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Secure Retirement Solutions Serving Darke & Miami Counties over 38 years



Vol. 66 - No. 11 Circulation: 10,508 • 937-473-2028 • marCh 14, 2018 FaX: 937-473-2500 • E-mail: arenspub@gmail.com • Check Us Out On The Web: arenspub.com



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GrOCErY INDEX ~ Patty’s IGa, Back Page INSErTS: Zoned: Patty’s IGa, Johns IGa, menards • PAID ADVERTORIAL •

Bulk Chocolate Candy



Don’t know what to read next? Or maybe you can’t wait to share a book you just read? Come enjoy an open book discussion, chat about books, and chew on a yummy snack at 6 p.m. Tuesday, March 20, at the library in Pleasant Hill. For more information, call the Oakes-Beitman Memorial Library at 937-676-2731. The library is located at 12 N. Main St., Pleasant Hill.

Brighten His Special Day with a Card!







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Looking for a good, clean used car? Our classifieds won’t steer you wrong!




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If you’d like to become a part of the Newton Alumni Committee, please join us Thursday, March 15. We have set aside the third Thursday of each month for our meetings. We will meet again April 19 as we prepare for Newton’s 137th Annual Alumni Banquet to be held Saturday, May 12. Join us in the Newton Media Center at 6:30 p.m. We’d love to have some new members! Mark your calendar NOW to become a part of the Newton Alumni Committee. We plan to honor the following classes: 1943, 1958, 1968, 1978, 1993, and 2018. We are updating our address list, so if you or someone you know has moved, please send the new address to: Newton Alumni Committee, P.O. Box 531, Pleasant Hill, OH 45359.

Harold Fellers will turn 100 years of age on Thursday, March 22. He will be celebrating with his family on March 18 at Marion’s Piazza in Troy. All are invited to stop in to wish him a Happy Birthday on this milestone occasion. If you aren’t able to do that, you can send a card to: Harold Fellers 4855 W. Versailles Rd. Piqua, Ohio 45356

Buffalo )'(

Newton Alumni Committee Invites You to Meeting

Harold Fellers To Celebrate 100th Birthday March 22

Book Discussion Group to Meet March 20 at Pleasant Hill Library


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Need some work done around your home? Find the help you need in our "




What’s happening at...


Bradford PuBlic liBrary



138 E. Main St., Bradford & 937-448-2612 Sundays, March 18 & 25 and April 8, 15, 22 & 29 - Non-Denominational Bible Study at 6 p.m. in the BPL Community Room. Sign-up not required. 2nd & 4th Monday - "Sisters-n-Spirit" Book Club at 10 a.m. Soon, they will be reading The Underdogs by Melissa Fay Greene. The book talks about Service Dogs in our communities, how the dogs are raised, and the many ways Service Dogs help children and adults alike. Refreshments served. Sunday, March 18 - The Bradford Alumni Team will meet to plan for the 2018 event to be held Saturday, May 19, at Bradford Exempted Village Schools. The Alumni Team meets at BPL in the Community Room at 2 p.m. 2nd & 4th Thursdays - Bradford Area Senior Citizens get together to play cards and board games from 1-3 p.m. Thursday, March 22 - New Friends of the Library group will meet at 6:30 p.m. The group is planning an Art Show on Thursday, March 29, from 6-8 p.m. Contact President Carolyn Smith at 937-448-2285 for additional information. Also, a bus trip is planned to the Underground Railroad and Freedom Center in Cincinnati on Thursday, June 19. This is an all-day trip, and includes lunch, admission, and bus fees. Contact Sue Vickroy for additional information and to sign up at 937-572-9453. 4th Tuesday - Knitting and Crochet Class for beginners and pros alike. If you want to learn to knit and/or crochet, then you must come and talk with other people who love this hands-on crafter's delight! Tuesday, March 27, at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, March 29 - New Friends of BPL is sponsoring an Art Show at the library from 6-8 p.m.You won’t want to miss the amazing things created by our youth! LIBRARY CLOSED Saturday, March 31 thru Monday, April 2, due to the holiday weekend. 1st Wednesday - GRO Garden Club meets at 6:30 p.m. in the library's Community Room. If you love plants, flowers, worms, you name it...you will want to become a member! April's meeting is Wednesday the 4th. 1st Thursday - Cozy Hen Quilt Club meets at 6:30 p.m. Learn how to quilt! Bring your quilting with you. Need to lay out a big quilted cover? Have questions? Will answer! Contact Sue Vickroy at 937- 572-9453 for additional information.

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Would Your House of WorsHip like To Be included on our cHurcH page? The Stillwater Valley Advertiser is pleased to publish a church page for our readers. This is a great way to publicize revivals, guest speakers, musical programs, and other special events, as well as welcoming newcomers to the area who are seeking a house of worship. Planning ahead for Lenten and Easter services, the church page will be published each week thru MArCh 28 at a very nominal cost of just $40 to run fours weeks (March 7-28) and $20 to run MArCh 21 onLY). Individual church ads will be two columns wide by two inches high. Contact our office at 937-473-2028 or 937-4732029 and our office personnel will be happy to assist you. You can also email our sales representative, Yvonne Welbaum, at ywelbaum@gmail.com.

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There’s no better way to advertise than in our classifieds!!




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No. 1

No. 1 "

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945 S. Miami Street West Milton, Ohio 45383

No. 3

MARCH 15 & 16 MARCH 17 & 18 MARCH 22 & 23 MARCH 24 & 25 MARCH 31 APRIL 2

No. 3

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16. LIU-Brooklyn/Radford

No. 4

No. 4

1. Villanova




8. Virginia Tech " " "

5. West Virginia


No. 5


No. 5


9. Alabama "

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12. Murray State

13. Marshall


No. 6

No. 6

4. Wichita State

6. Florida 11. St. Bonaventure/UCLA

14. Stephen F. Austin

No. 7

No. 7

3. Texas Tech

7. Arkansas 10. Butler

Selling Quality Foods for a Healthy Diet

15. Cal St. Fullerton

No. 8

No. 8

2. Purdue

1. Kansas 16. Penn

No. 9

No. 9

8. Seton Hall 9. N.C. State 5. Clemson

4. Auburn

No. 10

No. 10

12. New Mexico St.

13. Charleston


6. TCU

3. Michigan State

No. 11

No. 11

11. Arizona st./Syracuse

14. Bucknell 7. Rhode Island

2. Duke

No. 12

No. 12

10. Oklahoma


5. Clemson

6. Florida

6. TCU

7. Arkansas

7. Rhode Island

8. Virginia Tech

8. Seton Hall

9. Alabama

9. N.C. State

10. Butler

10. Oklahoma

11. St. Bonaventure/UCLA

11. Arizona St./Syracuse

12. Murray State

12. New Mexico St.

13. Marshall

13. Charleston

14. Stephen F. Austin

14. Bucknell

15. Cal St. Fullerton

15. Iona

16. LIU-Brooklyn/Radford

16. Penn

No. 16

5. West Virginia

No. 15

4. Auburn

No. 14

3. Michigan State

4. Wichita State

No. 16

2. Duke

3. Texas Tech

Phone 419-628-2984 Fax 419-628-9204

No. 15

1. Kansas

2. Purdue


No. 14

1. Villanova



No. 13


No. 13



15. Iona


No. 2

No. 2

And A Chance To Win A Full Page Of Free Advertising For Our Advertisers. Every participating advertiser (64 in all) has been assigned (by random drawing) a participating team. As teams are eliminated, we will continue to publish the brackets and scores each week, until there are just four teams remaining... the final four. The advertiser representing the NCAA Championship team will also be a BIG winner. The business will receive one full page of advertising in either the Penny Saver or the Stillwater Valley Advertiser FREE. In addition, consolation prizes will be awarded to the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place finishers.



attention kids & parents!!!

EASTEr COlOrInG COnTEST Offers ChanCe TO Win GreaT Prizes

In this issue and again on March 21, you’ll find a coloring page, so sharpen your crayons and use your imaginations!


ComPLimEntS of ArEnS CorPorAtion, ALL EntrAntS WiLL rECEiVE A CoUPon for A frEE iCE CrEAm ConE from SWEEt trEAtS in CoVinGton (Coupons Can Be piCked up at arens Corp. offiCe)

FREE Vaccines Available to Darke Co. 6th & 11th Graders Saturday, March 24, at Spirit Medical Transport

View from the Vista Scheduled March 18 At Nature Center

The Darke County Health Dept. is pleased to announce a spring Tdap/Meningococcal walk-in clinic on Saturday, March 24, 8 a.m. - 1 p.m., at Spirit Medical Transport, 5484 St. Rt. 49 South, Greenville (less than one mile south of the fairgrounds). Vaccine will be available for current 6th graders and 11th graders to enable them to meet the Fall 2018/2019 school requirements: Fall of 2018, for students entering 7th grade: Tdap and Meningococcal ACWY; and Fall of 2018, for students entering 12th grade: Meningococcal ACWY. One dose needs to be given at age 16 years or older. Please bring your insurance cards with you. As in the past, there will be NO COST to you for the vaccines. Call the Health Dept. at 937-548-4196 with any questions.

Join members of the BNC Bird Club from 2-4 p.m. on Sunday, March 18, as you learn to identify Brukner Nature Center’s birdlife. Enjoy the camaraderie in the third story “window on wildlife.” All levels of birders welcome. Binoculars will be available for your use. BNC is located at 5995 Horseshoe Bend Rd., Troy.

Kids’ Prizes & candY donated BY: Paragon Health, Gettysburg • The Stitchery & More, Covington • Subway, Covington & West Milton • End Zone, Covington Mullen’s Firestone & Auto Sales, Covington • Bolyard Heating & Cooling, Inc., Greenville • Dr. Brian Olson, Covington Furry Friends, Pleasant Hill • Indian’s Pizza, Pleasant Hill • Buffalo Jack’s, Covington • Orme Hardware, Arcanum CAtEGorY for SEnior CitiZEnS 60-PLUS – PriZE DonAtED BY EnD ZonE, CoVinGton DEADLinE for SUBmittinG ArtWorK iS tUESDAY, mArCH 27 At 4 P.m. ••• Winners Will Be notiFied WednesdaY, MarcH 28 •••

prizes can be picked up at 395 s. High st., Covington, between 8:30 - 5 Mon. thru thurs. & 8:30 - 4 fri. ALL ENTRIES DISPLAYED AT COVINGTON SAVINGS & LOAN - MAIN BRANCH BEGINNING MARCH 28

25,000-PLUS EGGS!!!

Covington Community Easter Egg Hunt To Be Held at the Park March 24 25-Plus Baskets • 13 Bikes Free Happy Meals for a Year!!!

On Saturday, March 24, Fields of Grace Worship Center will host the 8th annual Community Easter Egg Hunt. There will be 25,000-plus eggs to hunt this year, 25-plus baskets, 13 bikes of all sizes, and six FREE Happy Meals for a year certificates to be given away. Back by popular demand will be the baby table. Parents with children up to age one will hunt with their babies for all kinds of useful baby items to take home instead of candy. The event will take place at the Covington Community Park at 1 p.m. – rain, shine, or snow! The hunt will begin promptly at 1:20 p.m., so come early to get in line! The event is FREE and open to all children ages 0-11 years in all surrounding communities. Age groups will be divided for the hunt, beginning with the youngest age group first. Only one parent will be allowed to enter with their child when designated, except for the baby group in which two parents will be allowed. Participants are asked to please bring something in which to collect their eggs. Plastic eggs will be recycled after the hunt is over. Yes, the Easter Bunny will once again be available for pictures. This year he will have his own area for better picture availability. Please park at Finfrock Construction and surrounding streets on S. Main St. The only entry into the park on the day of the hunt will be on Main St. There will be no parking at the park. Transportation will be provided down to the park for those who need it. For further information, please go to the church’s website, www.fieldsofgrace.org, or visit them on facebook. You can also contact the church at 573-4282.

Covington BOE Meeting Slated

Egg Bath Bombs Workshop Offered at Pleasant Hill Library

The Covington Exempted Village School District Board of Education will meet in Regular Session on Wednesday, March 21, 6 p.m., in the K-8 Media Center, 807 Chestnut St., Covington. This is an open meeting and the public is welcome.

Join us at the Oakes-Beitman Memorial Library Wednesday, March 28, at 6:30 p.m., to make holiday inspired Egg Bath Bombs. You can make bath bombs in your choice of fragrance and colors. Adults and teens are invited for this “make and take” craft event. This craft is FREE and all supplies will be provided. No registration required. Call the library at 937-676-2731 if you have any questions. The library is located at 12 N. Main St., Pleasant Hill.

TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD: • Call us at 473-2028 or 473-2029 • E-mail us at arenspub@gmail.com • Write us at Arens Corporation, P. O. Box 69, Covington, Ohio 45318

Need some work done around your home? Find the help you need in our




WED., MARCH 28 all contest entries will be hung at the Covington Savings & Loan

Also a Seniors Age 60 Plus CAtEGORy!

Easter FUN! ~ A Chance To Win A Prize ~ Clip And Bring In by MARCH 27


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212 N. Main, Pleasant Hill

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(former location of Newton Hall)


Great Food, Fun & Games . . .

! #!

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715 E. Broadway Covington, Ohio


Jewelry & Collectibles 109 N. High St., Covington 937-542-9817

Stained Glass & Mosaic Art Classes & Supplies Available


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Boy Age Group: Girl Age Group:

Boy 2-5 Girl 2-5

Boy 6-8 Girl 6-8

Boy 9-12 Girl 9-12

Male Senior Age 60 plus Female Senior Age 60 plus

Name_______________________________Phone Number________________

Paragon Health



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Mail or bring to: Arens Publications 395 S. High St., P.O. Box 69 Covington, Ohio 45318

All entries need to be received in our office by TUESDAY, MARCH 27 at 5 pm. If mailing, please be sure to allow enough time for delivery, as entries received after the deadline will not be judged. 64 Call us before you buy! FREE ESTIMATES

301 East Main St. Gettysburg, Ohio 45328 Phone: 937-447-4265 Fax: 937-447-4275

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937.473.2012 Shop online: www.sellmanfurniture.com

SUN 12:30-4:30 MON 10-8:00 TUE – SAT 10-5:30

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The road to the


No. 3

No. 3

No. 4

No. 4

No. 2

No. 2

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No. 1

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FIRst Round seCond Round RegIonAL seMIFInALs RegIonAL FInALs nAtIonAL seMIFInALs CHAMPIonsHIP gAMe

MARCH 15 & 16 MARCH 17 & 18 MARCH 22 & 23 MARCH 24 & 25 MARCH 31 APRIL 2

1. Virginia

KEITH’S TRUCK & TRAILER, INC. Service & Repair Specialist

8. Creighton

No. 5

No. 5

16. UMBC

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9. Kansas State 311)#

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5. Kentucky

No. 6

No. 6

12. Davidson 4. Arizona %


13. Buffalo

#" !





6. Miami


People who care...protecting your future

3. Tennessee

No. 7

No. 7

11. Loyola Chicago

14. Wright State 7. Nevada 10. Texas

No. 8

No. 8

! "

2. Cincinnati 15. Georgia State


No. 9

No. 9

1. Xavier NCCU/Texas 16. Southern 8. Missouri 9. Florida State 5. Ohio State 12. S. Dakota St.

No. 10

No. 10



4. Gonzaga 13. UNC-Green



6. Houston

No. 11

No. 11

11. San Diego St. 3. Michigan 14. Montana

No. 12

No. 12

7. Texas A&M 10. Providence 2. North Carolina

No. 13

A tradition of care and compassion 4265 S. Rt. 66 Minster 419-501-2287

No. 13

15. Lipscomb

SOUTH '$! !(


" % ! % % !# ! ''' #& " ! • boring • trenching • commercial • residential • camera work • trucking • backhoe • farm

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No. 16

No. 15

No. 15

No. 14

No. 14


No. 16


No. 1


1. Xavier

2. Cincinnati

2. North Carolina

3. Tennessee

3. Michigan

4. Arizona

4. Gonzaga

5. Kentucky

5. Ohio State

6. Miami

6. Houston

7. Nevada

7. Texas A&M

8. Creighton

8. Missouri

9. Kansas State

# "

! $


1. Virginia

9. Florida State

10. Texas

10. Providence

11. Loyola Chicago

11. San Diego St.

12. Davidson

12. S. Dakota St.

13. Buffalo

13. UNC-Green

14. Wright State

14. Montana

15. Georgia State

15. Lipscomb

16. UMBC

16. NCCU/Texas Southern



CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Pleasant Hill/Newton Township Joint Fire District



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NEW TENANT? Stillwater Valley Classifieds bring together rentals and great tenants every day.



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Featuring new listings every week!

937-473-2028 or 937-473-2020

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Valley Farewells

Interested in Becoming A Volunteer BNC Trailguide?

agne, virgil l., 84 - A resident of Troy. Died Monday, Feb. 26, at Story Point Senior Living, Troy.

Volunteers form the backbone of Brukner Nature Center. We could not possibly reach all of our goals without your support. We are continually in need of trailguides who enjoy being outdoors and sharing that love with kids. Learn to handle the nature center’s Wildlife Ambassadors, including native Ohio snakes, turtles, and salamanders. Share your passion for wildlife with preschoolers and elementary-aged children by leading field trips or assisting BNC staff naturalists. Programs range from 1-2 hours and are scheduled weekdays and weekends between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Become an integral part of Brukner Nature Center’s mission to promote the appreciation and understanding of wildlife conservation through preservation, education, and rehabilitation. Volunteer registration forms can be found on our website at www.bruknernaturecenter.com. All volunteers must complete a brief one-hour orientation which is held the second Tuesday of the month at 1:30 p.m. and every other month at 7:30 p.m. For more information on all of our volunteer opportunities, please contact Miss June at 937-698-6493 or email education@bruknernaturecenter.com

bachman, donna k., 72 - Died Tuesday, Feb. 20. brown, hildegard, 79 - A resident of West Milton. Died Friday, March 2, at Good Samaritan Hospital, Dayton. cashner, charles e. “Ted” Jr., 96 - Died Sunday, Feb. 25. cole, sandra k., 75 - A resident of Ludlow Falls. Died Friday, Feb. 16, at her home. cress, debra m., 68 - A resident of Laura. Died Saturday, Feb. 17, at Kettering Medical Center. frey, esTelle “louise,” 84 - Formerly of Gettysburg, more recently of Pleasant Hill. Died Thursday, March 1, at StoryPoint Senior Living, Troy. gibboney, louise e. (holfinger), 94 - Formerly of Troy, most recently of Troy. Died Tuesday, Feb. 27, at Ohio Living Dorothy Love. JohnsTon, wilma f. (harber), 91 - A resident of West Milton. Died Sunday, Feb. 25, at Koester Pavilion, Troy. klipsTine, nancy J. (weeks), 89 - Died Friday, Feb. 23. magaTo, eugene c., 68 - Formerly of West Milton, more recently of Cincinnati. Died Sunday, March 4, at Bethesda North Hospital. miller, paul e., 95 - A resident of Pleasant Hill. Died Wednesday, Feb. 28, at the Hospice Center of Upper Valley Medical Center, Troy. niesley, marJorie, 103 - A resident of Union. Died Monday, Feb. 19, at Cypress Point Health Campus, Englewood. peppo, donna J. (murphy), 64 - A resident of West Milton. Died Thursday, March 1, at Good Samaritan Hospital, Dayton. rogers, eva i. (denlinger), 99 - Formerly of Covington, more recently of Troy. Died Sunday, Feb. 25, at Brookdale of Troy. sipes, lillie m. (peggy), 81 - A resident of Covington. Died Friday, Feb. 18, at her home. smiTh, larry J., 64 - A resident of Troy. Died Sunday, Feb. 25, at Miami Valley Hospital, Dayton. sTiTz, reTa m., 82 - A resident of West Milton. Died Tuesday, Feb. 20, at her home. Thompson, irene (warner), 95 - A resident of the Brethren Retirement Community. Died Tuesday, Feb. 27, at Wayne Hospice Care, Greenville. waymire, kaThryn s., 64 - A resident of Tipp City. Died Friday, Feb. 23.

Ohio FFA Alumni Assn. & Miami County Farm Bureau Hold Meeting, Awards Session and Agriculture Awareness & Leadership Day On February 10, the Ohio FFA Alumni Association and partner, the Miami County Farm Bureau, helds its 46th annual business meeting and awards session and hosted an Agriculture Awareness and Leadership Day. During the event, FFA members, Alumni members, Allstate agents, and others assembled 500 personal hygiene kits as their service outreach project. These kits will be shipped out of CAM for people in need. Generous sponsors covered the cost of these kits. They wish to thank the following sponsors and donors who made the entire day and event possible; Miami County, Ohio Farm Bureau; Miami County Foundation; Tim Horton’s - Downtown; Panera Bread, Rogers Grain, Inc.; L&C Plastic Bags; Flory Cabinetry; Allstate; Thom and Pat Robinson Fund; Timber Frame Reclaim; FedCrop Insurance; Harvest Land CO OP; Vin May Farms. Beeler Farms; J. Fisher; D&M Withers; R.L. Fisher; Bruce and Mitzi Martin; Sylvester Furman; Brad and Stephanie Beach; TP Tower Gardens; Stonehouse Traders; STAR Design-Build Contractors; Green Prairie Turf, Inc.; Accord Leasing and Financing; and Talawanda FFA Alumni. They also wish to thank Hobart’s staff, including Ken Siler and Dave Kerg; Mike Caldwell for providing the sound system; workshop speakers and presenters; and all who came, supported, and participated in this event, including Ben Thaeler, field rep for Warren Davidson, member of Congress.

HAVE A SERVICE TO OFFER? Advertise it in our classifieds. Call 937-473-2028

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Clean out your basement and maybe even the attic. Sell your unwanted items in our classifieds.

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STUFF? Stillwater Valley Classifieds bring together buyers and sellers every day.



Featuring new listings every week!

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You’ll invite 20,000+ to your auction or garage sale when you advertise it in our classified pages.

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House-hunting? Check out our weekly real estate classifieds.

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Valley Echoes by Gary Godfrey

Wish You Were Here . . . During our 53 years of marriage, I can count on my fingers the number of times we’ve been separated. Most of the time it was a week or more. Like the time I took my son-in-law and grandson fishing in Alaska. Or the time Ginger took Bob Ross instructions for three weeks in Florida. This time it is simply a necessity. I flew home to take care of business. I told Ginger the first night alone, that I was pretty lonely without her. She concurred with, “me too.” We communicate through messaging or telephone. “Good morning, it’s 23 degrees. I’m cold, and I miss my boat, Rosie, and you,” is a normal opening. “I’m going to visit with Janice Sarver in Frostproof. We’re going to paint fish on palm fronds today,” she would reply. “Hi Gin. It’s me. Just wanted you to know that the renter skipped out on the apartment rent and stuck us for $700,” I announced. “What are you going to do? I’m going to a tea room this afternoon with my sister and friends,” she said with joy in her voice. “Hi Gin. It’s me. Just wanted you to know that the renter left a mess,” I revealed. “That’s terrible. Be sure to clean out the fridge,” she replied. “Hi Gin. It’s me. Just wanted you to know that our neighbor came over tonight and wanted $200 and pictures of JR and your dad,” I said. “I think the pictures are in my art room or the bedroom upstairs,” she explained. I’m going to a birthday party for Dallas Weldy tonight, taking cobbler and sangria,” she disclosed.

We are the Hometown Real Estate Company that gets them S OLD! List with us today! $2,-'7 & #'34 +-40/ Great ranch home! Three bdrms., 1-1/2 baths. Home offers living room, family room, dining room, and 2-car attached garage.Two large barns, pasture area, and pond. Must see! ! " ! acres. Many possibilities! Zoned 1-2.

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! " ! #'34 + - 4 0 / With partial woods. Perfect place to build your dream home! South St. Rt. 48. Corner of FrederickGarland & St. Rt. 48. # '$230/ & "/+0/ !61 - Three bdrm. brick ranch on approx. 1 acre. 1-1/2 baths. Fenced yard. Country living at its best! 2033 4 043&$. - Three bdrms., 1 bath. Extra lot. New siding, windows, and " ! roof in 2010. Lots of room! $+/ 4 #'34 +-40/ Nice 3 bdrm., 1-1/2 bath ranch with basement. Large outbuilding with electric. Newer roofs on all buildings. 4+--$%2'3 You’ll love this 3 bdrm. tri-level on a private street! Living room, family room. Newer furnace, A/C, and roof. Eat-in kitchen AND a dining room! #0/&'2(5- !60 4027 0.' +$.+ 4 #'34 +-40/ Three bdrms., 1 bath. Close to 1,700 sq. ft., with nice-sized rooms throughout! Must see to appreciate! +-40/ 043&$. Park-like setting surrounds this lovely home on 6 acres. Four bdrms., 2.5 baths. Master bdrm. & bath on main floor. Large barn. %2'3 -

Build your dream home!

6''4 04$40 +&)' will help with financing.

& - 100 Acres - (70 acres farmland, 30 acres woods). Owner

“Hi Gin. It’s me. Just wondered how Rosie is doing?”

3 1 4 S. M I A M I S T. , W E S T M I LT O N

“Rosie and I took a walk, and now we’re watching American Idol in the air conditioning,” she confessed. (My guess - she was really painting.)


This week’s bottom line: Ginger loves Florida! So do I, if I ever get there again? Floridians like to say there aren’t roaches in Florida – there’s just “palmetto bugs.” If you don’t know what the difference between a roach and a palmetto bug is – a palmetto bug is a roach with wings and it’s large enough to carry away screaming children.

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FOR SALE: Troy-Bilt roto-tiller. Very good cond. B&S engine. Rope start. Reason for selling: Not putting out a garden. 419-925-4036

‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰ WANTED: Old motorcycles, minibikes, mopeds, 3-wheelers, or 4-wheelers. Running or not. Covington 937-473-2705 KJRIND01@hotmail.com

WHIRLPOOL washer/dryer, super capacity, $350; Kenmore refrigerator, $200; Kirby sweeper, $200; (2) Sampson dehumidifiers, $50 ea. 419-582-3505. Leave msg.

BROWN EGG-LAYING PULLETS: 17 weeks of age. Versailles—937-526-4541

& $ & "!%

FOR RENT—FT. LORAMIE: Two bdrm. apt. 1-1/2 baths. W/D hookup. No pets. No smoking. $500/ mo. 937-295-4244

HAVE A SERVICE TO OFFER? Advertise it in our classifieds. Call 937-473-2028

HELP WANTED CLASSIFIEDS FULL-TIME HOUSEKEEPER NEEDED Hourly position, with benefits. Apply in person at 15 Industry Park Court, Tipp City.


Garage Sales

Automotive CLASSIFIED MOBILE AUTO REPAIRS LLC ASE certified. 36+ years experience. GM engine, transmission, & differential repair. Call Dennis Bowerman at 937-459-8451

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MOVING SALE! March 15-16-17, 8-5. Furniture; household; pictures; kitchenware. Everything must go! 123 Pipers Pine Dr., Pleasant Hill.

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&>0< DEMOLITION: Also, concrete demolition such as old swimming pools, barn foundations, porches, etc. Also, general excavation work. 937-232-7380


; 4 ?0 @ - B < : -; 5 482 6 9= < 3- >6 0 / 6 -4 / 6 0 ?0 60 / ! 0 @ : ; 0 0 A 4< = 48 2 / ; 4?0 @- B <

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WORK WANTED CLASSIFIEDS AMISH CREW Sam Schwartz wants any type of carpenter work. Room additions, roofs, foundation replacements, restoration of buildings, etc. For FREE estimate call 260-701-8020


4*(.&0.=.2, .2 07*5&7.326 *2).2, %.44*56 ? 35*

Looking for an honest deal? You can find it in our classifieds.




∫∫∫∫∫∫∫∫∫∫∫∫∫∫∫∫∫∫∫∫∫∫∫∫∫∫ WANTED: Broken or nonrunning John Deere, Cub Cadet, & Wheel Horse lawnmowers. 937-473-2705 or KJRIND01@hotmail.com

(3) 18’x8” I-BEAMS; set of stock racks for 8’ truck bed; ice fishing box, spoon-type ice auger; (2) head gaskets for HK Huber ‘37 tractor; 3’x3’x2’ high wire rabbit cage; D160 John Deere lawn tractor, 25hp, 48” cut, 62 hrs. Like new cond. With rear twin bagger; parking signs, 2 large & 2 small. 937-778-3808 or cell: 214-4408

INDUSTRIAL COMPANY has fulltime employment. Laborer, $12/ hour. CDL Driver, $17-$18/hour. Training provided. Benefits. Apply at: 15 Industry Park Court, Tipp City

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