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12 N Main St , Pleasant Hill & 937 676 2731 www tmcpl org

Diana Gehle
What’s happening at Oakes-Beitman Memorial Library

### CLIP & SAVE ### !!! !

SafeHaven Extends Invitation To Miami County First Responders
Looking for an honest deal? You can f nd it n our c assifieds Page 2 STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER SEPTEMBER 14, 2022 www arenspub com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

LITTLE BRAINSTORMERS CLUB Calling all dreamers, makers movers and shakers to join us Tuesdays at 3:30 to let your creativity run wild! We will tackle STEAM activities, including experiments fascinating Lego builds fun art projects and more No registration required Geared for ages 6 9 Weekly sessions thru November 15

Macy explained that seeing the great care that is given to patients and their families inspired her to choose to work with EverHeart Hospice “I want to be a blessing to all I meet and make this time for patients and families memorable and comfortable,” she shared
Mandy Macy Joins everHeart Hospice
Gehle Joins EverHeart Hospice Team
FICTION ADDICTION TEEN BOOK CLUB Monday, Sept 26 at 5 p m Grades 6 12 will read and share thoughts in a fun setting No registration required Additional sessions October 24 and November 28

YOUNG PICASSOS ART CLUB Budding artists ages 6 9 are invited to join us Wednesdays at 3:30 as we explore various ele ments of nature and incorporate our findings and discoveries into beautiful works of art No registration required Weekly sessions thru November 16
EverHeart Hospice is pleased to wel come Mandy Macy to their care team as a hospice aide She attended Miami Valley Career Technology Center to earn her cre dential as a State Tested Nursing Assistant (STNA) She brings 11 years of experience and loves her career

WALKING WITH BOOKS Wednesdays at 1 p m Exercise and chat while you walk outdoors If the weather is inclement we’ll walk indoors! Adults only No registration required Weekly sessions thru November 16
FALL STORYTIME Mondays at 1:30 Stories, songs, rhymes, and crafts or activities will promote learning and literacy No regis tration required Ages birth to 5 years Weekly sessions thru November 14
ATLAS HOMEWORK HELP Mondays from 3:30 4:30 Our staff is prepared to help those in Grades 6 12 with challenging prob lems or difficult questions Find resources, get help, and go excel! No registration required Weekly sessions thru November 14

CRAFTERNOON - Adults, do you have an unfinished craft pro ject? Bring in your knitting cross stitch crochet or general craft pro ject and join us Tuesdays at 4 p m Work on your project, chat with fellow crafters, and share techniques and tips No registration required Weekly sessions thru Nov 15
Personal experience with hospice care inspired Gehle to join the EverHeart Hospice team She has worked with hospice team mem bers and has had family cared for by hospice

TEEN FLOW Thursdays from 3:30 4:30 Those in Grades 6 12 are invited to do fun crafts, experiment with art, learn new things, and more! No registration required Weekly sessions thru November 17
TWEEN SCENE Tweens ages 8 12 come enjoy crafts, taste testing lots of funky snacks, and play games on Thursdays at 5 If you re looking to make new friends or want to hang out with the ones you have, there will be plenty to do! No registration required Weekly sessions thru November 17
EverHeart Hospice is pleased to welcome PRN RN Diana Gehle to their care team She is a graduate of Celina High School and graduated from Rhodes State College with an associate degree in nursing She brings 41 years of nursing experience to the team
With gratitude SafeHaven Inc is inviting first responders includ ing fire EMT and Law Enforcement in Miami County to enjoy free food to go from our new Blackstone Griddle On Tuesday, Sept 20, from 10:30 a m to 1:30 p m , first responders may call ahead (937 615 0126) or drive through SafeHaven’s parking lot at 633 N Wayne St in Piqua to get free food to go from the Blackstone As first respon ders briefly wait, they’re invited to watch our short 90 second commer cial on YouTube as a refresher on our mission and are welcome to a quick building tour if their time permits On behalf of those we serve, our staff, and our board, SafeHaven would like to say “THANK YOU” to all first responders including fire, EMT, and law enforcement with this grant purchased griddle and grant funded event, and we hope to see our first responders Tuesday, Sept 20, between 10:30 and 1:30 SafeHaven will plan a similar event for first responders in Darke and Shelby Counties in the near future Buf falo )'( 2 7 .4)-'2.- 7 " 3%1$!5 !, /, 6 %$-%1$!5 (301$!5 !, /, 6 0)$!5 !, /, !230$!5 !, /, 6 3-$!5 !, /, 6 +.1%$ .-$!5 777 777 ! " ## $ () * % " " ) % " "$ ' $ $ '& % $ !! $ % & $ # % "$ $ "" BAR SPECIALS !%$(%+$#. %), +3%"%005 3&&!+. 0)-* &-*+$#. %), .,%12)# 0!&2 %%0 *'$#. %), //+% !0'!0)2! #,-*$#. -($#. %), 3#*%2 .& .,%12)# %%0 -%+$#. %), !0'!0)2! %!2"!++ +)$%01 8 0)%1 4!)+!"+% " " +..$5 !05 " " " 3,". ()#*%- )-'1 %'1 /%#)!+


Page 4 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - SEPTEMBER 14, 2022 www arenspub com Need some work done around your home? Find the help you need in our BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY! " " " !

www arenspub com Page 5 STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER SEPTEMBER 14, 2022 West Milton Rotar y Larry Ward, President DeWayne Johnson, Vice President Phone: 937-698-6161 • Fax: 937-698-6220 Licensed OH LIC #24280 • Bonded & Insured VicePresidentPresident ! ! ! " ! ! • Monthly / yearly memberships ) ( '! * # $ & $"!& & ) %& &"! ) ''' & ( " ' %& &"! " * * * ! #" # " " # # Pr esents the 14th Annual Downtown West Milton ~ Ohio Cruise-In Cruise-In Ma r mee ’ s P Pantry Satur day September 17Th 4:00pm - 8:00pm Enter Cruise-In at the corner of St Rt 571 and St Rt 48 For Cruise-In information call Brian @ (937) 232-6592 RCFREEruise-InsponsoredbyWestMiltonotary Trophies & FREE Dash TPlaques rophies & FREE Dash Plaques Come Out & Support Local West Milton Businesses Come Out & Support Local West Milton BusinessesHOT DOGS WSOLDByTheestMiltonRotary Presented By West Milton 937 719 2300

THURSDAY, SEPT 8 Boys Varsity Soccer ties Twin Valley South 1 1
SATURDAY, SEPT 3 Gir s Varsity Volleybal falls to Troy Christian 3 0
Proceeds collected at these events support the Piqua Caldwell Historic District where aluminum cast historic markers are being placed to help increase awareness of the rich history behind the beautiful historic homes and business properties within the district
THURSDAY, SEPT 8 Girls’ Varsity Volleyball falls to Ansonia 3 0
On September 17 PCHDA will be hosting its first Outdoor Movie Night on the lawn next to the YWCA at 418 N Wayne St Movie watch ers will enjoy the classic, “Back to the Future,” and are encouraged to arrive early with blankets and chairs to get settled before the movie starts at 7:30 Admission is just $1 per person (large or small) and This and That’s Candy on Main will be selling refreshments, including popcorn candy pop and water to benefit PCHDA
Back by popular demand is the historic district Scavenger Hunt that will take place Sunday, Oct 9, from noon until 3 p m Hunters can pick up their scavenger hunt maps at 618 N Wayne St or download them online beginning at noon the day of the event Hunters will be look ing for 16 architectural features and identifying the address where they spot them Hunters will return their maps with answers to 618 N Wayne no later than 3 p m to be included in a drawing for four $25 gift card prizes
THURSDAY, SEPT 1 Girls’ Varsity Volleyball falls to National Trai 3 0
SATURDAY, AUG 27 Girls Varsity Volleyba l beats Franklin Monroe 2 1
TUESDAY, AUG 30 Girls’ Varsity Volleyball falls to Newton 3 0
lic is invited to join them at these exciting upcoming
PCHDA is also planning their Annual Meeting and the public is invited to attend Executive Committee members will present an agen da, including an update on activities and progress that has taken place since the 2021 meeting This meeting is tentatively scheduled to take place on the fourth floor of the Fort Piqua Plaza on the evening of October 25 from 7 8 p m Along with the Executive Committee special guest Paul Oberdorfer, Piqua City Manager, has been invited to address the group with an update on how the city is working to help support the historic district Mary Frances Rodriguez, who currently serves as president for the organization, shared, “All who have an interest in pre serving Piqua s unique historic district are encouraged to attend to learn more about the goals of the organization and how they might get involved ”

The Piqua Caldwell Historic District, registered with the National Register of Historic Places, aspires to encourage restoration of historic properties to increase heritage tourism within downtown Piqua To learn more about this 501(c)3 organization and any update regarding our scheduled events, please join the Piqua Caldwell Historic District Association on Facebook or visit our website at PiquaCaldwellHistoricDistrict org
TUESDAY, SEPT 6 Gir s Varsity Volleybal beats Arcanum 3 0
TUESDAY, SEPT 6 Gir s Varsity Soccer beats Dixie HS/MS 3 0
THURSDAY, SEPT 8 Girls’ Varsity Volleyball beats Tri Vil age 3 1
THURSDAY, SEPT 1 Girls Varsity Volleyball beats Twin Valley South 3 1
TUESDAY, AUG 30 Gir s Varsity Volleyba l beats Bradford Junior / Senior High Schoo 3 0

SATURDAY, AUG 27 Girls Varsity Volleyba l beats Arcanum 2 1
SATURDAY, AUG 27 Girls Varsity Volleyba l beats Tri Village 2 1
Mums go on sale Saturday, Sept 10, 10 a m 2 p m , at the corner of N Downing and Ash Sts in downtown Piqua Mums will be $11 per plant and free delivery in the Piqua city limits is included when shoppers purchase five or more Plants can be pre ordered online at piqua caldwellhistoricdistrict org or cash and carry on the day of the event Mums will be assorted fall colors and first come, first served Mums will be arranged by color and there will be volunteers available to help with loading
Piqua-Caldwell Historic District Calendar of Events has it all and the pub events

Whether you re looking for mums fun or holiday spirit the Piqua Caldwell Historic District Association (PCHDA)
PCHDA’s most popular event, the Holiday Historic Tour, will take place December 10 from 5 8 p m The properties featured are located toward the north end of the historic district and the tour will coincide with Illuminate the Night where residents within the district are encour aged to line their sidewalks with luminaries Rodriguez said, “It’s a magical night for anyone who visits the district, whether they participate in the tour or simply walk or drive by ” Tour tickets will once again be $25 per person and available for purchase beginning November 1
Page 6 STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER SEPTEMBER 14, 2022 www arenspub com A U C T I O N AUCTIONEER ### " ! $ % -("* ,(0$1 2 AUCTION " : # . -+) / / "/#' %+- (&*. : : " : : : : : : : : ! : : : ; *+4 +4 # 7'39 -#3)' #6%5+0/ 8+5* # 7#3+'59 0( 6/+26' +5'.4 *+4 #6%5+0/ 8+-- $' *'-& 0/ 4+5' ' .#9 $' 36//+/) 580 3+/)4 %0.' 13'1#3'& 63/+563' #/& -#3)'3 +5'.4 50 4'-- #5 /00/ 2 ! 2 -- +5'.4 #3' 40-& #4 +4 8*'3' +4 #4* %*'%, 03 %3'&+5 %#3& 8+5* 1301'3 %*#3)' (03 %*'%,4 ! ! 5#/-'9 #+3%*+-& " 3#/&0/ 0#5'


GARAGE SALES Looking for an honest deal? You can find it in our classifieds www arenspub com Page 7 STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER SEPTEMBER 14, 2022 +"'$)8=5.7B<884:/,<7&23;%98< " & " & !" $ & # ! $ " " #!" ! % ! & # " & # & # " ! # " % #! !! " & STORBRADFORD&LOCK #/:;87,5 =;37/;; 866/:-3,5 ! # # # # ; = ; = ; = ; &$ % $( &&& &&& # STUMPTRIMMINGREMOVALTREEREMOVAL $ # # ! $ ! $ !! ! ! "# $ ( "$! <<< ;,.9,*/8,7;0*,8 *42 &$ $ 3 # " # " $ & $ & "!% B%B% &$ % $( & & $# ! ( $ )11 $" ,-47, (4: ,*0+, !7+9+ > 6+1 &$ $ %&"$ &+ WOOD CHUCKIN, LLC !"# #! $ ! !" "& ! $ ! %&' # $'% $ "( &$ % $( +-1'2 * 5++29.00+ -.3 " &(( # %& "!&$" !'$")! !() &%)'&# +% &)&+$-'*) 0)&+, 6+1 % #& & ! % COOPER'S ! ! < 6+1 % #& & ! % $ # $ A & "!% % #& & ! #' # ! " % * ( & ! # ' ! !! # ## ! % $( " !$ " 0*4,*1); "*48-)* 8'-/'(/* (( +$)%, (( *%&(, # %& $ ! ! ) $ # $ 16*4-24 = *9 !*3'-4 :6*4-24 "67))2 4;8-6 ";56*05 7'/-6; %24. < ! "# # " ' & "! $ " ! 8)7.32++5 ) %63<2 $. 8>371<87 <<< ):*9043>05 *42 <365,7.3;,=-<387//: @,288 -86 6+1 '48-1 "6 < *66;5(74, &=/; :3 %,< <07 ! %'##+ % * ( & ! " & "! 5/,7 ),</:?,@; 3<-2/; #87.; $"" & "!% A " & "! $ ( &"# # & ! ! # & # # & ! # # ! # $ ! " ::: '5+2648( )31 # ! % & ! ! ' "# 5.9+:'<6 '51 '2+6 '5/.2, 376 '80.2, ! ! % ! ! ! ! " # $(( , *+ (( #*.+ +'/&0$1 &&%, 999 )223*45(/').623 )20 !!# % ! "5,*0)10>03. 03 " # & " #,*/306:, 4,8(4:7 42, );, 1.), ?% " @ "947= 42, "9)7903. )9 "947= 42,8 "9)7903. )9 !% ! $ # " ! " %" & ) % )! $ ! ! " # & & 2 2 * !,80+,390)1 422,7*0)1 ",7;0*, Your High Standards Plumber > ",7;03. 0)2 4 "03*, / 4 0*,38, !# ' W O R K W A N T E D D E M O L I T I O N : A l s o , c o n c r e t e demolition such as old swimming pools barn foundations porches e t c A l s o , g e n e r a l e x c a v a t i o n work 937 232 7380 HANDYMAN SERVICES BOBCAT WORK LIGHT DIRT & GRAVEL HAULING Quality work! Reasonably priced F o r f r e e e s t i m a t e s c a l l 937 613 0511 or 937 581 0045 AMISH CREW Sam Schwartz wants any type of carpenter work Room additions, roofs, foundation replacements, restoration of buildings, etc For FREE estimate, call 260 301 1777 H E L P W A N T E D PA RT T I M E O F F I C E H E L P : 10 15 hours per week West Mil ton area 937 875 0017 WANTED: Person to clean two homes One in Tipp City and one i n We s t M i l t o n B i w e e k l y 937 216 7443 EREALSTATE HAVING A GARAGE SALE? Just a reminder that the dead line for submitting classified ads is Thursday at 5 p.m. DOWNSIZING FROM COUNTRY FARMHOUSE TO APT : A little bit of everything! Lots of hunting gear 132 Regency Court, Cov ington Sept 15 17 9 ? GARAGE SALE: 8141 Horse shoe Bend, Ludlow Falls House hold; girls’ baby clothes; misc Sept 15 16 8:30 3 2-FAMILY GARAGE SALE: Sept 16 17, 8 6 6210 S Wheelock Rd West Milton VALLEY CLASSIFIEDS MOBILE AUTO REPAIRS LLC A S E c e r t i f i e d 4 0 + y e a r s e x p e r i e n c e G M e n g i n e transmission, & differential repair Call Dennis Bowerman at 937 459 8451 HOUSEHOLD SALE: Featuring Longaberger baskets & pottery Also many other new & used items Mon Sat , Sept 5 Oct 8 18 Meadow Court, Min ster GARAGE SALE: Sept 15 16, 9-5 Corner of Wenrick & Wal nut, Covington Books; women’s c l o t h i n g ; v i n t a g e g l a s s w a r e ; Longaberger pottery; golf clubs & bag; toys; lots of misc NO EARLY BIRDS! MANURE TANKER with Balzer unload pump; ‘01 Freightliner, with wet kit; (2) silage wagons, Rex; NH blower with gooseneck; green chop wagon; JD 444C P a y l o a d e r w i t h f o r k s 937 423 4967 ttttttttttttttttttt WANTED: Old motorcycles, mini bikes, mopeds, 3 wheelers, or 4-wheelers Running or not Covington 937 473 2705 !! OLD GUITARS WANTED !! Gibson, Fender, Martin, Etc 1930 s to 1980 s TOP DOLLAR PAID Call Toll Free 1-866 433 8277 ÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓ WANTED: Broken or non running John Deere, Cub Cadet, & Wheel Horse lawnmowers Will pick up others 937 473 2705 or KJRIND01@hotmail com 20 GAL AQUARIUM: With light filter heater & natural gravel Make offer 937 313 9159 FARMHOUSE FOR RENT: Min s t e r F o u r b d r m s N o p e t s $1,100 419 733 0235 A U T O M O T I V E