPLIES EXCAVATING & DEmoLITIoN CRESS EXCAVATING Clean Waterw ays - Ditches - Ponds Room ADDITIoNS • DEmoLITIoN 937-232-7380 12/27/23 GRAVEL/ BLACKToP BLaCktOP & gRaveL neW OR PRe-eXiSting Driveways - Far m Lanes Parking Lots - hauling Re-gRaveL• Re-gRading COMMeRCiaL & ReSidentiaL call us For all Your Driveway needs! 937-698-1107 www coopersblacktop com ALL CLEAn PREssuRE wAshIng Specializing in SOFt WaSH technique does Your Home Have algae? “wE KILL ThE gREEn!” 1-Story Home Starting at $450 1-1/2 – 2-Story Homes Starting at $550 SeRving daRke & MiaMi COuntieS Ask About Our Senior & Veterans Discount! 937-710-3606 5/31/23 EXTERIoR CLEANING LAWN CARE COMMeRCiaL & ReSidentiaL MOwINg • TRIMMINg • LEaf REMOVaL BUShES • LawN ROLLINg – Free eStimateS –KUhN’S LawN CaRE 937-214-0014 10/25/23 Residential/Commercial/Service Your High Standards Plumber 937-836-8725 • 937-667-1030 Serving Miami Co Since 1972 Oh o License #19777 3/14/24 LUMBERJACK’S TREE SERVICE B U S I N E S S S E R V I C E D I R E C T O R Y B U S I N E S S S E R V I C E D I R E C T O R Y Your Guide To ServiceS & GoodS in The STillwaTer valleY CALL 937-473-2028 TO PLACE YOuR AD! PEST CoNTRoL P R I C E P R I C E Termite & Pest Control Full -Service PeSt control 3rd Generation owners 937-573-6137 937-573-6185 tfn Wo u l d n’ t Yo u R A D L o o k G r e a t I n T h i s S p o t ? C A L L TO DAY ! ! ! 9 3 7 - 4 7 3 - 2 5 0 0 W o u l d n’ t Yo u R A D L o o k G r e a t I n T h i s S p o t ? C A L L T O DAY ! ! ! 9 3 7 - 4 7 3 - 2 5 0 0
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